Newspaper Page Text
Local Paragraphs. Babys soft sole stoss 25e spair at i, The Packet Store. I Pillow abse patterns stamped sand6l hemmed, ready to work, spec, 25c T stair at The Racket Store. ni Mr. Loeis BAb an. of New Iberia, spent several days .n town this week. We are selling plenty of ldies Button sboes at 125 and 150 because t ours are the best, The Racket Store. Fine and all compihsted watches and clocks fnied by I. Denys. " Ladles ribbed Undershirts the S c T kind, only 20c at The Racket Store, id Rev. Father Chas. Tessier, pastor ( of the Cbhackbey cbharb, intends to give a fair in the near tuture, for the d benefit of bis church. si A noted French Physician says of y Touo-Tonque. alt is one of the very g best tookc on the market, as it gives v, back to a patient what they have lost during sickness. Tooo-Tonique is , Liquid beef steak For sale at Thtb edams Drug Store. 12 o, The rasgemePt of the Webre school intends to give a fair for the benefit of the scwool on April 19 and 20, 1902. Watch for the posters in i, the near future. Serrated Bread Knife sets only 20vc at The Racket 8tore. Mr. F. Dersnte, a prominent citi sen of the Cut Off, was a business visitor i Thibodsux Teesday and b Wednesday. t If your appetite is gone yon need a good tonic Tooo-Tonique is the beat appetizer on the market. It will make you eat and will digest what F you eat. On a iot.tle at the Tho dnau Drug Store. 12 $100 Reward $100. t The renders of this paper w:ll he pkleased to learn there is at least oone dreaded disease that science has been able to core in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ° Cure is the only lositive aere known to the maediel fraternity. Catarrh being a cusatitutional disease, requlires a conntliutional treatment Hall's Catryrh Care is taken internally, act lag directly upon the blorr and an cous sn:faces of the system, ttereby destroying the foundation of the dis i ease, and giving the patient strength y buhoilding up the constitution and assieting mature as doing its work The proprietors have s, much fatth in its curative poweri, that they offer One Hqndred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send fur list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CJ.Unaer a Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75e Hall's Family Pills are the best If yon want some one to do your watch sad clock work to suit you, take it to E. Denys, under Franklin Hotel. Shahs Into Tour Shoes Allen's Fot.F-~a. It rests the feet. Cores orns, Bunions, ingrowing Nails. Swollen and Sweating feet. At all druggists and shoe stores. 25e. Ask today. 30 4t A Good Opportunity. E Denys, a nrst class Jeweler, per manently locatld under the Franklin Botel, on Market st., is here for the purpose of fling' Watches, Clocks and Sewlng Machtaes. Making it a Specialty. All work guaranteed. Patronage kindly solicited. 32. SDeny Is able to duplicate any work done on watebhes snd clock'. Loeated umier Franklin Hotel, on Market street DR. DAVIS' Cauimnud Syrup Wild Cheny ind Tar Fr Nature's laboratiry e the cherry ad the pine. A sure curs for Consumption, Cons Asthma, amlenm, re~mitI, Croup, Whooping Cosgh,?alpitstlonof thB Heat. Nas ~ om ad S a* aU . Rabbits at McDermott. lester Eggs-come early ad avroed the rush at McDermott 334t Mr. sal. Mrs. P. M. Pavey, of Hamburg Avoyelles Parishb, are ieatding a few days In Thihodaux the plesauut guenats of Mi.i Emelile Naq'uslnln. Thbe moet esrsential to ixing watches and delcks properly Is to know ahow. Sesud, good material Third, the teols. . Deys has them alL Wrkltag 4 arsis a Day. There's no *s ftor those tireless lHttle woohus--Dr. King's New Life Plls. Milliou are always hbusy, cuar. arg Torpid Liver, Jaulndice, Billioun ness, leer and Ague They basish lk HBesdac, dclrive out Iai:,ria iever gripe or weak. n. Smhlt, taste mice, wl.k weener, T theem. 