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Local Paragrapilhs. Owr ormes are the lowest on every. a thing. The Racket Store. d Dout forget the fair today-to- t night-tomorrow- tomorrow right. f o,ý,rOResa. d You ought to attend Ihe fsir. Youa should and you must it you pride h yourý+ett in being soya! to the interest k (f yourT town. Small Pox Vacine Points con is bail at the Thibodlewux Drug store a t 15 c eaCh. 3$. Don't forget the fair to be given by Home Hook and Ladder Fire Co. No. 1 during the month of August. (I3Oir Os.'~li pSmall A Liox 1sr11 Points c : bala h hb'ksxDu tr a We desire "o return to bo Mr, e Pierre V. Toups for several melons c which he left at our sanctur this - week to sample. Mr. Toups has a been enagged in raising melons for a us No.ber of years and he is proud of p the fact tat his melouns cannot be b "soented by any in flavor and sweet,- ti iees. The melons were simply deli- C cious and the only fault to find is s the a such gifts are not more frequent, tb V For bargains in ladies and chikdrens tl .hoes call at The Racket Store, a e We would like to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement T of the Williams Electro.Medical Far- T adie Batteries of which our much "l liked friead Mr. A. B. Staunton is o agent. Every body knows that elec. h tricity is the greatest curative agent v known to science for the most learned physoulams of Europe and America use these Mlectrical Batteries every day in their treatments of chronic diseases. Mr. Staunton is very anx. t wees for- seine of his friends to try it some of these Electrical Batteries C sad note their wonderful effects. Any ti one desiring further information ti would do well to interview Mr. Staun. ti toeon this subject in which he is P muck interested, ti E CASTOR IA : qr latat san Qhildrea. 9 1I 1T Ybs Avaes BsIht g A very interesting game of base a ball will be flayed in Tetreau's Park h $aaday afternoon at 4 o'ulcek between n the Oreysand the Napoleonville boys. a The Napoleoville boys say that c they are sonident of playing wiining -u ball with the boys just so long as h ere. is not in the box. Napoleon-1 villa has a guod strong team and we s have no doubt but that they will 0 make matters rather exciting. We s are satisted that our boys will as usual make a splendid .lowing but after all it may not mein victory. We hobe that a good large crowd will be out at the park to witness the h game and encourage our boys in up- 1 holding the good name they have eaamed for themselves. The game will be called at 4 o'clock. At a meeting of the L'arulval Club held lest Tuesday night it was decid eat to give a fair some time during the month of September for the per pass of asecoring funds to defray the napeses whi-b will be entailed by our seat Ruuth i G. parade. The Carnival Club has decided to a make one last Anal appeal to the peo- a pie of Thibodaux and perish of La- t foar-he and we siucerely hope the c appeal wIll be responded to which I will Ineume the success of the next a We sincerely hope that the fair being held asnler the auspices of the Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1 will be a great fianocial success and that the c people of Thihodaux who are grate ful to our faithful and deserving fire. t poea for noble and gallant work al- a ready rendered will make it their duty ( to see that their fair will be a marked c seucse In every particular. It would a andeed be a shameful re~ection upon ( the citimens of Thibodaux if the fair I should prove as completo a failure as I the last Osruival FaIr. Turn out a every body and contribute what you fuel able. Every little is a great. help I sumt we hope that every citizen in I town sail eoesnnity will be able to say I have helped the boys our brave firemen In their deserving efforts to. improve out Fire Department. SBrAT3 or Oalo, CmIT or TOLEnO, 1 LucAs CoITnty, J Fasss J. Cuasxr moakes oath that he is the seekwo partner of the firm of F. J. Cnsuss A Co., doisig business Ia the City oaf Toledo, Coauty anad State afresasid, sad that said firut wall psy the sma of ONE HITNDREDI JOLLAS8 fur each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot lee cured by the use of BAL.L ('ATA~sII OCtm. FRANK -I CIIKYEY. Swuria to taefure me and suIbscriled, in my presence, this 6th day- of Dreember. A. P. 1886 A. W. GlIKASON, Scheurp Peddec. Hall's (?utarrh Cure ii' tak,'n inter mathsel acdsts dl rvt'y nos ih.. lhed' and meanss suracrses of th.