Newspaper Page Text
Local Paragraphs, Our jprtces are the lowest on every aI6", TlIe Ilack.t Store. Miss Altip lIyane left last Mond t" 1t tat a'o:ga City, Mi* El* $S tutirl. tof lttcher, lan.. aialted fracllws in town In.t S:aturdav I Mr. lien ,flth, of N\,pltemville, slaunt I ,* `sirl:eat tl r hcnme of his parents, hii. anud M- F. N. It lth i( Mrs. A. L. Blanewh.It :bni d.mrhtnr itr Miss Uimily, of While Csatl... we're the guests of Mr John ,M. W ulsh. Mr. Frank ?Zcrnott, .r., arrived lest S8ndn) on a short visit to his I;a. rents. Mr. Tom Msttinglv returned from White Castle last Tqeaday after u week's abslence. Mr. John B. Pisher, of New Or Yrans, spest s.everal dlayi, thi weel' in our midst on busints, . A ftarmere' institu'e will he held in ltouma ntxt ThursdSy, the 25th t instant. Mrs. Joe Planganu aind da.bght-r Mis' (Cecile were visitors to Al leauon lil last week. The Point aee llandlkerbie raf- t led lIy Miss Stella Hitun was won by Master Barry Hoffian. Mr. J. W. Regan of .Iernnreitet I spent several dny. this week, visiting pelatives and friends in town. We bad a cool spell of weather Baturday :and Snluoy last, the ther. mometer goini down to 50 in the 3morning. 0sl It 3i o N k 1 · I Well, that primary election in the new seventh congressional district does not seem to have Ieeu so satis factory, after alL Mrs Dr. J. J. Dfagre spent a few days of the week in Ilonm,i on a 1 visit to lier muotler, Mrs. Aubin ounrsg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ('onilon are juhilsat over the arrival, last Sunday of a fSe baby boy. Wei extend con gratulations to the happy parents. We are happy to note that Mr. Rtienae Bouterie. who had been con e Oed o hia bed for a few days the early part of the week, is again able to attepd to ila baisiness of rural mail It s with regret that we chroncle the death of the infant child of Mr. and ias. Arthur etluanoonrt. who died last Friday at the age of seven dave. We sympatbiae with the be reaved father and mother. The plantere are getting ready for gaiedlag operation. Some of them are late ia getting the oil contracted for, and grave fears are entertained that serious loss may yet he entailed ao asornat of the belatedl delivery of fuel oi. A meeting of the local bar was held at the court house last Saturday for the purpose of discusaing the pro. posed judlciary amendmment. We are told that there was a diversity of opi. *ion as to the ailvisablity of adopt sug the amendment, some fI voring its adoption. and some, and nwe he lieve a majority of those present, con tending for its rejection. Tlhero wars no delinite actioan tak.n on the sub. Dr. and Mrs. C. N. Folse haid the misfortune of losinr4 their one year old son at WhLlite C~astle. The re. mains were hrought here last Mounday and after the last irtes if thle ('athbo. he Charch had ken performed, were quoetly laid to rest in the family vault of his mgrand fther, Mr. . IU. Morvant The Setinel extends sym. pathy to the bereaved parents. The children and granlad children of oar worthy and venerable townsman, Mr. Adolphe roemagnol, assembled at his house ou Ctanalt street, one day ast week, to celebrate his 79th birth day. The good man was eompletely taken by surlrise, having had ne inkling of the inpending celebration. He was presented with a tine cast. which the SgNrTInL. waishes he may carry sbout as a staff for many year. to come. Deafnese Canuot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot rseach the diseased portion of the ear There is only3 one way to cure