Newspaper Page Text
Local Paragraphs. Get fat on T,'no-Tonique buoy a T bottle a Thboudaux Duag Store. 12 C Csrnival Cqub fair May 17. 18 and, 19. J Breezs Time at the Opera H.,ase I to night. sts at V. J. J. Kaobloh. L Mr. L'viocj" Fstevr who is now pmllrov.l in Jennings is on a visit, to rieatives in our city. S It will be a Breezy Time to nightl at the Olera House. I The Thibodaun Fire Co. No. I will a hond a grand ith. of July celebration to he continued on the 5th, and 6th, 1 with a grand fair at the opera house I grounds. We had the pleasure of meeting Editor Schwing of the Alberill' bort in our little city last Sunday. We hope brother that you may have I o:easion to mingle with our people again soon. asM. Ni ll r. 5r . Dont fail to tee a Breezy Time to. night at the Opera House. Small Pox Vacine Points can be had at the Thibodeaux Drug store at 15c each. 38. The regular meeting of Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1. will take place next Monday at their ball at 8 p. m. go , IM ig e , a bq" t The Mrs. Curtis of St Philip St. band the pleasure 91 entertaining last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. 1urton and family and Mr. Robert Taylor of St. Bernard La., Mrs. H. E Mortin, of Kenuesom, Neb., and Dr. Gaulden, and sister and J. W. Kagan, of Jeen. erette. DIED.-On Thursday morning at 3 o'clock, at the residence of her brother-in-law, Dr. E. Sabatter, Miss Laure (Qarrignes, aged 70( years and 6a nontas. Her funeral took l)ace from the St Josep,h's Catholic church on Thursday at 5:30 p. inm. If your appetite is g~,,e you need a good tonic Tono-Tonique is the best appetizer on the msaket. It will make you eat and, will digest what you Mqt. G:t a lottle at the Thabo daux 4)rug Stuor 13 Mr. Beaureg.ard Caro, a prominent oatizeo of this town, was married to Mims Louise Breaux at Lockport on Thursday morning. The happy oouple left the sapm day for New Orleans to l,pend a few days. We return thanks (or a piece of wedding take. Prot W. S. Laargue had the I lea sure last Sunday of entertaining his brother Sergeant E. L. Lafargue of the Louteians State University. We undertand that the young man is a brilliant student of the University, having carried off the Garig medal for oratory. He has also been selec ted to deliver the valedictory for the penoir class.-Comet A noted Freochk Physician ays of Totuo-Toique. '.It is one of the very best tInies On the msarket, as it gives back to, a patient what they have lost l1tring qitkneas. Tqpo-Tiooique is .iquid beef steak For sale at Thtb ladax Drug Store. 12 Notice. Ar you in need of a Freezer this summer? If so call and seeme. I am in rteaipt of a large consignment of same. The Bllzrd anod Lighten. g.& I have been handling these Freezer for several years and they have rlways given universal satisface tion. I sell them at New Orleans price anod save you the Freight. 1 pu! also in rticeil t of a large line of ieautiful white Enameled lined Cool vrs kt reasonable prices. Rcspectfully, J. S. LEVRON. For Sale. The houpe and lot known as the itott property. Lot measuring 115 feet on St. Mary street and 60 feet on Harrison street, house has 7 room. Terms cask. For particulars apply to .usasasz. D'.iar & BoussAtr, New lhetna, La. ,NK BrWorrTT, Agent, ' ihodaun La. Sfsits pa Onto, Crry or ToLIpo,I LycAs Courry, Faa . JC sr i.t makes oath that ie the seoir partonr of te Irm ol .J. CrENET a (Co, dking busianess a the (ity of 'Toledo, Cuntyl" and tate aftoresid, anl that arid im pill pay te sum o 03tiE TITlRE) POlsAg8 ~or each sad every case pf Catsrrb ta$ canonot be coured by be ue s of (,4tLL' CAa·ar CrsL . ERANLK J. VtUENEY. Swore to before me and sbe)scrijbd In .r prsence, this Qtlt d:,y of Dec peober, 4. p. 15s8i - A. W GLEASON, " oto,'y Pubb. Hal a Catirrh Cure is t-oken inter. lpaly and acts dir~Ltl onu the blood and qqucous qurct.avesu qf the system. leod for testinoni.el, free. F. J. CHENEY & 4'o, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 73. njll's Fauily Pills are the best. ('ONTRTBITI.)N1 RECEIVED Toward- lfIhirg the he~rv d"',. t edness on Mt. Caarmel Convent. Thihodaux S.ntinel.... .... $ 2500 tI C. K. of A .............. 