Newspaper Page Text
Local Paragraphs. s Mr. $enjsmin brand is repolteiI to is ie critietlly al. Fr Mr. Vain Iyeary, of WlhitAt waq a visitor to New)rfeani thii r.e k IL IVon W. P. Martin left T!urydaay or Uniton Rouge on a short trip. Mrs. ('. II. Branl asid children are I th pow in New Orleans visiting releitives Miss Helen McCoramuk, of Uowlev, of ;s visiting ter furmier shlusiluiate. 1 bli I., le Tota1,s. Ia The town aill i. receiving a new coat of pain %t his h will :ttl cinaseI w mrably to Itj apltear:inie. Mr. Alhert J. la.:ei"gne, the liace or land JuiSticte ºf the 1'e:,ee, p: id his tii trien.1s ltre a visit List Moua:ty. a at 11r. Snilth, the g. nal piopraetor of the Smith's Drng'týore, returned af. di tsr a pleasant isit to lhilusi Miss. P Mr. Cambron Mattingly, now of Meridian Misr., was one of the euenr- K asionaststo our town on Sunday last. K I' Our prlces are the lowest on every- oi thing. 'the IRacket Store. y, w MIr. A. W. Comnely, SheritT of ai Terrehmonne, padsel through towp si Mist Monday on his way to Angola in to quest of a prisoner. ti Sheritl Beary has made a settle- Si meant with the Auditor of his levee p tax collection for July, amounting to $1,7S SO. sl Mrs. Robert Ketterrngham r&nrn tl el Wednesed:iy from New loads, at to which place her ltibstail is at Pr°""nt U emiplo ed. Pº It Mr. C. II. Brand, of the arm of r, kllis Braud's Sons, it in Jennings tl 4.uking over his firm's new busiutss o in that town. Last Monday Deputy Sueriff Rich fr A. Front conveyed \Villie Carter, i: oLoee de th sentence I as been cow- p p'uted, to the Penitentiary to serve a t Iate sentence. o Mrs. tleorge Julliat, together with a her ion and daughter, Master Sidney 0 ind Mies Cora, left for their home in 4ew Orleans; after s pleasant visit to ýlasives iad frieds.. Mrs. K Q. Robiehani, the mother I f. owr well known townsman Mr. ijse a. Rohiehtux, has been visit gat her sun's home for sý.e tine 1 Mesy} Cbprles J. Guedry, P. Wallace Lefort and Mareelli Biea no; substantiat citiztne of. the bidtrwa 4.Ware in towan during the Veek. 'Tbu'rsday a small blaze 'broke out ýýtt roof of the house occuupied lay 1r. Wifred Bave wblleb fortunately ý)ts szlnguished bwfore any damage was done. Mr. Henry Lejeune and family, I after spending several months in Mexico, where Mr. Luejeune is employ. e: as engineer, arriveI here this week { spend a short vacation with their sear relatives. fAir and Mrs. Frauik Mlecollum had the misfortune of losinsr. cn the 8th inst., tljeir little son George aged one year and eleven lnpnthiR. The SEN jINEIL Joins friends in extending I sympathy to the hereaved parents. 'EThe flon. iLovmney Rodrigue, pohive! Juror from the Wih WVard, hail the amisfortune o( falling last Sainriac from his horse, while riding on hais Chateau plantation, near Kr:aemer P. Q). lila left shou'uler w:as Iadli bruised, cauasmeg much suffering. His maniC frit'nds will be ghul to) bairn that he is rapidty getting over it. For bargains in ladies and clii<1rens shoes call at The Racket it-ore. At a meeting behli Monday, Pro 1,eetor hire Company No. 2, elected tbe following offcers tn serve for the euneein; year: LPresadcnt. Thou. A. dses; V-President. V. EK Espos - Seeetary, ClaLs A. Riviere; ot eeet~ry 8J. Legendra'; ~m rE. N. Roth; Foreean, .. aud. Asaistaut Foreman, N. @neae Director, R Bare; Asaimpa [hpeogr, II oanud Jesties Gray, of the United States gop e'Ceou t. having re-igned on aecoest o. ill health, the President Ihas appointed in his steaiu Oliver WVendell Ilplnmes, Chit-f .J