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SUBSCRIBE FOR.,, I and ADVERT _U ...In The Setel.At tis e 0 t tiff-" I OfficialJ Jounal of the auih of Lal'ucZh@ and Glu.diaz of fthe Zatars.t of the Town. Vol. 85 - THIBODAUX, LA., AUG. 17, 1901. No. 4 Railroad Schedule. of T. & P. Railway Co.. Latourrhe S-- Linme and Port Allen & New L:rovaca RsAnxcn. IA. I Donaldsonvtlla. La. ý at 8: a. m.i Arrive. at :40 a. m. Sat :41' p. m, Leaves at 0:25 p. m. MAis Liav. iW1OI m La. I Donaldaonville. La. wsw sound. I :at 10:e0 p. m. i Arrives at 1:0 la. m. st 8:15 a. . I Arnes at II : a.m. Lt Round. --l s, 7:0 a .. I Leaves at 4:48 . m. S aSIS • . im. Leaves at 8A p.m. polar AtULw & Nw ROADS BRANCR. asv at 3:20 p. mi. Arrivea at 8:18 p. m. e at 11:55 p. m. I Leaves at 8:51 a. m. PERSONAL POINTERS Mr. A. B. Kagan spent Sunday Sth his brother Mr. W. C. Ragan. Mr. Ridly F. Knoblochb, of Ariel, pat last I Sunday in town. Miss Naude Landry and Marie orward, are}visiting relatives in our -as since Thursday. For digestive weakness, nervous ses, pais on the side, flatulence, dia -imm, wakefulness, headache and lrw annoying ac"ompaniments of sstirveess, HERBINE is a prompt sad MeIUlled renmedyl. Price, 50 sslts. For sale be Tbibodauz drug -_-_ Mrs H Champgne aeecompanied by her su Raoul silent Sunday here. . Mr. Henry Knobloch and family wes poso of Mrs. C. Asz mar last DaIsy. ameas idah and Katy Marks, of lbts eisl, are spending the week in aies. lstseme hot weather is a great Ia spes the digestive power of ba Isbi when puny and feeble they shsid be Rrea a dose of WHITE'S I(iAM VBIMIFIIGB. Price, 25 ast Pr salem by Thibodaux drug M.Nl ptCvs laort and children of 'U l reb are visiting friends' sad saltives in town. Msu Les Kno bloch of Smoke Bend bqmuic one tiame with her uncle What A Tale It Tells. EIfst mirror of yours shows a mgetd, allow completion, a jaun SdiT look, moth patches and blotches Sthe skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. kIat New Life Pills regulate the 1e1, purity the blood, give clear skin, a sseks, rich complexion. Only adt All druggista. Mr. Edgar A. Roberts with the tb'eb Lumber Co. Ltd. of Bowie La. se a pleasant visitor at our sanctum tit abtarday. M r. Eile Leftort as home aga&n, ti ngreturned last Tuesday from a y and beneficial sojourn -s Arad Isle. She laws of health require that the move once each day and one of for violating this law is l s Kap yoor bowels regular by gar dnse of Chamberlaina's 8tom. i i ad Liver Tablets whec nuecrssary sdP will never have that severe ! st Inflicted upon you Prnce, ,ent For salUe y Both drug l. . AlIphonse Auoola, of Terre ur with us Suaday, he recent in a commercial course ' College iu New Orleas. moot people want is some mld and gertle, when in need physie Chamberlain's Stomach der Tablets fill the bill to a dot s easy to take and plesant 1lit. For sale by Both drug it is to your advantage to keep an account with the Bank of Thibodaux, Is. iUS3--it is a strong, careful, safe, liberal, prompt, accurate and successful iastitution. it is a growing, active progressive, up-to-date bank in every partl. cular. oUS--your account will be appreciated by the bank, and your Interests will always be carefully uatrded. -th bank as a stee lie svault a modern burglar proof safe, in which to keep our funds and papers, also has a night watchman, h--everv deoritor is a welcome visitor at the bank. US--thisL anR studies the needs of its ustmers, and roperly takes care of them whether their business is large or s.maul l. UlSg -it dues an exclusve and extensive banking and consequently no body can serve you better.ll Uh--it i in a position to make good investments for you, to collect your drafts or notls, and attend to your banking wants generally. is always ready to assist and advise. BECAUSE ' hSYv- you can ask for better treatment than this bank will give you, . S L ask you to write or call upon 1an directorof this bank anrd talk *- 1 o A personal visit to the bank solicitetod and appreciated. BANK OFTHIBODAUX. r wv ., .,..,,, - -' -'""-""""""'• Miss Laura Morvant left last Tues day to visit the Pau American Expo sition and other northern and eastern cities. Have You HI eard Of It. What? Adair's V, netian Cream. Use ONE box and your freckles and blotches will disappear as if by magic' without a particle of injury to the most delicate skin. Nothing like it as a complexion beautifier. Price 25c at Meyer Drug Co. 1.4t Miss M Bouneau left for her home in New Orleans Thursday accompa nied by Miss Sadie Gaude who goes to spend some time with her. To Save Her Child From frightful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve to great sores on her head antd face, and writes its quick cure exceeded all her hopes. It works wonders in Sores, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 25e. Cure guar anteed by All druggists. Misses Louise and Lucy Roger accompanied by their brother Ernest, left for an extendrd northern trip last Tuesday visiting the Pano-Ameri can Exposition. CASTORIA Per Inafats sad Childre. TIe Ki Yun Iu Alt' ught e tars toe Mr. Charlton It. Beattie, of the firm of Beattle and Beattie left last Wed needay morning on Steamer ,Proteus" of Cromwell Line for New York, from whence he visits several other norlth era and eastern cities. Notice to the Public. The public is hereby notified that I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by the Lugger J. G:aljour. 