Newspaper Page Text
1b ýibodaiw rcuiniu *LIS6tID VElY SATL: r.LAY B. B. DtPR", Fr'p-'r and Pub. Oft)ugt Jo, ,"r ,f (' a: IVa ish of a a'errJ at :i< I'+ . .: ," : :- , ,. . " ~ u Os $, r·,'. , I ' t, t 'o .. SUBSOCRPITIO: PF ;JEr: PER YEAR. IN . '. i........ '' a11 commanrnatti'n. .+[ :ijd Ie , c. dre.aqed to The TrITBxnoA!'x ~SE"tINLI. ',Eldbodaux. La. .crrespondence on sut,!7'ts of genera' ; paterest solicited. t To losure notlee pt their communi.ati:n,. writera must Lfunilhi IthI; real name, even L obuRih they shou!J 'deslr to i0thlho i it, Vi0blication, us an ev . nce of eood faith. C patter Intenled for ulhlic:tion should ba lI written only on one si'leoi' t"he '*Iet, and to e laldurA nsertion Ir the week's Issu". conm 'muolatlions should reach this ofice by I A'e4asedy's unail of that week. Subecriucra who fail to receive their paper on t'e should notify us without delay. i g'Fully prepared to do Job work ' of every description. Agalna!do takes his Capture with a all the ease imagiahble. Cablegrams ri annonlnec that he hi.s been purchasing dliatmondett nal jrewelry and that he h will soon, ocuepy a handsome residence I, in oi.' of the fa-hion-lb!e quarters of Mlani'a. lie has adopted himself n must riadi:y to his new situation. re -hl A negro givin- his name as Levi Chars'v, ahas Ge.ouge P. ters, and t " a lli!; to he Rloert Chit lt', is d1y ing in the Ie th,,use at Cl.ii ked:tIc. 31iss. lie says he killed Capt. Pat~\ and tPatr,lmua Iambl) anI then es,'ap ed t i-sipli. He corltfs-cd to r e the mnur.ler of three other muen all two Wtelll. aay th I Kind You Have Aleys Bought Bisatr a k!; By a votteof 12 to 7 the Senate at t Little ock pass,:,l n hill ye-terdav h making it unlawful for any I'erson to w' drink intoxicating Illaor as a bever. age unless he or she shall have first obtaoned a license na a dram drinker. The license is fixed at >5 per annum. OUC of tlle noable feats of mweUCiry recC'd dI 1 the past century Il was that of Co'. thriet;e, ani English sportsman. T'hl well known English man once learned by heart. for a bet, the whole of the Londion Morni::g Poet of a part.,ulnr day. and repeat ed everv word of it, iu'luding the advertisements. to the cmditinal pardT,,. It is his ideab that if the go inver Yor Hae right t Whi (So'. lleardi is eonsid-rirg the lIe- eno gality at:]1 advisatility of granting hon conditional parder,19. It is his idea pet] that if the governor has the right to cart grant a full pardon he also has the will right to grant a conditional pardon. wat The eaecution of such a proposition that might be of great benefit to the five younger class who are not case har divi deiled, and thus evoid the necessity Spil of a refotmatory institution for ju-. ho!( yeuile offenders. cen that rhle Best Blood Purifier. mo face Thie uloo(d is constantly hbeing punri cnl fled hy the l'ngs, liver uind kidneors. an KeeI)p these organs in a heatly coa,' and dition and the howe! regular a:nd yout to tl wdil have no need of a ulo'd purifier. loon F(r tha lurpnoe there is Iiothiig', efualn ssn I,, u'haees inains or~i nnrb and Liner lity Tablets, one dlsC of them wilt (1do you nnd Inmre g)ood than dollar bottle of the car best hlooul prtfier. Price, 25 cents. way Eaimdles free at Ruth's drug store. Thie Nuw Yor'k -\1or:i thus wel pomines the new Attorney General. "The appointment of Philander C. Kllox, long time attorney of the !tiit'd States Steel Corporation, to A ie Attor.iey (;iwr:al, is perfectly in Bal liue with all recent precedents, and with Is highly illproirtmte In a M'Kinley. It a Ilanna Almhinistration." Columnasof r. ilrlt 'atut cou!ul lot say more than on this. of rt Sder. A lawyer was ('ros.questioning an got [rinh w t ani. the point undenr inquiry hb i Jil Ig the relativte position of the Idrg l()oors, wiIdhws anit so forth in a bera htouroe in which a ccit Lin transaction mea waS said to hat, <'t'urred. oti ".