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Jury Venire, THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. pth Judicial District Court,-Parish of Lafourche. Be it known and remembered, that on this twenty-nlinth day of the mouth of January in the year of our Lord, One wth.and, nile hundred and two, parsant to written notices issued by the Clerk of Court, in and for the Parish of Lfourehe. sad addressed and given oeoeh of the Jury Commnlssioners in 4 for said Parish, as by the said Clerk's ertl eate hereto annexed more fully app~ r; we, 11. W. Frost, Henry Riv les, osM. Lefort, Thomas J. Knobloch ad Jno. .. Seely. Jury Commissioners daly appointed as such for the parish of 1iourche under the provisions of Act go. 135 of the Genral Assemblly, approv ed July, 13th, I1i", and promulgated by peblieition in tile State Official Journal in July, 2uth, IS, and all duly sworn asd qualified as such Jury Commission. ers in and for the said Parish of Lafour he; met at the Clerk's Oflice at the aourt house in the Town of Thibodaux, sad in company with Charles J. Bar her, Clerk of said Court, ex-officio Jury Cognmissioner, duly sworn and qualified a- such. Then and there in the presence of Messrs. Thomas A. Riviere and Emile J. Iegendre, two competent and disin -toested witnesses of lawful age, compe toet to read and write the English Ian ,sum, residing in the Parish of Lafour beband summoned by the Clerk of said L Court for the purpose; proceeded In ae aordance with Section 6 of said Act No. DInof the General Assembly of the State do Iaisiana of 18l4, to examine the gen. Vral venire list on file in the Clerk's Of gee, and having struck therefrom the sames of such Grand Jurors and regular Jarors as have so served, as well as the " smm of others who are known to have died, removed from the Parish become exemptor disqual i tied to serve as Jurors, 'iaee their names were entered thereon, sad the names of those who have died, removed. become exempt or disqualified Swere also taken from the general venire box; after which we supplemented the arinLal list and the ballots in the box wlih the names of the same number of ' od and competent men from the qual Sfbad Jurors of the Parish, as have been Staken from the box and erased from the l5 so as to keep the number of names Itbp general venire box and on the list at the original standard of hunderd contained therein; each d sraid name so placed In the general laire box having been written by the Clerk of said Court on a separate slip of paper together with the number of the ward or place of residence of such per And immediately after completing said nire list, we selected therefrom sbe iames of the following twenty citi good and competent men, posses 9g the qualifications to serve as grand Jros prescribed by Section 1 of said Staken from different parts of the h, as far as practicable, to serve as a d Jurors at the session of court be. lmnlng on Monday, March 10th, 1902, 1d until discharged according to law, t-wit: GRAND JURY. SL James Dill Ward. SI. Paulin Ouillot 1 _ Thomas Beary I 4. Thomas Guillot 1 I. Henry Brand 2 L A. F. Gaiennie 2 7. A. J. Trone 2 L K. J. Braud 2 ,. Joseph Clandet 2, . Leufroid Pitre 3 IU. Alexandre Pertuit 3. 1!. Ulysses J. Barrios 4 IS. Abdou LeBlane 4 14. Robert C. Seely 5 Is. Alexandre Toups .5 I. Joe. Martines, Jr. 6 IT. Etienne Hebert 7 S.. Clay Falgout 8 ,. Alfred Mare 9 31. Clifford Lathrop le : And having so selected the above asmed persons as grand jurors, the same of each was written on a separate slip of paper by the Clerk In the pres once of the Commissioners and witness .w, and all the slips so containing the sames and number of the ward of each lt said grand Jurors were placed In an savelope by us Commissioners, which -was by us sealed, signed and endorsed sad Iaheled, "List of Grand Jurors", placed in the jury box as hereinaf stated. After which we proceeded, after the pm contained in the general venire x had been well mixed, to draw from I said general venire box the names thirty persons to serve as petit Jurors the first week of the session of said C beginning on Monday, March, t 1902, the names being drawn from ox one at the time by HIenry RI. one of the said Jury Commission- C In the presence of the other Com- f -ner and of the witnesses, and names so drawn are as follows: FIRST WEEK. a Ward. L Numa Mire 1 Lois