Newspaper Page Text
4 1 iUBBCRIBE FOR.'j 1 m~/~f ...In The ýentlnl. *mL QOiioial Joaiaal o fhe 1.ziah of Lafourohe £a C'3*Zdiau of the Iatoeres of the Tow. Vol. 38. THIBODAUX, LA., AUG. 24, 1901. No. 5 'Railroad Schedule. of TAP R '.aiiway Co.. lefoutche ýTý sad Port AU.. o New LAWooacUs BRaNCS. 1,a, I Duosidsounve. La. at:l/ a. a . Arrives at i:40 a. a. /4b gp m" Leaves at e:1 p. a. MAIN LiNa. Ia. I Doaaldsomle. La. aseeo. 1 I I0ol p. I Arrives at l:at a. p. 3 a:16 a.m . I Arrives at l1: a. m. "ýas:at a m. I Laves at 4:41 a. m. a /:15 p. m. Leaves at lop.m. M' A*u.zV & New Roses BMtacn. at slip 1a Arrives at 5:1e p. a. at Iu s p. a ILeaves at :1 a. m. pýJUQAL POINTERS g Kdward Perrin, of New Ot. Sspeat lst Sunday here. Oý>alaOREA.ý Mr. Arthur Lagarle siwnt last gesday In town oi business. I. A. Delaune of Lockport spent eral days in town this week. Mr. P. B. Percy, of the Lobdell & hC 0o. Ltd., left yesterday for a M avisit In North louisiana. Neners Camille Richard and Paul ea Lockport were is our amidst dg Mommay. amr/ Men F. A. Von Phul, of Lake pAues, is waiting her mother, Nra. , Alberti, at the Hotel Schriever. his Bertha Riviere is entertaining lbps Amelie Coignet and Bertha S.e Aral. -I p gestive weakness, nervous. ple in the side, flatulence, die g wakefulness, headache and . assoylsg aecompaniments of 8iRBINE is a prompt u isqeslaed remedy. Price, 50 for sale be Thibodaux drug ;as Jules Hoffman has as her bhgs tois week her sisters, Misses Aum sad Ceoile Faq'iet. igtgages hot weather is a great 'Jet epos the digestive power of bs. 1swhes pesy and feeble they Id be ves a dose of WHITE'S B31MIPU1GR. Price, 25 sacs by Thibodaue drug IMr Ilberd Adorno, of New Or msge several days with Mr. J. A'0 sad family. Mr Iee. Ledst of Lockpoet made a w y in town this woek on Mlsws of health require that the move osos etch day aad ones of for violating this law 'le Isp your bowels regular by a duse of Chamberlaina's Stom. Uver Tablets when necessary will never have that severe Iinleted upom sou Price, ite. Por sale by Roth drug 'sao Drels representing the d Deels A&Griser was here on' last week to submit a bid of arnival foats, but was Taylor I eattle, of the .rm sad Beattle, spent several lake Charles on legal buai. seat people want is some. Willsad gentle, when in need Chamberlaln's Stomach ?sbletsfihl the bdilto adot. *e.or sale by Roth drug' Albert Goguenhiem of Morgas ilra ObsCas. Moore of NewI have bees in our midst saine Pashies Leadry of New Or. lbeha the nexrsion last Sun paooled by her brother, Mr. mb** a eaei ame day. __ itJa to your advsktage to keep an account with the Bank of Thibodaux, La. o-t is a strong, careful, safe, liberal, prompt, accurate and successful titutton. is a growing, active progressive, up-to-date bank in every parti account will be arecated by the bank, and your interests w4bil aha stee!l vaut a modern burglar proof safe, in which to keqp your funds and papers, also has a night watchman, the year through '4Ihy depositor is a welcome visitor at the bank. i.4his bank studies the needs of its customers, and properly takes are of them whether their business is large or small. t-t does an exclusive and extensive banking and consequently no body can serve you better. 1 iin raposition to make good investments for you, to collect your drafts or notes, sad attend to your basking wants generally. -its dealings with al customers are absolutely confidential, and it is always ready to assist and advise. IZCAUSZ you can ask fet better treatment than this bak w BANK OF THIBODAUX. What A Tale It Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, it's liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Life PiliM regulate the liver, purity the blood, give clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. Only 25v at All druggists. Mrs. J. Deehaux of Algiers is the guest of Mr. M. Capella and family. Miss Olive Martin is entertaining Miss LeBoeuf of Algiers. Mr. Justin C. Daspit, of New Ibex ria, a recent graduate, and class vale. dictorlan of the law department of Tulane University was amongst us this week In the interest of the State Univetsity, which is his "Alma Ma. ter." Notice to the Public. The public is hereby notified that I illt not be responsible for any debts incurred by the Lugger J. (Galjour. 4-4t, FaANcoIs DsaAMxS. Drainage Commissioners. Governor Heard last Saturday signed the commissions of Messrs. Wilson Lepine and Edward Caitloset is drainage commissioners of the Third Drainage District of this parish, just previous to his departare for the Pan-American Exposition. After the necessary formalities have been gone through an eleetins will be held in that distri*.t to impose a special tax for the purpose of dredging a canal to better the draining of the fertile lands of that section of the parish. NASHVILLE, Taan., June 12. 