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, i& zz 5rutiael PeLI.HEDM EVENtY aATrI 5JA" WA'. S. L LF4REI. (t:). - - Fditor. fDpreaL Jfuirfal of 0ltr I'urt.:h of Lafouri'l.. £ 'ser&e at lp Post (.is nt TAilando d. r. as seeo-ad tlans /aiter. 1'i YEA K. Ii A' VAN( E................... ...........t2.(I() All communeations t Ishould be adttressed to The Tin ,oBrDAt'X SE'I'rIO., Pbiltollaux. La. nbscrilatra w likil to re V, tl ethr papor on twnse should notify ds without deitY. ý"Fu11y prepared to do job work of every description. rsmrresponoenc. ott 97&h3t-t Pt, of enerh -interest solileitetI. *''a insure notice of th. ir emmuoI anicatkion, writers must furnish their real nettle, even 'hough they should desire to withhold Its 1t*rliicjtion, ns an a .e sic t of genii faith. Matter intended for publication ahould be written only on one side (1 the sheet, and to Insure insertion it the week's i sue, cowiiiuni cations should reach this oimlee by Wednesday's mail of that week DOWN WITH CLEVELAND AND HIS COHORTS. A meeting of prominent democrats was held one evening last week at the Tilden Democratic Club in New York City for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the good of the party. At this meeting Mr. Cleveland who has twice been elected presi dent of the United States, and David B. Hill were both invited to deliver addresses. Mr. Bryan was invited, it seems, to attend the meeting, but as he was nQt extended the same privileges as Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Hill he consequently spurned the invitation with silent contempt. Mr. Bryan was perfectly right in so doing although a few thick head ed news papers in the South, which claim to be democratic, cannot reason it out that way. Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Hill might as well try to stem the tide of progress as to try to frame a platform suitable for the year 1904, without consulting the leader of the Democratic party, Williams Jennings Bryan. Come what may and say what they will bhe democratic chieftain who has twice been made the nominee of his party by six millions pf democrats will be the central figure again 4u the next nominating convention. He can pot be crushed nor subdued but will always stand as the champion and the staunch advo pate of the common interest and the untram >neled rights of his people. It has been many a day since an American citizen has entered the arena of politics who is as patriotic and ter ia as unsullied as W. J. Bryan. He may pe wrong in some things but an opinion ex reseed by him is a deep rooted conviction. No single instance can be pointed to in which any action of hie has been prompted by self ish motives. He stands to-day the accepted defender of the peoples liberties the avowed enemy of trusts and monopolies, and the foe to that party which has allowed the flag of our country to be stained with the blood of an Innocent, defenseless, liberty striving peo. ple. He is the embodiment of the best, pur. est and noblest traits found in an American citizen. Mr. Cleveland on the other hand is at present moving the heavens and earth to af feet a reorganization of the Democratic pairty when it has never been disorganized. It is true that David B. Hill bolted the Democra tic Convention when Mr. Bryan was nomina ted for president, and it is also true that Grover Clevelan4 refused to say one word in behalf of the flmocratic candidates dur. ing the last contest, but the fact that these men lent their influence to the Republican party in the last campaign did not disorga nize the party in the least. The only trouble with the party now is that it should purge itself of those men who are of the same cali. lyer as Mr. Cleveland and then the party would be absolutely harmonious in thought and action. But no the plan is to have (Gro ver Cleveland write the next Democratic plat form on which condition he will give his ac tice support to the party. We do not care to see Mr. Cleveland have anything whatever to do with the Democratic party. We certainly do not