Sapia 3 Joachim Landry 1 George Plalsance 4 Gustave Knobloeh 7 Smile Cantrelle 8 Bartholomew tchuppert 6 mao. J. McDonald a ii Felicien Breaux 5 ortune IeBlano 9 *. P. Puh 5 b : Vietor Matherne a ., P. Oaude 2 Oleap Bourgeois 8 Albert Chauvla 7 -mile Richard 7 J. B. Leche 5 la avid Beally, Jr. 7 Douglas Thlbodaux 3 Joseph France 4 0 ,layChiaseon 5 1I ssph Bourg 3 Bergeron 5 .llp Bourgeoni (son of Norbort) 7 Aiex P. Hebert 1 d AlIade J. Toups 2 ghtin Bourgeois 2 , Boureols, Jr. 5 GlMrt Ouidrry 6. einry Adam 4 laced the names of the fore- t persons so drawn as petit to for e first week of the saidses of court in an envelope, we have and sealed, and endorsed and P it "List of Jurors No. 1", to , Shr h.b said first week of the ses which we proceeded to draw th the said general venire box the of thirty persons to serve uas petit Lor the second week of the see- ar _ mld Court beginning on Mon- t tMreh, 17th, 1902, the names being from the box one at the time by a Henry Riviere, one of the Jury & era, in the presence of the Commissioners and of the witness- a which names so drawn are as to-wit: SECOND WEEK. Ward. he e Bondreaux 6 B( unthement 10 e pierce 4 LeBRlan 2 ma McDl)ermnott 2 Knight 4 ha 'r.aps 7 sal -- u ter 9 - Ionard 4 Chanvin 3 ioE Godehaux 7 of Abribat 7 Foret 7 set Bourgeois 7 tw Paleon 1 Bour eoi bet Dte- rigue 6 Dupre 2 hibodaux 2 an Olover 2 ter blvlere 2 Burbeck 8 r, tin i 'nl r 4 - lllist r. Having placed the names of the fore ugoing thirty persons drawn as petit Surorr for the second week of said ses sion of Court in an envelope we sined Sc and sealed the same, and endored and labeled it "List of Juror No. 2",to serve for the second week of the session. il of And thereupon we have placed the said two sealed envelopes, together with the sealed envelope containing a list of fa grand Jurors selected as herein-above i t on set forth, in a box provided for the pur th po se latbeled, ".lury Box", which was w S thereupon locked and sealed, and lac- in One in the custody and keeping of the b Clerk or said Court, for use at the next i r ensuini session of court, and subject to i i the orders of the District Judge. And hi n the said general venire box was also n locked and sealed and delivered to :he id Clerk of Court as the custodian t ull thereof; all in the presence of the said Ri- witnesses. Oi In Faith Whereof, we have signed he Hers thisprocess verbal of the drawing of h the Jury, made at the time, on the day, re mo- onth andyear first above written, I| Jt o nthe presence of the aforenamed wit-ch torn (Original Signed) H. \W. FROST, lon. H.NRY RIVIERE, our. J. M. LEPORT, the JNO. S. SEELY, tux, 'aos. KNOrnLO. Sc0 tar- Jury Commissioners. urv C. J. RBAKICER Sc fed Clerk of Court, ex-oflicio Jury Comis- fo i nee sioner. nile Witnesses. . J. .LEGPENDRE, u sin- Titos. A. RIVIEan. 31 Rpe- Bead and filed January, 29th, 1902. Ian- (Signed) I'. J. BARKER, Aur- Clerk of said Court. Fri maid "A true copy" ac- Clerk's Oftice, No. - Thibodaux, La., Jan. 30th, 1902. Fri tate L.S P. J. ArcoiN, en*- D'y. Clerk of said Court. Il Proceedings of School the Board. Fr ave Ime on Thibodaux, La. Jan. 20th. 1902. Fn led, The Parish Board of Directors of eire the Parish of Lefourche met this day Fri the according to adjournment, the Presi '>o dent In the chair and the following Fr aal- Directors present: Messrs. N. C. Ei. en fer, Paul Scott, l,. C. Roger, Paul Tai nee Meyer, P. F. Caillouet, Alcide Chau t the vin, Jr., and the Secretary, exoflcio s Superintendent. ral The minutes of the last meeting Rei tho were read and approved as recorded the The action of the Board in provid S er- ing for a school house to be ercctel ing on the lot given to the Board by Mr. Cot on Laurence Kraemer, and providing Bu it- further for the transfer of the Lafor and est School house to a locality more As aid accessible to the children around the Ta as Rodrigue neighborhood was rescind. All be ed. A letter from Mr. Lovincyg Io Tot drigue was read. In it was an offer on the part of Mr. Rodrigue to give rd. a site for a school house to the Board Exg 1 at about two miles from his residence, a1 t a poiut that would be easy of ac To 2 cess to the children attending the 2 Kraemer and Laforest Schools. The 2 offer was also made by Mr. Rodrigue Tot 2 on behalf of himself and his neigh 3 bors to furnish the sills and the 4 blocks for the