Newspaper Page Text
114 Ordinance No. 232, Al Ordinan c orderins a special elor tion, at wbi'h wilt tie sttthnittad to the proýºýrty tax agars of Urainage Di5- ~irA No. 2, of thae Parish of 1,afonrche, who are quallfied electora under the ( onstitution and laws of l~bisidana, a ýroposia:on to vote levy and colleet a set ýj x offive muill on the Dollar on ail taxable property in said Drainage Ddrict No. 2. of the Parish of Lafour h ,fora peril of forty y.ara, begin alag January !st, 1aI12, for the purpoese of completing, perfecting and mnaintain Sag the drainags system of I )ratnage aaDi. trieS No. 2, and to that eud to incur debt to the amount of Twenty Nine Thou sagd Dollars hearing five per cent *r ansem laterest, and in representation of the said debt to iasua nt "mtiatale bou d in an anonnt tint teoxceta T'lwen ty Nine TI .,sand Dollars tsarinee 1k. reent per annum interest, and to run lorty years from date of issue, tul-.a soower called in according to law for rsdeeption. The amount of said debt wad bonds not to exceed it, tine aagre gate the amount of one tenth of the as ssesed valuation of the taxable property la the said District, as shown by the last assesttent roll made prior to the suatission tf the proposition to the tax payers in said District, and, farther, to csal in and redeem, in accordance with law, the bonds issued oy virtue of a seesial election held in this District on seauary 16th 11s5%, in accordance with oedinanee No 1 of the Drainage Commis-' sloof said District, adopted on the see end day of 1lecemicr lst, said bonds besting date February bit, 14to, there betaD now outttantliot and unredteemned boads to the amount of Ten Thousand Two Hundred and Icifty l).Illare and to sathorize tn's Jury an.l thet 4uut:a ".ion erof Drain ge Ili.,triet No.._ ti iitncun tianeon the tst day of .January lt i, the Mx of five mills on the 15.1 tar. . Viutl in Ierasaticu' uaid election and 'rdinance, lfr a period of ten years fruit, the tirmat dayof January last, and in lieu thereof impoesa tax of flee miltt on the dollar ea all taxable property in the said 1)is tret for a period of forty years froumi the first day of January l'xr., and to uas aforsaid debt to the amount of Twenty Nine 'T'houuand laoliers and in speemtation of said debt to issue ne ble bonds to the amount of Twi n Nine Thousatid Uoliars ceWaring live er cent per annum interest, said aterestto ,e paidl atuxtall t a the time sad place to te fixetd tine thb 1'. P l .Jur y of the Pariah of Lafur he Ipr.výt ii that should this pr.op-ut in bot inset, with the apýºrov al of a Dir i r t of the tax-payrs to't r ax I annuI'.it, I lifi~edelctors in t el It-r'et, thxn tax now loving caillt <t - 'n'ie set forth shall coatinue iu tull fre e sir Is. and effect. Sectioa 1. 11 it or ia.n* I the. Police Jury, of the l'ari-b if L,7..x.ihy, )ia session co.nvr.n- ., tin tIn a,' wi th lixewer v. 1 i in tt-.uxirs by thetonstitutaun and la'- ! I.*.ui sas,the question of lv'rtzc a -} " at I laxef five mills on tlc..t .lar ", all tax ableproperty in Draminae lx-t; It N.. S, Iraperiod of forty yesf." ; .::ins Jsmaary let 11512, for the Lurpe.." o u eutn g,perfectinc and r.aaintai:: it the systemn of 'said I' xtrw:. and to tha end to incur debt to the t amount of Tuesty Nine Thousand Dollars bearing he per cent per aunum interest, and in cepseutation of said debt to issue tiable honda in an amount not to eased Twenty Nine Thousand Dollars heaaing five per cent per anxnumnlntercst ?ad to run forty years front date of anless sooner called in for re as provided by law, which sad bonds in representation thereof, is aot exceed in the aggrcate the t of one tenth of the anaesed oe the taxable property with Moesh District, as shown by the last amessemNt madc prior to the submis leasof the pro ltion to the property taxpyers of the 'aid Dietrict. and, Mier, to eaR in and redLet itn ac.or tes with law, the bonds ned bv Itoie of a special election held in Ut is on Janary 16th, 141, in accor with Ordinance No 1 of the DraIn mal''es'on of said District, adopt n the second day of Decemter let9, t*esUid bonds hearing date February l t S, there being now outstatdang saidaredeemed bonds to the amount _of Te Thousand Two Hundred and lty Dollars and to authorize this