Newspaper Page Text
ýAsitl gton ý@ei4. S Welhirnto'n. Nov. ;. 1901. ', eel"ctioii i tInfll aic the (iiief r of intaWnýt iiAstt, tibgton to d* yv eveytone q dthsisaing the efteet s ye Y "u:ts in the snort amn 4 eli-ittonii Of th next two Thy f. ft that, with all the bl~cadt, t large nuwbntrof Dem. sad tht* usual dingront!ed ele li pinit .im. Mr. Edward M. r reteiVe J over 6.000 mIlOor. vd than dhi \"an Wy k UIi the last _atO, has r. ti:tol in n*oi-il,.rahle onºi of 3 lr. Sit.psrd aa ai like'v ggucratic: nu~ Ii late for toie gater ý IWp t I' yir aln I a Ioteti:1I cuigate for the preaidenha~l its r. Shepard has back of him a ýsaikaily cla13 record 1ad the mostI dreful tcrutlny of his oplonewats ins ca smpaign just ended failed tLo gsesJ the most trivial at tiot who A codd be made the grouod for ri:ial. -. The fuuionisks cozf'naetd tlaemn MIes to.pointing out what they I, bI g)5 ineonlsistency on U .r. Shep ttd'» is aceepting the mouaination frow any and Mr. Sbh'pard relplted st he prxw~eil, as mayor, to give w city as houest, clean goterniutia a that he consadered that thE im pseasce of vii tory to his party fat eaweighed to narrower view which auil that the part ought to be sacri. g td o onkr to obtain fauciead im. p.VSetnts in the nmunicapa! nazminia omiea from the handy of ieu who il sever bteen put to any test At i writing Mr. Shepard, after having f.alood the heat and fire of a mos. 1ttlr campaign, stan Is stronger with ofrsmads and with his ebeadii a than Wes he entered the fight uan there M hlttle doubt( but thwrt he oUldI, in a gspsign where Democratic anti Re pbellese liAes were clearly drawn. rry Greater Srw fork by a very . sudhssue majority. Each astisfnetton is felt in Demo qu gearters at the results in Mary i'Ma which insure the ret trn of Ar ager P. Gorman to the 8 nate. He able and experieuced mau anl j hat the interetts of his pat srt He will prove a valuab e to the Dt mocratic si. le of tLe sad to the leaders of his party h will respect his alvuce ott all nt issuais. The returni from Ivania show great y reIu ed Y gpablican majrittle. hit th.ý ltepub uachine, with Matt Qo.ay at its agd, proved too strong to be over. raws by the advocatwe of hcneat t. However the results of Syear's light should be regarded as ing and a rcontinuasce of the l' power will insure a still great «suspadiation thu next time the anti. tionists array themselves hait. evidenee of the existence of the Sdgrde of brotherly love which assb it4the War and Navy Depart rnals was given yesterday morning wh. the General Cammanding the Miles, and tha Addiral of the Dewey, both absented themmel " the wedding of Adjutant A gMggl Corbin and Mliss Edythe Pat t J Both had received Invitations Iagbhsy sent regrets Another con absenee was LL Colonel + i, who it will be remembered, ys to the late President Pre-I that little hemp affair will Amst fur it, as I understand that Heistand was not invited, but 'tres of the 8eoate's inves cmeattee were hardly such warrant so direct a snub. searoety of Washington news thih mow exists msee will until Con g eaveaes is resulting in the agaila out, by some of the Washing. pondents, of the moat ex ~yenaarde. The latest is the'spost that the President is going e sppoint a Democrat to the Cabinet. hidMait Roosevelt is ornginal and ddermlsed in his ideas and methods Whb~kwould as s006 think of ap SPbltg a Comachee Irlanis to the Ithles sad the appointment would b sheet as appropriate. The Cabi 34 arts as a board of adviaors and it b' almost needless toesay that no Ps of say standing would be to place himself In a position Simhis loyalt) to his chief would ' b sesstamtly at variance with his *~pity to his party. The l'osttioU Udal be altogether too delicate aa* Neldn and Mrs Roaeevelt, sc inapsamed by