\Andl Inw, ity good woman," said Pala the lawyer, "will you be good enough his I to tell the 'oullrt how the stairs run who i. your house "' Honw dto the stairs eman rut ?" the witness replied. "Shure, the Whtln I'm ohlpstairs they run dowe, Stire andi tthtn I'p downetairs they :nn in th BEST FOR THEline BOWELS do (f you eel't s rcalilsr, healthy moeent of to Ch _ 5wE= ·tr. dj' )Or reI ll or wll f,.. Kc,- yo ti . owen.t a ie well. -orr*.ln the shopef-l i i~( pkPlfl¢or U I(:][anetI ' d~nt'rnuL. "1 he rme,. [t CANDY Iga'l CATHARTIC rl ('rere too ft EAT "EM LIKE CANDY wh reMEDat PiIltahle Po0() t a:te ,o ) to Tc i , PerRieke, WeaLen. .r (r i. en; R i) Ln I e bo .._tnte :Jr free sample, t '" xt 'n iM Ith. KDIdrs r (IIe, rlOO (3 TORt KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN A REMARKABLE CASE Surgeon Extracts Needles From Servants Girl's Pab. Body. - of, Pars, Aptl 16.--A dipat.-h -- ·t Grimn:ie, nr, r tla city. des - . t. li ex:fe,,'tt . t * e f,, - . l,.,e I.a, dri; ix, a servant g'tl, f,, , ii ,j..s bdly d z,.as of t:eed'es : e 1n10,g. ext,:t:,t Th 'i e girl cot - i:'i': d cf c .lh1 'iW!Oe Irritation of S.ii ,l. 'n, ,:-'t Thu ,:ly wen!. t ia ?.' ! ' .t , t, ",hoI, d a number or f a: *c' (- c ..:'i'r ::I om various -- ,,i. of lie: 1 ,! lIe xtracted ieran i;eti with ' 1inert. The girl has re tu t;etl st. ti-,l tnin ,-. a ,la .rn e, and ev,, up to thi- nmorn:i:g. the Is ug. ist ha, its drawn out 12u neie ltes from her arms Id b- and ftct and ticrast, the olet of hler , t1 ear, her eylids, and the 'orner of I by her right eye. The gilt experiences uo pain until sith feels the needles aper piering the epidermis. The e""l;dse always emerge thick enl lirnt, and unless inimmedateiy, ertrcetel, displr- ork pear again. Two ,epnt:blih ncwi4papes', the Maitin and the Temps, have iuvesti g:,ted the maltt r, ati to,;h for the rith authority of the ttiy. Mile. Iatnd. m' rit'ax says thit five yectrs ago, when g sll'e was eleven years old, she amus.l i' herse'f with o.h~ir childhren, by swal hce towig quantities of needies. She of swallwel forty-ine in onue day, and elf nevor fe:t any intconveni.uce IIntil recently. and htas enj,.y.d the he-t of health. Whi:e re:ititg ithe foregoing md to a repr,,s-nutative ,,f the 'rI'mps, Swho saw her at the tlruigglist , she exclaimel: "I feel on. it. my eye Thi. druggist th..n nipt rued her to right eyelid, anI with a inag;.et, drew I , iout four fi:agments of nuedes.a A bugeoa of the. I,,spit., of La S:ialpetrier , s:,id in Ian inte viiw. th t r P th' caise was qie ,nprecdentei .l. of Nc'edles iIsrted uld,,r lth, , kin w, re ,n kn;own to havet. l,, r I,,e i.e IthoI,:gh 1 the mIscles, but the w:,s ,o ei.t,,dI ,f a mcdle i'tr'Ct'.:l Into the at t'macth ornegi;,g from the -,,be of , he ear. hi i . la cti-e, the nel!e to i'ist have tr ti ir-e.d the, skull, which St ,is iicompr:hicu-ib:e. n CASTORIA :t For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought s Bears the ,, _ _at 4i4W ae, Of thbe seven exi editions whi, h are tre to engsge in a ra:'i" to the N:,:th Po!e hi. the most inter.stii.g is that liheatd lit by Capt. Kampe, who will attempt to 'al realize the fancy of Jules Verne. my Capltain Kamipe Is hav:og built at sti Wi'htelatsbnaveu submain., boat Th which is to be ellipsoid in form, and. fire witch is to he ealable of holding air set t enough to last live persons fifteen po g hours. The motive power will be of a petroleum, c.f which 150 tons will be o cariel. In fiftnca hours the craft will be able to travel fifty miles under - w. water, and the adventurer estimates a that there ts no ice field greater than e five miles in width. It is his plan to; r dive under the ice wh;ch surrounds' V Spitaberwater in the direction of the I pole. The boat will bIe able to des- tai cond 160 feet, while it is assumedha that the ice pack does not extend fe. more than twenty feet below the eur .. face. Captain Kampe is quite as /oy confident of achieving his purpose s1b andl returning as were Andruee Le and his companions, who sailed away lett to the north one July day in a bail. h- Sloon never to tcome back. Even the ans I sanguioe Kampe foresees the posstli mas rlity of being frozen in under the iet, 10 and to meet such an exigency he will do. cairy powerful explosires to bmst a my The Best Remedy for Rheun. A matism. 