stice of M1assachussetta. This is looked upon as an excellent appointment. Sewarte of Ointmnents for Catarrh that Contain Mercury sp mercury will surely destroy the sens of smell and Lomnpletely derange tpwhele system when entering it (~zekthe wucosas surfaens. arti uever lbe osed except on g~smuponsfrom reputtabe pay-si. fans, as tlpe diumage tb-v ywi!! do as told to uti good von c-in ebl deie ftbm them. hl:,1's Caitarurb (oe, eaassetusrd F. J. Chetwv & Vo, 'tledo, 0. erautainis no met-. cury, iD s taik a nt.ernt~a- . Loiiia airectly upon tlie taousl aitd imucous urtaoes o t)4 systtem. Iu uuytuag Il's (C'tprrh (sire oe sure iou get genuine. It is tiketa iintcrenall, anid maul. an Toledo Ohai'a by P. J ~heney &Coa Toslimoutuag :aIc. Sold by baugistsa p:ive 1ac. &aer sadl's Family Psilla are the best. Mr. sod Mra. Theo Dupre were vi. sitors to New Orleans this week. Mrs. C Solomon, of New Orleans, is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. the Friedman.e I 810 Q(ur prices on Gents Shoes and in Hats would astonish you The Racket wit Store. a a Miss Adeline flamendinger of New cIt Orleans, is visiting Mrs. J. FricdmnI Co this week. chi 3li s Inez Dezauclhe, after a visit an of several weeks at the howe of M1r-. the II W. Tabor returned to Carencer' we last Friday. am Major W. P. Martin of Lafourche tra was in town on Fridnav. Judge L. P. Caillouet was in towu ins on Thursd:'v, shaking hand with his luc imany friends. Attorney General Walter Guioan attended court here this week. wl Judge Taylor ieattie spent several a1 cla5s in town this week.-Assumption du Pioneer. sti The Reverend Michael Jnglowicz, up Viee.Presilent of St. Mary's College, me Kentucky, accompanied by Mr harry lot layburu, of New Orleans, arrived in thn our midst last Sunday, on a short 1l0 visit to friends. While here they were the gaie4s of Judge Caillonet wi and family, and especially of his two in sons, Edwin and Adrian. Mr. Ray hi: I burn, their old seliool mate, returned (r the same .lay by the T. & P. excur- sel siew, while the Reverend Father de'- an parted by Monday,s afternoon train. tv we Tas-payer E D. Saunders hains in stitutel qu' warranto pr(occ dwgs ino the Civil l)istrict Court of Orleans to test the Merger Law, about which so much fuss was made in the 'itv st press: and tai-payers I)enegres fol. lowed suit in the 11. S ""mit. The a readers of the great dalies may hia ce ' themselves for another long elranght ve ' of wrangle Miss Lucile Toups entertained a i fbw friends at a pleasant "sociable" ar last Wednesday evening at the ho". et pitable home of her parents, Mr. and s Mrs. Adonis Toups, given in honor ar of her guests Misses Edmii~e Fre e meaux, of ttsyne, H1':eu Mc Cormick, t4 of Crowley, and .M1ay Theriot, of IRaceland. to u We inadvertently omitted to note 'a is our last issue the fact that Mr. L. si Edwin Ctillouet, of this town, had ad been appoinoed a notary punlic and is duly qualifled. le has established ' his oftihe in the B:iuk of Thihodaux g Building. Room 8, where he holds ti r himself in readiness. Mr. Uaillouet, a who is Judge Cailtonet's eblest son, ti is a native of this town and received e his edyeation in private sctjools here a and in St. Mary's College, Marion o Ky., from which he graduated lust u '. June with the degree of Bachelkr of a F Arts. The SuxrTIxL wishes Its P e yonng friend success in ils new Mld s e of activity. it Registration. Let every voter who hais not yet a e regietered, look to it, if h[i desires to 'qualify himself. Notice of registra. tion a;tpears in another eotimn; read l' it and select your time to register. n --- .