OCR Interpretation

The weekly Thibodaux sentinel. [volume] (Thibodaux, La.) 1898-1905, April 27, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064490/1901-04-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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Picayune .P.
*mail" ev" M.duy mmds lbmfli.1
Boeiui. bas b-.. oubutiti t ' h.te
~ukiy P~ u'~. Dem i.. <hU us e es
teltat If.emiru irbieb vot eLU
wue.y u pop-!ar *Iroiulu te uttlz
r a o Its <t.z'.6e. !KW IC - ID
TP.l.lrHI.PIt'Jti NW1 UP TO I
Tuai mAal- waU. mu PIYDtSMUr.g :11
4 ai evuqroqueS f r
Iran Ivios aWI etl PUBcasu *J .1
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imauvv'rva PASIwla I Tàm
DO0CTE.L Aiuwmol .h àý et
W« omtan l unelliw - »- 2
lis Tulss-WuI Pkpu
wtoïah u Voi mi igue. etoumm
vieu et .aiupt" m aêe i O
o» Deu ~i~w à Irmr. 1
OIQ Dolla~ru aYw. ~
TED PiOATVMid·r lnrru SEM
tuiT ARRANOD Wittl the
IUW TOmaK HERAI.D. by ekhlel n
Mxu ef <uet amuau et aut MW*.
eum b pmdi et -o
n aI" wm totsbltue.
Pinst$ * mo. cau te
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Bii Nd a"d ltet lieuu1
auP ...... etet menth ..
Umm M neomme M mlno.o
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New1 @tu &l L.
TUemm AI
Bank of Lafourche,
A. J BRAUD. PrE~ident. K. J. BIIAI'I), Caisicr.
;'. J. BARKEII, Vice Président, I'.F. L,«;I-NlEA]» i.ta t Csiâ:ier
THOS. D. KEST, 1). 11LAUN, W. Hl. RAGAN. Sa
. Ni. RUTH. J . M)OI.:.ILJ, J>i Ir. E. MlI-YEK
Fait, en General, Toutes Affaires de Banque.
eoaretc et fcnd du osange. Rset )Doa!tiqu«. sot ttrangjer.
oôtre Patronae, est Re.sfpecefteixement Solicifte.
.......... •

C C Mi
c 26 r r
I, 0 S
t Times for Speculators. 0
ls St. Louis Post Dispatch has a tr
from Wall Street which says: ol
e.e! large fortunes hive been w
StoI Wall street since election L
There are half a dozen new ti
er while all the rich men t
, lrgely icresed their fortunes. i
Jet B. Keene in said to have mude w
a million' since ele.tiotn day. Jacob
d saw John W. t.tes., firmerly I d
it 1 louis, are both said to have 6
lsevelal milliont dollars. Thom-. fi
*V.y yan, Wm. C. Whitney, P. A. tI
IWidener and W. L. Elkins are a
illea with gainillg enormously. o
j p. Morgan, of courJe. has greatly
jjdto his fortune, while Hr. S. I a
aes, Jobo D. IRockefeller, WVilliam
IDuefeller, James Stillman anl the
Ipsp of millionaires asswciatrd with
vStandard Oil Co. have probably
us fabulous profits. Among thei
w piilbon'ires are Arthur A. lions.
, William l. Stow and Jefferson I
I. Levy, who is said to have Iades!
',1oO,000 in Northern P:acific Con
.idlbted Gas and Seabuanrd Air Line.
aMr. Levy is said now to be worth at
Isat $3,000,000. James B. Dill is
also one of the new millionaires in
Wall street. lie was ome of the!
dcons of tbe Carnegie Steel Co., t
is said to have sold his stock at
-aeeome profit to Ir. Morgan.
ItO one doubts that relutlica.
promote speculation and t
great adrvantage to tho.e who' I
on the inside. But whit about I
-produccrs of wealth, who must.
ve a hard earned e liivaleut for
.awry dollar they receive ? Are they I'
atking millions? Now that the
e ection is over, the repub:ic.an farm
-r sad wags earner can examiue the,
Stars of the partnuership into which
Sthey have entered. The monopolist. I
are getting the dividends, while the
farmer and wage earner are getting
the esperence. How long can this
- re}-- .ersfip last ?-Tibe
Oaugbt a Dreadful Cold.