7 QUICK RELIEF FRO, PAIN. in a All who tne Chamberlain's Pain hai Balm for rheumatiim are delighted else with the quick relief from pain whibh of e it afifrds. When speaking of thias infe MIr. D. N. Sinks, of Troy, Ohio, says:. '"ome time ago I had a severe attack .on of rheumatismn in my aim and shoul- It s ,er. I tried numerous rcmedies but ithe got no relief until I was recommended i by Messrs. GOo. i. Parsons & Co men druggists of this place, to try Cham- Ili berlain's Pain Balm. They recom- liter mended it so bighiny that I bought a lie bottle. I eas soen relievid of all ens pain. I have since recommended this lnlnnm nt to tnft,3 of my friends, the, who agree with me that it is the best TI remedy for muscular rhenmatism in not I the market." For sale by Roth Dreg wjhl Store. mod{ An ordiunance hias been introduced Ci iln the clty conn II of New Oileans Poti making it an (i•ense I unishable by ieal fine to Suit on tiLe sidlwa'k Thisrn stringent sanitary measure is in keep. They ing winh likt prec-.utionary measures cil m the adopted by other large cities in order thi to check the epread ~f lpulmonary af- til: fections that are easily engendered c ms: by the human spitt'e: The law is a agan good one, hbut until it becomes gene. to s. rally known many a country jake will pass be jerked up when oi visits to the! (resec-nt (ity for the juice W troo freely and tin proisenCous ways. son ii A Hlu;tfold paper says: '.It is $936 not yet a criminal ,ffenrse for the Pro. $3 pc sit..nit .f th. Clnit- d Stnatv to (,onfrr :p"' wilh .t Pi r,,i t i' ,rgan. ' No b th. re :' in'i,.,It rr mlat t;r. w rrse '-i ' I:"' .0"" ' ;"' O "f ',c O SI CA STORIA [ For Infants and Children. S- The Kind You Have . Always Bought. A\egetablePreparationforAs similatitg SteFoodandRe ula uWngShetmona ndB Bears the Promotes Digestion.Ceertfu- si ature nessand Rest.Contains neliter Opnum.Morphinenor ineral. Of NOT NARCOTIC. " In Apeect Remedy forCoastips- Use lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea a Worms.ConvulsionsFeerish- or Ov r ness and Loss OF SLEP. Fac Simile Signature of EW YORK. Thirty Years XACT COPY OF WRAPPER.TORI DnSure gta m- P. nUw OM mt. hat Presi:!ent t:i :n~,h th'- ,ppointmnelnt tedl. of a chief c,'lnt:-el , f the d;e 1 Trust ,re n+ Atto'rv¶,y ten.eral.-Nw York gh Wor'd. the: Teachers Needed. of i A proir.-sor in a Wet.e'rln nom'il ih , school late!yv aid a' an instit'lte, "In ni. boyhood [ utt,'nded a dist+ict school for four win'ers. I was In the 'h;ghe t cass' each term. We ivariab y comm.,ncdl at the lit-gin. nilg in each, so for fo,,r terms 1 wenlt over sub-tar.tiatly the _ same :,rouid ; it grew moinotonou-, and I fina'ly refu-.d to gro to shool :ry mcre. al.t .il ut tw) y :ir iii a . ' 'Fcw mi.I, staltiug as g ;,Li lh~ l)per ai,i c.omiig out an an ezigacter. At I sevllteen in' m another wastt d rme to Ire try school ag:in, ; [ w:L:c sent to a o'e high scho,,I in, a n'"ighboring city. d Hlcre 1 was started into real work f-r to above my preparation, but not above r.a my menta:l ability. I was constantly at stimulated to strong mental activity. at Then I saw what was net dcd In my tid, first school and what is needed in all ir schools-a person posses ing the 11I " r " 0 ,: n power to teach, not a mere lposeseor be of knowhdge."'