5 Pelican Club .............. 26 0 T Char;es A. Badwaux........ 500 -" John .M. Was J............ 500 P Dr. S. . Avo............. 10t) '4 .Dr. T. A. Stark............ 10.00' EI llis Braud's Sons......... .35.'00 r'8. Riviere &.Co........... 25'o tCash ............ ........ I.uu t0 S. IR. C'oao .............. 3 u0o Tom Bearvy............... 23.05( I Thomas A. Rivlere......... 200l t Louis Perrin ..... ...... 200 Dr.A.J.& L. E. Meyer.... 25 00 U Cash.......... . ........ 3., t James Beary.............. 500 Winm. McCormick........... 5.00't Il A.ºdrew Price............. 25 u I SMrs. L. J. Meyer........... 1000 t I, E.G. Robichaux............ 40 00 e L 31 Hargis.............. 5.0011 Dr. Sabatier........ ...... 10.00 John McCulls Sr.,......... 2500 I Father Dubou'rg........... 25 00 Father Simon.............. 10.00i Father Ravoire............ 10.00 le Guy J. Knob'och......... 1001 A friend ................. 100 '0 Dr. O L. Brad........... 10 0011 . J Knoblo~b............ 500! Eugene Knobloch........... 1.00 Peter Fe. Jr .............. 1.00 O!iver Eng.rran........... 1.00 r. Dr. J. J. Daigre............ 10.001 Cash..................... 2.00 1 Emile Riviere ...... ..... 25.00 Ed. McCul:a ............. 1000 J. Bsaticanx ............... 2500 C. J. Barker .............. 5.00 x E. N.Roth................. 10.00 Pt . F. Legendre ............. 2 50 D. Delaune................ 20.00 J. L. Basset .............. 5.00 Cash............ ........ 1.00 L. D. Cherault............ 100 Dixie Dramatic Club........ 70.25 Y. M. B. A. of Lafourche... 100.00 4. Judge L. P. Caillonet....... 10.00 st Qoloored Catholic progressive d Asociaston ............. 5 00 it. Victorin Toups............ 2.00 of L. Keefe................. 25.00 n, A. Trosclair.... ....... 25.00 U. The indebtedness on it. Carmel Convent is over $15,000. at Oertait Cure for Children. er Shake into your shoes Alleu's Foot d Ease, a powder. It cares Chilblains, c Frostbites, Damp. Sweating, 8wollea feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Ia Notice. Til The active and Honorary members at of Protector Fire Company No. 2 are o- herebly notiied to assemble on Wed nesday April 16th 1902 at 3 P. 31. nt at the old Protector Hall on Jackson Strett. Cnlas RlvIE5, o Secretary. e A grand fair for the benefit of the t W lre school will be held on the ks school grounds on :he 19th and 20th of this month. The public is not on ea l cordially invited but ivery one is his earnestly urged to attend. The pur. of pose for which this fair is bi ing given Ve is a good one and ought to appeal to a every one in the community or school district. lal Notice of Disolution. the The Public is hereby notified that the Agricultural Firm known as "T. of Cailiouet Sons." composed of Messrs WY J. N. Caillonet, P. Felix Caillonet & ye Jos. T. Cailonet owners of the Or. oat ange Giove Plantation sitoated near a Thibodaux, La. has been dissolved. ib The undersigned having sold his in. terest in said Osange Grove plants. 3-4 J. N. CAILLOUET. Thims3q to Ie, Good. Countless thousands have found a ent blessing to the body in Dr. King's New Life Pills, which positively cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Dizzi ness, Jaundice, Malaria, Fever and SAgue oand all Liver and Stomach !a troubles. Purely vegetable; never 1 gripe or weaken. Only 25e at All Dof ruggists. ol- Office of Parish Supencitendent of Schools of the Parish of Ls fourche. The regular examination of appli. cants for teachers' certificates we will be held according to the regulatious of the State Board of Education, as the Iplows : 115 Por pbte applicanfs, on Thureday eet and iriday, the 17th. and 1_th. of 7 April next, and for colored applicants on Friday, April 25. The examination of applicants will Stake pIlace at the aOnion Acodemy and La. te colored applicoants will be exam. ined at the Corporation School House La in the Town of Thibodaux. Applians are required to be on hand for the examination at mine A. II. sharp on the days appoited for hat the exammations, and should provide of tieaaelv with writing materials. tes Taros A. BDa.irx, nod Parish Sperintendent ICn ED H. Kept His Leg. .e Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, by