Secretary Cortelyon, t Secretary leoeb sad Pinch White House steward, left too for New York on a ape 111trason Monday. Mrs. Roowo nasal in New York, the guest -h lPrusldent's aunt, while the t proceeded to Oyster Bay his ballot. M r. leoeb and east their ballot. at the -.,place and Secretary Cortelyon at Hempetead, L. I. p ldat that Navy Department osaumouncement that Admiral ski, or Captain Crownim ps he soon will be, will be given et the European statios has a hornet's neat about Seese 'S ears and that he is being with protest. fiom people all * euetry who are admoirers of Schiey and would, tharafore, be anything in the nature of for Crowninshieki. The is at a loss to know what to matter and he is equally be Soasult the President. There tJpjietedent fur the Secretary of W y's explaining to private citi- a b asons for the promotions ses fit to make but, on the lialt, to ignore a protest from so wi lespread certainly bad politics. Dudley Fonike, the recent Mexican Mustang Liniment for horse ailments, for cattle ailment , for sheep alilments. The most sensible thing to do when sfilbring from Bruises or Cuts is to treat the wound with Mexican Mustang Liniment, because it is noted for its ability to drive out sore. ness and inflammation, after which it heals the damaged flesh in a remarkably short space of time. ror wounds soak a cloth wtla tha Halmeat snd on lbs mar as you worls a poaelon for hurls apply frbily and fab 11 wael lB. '."Ew A 1 . POlUIrRY. Mexican Mustang Liniment s Ia sure remedy fur curing Scaly Legs among poultry. ARE ANY YOU HE A DEAF? ,NGiSE3 ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARINJC ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Onlv thos7 boru deaf are incura'ale. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. t . A. WIERMA.4, OF 5t LTIMORS, BAYS: GeIesu-bigeaidycrd et ' a r teaLTaflS. Id . trout. Castlesses: - Slag retircly cttrrd .f deafness, t'ank! tU sour treitmttent, I pam nIJw dl\'Iou a fall blstory at may case, to i~e waaed at .ourali,icretian.' About lve yeats ago ay r aght ear began to sing aand thi ept on getting o'r+- *ntil i lost try bearing in thi s ear entirely I madrwest a treatment for eatarrh. for three months. without an' Si'cer ; .arnult" d rum bee of physicians, among other.., siar ,.i euanent ear special&Mt of tu. .dc, nl ha. told mhe that oily as operation could help mue, and rnen that only tcworarit!y, that the head moises would then cease, hut the hearing in 1k' affected car would :xie ost forever. I then saw your advertisemeut a3ccade' Ily in a New York paper, and ordered your treat Went. After I bad vsed it only a few dsy, according to sour directions. the noies ceased, and ºday after See weeks. my heariag an the diseased eas baa been entirely restored. I thank you ~' bsriy n e to remsia cray is ly you rs. ` 1adbeo sr. A.ERIIAN. 7306. broadway. Baltimore, Bid. Ouer treatasese does not interlere with your nsati occupatdow. 3zatml"nati and YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME atame"... INTERUATIONAL AURAL CUNIC, 596 LA 'ALLE AVE., CHICASO, ILL. sioner, has gone to work on the ques tion of pensions, or some substitute therefore, for superannusted clerks to the government service. lie has, he believes, looked into the matter care fully and has reached the conclusion that the only practical solution of the question is the employment of the services of some bonded endowment company. He is opposed to the government's assunlg any such bur den on the one hand and on the other he objects to the idea of deducting, for investment in a pension fund, a percentage of the salaries. He says that every facility should Li given the emyloye to invest a portion of his earnings in an endowment fund but that he hardly considers