Newspaper Page Text
,. .In The Sentinel. 14' IAI II4bo au n/I ~ I24I '4I4444 Ofhoia. .7ousam. of the tPasiah of Lafousche and Q'isriliazm of the ZIat~sast of the Tows.. Vo 36.iT I -___ --- ---- -- -- . __________ OOL WEATHER will soon set in, then you ht do well to look over stock of Fall Goods. you need any of These? white wool Idankets 104 only 33c a pair. spe blankets 12-4 onl 1 .75 silk Umbrellas 1.25, 1.35, I.vy girey blankets 14only 1.76 1 50 and 1.95.} Ladies cotton Umbrellas 40, 50, Al-. white and grey blankets as 60, and 75c eecb. R* M c s pair. Ladies Lace edgeand embroidered joss me Plush capes worth fully Hdkfs 5 and 10e. ".a. e Plush ca40 worth full. Baby's soft ole shoe., aset colors ' - Su lushcpswrhfly 1 to 4 onl 25c a pair. s sily 3.00. Children. aset blue, red, pink and g,ýs Sne cloth capes extra value white Hose only lOc a pair. 1 .9, 2.00 and 2 50. Children. heavy ribbed Hose, fast vs have a good assortment of black, 6 to 94 only 1(c a sair. upa from 50c and 1.25 each. Ladies fancy colored Hose only M>jh black silk skirts $3.00. 15c a pair. ,joss colored underskirts big Bleached sheets, hemmed, ready ýýlbsst 11.50 each. fu~r use 72:9Oin only 60c. "lujmhsblack satin belts "the latest" Bleached sheets same as above p and SOc. 90x90in 65c. Laer Jersey ribbed Ur.dershirtb, Lace curtains 3 yda long only 75 Raed big vaiues at 20 and 25c an I 85 a pair. a Drive" 15c ladies undershiarts, 1.00 and 1.25 a pair. 11. bksk tWe still have a f'w sizes left black silk altts only 40c a among our special sale of ladies ubsip at 50c. shoes. hIss Ecru Hose, 25e quality, Big stock rdf Gent. Furnishings GIs a pair. consisting of shoes and hats, under. house slippers 25, 40 and wear, overshirta, hose, gloves, pants, s plr. neckwear etc. etc., at remarkably low large Turkish Bath Towels prides. (ail in and inspect our new Winter stock and match ýýies if you can. THE RACKET STORE, (Originator of Low Prices.) 180. Chas A. Badeaux, Prop E; fLANT OF THE IHIBODAUX BRICK VIORKS WITH THE FINEST EQUIP MENTS IN THE SOUTH IL now prepared to furnish the best and cheap gs brick in the market...................... bricks on hand ready h0r delivery. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. ADDRESS, I&URENT M. FOLSE, MANAGER, PHONE ,ES * E,. J. BRAUD, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, PHONE EMILE LEFORT 5mema**r to LUVOly " TETREAU SLivery, Feed 5 ...ale Stables. Undertaking ,t Blacksmith and * -......e* * Maker.. frioi Si'. C'or. Levee and .Market, Thibodaux.. .5 * .me * ** 5. .1.. . ** * JOS. L. DfEX LEH, VETEfflNARY SURGEON, I' D5EXLER'S STABLE, THIIOD4U V. LA LICE TELEPIOIE 3D '1 fIDeiI TEL EPIIUDE 128. ertise in The Sentinel. 4 DR. DAVIS' Compound Syrup Wild Cherry and Tar Prom Nature's Laboratory come the cherry and the pine. A sure cars for Consumption, Coughs, Asthma, Influena, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Palpitationot the Seart. N b mesad SaM.5 a Daut. AS droistubaM aSizozaedsaimsb Death at Lockport. News reached Thibodaux yesterday that Mr. Sylvere Bourg, a highly esteemed .;itizen of Lockport had died on the previous day. Mr. Bourg was well known all over the parish, and had many tilends in this community who wi'l be pained to learn of his death. THE HOME GOLD OURSE Am lagealous Treatment by which Druank. ards are Betag Cared Duily Ia Spite of Themselves. No Noxionas Dsee. No Weakealag of the Nerves. A Pleasaat and Positive Care for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerves com pletely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of nen tralizing and eradicating this poison, and destrovuing the craving for intozi. cants. Sufferers may now cure them. selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURE" which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use accord. tug to directions of this wonderful discovery is positiveli guaranteed to curs the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous trans formation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright wen. WIVES CURE YOUR BUS BANDS!! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS II This remedy is in no sense a .nostrum but is a specific for this disease on!y. and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given it a cup of tea or coflee without the knowledge of the person taking It. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CURE" admin istered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued dunking of their own free wilL DO NOT WAIT. Do not , be deluded by al'parent and mislead , ing "improvement." Drive out the disease at and for all tune. The I "HOME OLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reach of every body a treatment more effectual than others costIng *25 to *50. Full directions accompany each package. Special advice by skIlled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Doalar. Address Dept. C892 EDWIN B. GILES & 1 COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market 4 Street, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confi dentiaL A V 0 D__CONFUSIONS. EXECUTORS, administrators, guardians, and others, may avoid endless confusion, ' from the mingling of private and trust funds, by operating separate accounts at this bank. Drop in and let us talk further with you about this important matter. Wills and other valuable papers may be left with us for safe keeping, no charges for same. Remember no business too small, nor too larg. to receive our best attention. BANK OF THIBODAUX.* An Object Lesson. Last Saturday evening a colored man was seen trading in town, pay. ing for has purchases with Acadia labor tickets. He was asked how grinding was getting on on the pi.-.. tation, and whether there was enough t help to save the crop. His reply was that every thing was going nice ly and that the plantation had all the hands neetted, and added that laborers liked to work there because they got their pay every night on I tickets and were free to trade wher ever and with whomsoever they wanted. The tickets are taken as t cash every where, sal a laborer with t them is hi. peakets tesk jest lhke a man with so many silver- dollars, as free and tndellswlent It was not i like working moii'b in and mouuthl out, without ever seeiz.g a dime. Th.' picture of the situation ti'awn by this sImple colored laborer is as object, lesson. a*.rnTzAi.. Dstms iLl iN -1 A Heavy Loss. A very heavy loss was sustained I by Mrs. C. C. Williams on her plan tation situated near Lafourebui Cross I ing, a few miles from Thibodaux by fre last Tuesday morning. Her large c plantation stable containing about I three thousand barrels of corn, several wagons and carts, goodl many tons of buy, most of the ageiitatural i:nimle. mentis and two 6o sea and eigts tin mules were entirely consumed by lire. I The Thibodaux lire engine with I men hurried to the sene to assist to checking the conflagration, but it was found to b.' impossible iac account, of the searcity of water. The lo'ss is ! said to be between $7,000 and $8.0011, and as is generally the case there was no insurance. Diflerent theories are of course afloat as to the or~gin of the fire but nothing definite is known. Great Luck Of An Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Eczema in the palms of my hands failed." writes Editor Hl. N. Lesttr, of Syracuse, Kan., "then 1 was wholly cured by Bucklcn's Arnica Salve." It's the world's best for Eroptioss, Sor's and all skin diseases. Only 25e at All Droggists. The Passenger Train Wrecked News reached town last Saturday I night of a wreck which happened on I the Texas and Pacific branch road, between Donaldsonville and Thibo. I daux, on the Bell Alliance plantation. I It seems that the switch on this side I of Bell Alliance station was partly t open and when the passenger train came bounding by, it of course ran I into the open switch throwing the I engine into a ditch on one side, and the baggage car on the other side, the c coaches not being derailed nor dam aged. The fireman, Mr. Clint E. El. kins was inetantly killed and the Mn I gineer, Mr. Tom Bryan very badly I bruised, but not seriously injured. I Mr. Elkins remains were sent to his c home in Illinois. He leaves a devot. I ed little wife to mourn his untimely c death. While we had not formed the I acquaintance of Mr. Mikins, still we t have been told that he was an ener- t getic and examplsry young man standing high In the esteem of the railroad officials. We regret very much this sad occurrence. WANTh'D - TRUSTWORTHYI men and women to travel and advertise for old established house of solid fianocial standing. Salary 4 $780 a year and expenses, all pays ble in cash. No canvassing required. 