44t. FaArcois DERAMEE. NAsUVILLI, Taxn., June 12. 1885. Dr. C. . Morrzrr, St. Loois, Mo. I ean truly say thatyour TERTHINA Sthe greatest blessing to teethiug children that the world has eves kn.awn. I have used it two years, and do not like to be without a box all the time. My baby would hardly have lived through his second sum etr if I had not used your powders He is now strong and well, and has all his teeth. I never allow an op portunity to pass without recommend ing TEETTIlNA to mothers. May God reward you for the good you have done teething babies through this remedy. Respectfully, Mrs. A. G. RUSSELL. We are in receipt of an invitation from Messrs. Win. C. Stubbs and .. ,. Lee Commissioners, for an invta tion to attend the exercises at the Pau-American Exposition, Butfflo. Louisiana Day, August 21, 1901, following is the program : Address of welcome, by Hlon. W. I. Buchanan, director general, followed by music. Rlesponse, "Louisiana," by Govern. or W. W. Heard, followed by music. ."Our Creoles," Prof. Alcee Fortior, followed by music. ,,Our Acadans," Hon. R. F Brous srd, followed by music. ",The Development of Louisiana Educationally," Prof. J. B. Aswell, followed by music. The programme is aecompamled by an Invitation to all Louisiansas to attend. Signed by Commiasioners Stubbe and Lee. Virginia Oollege T oTu s Ladies, Daeaoke, Va. OIpesi* . liA. RsS Os. of the leeding cas for Youngtdles in telSouth. New biMl}a' lMosadeQupmeont. Campus ten -u d mountan scenery i Vaiey o si, S'arh for health. urmpean sad Asmer toan teaobers. PFull oourse. Conservauto-ry ad vs~ al Art, Mlusic and locution. Stu _-s thSrty States. Fr estalogue ad drPes --TTIR P. HARRIS. President. Roanoke. Vs. 454 Proceedings of the Police Jury. STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. Thibodaux, La. Aug. 14, 1901. The Police Jury of the Parish of La fourche, met this day in extra session. The following members were present, answering their names: J. L. Aucoin, President,-H. Morvant, E. U. Morvant, L. Rodrigue, C. J. Guedrv, F. P. Fal gout, J. L. LeBlanc and F. P. Parra. Absent-Alex Theriot and J. L. Bas set. President Aucoin stated that this meeting had been called-as agreed up on at the last session of this Jury, to receive the report of the Special Com mittee-appointed at the session of May last regarding the advisability of grant ing the franchise asked, for the purpose of erecting and operating an electric railway, over the public roads of this parish and also the transmission of electric power. Thereupon Mr. Parrs presented the following report. Thibodaux, La. Aug. 14, 1901. To the Police Jury. Gentlemen :-Your committee appoint ed at your session of May last, to exa mine into the advisability of granting a franchise for the erection and operation of an electric rail-way over .he public roads of this parish, and also for the transmission of electric power, respect fully represents, that the great advan tages to the general public by the opera tion of such a rail-way are evident to all, and hence, we recommend that a franchise be granted therefor, upder the condition and stipulations contlined in the subjoined ordinance, which your committee submits and makes a part hereof for your consideration and ac tion. Respectfully submitted. F. P. PARRA, J. L. AI'coIs, C. J. (KuneDY, E. U. MoRVANT, Committee. ORDINANCE. NO. An ordinance granting a right of way over the public roads of the Parish of Lafourche to certain persons for the establishing, equipping and operating of an electric passenger and freight railway and light and power service. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche Sec. 1. That, with a view of giving to the people of the Parish of Lafourche the benefits of rapid transportation for freight and passengers, and of electric light and power, Messrs. L. H. Lancas ter, Dr. H. S. Smith and Thomas A. Ba deaux, of the Parish of Latourche, and C. P. Young, of the eity of New Orleans, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby given and granted a right of way over the public roads of the Parish of Lafourche for the establishment, eqluipping and operating of an electric railway, and light and power service, for the period of ninety nine years. See. 2. Be it further ordained, that the said right of way is given and gran ted, under the following conditions, to wit: First. That the said persons above named, their associates, successors and assigns shall, during the term of this franchise, maintain the public roads of this Parish, over which their right of way shall extend, Ia a thoroughly sati~ factory condition, the Police Jury to be the sole judge as to when that condition shall have been complied with. Second. That in constructing the said road, the rails shall be so laid as not to project above the level of the public road more than one inch, at any one point, and the gauge shall be four feet, eight and a half inches, (the present Standard Gauge.) Third. That rails of not less than for ty pounds per yard shall be used, and permission is hereby granted to use the T. Rail. The right is reserved by the Police Jury to designate what portion of the public road shall be occupied by the railway tracks. Fourth. That fares on said road shall not exceed five cents for each five miles travelled, or fraction thereof. School children travelling to and from school shall be charged one half of the above rates. Fifth. That separate cars, or separate compartments in cars shall be main tained for the separation of the white and colored races in travelling. Sixth. That work shall be commen ced within one year from the date of this ordinance, and shall be completed within three years therefrom. Other wise, this franchise shall be null and void. Seventh. That the intervals between the running of the cars or trains shall not exceed thirty minutes during the day, from six A. M. to ten P. M. Night service shall be such as public require ments shall demand. Eighth. That the speed of the ears or trains shall not exceed twenty five miles per hour. Ninth. That the cost of power sup plied shall not exceed ten dollars per Horse Power, per month. Ten hours per day and twenty six working days shall constitute a month's work. Light service shall not exceed twenty cents per thousand Watts. Tenth. That service shall be con tinuous. under penalty of the annul ment of this franthise, unless stoppage of service be due to causes beyond the control of the grantees of this right of TEleventh. That the police power of this Police Jury over the public roads shall, in no manner be impaired af fected or deemed to be surrendered by the stlpulations of this ordinance. Trwelfth. That the poles for the trans mission of power shall be so construe ted as not to interfere wilh the public traffie, or with the drainage ol the roads. No wire shall be erected at a distance less than eighteen feet from the level of the road. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance shall take effeet from, and after its passaae, subject, however to the dicilsion of the Courts as to the rights of this Jury in the premises. On motion of Mr. J. I,. LeBlane, duly seconded by Mr. II. Morvant, the above c.,mmlttee's report was ordered receiv ed. . Mr. E. U'. Morvant seconded by Mr. Parra moved that the blank left n the ordinance submitted by the committee for the insertion of the name of the partles to whom the franchise is to be granted, be filled by having therein the names of L. H. Laneaster Dr. H. S. Smith, and Thomas A. ladeaux, of the parish of Lafourche, and C. P. Young of the city of New Orleans, and further, that the ordinance Ie then adopted. After statement of the motion by the chair and time given for discussion, the yeas and nays was ordered with the following result: Yeas-A ucein, o:ucdry, Morrvant, H., Morvaut E. I'., lidrigue, Falgout, l-, Illaue, and Parra. Nav --none. Whereapon, the chair declared the ordinance duly adopted. By special permlesion the following resolution submitted by Mr. Parra and seconded by Mr. LeBlane, was acted on and adopted by following vote. Yeas--Aucoin, Guedry, Morvant.. Morvant, E. U., Rodrigue, Falgout, la Blane and Parra. Nays-none. Whereas, at the regular meeting of this Jury held on the 9tl. (lay of asy last, this Jury elected Messrs. Thomas H. Roger, L. A. Troselair and Alcide Toups, 'ommissioners of the 3rd. Drain age Iistrict of this Parish, and Whereas, the residents of said Drain age District No. 3 are desirous of avail ing themselves of the provisions of Article 281 of the Constitution of 1898, Act No. 5 of the acts of the Legisla ture (extra session) of 1819 and Act No. 12 of the Iegislature of 1900, therefore Be It Resolved, by the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche, that conform. ably with section 2 of the Act No. 12 of 1901, above mentioned, the term of service of the above named Commis sioners is hereby fixed as follows: Thomas Ht. Roger, for the term of four years, and Messrs. L. A. Tros clair and Alcide Toups for the term of two years each. Be it further Resolved that the dom icile of the said 3d Drainage District is hereby fixed at Thibodaux, Iafourche Parish Iouisiana. The Jury, at this time adjourned. H. N. CoLow, J. L. AucoiN, Clerk, President. 