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The weekly Thibodaux sentinel. [volume] (Thibodaux, La.) 1898-1905, April 20, 1901, Image 1

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... , The Sentlnel. U % I.... a .,l ,,Ba h
EE· EEUEW ~.-_- -----73-: :-- At this Otfice ":
Offioial Journ a of the Fa f r ohe and Ghard~an of the  zito est of the Town.
Vol. 35. THIBODAUX, LA,, APRIL 20, 1901.
Ed. Blanchard of HoIama,
in town Sunday and Monday.
'r. Willis Jeffries was a risitor to
Orleans this week.
sl. J. A. Dalferes and little
r, Ella, spent the week with,
r. Jobhn Wathen, of Abbeville,
several days with friends in
Attention is called to the advertise.
of the Bank of Thibodaux,
ag in another -olumn.
gMr p. W. Nicholls was a visitor to
,rescent city the early part of
r. W. P. Martin has had a neat
attractive fence placed in front of
: Ms Eida Webre, of Paincourtville,
visiting friends in our city Wed.
dir. Dave Foret, of Lower Lafour
spent several days with relatives
Mrs. Harvey is having a pretty and
ions residence constructed on
_M lot sear the Ice factory.
Mrs. H. R Dupre is visiting rela
lr es in Crowley, having left for that
pow yesters'ay
Dy. Sheriff Juo. M. Walsh, visited
owie on cffcial business last Wed
Mr. Adlin Picou, who is taking a
easa in pharmacy at the New Or
'Ines college of pharmacy, visited his
parets Sunday and Monday.
Chas. Blanchard and Louis Daigle
two popular young men from Pain
poortville visited Thibodaux Wt dneas
ay to see the Firemens parade.
Charming Miss Maud Wathen,
ptr visiting at the home of lion. W.
C.l Rgan, returned to Jeanerette
The Sentinel was treated to a
delightful seranade by Brooklyn Fire
Company No. 3, which was greatly
Nearly etery person need a tonic
l, - mi Nsn time of year to brace
Sip and invigorate the nervous system,
to cleanse the bowels, liver and kid.
pays. HERBINI is the best and
asfest rs.tdy to do this, as it will
[gre constipation, regulate the liver
sad enrich the blood. Price, 50
eats. For sa;e by Thibodaux drug
Mr. Henry Chol has secured a pos.
Tiros withjhe Stewart Camel Co., a
well known grocery house of the
(~eoent city, as commercial travel.
Misses Lucy Clifton, Elda Webre
and Annie Blanchard, three pretty
Sooung ladles from Painoourtville,
were to town Wednesday to witness
the Firemens parade. They were the
Igust of Mrs. J. N. Wright.
Mrs. Molly Lang returned home
Saturday last from Mexico city
Wkither she had gone to attend the
ftearal of Mr. Chas. Grisamore. Mrs.
Chas. GOriamore and three little
sl ldren, aecompanied her on her
JobCouldn't Hlave Stood It
-If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; but Bucklen's
Aruht 8slve will cure the worst casue
o f pale on earth. It huas cured thou.
"-d For Inojuries, Pains or Bodily
,rptiors it's the best salve in the
rwolnd. Price 250 box. Coure guar.
" trd. Sold by all Druggists.
Ever thoughtful of the 8INTEInL
-Ud its crew Chas. Adam the popnlar
g loued le cream vendor, vlsited our
IRctum and treated us to the well
hewn loe oream for which he is faim
-us. It was dellcious and Adams
E'dmerstads the making of it thor*
esghly. Thanks.
SDr. L. . . Meyer socompanied by
l his family, and mother, Mrs. L J.
 Er, left Sunday for Uoviugtoo La.
l doctor is just up from s attacke
" plIIro pneumonia and decided to
5i. hit Covington to thoroughly reaupe
Set from the malady.
S "he majorty of our patron tell -
Savn orying qtory  f satisfaetior
regarding obr hbaking accom
.h ATad this inple as to suggeel that
yog aor vtld beeased vith
Bank of Thibddaux, o "ur e1 '.
mlThibodant, . i emal
ur bank I. under euperYldon of
. .ltta-Ma)mk exaise, our own
eabitamg committee, and our
good bot dat ttectom..
All day Wednesday the weather
Rwa cloudy and at about 8:30 in the
ºvening as tremendous rain and '
haunder storm set m and the streets
were continually lit by lightning lash.
es. The temperature Thursday was
almost unprecedentedly low, and it
is feared that it will have a disastous
effect on the crops.
Sugar planters of Texas, Louisiana
and Florida will need another bounty i
law when the annexation of Cuba is
fully conqanmmated and her sugar ad
mitted free of duty. The soil and
climate of Cuba are so perfectly
adapted to the growth of cane that
her 'rope are fully double the best
yields in our cane belt, and labor is
for cheaper. The annexation of
Cubs will abolish the American sugar
plantatsios.- Texas Farm And 1
A Disgusting Exhibition.