2"O at .all r..Wari Festival! Festival'! T No doubt every man, womir and 1ild in Thilistaus is awire that the ast.r Fe*tival will be given on the nt, .h and 7th of April. , It is being given by the ladies of jlr inbodaux for the benefit of our msg-. no Scent convelnt tr There are very few Convent bIild i g throughout the $tate of Louis as whbch ean surpass ours. se Our convent is am ornament to the , wn and never tails to inuspare the 's serse by. The indebtednese on this grand e ad imposing stnrcture is over t 15 000. Just this k of it c:izens of a bibiudaux. Are you g',iig to sit ly by while this debt is eing in tL eased instead of being dimiuished ? st *hat have von done for thli toovent? of on may have contributed a few g )lars. but you have depiived your If of very little and have d.'nicd 'urself nothing inorder to assist our -o1 Sisters to help pay off this hea. r indehtednesa Th.; iuteres: on the debt is over 1200. TI $1201) is required evcry year to pay m sly the interest on this large sum. in The money derivedl from the matri slants about balance the expenses hb r the schooL By the 1st of Jose notes amount ag to the sum of $1500 will fall due No money is on hand to meet these th In view of these facts can we allow ae Festival to be a failure in any rase of the worl ? The proceeds of the Featival most c e between $1500 and $2000 or else S ic interest on the large standing I ebt rmane be paid. B It m our manifest duty citizens of , hibodaux to see that "he la'ster A estival btwing given f,r the ubenefit F f the convent shall be a fuancial access in every part;cllar. Something most be dtone. The ( ime for action bhs arrived Finanecal asistance most be given the convent r else its handsome and classic wally rill be demolished or the building s" rill be done away with in some man t er. Canoot the people of Thihodaux ad the parish of Lafourshe pay off sl be indebtedness of our convent as e he people of New Orleans are paying 9 the indebtedness on the Jewish k )rphan Asylum ? Have we no generous beartld men a our community who are willing to cad a suoscrnption with $1.000 ? Is the parish of Lafourche without J man who would cheerfully and e rillingly donate a f.w thousand dol tI ars to a charitable institution ? J We may not have any Rot kefellers a -ierpont ,Morgans, Carnegies who are 3 able to endow institution with millions s A dollars but we certainly have men t :0 this community and in this parish i rbo are fully able to contaibute a t rew thousand dollars to some of our t charitable and educational institutions I such as of our heavily indebted con vent. ILet him who can come forward with a princely donation for our con- I vent and he will win for himself s laurels of praise and at the same time will enjoy the satisfaction of having performed a deed which will be remembered by has community for all time. Seed Rice for sale. For sale. Hundaras seed rice, rais* ed last year from imported seed. Al. so I portable boiler, 35 Ihorse power, good as new. Apply to this oslice for particulais. 27 Miss Elvie Webre invites all her friends and customers to visit her store and see her exquisite line of Spring and Summer hats. 33 41t Excursion to New Orleans. TheDonaldsonmville Carnival C:ul, will run an excursion ftoom Thtbdlaix to Nuw Orleans on March 9, 1902. for the hneflt of the club. Train leaves Thibodansx at 6:30 s.m. Re turning leaves New Orleans at 101:30 p. m. Fare for round trip from Thib odaux 81.50. Separate coaches for colored people. - --In r wight Was Her Terror. "I wol'ld cough ne:illy all night long," writes Mrs.. Chaa. ASplgate, of Alexandria, Id.. "and c,,alsl hard. ly get any sleep. I had consumptiot, so bad that if I walkesl a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicinea failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. KIng's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gaintoed 58 pounds" It's absolutely guaranteed to coure Ooghs, odas, l Glrippe. Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Prnce Oc and $1.60. Trial bottles free at all druggists. FOUND Near Georgia Plantation, a mare. The owner giving description and paying expense of advertisement cn recover properly hby applyng to Victor Bourgeois Georgia Plantation, Racelaaund La. 32 St If some one told you that your wi:(ch or ;'k was ns:t worth tixing or t,,ihil not be sxed, shwm ,t to E. -')esays aol he wi;i Lelp you out. The Thibo'Iaux Boiler W'orks Co., Ltd. Owing to the high grade work pot npon the market by The Thihclanxar Bailer Works Co., Ltd. this reliable firm has woeslerfully increased its business throogh,ut the Teche caon D try and along the Mississippi River On account of a large number' of contracts see'red last year in thiee sectons the firm has been compel ed to double lts orders for m:,terials usneed by the plant. The amount of iron ordered this year will excred 750 tons which is twice more than !ast year's require ments. The plant is well e nipped with all tLe modern implem nts heing run by steam managed by a large frse - of men who are continually at work filling the numerous lrders. The L plant is fully prepared for tn:,king Oil Tanks and Boilers of all sizes aud discriptions. The four gentlemen, Messrs O. Na. quin, L. Brand, J. A. Na-luin and J A. Brand, who ar." at the head of The Thibhdaux Boiler Works Co. Ltd. are men who not only stand prominently = in our community, but are capable and highly expeienaed m.n in their business. The firm has in its employment a complement of skilled mechanics and con'ejnlently all work turnel out of the shop is finished complete and guaranteed. ----.0.".- This will Interest Kothers. Mother Gray's Swee't Pwwders for Chilnren. C'nr' Feverishness, Bail MSomic(h, Teething Di orlers, Break tiup Cold-, move :an.l regul',te tine Bowels and Destatov Won ms. TIerg seRrr f,[l. Over 3i,000) testimnonial-. At al1 .Iruggiits, 25c. S-imple m:aild FREE. Address Allen S. Otmsted, ihe Roy, N. Y. Low Rates on M. L. & T. R R. R Sunset Route. M. L. & T. R. R Sunset Route will s'.ll colonist tickets from Thabodaus to California Common Points during Msarh andi April 1902 at a rate of s $30.35. There will be an excursion 1 sleeper every day during the week except Monday at rate of $5.00. For additional particulars apply to Ilocal agent 33 8t "The Panel Buyer." The members and friends of St John's church Thiodauxn La. are endeavoring to collect money enough to put up an Iron Fence around St. John's cemetery. The card' are cut otf in panels and you have but to put your am ,nt in one of the panels, and - forward same with the panel boyer to the sender of the cardnl It is desired that the card be returned as roon as posjihle so it can be seat r to one else in o, that alt tl.e 8 Panels can be folI on enh carn. Any assistance given will be earnest ly appreciated by the member. of the I church. Remember that you can t . give any amount that you desire on f one pan.el. ' CASTOR IA r For Infanta sad Children. Th Kim Yu Ran Alws Bqht eavra the Miss E vie Wehre who condncts the Mlillnery estanbli.hment at the corner of St. Louis and Thubodsux streets, has returned from a week I. spent in the Crescent City, studying r, the latest styles In hat trimmiing and ,r Millinery. See Misps Welre for your Easter hat and Easter Novelties. Card of Thanks. Resolved