sad the Drainage ('otttnisaion of No.2 to discontinun on the first day January 10tt2 the tax levied in laMasaee of ,ui election for a period of Iysears from the first day of Janu U7 IM, and in lieu thereof to impose a thadive amills on thedullar on all tax 3lls rty in the said Ihatfict for a forty years from the let day of 1555, and to tncur debt as afore to the amount of Twenty Nine Yheumad Dollars and in representation hftheuhiddebt to issue negotiable bonds *Pt amount of Twenty Nine Thou itI Dollars bearing fve per cent per n laterest, said interest to he paid t y at the time and place to be N bo this Jury provided, that should I ~'i(a majority of the tax-payers, Maher and amnoumt, qualified elec ta 'SM District, then the tax now e Olselted as above set forth shall in fail fortce, vittue and effect; 4s e submitted to the property tax '-awho are qualafied electors under fCastitutttox and laws of Louisiana, Ly Jarp .se of asertaining the amwses oif the sani prcoperty 4S5aon the proposition herein set ~~ataspee al election heretbv order ~the9th day of <Oetoikr bli.i at sleetloac all propcrtv tax-iinu.-rs, qadtushuled el tar' a afor. 'apt. *thve eu rx1ght to lotte for .r 2i. lie it fit her enct'o i etc. lar the puroe o haiidx ng tui.'id a crdne ita sthaw, th: ~ toxh and it it. Pr,- i. nt -hjllI thlydayin , 'o ih' r . 4y pu* inthe Thb .lauxa t.ntin 1. the Journal oft. l'ar-i i .t lafan' nuttc -I ihi -ct firh n lx 'i.' j~ptopositio ii I e enuxmit''* t' ir f tbc firame 3i~uelcii-r- untdi, '' It:-u ~~Sthe authoratic' ren~ir 'e th*' whimli op-tx- .*--is~oi Jol't I~ BWahlonr ant pl t. n..:-.x ir sii.w pr otitet to op: the bjt ifhi'ttiw SUo aandl xe : the' r- 't *'f , leix an; t -ii ::'.ia Seamefix xiii. .:x i ni'. , . Y-lii h tim -atde.1 Ut' tatie- to bete s ant I h. eco:nns ,of ele t io hto wit' et. it ast Fplae-. 4L That this ballot- fr t h' a ech forti as to cnialmt thin st'Ite for or aganset the propos-i 8e3 it furtxe~r ens' tel, eti'. Pepr-p.*-' if etxatltti" the and cl rks of elect: . to W hUe law. they I It be With rule,,, re-gulation andi Which ehiail set forth thte time at which the polls shall be opened and closed, the manner of conducting the election an I all the formalities required in making the returns for the said election. N "-. 5, That if a majority, in number and amount, of the vote. east at the said speai tl electi.n shall be in favor of the prop .sllion submitt :, this jury shall deciare t'" result of the satsi ele"'tion, anat adol.: and pass an airtinance eon furr bily to the said result anti wishes of the said tax-payers, levy a spceial tat' as -ontemnplated, and pass such oidaai.n.;. a us may he ne'eu.arv in order to isiue liona., to the aluaunt of Tw'enty Nine Thousrad I)ollarN as af.,ra- aid at a rate of interest not to exemciel live per cent per annum payable in prineipal and interest from the special I tax to ha levied as herein set forth, and frrm: the aplortionrment for drainata' purp.W se a- maai i.e maile andl provided for the saidt lrainage Ilstriat by this Jury. Ncctimn 4. l1e' it further ordained etc. That fir them pur"msm af"ire- said th, r,' will it a special cle*timrn at the follow itog namiaai poltring pa. ' in lirairia;"*_ I rtrret No. 2, in aid for the Parish of i.iouretar, o:a the day and b-tween the hours above sp e'ifaerl at which al qualiftiei olectors, tax-pay ers of said Ilistriat will ie enith-Il t. vote oaa the propositiora ifurem.aihl. Polls will open at ii A.. . and close at 7 1'. M. Sec. 7. Re it further enartedt, eta'. That on the I1ith dayf mtaletowr Iits at 2. o'clock, this .Inry will in oreta se~iorn larameceml to open the iallot boxes, exam iii,' aid cmount the liall'it=, in number and amount. for and a'.aiast the aroum s im ion, and".i th.. rtstula of tic0 said elect ton, and di and peram nrac arh other thin is and a -is as the law re qiarres. ee. C;. iie it further enacted. et.'. the poll in smim UIraint aid Distri.'t ' 'i ''fr (ir"" eonclu**L of saiti election tdit is at the foliasmu ri mamed p:allin mla es tI ' same itxma iu tihm um.uu p Alling pl:taes, with the following named per mass iluly qu aliiad as c nintslr-sroners rand clerlks mm electirin, vie: 'Ihr imijla wingr 'iallti t t rme Peilz ng pilai-es. sail a iirmmim-elonermt of .lst m. "aCurd No. 2, iracrart l, it"rc-n r S-trout t' rmi nir i on 1'iiiier P . Lm tri [ 4ar. a " ru, .ait i. Jai t. (;.slu nrar . 