1885. Dr. U. J. Mouser, St. Louis, Mo. lean truly say that your TEETHINA is the greatest blessing to teething children that the world has ever kn3wn. I have used it two years, and do not like to be without a box all the time. My baby would hardly have lived through his second sum mer if I had not used y'our powders He is now strong and well, and has all his teeth. I never allow an op. portunity to pass without recommend ing TICETHINA to mothers. May God reward you for the good you have done teething babies through this remedy. Eespectfully, Mrs. A. G. RUSSELL Born. To Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Riche, a boy. To Mr. nud Mrs. Lac Baye, a girl. The Moss Ginnery. We are informed that the stock for the Moss Glanery is being liberally subscribed for. A lot in a most der sirable place in town has already been secnred by the promoters, therefore, let all those who intend to take stock do so at ones. This enterprise will benefit the town in more than one way, in particular the merchants, and to them we say if they have not al. ready takes stock they should do so at once, and let us have a moss gin. nary by all means. ý.S Louisiana Day. Loulsiana day, at the Buffalo Pan. American Exposition was celebrated with pomp sad grandeur last Wed nesday. Over Four Hundred Louis. Ilanans were present. Many people from Lafourehe attended the celebra tdon, their belng fully fifteen of our people now at the exposition. Mr. U.S8. Mathews of Bacelsad represen. ted Lefourche on the Governors stafl and occupied a seat on the platform. 0ov. Heard delivered a long and In teresting address that was well re ceived and at the conclusion of which the band played "Dixie" midst the cheers of the enthusiastic audience. Prof. Fortler followed with a french address, "Our Creoles" to which the audience gave much attention. Con gressmans Brousesrd, who was aslo to make an address on the occasion was unable to oltend. ORDINANCE NO. 1. Whereas, one third of the qualified electors and property tax paers of Drainage District No. 3, of this Parish, have fled a petition in writing with the Commissioners of said Drainage Dis trict No. 3, wherein they set forth that theiv desire to incur debt and issue ne gotlabe bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand dollars: the said bonds to run for a period of Forth years,commeneing with the first day of January, 1901, and bearing five per cent per annum inter est, payable annually, for the purpose of effectively and thoroughly draining the lands comprised in said Drainage1 District No. E, and to that end and for that purpose pravin¶ that the Commis sioners ofor aid 'Drainage District call an election in accordance with 1gw and submit to the property tax payers of said Drainage District No. 3, who are qualified electors a proposition to levy and assess a special tax on the assessed valuation of all taxable property situa ted in said Drainage District No. 3, of FIVE mills on the dollar, the said spe cial tax to run for Forty years, com mencing January, 1st., 1901. Be it ordained by the Drainage Com missioners of Drainage District No.3, of the Parish of Lafourche Louislana, in meeting assembled and by virtue of the power and authority vested in us by the Constitution and Laws of Louis iana, that we, the said Commissioners issue a proclamation calling and order ing a special election to be held in said Drainage District No.3, for the purposes hereinabove set forth, on Tuesday, the First day of October, A. D. 1901, and it is furthe ordered that said pro clamation shall set forth the same poll ing places as already established by the Police Jury of this Parish for regular elections and shall also name the Com missioners and clerks, who shall serve at said special election, and. Be it further ordained, etc., that the commissioners shall meet on the Satur day following said election at the Court House in the Clerk's Office of this Par ish, at the hour of 10 O'clock A. M. when sad where they shall proceed to open the ballot boxes, examine and count the ballots in number and value examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the said special election, and should said examination, count and canvass show a majority in number and value of the duly qualified electors and tax payers of said Drainage District No.3, have voted in favor of the levy of said above mentioned spe cial tax of five mills, then the said com missioners shall proceed to adopt an or dinance levying said tax of five mills and for the period asked for by said electors and as set forth in every parti cular herelnabove. Adopted Aug, 23rd, 1901. L. A.TaoscLAma, Taos. H. Rozes, Secretary, President. Notice and Proclamation of Election. Whereas, one third of the qualified electors and property tax payers