-- t Oyster Commissioners. ir The governor has appointed the following Oyster Comnmissioners: idJames 1l. Breau'c, Te~rrelionme; 'Thom bh as Shannon, St. Mariy; N. II. Nun'ez, ie St. L'ernatrd; Ben Michel, P'la.1uenuine; Frank P. l'arr:, Lafouretmw; members gof the' state oyster comnmission. SOyster Co)mmission Organized (sThe Oyster Cormmi ion, recentl' I>. appointed tiv Guy. hI.-aril oriv'nizedi lv Monday by electing the followinig is offlcers, liz: rn Jam's Monroe Breaux, of Terre iomine parish, president. John R. Langritige, of .Jefferson 115 pat ish. arcret.'rv. Harry Cage, of Terrtbonne parish. , chief inspettor. edJohn IDymno'm, .Jr , of Or'einn lie parish. :uttorney. A. 11 C. Smith, of SL. Bernard parish. Schief engineer and suivetor. The President andl the chief in spe tor are well kuowan cit as of Terre-. Sboene, well fitted for their respective N.posts, and the commi-sion actsed wiea ly in select ipg them 'jhc Coaaciissionm 14:s start~d work to earnest, an I acema deteimiuceh to La's jput the new law iin active operation on aithouat delay. rer The Crow'ey Signal a'y : *T ofS:gnah inte: viewid a ni'rnbr of the onl exteusice rice raisers of !1 is puirish to-day, and is al-~o in rrct ipt of sev eral lettei £ ftomn otiier seetions with 97regard to the pre stnt cionditio~n of thet rice crop iin south west ILoniiana, and Acadia parish in particular, end thet geni ral conacitsi.on to be drawn is not~ Ihe very flattermiir. ige "There are uindcublte(Ily some good. it stands o~f rice in Acadia parith, lbu'. rti. where one good crop is found there on are from three tt) four utheis thAt are Fsi. snytliing biat lootmisiug. u s One prominent fat umer from the I'y western part of the pai :sh wrtmtt: trib *The frequment shuwers seem to haive s(y haid a tia'i' ncv to croate the impres ci.q si,", thit the crop iii the dry districts Lr; ad hxecn saed Th:s is erroueons, usas many hundreds of asres in tjh.s ing viciinitt acre either entirely sitaed or get iric,.:smdl'y ii~juresl a week befor~e the Iy, drought was btck. ma. J I *'The esn:iI men state that thl-ir ;ean sings this season wilt ft i litort of per lastW sa.:iSOih ecall'e Of lii -howe~ge iii S 1. 'lia. ii c harvest wilt inot In' Sfully under way furoverthimiv dlays.' Oier Convent School. In another column will be foubd the announcement of the .Mount Car qiel Cypvent here for the coming ses sion. We deem it an opportune time, in the close of vacation, to talk over with parents the matter of selecting a school for their daughters, and to counsel theci to enter them at the j Convent. The ,eleeetion of a school for a child, and especially for a girl, is an act of mumentous import, as ulpxn the (buirn may depen I in a great measure the c:iikd s future welfare and ha!piness; for it is ire -cisool that the chill receives the largest share of traintig, moral as well as mental. In all schools the chld receives mental training of greater or less va lue; in Christian schoois moral train ing goes hand in hand with mental and physical training; in other schools what passes for moral training, but a training of the vagnest and most dubious sort, is imparted; while in still other schools, care is bestowed upon the mind and body of the child, mental training aid physical deve lorment engross his whole time to - the utter neglect of all moral traits lug. By moral training we mean that which teaches man whence he co.oes and whither he goes; what he is hnll his final destiny; his duties to his Creator, to ida neighbor and to him self; to distingtrish riglit from wrong, and to dare to do right, to do his du ty, "*though the heavens fall;" in r word, that training which tends to develop all the heautifeil attrihuts s C of the soul, which mikes it !ovable in the possession of a high and per. ideal to life, in nohility of iurpos5, in strict mtdher.'nee to truth and justice, and in the practice of all the virtue-. Such a training should our daugh ters get; and such training out co'. vent sbho.