Newspaper Page Text
OMARTER. .'( FTATESOF .ýMEitb'A, ATE OF I.eIsIIMANA, PARISH OF LXAI" it"IITA E. I IT KNOWN, that on this "ird day I of the month of Mai, in the year cia our lord One Thousaon N iue 11 on- for d and Two. lwfore me, Whitmiell P. ter artin, a Notary I'utlic in and for the art ish of l.afourthe, Mtate of souisniana All y colnfhissioied and qualified, and ist fie presenee of the witnesses hereaf- on named and untder-igned: ree personally canwI and appeared the lot os whose nanics are hereunto sub rihed, who sevekally declared that, I iling themselves of the provisions of 1 Act of the Legislature of this State, 4'k own as Act No. 3d, of the session of . e year 18ffi, as well as ofsbe general ws of this State governing the forma n of corporations in general, they do I these presents covenant, agree and the d themselves, as well as such other into rsons as may hereafter become asso- cot ted with them, in order to form and Ini stitute a corporation or body politic bet law for the objects and purposes un- ba' r the stipulations following, to wit: Th ARTICLE I. e name and title of this corporrtion i 1 be The Iles Allemands Lum her pany, Limited, and it shall have the enjoy succession and existence fur tin rind of ninety.nine years from pa ereof. It shall have tle power to tract, to sue and he sued in its cor- by to name, to make and uae a curpor- no cpal, and make, break and alter the at pleasure, to hold, pur.'hase, all sell, mortgage or hypotheeate aui rty, real personal or mixed, to so e and issue Fonds, to lend any por- hu of its capital stock or inoomne, or tie age security, or other securitry; to pa , elect or appoint managers, diree- t and agents, and to make and estab- IA such by-laws, rules and regulat.ons Pa may be necessary for its proper of gement shi ARTICLE II. to domicile of this corporation, and lho neipal office for the transaction of Vie ems, shall be in the town of Bowie, p h of lafourche, Louisiana. ha president, or in his absence, the so0 president, shall be the officer upon citation, or other judicial process fr be served. dob ARTIC'LE III. capital stock of this corporation fot hereb fixed at the sum of One IIun- da Thousand Dollars (O10,0Ou.) and thi shatter shall he operative, and go efeet, tud said corporation become pri concern when the sum of One ha red Thousand Dollars (100,0t5'.) have been subscribed for. The du tl stock of this corporation shall li1t divided into One Thousand )1,0)0) the the par value of One Hundred su re por share, and shall be E in cash, or the equivalent in the Wite mill property, timbered 'rc isWber, logs, notes, bonds or or any other property which agg of Pirectors ma ove. ARTICLE I V. ehjeeta and purposes of this cor sad the nature of the business aeried on by it, are hereby de t bs,-to do a general lumber ; turing and general mer- do business; to own and operate t shingle mills, planing mills, 1 lind factories, and other th es; also railroad, pull-boats pu boats' to make contracts fo of of lumber, shingles, etc., an t hase of logs and timber; to to lumber yards in thisa - ates,-and in fact to do any al things necessary and proper to T. 1Nrylag out of its business. na ARTICLE V. ha basisess of this corporation shall de by and vested in a Board of su enmiposed of Five (b) Stock- ru ash owning one or more shares TI said directors shall be elected W~ genaal meeting of the Stockhold- of esavibat for that purpose on the Tusgsy in January in each gi ad esnhihare of stock present or trE hti shall be entitled to one in Thooeletion shall be held at the th odes of the corporation, after dapa notice to each stockholder. M hold an election on the date t shall not dissolve the corpora. re bat the directors in office shall in thir respective ofces until the In shall be subsequently held, er tun days notice of time and place vaeaseles in said board