building atd to do ihe 4 work of erecting the building lprovid. ed the School Board wou'd furnish 6 the mnaterials, and the services ot a 7 carpenter for three or four days Sua 9 The Board accepted the offer of Mr that 11 Rodriguu and of his neighbors. ancd onlJ he agreed to establish a school on a lot ate to be given ti the Board by M1r. Ro am' drigue, this diw school to tak the T he place of the Laforest and Kraemen Sei och Schools. Mr. Elfer, on this proposi legs ch tion desired to be recorded as voting Pro ted in favor of retaining the Kraemer ati "= School. pre; A delegation of citizens of Lock he port appeared before the Board, by i ci ,m permission, and requested that Mr. es L. O. Brumfield be retained as Prin act id cipal of that School, and the delega Ti h, tion also presented a petition to the same effect. The matter was duly a n- considered by the Board and the to I following preamble anJ resolutions . were adopted as expressive of the wi sentiments of the Board on the quea V. . rt. tlon at lasue: t I Whereas, this School Board have Sn been iuftomed that the Lockport T 4 Public School Fund Association have Sexpressed their dissatisfaction with ig I 6 the action of this Board in appoint. A Sing a snccessor to IMr. Bramfeld, as of R SPrincipal of the Loekport School, and Lyal 5 have elaimed the right to appoiut the asmi teachers of aid school. sg a Therefore, be it resolved, by the the i Parish Board of Directors of the Par 5 ish of Latourche that to this Board 7 alone has the law granted the right Sof appointing all teachers of all pub elan 5 lic schools in the Parish of lJafourche, ig a and that this duty and responsibility Tb 7 this Board respectfully declines to Sdelegate to any othar body, however tu 2 respectable that body may be gatic 5 Resolved, that in selecting Mr. E vouC O. Payne, a Normal School graduate and . to succeed Mr. Brnmfeld, whose thO i Sterm of employment by this Board Shad expired, the Parish Board of thise D nDrectors have samply discharged A what they conceived to be their duty, tors under their oath of ofle, and assume t Sthe full responsibility for their action, Sbelieving it to be for the best Interest to th and advantage of the people of the ed on State and Parish, whose funds are appoi r used for the support of the Lockport L C. ! School during the public session of Callic said school. Resolved, that this Board express The the hope that the pleasant relations era wi heretofore existming between this agna Board and the Association that so Tht sealonsly labors for the grand cause rl of education at Lockport, may not be pa marred by anything that this Board at ii have done, but that, on the contrary, ing th said Association may, on reflecton, uons I concede to this Board when discharg, cation lug their offcial duties the lhke purity The of motives that actuates them, and that b accord to this Board a desire to pro mnote the cause of peace and harmony Angel between all portions of the Parish. $20.0( All the mei.bers of the Board vot- $75.04 ed in favor oftthe above preamble for $1 and resolutions except Directors El. The ter and Meyer, who were excused T fropa voting, at their request. ed for It was decided that there would be The no local Directors appointed for any adjou school. TaoMv Mr. Francis Bardon was assigned ITuoi he fore- to the Leeville School. aidses- The colored so-called Bayou Blue esined School, located at Beattyville, in the . 2", to Parish of Terrebonne, was ordered to session. be dl-continued. red the ier with The Board allowed the contractor a list of for the Valere Gucdry School house -a bove fifteen days witllhin which to comply ich was with his contract, with the understand ad ac ing that if the contract is not fu:filled henext in that time, the building of the bject to school house would be taken out of s. And his hands. I to he The Superintendent was authorized the sa lto h:tve the necessary repairs made on the Gheens and Vacherie School signed houses in accordance with the letters he day received on the subject from Mr. tten, ii John R. Gheens and Mr. D. M. IHit. id wit- cher, respectively. ST, The Treasurer submitted his an 'iRE', nual report as follows: my, Annual report of A. J. Brand, flLOi. School tieasurer, in account with the R,. School Funds of the Parisi of La ommis- fourche for the term beginning Jan. RE, uary 1st. and ending