OCR Interpretation

The weekly Thibodaux sentinel. [volume] (Thibodaux, La.) 1898-1905, April 27, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064490/1901-04-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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SAi D ,TE ' In aJll its Branches
T..n he tnll., At. this_ OffiGE
Official Journal of the Fri+h of Lrfafourohe and Guardian of the Interest of the Torn.
-_ . THIBODAUX, LA., APRIL 27, 1901 N
nmmnnm nm m n u r n IIm iIlr Ium nun mlp nm nun m mm n m, l_ - =--- -~-- . -- --.' .. . .
USE.... , I
Meyer's S'
W. P. Martin, visited New
last W dneslay, on buliness. T
Ida Knohloch is visiting in
Augusta Knobloch is spenfld
days with relatives in town.
Octave Chinsson, of the Chack
ent, was the guest of Mr.
Dautms during last week. a
Adam Be'an'er and Ignace
-, of lower Lafolurcllh, were
to our cityl ast \'Wedne-da3.
.Sam Pohner, of Thihoda:x, is
relatives in )una'3sonville to
MTio es Feoiueris anr cntertain
-ismel Alice and Lydia T'oups, of
ies Cooper of New Orleans, is the ji
of Misses Corrine and R[ita Ay
of Coulon plantation.
eesn Paul l)elaune, P'rof. Ila.
and V. 1. Ki,ohluh, spent
y with frieuds at Ariel.
Couldn't Have Stood It
be'd had Itching l'ills. They're
"y sanoiug ; but Buckleu's
Salve will cure the worst cas:'
pates on earth. It has c,,arel thou.
For Injuries, Pains or Bol ily
PIrs it's the he--t salcve in the
:ri Price 25c a [lox. Cure .uar.r
Cned. Sold by all DIruggist,.
Mrs. Theo. Thibodaux, the esti.na.
I wite of D'y. sherift Thliiladaux,
wfI Wednesday for Napoleouville.
liss Cecilia OSullivan, of New Or.
Im- dn A f. ClJardeo a nd
, ly dighton platutton during 1
rt Cbaivin, an enterprising
of Lower Lafourche, was a
visitor to our city \%Wedues
vr every person need a toice
at this time of ycar to brace
Invigorate Ihb acnvoui s -s:cn.
dls e the bowels, liver and kid.
HERBINE is the biest and
remedy to do this, as it will
monstipation, regulate the liver
Serich the blood. P'rice, 50
For sale by Thil,odaux drug
lt Hlenry Lejeune left Monday
Btas to join her husband who
yed In one of the foundries
= 1, to n i
Joe. A. Naq'iin and Raoul
Svited Belle Alliance last Wed.
.y or the purpose of attending
-eeraIl of Mr. Autbhony Dalfercs,
riook place last \Wednesday.
l. H. T. Force, (,f Saint Louisr,
an for the celehratd "'Thor
" halts, wats ill our midslit
y soliciting ordlers from our
flaging, Roaring Flood
I down a telegraph line
Chas. C. El is, of ltshon, la.,
7 lrepair ,Sta:uding waint deep
Water.' h. wlteis. 'gave me a
4olhi anil cough. It giow
ly. Finally the Iet doctors
tid. Neh., "Sioux City and
tdl I had Cousumption and
-ut live. Tfhen I began using
's New I)icov)Vry and was
cured lv six ,ottlhes" Posi
guaralnteedt for Coughs. Colds1
Throat andi Lungi troubles by
ists. Price 0oc aund $1.0(,.
(ad ,Mi- .1. N. 'T'hiodamx, of
, are in oir midt spenlinug
with .:i. ttles :d Itrel'hs.
iTh 1 ,1 , . v Ii laciig .Ir.
- di , li.i.n. , uLJOlut.'
The Three P's
Pluck, Push and Perseverance
all es:ential to finaincial success. • A systematic;
ie of saving is of equal importance; and this
has its beginning with the opening of a little
ount. Possibly you would like to talk with us
uSm t it .........................................
boutit.. .:0------
The Bank of Thibodaux,
Thibodaux, La.