>s are hetter prepared to give them than any other school. Other schools may impart learning iT ' and teach art, but as the poet ýoung exclaimed long ago, I "How empty learning, how vain a r art. But as it mends the life or guides , the heart." SL.ear.ming, mental culture, is not to to despised; it is useful; it is neces e sary; but to form a true woman, th:,t almost heavenly creature which man I idolizes, a higher, a nobler learning d is indispensable,--that learning which ii as the poet sings, "mends the life anti x guides the heart,' which makes her a s true, modest, humble Christian win. L, wan, the most perfect of God's erea tures. d This learning, along with minita *e and physical culture, the good Seatepr u of Mount Carmel strive earnestly to u impart to all pupils intrusted to their ,f carn, and we counsel and advise all b5 parents to conteA- to them their Id sweetest treasures, the4r little daisgh ters, )n the opening of the comwiig session. Some may have to make some sacritice ta do it, but are nut the sweet objects of their love woe th it? There is but one time to do it; s and it is sow when the little girls are of school age; and gr.'at is the respon sibility of those whit neglect to dia id charge the duties which nature and the parental relation impose on them. CASTORIA nFor Infants and Children. The Kind Yaer Have Atwaps Beght Maddox~-Turner. Miss Alice Mladdox of this townIe and ;irard A. Turner of Mlcmi~h s were m irriewl at the Presheveriai m re ('hureh here Tuesdav at I1 a. in., WRv. J. N. Bnecklhurn oftkiating MIr. on Turner was attended hy~ his ectusin, Ike Smixton. as best man, and~ P. R sh. l'eey aus groomnsman. .3lka H 'Ici' Domwty was tmaul of hotor artd 3lhss ns lsoula Pickeit wais bridesuaid. The' cheur'h was beautifully decorated for g the oL'caaion. A reception was held :.fter the marriage uercm'.ny. Time L~c hiide is the elanahter of Mrs. 31. E. *~Maddox. .1r. anti .11rs. Turner left ire it 2'30 p. m for Memphis, anoe wil: ge visat severtl Northerm and Kazter dities before returning to 'fhlste u. irk Among those who attintidde the wgi - to ding were Misses Louan Pie-kr- sod (10 IHelen Dowir acid M1rs. tussie Lock heai t of NeW Gm vito-; Ike Smxrtae of I tm~i;s, Mliss.. an-I Frud Wang of New Gm canis, uiu e "C the bride. ihFor Sale. thie Two Peurlalle hotlers ,in' engines, enil o' wheels. Ctyiinders 8slO inchs.'. the all io goodl order. unot ifor further particulars appi~v to LAt GIIRANl & GOtLDEN, Wost 4. Thiboelans, La. lin'. *-~ .'re l.ow Rites on M1organ's Iannisions~5 & are Texas Raitro:mut and Stcamshli (o. the Morgan's ILouwi'nna & Tewas Remit. e:ro::! anoe Str'':amsip Ueonp.u:' w.1 .e .l'. .i,'k.ts fion Tl'ilhmbeii to San res i'ranik'c') and ret ut i Oct. 7 to 11 iets. 19902. with return liwit Sov. 15 191:2, es t a rite 'of $67T75 en acconunt of thsNit: whiole sa!e 1lroaggiti Aes'n. I or lbrniig aol Oct uonew:ay eet. the tied IR:ie's to Caeferniii points *3(9 25 Ited 'ed ratvs to :'it sumnmr tourist i, i r 0.0nts on0 ;pplicatin.)i I of ir '.hli tinti pirtciiulirs, :pp' 1 Sin to local qavrnt, or to be~ qi C. B Elms*. s. ' Divisoin lPasseieger Age'.l. $3.75. Entire Stock of Jolinstol & uphy tl Men's $5.00 Shoes, Now Selling at $3.75. ELLIS BRAUD'S SONS Ui11IDEAUx. JOHN A. WAGNER Badeaux & Wagner, - Mnuiufacturers Agents for - C4NDIES, CAKES 4fID CIfACKERS..I TEAS, SPICES,BAKING POWDERS, J EXTRACTS, 01 OIVE OILS, VINE GARS. PAPER BAGS, & MATCHES. ThilIglauz Telephone 109, Cumberiand Telephone 31 Main Street. 