OCR Interpretation

The weekly Thibodaux sentinel. [volume] (Thibodaux, La.) 1898-1905, April 12, 1902, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064490/1902-04-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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ST"\T'"C,F lT".! IN.,
B IT KNO"V. that : the Twelnty
fourth day of the Imonth if M1ari,
i the year one thousand nine hundred
ad two, Iefore nie,
1;1-s I tI ; I oI'I,;N,
Lnotaryv public, in andl for the P-arish of
Orllans and C'ity of New Orleans, duly
commissioned, qualitied and sworn, and
Pa the prei'encc of the undersigned good
sad coliplItnt w1iite.o.s,
personally came and appeared:
The persons whose names are hereun
to esohsrilbed, who declared, that avail
lag themselves of the provisions of the
general laws of the State of Louisiana
elative to the organization of corpora
UioD,. they have covenanmtd and
agreed, and they do, by these presents,
eovenlant, ree,, hind, form and consti
tate themselves, as well as such persons
y may hereafter join, or ix"onie amso
atoad wiithl tlhem, into a corporation or
body politic ii law, for the objects and
purposes, and under the agreements
stipulations following, to-wit:
The name of this corpornation shall be
alfEW (tl 1.1:ANS AND NSITl
WESTERN if A I lltOA II) " 'iMP.t N Y",
gad under said corpoirate name, it ;hil I
ove plwer arId authority to have and
joy lneession, for the full term and
rlod of ninety nine years fromll, and
after the dat, hIereof; to contract, 'ue
and he sued; to Inmake and ulse a e'or
prate seal, and the samen to break and
ter at Iplaure; to hold, receive, lease,
erchase and convey, as well as to
ortgage and hypothleeste priperty,
teal and personal, corporeal and tlw(; r
real; to Rnlame and appoint iuch mna:l
ers, agents, (lir'ectors anti ofticthrs as
business or interests and eonveln
iace may require; to, make and e'ta)
, as well as to alter alld aimeiPll, froni
dte to tilme, such by-laws, rules and
eulations for lthie proper conduct,
agemn"ut anid rm,-ulation of the af
s f said corporation as may Is.
aieessary and pirolir.
The odomiile of said corporation
a be in the l'arish of Lafourche, andil
of Isuiolana, and atll citations and
ohr legal pro"'ess shall he servedt upmn
s Presildent of said ('Irporatimll, or, in
eevenlt of his abs,'neCe, upon the Vice
rsi.dent thereof; and in the absence
dboth of said otleers, upon the Secre
y yof said corporation.
The objects and purposias of this cr
,eut.on are to locate, ounstruct, own,
maintain and operate a line of
and its branches, side tracks,
amaways and extensions, and also, a
tMor bat ge line in the State of Louis
and to olerate Name iy electricity,
say other power in the State of Lou
a, and to those ends and for said
noes, to acquire through purchase
oeherwise, all rights of way, franu
privileges, options, etc., necen
and requisite for those purposes,
the said railroad rights of way,
leges, franchises, etc. to mortgage
theeate, lease, sell, alienate and
of at will, to purchase, hold,
and dispose of stocks in other rail
and tramways, and boat lines; to
and acquire any and all property,
and personal, necessary or conven
t to the construction. maintenance or
tion of such railroads and boat
e, and the same to let and lease, sell
dispose of at will; to construct, own
maintain hotels, restaurants, re
hment resorts, race edurses, pleasure
ens, picnic or baseball grounds, or
or places of public amusement at,
n or near, the lines of such railroads,
as adjuncts of the same and to the
iness of the same; to buy, lease or
,to operate and control any appars
Instruments or systems, patents, or
at rights, or application for such,
any inventions spertaining to the
ration of railroads or boats, by elec- I
city, or otherwise, or to the supply of
anotive power therefor; to execute,
ry out and discharge all the obliga
s Incurred by the persons who may
ve acquired the rights of way, fran
s, privileges and property which
said corporation may acquire from
persons; to construct, maintain,
rate, lease, convey, or otherwise dis
of the electric apparatus, ap
ces and plants for the purpose of
ng and supplying motive power to
ads, stores, dwellings, factories,
trial enterprises, etc., and electric
t or other power to the general
ic; to generate, manufacture, sell,
,employ and supply electric cur
Sfor light, heat, power and other
s, or any other form of light
wer, and, for said purpose, to
ase and sell patent rights, or 11-.
privilegs, machinery, property,
or personal, electric or other works,
whatever else may be necessary in
transactlon of said business; to con
erarry on and operate the business
seommon carrier for freight, passen- I
iexpress, U:. . Mail and each and
:thing pertaining to and included i
said business of common carriers.
eapital stock of said corporation
bhy fixed at the sum of ON E Mill
RS, divided into and represent
E HNI'I)tEhI DOILAIt' each
le as the Board of Directors shall
caital stock may be issued and
red for tlhe purchase of property,
i, privileges, franchises, etc., ne
by this corporation; alsoan, in pay
settlennment and adjustment of tle
fees, charges, expenses and comn
- incurrd fIor se'rvlies rendered
forniation anid organlzationi of
eorporatimn, and in alquiring and
g al,,nt the purchase of the)
ty, and franehiseh aforesaid; also,.
eash or property recei-ved hv this
y, or imprvemnlents or additions
ertv acqluired lbyv it.
