Newspaper Page Text
USE.... ýDr. Meyer's fweae M.a Water, 50C. A BOTTLE. s LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. A genert. convention of Parish FupeI intenidnts will imi et in New Or lean; on O(t. 22nd, 1901. The regular meeting of the Parish School Iii 1( wt l hr held next 'fhuraday, Sept. 2"th 1901, at 2 p. m. Vagraney laws exist in this town and p.rish, we see ^.o reason why they shaould not be enforced. ýe. our job wýirk, you will want no other, tip to date neat printing, ready to meet all competitors-cheaper than many, work e ual to the he-t. Court a Ijourned last Thursday in respect of the dcaih of President Mc hiuley and in oleiiience of Goy. Ile: rd's Irocamnation. The numerous rains we have had here of late have been a great claw. hack to our planters, causing the loss of much hay, with some planters a total loss. A concert hand, summer park, base b.1 dianond and strong local nine, may s t he to while away our long smtiner evening: next year, we have some assurances to this end. If our recent issues have not been as newsy as they should have been, we hope you have excused us, as official work has taken up the greater portion of our space. Every holy is anxious to kno: when work on the trolley line will he started, and when it wi'l he completed; well, within the next twelve months traffic will be opened on the line. Every man in town shoul l he in terested in our "big sac. ifice shoe sale". Big bargains for early buyers. Don't wait, call now. The Racket Store. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yeo Have Always Boght Bears the signature of ¶h1w (ros-ing on Mlarket street at the intersection of Green, is a verita. ilc mud puicirle and might be poss. lily miktaken fora canal afters rain it is an impediment to the drainage of that block. The vacancy caused in the board of directors of the Bunk of lUfourvhe, by the death of Mr. William 11 Ragan Sr. was supAied in the elec tion of Dr. '1'hos `tack. A wiser eckction could not have been made. We regret to stay that we are about to lose Mr. Neal and family as resi dents of our town, Mr. Neal has only been here a short white, but Iiom made a large number of friends. Our loss ii. Alexanidria's gain where he goesin the intireat of the Texas and Pdcific 1,tilway-. HATCHECIll'IBIE, AL.A.,Jftie.3f lS75a. JDr. C. J. itloFi'ETT--Dear Sir: I can assure you that your TEEThIlA (Tec-thinig lPowders) is indispensable to us, 1111( in no single instance has it ever proved ii failure. WVe have tried sootlhing medicines, and everything knoitn to us and "old women," old your Teething Powders are pre emin ently a success and blessing to moth cis mind thildirei. Y~ours truly. etc. J. 31. hLiLACY. Invitation are out for the wedding of Miss Annette Cauilon to Dr. S. A. Avo at St. Josept a Catholic Church Thursday September 26 1901 at hugh 110o0. The Sentinel extends advannce congratiilation. The Srmi :mnnumt examination of white apjlicaints for certificates (if qualification to teach will be held on the 30th, and 31'.t, of October. Col. oreil applicants will be examined e Thurnaday Oet. 31st. The Parish Stuperintendent of Shools requests tis to announce, that tha ne-xt Se'sion of the Perish Insti tute, for the Thihodaux Jurisdiction will he held at ihr Town Hall, Friday, Sept, 27th, 19411, at 2 P. 31. All the teastiers inti rest-d rar ra quested to be on hand punctually at the time and plice aboove mentioned. Holv's This? We otfer Ore [Hunelred Dollars Re. wardr for anuy ease of Cstarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh F. J. CuitrNv & Co , Toledo, 0. We, the und'-rsiginid. hai'e known F J. Cheney for the iast I1e years. ( and heliseve hinm perfectly h'enorabhm ini all huueinea-e tranuaetionis and finant Cimel.3- able toc-arry out any oblig-toions Inide by their thm. W ENT & TRUAx, Whleisale IDruggiats, Tel, dee. 9. WALIieNe:, lKlNNvAx' & 1Alt Int, Whole. sa ii tiyguata. To.edn, 0. Hull's Cmtarrh Cut" is taken inter aally, :e-tiig diigctlv ichon the blood and innoits surfue ow of the system. T'eiti i' ials menit free. Pt ice 75c. he bttlc, So~d by all lrugg~st s.JI 3af Family Psill's are the best I. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widldw of the brave Gelwral Burnham of Msehias. Me., when the doctors said she would die from Pawumonia before morning' writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fear ful night, but she begged for Dr. Kings New Discovery, which had more than onve saved her life, and cored her of Consnmption. After taking, she slept all niglit I nth' r use entirely cured her." This marvel. lous uiediciio is guaranteed to cire all Throat, Chest and Lung 1)iseases. . Oaks 0e and $1.41. Trial battles free 4 all Druggist. Necrological. Died Saturday night at 10 o'clock, Chirles Hugh Chainjagne, at the t young ag " of 3 years I month oad 11 t days, son of W alter Champagne and Lucile Ducotr. The remains were interred in St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery on Sunday evening. To the grief stricken parents the Se".tinel extends its oudolenees. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that eter was made is Dr. Kti'g's New Life Pills. Thb-se pills change weakness into energy, brain. fag into mental power. They are wonderful in building up the he-aith. Only 2te per box. Sod by all Drubgi4t. Big 'sacrifice shoe sale" n'w going on at The flacket Store. Ladies, Attention! Freckles, Blotches an] Pimples, are positively removed by Adair's Vene tian Cream, the most perfect fe bleach ever introduced. Absolutely harinless to the most delicate skin. One box proves its merits. Price 25e at Meyer Drug Co. 8 4t Stood Death Off. E. B. Munday, a sawyer of Henri. etta, Tex., oncedfooled a grave.1lig ger. He says: "My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice. I persueded him to try Eiectric Bitters, and he was soon much better, but continued their use until he was wholly cured. I ami, sure Electric Bitters saved his life." 'This remedy expels malaria, kills disease germs recd purities the blood; aids dzgestion, regulates liver, kit neys and bowels, clues constipation, dyspepsiza, nervnos dimease:. kidney troubles, female coiplaints; gives perfect health. Only 50c at all Druggist. Styles For The Winter. The easie-t and simplest way we I can ýuzgest for our readers to get a good idea of the styles th it will be popular this winter is to buy a copy (of The October Delineator, just on sale atevety news stand. Tire DEuI. EATOR for October foreshadows, by means of its New York, Paris anf London connectionu, those tendencies of fashion which will certainly pre vail. In addition to the fashion features and practical dresamakzug advice thet has made TiE DEItNEATOR f.rmous, the October number is full of good general reading, most tastefully ill'is trated under the immediate direction of the well known arti t, William Mar. tin Johnsou. Mr. uaohitsoU's work 15 known to lovers of the beautiful, 1)3 .reason of the Garfield editioni of Ben Hur, as well zas soime other nicks of large sale. Mr. Johnson be'ieves in illnstrations that illustrate, rather chani in pictures that ainiy ornament arcige. TIhe whole October nncrber of 'InE DELINEATORt is full of interest to men as well as to women. Mr-s. J, N. Wright, agent. Every day some of our country friends come to town with a load of moss hoping to flind the 3loss Gin in operation but nie dzsspapointed in learning that it is not yet in opera tion. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, it has pleased Divine Proc deuce to remove from our midst MIr. Williamo H .ll'gan, Sr. late a stock holder and IDircctor of the Bank of Lafourchw, aziI whereas, it is but proper that silitalile action slaould be taken by tbe Boari of lDireetors of I Bank to pince~ of record th ir e tonof the many anal able sevcsreidered to said Baimk by the said (lecessed. Therefore, be it resolved hy the Bank of Lafocireke, that we feel the loss of our late Director, M~r. William HI. HRagan as a personal hereavem.-nt to ourselves, and as depriving us of tize use 'if his able, enlighteiicd tbcsi ness judgment in, matters catinnirc withiii his functions as a Bank Director Be It further rcsQlved, that we ten der our heartfelL condolence to the a family of the (lecessed, over their grezat beresveomeit aiad iasiire them II of our sympathy in their hour of sor row. 1' Be it fcirther resoalved.. that tihe re. solutions be spread on our Winutes I1 on a page specially dedicated to that liurpo-e, and tbhat, a eertiflc-d copy thereof be foirwarde4 to. the family of the dcvea-ed. i. C. J. BARK ER, 4 E. N. Itoirn, Comm-ttee. c Pistol Cartridges. p Buy your pistol cartridges from H. Rivie'e & Co, the oiily pisee you ieaL thid them~ iu town c; 4t DISTRICT COURT. m Second Week a Busy One Several Cases Disposed Of. r Court opened up Mond:ty for a busy wetk a nuiber of cases were d tried and disposed of. The first case d Up for trial was the State of La., vs. Joe Mitchel, charged with striking with intent to kill, jury brought in n veroiet of guilty of assault. and hat. e tery. Tuesday, Edward Ewing, ple ol s. ed guilty for violation of th Ilbior s contract, fined 610 and costs or 1 dl:y in j u . Sentenced pa~sed on .J1 3litchell Assault and Battery 241 days in pitson or $10 and costs. Statt of Louisiana, vs. Walter F'age, enter inr in the night time with intent to c steal, verdi t, guity. Frank ie Goodman, was allowed to changre h:s 1 plea of guilty of sho'Atiug with ie 1 tent to kilt, to Assault with a '.ang.r s ous weapon and was fined $20 auit C costs or 40 days iiprisoinmeut. o Wm. Dunkin ehargi d with 'ºShoot :1 ing with intent to kill, ilea led '* r il ty' to assaulting with a dangeronn weapon and was sentenced $25 ndt costs or 50 (lays imprisonmentc. C Wednesday wea taken utp entirely r. ( in the trial of E). Wfanner, chitrge s with the the murder of Pot'y Wagner, I. on the Utopia Plantition near Rwue e land la. December 22 1898. T'h t Grand Jury at the March term of the ' criminal court in 99 found a true hi, against the aceusesl. Ile wes a fug: tive from justice until the month or g A;nril of thi tear when Suerilt Detry and Deputy T'ucker captur: d hi an iu the swamiips ui th. P.iriih of St. Mary near 13;e'dwin. The petit jury in the e case lat WVeduesday fouud hi.n gui ty as charged. e Th'r dl"Iy1 court w is nout in ses-io.. in respect to the M:mityied l1'reideut,i cases fixed for that day were re as c signed to the following day. Resolutions of Respect. CASTLE hALL TRIhMPII LODGE No. 82 K. ov P. of LA. .l Sept. 18, 1901, P. P. xXXYIIi. I Being duly comminsioneLI to adopt Ssuch resolutions appropriate to the e death of our honored President fiaternal biuther, lion. Wm. McKinley Whereas, Almighty hod has seen s fit in his Divine wisdom and extr rn mercy to take from this country its most honored and illustrions Presi dent and from the immediate family a most kevoted and loving husband, I counsellor and companion and from our fraternal order an exemplary member; Rssolv.d, That honoring as w. do the beautiful, wise and devoted s8iI*ice rendered to our country an.: nhs family and the most exemplary a hf. which he lived showinig his devo e tion to his God, his home and his y fellowmen and understanding as we n do. how well he followed the tenets of our fraternal order as shown by > hk walks through life. r Resolved, That