Newspaper Page Text
PI'nLIFlHED EVERY K .ATURI'.AY i1. R. DU)PEM. Prol,'r and Pub. Olic,tl J,,a'rnl of Hit 1',i'ais oft alf fort. ' e. A,,lcr·r nt , th P Pot - , l re at Tl..rdere, , La ias ar,,id thula nuttrr. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: PEI" YEAI., IN ADL) .\N E......... _.i1 Al; c mnlnllll tilSo shutlldllil I ail dressed to Thl TII i 5,l,.\ I X E.'T'INIL . fC rr ipol npnlll ll '·· atl l r'l ty' of general Iitere.t * olitit ,.i. "'O inSil!.r ntl.i , io tlh ireonl, llulignilli S, write r Inlut firn ,i ltheiri l .il iiAine, even 'thuhbt.liaty hnl, t:a u ai ll drn (f Sqon faith. t(utt,'r ,,,t ,!i, 1 f ,,r tl ie,:tol' should h1 written o. nly c . n orene sr-.i.f the iheet, and to insuire in..eL JO t, ., m e a. k'a issue. oni ,intit i tilon. I -,il. rleal Ini tais oflice by evlnri, ¾I l.n:tlll I lf th lat w ek. Subsrel "!,,.. WIho fail toI reive their paper on tl'i'e aniii,i notify us without delay. iFFully prepared to do job work of every description. Washitngton News. Wasliinlgtoin, August 9, 1901. Tedr" l hloosevelt's Presidential boom arrivedl in Washi:'gton this week. It'was brought by republican inemberý of the Kansas Congression 1l delegation, who decnared that' the 7Kansas repullicans were for him and initeniidcll to do etverything they could to, get him nlliniliated. When it is considered that the administration is I "dleal o,,lI,oscd to RItosivelt and that those Congrl.sin niu w.ere in Washing ion alkileg ahliuiliitratio favors, it will hl seen that they had their nerve I along with them. It is true that I none of the ,ig !uis of the admiais tration were in town, and that the small-fl t, sullcl :,s ass:listant secret: iese, were :ifra:iil to tell those Con- I gressinen that t,?y were treading on t forhin grounlld, built the telegralh lines were in gooel working .order and t some of them fundl it out before 1 they left, and they will probably hear more about it before their applica- I lions for administration favors are I acted upon. Long Ixfore 1904, it I will be sure way for a republican to het ou the admiristration b!acklhst to declare himself in favor of Roose- c Fvelt's nomination. There is no longer I any doubt that thiere is a Roosevelt t machine i;nd that it is working for c strength in the West and South, i ignoring New York. where the Platt i machine makes it impossible fori RIoosevelt to hope to control the dele- 2 gation. Roosevelt's frieuds are point- a ing out that Cleveland was nominated t in 1892, although the New York t delegation was pledged to Hill. t Rear Admiral Robley I.' Evans- c "'Pghtlug fob"-'was this week farn. c ished by the Navy Department with ( copies otfthe two letters written .by I ex-Senator and ex.Secretary Chand. a )er, complaining of the manner gin t which he aid his administration of F the Navy Department are treated in a Admiral Evans' book, "A Sailor's r A WORTHY 8UOCf£SSO t "Something New Under The Sun." All Doctors have tried to cure FATARRItI by the use of powders, h 'id gases, inhalers and drugs in t: )ate form. Their powders dry up f the mucuous membra.nes causing c ihem to crack opeu apl bleed. The e werful acids used in the inhalers a ave entirely eaten away the same E hoembranes thiat their makers have kimed'to cure, while pastes and oint. mtenats cannot reach the disease. An bid and experienced practitioner who o has for many years made a close C ktudy ant specialty of the treatment te of CATARKH, has at last perfected at a Treatment which when faithfully 1 used, not only relieves at once, but w rrenoanently cures CATARRIl, by tl removing the cause, stopping the d discharges, and euiing all inflamma fe tion. It is the only remedy known ir o sciilice that arctually reaches the st ffilicted parts. This wonderful rem-. d bdv is known as "SNUFFLES the h UUARANTEEID CATARRil CURE" b jad is sold at the extremely low price h hlf One DLollar, each package contain. w ig internal and external medicine hi sufficient for a full month's treatment C and everything necessary to its per- at eet use. bi "SNUIFFIES" is the only perfect ot CATARRIJ CURE ever made and is di now reco'ngmed as the only safe and hi positive cute for that atr.oying and m disgusting disease. It cures all in a 'lammation quickly aid permanently lad is ilso wonderfully quick to A relieve HIAY FEVER or COLD in pe lHEAD. CATAtRII when neglected often tit leads to CONSM PTIOY-ON-SN UF. ar PLES" will save you if you use it at os 6nce. It is no ordinary remedy, but st h