of Drainage District No. 8 of the Parish of Lafourche, lying and being and extend ing from the upper line of the Parish, left bank of Bayou Lafourche, to the lower line of the Laural Valley Planta tion, including Upper and Lower Chou plc, Ohaekbay as lar down as the lower line of the Choutean plantation and in cluding also the Bayou Cabanossi to its mouth at Bayou Boeuf, have filed a petition in writing wit', the Commis sioners of said District No. 3, wherein they set forth that they desire to incur debt and issue negotiable bonds to the amount of Fifty Thousand dollars, the said bonds to run for a period of Forty years, commencin with the first day of January, 1901 and bearing five per cent per annum interest, payable annually, for the purpose of effectively and thour oughly draining the lands comprised in said Drainage District No. 3, and to that end and for that purpose they pray that the Commissioners for said Drainage District call and order an election in accordance with law and snhmit to the property tax-payers of said Drainage District No. 3, who are qualified electors, a proposition to levy and assess a spe cial tax on the assessed valuation of all taxable property situated in said Drain age District No. 3, of five mills on the dollar the said special tax to run for a period of For ears, commencing Nwitherefore, we the under~ned Drainage Commissioners of said Drain age District No. 8, by virtue of the pow er and authority vested in us by the Constitution and laws of Louisiana, and by virtue of a resolution and Ordinance passed by us on the Hird, day of Aug, 1901. authorising this notice and pro clamation, do by thesa presents order that a special election be held in said Drainage District No 3 for the purposes hereinabove set forth, onTuesday the 1st day of October, 1901, and it is further ordered that the polligmlaces, commis sioners of election erks shall be as hereinbelow designated, and that all polls shall open at the hour of seven o'clock a. m. and close at five o'clock p. m. The undersigned Commissioners of the said Drainage District No.38 will in opn session to be held at the Court Hose i the Clerk's Ofieof the parish of Laforche on the 5th, day of October, 1901 at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. pro ceed to open the baliot boxes, examine and count the ballots in number and value, examine and canvse the returns and declare the result of said election. The following shall be polling places, the Comamissioners and Clerks of Elec tion: Ward 5, Precinct No. I, Shall extend from the upper line of the Parish, left bank, eighy arpents back, to the upper line of MsR. La Pugh's Live Oak plan tation, with polling place at or near Felix Delatte's Store Commissioners-Lucien Troselair L. J. Troeclair, Felix Delatte, Clerk 8aas tien Haydel. Ward 5, Precinct No. 2, shall extend from the upper line of the Live Oak plantation, with a depth of eighty ar penis, to the upper line of the collins plantation now owned by Drauzin Can cenene, wiih polling place at or near the stare formerly owned by H. N. Coulon, now known as the Abby Store. tCommissloncrs-.Chares [eche, Deug. las Thibodaux, Taylor Lejeune, Clerk John Leehe. Ward 5, Precinct No. 3, shall extend from the upper line of Dransai Can dleane's place to the lower line of the Laurel Valley Plantation, with pollinp p lace at or near Leo J. Boudresauxs 8tore. Conmmissioners-tao J. Boudreaux Cyprien M~ancienne, Alexandre Toups, Clerk ID. IL. Iapeyrousse. Ward 'I, Pret-inct No. I, shall extend from the uapper line of lthe Parish, in the rear of Police Jury Ward No. 5 to the Grand Bayou Bridge, with polling place at or near Onesippe chiasson', on the Cheebay Ridge Settlement. t'ontmissioners-Fdward ('sillouet1 J. T. 'aillouet, onesippe ('hisason, Clerk Theobald Cros. Ward ii, Precinct No. 2, shall extend from the bridge over Grand Bayou to the lower line of the A. A. Laforest place, formerly, with polling place at or near Victor cadre's resflenee. CommissionersLovincy Itodrigue, Jean Rodrigue, Valcour Rodrigue, Clerk Auguste Tonap. Thos. H. Boosa, Awexua J. Tours. L.A. Taosci.aza, W. LarIxx, Es. CAmLOotTrTr, Commissioners of Drainage District No. 5, Parish of Lafourche. Coal To Oil. Work has been in progress at the Power House, this week making the the necessary changes so as to use oil for fuel. There will be several burners and also a place to use coal as it is now, so that if thi supply of oil falls short coal can be again re. 