4 Give references and enclose useaf ad. dressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, 355 Cazion BiJg., Chi cago. 38a26t. Liberty of the Prees. The Commoner last week contained The following extiact from an argu. r ment made by John Milton to the g parliament of England in defense of a the liberty of the press. si "First, when a city shall be, as it d were, besieged and hl 'eked about, her 14 navigable rivers infested, inroads and incursions round, delanee and battle oft rumored to be marching up even to her walls and suburb trenches, that a then the people, or the greater part, b more than at other times, wholly (1 taken uj with the study of highest sea moo lzn'ortant matters to be e slsrm.*4, siasMeM s. o soning1 readaieg, ltwenting, diecour. I sing, even to a raitsy aunI admiration, tl things not before discr used or writ. ten of, aries first a sing lar good will, conteutedý ea, and coufideuce is t your prudent foresigh', and safe p government, lord, and commous;'and ti from th *nce derives itself to a gal. ei lent bravery and well grounded con r tetait of their eneweia, as if there were u4 small number of as great i spirits among u+, as his .was, who, 4 when Rome was night besieged by it Hannibal, being Id the city. bought that piece of ground at no cheap rate, It whereon Hannibal himself encamped his own regiment. Next it is a lively h and cheerful presage of our happy i success and victory. For as in a tl body, when the b'ood is fresh, the o spirits pure and vigorous, not only to vital. hue to rational faculties, and t those in th"* i.'utest, and the perlest tl opere iins of wit and subtlety, it ar- p gues in wh .t good pili ht and consti. b tt:Liýii tb.- bony iý, so when the cheer fultes. of the pe.ple is so sprightly up, as tb it. it hibri, not only wherewith to gnarl well its caWct freedom and e Sssfevy, let to saaro and to bestow n upon the aotid:st and sublimest points I .ºf cnntr'versy and new invention, it betokens us not degenerated, nor drooping to a fatal decay, but casting ' off the otd awd wrinkled skin of cor- tl ruption to outlive these pangs and b wax young again, entering the glor- & tons ways of truth and prosperous vi, tue destined to become great and n honorable in these latter ages Q Methinks I see In my nmind a noble e and puissant nation rousing herself i like a strong man after sleep and shaking her Invincibielecks; methinks g I see her as an eugie mewing her ° mighty youth, and kindling her tn-. daxzsed eyes at the full midday beam; a purgingand unecaling her longeabused 9 sight at the fountain itself of heaven ly radiance; while the whole noise of a timorous and flocking birds, with R those also that love the twilight, fut- t ter about, amazed at what she means, a and in their envious gabble would prognosticate a year of sects and schisms. What would ye do then, should ye t suppress all this flowery crop of ii knowledge and new light springing L daily in this city, should ye set an oligarchy of twenty engrossers over it, to bring a famine upon our minds B again, when we shall know nothing g hut what is measured to us by their t bushel? Believe it, lords and com* mons. they who counsel ye to such a suppressing do as good as bid ye sup a press yourselves; and I will soon t show how. If it be desired to know y the immediate cause of all this free ei writing and free speaking, there can. not this free writing and free speak. tug, there cannot be assigned a truer than your own mind, aud free, and ~ humane government; it is the liberty, e lords and commons, which your own valorous and happy counsels have a purthased us-liberty which is tihe , nurse of all great wits; this is that h which hath rarefleld and eulightened our spirnts like the Influence of hea ven; that is that which hath enfrsan j chised, enlarged, and lifted up our apprehensions degrees shove themse.- 6 yes. Ye cannot make us now less a eapable, lees knowing, lees eagerly j pursuiog of the truth, unless ye first 9 make yourselves, that make us so, j less the lovers, less the founders of g our true liberty. We can grow igno- c rant again, brutish, formal, and slav ish, as ye found us; but you then it must first become that which ye can. t not be, appressive, arbitrary, and ty g rannous, as they were from whom ye sl have freed us. That our hearts are , now more capacious, our thoughts si more erected to the search said ex- b peetation of greatest and exactest, things, Is the issue of your own vir. tue propagated in us; ye cannot sup- ,g jwess that unless ye reinforce an t abrogated and merciless law that a fathers may dispatch at will their own