- systemi. Send hur testimomei~iis, fri V. J. CHUKYT A ('0, To ed", 0. '.ead hr DraggI.t, 7kc. 31a3's family tubl are the bete. I Bank Statements. The Statements of both the Bank of Lafourche aed the Bank of Thibo. daix appear is this issue of the Sentinel and we call upon our readers to read over these statements case fully and notice the prosperous con dition of our banking institutions. It is with pleasure indeed that we mark their growth and it is only a question of a short space of time when they will have the active and united support of those people who have not yet become patrons of out local banks. sge,rlsg liM KIlOM It I IIwgg et, A Pleasaat Excursion. Six coaches, comprising an excar asic train from Thibodaux, La., pull ed isto 4lexandria yesterday shortly after noon. Thu coaches were weil filed with white people, and a most enjoyable day was spent by the ex cursionists. The weather was perfect -just cool enough to be pleasant, and little or up dnst. The excursion. ists visited all the more important places in the city, including the two bridges, and many crossed the tratilc to Pineville and registered at the National cemeter y and some even walked to the upper Fort to enjoy the forest en route and the beautiful view of the surrounding country from the top of the Fort. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock the larger number of the execrsionists were at Duke's Park to witness a good ball gauze between the Thibodaux and Marksville teams. The score was 12 to 8 in favor of Thibodaux. The citizens who came on this excursion were the b.ut be haved and most orde'rly that ever visited Alexandria.-Town Talk. Don't Fail To Try This. Whenever an honest trnal is given to Electric Bitters, tor any trouble it is recommended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderful tonic for run down systems. Electric Bitters positively curea Kidney and Liver Troubles, Stomach Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by All Drug gists. Only 50 cent. Birthday Celebration. Mr. H. L. Gibbs entertained the members of the Birthday Club and a few intimate friends last Thursday night with an elegant supper at the easy bome of Ma sad Mrs. Ausiet on Canal street Refreshments consist ing of cakes fruits of all kind and ice cseam. After supper the evening was very enjoyably spent in singing speechmaking, and telling of fanny stories and jokes. Mr. Gibbs was presented with a pair diamond set cue' buttons by the members of the Birthday Club as a testimonial of esteem in whi *h he is held by his friends. The following were present: Messrs. Ed. Pierce, Ed. Spies, Toujean, H. Barrell, Murch, (Iannler, Geo. Webre, E. Auooin, E. Bouterie, P. Legendre and Louis LeBlane. The following members of the Birthday Club were present: Geo. Quido, Consellos Romeo, Neeges. Tegree, Pamjo, Chack sad Lobster. If A ean Lie To You. And say sonie other salve, oint meat., lotion, oil or alleged healer is as gnod as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns, Boils, Corn., Felons, Ulcers, Cuts, Scalds, Bruises and Skin Eruptions prove it's the best and cheapest. 25c at All Drug. gists. Ladies Can Wear Shoes one size smaller after using Allen'. Foot Ease, a powder to be shakeus in. to the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives inbtant relief to, corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and lprcvents swollen, blisters, callows and sore spots. Allen's Foot. lease is a certaiii enre for sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggisti and shoe atore, 25c. Don't accept any sulistitute. Triol package FRElE by maul. A'tdress, Allen S. Olmated Ie Roy, N. Y. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR New Idea Z Woman's & Magazine IS is tM ceps and bes fots ths Amerless public. Itahows New 1dea hi Fashma Is MIanery. I. Embroidery. in Cooking. Is Woman's Work mad hi Readng; beaulifufly tllustraled In colars and In black and whits. Above 1l iI ahowethe very fashionable New lama Simsas, made from New lnEA PAT tuass, which coat only DO. eaoh. Set Fly Costs To-day Agre alagl coyt e New lame Womasag Mnessesma aed ase wha great value forihe nmer R an gtvepo. - TUR ISV ISSA PISLISNINS 05. 515 Dveaiway. New Teak. 3. 1. Base Ball. The Crowley Hard Hiting Record Base Ball team was ingloriously defeated last Wednesday evening in Tetreau's Park before a very large crowd of people by the Thibodanu Greys. The game was the most in tensely interesting one which has been played on our diamond this sea son. It was a great game bewsuse it was almost an errorless one and played without one single hitch. The Crowley boys .previoub to the game wore a smile whiob indicated more than mere confidence. It rath er meant victory but the Greys wire hopeful though, they knew what great ball playing the Crowley team had been doing, therefore went on the diamond determined more than ever to win. Well the Greys put up a magni Scent game and won. Pierce was in the box for the Greys and pitched in every respect a bril liant game. All the boys on both teams deserve a special write up so Belt did they play ball. The following is the olveial score of Wednesday game, CROWLSY. A. B. RB.H. P.O. A. E. SentelLas.........3 0 2 2 4 0 Zenher, r f.......... 4 0 0 1 0 0 ........ 4 0 0 10 0 0 Ses. 1. f........... 3 0 0 0 0 Duplilsw. o.f......3 0 0 10 0 lteitf.b.......30 0 030 Montero. fb .......... 3 0 0 1 1 0 Fugler. o........... 3 0 0 0 0 Myt. p .............. 2 1 0 0 1 0 24 1 2 245 0 THIBODAUX GBBYS. A.B. B. B.H. P.O. A. E. S~~es ....... 4 0 2 9 2@ Mrkb....... 4 1 s 1 2 Gibbs, s. a............. 4 U 1 1 3 0 l lanc.3b............ 4 0 0 2 2 1 ndre, a. t......... 4 0 0 U 0 0 Troclalr. Lf.. .. 4 0 1 2 0 0 Tuujan, r. f.......... 3 1 2 1 0 0 Morvantlb........... 3 0 0 II 0 0 Pierve, p..... .... 3 0 0 U 2 0 33 2 9 27 11 1 By Innings- 123425' 89 Crowley............0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 Thibodaux......... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 z-4 Summary: Two-base hits-Gibbs. Troscistr. Seoel. Three-bass hit-Mureb. Stolen bases TuuanSentel. Seas. Struck out--By Pierce Il.ty lyatt 8. Wild pitch-Pierce 1. Passed bal-Fugler 1. Hit by ball-Myatt. Time of game-1 hour and 30 mlausIs. Umpire- N~orvant. Sourer-Ausiot. The second game of base ball be tween the Greys and the Crowleyites was played off Thursday afternoon at Tetreau's park before a much larges crowd than on the previous day. It was believed by many that as the Greys bad taken one game from the Cowley boys that the Greys would of course lose to the visitors in the second game but in this conclusion they were badly mistakes. The Greys put a magnificent game though they have a few errors crelit. ed to themselves. Gaseiet pitched a good game and held the visitors down to eight hits. The game was practi cally one sided. The Crowley buys were outclassed by the Greys in both games in all respects. Every meii her of our team played fast ball lut hard and Gelded to perfection. The whole sitgatiou shsed up in a nothbe I is that the Greys were too much foe the Rice haters. The following ofmcial score explains the rest. CROWLEY. A.B. B. B.H. P.O. A. E Sostels s. s. A p........ 4 0 1 1 2 U Zenber, p. As s ...... 4 1 1 0 3 0 Kur.b............ 4 0 1 12 0 1 Sens. 1.f............. 4 0 1 U 0 1 ef. 2b ...7........... 3 1 0 1 6 Motdero. b........... 3 0 0 1 2 1 Fugler. o.............. 3 2 2 5 l 1 Lobrano, r. f.......... 3 1 2 2 0 l mS 5s 13 5 TUIBODAUX GOEY8. An. L n . P.O. a. s. Gibbe, as........... .5 0 2 1 3 1 LsBlamc.3b.......... 4 1 1 1 1 2 Legendreo.t...... 4 2 1 5 61 Troeclair, . t.f.... 4 2 2 2 0 * Toolan, r. f.*lb....4 8 5 5 0 2 Moreant. lb.......1 0 1 2 1 s GMauler, p.. . 4 1 1 5 2 0 Leche,r .1... 3. 