from w eaase shall be filled by the bi Directors. -e agp above set forth shall be eas ot less than ten days notice t in the official journal of the « cu 3oard of Directors shall elect a 5, Vice-President, and Secrota- ki Treasurer. The Secretary and aeed not be a stockholder in a ty of the board shall constl- am a qeormm for the transaction of oI Vie*-President may be the Gien- , Managor of the corporation, and I' of all the officers of the cur- f -shall be fixed by a majoraty ~, of the Stockholders at the date of desetlon. ARTICLE VI. stockholder shall be liable or res o for the contracts, fault. or of said corporation in any further than the unpaId balance due the Stun on the shares of stock own him; nor shall any informnallty in ti tion have the effect of render this charter null or of exposhng a lder to any lIability beyoid the Ii t of his stock. a ARTICLE VII. u Act of Incorporation may he ~ ed, altered or modified, or this tlon dt'solved by a vote of three a of the shares of the total tof stock at a meeting held for rpose after ten days nmotice in g mailed to the ad'lress of .a chm holder, and at least one advertise tin the otticial newspaper of thme of Lafourche. ARTICLE VIII. t the expiration of this Charter, or sooner dissolved, the affairs of thIs ration, shall he liquidated by the of Directors, who are hereby with full power to sell any sand assets of the corporation, and to con full and complete title thereto, andl shall have ftol power to do and orm all acts necessary and proper fully and corn letelv liquldate the ,and distrlbute the proceeds, if ,among the stockholders In propor to the amount of stock held by h. ARTICLE IX. The following named persons shall stitute the first Hoard of TDirectors: H. lDown mant, Presidenit E. t0. West roland, Vice-PresidCDnt and Manager, F. H. LewIs, Secretary and Treas r, J. F. Wlgglngtonl and A. C. Johns. y shall hold their offtces until the mid Tuesday In the month of Janua .19011, or until their successors are ted and qualified. ARTICLE X. ThIs corporatIon shall be authorIzed begin business whenever the sum of NE HI N l~tED) TUOUSANI' Dollars stock shall have been subscribed. The stoek of thIs corporation is tranls rable only upon the hooks of the me. Thus done and passed in my office In town of Thithodaux, State of LouIs a, on the day, month and year first vi' written, mind in the presence of P. Braud and P. A. Engerrant comnpetentt tnesses of lawful age, who have sign. their namnes together wIth the par and me, Notary, after due read tag the whole. (OrigInal SIgned) . L. BRAm o, . A. ENom-:toAN. IL. II. DowN!.AN. Finsm II. Lewis, J. F. WVmsotNT4)N, A. C. Joh. * pir lf.ll. Dowsx.L-' W. P. MARTIN, Notary Public. con TAi'1 OF IAd"I:IANA, I'Altllil (PF LAFooltKellE. oth 1, ('..1. Barker, C'lerk of the :70th .Judi- . cial I istrliet Court of lshuisiana, in and I for the Parish of Lafourche do hereby Ap certify that the above and foregoing Bu irtieles of incorporation of The I)es Allemands Lumber Company, Limited is a true and correct copy of the original on file on the records of my office, and recorded in Miscellaneous Book No. 7, folios. -( Given officially this 3rd day of iL.. June, in the year 1.ir2. C.J. BARKER, Ilerk of the 20th .Tudieial ltistrict Court. oft OIDINAN('E NO. to Be it ordained by the Police Jury of fou the Parish of Lafourche in regular meet ing assembled, that a franchise for the pet construction of a toll Canal interesect- pay tng the bayen Lafourche at some p)lnt the between t3 3rd and 53rd, mile post on the bayou Iafourche below the town of pet Thibodanx, be and is hereby granted to list Messrs. Bragard and Constantin Bros., their heirs and assigns upon the follow the ing conditions, to-wit: In (I) The said ('anal shall be not lest than 30 fart in width and shall at all !r time he open to the public offering to Ji par