'sorted to. The oi will be kept in a tank near the power house, adl a pipe line has been arranged so that the ail can be transferred from the car tank at the depot to the storing tank at Power House. A double sup ply will always be kept on hand so that if fuel fails to come in, on day on which it is due or is iS anyway delayed it will cause no delay. )ass.e t ts si Rif 1w ha p of Tale Of A Stamp. I'm a stamp A postag. stamp A two center; Don't want to brag, But I was never Licked. Except once; By a gentlemen, too; lie put meon To a good thing; It was an envelope Perfumed, pink, square; I've been stuck on. That envelope Ever since; lie dropped us The envelope and me Through a slot in a dark box; But we were rescued By a mail clerk, More's the pity; He hit me an awful Smash with a hammer; It left my face Black and blue; Then I went on a long Journey Of two days; And when we arrived The pink envelope and me We were presented To a perfect love Of a girl, With the stunningest pair Of blue eyes The ever blinked: Say, she's a dreamt Well, she mutilated The pink envelope And tore one corner Of me off With a hairpin; Then she read what Was inside The pink envelope, I never saw a girl blush So beautifully! I would be stuck On her-if I could. Well, she placed The writing back in the pink envelope; Then she kissed me. Oh, you little godlets I Her lips were ripe As cherries, And warm As the summer sun. We The pink envelope and me Are now Nestling snugly In her bosom: We can hear Her heart throb: When it goes fastest She sakes us out And kisses me. Oh, say, Th's is great I I'm glad I'm a stamp A twocenter. Ohio State Journal. &ccount 8th. destrnct Church Ass. ociation Meeting, Alexandria, La. August 28th, 29th, anal 30th, 1901. For this meeting we will sell round trip ticket. at rate of a fare and a third for the round trip, August 27th and 28th, Imaited to August 31st, 1901lfor retura. Omo.TNwAL, Ticket Agent T. & P. Ry. Co. lie aepspap best sualk soyrniwas b th New orbse.. Piea~rsea. Is hss as the war, peakial sad gamirsl sews of sash day, sad iha Mareta Raposts mr wlrkly Ihaeatll sad trussvorthy. DUlly Edklds. $3 Suor imndems. TwhsssaWesh Edhies (aseed Meadays and Theaedays) $8 syssea. Gin The Peess a ti ORDIN ANCE. NO. An ordinance granting a right of way over the public roads of the Parish of Lafourche to certain persona for the establishing, equipping and operating of an eletric passenger and freigh railway and I~ght and power aerve. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of the Parish of Lafoiirehe, Sec. 1. That, with a view of giving to the pole of the Parish of Lafourche the bnefits of rapid transportation for fretght and passengers, and of electric light and power, NHessrs. L. H. Laneas. tsr, Dr. H. 8. Smith and Thomas A. Ba eaxof the Parish of latourche. and C. P. ton, of the eity of New OrIeas their asciaes sneesseora sad aseigns are hereby given and granted a right of wyover the public roads of the Parish of Lafoerche. for the establishment, equipping and o~rating of an electric railway, sad I tsand power service, frthe.arrBe ii furthr ordalied, ihat t he said right of way in giesa and gran Ited, under the following condftAons, to wit: First. That the said persons above named, their associates, successors and assigns shall, during the term of this franchise, maintain the public roads of this Parish, over which their right of way shall extend, in a thoroughly satis factory condition, the Polle Jury to he the sole judge as to when that condition shall have been complied with. Second. That in constructing the said road, the rails shall be so laid as not to project above the level of the public rosi more than one inch, at any one point, and the gauge shall be four feet, eight and a half iches, (the present Standard (iauge.) Third. That rails of not less than for ty pounds per yard shall be used, and permission is hereby granted to use the T. Rail. The right is reserved by the Police Jury to designate what portion of the public road shall be occapied by the railway tracks. Fourth. That fares on said road shall not exceed five cents for each five miles travelled, or fraction thereof. School children travelling to and from school shall be charged one half of the above rates. Fifth. That separate cars, or separate compartments in cars shall be main telaedt for the esparatton of the white ani colored races in traveilling. Sixth. That work shall be commen ced within one year from the date of this ordinance, and shall be completed within three years therefrom. Other wise, this franchise shall be nall and void. Seventh. That the intervals between the running of the ears or trains shall not exceed thirty minutes during the day, from six A. tenP. M.Night service shall be inch as public require ments shall demand. Eighth. That the speed of the cars or trains shall not exceed twenty five miles per hour. Ninth. That the cost of power sup plied shall not exceed ten dollars per Horse Power, per month. Ten hours per day and twenty six working days shall constitute a month's work. light service shall not exceed twenty cents per thousand Watts. Tenth. That service shall be