that we tender thanks to Sour President Mlr. P. L. Brandl, and Sall OfBcers who have Fo faithfully. diligently and successfulll labored for the welfare of the Club aud the Town. n Resolved a'so, that :n vote of thank i be exted,,d to; the Plantels who so 2, generoundy allowed ius the use of their n teams, th,. merchants for their Ihberal Scon;trlbutlons and cncouragemrent, and 0 th. pub!ic for their p-tranuge, and to b- all thosee whio In aly way ai;ded in the or success of the past Carniva:l, Tius THIBIJIDAUX CARNIVAL CLUB Strikes a Rich Fled. "I was troubled for several years g with chronm:c iednhge-tro, al ot v.lY(,U debiity," writes V. J Green,, of Lan caster, N. II, "N iremne'y helped 'ne until I lwegan- u-in, Elecrile it tBurs. it which .;:d me more govwld than all th I It, mh. duin.s | v.r uvru-I, Thiy" have d. a'so kept my wife in exc.ellcut heath i o for yeals She. avys Elect:lrie BttersI I ane jat splendtdl for fiutt'e lroulies; it that they are a grand toun: and in s vigorator for weak, run down women. r. No other medicine can take its place ed in our family." Try thewm. Only Oc. e Satisfaction guaranteed by all drug s, gists. " . Low Rates on M. L & T. R.R. at Sunset Route. iM. L. & T. . RK Sonset Route rwill sell ti.kets from Thilodanu to Losi Angeloe Cal. andt return April 22 to S27 Inc. 1902, with return limit June d 26th 1902, at a rate of $47 85 on account of Convention of Federation of Woman's clubs. ' For additi,.:,l particrlars apply to local agent. 33 St mr MI. F. E. Craft, fnimr ocdal main n ager of ihe Cumberlasni T!elephone & Telegraph C'o., in th's ouwn, was a vi-itor heme ihis w tk. GENTLEMEN Do you want a SHOE that will fit well, wear better, look best, and be the leader of styles in your town? BOSTONIAN, $3.50 SHOES, are the very SHOES that you should give a trial. Spring & Summer Styles Now Ready. ELLIS BRAUD'S SONS. SOLE AGENTS GOOD SERVICE 1901.- BETTER SERVICE 1902. Southern Pacific SUNSET ROUTE FREE CHAIR CARS. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. BOX-VESTIBULED, PERFECT TRAINS. T4E VERY BEST And AALL POINTS FORG Tur REXCRI"lON LERPITNG CARS to WA HINOt.GON. CHICAGO DON'T FORGET CINC.INAT. Derth Kaes LESS THAN HALFP STADAD :-;nd 10c. in stamps for a copy of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC RICE COOK BOOK, containing "0O recipes. S. F. B. MORSE. T. J. ANDERSON, M. L. ROBBINS, Pas. Tra. Mar. A t. GOe. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pas.s. & TkI. At. HOCSTO. TEXAS. Why Not Have a Cumberland 'Phone? Sw as... $1.00 PER MONTH Which gives you free service to our subscribers to this exchange, which means nearly every planter on Bayou Lafourche from N ap oleonville to Lockport-a distance of about 4,' miles .................... e Special rates for planters in the surrounding country. Cumberland Telephone t & Telegraph Company. I, Phone 100. Bank Lafourche Buildinig. Thibodaux It umatl.-rs not if .vo do,'t bly, a visit wilI be appreciatcd to .Miss Elvie Welre store. For Sale. Store building, known as Protee. tors Hall, and residence situated on Short street between St. Philip and Jackson streets. For particulars alp!y at SE!ETINEL OFrica. .. . l s t.eilA.. Notice. SuERIFr's OrrICE PARISU oF LA FO'RCHtL Thibodaux, La., Feb. 19, 1902. All persons, Afrms, corporations, and associations, who are subject to State asc Parish Licenses, are hereby notifLed that I am collecting same, and that they must be paid at my office on or before Feb. 28, 1902. On and after march 1st. Iwnalties will be charged at the rate of 2 per cent per month, and coo:t eosts and 10 per cent attorneys fees when soit are in-tituted to enforce collection. JANMS BUARY, SheSif and Ex-officio col:ector Parish of Laf.'urzhe. STATE OF LOUIISIANA. b)th Judicial District Court-Parish of Lafourche. RCCCSIO.