111 LII10 .rL Domes First Excursion from New Orleans over Texas and Pacific Railroad. The town was filled with visitors last Sunday who came on the excur sion from New Orleans. The train reached here at about 1 o'clock an hour after It was due. A large crowd of people were at the depot to wel come the excursionists. People were also lined up along either side of the bridge awaiting the excursion. Many people did not go over, as a toll was collected and people being under the impression that crossing was free came without their toll and were obliged to return home or take a po. sition on the bridge. The excursionists had a beautiful day and left highly pleased with their outing, the only discontent was that .he stay was not long enough There was danciug at the Opera House and a number of other amusements for the benefit of the visitors under the auspices of Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1. An iateresting game of base ball at Toups Park also served to enter, lain them. The excursion train con sisted of nine coaches and they were filed to their capacity. The excur sionists left a very good impression lxhind and all compliment the New Orleans Glee Club on their success and hope to have the pleasure of their company again at some future day. -now~ -cl-- On July 2nd and 16th and August 6th and 20th, and September 3rd and 17th, The Southern Pacifie.Sunset Route will sell from all stations, round trip Homeseekers' tickets to all points in California at rate of one first.class Ilmited fare, plus $2.00. The transit limit on these tickets will be fifteen days, and final limit twenty. five days from date of sale. In making preparations for this trip the traveler should not overlook the fact that the excursion ears used in this service are operated by the Pullman company on the same plan as firat-lass sleepers, and that the berth rate is less than half that charged in first class sleepers. For rates and further information, write S. F. B. MORSE, L. J. PARKS, P. T. M. G. P. T. A. Houston, Texas. ADVERTISEMENT. "Lost Their Monley." Baton Rouge, August, 1. 1901. To Oua Svascaznsas:-Several years ago feehng that we were not getting a first elass sand effilcient tele phone service in the town of Baton Kouge, we organized and put in oper ation a telephone exchange, owned and operated by local people, under the name of the Merchants,A& Planters Telephone Company. We have endeavored to gwve value received for the mondy, and believe that we have succeeded. We finad, however, that a teleplaone plant s both expenasve and troublesome to operate, and that it requires for the successful operation of the plant the coastant attention of skilled operators and workmen. The Cumberland Telephone & Tel egraph Company, a corporation which employs the highest class of skilled labor, and devotes itself entirely to the telephone business, having estab lished itself in our town, we feel that it ls to the best interests of all for us to dspose of our property, and quit the business No town is large en ough for two telephone companies, and in taking this step we believe that we are actig for the best iuterest. of all parties concerned. We have lost money in the venture, but we congratulate ourselves and the people of Baton Rouge upon the fact that we now have as good telephone service as can be obtained anywhere. We heartily recommend the service of the Cumberland Tel, phone & Tele graph Company to our present sub, scribers, and to all who may desire telephone service. Yours truly, ,&IMCUANTS AND PL.Artas TEL: iPaoN COrPA4NrY. Per Biw R. MAYra, Treasurer & General Manager. Evidently no effort has been spared to make The Ladies' Home Journal for August a positive boon to its rea ders during these warm midsummer days. Its light, readable art'cles, bright stories, clever poems, charmng music, and numerous beautiful illius. trations afford the easiest and plea. santest kind of entertainment for lei sure hours. Enchanting views of the lovely scenery in the Engadine Valley and among the Swiss and Italian lakes, as well as such delivhbtful articles as "The Singing Village of Germany" and "What Girl.l.ife in Italy Means," al-ure the thoughts to foreign lands, while there are timely suggestions about "The Picnic B.asket," "Keepinmg a House Cool in the Dog.Days," and '.Sea.Side Toys and How to Make Them." Other thoroughly interest ing contributions are ",The First White Baby Bore in the