Board of I)irrctors hereinafter
is aIPe'iallv nuthorized to dis
_ithe stiok for any andti all of the
albove stated, as in its judg
shall seem fair anid jiroper.
coln palny shall go iato existence
operation from and after the date
act of ilncorporatil, anud as sl)n
Thousand shores is subscribed
certificates of stcsk shall be sign
hythe I'rsidlent and secretary, libut,
of tile a',sc-ll'e, or in:iillty to
the 'Prc.ui,.1. lhe \Vice l'residtent
sin in In t.tl.
for t!:' registry of stock and
of the sanme shall he opened
ke* t, subject to the restrictions
by the Hy-Laws. T'ransfers of
-shall he made on the hooks of the
y upon thie surrender of any
t prolwrly Indorsed.
the powers of this corporation I
be vested in and exercised by a
D OF DIltEC'TOItS. consisting of
than Six nor more than Eleven
ders who shall continue in of
tn their Snuccessors are duly elee
qlalifled. They shall at their
leetlng. elect fronm their number a 1
fn a lFirst and neeiond Vice-l're
taid Board of D)irectors shall,
slamen timme, elect a Secretary, a
r. , a General Manager and Lsuch
Roers as it shall deemln neces-'
the election hereinalter prescrlhb
following persons shall be the
brd of Directors: ('. P. Shaver,
v Beal, Jr., Il. II. Lancaster,
A. Bdeaux, Dr. H. 8. Smith, .
torn shall hold officee until
etion to lw hold oil Ist, Tuesday
1903, and until their sureesslOrs
and qualilfid.
a iutlll i:: ' ,of the stockholders
u-oripnv lp ihall Ibe hi'tl annuallyi
Fi'r5t Tiie-laii i, April, at which
an j' i,,ti'm for li:r,,.trs shall
;ten day's liotice of said mlleetimig
kgiven Iy' the Secretaryv ini oma'
tSwulapa : pulished at the do
*f the c, "laltion.
eletions shlall hte hv iallot, unIlder
-/rltli.lie.i. of inUslectors apl
by" the Board if Iirce'tors fmoizi 1
amlnne tuch of the stockho,lders a, are
noti Direetors.
No perscon shall be eligible as Director t
who Goes not own In hi: own name at 1
Ieasr one share of the capital stock of t
the corporation.
A failure, from any cause to elect Dli
rectors on the day named for the pur- t
pose shall not dissolve this company
hut the Directors then in ollice shall
hold over until another election is held; ;
due notice shall forthwith lHe given as
albove provided, and such nlottees of elec- a
lion shall continue until an election is t
A phlrality of votes counting one vote I
for each share of stock voted upon shall u
he sufficient to elect Directors, who Il
shall, at their first meeting held there- P
after, or such other day as they may IT
elect after the day of election, choose
one of their numln!er for President, who d.
shall be elected by a majority of the ft
whole Board. The President shall pre- p
side at all meetings of the Board and A
perform such other duties as may be
imposed upon him by this charter or by u
the Board of l)irectors. it
The Vice Presidents shirl act in the ft
place of the President in the case of the' Ir
absence or inability of the President to fr
act. ml
A majority of the Board of Directors
shall ta necessary to form a quorum for p
the transaction of corporate business. fr
and said Ioard, or a quorum thereo;f ,
shall have full pIower, and are hereby
autlhorized to buy such real and person- un
al property as 1m01y be requiredl for the it
use of the corp lration. ltnd to sell the tl
same w hen thelv may dbtloi it advisable ui
to do so, a:n! shall have lpower to huv fa
atd sell, Ieasc, Ilmertgage and Ihp ,the- to
sate any and all lines of the railway It
prioperty or fran.-hi.i s, rights of way, B1
privileges, etc., Ilonginet to this corpo
rationt, or whi.ch may hereafter be ac- fr
quired by it. th
%aid hoard inav also del!egate such to
powers ill the t ra.isa-tion of hunine..s of
this cerrpirJ: ltin to t I nlllliitteets of their
o:a INly,i to their oilieers or asents, as
I hey ilayv dell expelliclti, and may al- k
so aplpoint ag-nIts within and witlout
the State, undetr such. conditions, as to
theitll shall IuN deemlledi proper, and they
shall have plower to mak byi-laws, rule :I
and regutlatiors, alnd to anlndtl or alter
the satie, whllttver the inter .sts of tile I
co'opallny Imay r,.equire it, and also, shall of
have power to i 1111 ay vacancies that Ill
1may o'cur ill their loard; suchl vatan
c'ies may lbe declared on, ar'tount of death, 1n
resigtnation, want of the requisite num
ier of shares, or :absence without leave
for three regular meeItinlgs.
