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Mexican fTustang Liniment dot stay on or near thn surfare, but gnes in through the muscles and tisues to the bone and drives out all sureness and ilaninatiw_. For a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore ness of your body there is nothing r" that will drive out the pain and in flammation so quickly as Mexican Mustang Liniment.' If you cannot reach the spot your self get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican tlustang Liniment eeomes the ailments of hones and all domestlo salas. In faest b a ash healer and pain killr aomatter whoor what the Ptietla. 'Proposed Amendments TO THE Constitution, To Be Voted for at Election To Be Held Tuesday, November 4th. SenatLe ilt No. i.. AAioM.1JOINT RESOLUTION. n~las am endment to Article 47 of the --mstltutli of the State of ILouslliana re ltit. eto rectifying and approving ag:oe imets or cotracts for works of puibll., inm t give nlsmadae or enterld Into by thle r of New )rlo:rltes prior to the ilth daay f laY 1IMit. and to authorise the (ity of flew Oras to make all InlrtnIelti tlcere Sader in stcordantxe with tile terms and wodl ttle condlitlIln thoreof. orwton 1. Be it resolvral bly tile General hlyg of the State of ltulsiana. two-thiards dIo the members elected to each imaouse con euui Tihat the following amreladmentlll to I of ll thoe CoLt tutlon of the State of he submitted to the electors of the iattle next (ongressional election to be an the first Tuesday after the first Sin November. iS, to-wit: Article 47 of the C'olntitutionr of the Loluisana be amendedl so as to read an toe-wit: "Article 47: The Geonral Assembly shall so po werfo irantorauthorle any parish mate4elpl uthority to grant any extra peiaton.t fee or alnwanor to a publie a spt. srvant. or contractor, nor pay, atllhoizs tsbe payment of any claim the Ptate or any pariah or municlpall - thereof. under any agreement of contract .iderlthmout expressathorlity of law; and s lob uanth borlod agrellements or contracts shall be null aud void, but all agreeten'lu t or estrIts for work of pulbile ilnlanrvemenlts eor olntered lnto by the 'lIty of New Or- I prior to the twelfth of .May 10112 are here- I r ead an aplroved and the City of New 4 SIs ihercby alt borizand to make all pay- I aemts prOrided for in salid contracts in c. rdae with the terms and under the conudi seas set ir hi in said contracts. lee. . De it further resolved. etc.. That thLeolollal ballotstobe used at said cle Ie shall tr placed the words "For the pro ld amendment to Article 47 of the Conlli of the 8tate of Loulisiana;" andmi the I erdls "Agalalt the amendment to Artielo, 47 tllheoastitttlion of the State of Louisianna;" eat each ele tor shall indicate. ats plrovilwl in t gneral ootion laws of tim.. State. which of tme propuftlons. "for" or "against" he * ltdr.º J. Y. SANDERS, : r of thIe House of Rerntatives. U .l ALIRT A ERT I NAI. Lieutensat Governor. Approved: Jlae 1th, A. D. 1a1. . W. W. HARD. Govenor of the State of Louisiana. 1Jl T. MICHRL. ecretary of State. I Benate Rill No. 114. JOINT ItMOLUTION - an amendment to the Constitutlono to of Louisiana by repealing and -rag Article One Hundred and Nine. t(Il thereof. 1. le it resolved by the General b bly at the State of Ioulalana, two-th.sir the members elected to each hosme con Sthat n amendment to the (onstitu- 8I theitateof Louiseian he submitted to 5 i se electors of the State for their or rejection at the next Congreesion. e to he holden therein on the first ; ext fltlowing the first Monday in t 111, as follows: That Article 1 of SI _mi- tutiou of the State of Louisiana, t! leeds as follows: NO person less than t of sge shall be permitted to vote at t in the State who shall not. in Id- i io the qualilcations above prescrihed, ' on or before the list day of Dooemn- P each year fr the two year preceding la shai he osn to vote, a poll tax, T S br aaaum,. to be used exclustre- Il of se npubli schoots of the parish ain a utax l hereby Imposed on every male e ch thie stale between the ses of I: a xd L ty ar, Pull taxes shall I S.. rld_ Cn ote, eshibit rn thetl> of letion hi poll tu reuelpts for T, Issued on the oelal form, or du. A thereof. In the event of loss, or proof V I t ofl such poll tlaxes may Ie made T SsertlOate of the tax collector, whlh ft be sot to the Obmniasiooers of the ev. of preolact, showing a list of itmose Ii -id said two years poll taxes as sadthe dates of payment. It ce decared to be forger)y, and punlhah- Ru leah, for any tax collector or other per- I I _I satedate, or alter, a poll tax receipt. as p-as who shall pay the Ipoll tlilx of an- : ar evan cohim money for that purpose. GI to Inlluene his vote, shall ie guilty or Ind punishl l accordingly. The of of this sectlion as to the payment of Ia 5_ 5 Inll not ampaly to permansa who are si si mllb, or bliod, nor to pltrons tinder to thaee years (tf ael, who have paid all of assesed aglant t them. This section he _o lnto operation until after the gen- th election to tte hold in the year 1101), Ji lature e'lctarn In the ye.var 19Wt th authority to repeal or modify the u heami the samle heiLey repualed. a' aid stricken from the Constitution o0 -e it further resolvel, etc.. That I bhallots to be used at sail ('onlgrlt- of Se ltk shtlll iavt printed thereon the P4 aor the propamedI aneI('Udlmeutt to the M a of th' Statel of lnistlana rejaeal- S sbt_.atnL Artilel 19l of the ('ouslltu- co di the wanls "'againat thle lproposea aI to lthe i 'onitllttaont of the Slate of el AI-Jallin anal abroating Article It (O.llllnial ;" and each elector at as pront ial in the general 'lec- Pt h State, whetlwer he votes for or or 9eOpoad ameHndment. a J. Y. SANDRItS. Pe of the House of Itullreentatiives. a' AIlIIl ST Bl'I IPINAL, no Governor anl Presh'nt of the co : July4It, A. I). I9r0. 