deaf mst, and that is by constituliona semedles. Deafness is caused by at intlamed condition of the mucous lin rug of the Erata.hiao Tube. Wher this tube gets imsamedl you have rumhliig sumnl or mapeucfict hearing and when it is enutirelv eCtled dtatf pese as the reseut, and €.less the in bammation can lie taken out an, this tolew re-tured t, ibt nirmwdl ci dhtion, bharng will l'e dsuroyid for ever; nine ra-es uoI ,f ten are c;aus* by caterrk, which is tmothing but sI ietsated cuaditioa of the mucous sur faces. We will give Oie I\undred Dollar mar asy cas of Deslnes (caused b: atanwb) tbht eannot be enred b0 ,'s UaterClC Uro Send otir P, J, CHIUIEY A CO, Toledo. O Ise by Drn.sta, 7c. 3di's fuipl Pills ae the beat. Maaa Mle'tiing E1ec't. r).ae gate!. L - b'nai= Purseruant to a C:IiI o, the i.,c.,at aglrt Parish Committee a g.,edlvy Inuulie r oif Dewm:cr:Its fro,( vat ti s hl º tI Sj o t tie- ''.aras4h :s~,rn ldet'd "at lthe tolri St hbose on 'IThuriishly oftermlnien ttil] el i'teld Deleg)t te t to rel,rI lelt t1. I' epariel in toIa' I)lesaaocratic lnvelit: 'n- i Io, ime.'t on Monl:vy a:nld TI'u.s las It : Napolteonviile anl liHatIn Rlbng.. w The. uieetisiu w:i 11ll.d,1 to oler Iy v 'a1pto:in J,,,. .11 \V-bi-,h ,'hWilt(m' ll ,f 11 the mt arc', uill littlee ,iil 1t 11n ill'i , IiV11 ' i u..',dled ('apt:,u \\'a.-h wa.s to º,I. tunm l-ernl:llBn,l " Ih'ii on :1.'d dlr. JouhIa 'The Ills Il.' l l 11' i n ':i t n rep,,lvel Ito Cn select thil. • 1) t'P:tL. s fElliiot : h w: .lr i Ch. :nlid sir ftrol lIe" Ipalish at Ilage, ito L'r go uollntruclel nall. Il c:rtt the vote inst of theL pi"Islli S1 nIl:t 1l4 tl . mlajori. the ty 1I' tl4 , ' ite h':It' I.,rt-e ' l l~ t i he t c1 . I rhe vrltli n l In y dcI d," :tiil Ino pr,,t is tIo, 1101 Ibe :llowed mitl A. cotittee of three wwi a llilnt w:s i, ed tl. Isitggs' t 14 1 rt'p:rilare Ia lit f oi 1 dleleg : t-v hIr rep il t b' k 1 to1 i Ilt lte a' ito Ille,lltig for tieal auettonl. After a inst blrief rev,'-es the ut,''nlttee re,orte'i ai hoel list v{f ldehleiltec whose t, fl11o1w Wholw an Ih tIt.- Il: e tin g .lls. 3.tleiel"I. Ilot. rtelwnlt aid elected tile delegates Iee't il ttIel e ('J.a 'l'h, iit,'l I i.m was a rml'Ui niosls one. the ionly eltt L"elce of o14iniihi iii at leinig as to thlie Xlelliiiencv o the elt'-egation v',ilIll -is :4 enit, int Aler d:icus=io n alt vote, it was l.ecidt ti. thant tlht unit rule shIt .lIh prevai, . inil Tile dte'i;; Ite are as lo:hlow: At La.:irge --V. 11. Pl'rie. 'i. Mr vant, A. .I. IBran., It .1. Naliin, J.I. ub Dlaigre, :anlI Ah-I'lea1p. tean 1st \WaVil- F. . W. i hols, Thos. at Benlt'. . A-:,;II ' 2ndl W:ir l -I. N. ('ou'on, 1' F. Iion ltiviere, .1. 1. W\'iI. ne 3.1 \W:lnd-I. Flgo~lt, P. W. Le- +n, fort, .I . I uehºil , -. Gif 4th Weld --J. S.. BakIer, U. JI. I. Barrios, M. Dele:li le. tli War, -I. C. Roger, Leo. J. oue Bouidreaul, E. I'. 3lorvat. on th Waril-T'heot. Toires, , Jos. and Mattinez, .1. !L Reidr'gue. et I 7th Ward -Alcidle Chauvin, Well. a ( Hellbert J. . F. 'igginton. te th Wr :ir l-nlt r a Boidreaux, D. M1. COP hItcheir, J. I1. Lg:irde. out SIh \V:ar1--t. Foret, Ilene Rlizan, Frank Ba.rrille, fls. 10th Ward-F. Derlme, J. 31. BHollinier a.uil J. 11. Pice. SThse dele'ga'tes go uninstructied 8and will have to ele(i ase one of the fiir canlidatele .t rsr. (Cade. Loret, to Perrault antid (ios, before the con- mi vention. We 1)do nao t know the views erg of these delegates, but the sentiment Co here seems to le more in favor of Jul Julgi W. O. Perrault, of St. Laandry, st so far as we have been able to racer- ga ain. Meesrs. Cade and Loret hkave hit also strong llherents. Sol ---- *- --- lost Little Business. nr Gr The session of court drags on wear. all ily, with little or no btlliness. There ral Swas actually only two day's jury for bo Sthe trial of criminal cases during the Spre'sent session, and it has bwen a long time siance there has been so lit ftle husiness before court at the court at the fall term thereof. Fortune Favors A Texan. 