consider him a democrat and he denies that he ia a republican so he must be nothing and d-m little at that. No man whose char. acter is founded on the impregnable pillars of honor, truth and sincerety would repu. (Hate his word after it had been given in good faith. No man it matters not how un governable his ambition would be guilty of betraying a people as Grover Cleveland did, unless he be a man of no sense of right and justice nor possessed with ojie particle of principle ox- one iota of faith. The most pontemptible creature oi earth is an ungrate ful wretch and we know of no object to' yhich Mr. Cleveland can be better compared. What appreciation has this man ,ahown to the party which elevated him oth two differ. Vnt occasions to the highest and mtst exalted position within the gifthi of a peopl)e? In what manler has he manuifested his grateful n4e to the party which at one time saw fit to haver him ranked among the presidents of this great republic? He has shown his party no appreciation - for what it did for him, he has returned no thanks and he has manifested no spirit of - gratitude, but what he did do was to repu - diate the Chicago platform upon which he was elected thereby betraying the trust and - confidence which had been reposed in him by - millions of good citizens of his country. Mr. h Cleveland without exception is guilty of the most shameful act of political treachery on e record since the birth of the American re public. His attitude toward the party in the last campaign was sufficient proof to any 3 fair minded man that he was not in favor of seeing the nominees of the Democratic party elected.' He time and again in interviews a throughout the last presidential fight de nounced Bryan in unmeasured terms and absolutely refused to say whether he would vote the Democratic ticket or not. This man to-day is trying to force himself upon the party which not so long ago he was instru' 1 mental in having defeated. Our advice to the Democratic party is to keep such men as Cleveland out of its ranks as well as some of his bolting democratic gold bug cohorts. We would rather see the party go down in ignominious defeat at every election than to see it successful with a platform dictated by Cleveland and his coterie of dissatisfied and bolting democrats. It is absolutely ridiculous to ever hope to see men who belong to the Cleveland tribe of mugwumps harmonize with the Democratic party as it stands to-day with that matchless and brilliant Statesman William J. Bryan as its leader. I THE PETTY ACT OF THE PRESIDENT. I 1 Miss Rebecca J. Taylor, a clerk in the war ! department at Washington, has been dischar - ged because she exercised her right as a free a American to express an opinion on the Philip pine question. Miss Taylor is a bright young lady and when not at work in the department i she wrote interesting letters to the Post and 1 other Washington papers. In these letters r aýMritlnnAlA *hk aiuohin. a i1 tkx PkUap p pines and thereby gave offence to Secretary - Root and to his majesty, Theodore, the Strenuous. These distinguished officials des cended from their dazzling eminence to wade I in the mire of ward politics and issued their 1 dictum which meant the peremptory dis a charge of the poor girl, who had made the f mistake of believing that she was living in a Republic which guaranteed the inalienable .right of free speech to the humblest citizen. 1Miss Taylor protested, but she lost her position and made way for a more subservient minion of the federal administration. rThere is a pitiable littleness in all this a which one would not expect to see displayed by the man who occupies the highest position - of trust and honor in the United States. Of course, the president and Secretary Root attempt to shield themselves behind the Scivil service law, but they have repeatedly Sshown such a supreme contempt for the merit system that nobody believes them. A conspicuous feature of Mr. Roosevelt's administration has been a determination to muzzle all who can be subdued by the ofikial