Misses Rita liagarde and Lula
Heauvnis of Thilalaux, visited Ilon,
Ina this week and were the guests of
Mrs. J. N. Tinlaudaux. ti
Misses Eva and $ussie Adam left. TI
last Sunlay to spend several weeks 1i
with relatives and friends in Thibo A
Misses Cecile and Maggie Naqiuin, CI
Mosors ,Jo, e Guilhlt and Siiney La. la
garde, of Th:lhblaux, visited Ilouma .
Suinday and were eit.'rtaine I at the at
reidence of Mr. A. Adam.
3Messrs O.:ar G(autreaux, Milton
Toujan, Arthur Ga:iutreaux, Rbhertl
B'm ,llianu, Jos Condkn, (has. Das-i
pit and Dr. Blanchard, attended the
Firemen's parade in Thibodasix last
Wed anesday.
Misses Julia Lowenstlen, Rosa
Blum and Mr. Ju:ius Blumn, visilted
Thihodacl x, this week.
Mr. Henry Malbrough and MAes C
(Clotie lIirette witnessed the Firemen's 11
parade in Thibodux this week. S
Mrs. Shell Bergeron visited Thiib
odaux this week and was the guest ofr
liessecs Doucet.
The following persons of our town
attended the funera! of Mrj. Naquin, tl
mother of Mr. Emile Na',uin of Hou o
mte, La., in Thibhodux, last Tuesday: t
Mrs. Sidney Gagne and son, Noland, a
s1isses Lea and Allda Najuin, Mrs. Ii
El-.ie Comneaux, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ii
Bethancourt, Messes E. Naquin and J
Felix J. Ilebert.-Terrebouue Times.
HIIn. W. E. Howell, of Lafourche,
was in town this week. 1
Dr. Oliver Brand and G. Couloo of '
Thiblodaux passed thro'iug this town
on their way to Paineourtville, atten. I
ding at that place the Rodrigue Ilimel t
Mr. Chas. Gilbert, a popular young i
man of this town, who was engaged f
as overseer on the Abbey place for I
the past year, has severed connection
with said place and is home ag:ino.-
Dr. Louis Meyer and family, and
mother, Mrs. L. J. Meyer, returned
Ilast Weduesday from Covington. 'The'
doctor' hasI been much behnofited by
his trip, ant we trust that he will
soon be compl!etel3 cured.
Mr11 Duke Ketteringham employed
for sometime at the Bridge House
saloon ase bar.tender, left for Spring
field, Ill., to acceit a position in that
city. Mr. K.etteringhamn has made ,
I numerous -4c d. daring his atey
here, who will regret to learn of his
! departure.
ATLANTA, GA.' Nov. 7. 1879.
SDr. C. J. MOFFETT- Dear Sir: I can
not too strongly recommend your
TEETHINA (Teethic.g Powders) to
nmothete, as one of the best medicines'
" they can obtain for their d-btlitated
and sickly infants. I have used it
with very satisfactory results the past
i summer with my chill, ant while we l
have heretofore lost a child or two
r from teething under other remedies,
our present chill, that has taken
TEETIIINA, is a fine, he:lthy boy.
I am very rcslectful'y,
A. P BROWN, 3. D.
o (Brother of U. S. Senator and Ex
Gov. Jooeph E. Brown.)
it Among the distinguished visitors
I to our city last Saturday were the
g following gentlem'eu , olnected with
the Texas & Pacific Railway Company,
l'Third Vice-Preslient antd Geceral
Manager, L S. Thorne, Secretary .,1i
, Treasurer, C. E. Sltatterle, of New
r York, Supericltencdett, J. B. Pati.
t Land and Tax (iotmmissioner J. II
r I'Paul. andl Pay'v Master J. A. llays.
They were on an inspection tour of
the bran'h line tunning to thlis place
andc repocrt as Ieincg well pleacsedl with
e the present progress of the road.
- --_ cc -
Mr. O. Naquin the well known
- ioiler milker of Thibodaux passe-I
r thlrough Donaldsonville yesterday on
<! his way to P'laqueenine where he goes
d to put some new boilers and do
extecnsive relparing to sugar house
SMachincery, from Plaquemne ho will
s go to Port kllec to do similar work.