1.1 r of W.W. te ARDu. to . .oror of the State of Louistan. Pi! A truel. c'y: JOIlN T. MI'CHIF.. ectretary of Slate. lhpase BIll No. M. Act No. 12o.) AN ACT Joint 'esolutlon proposing amendments ta Articles 985, 9, lW, lt, 1115 and 131 of the Cton stitution of the State of Louisiana relative to the Judiciary Department. Section 1. le it resolved by the Genera Assaembly of the State of ihouisiana, tw( thirds of all ineubers elected to eacrh ilouse conculrring, That Article 11 of theu Contitu I tlon of the State of Louisiana to be so amended as to read as follows: Article 9s. The Supremo Court, except ai t hereinafter provided, shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which jurisdiction shal extend to all cases where the matter in dis pute, orthe fund to be distributed, what ever may be tie amount therein claimed I shall exceed Five Thousand Dollars, exclu. ilve of interest; to suits of divorce and se. I paration from bed and board, and to at Q matters arising therein; to suits involvinj alimony, for the aullity of marriage, or fto [ Interdiction; to all maatters of adoption, I. emanelpation, legitimacy, and custody oe t children; to salts involving homestead ox I emptilus, and to all cases in which the eon a stitutionality or legality of any local assess r ulent tax. toll, or impost whatever, of o . any fine, forfeiture, or penalty Imposed bl ait municipal corporatmion, shall be in coate, tation, whatever may be the amount there of. and to all (uses wherein the ('latitu tionslily or legality of any ordinance of a u muutrilaI .orporation or a law of this State is called in question, andt inl such cases the appeal on tie law and the facts slhall bi t directly from the court inl which the c tat originated to the Supreme Court; and Ir Criminal cases on questions of law alone whenever tile punishmenllt of death or 1w. prisonluent at hard labor may be inflicited or a fine exceeding Three lHundred Dollars or Inmprisonmeunt excreslinK six months, it actually lmnposed. Said Court shall hart suchl original jurisdiction as may bie neces Ssary to enable it to determine questions of facts effecting its own juris(lictlon in anY case peading before it, or it nay remand the case; and shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in all matters touching profes. si ,al misconduct of members of the bar, with power to disbar under such rules as may be adopted by the Court. Section 2. Be It further resolved, etc., That Article 98 of the Constitution of the State of Lomlsiana be so amended as to read as follows" Article 96. The courts of appeal, except as otherwise provided In this .oanstitutln, shall have appellate jurisdiction only, which jurisdiction shall extend to all cases, civil or probate, when the matter In dispute or the fund to be distributed shall exceed One Hundred Dollars, exclusive of interest, and shall not exceed Five Thousand Iollars, exclusive of interest, and such appeal shall be upon the law and the feets. Section s. le It further resolved, etc., That Article 99 of the Constitution of the State of LIousiana be so amended as to read as follows: Article 99: The Courts of Appeal shall consist each of Three Judges. They shall be citisens of the United States, learned In the law, and shall nave praeticed law In this State for six years, and shall have been ac tual residents of the Cirealt from which they are appointed or elected for at least two ears,. next preceJiag their appoint ment or election. They shall each receive a salary of Four Thousand Dollars per annum, payable monthly on their own warrants. Section 4. Be it further resolved, ete., That Article ife of the Constitution of the State ,of Loulsinas be so amaeded as to read as follows: Article 100. Exreusive of the Psrlshes composing the Court of Appeal for the Par Ibh rf Orleans, elsewhere provided for, the State shall be divided Into two elreits. en Il Ohtberwtis provided by law, te Parishes omWelens, Easto Felician, West i lois,. Po i n t Cooupe. Iberrl"le, It. a r y, Terrebonne, Assumption, Lafourche, Ascenslon, Calcasleu, Cameron, Vermilion, Lafayette, Iberia, St. Martin, It. Tammany and Acadia, shall oompose the frst Circuit, and to be known as the "Court of Appea;s, First Circuit, State of Louis laes ; and the Parishes of Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Itlenavlle, Clalborne, Union, Lin coin. Jackson. Caldwell, Winn, Natchitoches, 'Sabine, DeSoto. Bed River, Ouachita, Rich I land. Franklin, Catahoula, Coneollria. Ten sas, Madison. East Uarroll, West Carroll, Morehouse, Avoyelles, St. Landry, Rapides, GraQ and Vernon, shall compose the See ond Circuit, and to be known as the