S arion Ko0oke, manager for T. M.
.mpsoon. a large importer of Le ,
aiU y at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue,
desgo, save: -'During the late
m- u weather I caught a dreadful
ald which kept me awakeo at night
Yd made me unfit to attend my work
d., ug the day. One of my milliner
ae taking Chamber:sain's Cough
".day for a severe cold at that
n whbich seemed to relieve bher so
qiuikly that I bought some for my
W El It acted like magic and I began
eb Iprove at once. I am now eo
"ly well and feel very pleased to
adiowledge its merit." For sale
b Both Drug Store.
People in the Olden Time Did
Not Enjoy the Blissful
'- Prof. Caesae bombrose, a distin. I
ushed Italian scientist, is probably I
sa crusty old ibachelor. At any rate,
bi has undertaken to rob the youth
f the world p( their most blissful
esjoyrment-that of kissing-by uu.
-t ,i gking to prove that the practice
'h of heathen origin and is most in
.-vqo e among savage peoples Ac,
-"adi g to the profeseor, the kiss, as
Stoken of affection, was unknown to
tbs old Greeks, and neither in Homer
o m in Ilerod do we find any mentioun
i It. tictor.did not kiss his
"Aadromache when he bade her fare.
94 neither did Paris press his lips
• those of the beautiful Helen, and
.ljsses, who was more cosmopolitan
'1um any man of his day, never
3 ksmE of kissing the enchanting
',ee, sad when, .after long wander
4dqs ha returned home to his spouse,
belope, he sutiled himself by
Patting one of his stalwart arms
Uwaid her waist aud drawing her to
Thi people of Tierra del Fuego,
sap Lombroso, have taught civilized
- astas the origin of the delightful
-tof kissing. Drinking vesselsare
wa. bi in that country, and the
p, when they are thirsty, simply
"ibrwn beside brooks and drink the
Wtls as it flows by them. It is
r'. st, however, that infants could
I it Wbfy their thirst in this primi.
lhsbion, and therefore their
have for ages supplied them
water by filling their own
first and then letting it pass
the'r lips into the expectant
-t of their little ones. In some
the banks of the brooks an,
Sare so liigb that water cainnot
Paiied in the usual manner, and
Southers in such places draw it
ugh long re,+d.
• :"
Birds feed telir young ones In a
simi:aur anner. They first fill their
own mouths with water and then
tranofer it to the wile open mouths
of the litlle onos. This very ancient
material practice is, according to
Lo-mb)roo, the only source to which
the modemrn practice of kissing can be
truced. The custom of pressing one
mouth to another originatedl with tbe
women in Tierra del Fuego, who
could only supply their minfsts with
drink in this manner, oand it is pre
sumable that they learued the lesoi
fromn the birds. Finally, we are told
that kissing is an evidence of atavism
and a memorial of that early stage of
our development 'iduring which the
wife hsd not yet triumphed over the
1 mother nor love over maternity."
WVashington News.
Washington. April, 19, 1911. S
Denials having been rendered ridi y
eulous oy press dispatches from
Manila giving names and details, E
War Department officials now confess
that there have been extensive frauds
in the conmissarv branch of the t
army in the Philippines, and an-ta'
nounce with a Swrish of honesty me
and virtue that an ofi:ial investiga- dip
tiou is now being made with a view pre
to the exposure and punishment of pl
all thoqe who have been guilty of It
wrong-doing. This announcement U.