chlidres. And who shall thee stick R closest to ye, and excite others? N4ot u he who takes up arms for cost and it coeductaud his four nobles to Dame. p gelt. Although I dispraise not the defense of just immunities, yet I love e my peas. better, if that were all. ( Give me the liberty to know, to utter, do and to argue freely senording to a couaeience, above all liberties." If your appetite is goseayou used a -oo tooe) Tomo-Tosique is the bhest apietluer on the market. It will' make you eat sad will digest what1 you eat. Oat a bsottle at the Thubo.. dans Drug Stor. is Let Us Offer Our Thanks. The President has named Thursday, November 28th as a day of Thanks giving and prayer. This is a custom I which has been faithfully observed since the days of Washington and the day so set apart has been made a legal holiday. We have a good deal to be thankful for. Though, as the President says, we mourn the death at the hands of the assassin of our beloyed President, Mr. McKinley, and the sorrow is still felt and seen, still we have so enase tA complain as a nation. Prosperity has blessed our jple everywbhee, and no period in the history of any country has seen a people make such rapid staides in all that go to make them great and prosperous. In commercial, agricul tural, industrial and manufacturing enterprises we lead the world. It i. no longer the infant nation futlowrng in the footsteps of and trying to keep L.p with an older one, but a giant itself leading the van. We have, however, difficult prob. lems to solve. The war with Spain has furnished us serious and perplex. lug ones. The Phillipines Islands, though our own require an army of over 50,000 men to keep them under subjection, and the raids now and then made on the bare footed half clad poorly fed Filipinos, are gradually but surely thinning our ranks neces. sitating constant re enforcement Must we exterminate them all to establish a peaceable stable govern ment ? Something must be done. It costs money and lives to carry on business in our far off possessions. and whal, we may be willing to spend the money with a view of getting it back we cannot consent to let our sons go to the slaughter. Till now we have received ro beneft from that quarter. Porto Rico is quiet and everything seems to go on harmon. iousiy there, but we have seen no good yet from our "occupr.ney ant ownership" of that island. Now comes the koverty problem : What are we going to do with Cuba-the Pearl of the Antilles? Shall we also annex her, or give her people free government under an American pro tectorate, just to keep our promise to the world, and then add her also to our newly acquired poseesuions ? In the meantime will we cose our ports to her goods, or let her sugar come in, free of duty, and thus cripple our Louisiana industry? These are serious queltuoss and we hope Mr. Roosevelt will show more ability in grappling with them than he did with the negro question. President Me Kinley was a wise far seeing man and could be safely trusted when these grave matters arose May our young President be equal to the emergency. Meanwhile let us in obedience to the proclamation of the President and in accordence with a tlme'honor. ed custom assemble in our houses of worship on the 28th inst. and offer thanks to God for the many blessings we as a people have recelte4 from him. The Thanksgiving number of The Lasdies Home .lonroal is replete with good fiction and interesting and novel features. It opens alppropriately with an article which tells "Where the President's Turkey Comes Froma." Then tisere are delightful sturles by Hezelkiah butterworth and Laura Spencer Porter, and a new love story called "'.Jhristinc," by Frederick M. Smith. Cleveland Mofiett has an interesting story about Ira ID. S~ankey, the great evang.'hiat, and &dith King Swain recounos the famous accents she has made 'u various parti of thej world. Will Bradley's original de-. cigna for a house begin with the breakfast room, and Wilson Kvre, Jr., presents plans fo~r a country house and a garden. M1r. Bok gives much good advice to young married couples in hia editorial. Another most time-! ly feature is **Why Should a Yonng~ Man Support the Church ?" by the Rev. Francis ii. Clark. Many home made Christmas gifts are shown. and the first of "The Journal's Amusing Puzzles" appear. The regular dte pertments are excsptaonally good and the illuetratlons superb. By The Curtis Publishing Compsny, Phila