for the privilege and use thereof a toll not exceeding those uow charged by other -canal owners or companies to now existing in this State. af (2) The use of the said canal shall at all times be free for use by the Parish do authorities of this Parish and it shall be tbh so constructed as to not interfere with hut rather enhance the drainage facili- Crl ties of the section through which it passes. (:1) If said ('anal intersects the bayou Lafourche at a point where State or Parish levee now exist on either bank of the haven Lafourche, then, said canal shall be locked in a manner satisfactory to the authorities in interest, but no As locks shall he required, however, if prl victs 4o the construction of the contemn plated canal the bayou Lafourehe shall have been locked or damuled at Donald- No sonville or elsewhere. (4) The canal shall be completed from the bayou Blue on the west side of bayou Lafourche, to the Lake Salva n dare or other deep lakes or bayons on n the east side of the said bayou Ta- tli; fourche, within five years from this fill date, under penalty of the forfeiture of this franchise. pit (5) The term for the duration of the co present franchise is hereby fined and re named to be 90 years. (t;) The owners of said canal when tri ug an operation, shall be held to pay an intto the Parish treasury to the credit of the Public Schools of this parish the c sum of $100.00 annually. -ection 2. Be it further ordained, etc. lot that this ordinance shall go into effect 'rote and after its promulgation. Adopted May 15, 1902. wl H. N. Courox, J. L. Arcoia, ye Clerk. President ins lDo ORDINANCE NO. RELATIVE to the BUSH LIBRARY cu and to carry out the conditions of the donation made to the parish of LA- m FOURCHE by the late Louis Bush. re Be it Ordained, by the Police Jury of to the Parish of Lafourche. That for the purpose of carrying out the conditions ln of the donation made by Louis Bush to w the parish of Latourche and to keep the said library up to the standard required by the conditions of the said donation- B that Judge L. P. Calilonet and Messrs. T. Beatty and W. P. Martin are hereby named and appointed a Committee to I9 have full charge of the said library Un der the conditions of the donation, and subject to other ordinances and ac rules as may he hereafter cuacted. Lii That the members of the said commit- p: tee shall continue in office till further P' orders of this body. That the said commitatee are hereby w given and granted the right to sellt transfer or dipose of all the books now in the Court ouse Librar y, other than h: those donated by the late Louis Bush. p That they shall out of the proceeds of the sales or transfers see that the books required by the donation a hall be placed "1 in the library so far as the moneys corn- ms ing to them from the said source will a enable them to do. That for this pur pose they are authorised to bey out of t' the proceeds of the funds so raised, and d; which shall be known as the Bush Li brary Fund, to be deposited with the parish Treasurer, all such works as may b be necessary to keep the as id library up to the standard required Ly the dons ction. That i any surplus remain the d committee Is authorised to purehase ,a such other works as will fitly go to keep up the said library. 4 That the sum of 36.00 Dollars is hereby (1 apprprated out of the general fund to lb be padon t he first of July of this year 0 and annually thereafter for the purpose of supplementIng the as id library. - Thai the said Coinmittee shall serve S without compensation slid shall annual Ily, at thefirstlmeeting aftor the first of -July of each year render u full and true S account of their work to tI i' body. Adopted May 15i, 1902. IL N. CousnoI, J1. L. &ccoTN, ( Clerk. President s Notice d is hereby givcn that the Thlbodon: flyster Packing and Ice Co. ILt'd. intends fo apply to the General As scmubly of this State for the return of money erroneously paid by it to the e Stute on property exewpt from taxa I Da.t U E. all UTER, r Presitleat Board of Directors Thibo daux Oyster Packing sod Ice Co. e .. .. Breeders of fancy poultry, r attention. Is -4 'Boil Cochin eggs for sale at $2 00 d per dozen. You arc Inoited to visit ~jbreeding pen before placing your .d order. nr Call either at W. C. Ragans real if denec or Knobloch's .11usic store. 