with December SEns. 31st. 1901. Receipts for the year. Court. From State appor tionment $7375 86 . From poll taxes 2289.00 I From current school taxes 6406 92 1001 From school house taxes 1281.38 From fines and Costs 1171.00 902. From Interest on rs of 16th sections 318.05 ie day From Interest on Presi daily Balances 166 01 owing From ferry reepts 1588.62 C. 1:. Paul Total receipts for Chou the year $20596 84 officio Disbursements for the year. Teachers pay $19008.00 ceting Rents, repairs rded and supplies 1563 63 rovid Superintendent's rectest salary 866 66 Iy Mr. Com. of treasurer 503.13 viding Building school Lafor houses 350.00 more Assessor's salary 569.30 id the Tax col's com. 615.38 scand- All other sources 515.31 I Ito Total disbursements Soffer for the year $23991.41 a give Board Excess of disbursements lence, over receipts $3394.56! of ac To which add the amuount g the overdrawn Jan. 1st 1901 178.40 The Irigue Total overdrawn Jan. 1st, An I. neigh- 1902 $3572.97 t the Respectfully submitted, to the No N rovid. A. J. BaAUD, Ne unishSchool treasurer. N. B. As regards the item of It days Supt. salary of $866.66 I will state unde that the warrant for Dec. 1900 was dises and only cashed in 1901, and with salary filled t of the year 1901, acounts for plete amount stated in report. conDl the The matter concerntng the Pierce Sch'ol House was refitrred to the t osilegl adviser for his opinion and the and a ot President was au:horized to take such emer actiron as might be necessary in the selve premises. loss Lock-. The St. Charles Ferry was placed lood d, by in charge of Directors Paul Scott and whicl Mr. Alcile Chauvin with full power to Prin act for the beat interests of the ynebr B. arl. o the The followinag bills were presented (lisco dulyand the reqtisite appropriations made cure th to pay the .-arn: tions A. Baldwin & Co. Ltd. for the wire rope for ferry, $19.75 formi V. M. Aucoin, drayage sn into a coal for O. A. 1.20 en. have Stamps for Secretary's office, 3.00 WI Spo . R Coulon, for Sundries, 2.30 BAN have Thibodsox Sentinel, for print Y with ing and stationery, 13.10 isin oint A petition was read from citizens pecl of Raceland asking that Miss Clotilda s ;:d Lyall be retained at that School. In. that t the asmuch as the Board had alread as ples signed another teacher to that school, be Sthe the petition was laid on the tabla witho Par The Superintendent was authorized taki oard to 'se the funds derived from the a ri fees of examoinees, at the last State hv pb examination, for the purpose of buy. i rehe ing additional books for the teacher's have ilty ibrary. men i il The Finance Committee was in. isterei eve structed to make a thorough mnvesui. ithol gation of the Treasurer's books and tea, r. E vouchers ani to cancel the vouchers discoC nate and destroy them after the examinn a. e a Ston and the Committee were allowed be del their per diem for their services in ing I of this examination. " rged A special committee of three Direc the e uty, tors was appointed to visit and in-. ths C uoe spect the GOnion Academy and report body I t to the Board what repairs were need. orer the ed on that building. The President Shecia are appointed on this committee Messrs. when 1 ort L. C. Roger, Paul Scott and P. F. Sent p Callouet. on re ress The selection of the Colored teach Dept ions ers was left to the Committee on asa Street, this sigument All o The session of the schools in this dentia u parish for the present year was fixed T ard at six months, with the understand, organs try, ing that the session shall be contin. Knol on, uous oand without interruption for vs. Louis rg* cation. ri The Superintendent reported orally ro that he had sold, at private sale, the D ni Aigelloz and St. John Ferries for $20.00 each, the Buckhorn Ferry for ot' $75.00 and the J. T. Badeaux Ferry ble for $12 00 Ei. The opening of the session was fix. ed for Feb 3.d, 1902. be The Parish Board of Directors then y adjourned. TaoOAs STARK, M. D. Psesident. ed I TuoAs A. BADEAUx, See. & Supt. 5 Mexican Mustang Liniment to is a sure remedy for Caked and Inflamed Udder in Cows Lr. L aL w To Cure Sore Throat. Into a glass half full of water put r an even teaspoonful of Mexican flustang Liniment, mix thoroughly, and with this gar. gle the throat frequently. In severe cases more liniment can be added. In addition to this bathe