deilpila. One dollar a year; ten enats a copy. She aesspeper besatsupe yerwems b tbs ew od.... Payus Is has a she war pilitial mnd goesasl mws ef sek desg an hes Mahes 3aspessm -eel - metil tn reushmoy. Dellp Idhisa, Sj for s meaksh Twlss'aWssb Edhie m1es Nueaps mat 1hereiash~ Sc ajssr. Ghesthersvnsesl THICY SAY That sugar mill partis am all the go, and That no speocal induoemeat Is necessary to gat up one. That the sale of peanuts shnuM be stopped in the Opea House, and That the shelliag of the pea nute makes a noise which m very annoyier to actors as well as other people. That if all the employees on the Texas & Pacilc railroad were white men that many wrecks and eollislosa would be averted. That there is an ordnlasce ia town which prohibits test driving, and That the tow. marshal eught to keep his eye on the violators of this law. " Thai stile ehrymathesem ws being oonspmeuouslydlisplayel sauty might by some of our-- - That poisoning cats Is a prntate industry. That bell has no fury like a woman who has paid about ten or twelve dollars for a hat and then lade that bet hired girl bas gone and copied it. That since cupid played barne in our mdtst several weeks ago, that business and nearly everything else has been suffering. That Lobýdell & Percy Co. received 12 cases of Atlas oats and announced it to their customers through the columns of the "Sentinel" and before the week had closed their supply was exhausted, and That they are now fully cotivinced that the Sentinel is a great advertis lug journal. That red shoe strings are fast du. appearing from the commnuity. That a gentleman in thi, town who is reputed to ie high authority on some aubjects, certainly did profes his pure and unadulterated irnorance in a conversation he'd a few days ago with one of our prominent plan ters on the subjects of seed cane and the winrowing of cane. That it is a wise imlan to always keep your mouth eoased on matters that yvm k mtw so little about, e pecially, if you are in the presene of others who are versed on the subject. That there are evidently people in this town who seem to know more about other people's affairs than they unfortunately know about themselves, and That if everybody followed the - asvtce of one of the philosophers of old : "Kaoao ty self aid "Niotkes is excess," there would not be so I many lies and gossiping rumors boat. ing around the town os as endless journey. That any old hoy, (and eve. the Frenchman) can hear the whisper of a pretty girl, farther than the loudest, ealla to work. That the hardest man to pieae is the one who never knows what be wants. That Roosevelt is the only presi dent that ever was an artist or rather a painter, and That he gave himself away when he mixed colors not a great while ago in the white House. That a man may have a watch that is a good t(me keeper, als yet not have a good time. That Under Two Flags was well rendered here last Saturday night, and That the play was simply tip tops, and That there was a very small erowi in attenansor, and That this fact is very dserouraglag to think that the people wont turn out irhenever sesmething good eosues 'to tows. That two of Thihodeauz's handesoe young gallants had their pridt hemI. hasted into fragment. while care'essly perambulating around the Southern Pacific depot early Wednemlay warea ing. and That a. a result of what happened a Rubber Factory is to toeereotrdiue town an aoou as a proper site can8 be obtained for the pisaa That the cushing seats, with psen. umatic hacks, in Sells A Grays shore last Wednesday night wer~ out in' sight. That ttcfonald Scott, Os, will be with us Sunday might, and That they will remanat is town one whole week, and That they are prepared to give the people sonic good plays, and That every performence le guaran.. 'Iteed to tolrestclaas, and That if you hnve any doubt. salmut it turn out adstsyyasl u Iday night. n auyywefSn That the Thibodaux Drug Store ma the piiaee to get 8--k, saul That if you doat' bliteve It jue*% sneak aroused there and see. That Ten Nights In a Bar loom vas admirabhy rendered Thursday night at the Opera Hoese, and That it was the same pitiful o!4 story: A v very peer Matendance. That a Th.hudsan Dude i aeas.t ot clothes sad a peli of red shoe striange wligaround towi. That good many of the town pm. pie were really anal truybmsjelstatis at the ahaw Wsdsandgh~.i That thesa weresim ages pu.manse 'moss hakso sec rubbwemeub isathius :dence .**