halter or the party lash. Otfice-hiolders may yell themselves hoarse provided tile yelling is -done for Roosevelt. but the mildest whisper ,against the administration means political ostracism from the char-med circles at Wash ington. It is safe to say that the (lismlissal of Miss Taylor will deter all government em ployees from expressing any opinions inimi cal to the interests of King Theodore. Most of these people depend .upon their paltry earnings for a livelihood and the fear of los. ing their positions will cause them to surren der their honest convictions. It is conceded that President Roosevelt has committed more errors during his short teioure of the presidential office than have all his predecessors from Washington to McKin Iey, but in our humble opinion his discharge, of Miss Taylor is the tneanest thing that he has done. -Lafayette Gazette. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have ______Al__ays Bought AVegetablePreparationforAs- Aiway similating theFoodand8 ila ýsow Bears the Promotes Digeslioný6eerl- Signature nessandRest.Contains neliter Opium.Morphine nor iineral. 0o NSOT XuiRC OTIC. Ns.Ar.JWRJ s S * In -- ~ u Ese Apeifecl Remedy forCoastipa ion. Sour StomachDiarrhoca Worm sConvulsions.Feverish- o e tnt33eQaT.OOFSIEP.2Fr Over lac Simile Signature or w Thirty Years SNEW YORK. IIIJY er EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. TWs otNT*savMann co. awtt TOGA est. PURINA s only Sold in Sacks IUke this The Feed that keeps Males up :nd feed blils . l0WT. E08. New Service via T 4 PAC!FIC WAIUWY to New Orleans Shreveport, Dallas Ft Worth, El Paso, Colorado and California. Chair cars anui si. 1ers .+n all throngi trains. L. P. TURN 1E1{, General Pass. & 'Tirket Agt. 1] lias. Tex:ts. Hotel. Donnaud %. ,4. DONN\.1t'!). Prop. First class accomnmo3da. e thon 1t)1 ('otunitl.rcial tra ' telrs. ýamnl'e roan: Son the jrdniises. Board hly the daI .1.1U aid U2 ou. Also bnarild h, thw w* k aid xno:,th Lefeiº t( ro ing, - " La A. He lie a. (lot Got C. Caught. Cared. Care that Icast wvith +thes~alesare ' CURE. I to 3 days. $l at Druggist or Eiress prepaid. W tr alesa caIVICL 1Q so0. ). LEALWS. LA. CLAY KNOBLOCH Att'y aiud Counselor at Law 'Ihibodaux, L~a. Off, ce.: Gaude Building, St. Philip St. USE.... Dr. Meyer's W~ater, s0C. A 0 BTTLE. 2 FRANK IN HOTEL PETER FEY. PROP First class Accommodations Board by the day $1.00 and $2.00. Also board by ble week and month. Meals Served at all Hours. Cor. St. Louis and Market Streets. Adjoining Hank of Thilhodoax. AL!E T .1. I4ASSEIG(Id NOTA! 1 i'ITI;LIC RAC.L1.V.:D, LAýOtTRCHE, LA 1u) \ ",t. r a Ia en.ptiy and cac tall;' .: 4n'".1 Seeds sake good crops, geod crops make more sea Somers-so each seer the crops and customers have grown greater. That's the secret of the Ferry Ems. More Ferry's eBeds sold and sown than any other kind. Sold by all dealers. J4A .*ed Amnsal PEES. 0.M. Ferry & 00. ' Detrottt,1 ý"1I Mteh. *. S '4 'O 'J L V O W A\TlD - TRUSTWORTHY nun n:ld women .to travel and advertise for old established house of solid finanmial standing. Salary $780 a year and expense;, all paya tle in cash. No canvassing required give rvferenccs and enelose, dressed stain ped envelope. Adds esi Manager, 3ý5 Cuxton Blig., Chi cago. 3Sa26t. NEW AL'DVEIRTISEMENT8. ht.I:L 13ALSAM DLcIaSd l AODt OrugrN'. ELLI IJAU' -O Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills ctause the kidneys to work as nature intended they should. They build up the shrunken walls of the kidneys, as no known remedy has bean found to do before. As a cure for urinary troubles they have no equal. S0, 25, so Cents ws ROTH DRUG STOIIE. l~ 14c.po&' Ce Our Music Store is the central offlc' for all nessages of inspiring harto fly and poetic minstrelsy. We are headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instrunr uts and tuagreal goods and can muit you in anything you want. Yours for melody, V. J. Knobloch. _.a,,..___ - WHEN YOU GET MARRIED S You want Potoe handsoaea and stylish Wedding InTl. utlons. We can suit you. Th. best assorted stock ever In town,and lots of It. THE SENTINEL, I Os. Paiiriu Oua SPECIAL?