4A r It s1 , : . s u sii. %\ .ri \o.: : i'r'm .Ine :t, a t (,, C:::." 'l arriam ti..i msumerr -4ArvP'al - t.mtm.. x Henry r. s. Aui re a i).tmm. I .m, t s:liu- rmuiairi - H ml;. N. °. Ir list 4. rt theruim -tIfot: r'l 1 * imA-iiiiit.r,- 1.,ibit lItera.--ri.r Iuiler: }bar e II . 'Olin }'.,: ", 1. t* us to is less: i~ a ri- ma imri in 1. J 1",u" -,,' r . I - !. ! Jl; . I~u I.* pa i . .i I. m It t is ''art'umm. . t¶ a: 'i in I - Nm I tmi a i .: :i I i am - I mmi .i.-iin" rs-J" I..:,''A Ira m Iit arm I hmio iarr Eis re I., ,.: . 4rnt No (, f~" Ir: t .: t . le""r"mn m n i mii Ia'r 1 m':n R,i'i- " ! . NHard mmm le. ilrem-ac: 1. a! 1.m kt.:. Bore. aommimv-.ner Henry G(ail.m Jr. tm - mered. Pierre ltrrud. F P. Pairn e-. e k. ' ark No. 1', Prraiuet 7. at (a la Terr tosanne a mmnr'ikslonerl-Anrtoin,* A.i.t., (-anal;Ic Tea'r'm ain,. Semmt Willia:ms. S, iGuthrie crcerk. Want Nm aim. Pit-minm t.i L5a-o;l*. (o'mermaa. a i-r.m -I. affoimri, tai hnrp. Sr Ian Galiano. Jaik Feltni -. Ja. Ikm!linier alerk. Seal. 9 Be it further enacted that the President of this Jury be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to supervise the preparing of the ballots and preparation of the tally sheets cmnpiled statement of votes, as well as prepare instructions to the officers of election appointed to conduct the above election. Adop'ed Augusti, Itsa. II. N. (moI".my" .1. I. . nm.'" a. .i erk, !'re. . I' miim I J ai' . Notice of Election. Publie notice is herla-m trivet!. to all whom it may m'onmern, that, tv v i-u of an Ordinance adoptmel by the }'ul:". Jury of the Parish oif tafour"rhe, at :a special session held on the 2lth da.' of Aug. litil, pursuant to call of the Prt.-ar dent, a special election was ordered to 1* held in ])rainse' Distri."t No. i'f the Parish of Ltafourclte, ar theat ih day of October. lisA, between the imo:arr of mi a. m. and 7 p. na. at the polling tlaaem- hare matter named, and under tine manage ment of the eammmissiaurmrs ani eterks hereinafter deslgnated for the following purposes, to-wit: 1. To take the senme and wlshes of the. qualified property tax-pavers, electors of said Drainage bistrict ýo. 2, of the Parish of Lafourche. on the proposition to assess, levy and collect, as provided by law, a special drainamge tax of i3)five mills on the dollar man al I taxahlm rp erty in said district fair a parnod of fortya (4am) y ears, beginmninat January 1. 1iir". for thie purpose maf corapleting. perfect ing and maintaining the drainage nys tern of lime raid drainage district, and to that end to inmur ala-tt to the amount of T wentv-ntne Thousand Dollars (>.(iJO.. (Ut) bearing interest at the rate of fave [in) per ca-rat p~r annuimr, and in repre V utar mm f tire said rh-lt to rssue neaw trablla tamte!-- iii air atra tnt nat tin ex ceedt Ta n-rtv-nanne Thamusanul Isillars [( hearing ante-rest at the rate of five mt) jmr mi-t I~r antanun. atia ti run forty i( v- ya m- tr'm~r late if a-uce, unlcm,- ,mianmfr i-aleu in fur redi-rr.piimn. am piroa a la I me !awa, ar hrh 'ti Imiri. di nat cxc- I ian th- agr. m.:rtm the amn'una mat mint iE uih !-hit ma the a rmnii'mi la~r, alimmn of rtme iaxa'4i tpriajetny aa ¶1.1: aii-h slmstric: as -hi.wnt by :lhi li-t a- ii.~n ast flaidl rimnm r Imi ab- aratnr-.:- ii at tin- pr ifim-Ailiin ti thre praperty tax lmamr. mif :iaid ii ;trnimt. A Toiiiail air ain Ir,.dimir in a'-- >rd anice waith law the hinds immur-d 1-a air iu, aif a lmiiiaal elm-atsau held iii 'he ,mnid lDrainaa-m- llistrri't oar .Iaruarl a i 1.'.air s acm-,.rd ' a rahinaianc No. I, of thim m'mmti-iiin's 'omf -&rii lmimtrrmt adoptied~ mu hi. -imiia . div -- Ia.-entwri a-a j . i I sii i;;.jr tamariria mI..r Fe- at Aar 1 lItii. iaAri' timi a n-ia ianrt-i:ir d a" are I unrir l. mrfed min i.m<l im t t', i.e mi] t armounr stm T frn ThOu-~at I Twi It n* rinl f tv tr.m!i-ir. I1 h.2. an .I~anar 1itt.a- -* Is :iai- lan I .e f, fiiC.Aimis., at. r ii bu!b 'let-' ' Imtax -am' pu t:O: ln - !lo--m'il lire' i f J a'ut'l a * . as I'm maiuar at, -I as afmmrei.aIal m:m.