Court of Appeals, Second CIreuit, State of Louis lains From each of said Circuits there shall be appointed, and elected as hereinaft ter provided three judges. The First Court of Appeal to be organized in the circuits herein described, tnder this amendment to the Constitution, shall be as follows: The Judges of the present Court of Appeal of the Third and Fourt Circuits, as organized under the Constitutlon of I59, and the Judge appoinuted under the authority of Act No. 7 of 1900 to till the vacancy in the Fifth Cir cult, shall constitute time Court of Appeals. First Circuit of Loutliana. until the first day of July. 1904, when three judges shall be ap pointed for said circuit; by the Governor. by and with the advice and consent of the ornate whose term shall expire one on De ceamber 1st, IS1B, one on December Ist, 1906 and one on Iecember 1st, 1904; and the Gov ernor shall state in the commisslon of each judge the term for which he Is appointed, and the Judges of the present Court of Ap peals of the First and Second Circuits, as organized under the Constttlltluon of 1879, to gether with an additional judge to be ap poinltetl by the Governor of oulsana. by sand with the advice and consent of the Se nate to serve until July Ist, 1904, and shall cornstitute the Court of Appeals. scond Cir cult of Louisiana, until the 1st day of July 1:04, whean tearee judges shall he appointed tor said Circuit; whose commission shall ex pire one on December 1st. 190., one December 14t. I;i. nn.l one on i,.ieiulr,.r 1s?. ioll. i , 1.he (. . v. rrar .11,111] dos 7n.ltt*" '11 the, ",lu i+o - slonl of e)acht th trtt Aur whict h s.:.. .Il J tlve Si' aippoilint( , ;ri'I.I 1'ii'ln tihe clzplrtttii oii the ter I, ri of ("11 (Iof 'elt.h of the jucllt- tlut"+ ai-pointel. hi.a i'ee' or !hd:l b.- el'tel te r a terrn of ,i!.tit .4e: i. Tbh " 1e.toin hre;rein povieh'l for 4,1l,11 take pla-e atthe nsam tillle tlhat ts ilre.i ntall - . ('ogri.. :ie ieliet l, tle first if said el(ltioiii l ,slng ,n .Nov. nmiir.r. It54. anI tlhe .s :Iapp ilnted lldl'sl tII;l al t .hall ii . l h ftlic' until thllir 'a.. of. death, resignation, Ior remnai.vl froma !lite oif iany jlnIdge, the vinll'aliy .hall Inb tileld Iy iilppinituelnt for tiLI ilIInexl)ired tern of Iall a jud(le. ULntil othel wise pr vil it by thie Generatl l .4ii'inly the t',Pi'rt of pp'.ealJ fi tile t'irst t'irneit shall hol. si.s sloiiis of tolurt at lrtoiin tnge. AUl i Citye i, N w liiet I, ('raw li . Th:iidaiix and Lake i' l lll ll nl-lt' l1 'lt ililn 4 li 'ci.i~ l .ltk. iti:lit l Ivn boy- Courtn ofir nti o sa andt tli ' I h' rt - ip;sltis fui,: tih , 'ei' s:' 1t'il. :it I,u il , l is'i a vl 1 AllC n'lid. .'lid .lel h l r phai t'lr 1.4L1) " ,I1 t , si;atei'l lby ir-uit01 t;limi all A' b stil "Corit, if utl othe i 4cot*I ns A.t . l aItrale f r he ternl.l.s t (,, tat to be' hell at ni pla - rlln Iitrt hi t tirne a Lo ratcl l i4~ tlber to t lhe e Iii ou of A(*rtitch year, iame a1idl courllt Ladtll nsovne at tfob iif.trent return pih .t.lhes herein iaIlnetl ir the lbli" bit;nea utci acre lire, all sir Ihall keep their lurt in si-t unil ithe cases before f tle arl.o harid ol fiealill detrtt'llated. The it l a time l, place to a hin f appeals rheall Il lmade returnable froi the Parilshe in si hl Circuit to be tfi ed by aid Court, until Ot t;ar wise regulated by law. S.<tlon 3. lie it fulrther nsdv"., et:., That Arti le1 ofthe Const it uthon of the State of Lbuiiana be at aunendol an to ravd as fdollows: Article 10. The aClerk of the Itllrict ourts lof the ' flurt of Appells, andslle shall aend toslluri of said Prlwr either ia person or by de puty and thIe ('Cirk of the Court of Appealsehld for the Parish of Orleanos shall remain has now tn lahy the I onstitutelnh until otherwise, phr videl by the General Assemily. The cost of aspilal in any cane appealed to the Court of Appeals stead4 mot eEl ellt Si Dollars. The Polie Juries of the various Paits of the State In which the Warts of Appas are heli shall proovide suitailt rooms fr lthe tbooldl oi uch btourt, s o as not lo lterfetre with to sessions of the District or other Courts. Seelon i. he It further rensolved, etc., That Article li of the Constlltuthn of the tllat. of Louisiana be ameded i as to read "afollows: Article 131. There shall be a mrurt of Ai peal known and designated as the Court of Appeal for the Paraish of Orleanst, which shall be anolmorte of thre judgesi, who shall be learned in the law and who shall have lprai ticerd law In this State for six years, and shall have betstun resldents of one of the Partishes hereinafter namiaend for at kast two years next prraeding that election, and they shall Ih ellected for a tern of twelve years. The sail Court. except as otherwi ti provided In this Constitution, shall have appelllate juritdlletiou nly, which jutrisdiction shall extend to all cases, elvil or pretato, when the matter in li, pute. or the funds to he distributed. habll ex coed one Mundred Dullar., exclisive of lnter cot, and shall not exceed Inlro Thousand Dol lars. exclusive of interest. No judgment shall be rendered by the Court of Appeal for the Parish of Orleans without the concurrence of two judges, except as herein otherwoe prerkl ed. When two judges cannot concur for any