One of the most disgusting and
loathsome sights seen in this town
for many years was the snake eating
exhibition on Main street during the
week. The show is the most degrad
ing and debasing ever performed in a
civilixed community, and how inteli
gent people can tolerate it is beyond
our comprehension. Such exhibitions
are neither instrutive nor wholesme,
and they should be run out of town.
Snake.eaters have no place in a
decent community and their absence
would be appreciated.
Croquet Party.
A Croquet Party was had by seve
ral of our young men and ladies last
Sunday evening on the grounds ad
joining the Guion Academy. The
evening was delightfully spent and the
games closely contested. Following
were those present: Misses Berths
Riviere, Alice Malhiot, Laura Badeaux
Frances Malhiot, and Meesrs. Paul
Delaune, Louis V. Azemar, Eng. Couo
Ion, and Maurice Celestin.
Twentieth Century Euchre
One of the most charming and de
lightfal eveats of the season for the
young folks was the party given by
the Twentieth Centnmy Social Ulub
at the home of Mrs. B. T. Blake last
Sunday night. The evening was
pleasantly spent in Enchre playing,
and those present report as having
had a very enjoyable time. The fol
lowing were present: Misses Rita
Lagarde, Lula Eeanvais, ibbv Thib
odaux, Marie Dtnsereau, Sady Gaude,
Thorese Aucoin, Addle and Mabel
Bourg, Bertha Richard, Nola MolaI
son. Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Henry Molason.
Messrs. Enug. Knobloch, Ernest Roger,
Hrury Lagarde, Oliver Engerrsn,
PIhil .and Ed Naquin, Dick Bourg,
Willie Marks. Peter Fey, Oastoa Au
coin, Leonard Cherault, Frank Molal.
son; Gustave Molaison, Mr. Henry
A Raging, Roaring Flood
Washed down a telegraph line
which Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon. Is.,
had to repair. "Standing waist deep
in icy water," he writes, "gave me a
terrible cold and cough. It grew
worse daily. Fnally the best doctors
in Oakland, Neb., Sionux City and
Omaha aid I ha~ Consumption and
could not live. Then I began using
DI. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Posi
tively gnaranteed for Coughs, Colds
and all Throat and Lung troubles by
all Drol3ats. Price 500c and $1.00
ATrLANA, GA.' Nov. 7. 1879.
Dr. U. J. Montrrn- Dear 8ir: I asn
not too strongly recommend yomar
TEETHINA (Teething Powders) to
mothers as une of the best medieines
they can obtain for their debilitate·d
sad sickly infants. I have used it
with very atisfactory reualts te put
summer with my child, and while we
have heretofore lost a child or two
from teething under other remedies,
our present child, that has taken
TEETHINA, is a bie, healthy boy.
I am. very respectfully,
A. P. BROWN, M. D.
(Brotber of U. 8. Senator and Ix
Gov. Joseph E. Brown.)
The Grandest Ever Witnessed a
Here. i
A Magnificent Spectacle.
The long expected and much talked .
of Firemens parade is now recorded A
as a grand success of the past. In 1
point of magfleceqce. style and ar-
tistic finish it has surpassed even the
brilliant efforts of its predeceseors,
bwhich is saying much in its favor.
Wednesday's festival was not only
a signal success i itself giving cause
to our gallant firemens for rejoicing, t
hat t also had a deeper meaningb
which gives hope for the future. It
was the evidence of a re-awakentin
of an interest on the part of both the a
iremen and the people in matters
pertaining to the fire department, and
of a good esprit de corps among the
firemen, wiech, if properly cultivated
is bound to result in great good.
The weather on the occasion was
anything but encouraging. Dark and
omanous clouds dimmed the bright
effulgence of the atmosphere, and it
was feared that the pleasures of the
day would be marred by a downpour
of rain. However, such was not the
case, for although still threatening
during the parade, the sbower did not
come until everything was over.
Notwithstanding, the threatening
attitude of the elements long before
the hour appointed tor ito starting
of the pruc9Esion. a throng of peopli
from the town and country assembled
around the court house to witness the
formation of the parade.
The procession formed around the
eouare, and at the hour fixed, 4
o'clock, it started up Main street,
headed by the grand marshal, Dr.
Thos. Stark, and his aids, Messrs.
Dr. Ayo, Jno. D. Shsafer, Albert Bou
dreaux and F. Sevin. Following these
ihe procesiou marched in this order :
let. The Protector Fare Co. No. 2
beaded by Ih. maentie, Messrs. P.
H. Breaux, Thomas Roger, Emile
Lfort and Ed. Smithwie'k.