of Hartford, Coon., scratched his leg w ith a rust) wire. Infammation and EY. blood poioning mt m. For two bre d*s h snoered intensely. Then De. the best doctors urged amputatlion, thut," he writes, '"I used one b~ttle of Electtic Bitters and 1 1 2 boxes cd c. oc3kleons Arnis Salve and :y leg ter was sound and well as ever." For iod Eruptions, f.ewma. Tetter, Sal m. Rheum, Sores and all blood disoaders I Electric Battrs has 'o rival on earth. O. Try them All Diouggistsa will guaran, tee £.atiIfaction or refund money. Oilv 50 cenLt-. A MlisutiderstaWtlting. .'me papers' ba e;v muddled the question cf securing more founds for the public schoo's of this State. They seem to mix up the big State: schools with the ptillec schools pro.' pir. and look upon an etfort to secure more revenues for the latter as a threat to decrease the amounts allowed for the maiotsinance of the former. It does not appear to us that any thing of the kiud is proposed. No man at all familiar with the etluca tional system of this State woun;d venu Store to urge a reduction in the appro. priations made for the maintenance of the Univers:ty, the Normal andlo the iudust ia s.:hioo:. To urge such a wouid I,º simply to des troy the very trunk of tdlcsation in Loui,iana in the vain attempt to f. ed the withering limbs. Meu interested in educational matters view with pleasure the rapid growth of these fine schools. They witness their ex pansion with pride, rchbing in all directions and sowing broadcast the seeds of higher education. Men who study the situation do not wish to see thebce noted schoo:s hurt or neglected, hand they will be the first to suggest I increased appropriations by the Gen eral Assembly to cover their. needy and made more effctive their work. But at the same time is it wrong to a'k more money for the puhlic schools proper? Is at wrong to ask t the fostering care of the State for the ) little log scool houses where the thousands of poor little chi:dren re J cerve the rudiments of au education? We think not, and we cannot see where the interests of the large State schools come in confl;ct with those of ! the common district schools. There D is not, and there cannot creep in a p conflict D If, as s'zggested, the interest fund , has grown to proportions larger than p expected, would It be wrong to take I o one half, or three fourths of a mill t from this fond and transfer it to the a o educational or school fund where it is I p greatly needed, and where it will do a 0 an immense good. Certainly not o And if by lopping off a porion of I ! one fund and trsnsferiig it to anoth er, the one not being injured by the operation and the other gn stly bene- i fited, why hesitate to do so. ,t If the public s hool fund is in creased, does this neceseasily mean I the decrease of the annual appropria. I e tious made to the four or five large hype that the coming meeting of Superinteua?!nts of schools to be held in Baton Rouge w:ll make this clear and thus a;lay the apprehensions rexstiug in certain quarters. It is not a moveme-nt or a fight against the higher institutions of learning, but one in favor of the common Sashoo's, and the success of the latter will be also the success of the former, A common Interest binds them to 1e gether, to hurt the one is also to 1e injure the other. th There should not bh, nor can there She a conflict between higher and is elementary education. They are twin r. sisters, each deserving of the care of ,o the State, and aid for the one without aid for the other sh,,uld not be men ol tloned. The greater schools typify higher education, the lesser ones represent the rudiments of learning, both occupying a peculiar sphere, each with a mission to perform, and at all dear to the hearts of the people. . Strike the one and the other will feel it, hence where is the hand that would be lifted agnainst such a noble 'r. and deserving coubination.- Avoyelles r Blade. Leave your orders for pianos Sorgans and piano tuning with V. J. Knoblo-h lrcal Representative of Louis Grunwald Co. Ltd. 13 A aring, Boaring Flood. \Vashed down a telegraph line swhich Chas..C. Ellis, of Lisbon, Is., had to repair. "Standing waist deep i- in icy water," he wr:tes. "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew Sworse daily. Finally the best doctors er in Oakland, Neb, Sioux City andl 31 Omaha said 1 had Consumption and could not blre. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was of wholly cured by six bottles." Post l. tively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung tro lbhles by ii. All Draggists Price 50c and $1.00. us Proceedings of the School Board. rof Thbodaux, La., Feb. 20th. 1902 its The Parish Board of School Direc tors of the Parish of Lafourche met ill this day, pursuant to the call of the ad Presideot, with the President in the m. chair and the following memb. rs prc ae sent: Messrs. Paul Fcott, Panl Meyer, P. I. Usillouet, Alcide Chanso on vin, Jr., L. C. Roger saodl Secretary A. ex o1co SuperinteMndent. Abent: tor Directors Elfer oand Deramee de The minotes of the last meetiang were read and approved as recorded. The following bil were presented at for payment and the requisite appro priations made to pay the same: Paul Meyer, supplies for Lockgiort in, School House, 96 50 eg Thilmodlaux Foundry, coal for od Guion Academy, 10.80 H o. W. Frost, lumber for black en j board, 1.45 Jo, J. L. Aucoin, for sundries, 2.30 ie . .. Coulon, not. fees for act of of donation from Rodrignue, 5.00 egi Expense of Institute, 50.00 or The President was authorized to alt selI the Ch3abey sch-ol house.and lot rt:tor sixty dollars andl to rent a tem. Lt. porary school house on higher ground n i for one dollar anl a half per mouth. y. The Sa lerintendle.t rep,,rtei thao an act of donation had b~tn passcd Our Straw Hat, Department is bound to open your eyes. We have them in all the latest styles, rough, plain, straight brim, Panama and Alpines, In fact anything from a small boys' to a big mans'. ELLIS BRAUD'S SONS. Empire State Oil National Oil and Coal and Iron Co. Pipe Line Co. The attention of Sugar Planters and other con sumers of Fuel Oil is called to the fact, that we are prepared to enter into contracts for Fuel Oil and are willing to meet any emergency, as to prices, terms, prompt delivery, etc. Address all communications temporarily in care of THIBODAUX SENTINEL to Purdy & Joachim. between Mr. Lovincy owriwgue arni the School Board, by which the Board acquired a site for a school fifty feet front by one hundred feet in depth, and that the necessary steps wou:d be taken at once by Mr. Bodrigue to build the school house provided for by the Board at the last meeting. The Des Ailemaa3s school house furnishid by the Des Allemands Lumber Co. and tendered to the Board for use as a public school building free of rent was reported to be re:,dy for occupancy. ThL contractor fur the Valere Goodry schtol house has notified the Board that he had Iehgun to build the school house for which he had been awarded the coutract The Presi,deut was authorized to make a retrcession to Mr Laurence Kraemer of the lot which he hal don ated to the Board. The Board on Finance reported that they had msade a diligent exami nation of the books of the Treasuier together with his vouchers, up to Jauuary 1st 190? and had found everything ourrect and the books neaty and accurately kept and had I ordered the vouchersiup to said date to be destroyed. They further re. commended that a quietus be granted to said Treasurer for all his transac. tions with the School Funds up to ansd including Jan. aLt 1902, which recommendation was agreed to. The special committee to examine what repairs were needed to the Guton Academy reported that they had attended to that duty and had i invited bids for the work based on specifications duly furnished. Three I ditlerent bids were submitted, and that of Mr. J. L. Prtedger, being for the sum of oce hutilied and nine dollars, anl the lowest submitted, the s contract was awarded to him. In view of the fact that Mr. Mar. f cilien Delaune ha i refused to allow the School building on land that he had purchased from Wallace Pierce to be used for -chool purposes except e upon conditions which the Board could not actet, the action of the p teacher, Mr. Joseph 4. Price in re i moving the school furniture to an. other