- armauni mt Twenita nine Ti -.r-ami Dltl~ar' ('t*,ausi.tUt anal an rairmpriam*rt;tioni of the said debt to i-sue ni- 0.: -a ime Imnds to the amnouti mat Tar ,tit N ne i hamusand DIl~larma, liear tng tlt- t. pra mtut pi-r annuna rIntmr-st, -aid i'n .-- *i he t paral annually at thre r.'nt anl place tam he fixmml by the pualce jury of the Parish of Lafourcha-, pravinid ed, that should this propositiion not tweet with the approval of a majority of the tax-pavers in number and amuount, qjualilled electors in .aid district, thein I time tax n.w being eolleetcd as asleve set forth shall continue in full force, virtue and effect. (a) said election will be held as pro vided bv law at the following de :g miated polling places in said 1)rainage District No. 2 f.,r Ihle conduct o: tlw s.iid election the same twin~ ttie usual pulling n aces, with the following Siari..d p rsns d A.v qualilit-uI. a, coi I nissioners and clerks of election, Viz: The fullowing shal! tbe the Pu'ling places. eaol ('ommtibsioner:4 f ~k etinn. Wani No. S, Precinct I, Itergeeon School t omtftii.ionere-P. L. Fnire . w l;ema Adam. Jacotb iiildeni.erg. Aliert ii'.ialreaux clerk. W1arnl No. 2, Precinct a, at irv ille 'Tihitolaux ,actla huise. tlaners--r5i-4)rle Th.tarh eautx. llenra Tihifsodeaux, it re.d IUng!c. ( ordtebua 4atunnie ('1(1k. Wartiu No 1. PrneInet 4. at Dt netrius ItItard. I o.nomassiuncra Lob it, litrgeeron. Itaul.rte 4 i-t'. "in Porche. Ikcntetrius Hutarel clerk.. \\l.rd No. .. Precinct I. Jimebln itt-u's'.. (' L~efort.. .., Lefort Jr., (`Ies:.- 1ie nert, ('has Gaºudet a erk, %'.url \",. I Prn. Ott a. at . ).eir Therirts. I ('n a:ni-".ronerr--E.Igar I!nntin. 1':'l.. issntin. [.."n. 10 rgrve'"n. Alphou-"" Scott e estk, Wa .1 No 3. I'rei-ant 3, at Pt .li i-lIr-. (iaentni..i.oeea -Paul (.itrr..',y leafrotd Itn-:uur. Teli-e. F-le-. Alex F-.i-. clerk. \ .ariI No. 4. Prciinet I. at lockt irt (C.lutmia".tturr-fume Furst. G. .trhl.G.t: J. 1'. iioui.(. Paul Meyer .-erk.. W%,ard No. 4. Prcie-it 2. at ltodrigue scoui> hot-u' I tmtitsaiouera-John lttdrhtue. Jule Itich a-rl. (ieo Purr. FIft.rt LUeianu.- cl.rk. Ward No. 4, Proinct 3. at HIouriaij '-cho+.l bet ('ummltstonm'rs-Tim Ikourgeis. Jackson Itiurgjni-is. Aoam Troetcitir. M. IA ilit ilerk. Wanrli N. 1"., Preitict I. at ie-rtus sutore. ('imni, .oters Henry (i iiao. Jo- tiay moe,. Pt, .r Br.e.ud. F. P. Ptarra clerk. Ward N5u Il. Pri"inet 2, at Iuda 'rerrehou-ne. ('onmmi. - uner%--Antol e. laiket. amnille T. rreu ut+i, Si'.,tt William.. S. (.uthrmc clerk. NWardt \o. 1'. tiesin, t ^, Les titl'e, (fmnn .-..ui-rr I fI Runt Lhthtrop. 5)-lvan Ga tarn, Jr, k Felud< t., Js ISAt1n1te 'k'rk (h; Polls \\ ill ope tt at i Wclock A. M. and close at * o'elo'k P. \I. (c, The Pllico Just of t.e Pati ish of Lfourlel. will on the 1i of O)tt. 111)1. in ..;'n session. Ira', cut to t';t' the ballot hoxts, s-xininue niul (iuLl Wi timte haillots. in mInunher anti amount. for atnl agaii <t the prolw'ýii itn, and + !ellare the result (it thi .aid el eti oni unit .o and pterf..rm soul, othtet tbim s an l stts:ta ti. )te rer l II. N . ('"t' iN, .1. :'1 . -.ix.ts 1'crttary. Pm,.., Po i't', THE H')ME GOLD C iJi in agernuous Treat enat ir uhirt- sire;,:k-l Sardi..are lti e*I g ( re i ;,.l'.,-O, ýpita me t o 'z ' tan .1'.. 1n No'inou Dte:-. \.. N i :1":ian ,!f ia NSt-rs,. Pie i-ant :r I ':tivt- ( Are for tiae t ble, :I t!t. It is now geri(rally keown a5(d und..rsteioal that I)runkenaess ki a 'lI-e'ise auat not weakiess. A Iwald tihled with i.oiaon, and ucrt-es corn pletevly shttered by 1e°iodical or con-taut use of intoxicating liquors. requires an antidote capab:e of neu traiizing and eradicating this potson, and destroving the craving for Intoxi cnts. StilTerers mar now cure thb-m selves at home with iut pubhlicity or loss of tine ftow htiaine's by this wonietful "H1OIE GOLD C(URE' wIµh b his le-n perfictel after 'menn Ve a rs of cioe study atd treata-*ut .1 tn-lcrtates. The faithful n e aec or-!. .1g to dircetlous of tius w.,ndirful -tm-covery 1s ptnsitivtel guistantuted to cure the most obaai.:ate cage, i.o tx'ttter how hard a driiker. Otr iecorIs show the mar-ce'os trans formation of thousantle of I)runk urI into sol'r, ijulutrious and ujt ght wen WIVES CIRE YOUR Il S BANDS!! CHII.JU EN CURE1 YOURI FATHERS!! This remedy is in no seise a nostrim but is a specific for this disease only. and is so skillfully devised and prepircd that it is thoroughly soluble ant pleasant to the taste, so that it ca. be given in a cop of te.t 01 coi e; without the kn'owledge itf the Iseradi takitg it. Thouuuands of [tr nk-'tt 1 have curedl thvumselve., with tht prireletus rete~dy, .in. as truth more have been cured anti mile tern a.rate men hy hat iug the --CI.IRl. .tltin i'sercd by Iovii;g ftietids atd re'atut a without their kriowlied,.e in colffe or tea, anid Ielicv. t,.,li that th--v 4 oari-n I ilr::kiai' of thjiir ott I fU 'I e. [)()NOI'llAIT 1) n t . -ly : -r t.W -r.'i . a bI ilr' I i. - T:' utN m '' n . I i' : I*n r :s 4 so il fiunan at tailaniig. 