2nd. The Home Hook and Ladder
Co., preceded by its marshalls, Messrs.
O. E. Peltier and (us Guet.
3rd. The Thibodaux Bucket Bri
gade just behind its marshalls, Messrs.
Jno. McNamara, Dave Scally, W. P.
Martin, Chas. Daspit, Scadday Frost,
Dr. Joe. Drexler and Oscar Augellos.
4th. The Brooklyn Fire company
No. 3 following its marshall, Mr. Jos
5th. The Thibodaux Fire Co. No.
1, with its marshalls, Messrs W. E.
Howell and Scott Williams.
The trucks of the vanrious com
panies were neatly and artistically
decorated sad evinced much skill and
taste on the part of the decorators.
Pretty little Carmen Legendre, on
the Protector's engine, was daintily
dressed in white and resembled a
veritable little fairy, while Masters
Jos. Oschwald and Marcel Riviere
attired in the company's uniform,
Smade stalwart reprsenlttiver of the
coming generation. Charming little
Mir May Riaviere seated on the Home
Hook and Ladder Co's. truck, hand,
somely gowned in blue. won the
admiratiou of ti on lIookers. Tbhe
bevy of pretty young misses in tim
ship represeanted by the Thibodau
Bucket Briade, presented a bautiful
sight to behold sad evoked much
applause from the crowd. Massres
Psaule Aueoin, Cecile iDelas, Lure
Raviere, Viva Coulon, Mabel Taylor
and Ophelia Cointmsent, were in the
The procemssion folowed the route
publhshed in our last issue, the best
order and decorum prevailing through.
out the march and at sli times.
At the conclousion the firemen were
royally entertained by the grand
marshall, ably assisted by his aids.
After which the companies repaired
to their respective places and partook
of a ~bnmptious sepper.
After disbradmeg there was sone
serneuding done by ome o( the
companies, and by 8 o'clock the
glorio'sday was but a swreet memory
-L coenlous figure durjng the
arade yas the orsso Chief
I PlakDep tmen.~ who had come in
espleU to an inltation.
The ausre fjihklhed by the visiting
baAm bes, f Wa sw*ateot and belted
considerably to enliven the occasion.
That each guest enjoyed the oe.
easion was the one sincere wish, and
it is further hoped that the remem
bra.ne of their pleasures here will
always awake pleasing recollection"
When we knw that this bar been
accomplished, with becoming pride,
we will look forward to their coming
again on the occasion of the parade
,  4--.--,,
Mas. M. NAQUn.
The many friends and the commu
nity at large were deeply chagrined
to learn of the death of this veaness.
b:e and highly respected lady which
occurred at her home'on Canal street
lsst Monday night at the advanced
age of 84 yeats. Deceased was Miss
Azalee Bozelease Richard and mar
ried Mr. Maximillien Naquin, now
deceased, from which union eleven
children were born of whom four are
now living, viz: Emile, Ozemie, Al.
fred, and Emeline, and who are to
day worthy citizens of the community
in which they live.
She. had resi(ded in this town asice
1856. Deceased was a devout Cath
olic and always had a kind and en
couraging word to those in distress.'
Charitable to a fault, the has helped
many a poor mortal along the path
way of life
During her last illness she was sur
rounded by her family and many old
and sorrowing friends, she received
the last rites of the church which she
had sO faithfully served all her life
and died a true christian death.
Her fJmiliar flgre Wlii e ! lismed
and her loss to the community is a
serious one. The remains were in
terrei in the family tomb in the
Catholic cemetery Tuesday evening
at 5:30 and were followed by a large
concourse of sorrowing friends and
relatives who had come to pay their
last respects to their dear departed
friend. To the bereaved family the I
SttTIra extenud its heartfelt sym
pathies and may they aud consola
tion in the poets words:
"There is no death l-What qpems sois
This life of mortal breath
Is but a subPrb of the life elysian,
Whose portals we call death."
Ten Uses of Lemons.
A dash of lemon in plain water is
in excellent tooth wash. It not only
removes tartar, but .sweetens the
Two or three slices of lemon in a
cup of strong tea will care a nervous
Lemon juice (outward application)
will allay the irritation naused by the
bites of gnats and flies.
No family should be without lemons.
Their uses are almost too many for
The juice of a lemon' tken in hot
water on wakening in the morning, is
an excellent liver corective, and for
stout women is better than anti fat
medicine ever invented.
Glyue:lne and lemon juice half and
half, on a bit of abcorbent cotton, is
the best thing in the wogid wherewith
to moisten the lips an tongue of a
fever.parched patient.
She Ieads Them All.