Ie wes accompanied by several of
Ihis employees, among whom were
Y Mes-rs. Camie - Lamoureux and
M igicel Capella two of the best knownt
if ancd ost competent boiler makers in
,g the State. They will be engaged at
Is. 1'i:quieine and Port Allen for ahout
rc. teo moUths.--Daily Democrat, April
Card Of Thanks.
The 'undersigned wish to return (
tl.eir thanks to the grand Marshal Dr. lea
Thos. Stark, to their Ma;shuatl ad jitn
liorcrary members; to Hion and Mrs. w.
Andrew Pri e ani Mr. Emile Riviere ('h
fior use of their carriage-; to Ho. W. co
C. Ragan for favors and use of a gl
horse; to all those who in any way vr l
c:ntr:buted to the succesus of the
annual parade. i
Respectfully, 11e
HI. N. Comt.os, an
L. C. P.ERRIN, set
C. A. BA:EAUX, i'h
Parade Com. Thib. Fire Co. No. 1. Y
Card of Thanks. er
The members of Brooklyn HoseU r
Co. No. 3 take this metho I to extend t"
their sincere thanks to Cr. Thomas ha
Stark, grand marshall of the Fire- e'
mens parade held on the 17th inst "
for their share of the honor co:rf..rr,.d
by him in accepting such otlice and ag
far the numerous courtesie extendefd to
them by him while s, rving in that s:'
ottlce; to Mr. Felix Sevin, Jr., aid tot
the grand marshall for his presence li
and kindly interest manifested b1 hbe
hiin; to Mr. Jos. Rot, chiux, for his (1!
kind attention as marshall; to M.issesJ E:
Miunette Feitel, May (Guardia, Ally "'
Lyons, S. C. Zernott, Agnes Bourg, !
Harriet Lagarde, Cecil Naquin, th
Maggie Nauin and Mirs. Ht.nr|y I
Logarde, for their valuable assl.istnl ei Cl
11i decorating our hose carriage; to It,
.\r. C. P. Shaver and C. J. Leeeudre th
ftor the use of their carriages. To P,
I th: Home Hook and Ladlter Co. No. th
1, for the use of their hall; to Thibo B
dhnux Bucket Brigade, for the use of :at
I flowers and to the Honorary members A
for their kind donations anti for the to
invitation extended by Mr. Frank th
Harmon of Fire Co. No. 1. tlh
We remain yours -,True to the Call." i w
BROOKLYN Hlos Co. No. 3. a:
JoHIN Utovr,
- Ii
Cards of Thanks. p
The members of the Thibolaux
Bucket Brigade take this meth ,d to
e xteud their sincere thanks to Dr.
8tark, Grand Marshal of the Fire
men's parade he!d here on the 17th
inst, for their share of the honor
c.nfcrred by him in accepting suc"h
fAlice; and for the numierous o,i,'.
tesies extended them by hlin while it
r serving that office; to lion. John g
D. Shaffer, aid to the Grand Marshal, p
for his presence and kindly interest h
maitfested by him; to Hon. O. An tI
gelloz, Dave Scally, Hon. W. P. A
Martin, D)r. Drexler, Scuddly Frost, cl
JlJohn M amara and Chas. Daspit, tl
the Bucket Brigade's Marshba!s, for C
their many kind attentions; to Masses u
Pauline Aucoin. Cecile Demas, Lamue p
l Riviere, Viva Couloc, Mabel Taylor n
and O,,helia Cointment, the pretty l
little girls whose lovely faces so t
enhanced the beauty of the float used c
by the Bucket Brigade in the parade;
Ito Mrs. N. Boudreaux and Mrs. C. P. a
Auslet for their valuable assistance v
s in decorating the float above men. t
e tioned; to Messrs. Wilson Lupine, i
h E. G. Robichaur, Frank Sureau, u
L, Louis Tabor, the honorary members, a
al of the Brigade, for the use of their c
. carriages for the parade; to their i
w honorary member, Mr. L. C. Schuei t
;. der for the excellent Iunch served by
Shim upon the evening of the parade. t
sJ. For the ivititions extended by Mr.t
f Frank Marmn of Fire Company NS'.