M iittutes of all thie proceedilti.s of the
Board of I)irectors shall th, kept by the
Seeretary inl a book for this special pur
The Treasurer shall have the custody A
of all the funds of the corporation and S1
shall sign all not(t, drafts and cheeks.
The same shall in, counterslned by the
President or by a Vice President.
Each shareholder, at each meeting for re
the election of Directors, or other pur- i
poses, shall be entitled to one vote for
each share of stock held by him, and Jt
shall be entitled to vote either directly, I
or by proxy. lt
The General Manager shall appoint at
all the employes of this company relat
ing to his department, except as herein et
otherwise provided, anti may remove
said employes at pleasure, and shall fix
their salaries, and the amount of securi- of
ty that shall be required from any of ti
said employes, or agents, subhject to the
approval of the Board of Directors. or
Dividends shall be declared semi-an- a
nually in January and July, provided sh
thle receipts of the company warrant th
the Board of Directors in declaring the dti
same. Any dividend not called for of
within three years from the date of its re
being payable, shall revert to the com an
paany. After providing out of the earn- wi
Ings of each year for all the operating wl
and fixed charges, the Board of Diree- w
tors shall declare such dividends as
they may elect, and any earnings over et
and above the dividends thus declared
shall be retained in the treasury, to be
used for such purposes as the Board of
Directors may determine. This fund,
as It accumulates, may be Invested by
the Board of Directors in securitie, n
such as, Federal State or municipal a
bonds, or bonds oi this company.
These articles of association may be
modified, altered or amended, or the of
corporation dissolved, and the capital th
stock may be increased, or decreased, In ca
the manner provided by law, at a gene- le
ral meeting convened for that purpose w
after previous notice publishetl in one to
newspaper, once a week, for four conse- hid
rutive weeks, setting forth the purposes
for which said meetfin is called.
The liquidation of the affairs of this
corporation shall be made by three com
missioners to be appointed iy the stock
holders at the meeting at which liquids- ari
tion is voted; said liquidators shall be st
solvent persons, residents of the State
of Louisiana, and not indebted to this et
lompany. All necessary powers shall 1
be conferred upon them. The period for jul
liquidation, anid the compensation for sta
tlhe commlsrioners shall be fixed in such fo:
manner as the stockholders may, by re- sal
olution at said general meeting deter
mine. Ju
No stockholder shall ever be held lia- Ju
ble or responsible for the contracts of Ju
aid corporation for any further sum Ju
haln the unpaid Ialance due on thie Ju
ihares of stock subscrilsd for, or owned Ju
by him, nor shall any mere infornmality Ju
in organization lhave the effect of rei- Ju
lering this charter null, or of exposing Ju
stockholler to any liability Ibeyond Co
he amount of his ensubscription to its to
itock. Co
Iffice, in the city of NewOrleans, Louis- Co
ana, thile day, inonth and. year first Co
bhove written, in the presence of Me- Co
Ire. IIAlttY WAT('HAM and JOHN Co
I. ILAKELY, residents of the said Co
'ity of New Orleans, good and compe- Co
ent witnesses, a ho have signed these Co
iresents, with the appearers and me,
:otary, after due reading. etc
Origiual Signed:
C. P. SuAVER811
TuoxAs A. lIADEAt'X,
II. S. SaITIn,,
'. P. Yo.UNo. 11
boun 1t. ILAKELY.
Bas. ROt'E N,
Notary Public.
I, the undlersigned deputy Clerk of
:curt and ex-oflleilo dcputy recorder mE
luly qualified and sworn, in and for the
,arish of Lafourche, do hereby certify
he within and foregoing to be duly re
orded in Miscellaneous Book No. 7
olios 4)50 et seq. March 25th 1902.
In Testimony Whereof, witness my pF
,and officially at Thihodaux, La., this til
1th day of March 1902. nu:
(SEAL) Signed: L. V. AZEXAR, Off
D'y Clerk of Court and D'y Recorder. to I
Filed, March 25, 1902. the
(SEAL) Signed: I. V. AZEXAR, da'
D'y Clerk.