5:-K:-t $7.. a vear tin- e' Vitsu. alt hiaynii ill ca-b. N. canvassing .eajiitel. Give refierene,. asI til CLoii 5- bt:id-le -ed Ordinance No, 1 An ora m aea oral. 'I ,.1111 ut thith i i ll h, " 1 ' f t t "^ p 1 } ta' . 1e1. 1" 1': , I" I 1 1ri . . tf t 'l.. tir 1., 1' Ii"ii ie t n ," . 11 I ll I 1%. :. ,, '. I , . lIV ev jeI t t..e :,." tie I:. ` '" . '. i, ,. FIli -ace'. ' 1.t 17ii I al '1.: at I -,e i ., ( I e1 lr.1r..1 .l :1 1 I ' . 1 1. I , 1.1 ,, 1'\..... .r 1i1: ' ilt.r.' , at.! to .IUaii "far.eara fee . I ' d.iuitieaa, Th lIIa 1hialeil.1 eot t he s~~ debt 1(11(1d iil,eeela nut ti, ,"5,","'", i1, the. it.agxrl gj't tilt' alaetitat oaf Uue"lr 11~ile of (hl' a,$eaeesad Valuation of tile tiltal' plperty fla aidd I)ietret ui 1 Dl til' Ii, atrt s t eeaee naect a110lea pra r ito the' . blab iil.aa. , oft t ,t jaaip1i4,li Lel", t ie lit tal iX e p itV(, iti said din ti it'! otl1. ,ia': rtPet I, I," p I. ral r, ,Daily it 111 ti tiro and 1eca- a t~ b, IIet by the I'ol t((Jury ad tilt' p:arieell ofi i,:iitltiIie lande tha' (.-001li.1 aeoejerfs oef lr.atint1t telIta-l No. Tlaree of 11ae pariahl of l..ifiuiiiiii" 8ectioten 1.--lt it T lhe aiic an ,af1 enasted by 'tile, tlatarl ot toaere ofeloalera ',f 1lietrcet .o. 'IliIHE of tilt' pariah of l.'-a Strehe.t he, ai Iegulei lrtetheii las eNe. u that by Virtue (at the iaoWar Vested aaa thabisiralu cy the t'oeiathteitirt and Ia'aW of .ouiianlla, arid tia ,,'card wia a a leetatii Sicaed by Iit et *, 1(1'of Ithe pIsriii of ltu* ndt e su.a liemeroeiet) iaa Ilearalage 1):etri-rt No. Threef le, a paetci't lact taefty) eat~rn, beg leasaig Juema uaryt caeirht Nine-tee-i hiiiiiee and two, tor til'pt'"n of 1. et ordainedl ui eacd tb tulIry he lc ar!ug t.ieh 1.11(ee1iturlass ill s.1id drauina aiere. , eat.(n rulr t.e tont :.,4ea oeancu dlebat 0y tie' 11i1eaulit (e0t iety i leeda -teii ,4:ej1;a,, (l11 e1i e,1 . a leeralw g live- l p . e....,t tear .i-lne ub iutite (-ie -t, i4,1,el r'i Fp iit eit ltl~eleif, .t 1+,1(1 ueat-t to I --'ith iieye q al.bii leo.ll ill .111 1 lie Drlnt alit (t ree'". 11i I lfa Ilrec ot. taell Ia shii 0 d, ( L0.i fobre. ia ule a,,ie r lint p-a .allnlali eita est, toe roll iar ('1,1i[( , -') 3eI- t i(07(ailttreof i4Uue. tiill .a lcec ie.ill , .al li r la ne lll.tlltlc l as proa 111i eie 111x, 81e1(11 der bt 1,1r01 bu n-.. Iii ri-pa ce-iat.li111 l 1u i1ii al~ :1, 1, ct i-x1e-it' i:1 the aggregatet thet .1 lucin it of 11d-reltll (l" eatrf tilei,,,i seed Iraltait ai of tu111 ta leit prauneer. ty wil! I sait le(1iILtalt M1 etleWn iiwlr the- et. tee'- lac-unt aei & i te p a Loruce Seanii ael .,el~anc cc tille ricpaeeltlin tIe th p a e1:tI t18ari t J aee1 11f 511.1, 1,.trl:t,.ai(1 ,At~ I at letI-e 1a.111 15" rea .IV let Litce tite' lu cl 1., xcee4 11 e" livIi by ah puelete jury af th e p. o ieh ., Ih so.t Allet IShallI be! selaeelitte-I tee the p1'~p(-a-t.- teeX p;y ra a Mlo arte 1aluaen hud theataxstii aice, the' 111a iiti 111ee1 -and.! W a elof Silc Male- of Louia t acea teua tie- pe tpreie f 1ae- taw ni.ig thle! 1e144 .1( t wnl niaehe aot the eal j. u iaae ortl- tIX ty.rII ,a1 the tlftrehtha 1 11' eet a Ietola r- p n, ela titiiieia ati 1e,:e, at hiS-li rice thiu1 1yi tiecefel t teurl aIV.. 14110:u, i ll.ihIfeal lect oar- be haVa tlt' I aet te lute 1a-ee1- a.rlslat t1ale 1uaro" ptaon .a. they wiay d e-cea pri-.ei Sr. netut i-t t. it ordatiree d ,c 1 iit tor t he p uale ily, 1f bueiag the- aiecli-ctan lii :;i cordneeil. wetii 1 fw, t1101 iiaeiei c ('otn'y ta aeie-lel' tla:ccea-t .11i0.i by It', l're-=sie-et shallei g.i.e thirety '"5' da-, la-ie aiiM4 il-etC ii cher.""f eey ipu.,l,( till iti ttia* '1'~eilnluIX iueictiic 1, tit' 1ihe:ti.ll Jcaurea ti ci lee at atlb ef l.a tiirop alie xp-, E Wiaelfiai!ehail M aee *i ta ii Ilea it forui'c oe, waieh shaillc 1(1141 .'