it tie province of the government to compel its employes to do so. Recent advices from the Philippines report the adoption of the most dras tic laws in regard to treison and some vigorous protests from our Phi lppino I subjects who denounce the laws as . more severe than those with wbhi'h they had to contend under the ltpanlsh - regime. Of course provision for the severe punishment of treason, rewards to informers sad violations of indivi I dual liberty are inseparable from the colonial policy and must be accepted as inevitable. FYour home - Newspaper Sjfully corers the held of local tnwbtprogressive people . that - current events root d everywhere by wire, special a telegraphic service and cor respondence. Such is the want only 6fled by a big use t jtropolitrn newspaper, and ...TH E..... ~ Times-Democrat R f (Sis that kins'd of a newspaper. i, It leads ini circulation, maflh. if cn~c and popularity in tier South, and in every way comes up to alt the realiire D 9 me:. s of a liah grade home y! a:,l busiursa newspaper. Subscribe now, through f )nr pmatnsaster, local agent S% snj direet to the ofce. p Yssr ". . . . . ste V $',1er Ysa- . . . . *S 88 n*.UW'r, P* *ev . . " The Times-Democrat. (t uNw OsesaS. La. Look Carefully * To Your Kidneys D TcDr. Jenner's 1 Kidney Pills or a case the kidneys to work as ý" aature intended they should. They build up the shrunken 1( walls of the kidneys, as no e known remedy has been found el to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles P they have no equal. is o0, 25, SO Cests ROTH DRUU STOffE. For Sale. Store building, known as Protee. tors Hall, and residence situated on Short street between St. Philip and Jack'on streets. For particulars apply at SmrmasL OrrcsL FOR SALE. TRE TROTTER BUILDING, Nest door to Thibodaux Drug Itore centrally located for sny business Apply to Mas. A. LArosseT, 10.4. on Canal street. For Sale. A fne piano French make in first class condition. Will be sold for cash or on time. For further parti culars apply to MMs. F. E. BAILEt. 11. For Sale or For Rent. On easy terms a splendid site for residence and desirable location for business, on Canal street. Apply to ALUIRT BOUDAeAUL Window Glabses. For window glasses, all sizes, call on H. Riviere & Co. 144t Wanted. Tenants who can furnish mules, carts and farming implements to cultivate cane by the ton on the richest and most productive land in Lafour he Pariah. No fertilizers needed. Central factory and school on plantation. For particulars apply to JoAN R. OGESEs, 13 It Obeens La. A Generous Goodýýess 01 Quality. Cole sod Styie. SsbLect to Tear laspectlee ha the Gnrat Variety of Attractive Designs Shown as the SUPERIOR SWEATERS r , l ! Made by the "'R t W" Kenting 1'! 1 I " ~Mali-Predecerset theOei strki ' i = P~~Itting Swstri h Wsr. AllAM Slase- All Prlece N. Trouble to Show You the Gsed Points. his Braud's Sons. THE 6WAT TONIC LAXATIV E I yea bore seas sto mach, indigesties, blesonsmes, csstipation, bad breath, dimaeas, inactive liver, beaetibra, kidney troubles, backache, los of appetite, insomnia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skim, or any symptoms and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels and am Impaired digestive system, lanakela Will Cure Ters. It will cleaneat the bowels, stimulate the liver and kidneys, strengthen the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put yes 5 o your feet" again. Your appetite will reture, your bowels move regu Jarly, your liver and kidneys cease to treoble you, your skin will clear and freshen and you will feel the old time energy and booyancy. Mothers seeking the proper sedicate to give their little tees for eeastlpetleu, diarrues, cohe and similar trouble'. will Sad SLaxaola ai Ideal medicine for