I Certify the above and foregoing to
e a True Copy of the Original Act of bet
neorporation of thle "NEIA ORLEANS am
)OIMPANY" and of the certificate of A
he Deputy Clerk of Court and Deputy p
tecorder for the Parish of Lafourche, g
xitant and of record in my Current aix
lotarial Register. T
In Faith Whereof, I grant these thr
resents under my signature and the six
in press of may Seal of office. by
New Orleans, Louisiana, March 27th, cea
• . I. . rby
(SEAL) Signed: BUN. ROIUEN. get
Notary Public. pre
For Sale. fr
One lot situatled on Jackson street, (s
to I
estrable location to build residence. dal
2 Apply to TuoMAs A. ItIvIEaR Jtt
'ORII)INN('E NO. i6. .
An ordinance, amlending and re-enact- o
i ;;g s4cttion lst of tordinance No. ..0
known :a the Drainage ordinance of
this parish. and which was adopted on
September 6th, 1t540.
lie it enacted by the Police Jury of
the parish of Latourche in regular meet
ilg assembled that section 1st or Ordin
ance No. S. adopted September 6th,
SIStle and known as the Drainage Ordi'n
ance, he and the same is hereby amend
ed and re-enacted so as to read as fol
1 District No. 1 shall extend from the
upper line of the parish, right banik of
Bayou Lafourche, to the Ridgetlield
plantation, including the hack settle
men ts.
2 District to he known as "Thiho.
daux Drainage Dlistriet" shall extend
front the lower line of the Itidgeticld ti
plantation to the upper line of the
Acadia plantation. ai
3 District No. 2 shall extend from the
upper line of the Acadia plantation to
the upper line of the Authement tract
formerly belonging to Sosthene Folse,
Including the Iavyou Blue settlement h(
from the Acadia plantation to the lower- at
most settlement on said Bayou Blue. cr
4 District to be known as the "Lock
port Drainage District" shall extend
from the upper line of the District No. si
•, as habove down to the.Aiul of of exico. i
5 District No. 3 shall extend from the
upper line of the parish, left hank of to
iBayou Lafourche, to the lower line of tl
the Laurel Valley plantation, including t
upper and lower ('houpic, ('hackhay as f
far down as the lower line of the ('hoc- th
taw plantation and including also the
Blayou Cabanossie to its mouth at Bayou
6 Special District No. I shall extend N
froml the lower line of District No. 3 to Al
the upper line of thei Bush G(rove plan
tation including all back settlement.
7 District No. 4 shall extend from the wi
lower line of IDistrict No. :1 to the lower m,
line of the llarang ('anal, otherwise I
known as 1'hoctaw plantation, includ- tit
inc Laurel Ilidge, \ acherie DIugue Li
vaudais, C(',ttan Folse and all other su
back settlenments. pa
8 District No. 5 shall extend from the ar
lower lint- of District No. I to the 4tulf I8
of Mexico Including all back settle- c'
mues ts.
Thus read and adopted March 13th, e
II. N. ('om'tI..N, J. L. AitcotNa is
C'lerk. Preident. WI
An ordinance carrying into effect Ti
Article 12.'of the Constitution of the
State of Louisiana, adopted in 158S.
Section 1. Be it ordained byhv the Po
lice Jury of the Parish of Lafourche in
regular session convened; that agrees
hie to article 128 of the ('onstitution of 20
Louisiana that the Justices of the Peace
and constables of the Parish of La
fourche shall hereafter receive no foes
in criminal cases, hut in lieu thereof L.
shall receive such monthly salaries as
this Jury may determine, which sal- '
aries shall be graded.
Section II. Be it further ordained, ab
etc. iet
That it shall be the duty of Justices an
of the Peace and Constables throughout
the Parish of Lafourche to prepare and bh
hand to the clerk of this Jury at least of
one week before the convening of the
Jury in regular session. (1) A copy of
their criminal docket, which shall give
anumber to each criminal case, and an
shall have entered under each case, cri
the: date the aftidavit was made, the
date the warrant was issued, the return Pi
of the constable on all warrants, with i
reasons, if not executed, the date of ex- aT
amination of accused, the name of each Th