1e . to partake of their gKd eheer'tlh '
Shearty thanks and apprLciatiimn is here
by givt'n by each and every memb'r u f
the Thibodaux Bucket Brigade. To,
the Thibodaux Carnival Ciub for the
n use of the barn.
i' C. P. AUsLST,
k. Committee. I
S Card of Thanks.
in We the undlersi-,n.ed commnittei, on
lt hebamf of the tfflneess and memlw·rs of
ut the l'rotector Fire Co. No. 2. de-ire
illto extend our sincere thanks to
our marshals and IHonorary mem.
bers; t', Osrmen Legendre who beau.;
tifully graced the sent of our 'Truck.
i to Marcel Riviere and Joe Oschwald,
whose lovely faces enhanced the seat
I of our engine.
Most partmcular: y to tihe ladies who
diicoratl our Truck and Engine.I
STo Messrs. Thos. Roger, W. E. Howell
Sand Thos Beary for carriages, asd to
Thos Roger, W'. C. Ragan, and Emile
P. Lefort, for horses.
STo Hon. Thos. Cook of Donaldson.
ville for his presence and numenrous
courtesicss extended by him, and to I
i all those who in any way contributed
to the success of our annual parade.
ha:is A. IhvIERE,
Committee on Parade.
A Modern Able.
One night :1 ,.a sltir l' ho wa
iea:rn:ng how t t t ht Ct oin without
investintn allthi' cr (Ili ;I,, (1L'l how ot.
was :w:kned I, a N' -t in his B, l
('hamlber 1. I, re.le I uit over ithI
cov'r:et and saw a Pl',I,fe.-ional But
-lar tr ing in valu to flid sumethiung
v tlnai e.
.Y u.arc on a (e,!, I av," sai4 tl.
recunmbt t Inan to the i.,bher. "The
As.s-sor andl Sheriff have been here.
awnI have faled to uncover any As
sets, so what Choice haive yut got ?
There mui.t he s,,:it-thing wiltng with
yott Sy stem of Ioulse Br. akug or
-lse youl wouli be fo:lowiing a strong. s
cr l'ea than this. A 's permit me
to say that yo mu ~be shy ,n
I'rofeio.d ('ou, C tsV o(Ir wolild
not try to hen':n our a Irodtr who
has made a Livig by Sharp Practices
ever since h wats steeunteen yesrs I
"Alas, tile ('Co!petition is so k.en i
a:pd the Swag so uncertain, we hsve º
to tackle any Job that of'.ers itself," t
sail the Other.
"I s"e," said the SRhemer, sitting 1
tp on the Husks. "The business is
being put on the Btei by Overlpro .
tlucti,,:i and tot umant O" terntltg
Extpent.s 1hVi y.li wtvtL I to gel
sti t ' ith ('i zin of h ut mlil
lCl hl t1,1 ,1 e "t o : lli "t .l i ll:'" ' :t I
thi, B ,rgi r ias Fe ,rpo.,*' n wt .w
hbi, Svndicate, with a t ,Nw .i'rr:yv
Charter. We cat l I give it a: h :,ri.
less awl meanii- glehs Name, sti Ii as
*the Anerit'at ILo.n, Cleanitg iCotn
patty VWe ian pail i-,ve yone li lto
the Combine. If ob8scure, outnsith"
Burglars refuse to put tleir Jimnies
tand .Jat.k into the 'oo' iwe wi'l s nd
Agents into chIir resactive 'Terri
tories anti steat l up eVerltiiit i . fo)re
they can get aIt At, Ihiths techiig hini m
the liauliet of Co Oler:tloi We
will comniil the' to eat tliiu li e the
ali l tgt into the Btawil Wago ,,ui o ur
termn '--Shreyel'o t 'T'im: ts.
A ce:tain amiiut!t of money. The
looser cai o~taiiu ame by jprotillg
lproperty at this olhice. 37
Will Be as Daughters to a
Wealthy California
One of th.' w-a t';t at so,,iety w.,
01 men in Calf, niTa v i ad,ipt 10
Sgirls. Tae niame of this 1ltilanthro
pist is Mrs. F. 1. Smith. lier his
t hand, Mr. F. .1M. lumiih, is knowin
throughout the ommnercial world of
America as the borax king. He
,coutiuols the entire borax trade of
this country, antd is rated am'ng
r Culiforlni:'s multi .ni li n-tires. It is
a money wade fro bo hrax that will
e provide for these 10t) girls. It is
r momney Imale from Lorax that enables
M rs. Smith to become foist.r-moth'r
o to the largest family of uidopteI
cI children iu the [Uniited States.