31 Leave your orders for pianos organs (int p151no tnin~ilg with V. ,J. 11 Knoblot h Local Representative of dLouis Grunwa'd Co. Ltd. 13 For Sale. a- The house and lot known as the reStott property. Lot measuring 115 feel on St. Mary street and 00 feet on Hart leon street, house has 7 of rooms. Terms cash. rFor particulars apply to is- BROUmisAiD, DULANY & BaOUs8ARD, he New Iberia, La. inFRANK ZERtNOTT, Agent, is- 3 . Thibodaux La. at For Sale. nri . A No. 1 Split Shingles. Apply to L. E. Piass, 42 3m Lafourche Crossing, La. A motlerate sadaried man ceo dress di, attractlC'V anod look stylisb and nest provided he onys hie clothing from (Chas. A. liadeaul's clothing eghmiey. WANTED. 4 ft. 4} ft, and 5 ft Mills in good condition, giving m:nute description of all dimensions, also Boilers and other second hand sugar machinery in good condit on. Centniy Sugar lpparatus Co, Ltd. 511 llodeltaux Building, New New Orleans, La. Assessor's Notice. Parish of Lafonr he. Thibodatir, June, 7, 1902. In accordance with the prov!sions of section 21 of Act No. 186, appri)ved July 9th 1890, notice is hereby given to tax payers of said parish of La fourche. that the listing of the pro. perty, real and personal, of said tax. payers, is completed together with the valuation plneed upon saat pro. perty by the Assessor and that said list will be exposed in my office, in the Court House, at Thihodaux, for inspection1 and correction, for th" term of twenty (20) days, beginning June, 7, 1902. All tax payers are earnestly invited to avail themselves of the opportunity aforded' to make known their objec tions to any assessment and to test their correctness in the manner pres cribed by law. EDGAR MoRvANT, Assessor Parish of Lafutareli June 7, 1902. THE HOME ObLD CURE. Au Iutgelous Treatment by wbhk Drunk ardý .re ildug ('ared uaiiy Ao Spite of Themnselves. No NoxftnxA Doses. No WVeakeing of the Nervi5s. A Pleasant anii Poiitive Cure for the i.I,.,'r iaubit. It is now ge er ly *kuown and understood that Drutakenncs' i" a disease and not weakness. A body filled with poison, and nerv"as 'om pletely shattered by prriot1.kal or constant use of intoxicating liquors, requires an antidote capable of neu tralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroving the craving for intoxi. cants. Sufferers may now cure them selves at home without publicity or loss of time from busine's by this wonderful "HO'IE GOLL) CULtE' which has been perfected itfter many years of close study and treatmsnt of inebriates. The faithful use accord. ing to directions of this wouhrfuil discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Oui records show the marvelous traits formation of thousands of Irunkirds into sober, industrious and upright men. WIVES CURE YOUR IIUS BANDS II CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS It This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only. and is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly sý, and pleasiut to the tart., .o tiat it eat be gi'.'n in a cup of tea or curt. t without the knowledge of the per-a sk.hiug it. Thousaada of 1a)*mi.