1 1 5 0 0 41 11 14 27 10 g Summary: Two-base hits- legendre Tr-os. caisr. Gennier. Morrant, Fugier. Three-base htt-Trosciair. Stolen bases-Kurs. Sentel. Toujan. Ie~iaon, Lobrano. BasEon balls-of Scntvl 1. Struckout--by Zenher 1, by Sontel 4. by Ganater 3. Hit by patched baji-Snles. Time of game-1 hour and 45 minames. U~m Socnk8orur-Ausiot. Attendance Need Zore Kelp. Often the over taxed organs of di. gestion cry out for help by Dyspep iasss pains, Nausea, Dissiness. [lead aches, liver complaints, bowel disor ders. Such troubles call for prosept use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough and guar. anteed to core. 25c at All Drug gists. STATEMENT of the fiaiaclal condition of the BANK* OF LAFOUROHE AT THBIODAUX, LA. AT coag oF Senmmase .IuK5 30. I 503. I meame seasgage asuawe as. tees.) cash end asiht Exchange **m... Loans dun on demand- It....W0000 Parish of Lafourche... Dralnags Bonds ..3... 4505 Ioans am! discounts 195.575.4" Real estate ebank premises) ',531.91 Furniture and Fixtures 2.47.84 Overdraft by eolveut cusiouset, Total isset LIABILITIES (ptaI stock 21ee5.0 Demand Dejposita u3s,s s( Dividends Unpil i 0 'Ibtal !useIe.Ti 1. Kieber J. Brand, Oashier of tbe ahoy. named Bank do saleunniy swear that the 1uregolatgstateme 't ts true and correct, to the Dest of msy knowledge sad helter.* KLxasah J. BDawn. Cashier. SSworn to and subscribed bt-fore ~Lr' me, the undereiwnedanothoraty I- this lnd day of July ia's ii. It. Colls.a, Notary lebtic, OFFICKEB: A. J. BR AUD. C. J. SARKER, President. Vice-President. K. J. BR AUO. P. F. LQGENDatK. ceshier. Asat. Cashier, BAeRD OV DIRECTORS L. A. Bloula. C. I. Bleattie, A. J. Ilraaud Jan. T. Mourn, Ji Dr-. Thou.. Stark. C.J A. J. Tou ps, 1). Icixutse. h r. L. K. Meyer. K. N. Ruth. U . Broad. $3.75. Entire Stock of 'Johnston & M4rphy Men's $5.00 Shoes, Now Selling at $3.75. ELLIS BRAUD'S SONS EDWARD BADEAUX%. JOHN A. WAGNER Badeaux & Wagner, - Manufacturers Agents for - C4NDIES, CAKES 4,1D CIIACKERS. TEAS, SPICES,BAKING POWDERS, EXTRACTS, OLIVE OILS, VINE GARS. PAPER BAGS, & MATCHES. Thibodaux Telephone 109, Cumberland Telephone 31 Main Street. Thibodaux, A STRIKiug HireREN U tU 11111 In the Advertising Columns of a Popular tiewspapeI are heralds of a successful business career. The Is a Popular Newspaper, and is recognized as a good Ad vertising Medium. . ... ... IN COEZUa CIAL 1PU TINT . The Sentinel Establishment turns out up-to-date work Estimates solicited on any Class of Printing. SEND A TR IAL ORDE.R AT ONCE. __ STATEM ENT of the Condition of the BANK OF THIBODAUX, OF THIBDWAUEX. LA. AT CLOSE OF BUUINKeS JUME IT. a903. Cash and eight exc. $11.4154 I~oodz and .torks.... 5016. 014,11.1 Loans due within 10 days.............. I,2.4S Loans due after m days.................10.1 Overdraft' by solvent cuatnmers..... :15.41 Beal estate. 1Beak premiseas).......... 10,:.5 Furanture and liturer................ 1,00.00 LIABILITIES. Captal stock..... ......505.00 Surlus............ 180100.0 l vided prot eat,.. .4,15.47 - 573.15 47 Due Depositors 16,5M4. Total M I. P. L. Braud. Asst. Cashier of the above named Rank, do hereby solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is trou and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. P. L. BRAUD. Asst. Cashier. ( --) Sworn to awd subsoribei before me IL.S bthlad day of July 10t.h W. P . aRTINt Notary Public. OFFICERS: 3 .. ltobtchaux. President. 0. Naquli, V. Pres. H. C. Morvant V. Pres. C. P. Slaver, Cashier. P. L. Braed, Assistant Cashier. P. A.1 Serran. end Assistant Cashier. DI*WTOBS: . O. Bobichma P('. P. Shaver L.A. fToluir, P. L Brand. L. M. Layman. K Roger. 3. U. Morant, 0. Polter. 0. uaqln. Thos. Bsary. W. H. Price. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. 20th Judicial District Court,-Parlih of Lafourche. SBcCEaslox OF JAs. SOVDDAT Lavnoz, No. 160 PROBATES. Wheteas, Henry W. Frost, reelding in the Parish of Lafourche this State, has made applieation to be named and ap pointed administrator of the aforesaid Estate. Now, therefore, all persons, creditors and heirs and ethers Interested are h. reb warned and notified to file theta oppositions to the said application in writing, with the Clerk of said Court, al his Office in the Town of Thibodaux, ten days after the first notice hereof, otherwise the said applicant will be named and appointed as such admninis. trator as required by law, and oar. oordance with law. In Testimony Whereof, * - Witness my hand and the Im 1LS. S press of the seal of my oce, at )- ( Thibodaux. La., this 27th day of June, 15+02. P. J. AUCOIN, D'y. Clerk of said Court HOWELL. t MARTIrd, of Counsel for ap plicant. 