the outside with the liniment several times a day, rubbing it w°ll In, and the soreness will surely disappear. Important Notice. ?mciA _mIAWG Lmr. r r put up in thre arses. Pee.. 0o. mad $1 perW boWS oi s for smale by Drut and General orpes. Ithe r e out fIt. ask them to order ft for yon from their. meeting Mexicani Mustang Liniment readlly cures Rheumatism and Leg Weakness in Poultry.' PUR INA Feed. O: EVERY SACK. KEEPS MULES UP 41 AND FEED -- BILLS DOWN 56 TRY nil 40 THE HOME GOLD OURF. An Ingenious Treatmeant by which Druak. ards are Belu Cured Dally In Spite of Thenselvee. No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of the Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the IJquor Habit. of It is now generally known and Ite understood that Drunkenness is a as disease and not weakness. A body y filled with poison, and nerves com or pletely shattered by periodical or constant use of intoricating liquors, c requires an antidote capable of nen he tralizing and eradicating this poison, he and destroying the craving for intoxi. cants. Sufferers may now cure them e selves at home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CURE" id which has been perfected after many t years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use accord. ing to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous trans formation of thousands of Drunkards into sober, industrious and upright men. 0 WIVES CURE YOUR BUS 10 BANDS! CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS! I This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but as a is specific for this disease only, and is a so skillfully devised and prepared ' that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can 1, be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of Drunkards e have cured themselves with this . priceless remedy, and as many more have been cured and made temperate men by having the "CURE" admin istered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tes, and believe today that they discontinued drinnking of their own' free will. DO NOT WAIT. Do not' be deluded by apparent and mislead ing "improvement." Drive out the disesse at once and for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at } the extremely low price of One Dollar, . thus placing within reach of every t body a treatment more effectual than. others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accompany each package. t Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. Address Dept. C892 EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. A!l correspondence strictly confi dential. i Leave your orders for pianos organs and piano tuning with V. J. Kuohlo h Local Representative of Louis Grunwald Co. Ltd. 13 U8E.... Dr. Meyer's Water, 50C. A BOTTLE. I TO THE DEAF.-A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial I Ear Drums, gave 25, ooodols, to his I Iny Istitute, so that deaf people unable( to procure the Ear Drums may have V them free. Address, The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. 43-ly SGet fat on Touo-Tonique boy a bottle at Thibodaux Drug Store. 12 A Rare Bargain. FOR SALE:-One Aultman & Taylor rice thresher, in perfect condition. ik. Capacity, 350 to 400 sacks daily. One three-mule cart. For particulars apply to she POLNER BRos., 27 Schriever, La FRANKLIN HOTEL - PETER FEY. PROP. or rs, - , First class Accommodations Board by the day $1.00 and $2.00. or Also board by the week and month. °" Meals Served at all Hours. Cor. St. Louis and Market Streets. d. Adjoining Bank of Thibodaux. ul to ALBFRTJ. LASSEIGhE ; NOTARY rUBLIC s RACELAND, LAFOURCHE, LA t Ole houarrs rom 8 a. m. to p.m. Any Notarial budluess promptly ano ear fully attended tr. Sof d om As Subtle eFoe e Is bu e ful e Dyspepsia is unrecognized in thi half the cases. It deceives the nS unknowing sufferer. Its many variations work along the weakest r lines of the system. To battle y against only one of them is vain. n Our booklet expl~3 its symp it' toms. Our DyspepsiTablets give C complete and lasting relief. e GILES' Dyspepsia Tablets 4 ROTH DRUG STORE. I Don't Force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which alwahys leave bad aftcr-effects on the entire systerm, and wher their e is persisted in, tend to s completely wreck the stomach i and boweI UI SE,. As pa t to the taste aEdga s S asth ehae . t mineraln