-..e-t - have cured themselves with tit Spriceless r"m 'dy. and as many mori have been Dui d inuti wade teinmerate amn by hiaga the "CURE" admin istered 1w ln ing biends and ret:ves without their kuunlsedge in cotfee or r tea, and believe toaIv ihat tlih I decontinued drinking of their own s free will. DO NOT WAIT. 1)o not r be deluded by apparent and mnisleal ing "improvement." Drive out the s disease at oice and for all time. The l "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, Sthus placing within reach of every >body a treatment more effectual than r others costing $2t to $50. Full directions accomapany each package. s Special advice by skilled physiciass - rwhen requebted without extra charge. S Sent prepaid to anii part of the world on receipt of One Doilrar. Address Dept. C892 EDWIN B. GILES & COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Stheet, Philadelphia. All correspondence strictly confi dential. "A Danger Foreseen Is Half Avert ir If you arelin buisness and don't advertise you are in danger. 1This is a warnlng. * See your mistake in time )5and avert it. A poor publisher, the pro- ( prietor of a struaggllng magazlne, sent k half inch advertisement ( to the New York Herald. The 5The bill was bigger than the et publlaher's entire possessions. 7' Ho thought he was ruined. It was the turning point. The eq magazine sold It was good a. and people liked it. Other half page ads followed. .. Result: fortune.fame.honor AdvertIsing Is just as potent a lever now as it was then. This paper reaches 'a. -the homes ofthis section. 'al)GCCCO*@)O* ON A WHEEL thriderfrequentlym a with ieawtir. Av'ry g handy and* ."(i"nt d(.ci.rto ha: owith youwhen a an aocident happens is a lwtte of Mexican Mustang Liinaent. IC Ulicers or I Rtarnninhg Sores L need not become a fixture upon your' body. If they do it is your fault, for no MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Ds.D will thoroughly, quickly and perma- en nently cure these afflictions. There~ is no guess work about it; if this lin iment is used a cure will follow. JOn' but YOU DON'T KNOW how quickly a burn or scald can heouru4 Ifit antil you have treated it with Mexican fxof Mustang Liniment. As a dfesh healer it stands at the very top. F *ý THE GREAT V TONIC LAXATIV E b It you haye sour etomsch, indigestion, biliousness, constipation, bad br.ith, dixzinsse, inactive liver, heartburn, kidney troubles, backache, loss of rppstito, inomr~ia, lack of energy, bad blood, blotched or muddy skin, or mny syr.:ptom. and disorders which tell the story of bad bowels sedan __ - frpaiued Ce1rc1w sy.eeth, Lease kiU wHWrw'eXWtU - It will clean out the bowels, stimulats the liver and kidneys, strengthe 4 the mucous membranes of the stomach, purify your blood and put you 'on your feet" again. Your appetite will return, your bowels move regu Jerly, your liver and kidneys cease to trouble you, your skin will clear and g Isrshen and you will fe:l the old time energy and buoyancy. . kcthers seeking the proper medicine to ghte their litilo ones for constipation, diarr)hea, (dilo a'd similar troubles, will find Lazakola an ideal medicine for children. It ops tL:cir bowol + regular without pain er griping, acts as ageneral tonic, assists natnre, aid. direstion, relieves restlesenees, clears the coated tongue, reduces fever, cr.u+. s relrealung, restful sleep and makes them well, happy and hearty. -? Ohiifreet hke it cnd a.k for it. For Saleby lazakois is not only the moest effiient of family r~emedies. but tlie ru st ecomrneati, becase, it comn. line, ewe umedicines. ci,: laxative and tons~c, and at one p rice. SDc. cr f'c At druggists. Sond for f rue sample to Till LAXAKOLA CO , 13 Nassau Street, N. Y., and mniouoti the name of yorr dreg;.at. r' e il epre t ay ddessenreeit f Sc.instpsor os st halrehares, cae ay a cts at arUists, ISNGEASV. Or asill esW **a 0o. qI. MOFFEYT. M. D.. 6T, LouIS, MO. L Nxr. se oon-x was Ire saileed hg ear suser sheell sb chelseate as mUM3Zsar p, e hhasresl wh n the warheates t as I~imeal nta~az everttaiewr a seesehn.1 lae givt o as ~I sthis pubsle.c-aditse n aame- iedWeoihslil~ielefd atee*Ue frestoe .fdoses asd seohng yae5haweae metrgrds.feru wh esoorn amdthess alleeviates whcheeIs asnw pealn quiceros n alt tia ehe ee theaneolda clmm feeingappieaion.he,4 Paml se D cets ors siwh o kenos, and oo bAarsule inu thelro greatest fowredg CuresarheumyD ati.sloa, C osontrce Muscls, !ubtle Iv vkia is unierognized in h:1i t.. . a.s. IL deceives the u ;i n fc:- a suffrer. Its mainy 1! .