reason, the Court shall have authority to call upon any Judge or Judges of the District Court within its territory of jurisdiction, whre duty it shall be when called upon to aid in the determinatlin of the eas:; or it may Irequest a judge or judges of the Courts of Appeuals to aid n the determination of the case. Said Courts shall also have juriediction of all appeals from the City Courts of the City of New Orieans. and all appeals from the sad ,Iity Conrts shall be tried de novro, and the Jidg'es of the said Court of Appeal may pro vide lby rule that one or more of the Judges shall try such cases, which they he authorized to decide Imnmedliately after trial and without written olpinions. The Iltst Court to lie orgaun izert unsder this amendmeunt shall lie conposl of the present Judges of the Court of Appeals for the Parish of Orleans, who shall cantinue in office until the first day of December of the yealr of the expiration of the terms for which they were respectlively iectled. or until such time thereafter as their sulccessors may tie elected and qualitied; and upon the expiratlon of the term of the present two Judges of sal;i Court, which term expires in 1904, there shall he elected at the general State eltetion next prelding the expiration of their terms of otlice, two jlldges for sail Court. one thereof for 't term of eight yeart, and the other thire of for a term of twelve years. And uloun the expirt ion of the term of ollee of tile other prnesent judge thererot, whlose term expires inl 1LIA, there shall be elected at thie general State election next preceding the expiration of hile term. one.I uulge for the term of twelve year. All sulbsslent elections for .iudges for said Court shall twb for a term of twelve years antl shall be held at the general State electiou next Sroc euilt thi expirattion of the term of the Judges of acid Court. Said Court shall sit in the,' Parish of Orleans and shall hold its sea lions from the second Monday in Octtober untd the end of the month of June of each year. Vacanucios occasioned by death, resignation or otherwise, shall be flled for the unexpired terms by appointment of the (tovSrnor, with the advee andl consent of the Seaate. The Jullges of said Court shall each receive a salary of four Thousand Dollars, per annum, iparabl monthly on his own warrant. All appeals within its jurls I!etion from the Parishes of I Orlea:ns. St. James. St. Joln ith Iltaptit. Jeffcrson, St. ('harl." Plaqub:llil. St. iternardl anl shall be returnlable to sail Court. and the costs of filing the asile. sLhail le. as now, fixed by the Conltttution or the law. lntll lLtherwicist reguilated by law. Section 7. lie it furtlher reot' I., etc.. That ihe forego~li ing lenlldinents to the Artlek~ . it the Coantitution of this State. if adopted. sthall utnoe opierative on the 1t :day of Janlanry. lalt., and all casL's pentlding and undeternlined on said date, inll tho Supllreme Court shill be finally determitnedl bny aiid Court anlid all eases pending aril unideternnllnedt in the Coerts of Appeal as now constituted shall hetra lide'rnr d to tihe Courts of Alppeal. as orgalni*ed ander tlhee alliendients. having jurisdltilon tnder the forecouing anmeudnents of the cause, and withoullt c.ts to the piiirt i(-J. Suet iona 8. le it fnrther resolve c l, Thlt sad prolosed anlennudments ih, isn 'llhittll ho the electors for their alpnro'al or rsjoyjgatibn s required biy Article 21 of the (Conslhti&de of Loullsmana, and the general election Ilws of this Slate,. at the Congressionni electliod to be held in this State in November. 19t01. (SigtIed.) J.Y. 8AN DEIR, Sealker of the Hoae of itepres tiveat. (Slgnal.) ALIBERT E.-i liPIN , Lieutenant Governor and President of the ilenate. Apploroved, July 8th. A. D. 190t. W. W. HEARD. Governor of the 8tate of Louisianl. Atrnte copy: JOIIN T. MICHEL BSocretary of 8tate. House Bill No. 122. Act No. iHD.) ANAC? Joint Reaolution-Proposing an amendment to ArtlelSI of the Contitutlon of the State of Section 1. Be it enacted by the General as-i sembly of the State of iuds .lna. Twthldls of all members elected to eabch House ooncurr log. That Article I of the onstltutloo of the State of LouilLanl be oI amenoded us to ad uas follows: Artlele 10. The following shall beexemot from taxation, and no other, via: All pubnie peopetty. plaoel rlelgos r wrhp, or bur lthberetorliesd pasolnagesof churcltos d _and rounda apna rtenat. used ex lusiuvely al resdeDec for the mllatters in cburge of such churcbes, all eharitable lstitu tionsl, all buildilgs aad property uaed exclu i-ely for public mnameats or hiseorial ol stn. ollgs and other school purposes. the ra estate ofay public li bray. and that otay other Ibe h boobs snd l oIopieOtl appartu, anal all lio boa hoshold poerr to the valueof ito d hundred dollarse mhll plo be exept tom paoobal and munblpal taxatn fora per d of tenyears from the rst day of Jan uary, 1ii, the capial. machlnery ad other employe In minlng upereatlko and i themanufactureof tetilwlfries, yarn, rope, oordlage, leather, shoes, harness, addie r, ha clothln±. mur. muhinety, aloeles of tan, copper and shu Iron, agrleturl imple moent. and furlturo and other atickls of wood. marble or stone: somp, stationery, ink and aper. boat