complets treatmnnt which is poll- ki ;:vely 'uaranteed to cure CATARRH be ill any fiorm or stage if used accord to tug to ibe directions which accoln th sany each package. Don't delay hut d end for 'it at once, anld write full pirttclars as to your conditiou, and c teu will receive special advice frcomn vi the diasebysrer of this wonderful rem- t edy regardin5, your ease without ctst e to oi teioud( the i"'gllaiar 1rice oif "SNUF .IK8" the "(;I'.RANTI'EEDt SAntiWr lai, Ao a tv address in the Inite ltaiies or C:;,nadla on receipt On "Dblihr. Address Dept. ('892 in kDtV L. GiIIKS & f'OIPAN'Y, o !330 in'd t32 liarkct Strect, [hiblj ria liphin * Log", and lie has gone out of town 1 for a fcw days. during which he will decide whther hlie will a-k for a ('onrt of Inquiry, or let Chandler go -- ahead and try to force the Navy ib. Department to order a court-nasrtial. B- tfore leaving Washington Admiral of0 Evans said: "1 have no idea ofr falling into MIr. Chandler's trap, by a entering upon a newspaper discussion o of his letters. I will only say that the only relatinos between 11r. Chan dler and myself are those of .private o citizens. Hle is not my supvrtiir, and - I woul, not take any ordels from a him. If he has charged me with I. (conduct iiunhecoming an ellicer and a g, ntleman, well-". As Admiral SEvans abruptly ended and turned on a his heel there was an expression on his face that was san thing bult loving. . Admiral Evans but touched upon the dirty politics of Chan'dler's rule over t the Navy Departinmnt, only referring ,- to his personal experiience, in his book, when there is material enough '! of the same sort, and worse, easily er accessible, io fill several books. Chandler's whole political life has been that of an un-crnpuloui partisan 'k who never forgot his own interests. Consequently he is a rich man, but he is likely also to be a sorry man be fore "Bob" Evans anJ his friends get through with him. Comment is being made on the marked discrepancy between the num al her of Filipinos who have been cap is tured or have surrendered and tlns in number of rifles- in an otficial doe - cument issued by the War Depart. 1e ment this week th ' total number of d Filipinos captured and surrendered is d giien as 41,029, while the total num, s her of ciles surrenclered and captured is is only 1,212. It cannot he that it 41,029 Filipinos were tighting with onlv 1,212 rifles. And if the surren it dered Filipinos have secreted their e rifl-s it indicates that they expect to It have use for them again. r It is now sa'd in Washington that e Senator MecLaurin's reward for trying t to organize a white man's republican t party in South Carolina, in addition n to the control of the Federal patron. li age of the State, is to be a seat on d the Federal bench for himself, after e his term in the Senate ends. ,r If the stories alleging that Mr. Mc t - Kinley has been convinced by the ,e popularity of Admiral Schley that he t has been greatly maligned by the s o Sampson clique in the Navy Depart, e o ment, and that it was by his express (1 - orders that oflicers who could be de r pended upon to give Admiral Schlcy It fair play were selected for members a ,r of the Court of Inquiry, be true, there c I, is one thing more that he should do, e ;t in the interest of fairplay, and that h r is to get a new Secretary of the Navy. ., - Secretary Long has been not onouslv ti t- anti Schley from the beginning of the p d trouble, and it is an open secret that k he will leave'no ofleial atone unttrnel ' to convict Schley of having disobeyed a - orders, as a failure to secure such It conviction will be practically a ver- ! b diet of marked unfairness against ft y himself. Ilowison, the now member aR L. of the .court, has bean a Sampson par. i o n tisan, if he is not now. f Senator Stewart, who has been on all I a sides of ever, question and who just a a now calls himself a republican, was tI . in Washington this week, whooping a things up for Senator FHanna, whom i he declared to be the logical rel)ubht. n candidate in 1904. If he and the other Ilanna shouters can only swell is Hanna's head sufficiently to make d him grab the nomination for him. n, e self, instead of putting up a figure- e I bead who will be under his control, s they will do the demc:rats a great al P favor. With IHanna for th" reputbli t(c can candidate the demoocrats could I e elect anybody on any platform, or on be Sno platform except opposition to r: H Bannaism and all