+w.unwork alongtheweaktst hai oft'j s' t-'tn. To battle again-t e:;; &e of them is vain. Our book cL xplains its symp toms. Our Dyvspep iaTadl etsgive complete ant la ting reli.f. ) GILES' Dyspepsia Tablets 2 0cA , 25C. Don't Force I Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire system, and where their use is persisted In, tend to completely wreck the stomach and bowels. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vegetable, bowel regulator, and liver vitalizer known. As pleasant to the taste as candy, and as positive as the harsh. est mineral. No gripe or pain. w l4 25, 50 cents. I10TH DRUG STORE ASTHMA CURE FREE! Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and rerma nent Cure in all Cases. SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RIEi'EI'T OF POSTAL. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. 'I'. re is nnthint like .\ 4hrnalene. It irinu.s initant relief. even in the win t rests. It unres wh.en :11I elii FOR TEN l~fail, The Rev. Ce. F'. 1V FU> ...t villa wa Ill., says: 'Your trial lottiP of YEArRi S reteiveil in goeal otlion. SI 'an in t to you ho thankful I feel ` - , fur tie giinlI le ivE e1 front it. I W3s a slave, c.,aine( 1 with listritl sore thmeat and Ahilisi:t for ten years. I deslcir ed 'f ever bl:niig (heed. I 5aaw \ ra'1 " ailveritiilnena t ISfur li. cure of th s / iadful and tormentin, diseaew. .1s theta, aund thoiught }all hail uvrrspekesl yoursrmlies. but resolved to give It a trial. 'lo iiy astunishlwnt, the trial acted like a charm. Sendt me a ful! size buttLle.' Rev. Dr. Morris Wechsler, Rabbi of the C'oiag. llnai Israel. NEW YORK, .Jan. 3, 191Sf. 4 Dins. TAFT IRmea's'. ME (ICIN '(O., Gentlemen: Your Asthmalene is anu excellent remedy for Asthma and Hay V- RFever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with As mgtuP. tlshma. Its success Is at:4onishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analyzed, we can state that Asthmalene containa no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, REV. Lit. MORIlS WECIISLER. A1vtN .tRIGts, N. Y., Feb. 1, iS91. DR. TArT BDOs. Mxzncsvz Co. Gentlemuen:-I write this testimlonhtl trnut a sette of duty, having tested tep won.erfnl efect of your Asthnalese. for the carte of .ttlian. Ily wile has treen itflkteid with spas uxidic asthma for the past 12 years. Having eihanssted my own skill as well as nausuy others. ehanced to aee your sign upon your wndolwa on lIls isreet, New look, I at nice obtained a bottle at .1,.tunslene. Hv wift eusonenced taking it Sbout the first of November. 1 Very soon noticed a radicail nninrjovem ont. .1,fte" using one bottlP her Aithnul has disappeared and she is entirely free ftrio all ýymipt0uiS. I feel that I rew consistently recommend the isell eine to all hih arc alllieted with hisdistres5s vdi .eae Yours sespe~etfully". u. D. I'tliSLPS. M. @. hat. T Arr nzos. MaDICIxS Co. Feb. 5, 1901. Oentleun n:-I was troubled with Asthma for22 years. I have tried numerous remedies, but tiny have all failed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle. I found reliet at once. I Lave since purchased your full-izsc bottle, and I ans ever grate. ful. I have family of four children. and for six years was unable to work. I am now in the test of health and am doing business every day. rhis testimony you can make such uae of as you see St. Ihnne address, 286 Rivingtou street. 