-imt fIt, in d." taii te ill d eceet lii to tbep st iittea tea the! tax pa(Ils eite ..t draintge diatre ,uiatlifie tie ctar 'e teelier tlaws an-I (11(1t the aUtinari tb-s ordering tut eiathi a III1 la 1 ila c toll iOn 1 o~ia it y teaf id eat an1 hocur a1111i .(1 I I Ile I111,e1c In eaild nioticee, paroceeed tie opeln the. bloit lie11 071,(=mner 1111(1I tant the its los Ii r 10fnt hll bea aid ailac .nt, ezailain e aned inviteM the retul S., ea't.ien the re sult otaf s. l citetinei, iac! the. a1iiU lra atee ,htll turtiie naiief fit fall'! he-i, a ". tel' pollieg plaice-a at which tilt ate! e-lei. tll wiol be 1.a,(1tc. 14a11/14to tie t117 et11,1.1 e 41 1 1 pllawnC. e:eld the 1a1tllri$ i.,e-la or1r-I tue lii, oef leCtioi,1, ho willaessro .t 11,1it11 ittlii p.tile at ela .I.-i-i t .t further ordmiaa ed, e-tc., STrus tie , I. pIrcte feel tBald eleatteie . talt b ." Its arc, exmirc by land ount thW .aotoin num r so Iuaj lre t lute for 01l agalallt tie. plruptlon tetli a .- ce sait furth, r ian-u. etc., 'rot! 1,r !Isnt' r~ ;r:;1n, .d ce 071 .,i .1 (11 r:a ,,, . ee-rk, eof a:" c nt, ae t'e. (.,(11}y{ 1 1t- ea 1 :i. tI w bali be t I. hea1,'1. ! c01 t itt, t l tdi o ll a pliii! iaania-i ih i fa-inie 1.. I n toe" 1111(1' :.t C lii It i!.( 1,0.15 Iu se ca- la- ac- ioteleto, thee lia iiire-ea 1at 1 i l ..i ' o--itte i1eal . i tI.e ian a-aie l tea( s r, ;n r- ne a u1'kiigt! t otrll:.e- of seid Trn.t .1 : it, tfl I'i.. tI..;l a v . li 1 , at1 r tila rIcai (I-t ea t a . 1 a"1 I, . "', -Idtei be aln (i ii .1 l l..r'' t'aa' a. ta .. iI' .1 - ..II, 1. ;1 " ,atat .,ill 1"ta-- II. 1a. 1 11.el.( aca i " I tI n " 4.-P,'". 11 .1), . :. furti ' .1l loxe et 1,u t" 4!u,? rth1 'l r11.1 1,t- f, '11 ur),lu , .1'11 11() ar, ia .i - . s' l Ile- 'c.(i. I r 11",10e :,a l i lt e a ta cat) et I eli tea Mel 'u aa- .'la .d1 allayt la t. of I," " I. 10d.aa-lllf 't 1(111-e *1 It it-.. .a'at It) erlia. l.e t1' pei tel. pe.-1 annuh payable an prlal ail and citere-sat fruw ths ispecial tai ito be le-vied as Itereien st-t f'irtia. anal from t.he a artileneat fear draminage putrpora as may oee wade and pvrole'1 leer aaed dr~ainage district by the p llie ajry of0 the partua lo Lie L (all re -he. Sa'Ctaaea 6.-le It further erdaocad, etc., That fer tle plpeite'tereac eel tnere will be a e5pee1tl e, lctlou at the folleowing naamed tpeIItIII pil-ate In efratnage- diatrit"t >\o. 7'Ibr-c in an.d for the parila of Latfolrce, on the day above specifiedi, at which all qualified elector,, tit n payers of said district will be entitled tea rote on the propoeitlon aforesaid. Pulls will be opened at oai 'clock e. M. and closed at Seaen o'clock r. M. Sectiont 7. -it it tui.tlcar' ...a.ae411 etc. vThat on* the Sixtecutli ally let October, Ni t t ths* Board cit I(a-apiiaaeerEiltilelsannumr wayall in cprie-la M'iel faread a interel rope the boxpes taiele'a.e le-xiimed *hr sai dut foths, blos, ino caueabr acedrtilLolnmen fur or agnalege pu pro Piltr l~etli ieea the pasjrey ltofthparain dec tecti nd de-fe ata p uraieathea unthier ethig Tealuts Mar the lt urpenaclurlesM. wr w a sqettccis a tion it tUe tollerordag nameed. Til .tthe pullcs in Mralinx di iclaridetriet Nhee. to anafe fear tuae puarehae cf at a uid hele-toaa hela dea' itbte icpleeilleed, aat whic tall qual.binle telectre, ta pecalesi ofl sad deefistre't by bhea ealitled ur let otheo l'e prool a o atte'foeillied. reet-ll wf Icareal lullneda iU lcflocd as cmMi. d ill ion 11.-BCera aet efu~tasear orVle, t eceltae hunildfed Mild nelirat tee eletlclic . thI Rard ofa) Drla-ainaet I--mit o ears Feix f~inttess stoe,.o rcedt pn h o eteeeeiiselamioele-fd ouent Ta-obarlar s, L J numb'eler, heli Iaelunttefr agit'tt Saataeiar potia-n, andec l-Pre-ihie 2-Aut or near tle storst ste fi-r ree qu oeeirby . .out.LO kaeiewn aM.Abb Store' e rdsneet. Th tflllsheatalrs in aiu ireee agie tistrut No Tihileforiux thayordct Li-eane Clictko sJlll Woic Jur No 5-rerinia -ri 3 Atho nhea follo. J Ulelali tersilila-a -Liu Ja Bouhildras lxe mi. pree to:Ieeaiie-, AIesal eedre pTuinepla.Cea Waira Nee elriclect I- At or near Mfel~a Conrnla'isesnaei-Lrveit e Tartinela, ()L J Trpllt~Ciair, FliJxT I allte,ut Clerk file-teat It Ware Noc 5 -Preclncrt 2--At or near V~tor Legenownrs re-yudoene t ememmalisonerN--L adelil- Ltoa-ine. Jogan C Llu t laui, Albert Ljaua nee Cuer-g JoUhntt oneal ux 1"r pretean Cia-Be it tAiier nrereToupsi. ellaera suprvie the 6precJnc I-rl ornea ofni-lilaa aa - Chweso atn peefla- lhat'Lt Iti- te letice WPred Nl.ethorednof 'IleAt or ileaer co I illiae IatrigutAlb it I'arssli i Leaf curluste 1. . ltupLAf eeretr lbl il t ion"-ei ut rlai ned1.