would have carried more weight with tioi
the disinterested public had it not It'
been accompanied by another saying eta
that the conduct of the investigation not
had been placed in the hands of an
Adjutant General Corbin. Glen. ac
Miles is commander of the army, and oil
as such, should have directed that Ae
investigation, and if the truth and ori
the whole truth, reg-trdless of whose m3
toes might be trod on, had been wil
Jsough,, it would have been a:loweui th
to remain in his bhands where it reI
properly belonged -be had proven ha
his fearlesness in uncovering fraud an
in the embalmed beef care. But if bei
the oblet .)f the investigation be to mt
whitewash the guilty officers who e
harve repub;ican poliClal pull, and to th
make scapegoats of those who hase tal
not, the ch.ice of Ben. Corbin to
direct it was wise. He has a record (i
of iolitical partisuaship neverequat ed of
by any holder of a major general's- re
commission in the U. 8. Army, and ev
the;e have been some radical parts- re
ans in the army, ton, wh:le Gen th
Miles has never been a partisan and th
is suspectU of believing in D)emo- am
eratle principles. 3Major George B. dr
Davi. mooe of the o fcer said tobe hi
Ilimplicated in the frauds, is now in an
I Washington on sick leave. Hie has yE
I bees coonsted with the commissary wi
- branch of the army for severalyeai, iu
and was regarded us Oen. Kgan's Is
right hand me when he was Conom- to
Smiasary General. Major Davis was tt
I at the War Dep.rtment this week and in
was questiouned by Commissary Gen
eral Weston. He denied the charged
cabi4J from Manl:a that the books of '
fvais & Co, government eontractor., a
Sshowed that sums of money had beenc
paid to him and other oflers ; also w
that be had any knowledge of wrong
doing on the part of either omfficers or
contractors and announced his will
. iugness to return to Manila at once
y and assist an the investigation. He "'
might be able to render valuable
h assistance to the whitewashing.
it Mayor Carter Harrison, of Chiceago,
t whose third election to that offloi has
Scaused his name to be more or less a
n talked of in connection Iwith national 3
, politics, spent the most of this week
is in Washington quietly resting. Ask.
o ed the blunt qnestai, whether te had p
i any intention of entering the national I
u I political arena, Mr. HarriSon, replied: r
is "I am not fooling with national r
e. politio+. It is enough for me now to J
,attend to my duties in Cbhicago."
d I When asked what the Illinois legisla- I
l ture was likely to do, Mr. lqsrrison I
r I said : ",The republicans in that body I
, have done almost nothing outside of (
r. diedesion of apportionment bills. t
e, They have a quarrel among them- '
.y selves over the subject, and I should a
s not be surprised if the legislature c
wo adjourned without passingl any mess- t
ure for apportionment."
o, That the Philippines mnust neoes- i
d sanly be a large and conmtinuous 1
al source ofezpe&. to the U.S. has
reheen evident from the day 8pain
rn'tgoldbrickedu n into becotaug their
v owner. Aboard of naval ofie,
te under orders from Secretary Lrong, i
is are now engaged in preparing plans
Id for a $5,000,000 naval station, whichb
Ii is to hrves $1.00O,00udrydockat a
Ii Olonaopqo, Buig Bay, Lusou. Those
m plans will have to reeive te appror-i
nal of Congnre baeore they cam be
Scarried out.
t Ssn~tor Cockrell. who was met
ne coming out of Ihe White liose,
a& where he had Just had atalk with
o: Mr. McKinley on the snbJeet, said of:
ad' the coming visit to Warbinnaon of a
it ciommittee of the Chbsn Ooutitutioo
nl Coiivcntioni: .'The Uubanus do!
at Your H ead
-nd oyr nmmunitioa ·\
*s the right sort.
are staunch and sure 4
Whem-they're hatsi
with a reputmitin
and they live up to
Graceful Spring
Sthyes are here forh ,
your inspe:tion.
mnot apparently fully grasp their
status. They are not now a govern
meat. They have uo p,wer to treat
diplom-ttsally with th' U. S. Th
present, eonstitutional couvepti-u wa.
called into bing through our age.my
It only has power to submit t, the
U. S for approval a plan or Lvntitu
tion for a representative govertiment
It we reject it outright the esisting
statues contitues. Thy can do
nothing. BDit it the modifications
A coulnditiono whic h we propose are
accepted th.en they can proceed to,
organize a relpresenhtative government
Ani until such a government is
organized the troops of the U. S., in
my opinion, cannot be comtdetily
withdrawn. Z am firmly convMinced
that the cOnvention, after it bears the
report of the commission which it
has sent here, wIll accept the Plait
amendment. I believe that the mem
hen of the commission will learn
much a va'ue to Cuba on their visit
here, and that soon after their return
the- cousttutioal - gonvention wil!
take faivorble action."