we raise our thanks S to Alm ghty God for the beautiful example given us in this life and exten-l to the bereaved wife and s family our heartfelt and fraternal t symipathy; º, ltesolved, That these resielutions be I spread upon our minutos and that a copy of same be sent to Mrs, MeKin ix ley and that they be published in our local paer e Fraternally submitted, L. IH. LANCASTER, K. RI. S. F. ZIRNoTT, 11. ot' E. 1h. A. DAUNTS, V. C. r t larg~e audience gaithered at the 'l'lThodaxnx Orera Hloose last, Satur ehday at 4, P. iM. in ac-oreisictm withl a proclamattoti previously issaed by 'Maeyor F. Zernott to express the sen timent of the eommnmtty at Lhe death 7 of the President. f Many ladies graced the occasion Swith their presence addresses were at Stentively lste~neel to from Jut lg# L. P. Cailiotiet and Senator W. 11 lHew eli who dwelt upon the aditi ~abe qna:sttes of otir ileceased Chef trate, as sta tismaca, rtiler aiid liusuiaul.. And dunoun , d, .Anarchy. A com i1it. e Lii con ustiig of the following gientle. L men were appointed and drew up re I solutions expre-ive of the sen-c of cthe community on this puleiin ca'ami t ty: M1e-srs. Ro'and W~illiainson, Judge C. A. Eagerran, Dr. H. S Smith, P. L. Biaeii, J. A. 0. Coignet r and Mayor F. Zernott. '-Whereas, the nation finxls its 1@ (cahled tuieon to mourn the death of its Chief ilngis late, stritki tludown ly the hlnliet of ani assassin. and in t it is ptoper to give. puildic expies5 oii to Ithe love anei respect of ihe Americaei people for their Presielent, i- well a to voice their grief at hima to. ire end; therefore be it 'itesoive ii Thet Iii tie tuitiime'v death 'f l'resid lit .McKinley, str:cken 4iowi as he was by the hand of a tmurdeier, in the fuil vigor of his manhood, an I whn n complyi g with th. iequeest of his poople to be present with them at the 'great Pan Ameriean Exposition. the American peteple have lost a Piesi dent who was ever mindful of the great responsilbitities of his high of. tilee realizing to the full that he was: the chief servant of his pcople and <not their waster, typifying the high. eat and purest development of Amtr. ican manhood. In him the Ainerian Ipeople knew that they possessed a Chief Magistrate whoae beset eixergies andl eideavors were ever directed tee tile uphuilding (if the intererts of his country, atad who rea!izedl that be was the President of the whoie peal ple, anti hot only of a pait oi of a section. "We Lender to his boresvedl wire, our heartfelt syurpat: hv, :oue comn aaM. ixJ heto ue care andc lovirg .J. L. LOBDELL. Pres. ED. BADEAUTX, Secy-Treas. P h. PI ER Y, V-President. JOSEPH CLIUDET. TQe Imbdell & Pery @0 LIZITED. Wholesale Dealers Gommission Merchants. Nuar S. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. , o, ,nd oe ieson Wlor r, 7Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited.Ž Sugar Planters orders given special attention for Grain and Hay. Local 'Phone 152.-Cumberland 87. A. GOSSIN, .... MANCP.iLCTURER AND DEALER .... Choice %ough aDressed A Cypress Lumber., All Dimensions Sawed to Order and Delivered. 9 Lafourche Crossings La. ASTHMA OURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Perma° nent Cure in all Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEiPT OF POSTAL. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. There is nothing like Asthmalene. It brings instant relief, even in the worst cases. It cures when all else FORn TENfails The Rev. C. F. WELLS, of villa Ridge. Ill., says: "Your trial bottle of A Asthmalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a 8 j slave chAmined with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. 