builhling, anld fertllaers and cbemalols: provided that cnt less thIan re hands are employid in any one fctory; pro- I vided that nothing herein c utained ahln af feet thie exemptionm provided for hy existlng Constitutlootl prtnvision. Then- shall also be exempt from taxation for a period of ten years frotm the date of its compltiorn any railroad or parts oif such ralroal that may hetafter he oollmtrunlted and completod prior to January I1st, ISA; provided, that when aid has hoeretofoore been voteiy b any lrish, wand. or municipality toany rallread not yet on structedc. such rallnrd shall not he entitled to the exenlption frum taxationu herrein establlsh ed. unless it warlvers and rellclUlshes such aid or consents to a resubmission of the question of granting uch ad to a vote of tt roperty taxiayrs of the l:trish, wardnt or niunlipaity. d which has voted the salne. if orn-third such profrtly t:axpayter petition for the sanme with n aix months after the aldontion of th!s Con stitution. And povlided, farther, tlnat this xemptloni shall lnot apply to double truths, sidings, switcher., deds or other implrove ment. or bietterments, which may be construct ed by railroauds now in operation withta the State. other than ext-nsionsi or new lines con ntructted by such ranthoals; nor shall tih ex empt:on hereinnefore gruntenl apply to any .i rcairoaul or part of such railnond. the construe tion of whic1 was begun andil the roadbed of I which was sluistantially coumpiited at the date of the adopltion of tais Constitnution. The prop erty or real estate hrloanging toany mlitary I orgnization of thIe State iof Lmislana which as usid by thi' State Nationtil (;uan or militia fur mnilitary purposes. such as rnen'mals or ar- i mnorles,. while so uedl shall he exempt froem t .i a:t'" ".ia the :I r!' -.r! ~I ' r'a .1 t al m-d.ent.. •Th'i h'"b "-a.I In a a'(ch House of the GeIas1 4h * a. a iin - t ar a . par:ate daJ a, n 3515u -, l . :IV l:h - .no l-as 'a i , tar-n ti nt /er " n tlla ji,uri , 'i; of e:'" 11 l llf.;, the ta ! p StLtaa ltiltl -h;Il et:nlto Il ti i.-amse to b. pull lisa iI twa n(i. fas:- ' ,:-hta-h!u itl hi e pdri-h r f f oarlu anda ll erIe I..ata r ill .ia h oliher parishr of tha ":atea i a wbi a ut 1ewpL.r r is publis i. for two anonth- Iar-e-ltnlr thaC next eltviandt for tRt pr. - a-'. :: a a i- I ( ao l ari-iis. w,". i lIa'iti i!, .etC., That a :aill Ilvae iall lit l irlr e lllntaitive. iln ' 1~WD r .a , t I-i ulllI nmend Iaellalila t-l shall le subruia;lld to tht ,electo.,ra for their a!,l)ui;-ii or rPejeatdl Sec. 4. It. - it faurtllr el -;t(l.l, At., Ih. ut said election s1halll I1m h.It-l uuaticr the exlttUlL ('l*::ion llawl of the a ta: , atl irfa a ln ority v t lla rl on a:ud l aindali'nllll('l.tS .hall apahr( anti runt tha. -a!. atl11a aia ae11-netaa ts so a a irroril andi ralaatieud Ahalil t.:u e, pu lt of toe ( 'os-I tail in.. :tl". Li.. it furt.ahr alanaeted, at'.. That twhe a-.t' of* +ait i "a'l aI a tu il s ai'i a- w:ade n wln s % a It ro,!a, i;llu.tiotrl of the Governor. n. "n t J. Y. S %l ltElS, ptaials.r of ta W a hiau-, of a ltteaaa eictltive., Iie; 1_ml. t .111 .IEtT ET1 r PtINAL. I.lallara.llt:it Governor and President of the :1 n.lfe. .Apr aro etd .fily lth A. II. Jfit!. W. W. HIEARD. G;overnor of the State of IoiuitaL A trai : JOHtiN T. 11('HEL -trretary of Statte. House Blll No. !9. Act No. 1i1.) JOINT RESOLLTION. 'rIiJltn an an uendianent to Article ~i of the Coa.tiltuto ill of the State tof Luuisilia. Setlhlon I. Ik' it resolved by the General Assolulliy of the Staie of Loutiianl, two-thirds of all tinr m twiersN electel to each House tin curring, that the. followingr shall b timllltted as an anueudm.nut 1n Iehu of Articlellc tOifu t(onstitulion to the electurs of the ate at the next gennral Congn'aional election to he holdeu on the Tuesday next totlowing th. . Monday in November. IltB, and it shall be the duty of the otloer charged with the conduct f Maid election to prowuuli. mmI l rvildO a, Isil olt.etlan iU aeoi'udana with Artlhu 4aa the Constltution. Articleo ti. There shall be and is hereby created a State moard of Appraisers, wruse duty it shall he to a.setss the property belong. lng to corlporations. ea~-iaioase, and Indivi aialas employedIll an ai;lway, tiltgfleit, tele phionet, s.llepiug car taid l rexprest liusilnes throulhout 11.1 $.at.- of lauisaiana, hichle Baard of Aiprlnlt.-lr aill Ie tamnpomUd of te Auldltor andl othllr Iraealatairs corrruielpondng l numberl to the ar onllrr''iiual Distraets of the State. to beeleita-l b, tiae t.overms.,- Ileuton ant Governor, Tl'reaturer, Attorney Guenral and ecret:ary of Stala,. onut meombr fUth e.uch Lonrats.ltloual Distri.t. itar the term of four tears. alail tila ietnearall AS.a'llely hall fix the l nlll'l sationo os aud Ikltl." (JSoed.I J. Y. iANDsitS Stikealur of the Hoiut of itlprJsentatives. (lyuned.) ALIIkrIT lAd I'I'NA ., Lieut(.uant Governor and Presldeut of the Senate. Approved July 9th. A. D. 19 W. W. HrARD. Governor of the State of Loultslaa. JOHN T. MICHEL, Secretary of State. Senate Bill No. st Lct No. lt2.l JOINT I(:SOLUTION. lineillnnt Article :1CS of the Constitution of the stats ofr lauilanlaa. Ik- it enac-utled by the -en-rail Assolubly of be State of Iuidlanal, a tuajority of both loues emnurring. That at the next general l~ction for Congretsl.lenl to tn, held in this tat te oa the int 'iL'il-41:t. in the month of ivetalwr. 