1 Mrs Smith has original ideas
about th ! traiinng of (i tghters on at
e wholesale l iau. Sh e will not plate
. them untld r olie roof. She does nIot
intend th'it ii. r git Is home shall lie
, mistakeu for a yonng ladies' seminary
, or a hotel far hungry, glowing. petti
ir coated Ihi'rders; uii id so she has
r decid .d tIhat her cha:ges shall be
staked out im 10 neat par-es of 10
' girls to the hunch, each 10 't cotisti.
c. tile a sejariate ftamily with its ain
r hirehile '
She Leads Them All.
Mrs.-J. N. Wright;,
POPIILAR MILLINER. with many years' experiene, hIas selected
and received an elegant linet of
Trimmed and untrimmed Hats, ready to u'ear Hlats
('hildren's silkX and mull Hats, Baby ('aps. beautiful
'French flowers, .Ilouseline de So, plain and embroidery
Chiffon, lelour Plisse Gold and Silrer trimmingqs, dress
goods. Laces, Embroideries,. .lloeers, Appliqfe, S'il/k
and Il'hite Goods, for wedding costumes.
Mrs. Wright is prepared to do first .lanes work. tustomers from
a distance can be fitted the same day as she has been doing in the past. Give her
ead, reable fiErma.
These ouches are fll alze, 6 feet log. over a feet
wide, well stuffed ad upholatered in handsome cel
edat velow, albe asy Sate is. Jast seed your
ae ad address and we will seed jo free a large
pr L.sread I packages of ,.Qi.ca' Roe
as Tablets, aoch package mke quar delicious deseat. -S ell them amro you L ende, bA
sld seed ous . sad we will sd yon V choice _relism yelet. W today.
If you haven't a regfular, healthy movement of thl
bows. e.yr day. you're 111 or wll L,". Leep your
t,1vols open, and be weil. Force. il ttie aha,, cor vio
lef uphTc u,r pill oisol, lI dcuttroue. 7h. tno Jt
e ·t, e..ielt muss { erfe'e¢ l w Of Lelpins the twt,'el
clear and clean Is to take
Pleasat. Pnlatnble. Potent. Taute flood. Do Good
Kever Slcken, Weaken or Gripe I0, IS. d O ante
er 1,:t. Write for ree sample, ad boosklet 'n
he.tth. Address
-n AdIf el O.T 0I0atWI, KIClO or OW TI 6 I.
Arbor villa, the Smith maU:si, n, is
one of th," fl iest reidtnl.Ices in atl
Ouk'an,l. with sp.ciosi, beaatifoll
kept groundls. It is neiar the hadt
somne htom' of their fte'r mtIh,.r
that thit, 100 Smith girls will live.
Thle Ja u' set ai,: t for their h.)ust s is
a 35 :acre tractt ill the p'eas5nt.eAt
,potltin of Ea:t O:,kl.:l.ki anit,ng thl'
swclli:Ig upllalds. 'The flit of thi,
10 c',tt:: r ". 'hi ,,' n g bh'ilt "- f'1- "t'
the wetk'nncaL cn pui, t it t 'gelther.
E .(-th (;1 w is i;. 0',1 e'no'ugh i
a 1 ,.,k '.ti, fr Ili h lr,,.k she l' v.-.
:anl >u:li i,.,,t f rnhbIngi t) l k"
ill'' :t')n ,iPL (""'ZV so ld r. s.
11atre sh're wi!l beI at Iieº. it.;Y !o keei 1:
|h0'r otwn ;,er-on l' be oiflrl'g. :,un the
lit;tle trt'as'ure4s that gh as lik.: t,
gather about them. It will be a
room to whiI h Mrs. Smith lopes the
ocu1p:lmt will be glad to r'turn, ev n
when she has gone friom it into the
world to make i, home for helse!!.
Tihe gils are to have etery olCr'or
tunity to learn all that they mayu
wish.-G rit.
... - -='- --+
What A Boy Should Kno.