witness examined, and the date upon thi
which the papers in each case were filed 8i1
with the clerk of court. al
Section III. Be it further ordained, sj
etc. To
That Justices of the Peace and con- pre
stables failing to hand the copy of trt
Iocket, and hereinabove described in set
See. II, shall not he paid hby- this Jury far
until such report has een filed with the
clerk in the manner and form herein- to
above setforth. (i)
Hection IV. Be it further ordained, ($1
etc. pri
That it shall be the duty of Justices at
of the Peace and constables to file with
the clerk of court all palpers in criminal
cases immediately after the cases have
been examined as required by law; any
justices of the peace or constable failing pr
to comply with this Section shall have aw
his salary withheld until he has corn
plied with same.a
Section V. Be it further ordained,
That this Jury may at any regular or
special session raise or reduce the sal- I'
aries of any justices of the peace or oon
stable in tihe parish of Lafourche. -
Section VI. Be it further ordained,
te. Co
That until otherwise provided by this Da
jury, the Justices of the peace and con
tables throughout the parish of La- inC
!o;rche, shall receive the following Ra
(alaries: ti
Ju.stice of thle peace, I ward $ 50 Lo
fustice of the peace, 2 ward 40 (00
Juhtice of the l1Iace(. 2 ward 4(0 00fat
Justice of the peace. 3 ward 8 t1) an
Justice of the peace, 4 ward 8 (M)
Justice of the peace, 5 ward 50
Justice of the peace, 6 ward .) In
Justice ot the peace, 7 ward 2 0 2
Justice of the peace, 8 ward so
Justice of the peace, 9 ward st Da
Justice of the 'ace 10 ward 2 t le
L'onstable of the I ward 40 .e
Ionastable of the 2 ward 45 WI vid
'onstable of the 2 ward 45 .n A,
Lonstahle of the 3 ward In( no
Donstable of the 4 ward 10 ) 30I
L'onstable of the 5 ward 54 at
Donstable of the 6 ward 50l
Donstable of the 7 ward ?'7 00te
1onstable of the 8 ward 4O d r
Jonstabhle ,f the 9 ward 50 de
Jonstablec of the 10 ward 5 00
Seet ,l V'll. He it further ordained, sp(
tc. f:r
Thait all ordinnnm"e or parts of ordin- o0
in . .n conlflict or inconsistent here
'itlh he and the samne are hereby re- Al
ealed. for
Thus read and adopted March 13th, tri
II. N. CovLO.N, J. L. AtccoiN, at
Clerk. President. tur
)th Judicial District Court, IParis;h ot dt
Lafourcehle. cor
SnL'ItEuATED, V5. No. 2143 P. A.
der, and by virtue of a writ of Fieri
•acles. emanating fromn the above en
itled Court, in the above entitled and
mumbered suit, I have seized and will
ffer for sale, at public auction pur.suant
o law to the last and highest hidder at
;he Court House in the Town of Titibo
laux on
SATURDAY APRIL, lIrna, 1402, sell
wtween the hours of 11 o'clhwk A. M. An
and 4 o'clck P. M. the following dera- .,
;rihed property to-wit: -
A certain tract of land situated in the 251
sarish of Lofourche on tile left desccnd
ng hank of the bayou Lafourche at c
about seven miles below the town of of
rhibodtaux, measuring one arlment and
bree eights (3-8) of an arp'nt front by
ixty arpcnts in depth, hounded slove o
y laids now or formerly of the suc
easion of Francois llourgeois and Ilow
v lanuds of Mrs. Francois Ledet. To
;ether with all the bnildings and in
(rovements thereon and all the sppur
enances rights, ways, privileges and Chi
lervitudes thereof also 2 mules, carts
arming utensils and the crops on said
ands. Bre
Terms and conditions of sale CAHH. p,
[o pay and satisfv the principal, inter
st aud all costs of these proceedings. Trt
The alsive sa!e will be made subject Vet
o the seizure levied by me on the 21st
lay of June 1901, under an order of seiz
ire and sale emanating from the 20th dre
udicial District Court Parish of La
ourche in the suit entitled L. A. Bloulnr
vs. P. A. Ledet No. 3l01 on the Docket
t.c of said Court.
of Sheriff of the Pa I': h ,If In:foure~.,,
o TtcA A. It.\nt: ir..\ Ait .of PlaintitT.
March ltl111, Itr*.
in- -
th, th Judicial District ',ourt,--Parish of
Id- I ,afonrche'.
he > tex . L. P. , l.": I :.',JLr, v-. No. .:9.
A .TuI'i t M1 1.44R1 t *i" .
"1d -.