'Thibodaux, A 5TRIKiN DI IHRfNCE IJ .aill64 yert ar, CO UNION MADE SURl IMhtIUIl tý I II n _.Q r-I I Speper's Buiýies @ollege r e30 CANAL STh'.2L, S MACJIECA BiUJLDI\G. I :w ORIL'ANS. Is lie yeart' old; vour.g, ntive, progressi+e; it nit luede ard w.: woss or hurdened with )1d :atr; Is locateid in the g.ntltst city of tlje Sou'h, ots one it the hustest stiects in tLe tJh.iou. It is in th. prettiust offile I'uiiding in New Orlek:s :u l is one of the moat practteil, ug to dutg busnaeaa colleges tn ea:th. Scud for new illustrated cata ogue. L. C. SPENCER, IPrusdenL P. 5. A ny one sulditg the namec 'f sii prospeictie s u~dents will it reejive in retulrf sin elegnitt piece of pen woek, executed in our otlice. Please Take Notice. Thit I have botgait ('ýntents of the gner.Ial Coo. kry :t:d Hlardware Mtore lately kept Iab ;he inte James Seadday Levroa. at th acorner of St. Philap aud Market Streets. where I shall cvlntne in the sale but mess. Many Goods umarkad down, and, splendid b:argains fir all. Cows early, and take your pick CII A1RlS B I.ASSlIGNE. Thibodaux College. Next Session Begins Sept. It. Prof L. M. Ha rg s re-ires to an. nounfe that the Tlaibudaux Col;ege will r.:opeu on Monala}y, Seauemb**r let for the enaetipg secholsstli yent. With a view of giving full satisfac. tion to the pimroanK of the schlOol, e"i- flaraes has engsged another competent teach. r to atsist ham and Propes-or iLafrfrtue, and the patront of the coilege mad fe sure of oltain, lug astisfaetory results. t Latin wth be t n'g'tt for the benefit f of those wf' wi-h to euter ujaou a classical course. Whi.e pupija will be receivc'a at any time during the ýe:ar, thtre is an tvtlent advantage in antering them at the iteginniug of the session, nerd parents anti guardians are urged to . send theue as early as pos'iih e. The prices wilt be the same ae in the past. 2 5t. Private School. k The rnder>1d dresles to inform his friends and the pnhlic that Le inas decided to open up a 1arivatet school in 'Thiholaux on S.-pteuI er 14. He will give instruc ilon a tsuaU 1 children, Lao Ii hove antl g.rla, parpir 1 in theme, in additi "n to . a dtut;"-. for their First (:oaiiiun on. His f school will he kw:itel in the u;ýper pottion of the built; ; known ar r'Protector s i1811". Si.'n tti:g tb 5 children of the parents of 'l'il'tsiaux. he retawtas, 34t. CJ C. Au CoIN, lbw .iadyou isae Always Beua± itgeus Shatters All Records.. Tw~e.' ii hospitali, Kf A. Gualledge. Vt l,e~nat, Abi., paidl a vast suim to doctorsi tº " ure Y severe case of pikes, e~ausinz 2-I tumors Whea ail failed, Buick~tu's Arnica Surve soon cured him. Sulslues Inflammaution', cou 'querrs As Les, kids l'siius. llrst salve in the 'ºV of d. 25c at Ad Pruggiats For Saile. One hot situatcd on Jackson street, destral,!e loe tion to build residence. 