it stands for. I n - - a A inister's Good Work. ha S"I had a severe attack of bilious >colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's L SColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Stook two doses and was entirely cured.' I says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, s r Kan. "My neighbor across the street ci I was sick for over a wick had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. lie used them for three ors four days without relief, then ,alled I in another doctor who treated him for is some days and gave him no relief, so om discharged him. I went over to see P him the next morning. He said his pm bowel were in a terrible fix, that they is Shad been running off so long that it fe was aliost bloody flux. I asked o him if he had tried Chamberlain's C,,li', Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy t and he said, 'No.' I went home and tb brought him my bottle and gave him o one dose; told him to take another at dose in fifteen or twenty minutes it in he did not find relief, but he took no re more and was entirely cured." For sale by Roth drug store. A Few Things He Can't Do A man cannot do two things at a ar time. But a woman will broil a steak n and see that the coff-e does not boil l over and watch that the cat does not b steal the remnant of the meat on the i kitcheLn table and dre-s the youngest ev boy, and set the table, and see to the a toast, and stir the oatmeal, and give sh the orders to the butcher. and she can do it'all at once and not half try. nlu Man has doae w',ndeirs since he il came before the pablie. lie has nus- of vigated the ocean, he has i.enetrat&dl arI the' mysteries of the starry heavens; he has harnessed the waterfalls, and be maic them light the great cities of ne the' worcl. But he can't find a reel of thread in his wife.'s work basketu; lie can't dsc'over her pocket in a dress hang. t ing in the wa:drth.le; ie c:anunot O1 t''tllthe4 al l ut littnm on the inc irihlit end up. II,' iann)t holl pC Egst in his mnouth w e hi' lid' is duing II, The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in usm for over 30 years, has borne the signature fe and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infaney. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as.good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare. gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium," Morphine nor other Nareotle substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpation a and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You ave Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ThU cENAmur OSEuaM. t uMurR SYE. NEWYr O either. He cannot sew on a button. In short, he cannot do a hundred things that women do almost instinoc tively.-Buffalo Enquirer. "My bahy was terribly sich with the diarrhoea," says J. H. Doak, of Williams. Oregon. "We were unable to cure him with the doctor's assis tance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to say it gave immediate relief and a cemplete cure." For sale by Roth drug store. A friend called in at our office and asked us what kind of a town l1t Crowley, La., is it as hu tliug and enterprising as Alexandrin ? We have never bween to Crowley and could not ans.wer our friendl'a ques tion, but we Ianded l un the leading r'ap'rs from the two places. lHe scanned the p iges awl said Crow, .y, was far the la6t place. On being asked why he had decided that Crow Icy was the hst town, he replied : "Whv the Crowley paper is ch,,ck full of good, c'can local advertising, and that is what shows the character of a town.'"-Winnfleld Sentinel. Ruston taxpayers are paying an annual assessment of 40 mills, but then they are buiiliung an,.late mod'l ru city, and think "bread cast. upon the waters will return after many days."-Bienville Bell. Yes, brother, and every man that is a man has a pride in his town's development, and every one wh"º is not a mere notch on a stick feels enough local I.ride in Ruston to spend three times forty mills if such an amount is necessary to keep the town going as she is now headed. Ruston has "come to stay," and woe be unto the man who does aught to retard her progress. All we need i now is a few more of the bigheaded land bighbearted men such as we now I have, and Ruston will ask no of ny, city in North Louisiana.