under and by virtue of a writ of N
io Seizure and Sale eitanati, from the
Rd alrove entitled C'ouirt, in thet al)ove en
hId titled and numlbered suit I have Steized l
e and will offer for .al. , at jpublic auction
nursuant to law, to tie' ls:t liand highest
he idder. at thie C'ourt lieou.' in the o.wn Ii
of lThitodaux on eti
e, ATURDAY MAY I(rtTlT 1902 tic
nt hetween the hours of II o'bclo'k A. f,
tr- and I o'clock P'. M. th,! f ,olt ing des- i
cribed property to-wt: it
k- A C'ertain fra't;,,nal lot of ground,.r,
situated in the Town of 'l'hitnulaux, be- 1
*o ing the Southea-t portion of lot Nul
her Sixty-seven (;) 7:t, rpr.'.'ntetd c n
of the plan of the Town of "'l ilaunx, ca
of made hby Jalmes it. t;rifa. on Ma.y 1st
S1812. Said Fraction nme'tsuriti~ Firt
five (45) feet on llenry ('lay str.et lot lo
the Depth thereto hhonPiI:t from the
the said street to the othbet part of lot
SNo. 17, formerlv own'd hby hos. W. WI
Johnson. lounded East bI.  II ry 'lay e
street, North by the ohlier Iat of lot
id No.ti7, now l.. longti to Mr. . I:0.awl l1
t' Aristile Malhrouigh, p '"e.t hv Rl nthi, r to
- Dart of said lot now ltcinintu to II,.nry
loffmann and South hI, lot No. 17";
te with all the buildings and imurmosc- CU
er ments thereon. Ir
se On the following terms and Co'ndi
d- tions, to-wit:
At- For ('ASII to pay anti satisfy (1) tb' fto
cr sum of Two II:uinlrthc I .li ars in pr n"i
pal, Together with ecihlit per cenit Itper
te annum interest thereon frout 1ivc. ::rd I
If I~M1, till paid, (2) the sumn of Ten per
e. cent on the aggregate thetleof of ,aid
principal and interest :.- attoi neyv fte es
h erein, and (3) all .. -s of the.. pro- 1
' celedings"
And which said am tltlnt as atf.re,-aiid
is sec'ulred by act of s' itl and lmortaaze" s
t. passed ,before Ilenry N. "nulon, N.t:arv
Public, in and for ' I'0 ri'i ,,f l.:i
fonrche, on the :t3rd if tI t. n mllr I1: 4. It
Sheriff of the Parish of lafour, he.
iTnoeAs A. IADEAtXx, Atty. of plaintiff. li
) 20th. Judicial l'istriet Court,-Parish of pr
e Lafourche. he
L. A. Bi.ot'r vs. No. 34:01, P. A. LEDE:T. st
tier and by virtue of an ord*'r of tea
seizure anti sale emIna:ltit from theli
above entitled Court, in the above enti:
led and numbered suit, I have seiz*ed fr(
s and will offer for sale, ::t public ati'on, te
t unrsuant to law to the last and hiCihest
d bidder, at the ('c::irt lHouse, in the T'owl: I
it of Thilwldaux, on dli
e SATURnI) Y APRIL 19TH, 190.2, "I
between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. tilt
and 4 o'clock 1'. M. the following des
cribed property, to-wit: til
A certain tract of land situated int the be
n Parish of Lafourche, on the left descenid
ing Hank of the Haytu Lafourche, at l
about seven miles below the town of dit
h Thibodaux measuring one arpent and Sp
three (3-8) eighths of an arpent front by
d sixty (t0) arpents in depth bounded wli
above by lands now or formerly, of the zc,
succession of Francois Blourgeois and
I, below by lands of Mrs. Francois IAdet. On
Together with all the buildings and im- De
- proveme nts thereon, ar.d all the appur- CC
f tenances, rights, ways. privileges and
n servituides thereof, also 2 mules, carts, Si
y farming utensils and crops on said land.
e On the followint termls and conditions,
- t -wit: For C\ASi to pay and satisfy del
(I) the principal unt olf one thousand -i
,($l'5ts.tM4) dollars. (2) interest on said
principal sumt of one thousand dollars
at the rate of eight per cent per annum
from the 4th day of December, 19410, (3) pr(
a further sum of ten per cent on said Ch
e princlual sum and interest as attorney's
fees herein, and (4) all costs of these
proceedings; and which said amount
as aforesaid is secured ,v act of sale
with mortgate passed before Philip E.
Lellane, notary public, in and for said
parish of Lafourche, on the ith day of
I December, i8Mt.
r Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche. pel
(CLAY KNoaI.ocut attorney of plaintiff.
March 13th its. b
, For the Ann,'tl Retniuon United
Confederate Veterans to he held at dei
a Dallas, Ttxass. April 22nd lI 25th,
inclusive. 1902. the Texas & Pacific
5 Railway Comipany will sell round trip su'
tickets from stations on its line in urt
SLouisiuna -at exc'edin'yv low rates, in clo
o fact at lower r:tes than have been
Sannounced to I)nllas for a louu time.
o Tickets wi.l be on s lh from poiLts
m in Loutsians April 19th, 20th and
S21st, 1902, lim;t.i for ltuiurn to leave
4 Dallas April 30th, 1902, with prnvi
Slege cf extension to slay 1.Ih, pro'
Svidted ti, kets ate d'p1(atcd t i h Jointt
4 Agent at Da!las on or b. foe Api, li
S30th, and a fe:e of fifty ccats is pai,;
o at time of lelposit. Tickets are lina
SIted for continiuioui Ipasage in each
u d,rection, but for the betietit of those
Sdesir:ng to visit other points in Texa-,
special rate of one and one thi:l
fares fir Ithe totttdl tri4. wwI he tnth -
- oized teom Dallas. tickets to lie sold
.April 25th anti 261th, with final limit
for return May 14th. These side
tripl tickets will petrmit stop oveis at
any' point both goinuo from and re
turning to )Dallas.