/. * 9 H. N. Coulon, NOTARY PUBLIC GIRE &S? STREET, TfllU33AbI;X. LA. LOCAL BU8INE88 DiU '9YT 5E fOANTIILZ. BaURO ». T. Market Meand. Always on hanu tips kty ..t Beef. Mutton Pork, Veal, aid K.ueaggue of .I kinds. Market stre. t, Thiixudau.u La. BIJUL SALOO 'N. U, S. v.'ra igl, Pr.prleter, - (hoioe wives and liquors. fine cigars always ax baud. Cur. Green and Market Streets, C1esadPine Eamber. Ut press aij* *.sx retl Slaigles, ale. andd'.r3t .ndl harnessn. Iiiacksimithming and boerm Ishtuian a specialty. 11YEIL, 1)R&i A. J. & L . Physlclams mud Nurgeonm. t Priiprietors of Mlcver Iireg ture. iItosiutree* STbibodaux La. J. J. Plers'n. Manag~er. ROTU DiiLG CO, t. Druar Iins triaga, Cherrleale, Psafuturrj. Schiooil usik, &tativ.iaerv. etc. Cur. Muesi &k (reen streets I Waichamakcg. A Jeweller line .?feiery. watches ant ulhcks, etc. 'Jati 'treet. between St. Pilailip amid St. Louis. ')ENTISTS. Deatiast. Corner Green and St. Bridget Streets ATTOBNEYS*D -LAW DEUTtiO A8 A., t Autesuee~at*Iaw. Bank of lainnesobe building. ~. [OWELL & MAITIX, SAsterteys as Law. ~f booms 5, 6, 7, liamsk of Thitnlmeuxn iuilduin 7 NBLC CLAY d. Ati* d.O~ees: Bath lbuilding. Entrance eta B: is Ii EDUCATIONAL. - IOL, EMMANUEL, Gives tnstriuimental, vocal and llarz'aony lee s.'ns. Resadesce: lace. Street. 1TRIIIOD UX COLLBGK. kTie coure~softd a re Egish, French For f crther particelars aDply to JL, N. IIARGIlS, Principal MOUNT CARMEL CON VENT. Am Academy lee WYema Ladies Kipt by the Sisters of Moset Carmnel. Ther oug course. English and Frseeck. Foot o Market Street. NOTAZIAL. COULOW, H. N. I.etary Pmblic, Real Esiste aud Fire sad Life lusursue. Aaccss Proportinsa tbeogt and enIht. Mneias i aa n ad horrnwei Bask of Luliasreb r~Read The Sentinel. 50 YEARS' ýXPlRI5NC5 ' a IA Tiass MaaK) Cohvremws &e. Anyonse ithmut a .bIthe m d5aemaw snickly mestat oar opates rtee w -. ln~nvs'tln I prohmaWtrpatetablesComma.nly. Ih.IllJemadna nlmsome Scientifi }uIiricau." Send yeiiY Job Printing to this Office. Satisfactdou (1 naranrteed. W .tSTED.-Cabable, reliable pet. son in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputatioa' $93; ealary per year payable weekly' $3 per day absolutely sure and aW expeusea, straight, bona Ode deelni salary, no commission; salary pail each Saturday and expense ion *tdvsnced each week. STANDA HOUSE, 334 DEARsoRN ST., Cnmca 14o. 26-2.$ Masw `co raewaed a a e .Mo Samugle.p gl. Aover la el~ad ..r =e was ala Diplomates.. aComw Cease Anleaa sad Is post eGras. toau eslu 1ýuds upoda co my s.Lbar a South. Umeqaled taeUftiaa. Umeanmeed Mase Thorough aaatneas Pragatse and ofe roau% Osmpates aollege bask sad wholesale eses. iradeuaas bold l aidl posItIons al -ma es,. I.trato -i a~al Raing aumerem bassa e slegas being .atinI and aeputaht known hare supertor ays ag.isading aiadi..L Ia wbhich students do actuan kesp the boob lathbs latest labor masrlin sutsd.W eater at amlm fias. dense. shorthand aid Iesusla 5epar5si reslela. Seid asr ba:;uess Mid a:::; da.wsIk Adiease A30. a0ow.3 1.*p Dry. Do not fear cold amd smah Thibodauz Shoe and Hat Stoes line of the highest grade w mackentoehes. EMILE J. Baaua, 'fy For job printing of all kiads on or write tc, the SaNurza. FRANi( BARKX 5UOC0BOORTO BARKER & Commission M AND DIALERR INd COUNTRY PRODU WOCOTTON, 80GAR MOLA POTATOEA, EGGS, ko(aT, WAX. TAT.T.O WAIT.. *1 Moss, rooLTRY, iao.. %. 1111 DECATUB Mt NEW ORLEANS, LA. SWLWDKRAL Al)DV NCOS. MALS W btsl U. Lmn Sv A frereporno J. LOUIS AU j( UNITURU PAINTS, - RARDWA3U, UNDERTA MAIN 8TR5 THIBODAUt. LA. N. TI. BOU Market St. KARKET ST., TK1 DA -ALwATS ow MWIS BEST Or BEEr, xrrrON. AND SAUSAGE* Or ALL 4*RAILROAD ** Ii O CTIA.VZ 3. PROPRIETOR. h'Choice trash beer, pork, veal, asauges. "onsantly em hand. Al. --Ot'N EVERY NOC - Situated on she Ra~lroad. Stress, mud of easy access faIEU he town Cumberanmd 'Phoea 100. :~L. H. LANOAB -EL ECTRI CI Electrical Work, rate Telephone and Plctntatior. IC7nR. Electric B andU Burglar .4 and all Eleetr' sitiex. CALL. OR ShE leg MrIUATRS