-Selected. " iftt rt ---'--'----- I ,er -sunu TM u, BKlIn Ht I es 141 When he departed for n short v he vacation, a Missouri editor left a A- minister in charge of his pa,,cr. He d had been superiulending Ihings but a fd few days when a letter came from a A 'r `way hack" subscriber, which read: r "You ksow d- well I paid myg subscription the last time I was in T Lexington. If I get any more such I ' letters I will come down and maul o h--out of you." The ministerl, i answtred : "I have been trying to i maul that tiing out of the editor for 10 yeats, and if you really come llclown and maul it out of him, then, my dear sir, I have 20 members of my church you can operate on." A Magazine For The Home. The hMiy issue of TIIE IELINEATOR, In addition to showing eighty styles for the mouth devoted to ladies, girls, a habies, men and boys, contains much h else that wil: be of interest to women of education and taste. Among the interesting articles we can name Sea sonable Dress Fabrics, the making of i k Wash Gowns for Summer Wear, the 'flats of the Season, photographs of the Inaugural Ball Dresses, Com menctment-Day dresses. the Etiquette of Wedding', Chafing Dish Recipes (illustrated). Among the general literary articles is the story of "Dick .ens' Unromantic Love," a biography of Ellen M. Gifford, and a review of the newest books. The above mentioned articles do anot by any means exhaust the offering which TiEn DELINEATOR makes to the modern woman. Citizenrof Kansas City, Mo., forced postponement on the 2d of a council measure to grant valuable street franchises to a private corporation. They did so by appearing at the coun cil meeting and threatening to lych the members. Before adjournment this determiued mob forced each coun cilman to swear that he would vote ! against the measure, and the mayor to swear he would vetf if it were Ipassed. WANTED.-Cabable, reliable per son ineevery county to represent large comoany of solid fnancali r potatioj; $936 saalari per year payable weekly; $3 per day ahsolntely *sure and all ,':0p":ses. strayhplt. honn fide derfnite a:i-ry. no c,mnlrs ton; sala:ry pali d :n,.i'd ,i II we-k. STANIARD . . , Pot . List But." As n aegette aw ir not s vWry bad. k Yo know exactly what you may expect. When he is talking of you, he will y jut what he thinks. His language will be forceful and direct I's the milk and water friendship that will week the finest name, Poe the words that are unspoken often cut. Mn) f's the friend who knows your failings who will "wield the hammer" thus: 'In "He's indeed a very clever fellow-but." jet the enemy who's out for blood will leave M In chance for doubt; S Hle'll blason forth your folblps all the while. It " e will picture all your errors in a most oe phatic nay Sr I And comment on them in a savage style. You c.'. the bItarrR know that he's not dead in love with you U , When he leads the conversation to that rut, But they draw upon their fancies when yew cronies smile and my. l "He's a popular and pleasing fellow-but." )er At That little word is worse than all the scandal the cou ld hear; to It haves them free to guess at all the rest, a (And, as a rule., when people guess about a fel low's tranis, ty. They find it d'f.cult to gues the best. -rThe en rtetic er,r.ry is much to be preferred, Althlugh his d,,w of wrath can scarc be eshut, ' I bo the faitnj who gives you traits that others liy never dreamed you had, With, "lie's certainly a genial fellow-hut." S-Baltimore America. Dy all To a Rejeeted Maueaeript. he And art thot back. in melancholy dipped, Child of my brain, rejected manuscript? ) Come in, poor wanderer, with thy visage sipped By some cross editor, dull and il lipped. By some crow editor I will engage; With barely half thy braein were he equipped, Thou wouldst have graced right soon his printed page. My poor, disdained, rejected