-Ruston Leader. Mr. Leon Dreyfus has this year successfully experimented with the I canning and preserving of pure Louisiana cane syrup, and it is now being retailed in the local market in i small packages of quart size at the rate of 80c pei gallon. The article is as perfect and delicious as when originally put up. This test is a practical demonstration that under proper treatment, this famous Louis. iana product can be preserved from fermentation. This accomplished, it opens up for it a field of 5immense possibilities, as millions of gallons of it can be thus put up and marketed the year round, whereas at present only a few hundred thousand gallons are marketed during the winter months and early spring in a very restricted market -Iberia Enterprise. Fashions For The St6ut. The general run of fashion plates are the despair of those women whom nature has decreed for stoutness, or whom time has snowed with gray hair. Many fashion cuts show an impossible svlph.hke form of women I everlastingly youthful. THE DELIN; EATOR, whose long career of success I shows that it meets time needs of women, contains in the September t number a special article, carefully illustrated and devoted to the attire of stout and elderly women. This article, with its practical, useful ad vice about fatbrics and quantities, will be appreciateid I: those who are neither slim nor under twenty one. ie newspaper best sted to~yr wats a b the New Orleans Picayune. It has allf the war, political and general news of each day, and its Market Reports are strictly impartial and trustworthy. Daily Edit:on, $3 for 3 montis. Twice-a.Week Edition (asued Mondays and Thursdays), Ia year. CiveThe Picayune a trial. CHARTER. OF "The Cleophas Lagarde Co., Limited., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. I E IT KNOWN, THAT ON THIS First day of the month of August in the year of Our Iord One Thousand Nine Hfundred and One, and of the In dependence of the United States of America, the One Hundred and Twenty Sixth year. Before L me, Henry N. Coulon, a Notary Publia, duly commissioned, qualified I and sworn fn and for the Parish of La fourche, and otate of Louisiana, and in i the presence of the witnesses herein after named and undersigned, PELSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED: lst. 'Mr-. Aglone Lejeune, widow of the late ('!A ph s Lagarde, 2nd.--Emma A. Laarrde. wife of legaal age of E. A. O'Sullivan, hy whom sie is herein duly aided, a 'ao;rized and assisted, 3rd. Albert J. Lagarde, 4th.-Nellie M. L e arde, wife of legal age of Benton J. )'orct, by whom, here present, she is duly aided, authorized and assisted, 5th.--Laura a. Langarde, a f t sole of legal arle, ith.--llla LawSrde, also a teme sole of legal age, 7th.-Philip La garde, a major, and 8th.-Fernand H. Laga:rd, also a major, all residents of the Parish of Lafourehe, and State of Louisiaua, except Mr. and Mrs. E. A. O'Sullivan who reside in the City of New Orleans. Louisiana, who severally declared that availing themselvesof the laws of the State of Louisiana relative to the formation of corporations for cer tain purposes (Act 3i of 1888,) and being desirous of acquiring and enjoying the rights, privileges and powers if a body corporate anti politic in law, they have contracted and agreed, and they do by these presents contract and agree and Lind themselves, as well as such other l.rsons as may hereafter become asso ciated with them to form a body politic i:i law for the purposes and objects, and under the stipulations and conditions following, to-wit: ARTICLE I. The name and title of this corporation shall be "THE CLEOPHAS LAOARDE COMPANY, LIMITED, and its domi cile is hereby declared to be in the town of Thibodaux, in the Parish of La. fourche, State of Louisiana. ARTICLE II. The objects and purposes of this cor poration are hereby declared to be the carrying on of the business of planting, cultivating and manufacturing into Sugar and other products tropical sugar cane or beets, the planting and cultiva tion of cane and other agricultural pro ducts; also the purchase of sugar cane or beets and the manufacture of game into sugar, molasses and other products; the purchase of cane or beet syrups and the manufacture of same into sugar or molasses: the contracting for the evap orating of cane or beet juice in order to manufacture same into sugar and mo lasses; the purchase and sale of real estate, buildings and plants for the pur poses aforesaid, the building and opera ting of tram ways, railways, barges, steamboat or flatt0oat lines for the tran sportation of sugar cane or beet sugars and molasses