Any one of our A.ents will be glad
to arrange for seetping car Lcconmmo
t dtious :anl explain to you any -poilts
conrnected with the trip, or we wi;l be
glad to have you wr ite direct to us
* for further information.
H. P. Huoaa, H. P. TueamLa.
Trav. Passenger Agt. iGen. Passenger Agt.
Pt. Worth, Texas. Dallas, Texas.
SLow Rates on M. L. & T. R. R.
fSunset Route.
1. I,. & T. R R. Sunset Route will
sell ti k,,'t from Thibodaux to Los
tAngelts C:!. anti return April 22 to
27 In.. 1t(,.2. with return limit June
25th 1Q0 i, :.t a rate of $47 85 on
account .f Convention of Federation
of Wm:ll'ta 'lubse.
For add.Lti ,nal particelars apply to
local ageut. 33 8t
Xany Schnol Childrsn are SLckly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
i Children, used by Mother Gray, a
I nurse in Childreu's Home, New York,
Break up Colds in 24 hours, cure
Fevertihnes, leadcsehe. Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders, and ca
SDest.oy Worms. At all druggists, st
i25e. Sample mailed FREE Ad
idress, AI:en S. Olmsted, Lelloy,
N. Y. 34:4t
titf. For Infants and Children.
Th Kind You Hav Always Begit
Bears the
o Sigature of ofe7.
An nXgeniou. Treainle,,t by which Dranik
ards are lBeing Cured I ally In
Npite ol Thernselve.
of No Noxioui4 h i'w. No Weakea.ing of the
the Nerved. A Ple:s:,.t aid i'uIithie Cure
en- for the I.iquor llHabit.
It is now generally known and
uitn ulerstood that I)runkeun.s is a
disease and not wtakue:s. A body
tillkd witl poison, and nerves tcom
p 'c.t:ly slil:ttrcld by periodical or
Co .it:la t ;1a,' of 11thtSeating liquors,
rvi. , r tnre i n a:lidjtl.; .:ihe of neut
tie traliziIg aid cr:dienti.i t!i" poison,
:i,,i de -tro,'tvi 'ie c, ra m for iltoxi
x, cants. Siffibrers n..'V nuw cure them
selves at hoLme without ptbliUcity or
v loss of li'me from blisinels by this
,woZdh'Iful "110 i. G 1)LI1) lURE"
w. which h:;~ bI.'e h perfect.dl after many
i years of clo,.e 4utudy a:nd tr.lattllent of
11 iiliri:atr. T'Ihe fai iful use accord. a
,r ini to dire lio:;s of this wonthrful
r' discocvery 1 i, ositlvcel uli:atrlnied to
e- Cure the most ol)siza:te case, 1o0
di- Pattr h.w hard i drinker. Our
reco':.ls show the rfarvelous trans
t. forwmation of thoiuaniilds of Drunk.u'ds
intit¶)ol, er, inliustrious and upright
rd mlen.
I.es .l SN!!! !C l I DL lt N CURE ]
re iU1().11 F''ATEl S!! This remedy
liI i i n ti sete. a In( tradlu but is i
specific, for this disease only. and is
,o .skil;lfu:l, de'i-cd and pr,.pari d
th.I t it is throgll!- soluble annd
peia a:lit to the t:ate, so that it call
f"l he given in a cup of te. or coffee
without the knucwlehlge of the prson A
taking it. Thonuatids of Drunkards
have cured themselves with this
of priceless remedy, and as many more
have been cured and made temperate
men by having the "CURE" admin- C
' istered Ibyw ovigl: friends and relatives
without their knowledge in coffee or
of tea, atnl I.elieve today that they 4
Ie discontiinued drui,;i¶r ,of their own
a free will. DO NOT WVAIT. Do not -
n. te dtl:t"ld by alp;:arent and mislead
ing '"inproveuei.t." Drive out the
diseie at oi.ce a,.d for all time. The
"11O.11E UOLU CURE"' j sold at
the extremely low price of One Dollar,
thus placing within reachi of every
ie body a treatment more effeetual than
at others costing $25 to $50. Full
of directions accompany each package.
td Special advice by skilled physicians
d when requested without extra charge.
Sent prepaid to any part of the world
t. on receipt of One Dollar. Address
n- Dept. C892 EDWIN B. GILES &
jd COMPANY, 233i) and 2332 Market
Street, Philadelphia.
All corre-pondence strictly confi
rv dential.
id A moderate saihlarcd man can dress
r attractively and look stylish and nest
5) provided he buys his clothing from
, Chas. A. Badeaux's clothing agency.