No gripe or pain. I /OTH DRUG STORE .1. Bo,-ron, Watchmaker and Gunsmith IA1 Keepsconstantli on hand a large and ediuplete assort 0 .sm , .entut o mNlt f9 5 FINE JEWLERY, 4 CLOCKS AND WATCHES, THE CEIEH ATED '".o,,o""fir ' ": " t, ' , hor THlE CE I /E I ATPED great varinety ofwith the aove a ELGIN WATCHES GUNS PISTOLS, CONSTANTLY ON POWDER, CAR HAND. Also the NEW TIIDGES, HUNT AMERICAN SEWING ING M1ATERIAL MACHINE. s,,,ck of Ac. ETC.s ETC, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Sew ing Machines, Fire-arms, ete. Carefully repairep and guarani teed. A full stock of attach ments, oil #*d needles for al kin-ls of Sewing Machines, can behad by applying to A. BOTRON, Cor. Main and St. Philip St. Thibodaus A-- .nt fsrCRECENT BCYCLEIU Bank of Lafourche, :mUM0a21 , u . . . aovaszian . Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $17.500. Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. ....... oFFICERi: .. A. J BRAUD, President, K. J. BRAUD, Cashier, idy C. J. BARKER, Vice President, P. F. LEGENDPE, Asat Cashier I in ...... DIRECTORS ...... Dial L. A. BLOUIN, D. DEIJAUNE, Dr. T. STARK. his E. N. ROTII, JOHN T. MOORE, Ja., Da. L. E. MlEY ER Mbie C. J. BARKER, A. J. BRAUD, C. It. BEATTIE, ave ALCIDE TOUPS, K. J. BRAUD. ew Does a General Banking Business - Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange. 2 ASTHMA CURE FREE! lor Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Perma on. nent Cure in all Cases. ily. *---- SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. to WRITE YOUR NAM AND AoDDRESS PLAINLY. La There is Astlimalene. CL Na It brings instant relief, even in the CHAIN D worst cases. It cures when all else F R T Nfails. The Rev. C. F. WELLS. of villa Y AR S Ridge, Ill., says: "Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in good condition I cannot tell you how thankful I feel for the good derived from it. I was a slave, chained with putrid sore throat and Asthma for ten years. I despair [ed of ever being cured. I saw your advertisement for the cure of th.s dreadful and tormenting disease. As ththma, and thought you had overspoken yourselves, but resolved to give it a trial. To my astonishment, the trial acted like a charm. Send me a full * size bottle." Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the Cong. Bnai Israel. NEW YORK, Jan. 8, 1901. E DRs. TAFT BROS'. MEDICINE CO., Gentlemen : Your Asthmalene is an -,,,,RNOO excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with As *EtUJE. thma. Its success is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene oontalas Suno opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. D TAI BRO. MDCI CO. AVoN SPRINos 11. Y., Feb. I,1901. _Gentlemen:-I write this testimonlal from i sense of duty, having tested the wonderuli efect of your Asthmalene. for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been amlicted with spas modie asthma for the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others. I chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 180th street. New YorL, I at once obtained a bott le Atmlene. Mv wile commenced taking It about the frst November. I very moon uoticed a radical Improvement. Afte. using one bottle her Asthma has disappeared and she Is entirely free fruon ail symptoms. I feel that I can consistently re ommend the medlicine to all who are aleted with this distreasing disease. Younrs respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. DL. TArr RUos. Misuicua Co. oeb. ,1911. Gentlemen :--1 was troubled with Asthma for22 years. I have tried numerous remedlles, but they have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. 1 found relief at once. I have since purchased your full-size bottle, and I am over grase. ful. I have family of four children, and for six yoars wad unable to work. I inn now In the neat of heslth and am doing bualneaus every day. rhbi testimony you can make such - use of as you see fit. Home address, 235 Rlvington street. 8. RIAPHAL, 67 East I29th st., City Trial Bottle Sent Absolutely Free or Receipt of Postal. Do not delay. Write at once, addressing DR. TAFT BROS' MEDICINE CO., 79 East 130th St., N. Y. City. cc imieee n..dince in e ==*" ANOVEL TIES as W Utaesae Pl Ple0 Peditm-Vdame AnI C emwsdis oe se.-lm veer h : SILK AND WORSTED SFANCY VESTS| A Ve A Wpeali es.sThm. BEllis Braud's Sons. Advertise in The Sntinel.