1 despair ' ed of ever being cured. I saw your. " ý, advertisenent for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease. As thuma. and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full size Ihottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler. Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. NEw YORK, Jan. 3, 1901. 1)ats. TAF r Buos'. MEDICINE Co., Gentlenen : Your Asthmalene is an excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay LVER , IO Fever. acid its comipositioia alleviates all troubles which cowbine with As RELtEF* llaa. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analvzel, we can state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours. " REV. 1)11. MORRIS WECIISLER. AvoN SpRInos, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1i5. D)R. TsT BatON. Manicuta Co. Gentlemen-:-I write this testimonial from a sense of dety, having tested the wonderful effect of your .tsthmalene, for the oare of Asthmn.s. My wife hts been iflitited with spas-, mnedie asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my Own skill as well as many ethers. I. haeecd to see your sign upon your windows on l5 th street, New Yolk, I at onee of tained a bottle of Astomlene. MY wife commnence'd eakine it about the first of N'vcnmber. I very soon noticed a radical imeproveenent. Afte' using one bottle her Asnthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from asl sym ptomns. I f-el that I can eousistently recommend the medicine to all who are amieted with thisdistressingdisease. Yours uespectfuliy, O. D. PHELPS, V. D. Da. Tar itOS. MEDICINE Ccc. Feb. 5, 1901. Geeettemeen:--I waes troubled with Asthma for22 years. I have tried numerous remnelefi.s liut they ha~ve' alt falilea. I ran across voecr advirtistmeneet anet started with a trial bottle. I found relief it once. I l.ave ,'ince purtchased your full-size tecttie, anl I sem ever grate fuil. I h- e tamcily of ficur children. aced for six yoeirs was uneabie to work. I am now in the~ Oii of licatti snd am doing business every day. raits testimuony you can wake sueh use of as you see tit. Hlome address. 235 Rivlngton streot. S. RAPHIAEL, 67 East 12ejth st., Oaty Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free on Receipt of Postal. Do not delay. Write tet once. addressing DR. 2TAFT BROS' MtEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. mercy of that Supreme Being who is the Fathei of us oil. 'W't c:il upon the proper anthori t es to inact suath legislation as may Ibe ineess:uiy to ftree our country of tt it ban l of assassins, known as A aaruhists, so that in the future the C(zief Jlaaistrate may mingle with tue people ail over this brrad land without exposing his precious life to tht assaults of oneh muuderers." A Shocking Calamity. "Lately htfeil a railroad lahorer," writes Dr. A. Kellett. of Wilford, :1rk. '411.sloot was badly crushed, i but Bu klen's Arnica Salve vuickly Scur4 d hum. Its simply wonderful for Bums, Boils, Piles and all skin eruptions. Its the world's champion heater. Cure guaranteed. 25e. Sold by all Druggist. LOW LATE. A Chance to go to Ban Francisco on a Special Tram. A fe ttre of the Epmeopal Church Convection to he itild rt. San Itanis . ceo, Cal October 2ud will be the Suu set Route "fonveition Spuci:.l," leav. I in, N w Orleats Wtdne:say Septun f her 2;ih, arriving at Houston same d ut.", Sin Antonio 26th and El Paso on September 27th. This train will run through to lous Angles, with stop i over at San Antonio and El Pa-o. So completely have arrangements been perfected to eater to the oufntort t of ,risseugeis on the *'Couveition ' Special" that the trip to Calfoinia on I this train promises to leave ones m.m. ory fragrant wiilt p!easant j tions of the sulerb 'erviee, ad the iainifold beauties of the "*Golden State'" Choice of routes returning via (ug den anuh direct lines. 4 1Gite fiomt New Or'eans $17.51 Hlou. toa $;.00, i;..v: t.,n .