con tinuous. under penalty of the annul ment of this franthise, unless stoppage of service be due to causes beyond the control of the grantees of this right of way. Eleventh. That the police power of this Police Jury over he public roads shall, in no manner be Impaired af fected or deemed to be surrendered by the stipulations of this ordinance Twelfth. That the poles for the trans mission of power shall be so construc ted as not to interfere with the public traffic, or with the drainage of the roads. No wire shall be erected at a distance less than eighteen feet from the level of the road. See. 3. Be it further ordained, that this ordinance shall take effect from, sand after its psassage, subject, however to the diiinof the Courts as to the rights of this jury in the premises. Adopted August 14th, 1901.. H. N. CovUon, J. L. Arcoix, Clerk, President. THE HOME GOLD OURE. Ans igeslens Treatmeat by which Drank. ards are 3elsg Cured Daily I. - Spits ef Themelves. Ne Nesieis Isles. No Weakeaing of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Peastive Care ser the Esbit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filed with poison, and nerves com pletely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neu tralising and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxi. canta Suffhrers may now care them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURB" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use accord. ing to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how bard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous trans formation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright uses. WIVEM CURE YOUR HUM BANDSl! CHILDREN CUIR YOUR FATHERS II This remedy is In no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only. and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given In a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves wth this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate meen lay having the "CURE" admin istered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge In coflbe or tea, and believe today that they discoctinued drnnking of their own tree will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not be deluded by alparent and mialealI ing "imaprovement." Drive out the diseise at oa.ce and for all time. The "HOME UOLD CURE" is sold at' the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within resch of every body a treatment more efeetual than other. costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any pert of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C892 EDWIN B. GILLS & COMVAtIY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philnalelphis. All correspondence strictly cotaf deiatial. WATD- TRUST WOkTH Y me a omen to travel and ad vertise for old established house of solid fiasocial Standing. Salary $78') a year and expenses, all payable in cash. No canvassing required. GIve references and enclose self.sddresead stamped envelope. Address Manager, 35: (rtxon Bldg.. Chiesgo. 3l8 2Ct b ~OFFICE OF J fi The Colonial Shoe Co. Makers of Men's Shoes, lfhat are Spade to Wear. - J "Shoes that are Stylish," "Shoes that are Right," "Shoes that are Guaranteed." J Boston Maas. April 16th 1901. Mr. Chas. A. Badeaux, + Thibodaux, La. Dear Sir :-It gives us. pleasure to give you the j exclusive right to sell "CoLoNIAL" shoes in your town. When offering this shoe to your trade, you can assure them you are giving them every ounce r of value for the money. The leather used in the J manufacture of "COLoNIAL." shoes is always well " selected, and carefully tanned, and the workman- r ship is of the very best, as we employ none but the j best skilled journeymen workmen. We guarantee our shoes to give perfect satisfac tion. J Wishing you success with our goods we are ,1 Very Truly Yours, THE COLONIAL SHOE CO. J The above speaks for itself. If you peed shoes you should giv our "Colonials" a trial. Regular k" styles, $3.50. Low Cut Oxfords for Summer 2.50 and 3.00. J THE RACKET STORE, (Originator of Low Prices.) Phone 180. Chas A. Badeaux, Prop M MENU? "ý~t~ A THE PLANT OF THE THIBODAUX B/ICA WORKS WITH THE FINEST EQUIP MENTS IN THE SOUTH Is now prepared to farnish the best and cheap eat brick in the market...................... One million bricks on hand ready for delivery. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, ADDRESS. LAURENT K. FOLSE, MANAGER, PHONE 55e GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. PONEig Saercssor to LEFORT £ TETRZAU ..Sale Stabloes. .~Undertaking WS K Establishm'ent Blacksmith and f Carriage Maker Patriot St. Cor. Levee and MKarket, Thibodaus.. Dfl. JOS. L. D RE XLE R, VETEffINARY r URGEON, M4-FFICE JT LEON DIIEXLER'S STABLE, TH/00D4U r. LA. L91 D##BIANCE TELEPHIME 88 flIMSaU TELEPHONE 1 2&