and other freights, or syrup from sugar cane or beets in tanks, and otherwise to or from their Sugar Factories on Leighton Plantation, Meleod Plantation or any other plan tation or plantations they may acquire, or to intermediate points; also to con struct, operate and maintain all the necessary plants, buildings and mach inery to carry out the above objects and purposes, and generally to do all things necessary or incidental to the conduct of a planting business and the operating of a centrgl factory for the purposes above mentioned. ARTICLE III. The capital stock of said corporation is hereby declared to be one hundred and fifty thousand Dollars, divided into One hundred and fifty shares of one thousand dollars each, payable at such time and in such manner as the Board of Directors may provide. ARTICLE IV. The husiness affairs of said corpora tion shall be aulministered by a Hoard of Directors not to exceed Five in num ber. Said Board to be elected annually on the first Wednesday of March of each year after the expiration of the term of officers herein fixed. A failure to elect, however, from any cause shall not work a forfeiture of this charter I but a second election shall be called when the old Board shall be snfficient to elect the Board. The Board of Direc- ] tors shall have the power to fill all va cancies occuring in their number. The Directors shall elect from their body a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and Treasurer, and the said Directory and officers shall hold their offites until their successors are duly elected and, qualilled. At all elections each share of t stock shall be entitled to one vote, to be cast in person, or by proxy, and all1 elections shall be by ballot. Until the first Wedunesday of March 19t11 the first Hoard of Directors shall c,,msist of the following named persons: Albert .I. i.zarde, President; Ihilip Lagarde, 4 Vi' .:-Prcsidlnt; Fernand ILagarde, Nec retary and Treasurer; ienton .l. Foret. A RTICLE V. Ti,. -aid corporation shall have and ( use a common seal, and have power tI sue and he sued; and legal process sh~; be served on the President, and "" event of his absenee from the Yf { the domicile of the corporrtiortn,.t l the Vice-President and on the t bhe | of the V'ce-President, upon the Seere tary. The said corporation may also purchase. hold and convey, mortgage and hypothecate and lease real and per sonal property, and shall have corpo rate existence for the term and period of Ninety-nine years from the date of these presents. ARTICLE VI. The Board of Directors shall have power generally to supervise the busi ness of the corporation:. to adopt gen eral rules for its conduct; to contract for the purchase of machinery, the con struction of buildings, tram-ways, rail ways, the purchase of barges, steam boats and other things and apparatus incident to the purpose and objects of enterprises set forth in article Three of this charter; also, the fixing the price of cane, cane Juice and syrup: also the price for evaporating the same into sugar and other products; fixing the salary of officers, defining by general rules the expenses of the corporation, and provide for such assistants and su perintendents as may be necessary to carry out the executive business of the corporation, and generally to adopt such by-laws, rules and regulations as may be necessary for the good conduct and management of the affairs of the corporation. It shall have power by unanimous vote of all the Directors to mortgage or pledge the property or ef fects of the corporation, as th3 case may be. Three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but no business other than the regular administrative affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by the Board at other than regular stated meetings, unless notice be given to the members of the Board of the extraordi nary business to be conducted and tran sacted at the extraordinary meeting. Any stockholder shall have the right to be present at the nmeetinr of the Board and participate therein,-but shall not vote. No person shall be qualified to be a Director of this Corporation unlesa he owns at least one share of stock of the corporation. ARTICLE VII. The President shall have general su pervision of the administrative affairs of the corporation; he shall preside at all meetings of the Board and shall deal directy with the executive officers of the corporation; he shall be the mana ger of the finances and of the improve ments to the property of the corpors tion. He is vested with the power, granted by the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, to borrow money for the business of the corporation; to make and subscribe notes in represent ation of the loans so contracted, to en dorse notes for discount, and shall have full power to pledge any personal prop 'j erty of the corporation, as set forth in Article Six (6) of this Charter. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the corporation, which funds shall be deposited in such bank or banks as may be decided on by the Board of Directors. The checks to be drawn on the funds of the corporation shall be signed by the President or 9 Vice-President and countersigned by t the Secretary. The Board of Directors I at any time, shall, by majority vote lhave the right tosuspendany employee, f superliftendent, manager, or other sub P orainate otlicer of the corporation, or the same may he done in accordance with such by-laws, rules and regula tions as may be adopted by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VIII. The Vice-President shall exercise the functions of the President in case of the latters inability to act or in his absence. f - ARTICLE IX. The Secretary shall have charge of . the xc)oks of the corporation in which r shall be kept accounts of the revenues and eýi.endttures of the business. These books and record of the corporation shall be subject to the inspection of any Smember of the Board of ])irectors and I of any stockholder who may so desire. r At the end of every year, after paying 6all the debts of thle corporation, a sug cient amount shall be laid aside to carry on the business of the corporation the following year. The surplus, if any, shall be di'vided among the stockholders in proportion to their stock. ARTICLE X. No stockholder shall be liable or res ponsible for any sum beyond the amount of his subscription, and he shall be subject to no further call, and shall in no way be liable for any of the debts C of the corporation. All creditors must F look to the corporate property for their ; demands; nor shall any mere informal Ity of organisation have the effect of rendering this charter, or of exposing any stockholder to any liability beyond the amount of his subscription. A ARTICLE XI. 1 At all meetings of stockholders, a majority shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE XII. It shall not be lawful for any stock holder to dispose of any share or shares of the capital stock of this corporation C without offering same to the said cor- ' poration and giving it the preference of purchasing same at its face value, and only upon the refusal of the said corpor ation to purchase the same, will the transfer of such share orshares be auth- C orized to be made upon the books of the a' corporation. 51 ARTICLE XIIL The corporation shall not be dissolv ed, nor this charter altered or amended except by consent of three-fourths of the capital stock. P ARTICLE XIV. Whenever this corporation is dissolv- ed, either by limitation, or from any cause, its affairs shall he liquidated by three commissioners to be appointed from among the stockholders at a gen- I) eral meeting of the same convened after SI ten days' prior notice to the stockhold- - ers hy letter to their address, and by , publication in one of the news papers published in the Parish of Lafourche. The sid liaquidting commissioners shallremain in office until their fune- 8 tions are fully discharged; provided that this shall not be for more than six - months. Any vacancy in their number shall be filled by a meeting of stock holders called for that purpose. ARTICLE XV. This corporation shall begin business this day, and the capital stock may be inereased by vote of the stockholders. Thus done and passed, on the day, month and year first above written, in the Parish of Lafourche, in the presence of Messrs. Nell Newell and Charles J. (onlon, residents of the Parish of La fourche, good and eompetent witnesses, who have asigned these presents with I the parties and me, Notary, after due I reading hereof, and translation in the french language. Witnesses: NEIL. NEWErL. CiHAs. J. Col: o. I (Signed) ALotNE ,LAoARow, ALasRTJ. LACARDE, O EMMA A, O'SULLIVAN, L NELLIE M. FOREiT, LAURA C. LAoARnoE, L~I.IA LAGARDE, ( PHILIP LAGARDBe,. F. H. LAoARaD3, To aid, assist and authorise my wife O Mrs. E. A. O'lullivan, E. A. O'SULLIVAN, To aid, asist and authorise my wife Mrs. B. Foret. B. J. FonaRTr. HENRY N. COULOe, Notary Publice. BTATE OF IAUISIAN A, PARISI! OF LAFOURCHE. I, the undersigned C(lerk of court and Ex-Oflcio lRcorder do hereby certify that the within aml forevoiu" is a true K and correct cLopy of tile original on file "o and of reurnl it Mli<ee.llannouis IHook No.7 folios l,' it seq. of my titce, Au gnUt 3, 15)I / ( - In TeTsim, n- whmereof, witnee ..