~U ta2 net, i. h'ett:.-e ally a a-frze an -moerdt ajal. i-aae** the hprelar~in i o Tat - bal at usa ta-e~laa ah t ht - Inp~i] tatfl I..t Ii- iite dutcy el eji al srpar- i- ns. al-i - te-i-. hele eafite oflrtt pcan tjtieettdtiat nte~teel l a e I prt a d lpe ier 11 la'h 1 I. -a.r at l71lal0t II tiR .Prte eafe Loaij. of~lt Ca urapianr o erintg. j trac.!teef i-r'.eo .aei! urc IrNeccitie Ofif Elecdt on c-a 'a nli.*: hertnite-eln a-inaal -n*IIs .a t:'. t :aa t at by aI I a a- :- e hlat.laal.fl rit... t-;.: o Th -ao ahe taie Ia riec. m ..a fa wr I titioa du t .i :- e C mofrai tia-a *~ il-ar-*t th a I Ila-eeo th pny.riei tLafichtef .Cl. rna lreijaa. ii li:er fa a-'-- Id- unt. C(.2 e'* 01 i ui.dec la l awn cixtin dain te taxof filte ioe haut eei thee lla alt ill taxa lale'7 ;eaep-t age id ltriet 1 a- a ar ut eeti .1 ga ye-rea. I~gtullilia JacIu:r th1 Firt i aali-im ren :.nd.'d ac7d tw . tea thai piurpeau e .t efeil'eI ri: br tont&oi daiuin-s tley and e.,::p F.aese pro -anld l'inate li-triat N\. TI'r'e of thI I'ari-!:. 511 t t d ii. ti 0' at r Ih t I' itheai l it'. '' 'l h. - u- id $r.'Iatat..i d(1 115 a . uiterrt tt Iib- rtae rule o1 fit ut pa r anumiiaa, :ciit to Y>r'pr .Iý" I trf hall ' *ht to iisu1" nl" mi r i . , r , 1, I. )r V t' 'let Ii t .ºt ' x .I" .1 oi i . i .! .1 a, I I 'j Ii'..I -,i " CU " ." a 1 1 i ii* i la il i f't rt 1 SIII) f w - I.t I " lia h-- ' I ii -' r . u i' :II-t roi N' b ~ , l\1 .1 : I .t~ II, ,ot rx ," l I " t 4 ftO' Ii i tl I u! I a t ,. , t i . ' d i a .-1 ' 1 o.z l i " at c . i . - .t . 1 '', ' i 1 : ` .. . 'ri t F rt u t . i r, r ut e:'ii ainlr t ad i .a<: j r w at d1et saon .ra toe r .h o tat iFripfr-t{ thiuiitit tx p:.ars aI.Jd doitit.a~,adI t_~I L }aa .flaaý of' r~ ' - di'.1 . it.a 1iii cta ila') T' aitmjh "e a aait of Ilfe (') rh Io s un thl dollar dolla , t" lacarltd Invwea)t In -'irl iit i tat 4,r a iari"r' of aorti r (tIte ) vetar-; fron the First of .Iat tart, tim a tet'n hundred anti two, a:t:l to incunr delbt as afor* said to the aimount of Fifty Thousandt ($Ls ,000.t0) dull~tri, and in re s.iesentatiotr of 551a' dtt t'i slue naotNa 'rlire (,f tthe Parihunt of Fifty Thous nd (I$), d).lti) dolwilts, hearing eive (ap) per rent per an~numt interest, eaidi inter edt to I paid annually at the time and pilw to are fiied aI the 1.sald of Corn ,mIis,.ioners of Trainage Uisiret No. Three of the Parish of L~afourehe'. (:i) Maid election will ls' held as pro vhted by law at the follow lug tleaigrnat ed polling pplaeee in Ptaid Drainage 1)is trict No. I'hreo for the conduet of the said election the same bawing the usual Isalllug places, with the fodlowitg per onis duly qaalatled afi ei(rnutisaion1ers and cleckaiof election, viz: The following .ahall be the polling placesa and t'omuzinisaaoaera and ('le ka of election to conduiat said election. Waril No. r Preaint 1-at or near Fel ix I):'tattc'.a Store. C-atnil.siiontei--.-L(u en 'l'raselair, L. .1. Taa,,elair, Felix Delatte, Clerk Salsa tien Ilaydel. Ward No. u.-l'reeinet 2-At or near the store fortmerail)iowii'd by II. N. Cafhlin, nowa kuownu as the Ablby store. Coltua .jiIlel4-4 'harlas Lieh;, lIº' gla: Thtilsadoux.Taylor 14j-JLU~, Clerk J anat I -eha. Ward No. :.