A gentlelman who has had h,!: jI
exp~er'i(.nc, as Slut. t rlti':,tr of chi dren,
o',her ,,tils, and t, achers, .ay's ti'"t
,vtI Iv I,u :in I girl that is educated
should bd abltb to
W\itc a goodl hat.d.
i'eil all wordtis l or'libary uIe.
Know how to u-e these words.
`Speak atid write gorod Etig!i-h.
Wrie a (column of flgnea rapidly.
Maske our ool ordinary account
Receipt it whn lInld.
Write a notice or report of a pub.
lic iwt(.iug.
Reckau l'h' Inttcrea o0 ,lisl,lntit on
It for dayI. Irnlthas anll years.
)rItw ar or,,dinavy bInk check.
T:eke it to the' proper place in a
bai, to g't the cash.
Makle neat anDI correct entries in
.dav,I,I,k andi ledger.
T, ell the number of yards of carpet
I reqiir.e for lhe plarlo'.
Metasure the ipile of lumber to the
Tell the Igrgest number of bushes
of wheat in the largest bin, and the
value :it ctirrent rates.
i Til something aboIut the laws of
health and what todo ill case of euwer
: gency.
I Know how o ,chavo-in public and
t Be able to give the great genera;
e; principles of religion.
" ave sullicient common sense to
Sget along in the workl.
SSubscribe to the
spring Opening,
We are pleased to announce the arrival of our new
Spring goolds, everything clean and fresh includ
ing many new novelties, in.....................
Ladies Goods, Notions, Shoes. & Hats.
, We have paid particular attention in selecting
J| this seas;,n's good:. to get the very best goods at
lowest possible prices.
We couldn't tell you of all we have in this small
space but here are a few T'ADE WINNERS.
Gents Four in Hands, very swell line 50c.
SGents Four in Hands, big values at 25c.
Imitation Guyot Suspenders worth 35c. only 20c. r
Gents elastic seam Drawers. best, 65e.
French Balbriggan Undershirts 40 and 50c.
Gents summer Underwear per suit 50c.
Elegant col. bor. also all white Ildkfs. H. S. 10c.
Hermlsdoys blk. seamless Socks, big value 25c.
SHrmsdoys blk. seamless Socks white foot 20c.
Full seamless blk. tan and col. Socks only 10c.
Gents negligee Shirts, with and without collars,
a beautiful selection of colors, only 50. T
Boston Garters, latest grip only 20c.
S Gents 2,in. Umbrellas, Gloria silk, steel rod $1.25.
(Geiits Alpine hats light grey only $1.00)
Gents Alpine Hats light grey much finer 1.25 & 1. o0.
;j Gentd blac-k stiff llats, big value at $2.(X)
e Gents dress Shoes colored vici and calf '2.(0).
Special : Gents tan dress shoe, extra value 9$.5.31 .
_ Special: Gents 1bla'k fren'h calf shoes, were
k;3.o0 now 2.50. r
M. Special : Gents dress sl:es were 1.75 & 2.00 now ,
Si)e: ial: 5) pair of our r,:ular 83.50 gens dress
he. g.ai, at :! 03.00 \hoile they last. r,
\We ha .,.!U.i '-,iv.l a t-il)imeiit of boys dress
! slie' i': .' t,) a at o sly pair. r
T Als. a lot (of -,:)t" d,.rc'~: ý 1.' sizes 6 to 11 at
only 1.0) a [air.
II 01' Ic t w what we k'ep aInd to better ap
p reciate ou,'L remc'ly Low Prices you should call
and inspect our goods. No TRIoUBLE TO SIOW Goons.
OrigimLator of Low Prices.)
Phone 130. Chas A. Badeaux, Prop P
-4 17 r.-------- i·-- --j --j --j L-. L-. I =I I M L-. I Ur
Is now prepared to`furnish the best aiv cheap
eat brick in the market................. ...
ne million, bricks on hand ready for delivery.
*. E.J. BRAUD.
n ce;',ra',r 4o I.I.OIRT TIETREAI:
.,Livery, Feed
S" ...Sale Stables:..
•Undertaking :
d Establishm ent
_ . ... Blacksm'th and '
f.Patriol St. ('or. Lerre ari.nd .farket, Thibodaux.v.

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