8. RAPHAEL, 67 East 129th at.. City .1. Bouron, Watchmaker and S Gunsmith 11 1 Keps constantly on hand a 0 large and complete assort "sea ment of 9 5 FINE JEWLERY, 8 - CLOCKS AND " WATCHES - THI CELEBRATED I'e i`n c tw flee above a ELGIN WATCHES (BUNS PISTOLS, CONSTANTLY ON PUWDEli, CAR HAND. Also the NEW TRIiDUES, HUNT AMERICAN SEWING INU MATEUIAL MACHINE. F c of Ac. ETC., ETO, Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Se ing Machines. Fire-arms. etc. Carefully repairep and guarani teed. A full stock of attach kin is of Sewing Machines, citu balhad by applying to A. BOITRON, Cor. Main and St. Philip St. Thsbodaus - - ',, t-" As at ferCRESCENT BCYCLEIS Bank of Lafourche, Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $17500. Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. A. J ERAUD, Ptesldent, * K. .1. IIt AtID), Cashier; C. J. BARKER, Vice 15i6sident, P. F. ILEGENDPE, Abet Cashier I.. A. BLOUIN, D. )EIA1UNK, Ils. T. STARK, E. N. ROTH. JOHN Tr. .I11008,. A1t., Pa. IL. E. MEYKR C. J. BARKER, A. J. BlRA I', V. B. BEATTIE, At.CIDE TOUPS, K. .J. BRAUD. 2"~ Does a General Banking Business 1z RBuys and Sells IDomestic ausd Faiseigo Exchange. I a mnesmn oTwffLonanD I relieve HA Y FEVER or COLD) m A WORTHY $UUUkI3UL m *"Something New Under le: The Sum.' All I)otors have tried to cure ^t CATARlIll by the use of poadcrs, a acid gases, inhalers anid drugs in *' paste form. Their powders dry up in the wncuous causing in them to crack open and bleed. The P' powerful acids used in the inhaaicr have entirely eaten away the same Pt membranes that their makers have y' aimed to cure, while pastes and oint. tli ments cannot reach the 4seaese. An e" old and experiecced praetit.iorer who t( has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment C of CATARIIII, has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully used, not only ra lieves at once, but. ( permanently cures CA'I'AIlIl, by " removing the cause, stopping the 2 discharges, and euaiug all intfammna tion. It is the only remedy known to science that actually r,'aches the aelfhicted parts. This wondet ful rent edy is known as 'SNt FFlE:: th'I GIJARANTyE1I' CATARRtil'I' ltE"' antl is sold at the extremely low price of One holler, each paek::ge contain- t ing internzt and external mneii. +ne sutlicient fo; a full month's treatmt int and everything necessary to itý per feet use. "SNUFFLES" as the only ierfect CATARRII CJRl ever d od is now recogflred a' the only safe a:nu , positive cure for thait anunoving a:td disgusting disease. It .nres real ii ilammation quickly sadtl p. rma:inert.Y and is alau wonderfully quuck tit ýatve JAY r t or UitljU Itl iý: HIED. ('ATAltRIT when niglected often ýads to CONSUMPTION-'"SNlIl. 'LES" will save von if you use it at nee. It is no ordinary rwnedy, but complete treatmun't which is pest ;vely guaranteed to cure CATARtRII n any form or stage if used aceord. ng to the directions which aceom ºany each package. Dton't delay but end for it at once, and write fiet )articulars as to your couditio. ae9W 'nu will receive special adviec from he taiscoverer of this uonderfue re-m dy regardiný your case without cost o you beyond the reguiar I'rice' of 'SNITFFLE:S" the "CLfi.ItANTEI:1 CATARIRH CURE." Stmt jre'paiel to any adclress in the fTaited States or (lnuad:i on recgllt One l'tlher. Adle:;s Iapt.. ('!92 ElWVLN H. (:IltES & (OMýIANY, 2:º3u !unl 2:;3 ý11nrkcet Streut, Phila. TO THlE l)KAF.-A ru'h Indv cuarii cif Ieir 1).':. s"aesu :1. No s' i in thla lli'.e 1.v I)r. N eho'seaa s Artificial E a In ruzn , ge uvc 2:I. ons ie Is, to he Ii;,:itute. -a tat elitf eople' unabde to p rectre t* KEar Ir' are mey have thla fe +e. Aelhire',.a* 'eIl Nicholson Ia,- tettae. '". K ghl: Avenue, New Vurk 431y IlF'r Sale. Stoee' tiualelie.'r known a ?rotee. tars II atl, :1111 re-itce a' atdatert on shunt st det lastween St. Pht'ip and .Jack on s!tre'etu. F'.r partacuftaun app y at S NTINII. ()'vicL