( OF ROSEL.'l PONTIFFrl, I)r.e'Asa D WIDow Or Laos Bor oDRBAUX No. 135 PoBATaES. TAKE NOTICE THAT PI'IRSUANT to an order and decree of the above Court. and to a C'ommleston to me dl ree.ted in the Above entitled and num Itred Succes.son I will offer for sale at puhlic anction pnrsuant to law to the last and highest hidder on the premises I situated in this parish, on the left bank of Bayou L afourehe at about two or three miles below the Town of Thibo daux on SATURDAY APRIL .vrT 1980 hetween the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following des eriled property to wit: REAL ESTATE. lat. A ('Crtain tract of land situated in the Parish of Lafourehe, onil the left bank of the Bayou Lafourehe, at about Two or Three milUe below the Town of Thibodanx, measuring one arpent and Thirty Seven feet front on Bayou aIa fourhe Iby Forty arpnuts in depth, bounded above by lands of Einelius Boudreaux and below by tho ILaurel Valley Plantation belonging to Harker and Lepine; Together with all the buildings and improvements thereon and all the rights and privileges thereto belonging. From the sale will he reserved the warehouse, carriage house and cistern attached to the store building now oc cupled by Leo J. Boudreaux, and also the old house situated in the paistlre, and claimed by the estate of Zphirin Boudreaux. MOVABLES. All the house hold Furnitures and Cooking utensils. Also three mules and all the farming Implements as per inventery on file in my office. bn the following Terms and (ondi tions to wit: for d4AStl to pay debts. . - i i :.\ ( v, Sheriff of the F. r:-h of l.-ifourrh!e. Tn ,M.s A. HADI:Ai. . ttv. ,f S l'': -- ,:. I March lat 1st. LOST. On night of M:lrdi Gras Parade. One Diatnmn ' sew Iin. A reward will be given. Address Thibrdauz Sentinel. 30. For Sale. One lot sitouted on Jackson street, destrable lb'cation to build residence. 42 App'y to THOMAs A. ItvitanL Breeders of fancy poultry, attention. But! Cuchin tgls for sate at $2 00 per dozen. You are invited to visit breeding pen before placing your order. Call either at W. C. Ragans resi dence or Kuoboch's 1Muaic store. 31 CLAY KNOBLOCH Att'y and Coumselor at Law Thibodaux, i.r. Otytces Gaude Building, St. Philip St. Tie Femr Tbe G.ardes Th. HoukewiS 1u. o b11*,l -- ,v~ ~x YS U. U0 & ws. CC. C.h C r. .O.C.G CU R. I M 3iga. at orslnt sawORLAMS. LA. PURINA DONKEY ON EVERY SACK. LST FEED FOR Lows. The Place to Buy Stores, Hardware, Builder's Ra Guns, .1mmunition, Cuttleri?, B Brooms, Paints, Oils, Harnes,, .IgrirulturalZ mplements, Hall Clipper Plows at New Orleans -8 AT- I H. Riviere & 'Phone 108. Cor. Main # . t. Louse DR. JOS. L. DREXL VETEII(NARY SURGEON, O-FFICE TATEr LEON DREXLER'S STAB THIBOD4U V. LA L10 DbISTANCE TELEPHOIIE 3O ' IDODI0 TE J. L. LOBDELL, Pres. ED. ]BADEAUX, P. B. PERCY, V-President. JOSEPH CL tUDBI The hobdell& Percy Wholesale Deal Commission Merchants. Near 8. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. fgents je~ .d ~ PT t"" 011 Grnd din V[. rOrders For Car-load Lots SoliciteL, Sugar Planters orders given special atteatios Grain and Ha Local 'Phone 152.--Cumberland 87. G TO . Riviere & Co. For bargains in Bobinet Bar Great Reductions have been maa t $8.25 reduced to $2.50 $8.75 reduced to S4.25 reduced to 8.50 4.50 reducoed to 4.75 reduced to 4.00 5.50 reduced 7.50reduced to 5.50. ei. We have yet complete assortment in all Winter Goods. Head-quarters for Weddin- ments. Complete assortment of Ladies and Childe - Shoes, ranging from 50cts to $3.50. A. GOSSIN . tANIFA ITURLR AMD EALER . Choice Rough Dres - Cypress Lum l U Dimensions Sawed to Order and Del . TLafourche Crxssiong, La. :