Northwest," "My Boarding School for Girls," and the usual serial and department arti cles. By The Curtis Pubtahiug Com pany, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy. Rice and How to Cook it. The Southern Pacific- Sunset Route is out again with a decided innova tion. The passenger department is teaching the people of the country how to cook rice. "Two Hundred Receipts for Preparing Rice," is the title of the rice cook book just issued lty Passenger Traffic Manager S. F. B. Morse, and a perusal of the unique volume will, of a surety, make the mouth of the reader water for one or more of the delectable dishes set forth, in which rice is entirely or in part used. Fifty thousand copies of the books are being distributed at the Buffalo Exposition by the Southern Pacific. and cop'es will be forwarded on re ceipt of ten 2 cent stamps, sent to Mr. S. F. B. Morse, passenger traffic manager Southern Pacific, Houston, Texas. THE HOME GOLD CURE. A- Ingenious Treatment by which Drnak. ards are oBelg Cared Dlly In Spite of Themselves. No Noxious easees. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant ad Pesitive Care for the LUquer Habit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves com pletely shattered by periodical or constant use of mtoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of nen tralising and eradicating this poison, and destroving the craving for intoxi. cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURI" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use accord. ing to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous trans formation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR HUS BANDS!! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS I! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specifc for this disease only. and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble anad pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of te, or colee without the knowledge of the person taking itl Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CURE" admio istered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge-in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drnaking of their own tree will. DO NO'T WAIT. Do not be deluded by atparent and mlsleal ing ,improvement." Drive out the disease at oice and for all tame. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of every body a treatment more effectual than, others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany eaclh package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Seat prepad to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address DeptL C892 EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. All uc)rrespondence strictly confi dential. WANTED - TRUSTWORTHY men and women to travel and mad vertise for old established house of solid financial stanling. Salary $78') a year and expenses, all payable in cash. No canvassingrequired. Give references and enclose self.addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 355 Caxton Bldg., Chicago. 38 26t I- OFFICE OF r r The Colonial Shoe Co. Makers ef Men's Shoes, 1that are made to Wear. .. "Shoes that are Stylish," "Shoes that are Right," "Shoes that are Guaranteed." Boston Nos. April 16th 1901. Mr. Chas. A. Badeaux, Thibodaux, La. I)ear Sir :-It gives us pleasure to give you the exclusive right to sell "CoLoNIAL" shoes in your town. When offering this shoe to your trade, you can assure them you are giving them every ounce of value for the money. The leather used in the manufacture of "CoLONIAL" shoes is always well selected, and carefully tanned, and the workman. ship is of the very best, as we employ none but the best skilled journeymen workmen. We guarantee our shoes to give perfect satisfac tion. Wishing you success with our goods we are Very Truly Yours, THE COLONIAL SHOE CO. The above speaks for itself. If you need shoes you should give our "Colonials" a trial. Regular. styles, $3.50. Low Cut Oxfords for Summer 2.50 and 3.00. THE RACKET STORE, (Originator of Low Prices.) Phone 180. Chas A. Badeaux, Prop . . - . THE PLANT OF THE' THIBODAUX BlCK WORKS WITH THE FINEST EQUIP _ MENTS IN THE SOUTH Is now prepared to furnish the best and chleap est brick iin the market................ One million bricks on hand ready for delivery. FOR FURTHER PARTICULAR, ADDRESS. LAURENT M. FOLSE, MANAGER. PHONE leI t E. J. BRAUr), IENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. PNONE EMILE LEFORT swesr tLEFORT * T3TRWAU Feed 9 Livery, Feed . ..,Sale Stables. Undertaking T 9 K Establisbh'meunt Blacksmith and ' Carrage Patriot St. Cor. Levee and Mlarket, Thibodaux. DR. JOS. L. DREXLER, VETEIIINARY SURGEON, LEON DREXIER'S STABLE, THIBODI4U r. LA: Ls oISTA NCE TELEPHONE 3D Ila0ADX rTELPN#GE 1k.,