building which he rented for s three dollars per month, in the name l of the Board was approved. I The Superintendent reported that as the Lockport School Fund Asso a ciation had refused to allow the for ther use of their building for public school purposes, he had secured the use of the hall belonging to Rev. E. A. Vigrous, free of rent for the rest of the session and had ordered the school to be opened on the day ap, pointed for the beginning of the ses ason 1902 in said building. The bill for the purchase of the necessary up plies for said tempporary school school h.,nse has already betn sub. ,mittel and approved. The Board by unanimous vote ratified the action of the Superintendent in th!s mater and SI the thanks of the B'mard were ordered ito be tendered to Rev. Father Vt. groux for his liberal and generous spirit in assisting the Board to carry out its duty of continuing the Locks port bob .poI. An address to the patrons of the 4 Lockport School explanatory of the d position of the Board with reference to the change made in the Principal ship of the Ltockport School was read rt and after being app oved, was order ed to be furnished to the official organ for publication and for circulation a0 mong the persous inter,.stld. The Superintendent was iistnetlt l to make a demand on the Lo-kport SPublic School Fund Association for the return of the desks and heaters 0belonging to the School Board and now in their school houe onu the re turn of the old desks to th:,t aps.cia tion. S The Siper:utendent wars authorized to buy four molern defks fir the h. Guion .Acadtemy to repl~ce o:ine that br *k.i said that em-lhd1 out in e..I. There being no further busines, the School Board then adjourned. THOMAS STARKaa, President, TaoxAs A. BDuuxcx, Sec. & Supt Card of Thanks. Sincere thanks are offered by the Sisters of Mount Carmel to the ladies and gentlemen of Thibodaux who worked so iundefatigably, giving their 4 time. attention and labor, to make( the Festival a success. Thanks are I also extended to the Thibodaux Sen tinel the Lafoirche Comet and to every one who participated in this noble and beautiful cause. May the young men and ladies, of the Dixie 4 Club, continue to c:imb the high lad der of fame and always use their genius and brilliant talents as on selalshly as they did for us. We thank also the Thibldaux Brass L.,rad who rejoiced and enlivened the fair by hur!nonious muse. Praise and thaunks are extended to the g, n tlemeu who w.ccd to bring in the excursions; honor is due to them, and if we do, n.,t iname any on,', it isl for fear of furg, tting others; but none will be forgottt, n before the throne of God, and before the altar, we will pray for a;l who tontributed their mite to Mount Carmel Feastival. We are de!lgh'ed to see the shad ows scattered and that the shinningi rays ('f ch.arity awl love lihe and burn with a 'acre I guardani-hip in the ofthe b'?,m of the ladies of Thibo daux. Th,-ir grandmothers loved their "Alms .M ter," and yonng mothers anl tlheir daughters koowing that success was within their reach seized the enterpri-e, and shou!]er to shoulder worked to help as out of our embarrassment The Sisters. congratulate the ladies and feel proudl and happy to say that the old walls of Mount Carmel sent forth women who bring consolation i and joy to their homes by their mod esty, dignity, wisdom and virtue; I they know how to make lowers grow I thicker than thorns. We thank them and pasy that centuries will see their children's children delight in doinog good for the ,Alma ,Mater" of their i mothers. Farmer's Institutea In 1901 there was appropriated by states and used in carrying on far. mer's institutes in the United States about $100,000, and more than 3000 I separate institutes were held and were attended by over 650,000 farmers. Can the reader imagine wthe total amount of good done by these instruc. I tive gatherings of progresstve far. mers, not only to those who attended I but to those who by rubbing against them acquire some of the "iniuen *e" that has been thus promotedt In all the western agricultural states and I most of the northern states tegular I and systematic institutes are held