42 Apply to Tuoias A. 1IIVIaaz. Nrhct mand Peet. curges eumafs dd t oub ~ b uri ac 13l the ggeu It cures by c ~a saned vlt'1~a6 the of di4sses. It gives r. o n Stone and belds tip the health sad htrength d_ tie. patient the wedkl wclu&rl habs eard and4 wWI coadisae to curt usoem `of the aboe. diseas. than all ote nw Bfs which dod more harm thea good. This grea~tand tk ;oughly teted and endorsed Caliiora .'a Remedy ?ve is~it it cures 10' falil - ma dlreczcd. Try is and tie eonI'n that it is 1 'ý-c:er sn4 Z bk~ssing to s~r.A h inaaaity. P'rice 41.00 per ticttle, .- S: bot cen : r1sViO fvr Ib' 't of partic nIar3 liYd1WOz~efr1 curaa. If w *is The Williams'" " Electro-Medieal Faradic Batteries. In this age it requires no argument to convince thinkin', peop.c that trictty is the greatest curative ateut known tai science. The most learned physieiana of Europe and America concede this there is to-day. not a hospital in the world, or at great. physician in pract ice, who does not daily use it with uic-t wonderful effects in all ch diseeses. Our lIatterics are onerated by powerful Dry Cells of the very ;s~t qu The coils in our mathines aý.d all mechanical parts of our Batteries are by skilled mechanics and no NT oar OE T OF ORDER. The l)ry (ells with which our maehir.s are ltned will last from months to a year, accordin4 to the use the Battery receives. Al! the flat are so constrIuvted that the Dry Cells can hr removed by any person wh t hausted and new Cells put in their place in a verb few seconds. Diseases in which a speedy Cure can be Effe by the use of the Faradic Currents of Electricity generated by our Batteries: Paralysis, Epilepsy, Locomoter Ataxia. Rheumatism. Muscular IRhen Nenmalgia, ýciatlca, Dyspepsia Constipation. Kidney or Bright' j ease, Liver Complaints. (!atarrii, Asthma and lIronchitis, lusom Sleeplessness. Female Complaints, Nervous Debility, Other Corn Electric 1lathý. We publish a little Book entitled, "S stions a rections for treating diseases with Ya adl L ectricity," by J. J. Mackey, M. D. A copy of e Book will be sent free of charge to each person parch one of our Batteries.......................... For further particulars, apply to A. 1-i. STAUNT ElIecl rickia. Agent, Thlibodai J. L. LOIDELL. Pres. P. H. P JOSEPH CL 1LDET V-President. Se y-T RThe Lcobdell & Percy Wholesale Deals Commission MIorchant Near 3. P. Railroad hepot, Thibodaux, La. .1ignts 3 ~ A g iei F ®* QI ad FLse V for r "Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters orderE given special attention f Grain and H Local 'Phone 152.-Cumberland 87. Spring Openi lDon't forget to visit our store, as we have just r a complete and well selected line of J Spring Summer Go from New York, Baltimore, St. Louis and or phis, c(onsisting of in Laces of all kinds, broideries, G in g h a Toile dui Nor ds, Chi brays, Madrases, N Ssooks, Persian Lawns, Sdia Linens,Dimities,Pi lye 4,e # imported white and fancy Organdies, $Swisses, and Scrimns, Bobinets a specialty, 11al kinds, and many novelties, too nume $ mention. e.We invite you also to elamnino our aL I Shoes, as we have added a more complete pecially in the following well known bran Hamil ,,oBro I A Tfi - Ditma VACTOmY. - Fried Call in, no trouible to show y'ou our got H. R ivier e CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE &. TELEC Long distanco lines and telephones this Company enable you to t.alk ain anywhere in Sc..thorn Intdirna, Souet! Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Misshsa and Louisiana. We can put you 10~ q 4and 8atisfac~tory communictaton wiih people ot this great section of the coun We solicit your patronage. Rates rea able. Equipments and facilitles un passed. JMEss C. cALDWCLL. ILLANiD HUM C Prasident * Gem'1 Masager. 5.*:) & Acss'(Ga'S Mgr.