1t?. , that there lshall it submlttot a the tlual ided l ettors of this State, an mendlmtllall to .trtic- l I1; of thea Constitution Sthis Statie. so that the sacte shall road as allow., to-wit: Article 156. All vatlla arrants issued for autlrie- and auithoried elxplenses of the ofultes f th clerks of the Civil District Court, Regis -r of Conveyanes aniad Itoeornier of Mortgages ,r tlhe parish of iOrh-ans,. of the Cletrks of the iry (Courts of the City of New Orloans, and ar salaries of the Clerks or tihe Court of Ap cal. which are p:ayatble out of the special ju icial expeli- fund provided for by Article o ot the Contilutiou of 179,las amended. nd whtlih shall toa outstralinl antid in Ild at Lie date of the aldoption of this eoxstJtttionl r which shall bet. isutd for thse currrut month t which thlil. C'a,:ltaatltlli, a L iv laalitteJ, atr hetr - y doelarril to be vali d d en sisting eiainsi gailst the revi-tilllue of tee reils ctie oiltla Ipol which olid fullnd wa atllade dieludetit. The hollletrs of saiil wa.irarntt may presoent !cnsF *ithin six ntaonthls :fter the aikiition of Ias C(onstittituton to the Itaird of lquhllation f thle City I)hbt. aaid rerolv-e theretor the nuda herelaiuttr atUthortized to bie i-ued: and he City of Now Orleanl is requlred within hroe ,lontlh Iromn the adoptin of ti Co titut~ion, to parovile for said warrants or latlns, by the Isuance of bonds in the alti of 'wo buntdred and twenty-five thousand dot rs,. or so auch thereof as niay be n-cttlsalry: aid bonialt ihall Ixe for the fae- viluS of skai rarranItsl l I it lsith deouwin-tions as the mid totnlr of !.quatllt n ih.ull recolmmitd, .ad haill ta d:tatel J ily IW. It.t :a:;d wiade I-ayable we-n;: -.11% yas-a, a :ar asf.tatt, or vAr.iair. at the I'iutll olt ±;1il Iuar .i - rad-l ifl l l.ear tour per tr: pr ! ataaa:n iaiel a-A. I. , liale .ital'-a-atnualu r. snlt Itpr'an'laaed by :1Artest -tiaaaaiIas at atuhel Itlh-er:to, Ltl Iii hat of !.:il ctu;ll(llp paya le Jantary st. 1r99J; .aid londsll to be known SJdlc,:al Ex j5Wae Fiiiad i;undhl, iand to be Inlged by tlhe Mayor and ('omptroller of the ity of New tlastlas. aund del.iverd to the ltural of lhlutdstlion of the City Debt and hall be couuterLzt-ed bly thl Presideut and acaretary of raid iloarl ad issued by said .larlI to thOe Hobldar of ail warrants upon irrelndtr Neotler the State of Lo atianno tt ite City of New Orleluas shliall ever Sliablie for the payment of said Ilnds nor ie; Inteltet tlheeon. except praaaas the 'ljaclat Inrd heren pr-olaed for. "atail aiilarillrla. ilon or othlar 1-rovi-ioln tlriaefor mlsad lay h tate or city shbll be rlull lnod void. Thea h:ll be sta, i' m tile face of sld bonds fit worali.; "'Itsfed ln aica-orl:int- with Article 6 of the Consrtilutnm of Iousllana of l~4ag" 'be Clerk of the CivilU Districtk Court, Register fCoonvero m s IHtecotder of Mortraie or th Pn.ri, n. n the Cloh-l he City Court of Flew (irkleans. shall keep ecurtoe and slaa i 'aeants in books to he ird chan s l eii in thiblr ohces r-,pa Ivrel. and ay I furniash. daily, tothe 'Ity uomptra-lter. umalalsripts of said accounts aty.t.rttfld by th0m or theIr autiuthoaty • ad-iitulheers shall is dlly jasy Into the hemasujry of the Caty of New Ormeans the whole mount of fees and charge. so collected. Fra he amounts thus paid Into the City TReaury be Tremasurer uhall let apart and aeserve twean per cont out of which shall Dust be maid the penses necessary for tlae paraetlon nd aeutlon of the aforesaIld bonds, ad tbhreat r the same shall be used solely and elueu rely to rstire the bonds lssued In psymelt of id JudIcIal xpense Fund warrmants and iL ast thereon,. and the Corliicates of the niatroller- hereinafter autlorixed: and upon are secoLnd Tudlay D ecember and June of rery year the Trcauer s·U pay aid mounts so reserved. and also the amounts re y ot from the Ulvil SberIff, to the Board of kluldtlon of the (ity Debt until ll the --da herein authoriatel have bean ~lred or aid; and on the second Tudary In Febrary d Augrst of evor year, aid oard of Luil tion. tn accordance, with rules to be adped ad ae public y It. shall. after payl the rman-aul latinteret on said bonds. purae redeem witbh eloh money thu aet apat as ay have accumulated, and with the surus _ the remaninl eighty per cent a hcmlaf 'a provl ed, as many ollaid heds a aid _y will buy or rdseem, prefa belng sSte and ersa belard· o a the fm pi-o salbeby is ravd i tBeardteo lad ths. sha llhepiod mome by e cket .ads mute t lelksl tha teefAp ral, am ow constitatod ad na il elsti theterk of the said ulort a8bc er Jad L together wlit much antomad eane of doice am neo t requeud e he paid by oCitlf New Ortean and thil t muer ei ht per eat, if ayshnll b e iaed by STremarer to the aid Bmard at~ladtlo, d eshall be used to redeem or pay id bonds Id easrtifiate a hierelnbefoes sad aeImaf. dprolided. Rultf said eihty s- mitr titled to payment and shall ne certl tes therefor In suma not laes thea ten dol ra, which shall bear lateret at therate of ur per cent per annum from date, and maid wrest shall be paid annually. but the prlual I of