children. It heeps their bowels regular without patn or grplpni. acts as a general tale, sastets asture, aids digesein, relieves reotlamness, clears the coated tongue, re4sees fever, sensee refresehag. restful sleep and makes them well, happy and hearty. W Obdldrem ike iU and abk for 4t. For Sale b Lasakole is not only the moot eacieat of family remedies, but the most economical, heases it cos. imess two medicines. viz: lazative sad tool, sad as eme Sc. or Sc At draess Seed for hee sample to THE LARAKOLA CO.,I Ntessm Sweeta , sad-s the same of your We wilt eopreva to say eddie. ee receipte 80lk. ia stampso etas. e he e hq Family osue battie of Leaakola, teduecto as fete hagisstis A1LBRHT.1. LA11S4EN~`IN NOTARY uUBLIC RACELAND, TLAFOURCHE, LA Ofilce b ,tracnh Q an. an 'op. ian. Any Niatariul buanfces pronptly and car tally attueadd ta . Don't Force Your Bowels with hush minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and wher their ue is persisted in, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer kmnwn. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh est mineraL No gripe or pain. a sO,25, 50 cents. 170TH DRUG STORE Subtle Foe Dyspepsia is unrecognized in half the cases. It deceives the unknowing suferer. Its many variations work along the weakest lines of the system. To battle against only one of them is vain. Our booklet explains its symp r toms. Our DyspepaaTabletagive complete and lasting relief. GILES' Dyspepsia Tablets s *s .O :n 80TH DRUG STORE. TO TIlE DEAF-A rich lady cred of her Deafoess and Noises in, a the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artifcial a Ear Drums, gave 25, ooodola, to his s Institute, so that detaf people unable I to procure tbs Ear Drams may have r them free. Address, The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New . York. 43 ly Public Bale of Ferries. STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. BY VIRTUE OF THlE :.UTHORITY vested In us by Itu olutions of tIhe Polite Jury of Lufourrhe, sdopted Kept. 12, 1901 we the undersigined, will sell at public auction to the hiihst lresposibl. bidder, at the front door of the court house, in the town of Thitxi.tux, on SATURI)AY DECEME II7, 1901, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. The lease of the Public Ferries of the parish of Lafourche. for a term of years extending from'tho first of January 1902 to the 31 clay of lDecenber 1913 Inclusive; which said ferries to be sold shall be located as follows: 1st. One at or within one quarter of a mile of the Angelloz store at about Six miles above the town of Tiiibodaux. 2st. t ne at St. John's Chapel, at about four miles above the town of Thibodaux. * 3rd. One at or near Mrs. L. A.Uossin's store about two miles below the town of Thibodaux. 4th. One at or near ht.Charles Chapel about six miles below the town of Thib odaux. 5th. One at or near Raceland. 6th. One at or near Thomas Leilane's i store on the Buck Horn plantation about three miles above loekport. 7th. One at or near the store of J. T. Badeaux about seven miles below Lock port. 8th. One at or near the Chapel of Notre Dame du Rosaire at Harang's Canal. 9th. One at or near the Cut Off. l Terms and conditions: One eighth of the price cash on the day of sale, one eighth on the first day ] of the month of April 1902 and one eighth every three months thereafter throughout the term of said lease; said credit payments to be represented by notes payable as aforesaid; signed by the purchaser or one or more securities to be approved by the President of this 4 Jury. Each purchaser shall furnish bond in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty (250.00) Dollars binding and obligating the lessee to kee the fer at all times in good order an to faithfully perform all the duties incumbent on him as a public ferry keeper, said bond to be recoverable before any court of compe tent jurisdiction. The purchasers at said sale shall also h- further bound by all the terms, con ditions and obligations imposed upon ferry keepers by the ordinance of the I Police Jury relating to the sale of the public ferries adopted Oct. 23, 1899. J. L Aucotx, President Police Jury. T. A. BADMArx, Superintendentof Publi Schools, parish of Lafourche. 