on, der state auspices and competent management, and if it costs the states a few thous and dolars per annum to carry on the meetings, they are so popular, (lecause praotab!e) that no voice Is raised is condemnation of what, in some state legislatures has been termed *"unjustifabl extrava. , gance.', Molt of those states are gradually enlarging their appropria tioDs for farmer's institutes, as in creasing public interest in the move ment demands, and rarely is any legis, i lative objection made to the appro- I I priatons. for they are looked upon in the light of proitable inoveatments. Even Texas farmers have held a few farme,'s institutes, but entirey with. out state aid or state sutpervis:oii. SStrong effr,rts have been mlade to in dtmce the Texas '. gislat.-e to e..,t:alish ia Vsyteun of f.rmer's institutes, but without .,wvail. .4lemmbers we suppme Swere infllencil ta, op-o'e uctll :lctioi e by the iaesum:,lp i..l th:t a majo,,ty tolf the l oi, rs ii th'is d.-tti,-t w ie t"! iac s, i ,f '4 ,a . r-'altl - . ,l'*nh a :r a J. L. LOB)E1 L re. Pr P rE, JOSEI'II CL tID- T V-l'resident. . . a-T eaa - e obdell Percy Wholesale Dealers ornm ission Merchants., Near 8. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. f0or joI and alieecan iWer, '-Orders For Car-load Lot. Solicited. Sugar Planters orders given special attention for Grain and Hay. Local 'Phone 152.--Cumberland 87. Spring Openin Don't forget to visit our store, as we have just received a complete and well selected line of Spring & Summer Goodse from New York, Baltimore, St. Louis and Me-a phis, consisting of Laces of all kinds, Em. broideries, G i n g h a m s, Toile du Nords, Cham brays, Madrases, Nain sooks, Persian Lawns, In dia Linens,Dimifties, Pique ire mported white and fancy Organdies, Curtala Swisses, and Scrims, Bobinets a specialty, silks od all kinds, and many novelties, too numerous to e mention. "e We invite you also to examine our stock of Shoes, as we have added a more complete line, ep n- pecially in the following well known brands: is Brown, AT T)-' Ditmans, ~~ PFriedman S Call in, no trouble to show you our goods, -H RRiviere & C( oclined to vote gai:ats a candidate who would be so rvktees as to vote public money for the purpose of prootling intellig ut farming and stock raising, which they look opon Ssan absurdity. In the meantime _he farmers who favor progress and success, thrown, upon their own re sourmes, are holding justituteswithout state aid. We believe this i" the surest way to bring toe legislature to a realising sense of its duty to agri. culture -the great iodustry that sos tains the state. Let progressive farmers in every county. or wherever a few of that sort can be found, get themselves together and organize for educational purposes. In every case where the discussions are confned to legitimate agricuatoral topics, and all distracting subjects avoided, the io erest increases, the inlueoce spreads and the example will become ono tagioos. The horticultunrsts, nur serymen, truck farmers and stock breeders, could not be induced to forego their stated meetings, which aside from the small amonut of busi ness transacted, are institutes for educational purposes. It men of these different branches should meet together then we wald have a genuine farmer's institute, where each specialist could learn from each other specialist. The staple crop farmer needs to learn from the fruit-grower, the vegetable-grower. the nursery man and the live stock breeder; and so with all the others. The more different specialists there are present the greavtr the sources of informa tion. and the greater the good accom. phlthed. Farmers who eg'ect such means of bettering their condition by extending their knowledge are not living up to their opportunities. As suc·h mvenents extend our Iegi.l:a- tors wiul begin to she I the scales fuIm their yC',.s, and we will have fnrmere in-t;tut, a lg'yn.iz,i an I oiert i:iz in . . irr a . ... :c tIrai n*.,t it , e. i "r '. - Opera Hou Saturday, April I FTZ& WE "A Breezy 'FiTh New Specialties, Catchy Music, Prett r Two hours of solid fun. PIascs: as3, o ANDo T6 S.a. at V. J. Knobloek. 1%a ~~ ti.o d- h.i~ a dE0C ,0 ~