said certicatem ahall be pid from the nads herein set apart and refseu td Ithe honda issued in payment of QLtand¶ •warrant shall h tave rst bt redemed or All disbursements fromt said fiad for sta nery shall be made upon the requisition the ofocers requiring same; said eqUllsi )n to be approved by the maeyor of the ty of New urleans; and in all aes uch abursements and all salaries ehall be paid ,the Treasurer of the City et Ne Orl-t am .on warrants drawn larinst aid fund by e Comptroller of said city, approved, so ruas the CUivl District Court Is coneerned Sthe preaidlagl judge thereof, for the oflice " Recorder of Mortgages and the olfee of iglter of Conveyances, by the Mayor of ,e Clty Of New Orleran,-amd fothe eoIem the respective city courts by the judge or daes thereof and for the oficers of the )urtof Appeal by one of the judges thereof. I rtil the full and final payment of all said I muds and certificates heretnbefore provid I for thle salaries of the employees of the riouns ofices hereinafter named shall re sin as now fixed by law, and there shall be Sincerease in the numberof employees now ithorized by law for the offees of recorder a mortgages or register of conveyanles, uu. as otherwise ordered by the CI1v! -lstrict Court ittinI. ern i.line; ain. thl, niluala .r et pll * elal. ,l t" a : tnail , t ( liu:t ai l i hIblIs-u'f lThe Cl.rki ofl the tirat antil .v, 'vi, city caurts. until the aru" .niat.,ti 1n aft t ei'"y courts s reineforellal pravad ,t- far. ii:a app'lnat with the aipprovall iil the ju1ta._ therteof, au additiotnal d.putl (lerk at lift dollatrs Ip r iortlh, i.llut Inl tlltlier e:nla'ietr nor lare,.r .ilta ,,s than tho sI now tiXiz" I a:ll hbe a lowI d to tihe i ityr aotrts. 'lii' maid iohaterd of l.iqluidatl i n" h,.reiainthi *r named shall hian theil right to rejliet an and ail hllti made for thea ra*dtilmptiun t, bondsl issued as her in aboe provieh.d, anl should thrle il." no hlidi, r none ua e( spedi l then slalid of liqul itn tin, on tLi,i t.i-e and Tutesday In February and Autaagast eaclh yeiar, with ' h Iatever aa'uult lla haarbe prid Ito . id board by the tria.lurerar helr ti provide 1, shall, lafter paying the interest pay said lands in numerical order. Ait, the paymenit of all of slid bionds1, the twir-tt pacrecit, ri-erve herein iirraded, anid an snirlrti ofi t ll a ntaia:ining eaigatry per cell shoatlbi tled l tbte h :it Treasurelr in pay Ieta the tertiltIeates herein provided for. I any, iat tha order of their issue. N1 hen suia judicial expense fund bonds and coitirollc certilcater s, if any of the latter ashall be asl sueld, till have been retireld and the salar iat and expenses of thie various of Scers lffetedt by this artclel and ttahe ri vease of said officers shall be* regilated an disposed of as may be determined by th General Asseulably This article shall tak efect from the last day of the current mnont in whial this constitution is adopted. an, all atounts arising from the Ju|tieial ea pease fund, which shall remain in the hand of the state Treasurer on that date, shahu b paid by hias to the Roard of Liquidation o the City rebt, and be used by said board a part of the funds herein above referred to. (,ilred) J. Y. SANDEK1, Speaker of the lHose of Jetpresentativce S(Sgaed) ALilRT ES lotPINAL, IAeutonant Governor and President of th Senate. Approved: July 10th,. A. D. 1902. W. W. IAIAAKl , Governor of the State of Louislata JON1 T. MIINHE Secrstary of tate. For Sale. Store building, known as Proteet lors Hall, talll resiiiD.ncet sitdated 0 Silort street ha.tween . Philip ant Jack'o r streets4. IFor particular! apply at SENTINEL OT()ilICe. Breeders of fancy poultry, attention. Buff Clchi egts for sale at $2 0( per dozen. You are invited to visi brieding pen before placing Tout order. Call either at W. C. Ragans rei deece or Knobloch's .unie store. 31 For Sale. A No. I Split Shingllv . Apply to l. E. PlITRE, 42 3m L~afiourehe Crossing, La Leave youtr orders for iaanos organs iand piano luning with V. .1. Kuohlot h Luacal ieparesentative of Louis Gruiwaid 'Co. ltd. 13 For hargains in Italies and chihdreni shoes call at The Racket Store. , Notice. Notice is hereby given that all repairs that are in ny plloaNesion if not cmlled for in 30 days will be sold fo. (harges. 5.5L Mlas. A. BooiON. Wood ! Wood ! For sale first class cypress wood, stove length at $1.20 per cord. G(ool mixed wood stove llength at $2.00 pes Cord, at Frost's lumber yard. Apply to 6 SCUiDAY AND ALLEN FRosT. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. II cures painful, smarting, nlervo s feel and ingrowl.ig nails, .and iustantly takes the stilng out of corns antid hun. ions. Its the greatest comfort tihs coavery of the age. Allen's Foot Eaase makes tight or new shoes ftal be:sy. It is a certain cure for sweat. ing, callous and hot, tiredt, Iaching fet. Try it to day. 1Sold iy all druiggisat and shtoe stores. lonat at p lcet ay sub.titute. By mail for 2.e. in stamps. Trial p:lkahge FREE. Ad. dress, Allen S. Oltelsat, ihe Roy, N. Y. 74t. Notice. Shertffs Offiee Parish of Lanfourchie. Thibudaux, La Sept. Oth, 1902. Tax payers of the Parish of La. fourche will please take iaotice that the Tax Rolls for the year 1902 have been filed in the office of the Clerk of Uouit and exofliein recoruer of Mortgages of the Parish of Lafourche nd said taxes are now due anti waill become delinquent aftar the 31st day of December 1902 and will bear in. terest at the rate of two per cent per •outh until paid. JAMES BEAl', BheriI and Exoficio Tax Collector Pariah of LafurcLhe. Notice. Notilee is hereby given that all repairs that are in my posseseion if aot called for in 30 days will be sold !or charges. 