Every republican President from
Grant to McKinley has had dreams
of establishing a respectable white
republican party in the South, but
every effortto make the dream a
reality has miserahly failed. For
that reason Mr. McKinley's ff~,rt in
that line, In South Car,:ina, is more
amusing than alarming to Southern
democrats. Senator Melaurin, who
has been for slI practically purlaises
an aduminstrtion Senator for several
years, although be only actually
withdrew tfom the Democratic caucasl
just hefore the adjournment of th.
last session of Congress, is expectei
to act as Mr McKinley's assistant in
the present attempt to turn the dream
into a reality. The first open move
was the appointment of John (.
Capenr,. a gold Democrat, to succeed
a republican as U. S District Attorn
cy for S.C. The next is awaited
with more or less curiosity.
men oand women to travel and ad
vertise tor old established house of
solid financial standilng. Salary $780 '
a year and expenses, all payable in
cashb. No canvassingrequimek Give
references and encloe selfl.addresbed
stamped envelope. Address Manager,
355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago 38 26t
No one wll fal to find pleasant,
proflltable diversion in the Msy
Ladies' Home Journal. Its thirty
end more contributors cover a wide
range of interesting subjects, "Wben
John C Calhoun Went a.Wooing,"
the delightful romance of the great
statesman, is no leas engrosling than
"The Brilliant Social ReignPoft Hrriet
Lane" in the White House, pr than
Clara Morris's "Frank Senj" the love I
tale of a little Japaneoe girl acrobat.
There is a weird fascinatin is the
narratioa of "Some R~'markable (bses
of Double Personality," and several
thrilling stories are told of "When
the Abhimals Escape fom the Zoo"
In "Summers of Our Discontent"
Edward Bok gives sound advice on
summer vacatioes-notably good in
telling what to avoid. "Presrving a
Husband in Summer" and "Keeping
Summer Boarders with Success"
solve both problems. There are three
architectural articles, and the usual
contributions onoernoing work in and
about the ome, fashbions, et. The
hbalfl a doma or more notable pictorial
teater Include "Is the Fold," the
best pbotograph of the twenty seven
thousand submitted i the Joornal's
:contest; a page reprodbction of W.
i. Taylo's painting, "President
LIncolnss Call for Volnsteers," and
,'A Glimpse of Picturesque Canada."
By The Curtis Publishing Company,
Philadelphia. Oce dollar a year;
,ten cenats a coy. -
A W..ilN Offr t W g. "
I We have reeired word of mt remark.
-be- ffr which is to be made to wmen by
TM s oier. of sew York.
Taking he f.act that Cext Yew begi a
ne estur., The Dehieor 'ofen to dietri
bute $17,500 among 1901 women. The plea C
i to deverly ranged that a woman livinr in
Semall town or village, has just asu od a
chance to win ono of thee 1901 pri es • b
woman living in a citV--beas the prizes T
ere given for tho number of eubscriptlios p
ecured sn a town in proportio to tl:e popu
ation of that town. inteed of being gve
ramply to those who send the leiget lat of e
eubcribem--which, of courus. am moet easily d
ebalsed in big cites. notber clever featr.reo
e the plan is, ta al tho ciies and towns of
the Ctoid States and Canada haveo been ar
mged in rseven clases. Tho cities of tho
greatestr population are Vr":pedi in C:am 1,
and ma thre citus are not very many, the i
prses ofed are twenter-wlbt; the high
e prim being $SO0, and the lowet $5.00.
The total amount of prizes given away is this In t
elm Is $1,000. Tbe remail suallr towns I
md villages fal into eix other clsses and as
theo number of toms i a class increase, be
ae, of courwme, there are more eal towns
te large oes, the amount of prizes given
raway to a das increase, so that in ase 1,
ther will be $4,000 distributed among U
Furthemore, to everyone who fails who t
e o theo 11 prim there wiUlbepaid a s.
art osmmise on subscriptim, providedt
they equal one out of every two hundred an.
hbimats of the town from which the eoa
totnt sends the.