manuscript. Thou hast a ad and doprecating air, Which plainly sith. "No man for me doth care." rt With coldly slighting glance, who was it skippe4 SO'er thy best points,.jected manuscript? This neat turned entence has a wilted look; For "Lines on Spring" I'm sure thoust hess Oe. a took, i And thy strong fany's wingsta to me seem cped, Poor, drooping thing, rejected manuscript. Coural Thou blushest n good company Ilawthorne, Carlyle, Macaulay, Milton, e. I The editor-who sent tbee back's been gripped, b Seeing his ow rejected manuscript. I1 Come In. come In; I'll write thee out again. Si Csge thy first page and ashorten up thy trala; We'll start again, nor he thy fortune whipped; 1 They'll print thee yet, rejected manuscript. r , if they send thee beck this time e And hope thy worth to shell, 1, 111 buy a small hand printing press had publish thee myself. ies Tow'r HRad to Cmar. And brathe the blesed air; IJght up your soul with ashinae And kim your hand to cMar s o where the streams are snglags; Stand where the skies are fair. God's bells of Joy are ringing, So kim your hand to carel --. IL tastem. All nature is but art, unknown to thee; chance, direction, which thou ea's met se p Sdisco, harmony, not understood; All partial evil, Universal Good; And, spite of pride, in erring reeses'. tit, Ss truth is dearl, whatever s is ri gh Cannot be I)Push a Man t Far U a a Tree." a You cannot drive purchasers to any particublr store. You can win them by convincing arguments. A convincing argumet at tractively displayed in the ad veratiing columns of this paper rill reach the eyes of hundreds of buyers in this community. iSt N EW AI'V E'rISEM CN1'%. Assuria tued ls to i'm Yo :" t t.e for all by 5flc cnd Pi :`tt l u& The Plan of the SPATUCALL PAPERS Satlfaotkb guaranteed. Samples for stamp. i F. U. C*IaD VU., PUOVID CuNOI. IC Fortunes Assured The Plau (if the PATUCA PLANTATION COMPANY Lands-Patuca Valley, Honduras. Honest Management, Liberal Terms, Strictly Cooperative. GRAND Combination of all known Colonization and I.avetment Plane. 4 Better talu say Savings Bank. A home and wealth easily acquired. Bum mer the whole year. A healthy climate. Fevers unknown. y the Patuca Plantation / Company plane you become a participator in the profits made from large plantations and other Inustrial enterprie. edlea owning an improved individual plantation in lae ac cordlng to your paeans. SThIRE CROPS A YEAR. MARKET AT YOUR DOOR. Free Deed. Free Life Insurance. l Absolutely no risk. o The standing of the Dpiectors of the Patuea a Pantatlon Company is vouched for by any Mercantile Agency and the best banks of g Cleveland. Ohio.t Write for full Information to THL PATITCA PLANTATION COMPANY, MI 4-- Bots Building. ti M64t PHILADELPHIA, PA. \l 6 D WHEN YOU GET MARRIED You want rime handsome sW and stylish Wedding Invi tations. We can suit youa. The beet assorted stock Pak ever In town,and lots of It. WI THE SENTINEL, oeos Pairren Oss SPCIALTrr. i a - ._ h Hotel in Donnaud 8Frst class aceommoda* tion for Commercil] tra velers Sample rooms r CD B@o h on the premises. Lafourche Crossing, . • La below cot. 501 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. M ca Instuls Ond music oe ios td etal out e on allh aing you wanot y and poc m roy Wea ro entiinl velers. Smlro s Lfo cel C g L &Ilarrpl~.·nd m·La ·h line 60 YEARS' EXPERIENC I jRS? o~m -amp. 1!or - Send ya.u Job Printing N to this Office. Satisfaction Y Guaranteed. ras. rms, own CLAY KNOBLOCH ,l Att'y anrd Counie'or at Law . T'hibodaux, Let. Gaude Building, e St. Philip St. S 00. YEARLY to Choritin man Co. * or woman to look after our growing business in this and tusa adjoining Co mntles; to act as Mlana ° gar aid C(orrespondent; work can be done at your horne. Jsclot~ self a, addressed, stamped cuvel!ol)e for par ticulars to I. A. A. Sherman, Geneiat 'A. annger, Corcoran Building, opposite United Stated Treasury, Washington, D). C.a K-T- SOUIo NOew oeff m, La. N4 seam soawd as a -. W. ellaletas --aismade. a> ýDplomas. et. awarded _== t _mera and European !:poslttons. Commesrcalt conare include Nper Ac Seonting and Audit, and s @uaraateed heu and - Uarr to any la the thqualled taetites. Uaeseled Paealty. Thorough BSasineess Praetiee and o oe routine. oplte eollese Wa anad wolesaie ee. Gradmes hold ga postons all ever thm e eeanr. astsreto all poes alse. .