5-5L MJ3s. A. BouRow. Our prihes on Gents Shoes and lats would astonish you The Racket Btore. CLAY KNOBLOCH Thibodaux, La. Gaude Building, St. Philip St. --For Sale. One lot situated on Jackson street, hesirable location to build residence. 12 Apply to TuoxAs A. RIVIiaz. Notice. Notice is hereby given that all repairs that are ira my poseesson if lot elled for in 30 days will be sold !or chlarges. 5 5t. Ms A. BouloN. Bank of Lafourche, SCapital Stock $295,000. Surplus $25.000 Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche St. and Town of Thibodaux. A..1 I !t .\ IT I), nPlridei t, K. .1. 1t A I I). (':,.hier, Cr . J. BANi KER, Tice I',siites·t, '. F. I,(;E,19'1:. Abat Ca( hi d. -...... F:c'ToI ...... !,. A. BLO()IN, 1b. )IE,1.AI\E. Dr. T. STiTIK. h E. N. ItOTHI. JOHN T. M10O()lE, .IR., nlt L. E. MK1i:;" Is C. J. BARKER, A. J. ILAt1), C. It. BEATTIE,. AILCIDI) TOITPS, K. J. BIIAUD. ids o Does a General Banking Business 3 Buys nad Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchalige. e Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. LAFAYE'TTE, LA. E. L. STEPIIENS, - - President. A State Institution for the instruction of both sexes In the Art?, Seiences, Manual Training, Domestic Sci.nIce and Commercial h 'anceles. Offers live courses of study, requiring one, two, three annd four years for completi ,In, as follows: 1. Counmercial Course. 3. Manual Training (kcurse. M 2. Stenography Course. 4. IDomestic Science Course. id 5. Aca:lemic ('ourse. rs hRequisite for Admission: 14 years or older; satisfactory examination in Grammar Grades branches. including arithmetic to percentage andl Elemen tary Geography and HIistory. landlsome new bLuil.lings, colnlodious and modlern n appointments. , Enipment full in all departments. lealthfulness excelleut. TUITION FREE. Necessary expenses very modlenate. .Splenlid new brick ilurmitory for younig ladies. with all moderm equip. ment and conveniences. iron singhl heelwl f,,r each student. spliOus and well )0 furnished bedrooms, heated by steam and lighted by electricity; filtered water it from city wa.tctrwrks for Ioathing. pure rain water for drinking and cooking. Apply in advance for board. Young men board in private Tatllies at 10 to r 8112..50 per month. Second AunuaIl Session Opens Wednesday, September 17th. 19(2. ii. Catalogue scut on application. For further information write to V. L. ROY, Lafayette. La eI IIIN / 1.P g "TImTerns cEM , ir Il sa. t. . c. MOE.T.r. O I. M .. T. LOUIS. SO. . . "N.W..ova . 3. - wasS Not.v bIs bami te mU o wbr IýUIAw aiur. consequei upoll ath ueso drua and booibsyrups fbat wma bwuaoom to ssarrd I4 saw lse ma m sabdeam. .d SW asasslIos wMam Ueoam h anaow bby I w basom mad saW W bad toubim wm,. an tr. bka plaL aa. ua--menI Is a Iss d of - a slat I- m uo1 ausy M Ma ell -" F or Your Family or Youar Horse rn= Hand Alway Sloan's $i i' if IIt kills germs in marvelous man ner. Is the best antiseptic known and positively cares Invaluable as a lIniment for family use, as well as a horse liniment. Canbe taken Internally orexternally, and is warranted to be l 1, every way as represented. SUdt deAu,, gibs. damesge.t dtj. 1i mily Sias battles, a a. Horn Sis bowms, od ms. and $so. GOOD SERVICE 1901._ - BETT'ER SERVICE 1902. Southern Pacific S U NSET ROUTE FREE CHAIR CARS. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. BOX-VESTIBULED, PERFECT TRAINS. THE VERY BEST And to ALL POINTS . DON'TTO ,RGET o ur XCrit8, ISEPIN(;'A IH to WAsrINI (u¶I IO. Send 10c. in st:uampls for a copy of tile SOUT1 EIRN PACI' FIC RICE OOhK( HOOK, containing 2004 recipes. 8. F. B. MlORSE, T. J. ANIDEIt.ON. M. I ROBBRRINS. Pass. Traf Ngr. A s.t. (;en. Pasn. Agt. G~iu. Pas. A Tkt. As lIor-iS 1s. TEr e ,. OR. JOS. L. DREX LER, VETE7lNARY SURGEON, e .-OFFICE A T-. SLEON DREXLER'S STABLE, THIBOD4UV. LA tLI DIITAINCE TELEPIIUOE *1 flD#,Dag TELEfl, E is, ELLIS BRA UD'S SONS. NSEWV ALDVEICTISEIENTS. PARKLRS8 HAIR BALSAM O al.mam, d rtsoatdII Lb. f inoaoews a lurtmt (utieh. SxeYP Wrail. to Be. L1or Hair to it., L".11.1 ýy1 C VIRGINIA COLLEGE For Young Ladies, Roanoke. Vs. Ope'ni Spt. 3M 135L One of the loading Schools for 1aoulng ladies in tlhe Soutb. New buildings, piano.. andl eyuilpnenLt. I a'mus ton acre. (Mrand flountilinZl ewry in Vaile· of Vqa. famed for bealtib. Rupe-au nd A~Meri can teachers. Full coup . (il'lnervatoryal vanteages 3 Art. Music rat Bkacutiom. SI., dtntts fron thirty Statee. Fe. (llutJlyf ad.i SAtTI P. HARRIO, PWeeM14.. R4 140, Na. ' Ge f Q 4 ne Our Music Store is the esntra& ofIe6 fur all messages of inspiring harr.a. ny and poetic minu trely. We are headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instrum nuta and musical goods and can suit you in anything you want. Yours for melody, V. J. Knobloch. USE,.... Dr. Meyer's Wa te r 50C. 4A bOFLC, j