0. Estray Notice. Found running at large 1 Sorrel mare, about 14 hands high, blaze tace, 2 hind legs white and left front leg white. Said mare will be sold according to law if not claimed with in 30 days from date. Owner prov ing property must pay all costs. C. A. Ewosnzaa, J. P. 2nd Ward. June 7, 1902. Get fat on Tono-Tonique bay a bottle at Thibodaux Drug Store. 12 For Sale. 1 good horse-and 1 Carriage, in good condition. Cheap. E. J. BRAUD, Thibodasi La For Sale or Rent The Ocean Beach Hotel, Grand Isle, La.. "tor terms apply to W. J. Waguespaek, AaItorney at Law, "No. 219 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, La." 421. For Sale. One lot situated on Jackson street, desirable location to build residence. 42 Apply to TuoxAs A. RiVzI . Notice. Willie Corter is applying for a commutation of sentence to the Peni teutiary for life. For Sale. A horse, carriage and harness. A splendid outfit. Apply to, EKnLi J. THIBODAUX Filter Cloth Enterprise 5MI9 EMMA T. ALLAIN. Prop. FIL'TiR CLOTHS. FILTER BAGS. Awnings, Sails, Etc. Orders Promptly Filled. SATISFACTION GU~ARANTEED. Thibodaux, La. The Wifliams Electro-Medical Faradic Batten ' In this age it requires no argument to convince thinking peo tricity is the greatest curative agent known to science. The most learned physicians of Europe and America there is to-day, not a hospital in the world, or a great physt practice, who does not daiy use It with most wonderful efecs is diseases. Our batteries are operated by powerful Dry Cells of the vey The coils in our machines aid all mechanical parts of our Batteria by skilled mechanics and DO NOT GUr OUT o0 ORDER. The Dry Cells with which our machines are fitted will last months to a year, according to the use the Battery receives. All the are so constructed that the Dry Cells can be removed by any persse bausted and new Cells put in their place in a very few seconds. Diseases in which a speedy Cure can b. E by the use of the Faradic Currents of Electricity generated by our Batteries: Paralysis, Epilepsy, Locomoter Ataxia. Rheumatism, Muscular RE Neuoalgia, sciatiea, Dys psa Constipation, Kidaey or ease, Liver Complaints , Asthma and Bronchitis, I Sleeplessness. Female ? omplainte, Nervous Debility, Other Electric Baths. We publish a little Book entitled, "Suggest ions rections for treating diseases with Faradic Currents actricity," by J. J. Mackey, M. D. A copy of thiu Kook will be sent free of charge to each person p ne of our Batteries................................. For further particulars, apply to A. k. STA T1 Eleetrlcia. Agest, Thl F. L. LOBDELL, Pres. *P. L 10SEP1 CLAUDET V-President. Sesy e Ibdell& Per@g Wholesale Deal Commission Merchan Near S. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. or 0e arnd :aia .1 <r'Orders For Oar-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters orderE given special attention Grain and H Local 'Phone 152.-Cumberland 87. " -Y- sr-n U- U Sprina Openi Don't forget to visit oui atorease we baelse a complete and well selected line of Spring & Summer 0. from New York, Baltimore, St. Louis phis, consisting of Laces of all kinds,, - broideries, Ging-ha Toile dui Nords, brays, Madrases, sooks, Persian Lai dia Linens, Dimities, imported white and fancy Organdies. , Swisses, and Scrims, Bobinets a specialty, all kinds, and many novelties, too a mention. We invite you also to examine our Shoes, as we have added a more complete i pecially in the following well known IIHamil( ,, - Br o wn1 ATyV * Dit me FACTeOr.c 'i Call in, no trouble to show you our II Riviere& CUMBERLAND TELEPHONEL&TEE Long dtatance lines and telephones this Company enable you to talk sae anywhere In Southern Indiana.Sote Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missiig andi Louisiana. We can put you In quM and satisfactory communication with t people of this great section of the count We solicit your patronage. Rates able. Equipments and factilities u dAMES K. CALOWELL, LULAND NUME,