< my hultl anl seal of ()Olikce, at S1Thiodax, l(an., thi. 'rd day of Autgust A. D. 151. Re C('... I. liAnKEia, A C:lrerk and Rltecordler of the Parish of lea lafourche. 3" be of I D CDZ i- I r- ~ - I ny and poetic minstrely. We are headquarters for all kin of Musical Instruments a GET MRRIED You want Ome andsome and stylish Wedding Invi. oftatons. Weeavn suit you. hOure beStore is the central o kffice for all messages of inspiring harmo headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instrum0 nts H. N. J. Knoblochn, WHEN rOU M and stylin Wedding Invi.2 The bast assorted atock THE SENTINEL, 0I00 o Prniture lain St. Philip. 6t, Louis 8treets. H.UR N. CoulonT. Market Ntll.A. Alway eon hand the best at Beef. Mutton ort, Veal, d Sasages obat,l ap and not "Choice wis ad liquors, fine eigars alway n d. or. Gree d Marke t andtreat preAlways on hand Pt e b est e. Mutto, Upok, Vead ntal Shungles. alt. 1 k ddlr. and h·rness. Blacksmiting and horte hoing spee i bod!ty. , EYER, DR8. A. J. & l. E.o. Plyhieell qanod Srneom. is Propetors of Mever Drug Store. Main 'treet Thibohz. l~V. E. Bailey. Manager. RoTHI DUT CO., L't'. lsrmrgils. Drugs, Chemcaloo Perfumery, School bSnkn Stataloery, etc. Coor. Main &rGreen .treet i 8treaet. between St. Phip and St. Louis., DENTISTSB. LANCHARD, (D. D...), J. . Deatis. Coner Green and St.l Bridget Stre at ATTORNE'TSd -LAW BADEAUX, Tio IA8 A., Aateraeylat.Law. Bank of Lamonche builtdinug OWELL & MAWn IlN, Atterseys at law. Rooms 5S 6, 7, Dask of Thisdana Buildalln KbnOU BCLOA.A AtTrrll e r* -Oiee.: Bank builtding. Fesnee entm ' EDUCATIONAL. -OL, EMMANUEL, NIMasele Teacher Give !ustrnmlusantal, voal and ltar.meny lee son.. Residence: Levee Street. AilGIS, PROF. L. M. Nelect Meheel obrs Beys. Eglish nmud Frencb in all their braniches an Mthematia~ 'iat, t. Narrow street, foot o i. Iathoael Stret~. lONT CARMEL CON VENT. A AcadeLmr for oes l.adies Kept by the rister, of Mount Cai,,el. Thor "ugh eonrs. English and French. F.ot oi Market treret. C.t)ULO'. II. N. NOtary Pubtile. Real Estate and Fire and lni.. Inamnsne. Aent. Propeties bohanght nd sold. Mmte, loaoed ald borrmowe Hank aof Lahotr bualailug. tl-WYi h li K1'. Aqarc* r Inr if 0 VEA Anyone mnding a sketch sad $ tlmtldei in o Pto this Office. Satisfacto son every county to represent Irg company of solid financtal reputatno Sdeufk R rkaL 3 shandomelary Ulper yeatedyble weeklyek each Saton ourday any e xpense on advanend youeach Job PrintiANDAg to this O2626ffice. atisfacto S oaranteed. R' TED.-Cabable, reliable per son in every county to representlargs company of solid financial rt.putatomn $936 salary per year. payable weekly; 3 per olleay absolutely snre nd all eGradatpenses, strold leadight, boo ide dn t salary. no comn missi peon; alary paid each Saturday anetd expense mo advanced eacht eek. STANDARD HOUSE, 33o 4 DEARBON ST.. B Csi me_ 00. 26-26a ~tAmee aden llet wit core. s iaeludrhew g see..oa .g sad iu t pe.'oe, lo aay1oer¶s. Colet fear coldbank and wholesale line of the highest grade l eter mackeountryo. es. al personal. Erous J. BRAe, oeep.ea beingFor job printing of kinds, bave superior advaniages seuon or e tthe ituatons. FRA or BAR c d e ou CoaQO8te tTQ BARLtW & SalrrlVIv mmissitu on do ete han epAD De books in the latest labL SusineW o n eu lied with bookTeepe and sade MOLatl wites-. tDo not feaer cold and rain Thibodaux Shoe and Rat Stote has line of the highest gr ade watLr mackentosbdes. EIOLE J. BRADS , Prnp. For job printing of all kinds, I1. L dOUIS AU I FRANK O3ARKE SPQQRNI8T0 DARE&U $ Um p$) Commission Merohan AND DEALER IN ALL COUNTRY PRODUC WUOTTON SUGAR MOLASSES El POTATOI, EGGS, HONEY H1[ S. WAI, NTW WOOL 'IllIES NV N119 DECATUR STA NEW ORLEAWS. LA. LT OF BEA UDVANTT POMALL O SIGNMKrTa Choice fresh beet, pork, vel, muLto d Caeasae rend ,aantrl ea hand. utuastod on the Railroad. gnoraer 'te. 1ar re, sad of easy ee from all prtl LSd Ha LANo ASTEo, wt Electrical , ifbrk, ia t, cate Teljphone Line Oand Plantation Sy a le, es. Ele trio Bell, Fire + aPd all Electricalf.l elfier.+._ TC HOLD A. LTA. N. T-S BOiU, PROPRIETOR. --