This is altogether a very liberal ofr, and 
me whdic the famou old Jedb as well
eble to make good From our point of view,
we do ot me why meh an ofr eeds tobe i
made by the Pubabihere of Th D sbr, for
we believe it dirdy has msly Jlf a million
eubcribers. Its strong bod bo he daeo.
tions of Ameicn women has come the
poet generation. from its prmcticmal advice
about dres ditail aid home matters.
ýyam! wa uheUsiw Staie.
due. -ll basmrrie s
dim (e..le M.. m .» t.e.~
dke" to U& =One JJ1~·
sUPU1*AvS.. .hina
lulaa tra sryr PubOlsed
Caminl. Samifd C~ti. plates.
W.,atea LaM w , lam Ii
*5 b e .tir e.e Ibhmrisrhin ak
wokS. Wtie.l. b sams d abape t s.n
.Ie r~trt u r. pe !"e"
836 o 46w. 140.. Ihw Yevk 1
rwRi c~rrIUBB
S of all ]n
2 T%
ji UNatrial oe
Sheet Metal Werks, j
WY. KoUu, MGN.
G utterlnt, t Boofing, y ilr
8Ly Lighl, Votlllor, I l i
nice, Hlow Piping. 8late roof
inlg and repeirng. Plantation
work a specialty. Anll work t
promptly attended to. Si|s
fstin taranteed........... t
rhe Light of the'World 10
Our Savior in Art.
Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. .
Contains nearr d 100 full-page e hgrav
ings of our aviour and His otherl F
by ci. worlds greatest painters.
True copies of the grneaest Master
pieces in the sit galleries of Eu:ro I
Eery picture is as beautifu: as a
sunrise over the hilltops. Contain"
descrilption of the painting. hiogra. !
hy of tLe Ipainters the nawes an.-i
:ocitious of the guiteries in 1.'r,'l·
whert. the originals mayr be st.n
Also rootains a C'hild's i)epar.w tt. i
including a Chtllt's Stury of the 'Christ
and Ilia 3lother. beautiful:y written.
to fit each picture.. This wonderfu!l
book, matchless in it,, purity and
beauty, appeals to every mothe.r'
heart, and in every ('hriatan houn,
where there are childiren the Im,Lmk
sells itself. Chribtian me, and
women are making money rnpid'l
taking orders. A Chritin matt or
woman can in bthis community soot
make $1,000 taking orders for
Christmas presents. Irs. Wait., ,ur
agent in Massachusetts, has sold o'cr
$3,000 worth of the toqt in a very
habort time. Mrs. Scket. our .agent
in New York, has gnd over $1,500
worth of the books n a very ehoat
time. The book ma printed on velvet
Snisned paper, beautifully bound in
',ardinal Ked and gold, and adonred
with l Aden Roses uand Lilieks. It is,
without doublt, the most beautiful A,
hook of this century. Writ,! to t,
terms quickly and get the m:,nage
ment of that territory. You ca,
work on salary or commission, nnd TI
wh..n you |prove -our sut'ess we will
promote you to the positiou of lMana- C.
ger amd Cotirespotnldent, at a perman
ai..L t:ailarV, to d .lr uL. I r Lt.iLe l.to
.,ttcutdl:g to, egtnts aind the ct.ras
ondnal e.. Wau'ttet a so a :itr.
1mal:,g.. r t . lwu. cli.ags ,.tf ,,t*:,e In
ILe,.dil g 'Clvy of the `tate;.nd rati:',.
:all the. Ioio,. s. of ir Sth e S." '
f," terms. Ad ir..--
THE 1: r i'I'IIll ." I it tI
U',r.,.,:t. f: 1:1.:. r .S a u '
U. S. T.ha-a·_y, \ -i '-'" I
S COLLINS garuatl
argrlr oompkl.o.
ne , ne nmpote a
quoll. dlaeeao, to. Ti
tpersst1er h. mmqflhbt.mI b
iwo poGmno- eomf
wsapt.romes sei.