16 A Rare Bargain. Fos SALK:-One Auitman £ Taylor , rice thresher, ls perfect condition. ` Capacity, 350 to 400 sacks daily. One three-mule cart. ' For particulars apply to Powia Baoe., 27 Schnever, La For sale. - I The property of the ettate of H. Hoffimann, Sr., is now offered for sale. For further particulars. Apply to 1 A. $0lKO1o. Thibodaux La. For Sale. One lot situated on Jackson street, desirable klcltion to build residence. 42 Apply to THOMAs A. RIVIss.4 4.1. 0111 IOU : 1a. tchmnai.ker a It at G.u"n Clt int~itll a I tr;P@ 4tati vo~att&p(1 ata OH uns at of r_ FINE JEWLERY, 'J 1 CLOCKS AND WATCHES: Trji I4IldLHATE' ..l) ,.*t. wt \ . E'LGIN WATi'HE'" S (iT' t I'TI T S, CONS TAN'tLY I'N NWHElt, I'A R. Oi ANI). Also the N L VV 'j'lt D; EM 11I 'V!' A.\LHICAN SEWIN GNU :ATEX1AAL 11 AC ITINE. 1' "a At* I" T C., V If 11:ttt lP.e ('ItwIk Jen. r yt~l}. Sew ** l i*Mº a 11:w luns. IF i°-untus. retc. (':ireful retjust~ere anti gtarmt( trod. A furl stuck of atattna a t a t's: e ti1 antl nat tlel for a.: Liii 5 (If New~im .Mlavliine.*, su tb 2lhad by appjl intg to A. 1XOIRON. Cur. MauIst and 4t. Philip Rt. Th bodsux * _ - * ýs nt tIsC E=CELT B'YCLtIS Bank of Lafourche, "aa AIZ, *. *o*a1*A3 . Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $17,500. Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. ...... 0oflI0s: .. A. J BRAUD, President, K J. BRAUD, Cashier, U. J. BARKER, Vice President, P. F. LKGENDPE, Asst Cashier ...... DIancToss ...... L. A. BLOUIN, D. DELAUNE, Dr. T. 8TARK, E. N. ROTH, JOHN T. MOORE, Ja., Da. L. B. MEYER C. J. BARKER, A. J. BRAUD, U. R. BEATTIB. ALCIDE TOUP8, K. J. BRAUD. <P"" Does a General Banking Business -" Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange. Oil. Oil. OIL A Golden Opportunity. A Business Proposition. American Oil Co. : Limited. lhe Of Thibodaux, La. .. Composed o& Substantial Business Men Only. SCapital Stock i$25.0 000. .. Shares $1.00 Par Value Fully "Paid and Non Assessable. Now offers for aal' a Iiaaitetl awl)ont of Treaimny Stock at the extr.mely low price of 26 ERentt peia hare atibject to udv.tanccWsent or witbdiawal at ,es any Lime without not~i.e. T NO SALARIED OFFICERS. k: Comiany controls va ions tracts tjf lanl, lotaattd an lb. Parishes of ha fourchte, Terretuonue and Assuwmstion. These It acts wtCas seletd (II ItO ofcount, of the strong lndi.ittions of .,il. S's This stock will certsinly zto to p: r in a ahort time. Yiu c sot itaby for less, anid you wotibt atlheh.* tn buay at all nunle on, 301oI no prtomptly. he. Applications fcor stoack cani be at tbhe Baamk of Thshiausnz or Bask of lay Lafourche. ta DIRECTORS A ND OFFICERS. ¶id C. P. SHAVER, President, Cashier Bank of Thibodaunc. by K. J. BRAUD, Vice-President, Cashier Bank of Lafourche. as 0. NAQUIN, 2nd Vice-President, Pres. Thibodaux Boiler Works Co. Ltd. rPLBRAUD, Secietary and Treasurer, Assistant flashier asBank of Thibodaux. ri H. S. SMITH, M. I)., Prop. 8rnith's Drug Store. 1, P. R. PERCY, of Lobdell & Percy Co. Ltd. p*- A. J. BRAUD, President Bank of Lafourchxe. iso ERNEST ROGER, Sugar Planter. on- E. J. BRAUD), Prop. Tluibodaux Shoed& Hat Store. O . E. PELTIER, Sugar Planter and Butcher. the F. ZERNOTT, Mayor of Thibodaux. r'y. NO LESS THAN 100 SHARES S0LDm-S25.00. on. 1L ily. 'to' H. - Advertise in The Sentinel.