-Preeinet 3-At or near LeIo J. lioudreaux's Store. * *mi 1i!n**r-Lein .1. lIanudreaux, t api e I 4'anieieun., Alexatidre Tioupa. IC k Ii . L. Lae~vyru-e. \i ard Y,. t;-l'ra'eintet 1-At or near OaIn.tipp: l'halaeson on the tataekiay ridge St.ttlement. I' ftmmisi- ot'rs-Svlvestre Martinez, Onezippe (.'ias.ion,.l. T.Caillouet,Clerk Theotald I irs. barad o\u. i'-Preeinet 2--At or near Vietor liet'rtndre's resi'!enee. ('ommtiNion'"r.,---I vin"'y itw!r"Igue, Jean 1.. Itodrigue, Albiert ilidriiue, Clerk Aunut' Taupe. (4) The Paresident of the lhaard of I'unllanisioners of Irainage district No. three of the l'arih of aL.afurihe, will on blat- Sixteenth day 'if 4ctobter lIPiI in "ljrntt aeion of ti.' to:trd 1irot'eed ti. alk n the ballot boxes, examtine and eiiunt the ballots, in uuumbjer and aboiunt, for and against thae prapoi t:rau, atail de.lare the result if said elee tihin, and do and iatrfirmn stech other things a5d aits as the law re'jpaires. TraaIIs. It. Itoot:ixa. President hoard of coanunissiouers of mrd Drainage District, of laarlsh of Lafourehe. L. A. Trosclatr. seety. For Bale. The propelty of the estate of II. Ilotltnann, St.. is now offerel for uial'. Fur fiatth r particulal's. Apply to 1 A. BoIlaoN. TIhijio latx La. Notice to the' Public. The pith! c is he-revay int.'.ic i that I will not be respon'ili's for uric leais Si~n urral bºy th** Ln"yster .1. I:..!j.ºr. 4 -t. I'1tANeis DEA.MEE. For Sale or For Rent. On evcy terms a spl)andltd site for residence and alestu :.le Ia, :itian for btiint-es, on Canal street Apply to ALBERT otItDREAC L A Rare Bargain. FoR SALE:-One Aultman & Taylor rice threaher, in perfect condition. Capacity, 350 to 400 eacki daily. Ooe three-mnute cat. For particulars apply to POLMIER BROS., 27 Sehrnever, La. For Sale. Store bualditag, known t* Protee. lt'rs Hall, and re iiltnaie s~tunted on short street but weaen St. Pha~ip and Jack-on streets. For [aarticutars appat ta:t SENTINEL (JIFICE. If vias don t t~ake awlvatntage tat otr sacri&Pe, Sboe, Sn lee now goting ou. auwny ele will. The Rackaej Store.~ o~e Newsppert t-c r::i' oa* ets fr' vta -r'.r" ere by vira, special ½ a'. 8:' atiws the : w; . pirl oi : -hmoclrat4 a f nevpaper.Q iou.. anfi Cl t.rcugb C . r w * a * $ a *~ p.1 a*. .l .~ . . . StaB a ta- r t*-5,rr e-r. C as .NEW AIDVEfltI18ENENTS. HAI.R 1ALSA!I Me- Ft e* teo rtcr 0sr .71. Iao.irou, I n r trt id 5 FINE JEWLtIY. CLOCKS AND WATCHiES rn h t CErL' H ' A It r. 'H rn riun. With the aruoe a ELGIIN44(1 WVAT1'(' 111N (I+ ; F"TOLE, CONSTANTLY ON PiºWDEIt, CAR 11AM). Also the NT ' TRIDOES. HUNT AM ERICAN SEWING ISN( 'ATERIAL 31iAC IIINE." F'utýM::ýW <rf., ETt'., FTC, SWathesi. Clocks. Jewelry, sew tug Machinei. Fire-arms, etc. Carefully repairep and puarang tieil. A full stock of attach aunts, oil and needles for al kin is of Sewing Machines, can bdhad by applying to A. BOUITRON, Cur. Main and 9t. Philip Nt. Tbihodasa - " '' Agent heriIEICENT UCYCLEIS Bank of Lafourche, J:a~ae Wv, * * * e s~2 Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $17,500. Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. ....oFFicKR: ... A..1 R ki Al), Prieptd'nt, K. J. BRAUD, Cashier, C. J. BARKER, Vice P: sident, P. F. LEGENDPE, AesL Cashier ..... UmRFe'TroN ..... I. A. RI.OrIN, D. )EI.AI;NE, Dr. T. STARK. K N. ROT)!, JOHN T. MOORE, JR., Da. L. E MEYER C. J. R 'RKER. A. J. BRAND, C. N. BEATTIE, ALCIDE TOUt'S, K. J. BRAUD. ý Does a General Banking Business Z flu s au) Sells Domestic an.) '.:reign Exvhan;ge. Oil. Oil. OIl. A Golden Opportunity. A Business Proposition'. American Oil Co. fL Limited. Of Thibodaux, La. Composed of Substantial Business Men Only. Capital Stock $250,000. Shares $1.00 Par /Jalue Fulla Paid and EN on A' s(ssable. Now of&brs for <; l,.:iited tmionot of Tu-.' a Stock at the extremely low priec of 2.' iee:'- * abare suu!j.'ct to ad.u. r.cemen! oi withdrawal at itny time withl)ut L'.1 A. NO SALARPID OmF!ERZ. ('rm, any~ t:, roigl;. ,1:r ss ti. :? 0! nn*1 :.; d ni ii, I'ar..hes of La fousih**. Terrctonne a a Assu to . 'Au' C I 3ets w~eiC ate ted uu asj Th.e iw''k uwi.1 c rtsW .v ' *o ., .r :in * tgC . Y'"i e n't ihav for !ose, nunu vou wo'ni lihe Gh .', iini at tall it:.. ' w. 41 .1i E ipioimptly. App i .tiois for nsvx.. <.io i'n wak ut tr Bu .k',f Thulo :.uI tr Buik of Lafouieb. t I)Tvrrows AND Ovwinl'. C. P. SilAVFER, Pr~~:esi et. (Cashitr Batik of ITihiodaux. K. J. B1HA Uk, Vic'-l'resideiit, C(w:hier Bank of LaifourchIe. 0. NAQU IN, :?iid Vitce-~Pru4esidet. Prers. fThilaodaux Boile~r Wank of Thjho'Iaux. IH. S. SMITH. M. I).. Prop. Nmfithi'M IDrig Store. P. R. P !!CY, of Lohdell & Purcy ('0. I td. A. .1. BRAUT), Pres.ideiit Pank of Lafottrdie. E. J. PA... UI). Prop. 'Ihih'trlauax s~hie" & H:'t Storo. 0. E. PEL.'IER SuMtar Il1nt ttr :w uti' itiher. F. ZERtNOTT. '4:vor of TIhiltc(aux. NO LESS THAN 100 SHARES SOLD--$as.O0. I~vrts i h Sentne6