Mrs. J. N. Wright,
POPULAR MILLINER, with many years' experience, bns selected
and received an elegant line of
Trimmed and untrimmed Hats, ready to wear Hats
Children's silk and mull Hats, Baby Caps, beautiful
French flowers, .ouseline de Soi, plain andembroidery
Chifoa, Velour Plisse Gold and Silvertrimmings, dress
goods. Laces, mbroideries, .4llovers, .Applique, Silk
and WlPite Goods, for wedding costumes.
Mrs. Wright i. prepared to do hnt oles work. Custoers fr o
a distanoe ean be ftted the same das she has bees doing n the past. Give hei
*. q m "ml - " V_ tyie--d,-
u. sI... . iAL P l.
i putt assap nssful rtao
bee ln 1 a l of w sar t.
T wre e mest n stae roa a.s
Mgearssa almmassbosns
SiStal moe saltuis atola. M ha c
ISM a. w eisehi wsS wel
th e mitrendm ea h emmle t
sumn Two oro tree a i o m
IUMU a ma - wom b
be nesare s te as oo
The finset n.anlcre acids is made
by putting a teaspoonful of lemon
juice in a cupful of warm water.
This removes most stains from th
fingers and nails, and lootns the
cuticle more satisfactorily than canll
be done uy the use of a sharp instru
Lemon juice and salt will remove
rust stains from linen without injury
to the fabric. Wet the stains with
the mixture and put the article in the.
sun. Two or three applications may
be necessary if the stain is of lot.g
standing, but the remedy never fails
A certain amount of money. The
looser can obtain same by proving
property at this ori. . 37
Apple Fritteers.
To make apple fritters beat well
the yolks of twoeggs, add half a pint
of sweet milk, a pinch of salt and two
cupfuls of sifted flour. Best until
smooth and light, str in a pint of
peeled ant sliced apples. and the
whites of the eggs beaten stiff. Drop
a spoonful at a time in boiling lard
and take up with a skimmer: serve
at once with syrup.--Ex.
SlRamie ,W~ 900
Men aud women of good address
to represent us, some to travel ap
Spointing agents, others for local work
looking after our intefests. $900
1salary guaranteed yearly; extra com
missions and expenses, rapid advance.
I ment, old established house. Grand
chance for earnest man or woman to
I secure pleasant, permanent position,
liberal rincome and future. New,
brilliant lines. Wrnte at once.o
23 Vhurehb St., New Haven, Oona.
30 26t.
Spring Openinag.
We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new
Spring goods, everything ,lean and fresh includ
j ing many new novelties, in ......................
Ladies Goods, Notions, Shoes & Hats.
We have paid particular attouention in selecting
this season's goods, to get the very best goods at
lowest possible prices. .
We couldn't tell you of all we have in this small
space but here are a few TRADE WIINNERS.
Gents Four in Hands, very swell line 50c.
Gents Four in Hands, big values at 25c.
Imitation Guyot Suspenders worth 35c. only 20c. r
Gents elastic seam Drawers. best, 65c.
French Balbriggan Undershirts 40 and 50c.
Gents summer Underwear per suit 50c.
Elegant col. bor. also all white Hdkfs. H. S. 10c.
Hermedoys blk. seamless Socks. big value 25c.
Hermsdoys blk. seamless S >cks white foot 20,.
Full seamless blk. tan and t,1i Socks only 10c.
Gents negligee Shirts, with :and without collars,
a beautiful selection of colors, ,,nly 50c. T
Boston Garters, latest grip only 20c.
Gents 28in. Umbrellas, Gloria silk, steel rod $1.25.
J Gents Alpine Hats light grey only 1.00
Gents Alpine Hats light grey much finer 1.25 & 1.50.
j Gents black stiff Hats, big value at $2 00
Gents dress Shoes co!ored vici and calf 2.00.
Special : Gents tan dress shoe, extra value $1.35.
Special: Gents black french calf shoes, were
$3.00 now 2.50.
Special: Gents dress shoes were 1.75 & 2.00 now
Special: 50 pair of our regular $3.5) gents dires
shoes, going at only $3.00 while they last.
We have just received a shipment of boys dress
shoes sizes 24 to 5 at only 85c a pair.
Also a lot of gents dress shoes sizes 6 to 11 at
only 1.00 a pair.
In order to know what we keep and to better ap
preciate our EitTremely Low Prices you should call
and inspect our goods. No TROUBLE TO snOW GooDs.
(Originator of Low Prices.)
Phone 180. Chah A. Badeaux, Proýp
Is now prepared to furnish the best and cheap.
est brick in the market................
On million brioks on hand ready for delivery.
s~reso'r t* LWEFORT TKTREA tJ
Livery, Feed
. Sale StableB :
Undertaking W :
k Establishment ,
Blacksmith and ~ fi
Patriot St. Cor. Levee and Market, Thibodaux.
lDUs MSTJdNSc TtLEP#0n I 3S iIaOdA40% rItw#rI t a K

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