$41.451 ant S:an Antonio $45.00. Dates of s:ale Sept 19th to 27th with limit for Nov. 15th. Write fordescriptive lite rature to. S. F. B. MORSE, L. J. PARKS, P.T.M. (.P.&T.A. Houston, Texas. TO THE DEAF.-A rub lady e(red of her Deafness and Noises in j the head Ily Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave 25, ooodols, to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums msy have them free. Address, The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. 43 1y we"s waannagg eq , a.y asLis t$ '(saLpaunL pas sispusjg ps*ss) VOPyp3 '°M"'- .La "rnuOin t soj £! 'Usosw!p £yUa [qiU0AIsU.Z3 pus lseusda LpiatIs Jo s*.u iuiesal pas uisaod 'is* sqs sausv tsoL o3 paps asaq sadedsuaa aas ALBRT.J. LAMSEIGiNE NOTARY PUBLIC RACELAND, LAFOURCHE, LA Omcehourst, nm S. m.tonp. ns. Any Notarial Iturlneis promuptly and car fully attended Leave your orders for pianos organi and 11:10o tuning with V. J. Knoilo It Local Uepresentative of Louis Grunalad C'o. Ltd. I3 CLAY KNOBLOCH Att'y (tteil (Joes ate:oe* at lawt 'I'taibuduiaux, I.+s. Gaude Building, St. Phlijp St. THE BUSIEST HOUSE IN THE CITY - IT'e e Fdudrture * EstablisIre -OF rNEdgar F. Riviei'e, .... MAIN STREET.... FURNITURE FOR THE RICH MAN FURNITURE FOR THE POOR MAN ALSO UNDERTAKER. P M The Place to 1fuy Stores, fi rdware, Builder's lareware,. Guns, Ji, in munition, C'ittlery, Brushes, Brooms, Paints, Oils, Harness, and .Jigricultural Implements, Hall Clipper Plows at New Orleans Prices,... -[s AT H. Riviere & Co. 'Phorne 108. Cor. .Main 5 St. Louis Sta. O o n' t Fa il tok To H. Riviere & Co. I And see their great Sacrifice Sale Of the balance of the' summer stock. Big Cut in Color Lawns. Cost price for all S Waists. And reduced pricbs too many things to me, tilOn. They want to ma room for their wint goods which are soon arrive Come and see for Yeurselve6.~ H. Riviere & ( Louisiana State iUniversi AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGL * BATON ROUGE, LA. TR0S. D. 130 YP, M. .4!., LL. D., Presideist. Session opens Wednesday, September 1I'. sol ('ontlfluinl thirty-Siwen wesks. Complete LIterary and Scientific (Couraes a Studly. Spmeciltt and gratduat coUIAAA Comamercial C(.ur,.. Oldest aind best Sugar I iarse 1o America. Strong facailty. large library, well ((jqu *d il ajsratories, work.shope. and expi station.. Iniarriaiulon t hormuzh.,nmodcrn. ;r. uii.t fitting young men for suceOss lna sa log. Thirty tiullvdsinr t beaut~if.,l gcr.¶and Expenses very low. considering tin p rren ivantageS" offered. Ostalogue continitsf information. ma led on appli catlion to the Secr'Mary of the Cniversity. 2414 Soutliwestorn Louisiana Industrial Instik LAFAYETTE, LA. FDe:1hl19hed by the Stattt for iinstrict~on of ioth -'xe. in the art' and seiencessa6 tra'inin9. 4 lifer. i thor'ugh eo~urse' jn i .ne: I ru..Ij. M:&t irniiicS Hin- 1100 , keepiai.. Slru4.Iraph1y, Ilarnwiug. G.*su( e Iii4 .i. Mi4. 41111 3Manual TraninuK in Wood. for iion; in Sewing, Gookin ii awl iDui~. n aic ~uloc uv 1,z G iris. tltIOLf*ITL.M P4)1 AfDfasifoX: Age. fourten ii -u rs. or older; sathfsfctorl 1za.1 reading, writing. 'jdinlng. arithwm 0t icto ~ iinnintit ,numbers, elem.11ltarl hlstory. (X'rtifltate ..huwjns isatji'faciltor -ilh grrai ,.ork in approvedPl puI otber -ebool accredit id uj son lnvet-1t1.tioni. a Ill I. receivl I for 4,ntranltl withuitt (uirl board Iu new tr ck dlormiitory ljics.Ir. $l1 p' r month; washing. 8f alt to board with private families in town; ltwrd, ff4. 4 to fI ti per muonlh; washing.8 TrmTOs FulL to all regular studients. Incidental fee, 12.ui per half 3ear St aetsdon. In 14(dvanee. Session of nine month. bwegins Wednesday. Sept.1V. Iflti. A ppl3' in advance for Noard; and fir orirnttsied zu;.re of informtion. addfl '. 'r*r-1.i. K. L. STEP&IH ~