Avozvous rhu"
mattsmos, doule
umr ass bras, Jambe., epeules ou
Peu importe qu'lT moenst cbroslques.
Is cure d' proesseur Collins vous gu
rirs, Ie douleur dspearltroeat tout de
Avesotee maladies d' oosteme?
Crampes, doelers, pesaateur, op
Lsa rands diouverts du Proetseur
Collins voo redra bien.
Avsvaoss maladies d eousr, tole,
ubdtes comm aint Tbos, elsayes
Io smkss du Proaemeur Collinset vows
Aver vos este bso deta tit.oode
Ia peitrae" toes, broreIte, p.Ible
Otil Mrft aprk pen de jornde Is
cure du Proteeaur COollln. Des mullets
do pereonnes en donnet des astestationse
t os pouwvsa l ire sur ar towusles Jour.
suxu d'Amarl w.
AVzs-VOvS ýOrms rtrmg sMIAE
$t, retnEaw Insl O¢nAL 1OO'LEKVMS
U LhPIIn Dors o s 5017 LE
YESTmtm ?
Ne Is falts pas tenr s &)hpial. an l
fais as opdrer av Is ieos ot In c u
teaus. Amn-ee-la oe dcrli au Prof.-
sr CollisU. Aec ma mdlkaments II a
doand Ia tranquillt i des mlIeade ta
mfli.M nursatn hl temme malades,
es pae tamps, sas amou opdatioo
Aves-veus maladies smses ?
Rappeles-voes quae Proteoeur Col
lins set grad maitre doe N mas U Ites
gurit pou n de temp. adIcalemeat,
ar-s cru do retoor; puerilnt et net
toyant en mime temps voweo sang. .
Aven-voes eu doe maladies vON
rlene ?P
PurIsas-vowe I sang test dosits,
weve Is grad porilcateordo Profomur
sli nes. Aimi woos woes ddlasnasseres
pourtoet os tre vie do o terribleorl.
Avyes-wi yes It. malnios?
De aimporte quel mat Us ssNfro t,
ameas.lsoui crivez an noeaeur Col
lies. II alms ie Ietaat, lho adsIo t
lee gu6rl tout do asuite.
qu dl voos voulen, vow bio porter,
vou doves vwous purilor is san an
moais une tole pr an. Le puriltesur
du. Proheusur Collins ee adoptd par
tout Io modo et 1 at reooan cemma
remade mouverain.
-rOl, LE rAIl
Les Prelbse COLLINS laraatit
do guirtr les gone malss qel so
trvwoet leIo ds 1.I deg mflUs- do
mIlesuI mmISd.iisfag
II i Cai .w e o C It vi a i. r dr1
qe " veaes e«oqu vyor dGins bin
por -; m ompl yami ea miIe.
ma'he qtul! eavole Iespu Gem Im.n
rpeS q·uo pUtor roe UaSeve in
rmorssszaa COLU391
10 WO e anort, now weort.
Commercial Hotel
t(ro.int U.r.asl' Mote,.)
a.C.. . A. v Vfoo T.
T. F L Ssa. 7W0 Cx3TU .P
lIff UP f lT UIhI.
Fuz Bus--FR au Mla Rooe.
Opposite City Hall,
Ribodmax ,4 211
l n o fl U 1 1 euu Uw aw sw m -,
done at this oaffie S
.1. Bouron,
WVa tchnaker and
G-unsmith 5 --o
i4.mpeoastsaltIy ao hand a -
large and eomplte auortz
treat of 3
|p mnn~c, etl,e with lIN abr· o
TH WE CE IEB RATED ,-, ib ,h v. a..
HAXD. Asii, the N.E]¶' TiI)IAES. HU3T'
M1AC I IN h' ,0,.r. c,; I" ,Ti , F: r(';
W:,t lws. Clucis. Jecwlry. Sew
tl'g Mtacines. Fire-;lrus. etc.
t'C-efully repairep anti caran
totvtI. A full stock of attarh
i-nts. oil antd needles for a.i
kin is of Seiwing Machines, an
bhad by applying to
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