Breeders of fancy poultry,
Bulf Cochin eggs for sale at $2.00
e. per dozen. You are .invited to visit
'breeding pen before placing your
- order.
d Call either at W. C. Ragans resi.
tt dence or Knobloch's Music store. 31
ic If we measure you for a new spring
p sult, you'll get a fit, because we meas
n ure you right. Chas A. Baoeaux s
n clothing agency.
DIyspesein is unrecognized in
half the caue. It deceives the
unknowing suffrer. Its many
I variations work along the weakest
d lines of the sastem. To battle
it against only one of them is vain.
le Our booklet explainsits symp
t toms. Our DyspepsiaTabletasgive
complete anld hasting relief.
SDyspepsia Tablets th
Don't Force ol
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad ar-fterfects u
Son the entire system, and where pc
their use Is persisted in, tend to re
e completely wreck the stomach'
n and bowns. ti<
. dgaar's Cathartic
Confections :'
>r The only harmless, regetbl
a bowel regulator, and liver vitalhi ax
As pleasant to the taste as
d calndy, and as poitt u the harsh
a, t mineral. No grip ori pain.
1m , 25, 50cents. di
l. Botwon,
WTatchmaker and
Gunsmith. l 1
Keepaeonstantly on hand a
inrre and complete assort M
nment of
TH E CE EB RAT'ED e rnne non with the above a
MACLHINE. l"stk of Ac. ETC., ETC,
Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Sew
ing Machines. Fire-arms, etc.
Carefully repairep and guaran(
teed. A full stock of attach
ruents, oil and needles for al
kin :s of Sewing Machines, can
bihad by applying to
Cor. Main and St. Philip St. Thlbodaou
Bank of Lafourche,
Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $17,500.
Designated Depository for
funds of Parish of Lafourche
and Town of Thibodaux.
...... OF ICERS: ......
A. .1 BIRITD, President, K. J. BRAUD, Cashier,
('. J. BARKER, Vice President, P. F. LEGE.NDPE, Asst Cashier
...... a ro s ......
F Does a General Banking -Business ~
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange.
Mexican Mustang Liniment
is just the thing for Harness and Saddle Sores on horses,
{ /
( Try fexican ?ustang Uniment)
for Lumbago,
S Lame Back,
Rheumatism, "
S Stiff Joints, etc., ,
and you will find that you never inN
all your life used anything that so
successfully fought aches and pains. .
To get the full bseneSt you should
rub it in most thoroughly.
Mexican Mustang Liniment
is a positive cure for Roup or Swelled Head in poultry,
'*something New Under
The Sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure
CATARRH by the use of powders,
acid gases, inhalers and drugs in
paste form. Their powders dry up
the mucuous membranes causing
them to crack open and bleed. The
powerful acids used in the inhaicre
have entirely eaten away the same
cmmbranes that their makers have
aimed to cure, while pastes and oint.
ments cannot reach the disease. An
old and experienced practitioner who
has for many years made a close
study and specialty of the treatment
of CATARRH, hna at last perfected
a Treatment which when faithfully
used, not only relieves at once, but
permanently cures CATARRH, by
removing the cause, stopping the
discharges, and curing all inflamma
tion. It is the only remedy known
to science that actually reaches the
afflicted parts. This wonderful rem
edv is known as "SNUFFLES the
and is sold at the extremely low price
of One Dollar, each package contain.
ing internal and extern:. medicine
sufficient for a full month's treatment
and everything necessary to its per
feet use.
"SNUFFLES" is the only perfect
CATARRH CURE ever made and is
now recoglnied as the only safe and
positive cure for that anr.oying and
disgusting diseaqe. It cures all in
aammation quickly atd ltrmanently
and is also woIndeful:y quick to
relieve HAY FEVER or COLD in
the HEAD.
CATARRH when neglected often
FLES" will save you if you uae it at
once. It is no ordinary remedy, but
a complete treatment which is posl
'vely guaranteed to cure CATARRH
in any form or stage if used accord.
ing to the directions which accom
paun each package. Don't delay but
send for it at once, and write full
particulars as to your condition, aul
you will receive special advice frout
the .lscoverer of this uouderful rem
edy regarding your case without cott
to yon beyond the regular price' of
Sent prepaid to any address in tiht
United States or Canada on receipt
One Dollar. Address Dept. C892
2330 and 2332 Market Street, Phila.
TO THE DEAY.-A rich lady
cured of her Deafness and Noises in
the Head by'Dr. Ntcholson's Artificial
Ear Drums, gave 25, coodols, to his
Institute, so that deaf people unable
to procure the Ear Dr' ma may have
them free. Address. The Nicholaon
Institute, 780, Kghth. Avenue, New
York. . 43-ly
For Sale.
Store building, known as Proteo.
tors Hlll, awd re idence stdsated on
Short street b..tween St. Philip and
.Jack-on streets. For paruculias
apply at S~ETINKL OltnvIL

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