+ Havim numeroua business eosaoecties and being universalln re tably known, we ioave saperor advantageas - atngtteud sto seeare satoations. 'IA stere is ceuueated with lsald Coille in whbch sudeate do setual beNees with real oods sad actual moey, and studena he books In the latest labor saving forms. Students eater at any time. nglh. Aa deme, 8borthand and Business seho Ah l separate faculties. Send for Catalogue amitness Men sonplied with eompetest Address QUO. 8OUlD & SOWNS. LO~AL BUSINE88 DIRECTORY LUM & SONS, S. Dry 6Gods SClothingb, bate, hbea, . Lata, -ape and notion Full line or Prantore .lain ht. Philip St. Louis Streets. ',UPO . T. Market nmtau, Alwas on bhand the beat of beef. Murtou Pork, Veal, and smesssgs of all kinds. S Market Street, 'ilbodaux. La. IJoU SAULOlO. , V. Traftgle, Proprletor., Chokes wire and ene Eigars s:wa wI bad. Cor. Gmrea d muYe .rke Sreteets Cypress and Pine Lmbrm ,. Vvprms and riawei Slhiules-, aim al;erj are harnesa. Hlackmnlbhing and iorre shoi=. a apclalty. M YEI DriS. A, J. & L. & Phryslelran rad Merseea. Proprietors of Meyer Drug Store. Main :tree Thibodaux. La. F. K. Baity, Matnagr. ROTH DUGO C, L't'd. i)rugs, Cbemicals, Parfumery, tIbhool bnk, ataomery. stc. Cor. Mai n& Green streets ZEkNOr. FRAN I, 'Vltchmaker & Jeweller ine Jewelry. *tehee cud oloeks, etc. iahl tireet. between 8L Philip and C. Lonla ---T~---. SLNCKR. D. B Deadtlst. Corner Grena and t. Bridget Street ATrORnY..I -.LaW D BEAUTHOMA8 A., Bank of Latouheb building an U OWELL & MAUTIN, of AUttemer at law, t Rmma 5, , 7, Bank of Thibodo Buldt1 Ifl KLNOBLOYB CAR S ak Blding. Entrae en S NIDUOATZIrL. O AL, MMANUEL, e ueeTeacher E ives ti·utmreseM vocal and Har-meay le sou. REudeace: Lvee itreet. rau os, PRoF. I. x. Ielect b*el* r telb ys. Eglsh and Freanch in all their braac heu atn Mathematies aghrt. Ntoarr street, foot o tt. Mkihal ires. MOUNT CARMEL OW VENT. Am Academy foe Y oug Ladie. Kp by the Sieterm of Monot Carmel. Thr Cho nseones. Lngllah and Freachb. Foot ci m aet Street. ·NOTADIAL. Shea 0ULO , H. N. * P0 lU I ienraseCamben Aedt. Propetie bought md mId. Moms land hmd ermwe Bank of L "reb *ba*ling. EL Do not fear cold and rain The V Thibodaux Shoe and Hat Store hna a line of the highest grade watrproof manckeutoshes. EIILR J. BRALn. Pr' .On or w'ste- ~ trte 8t- Isri. i cutl.o SYour * New . 1 :s hit bnro1 m r qt:re ii:fe einghi " ,!.f 'i ,, .....THt... () that kindofea i , t lea".s i;s c: r - ) <uce Zn 1popUinsitp , oth, and i in ) cou n2 -, to n:. the ,e. sof a 1,; g . ,t, l b::usi"e news. d, crbe w now ; ~'1 'tzaster,1, wad Ca.ectto he 8Z'" , P" y . AND DLIY eI I . OOU rToe. . 1 ,e The Times na, T [,L elf ' FRANK BA On, SU. aOOBRTO BA3gr, - Commislion AND DEALS IN ALL ,AL OUNTRY La. POTATOlK., , m4" WAX, TALLOW W W0m, POLY NV. 1l9 D5t04rV *** NEW ORLEA&S, sad th th e 'be t t nad we Ito C arvr, Trade.M Iw ent busineacoedacted for e remote from WaW Au ti. We e " t.'m i chae Our fee t due Set A eupwLts.*w's cg. ý ae b a te U. L, am S-eat maAddeem, SO.A. SNOW A T DAILY, SUNDAY o8. WILL SW au All the La 't - THE STATES la tie Lesei Paper ef the 1fi2t- wAolated Plea Anl the Z.ats Is ,Daily Srack d DAILY A ISA! BlbS Oy nar, $9[T0IN rq g_ SURIA * erfo Copper, Tin hop on t Louis St and Thibodaux. Sol of your atJro Roosen and Glatei a N. TBo -W'Rn BinVES c/ti' ono s.eut