1 4 o'laving distressing pains in head, Ri )' lh'.:k and stolmach, and theing without w appetite. I iwg.'n to ease Dr. King's e New Life piis," wiites W. P. White. 1 head. of Kennedale, Tex.. "and soon a felt like a ztw man." Infilliille ii W stolmacih atnd liver troubles. Unly 31 25c at All Druggists. V Farmers' Institute. l The Farmers' institute which will be hecld here on the 24th instant next Wednesday-will uo doailet prove of great inicrest to our ilanters ande Sfarmers in particuar uande to the ieo r pie in general. e. Tiere will hle dis'oirse's on th. tI SPreipaatie n of L]:nJ, F, etilizatizna . and Cultivatioani of Crops, Stocll k Feect re ing, the Ca.e Borer, the e tiane's anl lv other interesting topics, by such stcien. t. Lifo men as a s. Stbbs and Dal A. rymle, Profs. Mlorgan and Brunet and others. The comhlmittee having the matter fin charge is sparing no pnis to m Iake he institute a great succe, and in a at every respect an agreeable afftar. y There will lie music to cheer, and t ladies are invitdl to bhrahte and i grace the occasion by their presence. o We ts'trot that we h:ive unt reeeiv. 1 el the prlogramme in time to piublish ' in this issuie. Y Agtsin we woued ad' ise and en r courage the people to .itteid the in atitute nl large numelers so heip akeI it a grand sccess. po Se.soh of his new large :aci| cow modiosis stere at the f, 4it ,ef .Jckson, is stlling many goo0li at cost to make room fur the big sew stock he will dsoom reeive. IProspective her will c'asult tlhir own isitt rest by giv. illg him :s call. asd ee fer thelimselves ihe lice baegails he offers. an N trosiile ie shehw goods and Ur iuote pliecCO. C'iil. SCASTORIA by 7f jaag sa $Uiiram. I O.kc O Ne,-rological. Leki .I. l'B'nve te del in New Or Ieanr. where' tie live, last S cturdivy, aged 1 3:1 v.ors .'nl I . ninth. 1I, remains' were briii lt it ie u'i tile Southerun l':ui'i" t i:e :uel nte r e I iI St J--1el s'* celn'1te'ly. The declene I w-ls a nu.tive of t hli t:it-h.I a of the, late Le. A I . e lliti an ail nephew of MIr. Art hit Li" lan:me. of this town. He left i wi dtw asil two youg c0ll ;, toe hi:1,e the slormc4 of ife withelut his furthel aitl an Id e'lufe':t. IThe lecee.e::.I i ii heeen for :cwoe 1 tiue is',et iti wi.te.hell hbe'l!111. Tihe Demo-l:rtic 1:rarish Kxe uive C'ommitte(, Ca(':pt. J Ithn " . \''hi Clhei: to in aln Ilen II. N. ( 'on ot,, secreta:ry, met last Firidiy tlhe 12''h inst., pursuant Ite eat, to pro, :i f ,r the selectiotn of 1d I'ca'es to thi. (',e. gression:al ail lRatiliaI ('. ( nell;i :,,t n Iellp i.,ting convNt e tiott ,. ,Th" 1. litltee eleternmiiined th it th, e c, i,. t ' sheuletl be cieheii 1,y a mins mi n.timcg ofit I) moeratl e -, vott-re , - .til . I " te tleetiig for l'Thiurscl:,. S.'pt I5'hi inst., at 2 o'ioeick pie. in., at the comlt lhieuse. In Memoriamn. !aial of Ihe Ye -i.glg Men's B.ntvotlent Assoicitioun of lilfouirch,'. 'hri lantx, l.:i Seplet. :13 d.. 1902 lhereas, it has phlc-eel thii. A'. mighity Goei tio It:ke awayt"?" fic,irom oui initst iouir Inlate ire lIthr hlemih r. BEN.IAI N iIIt E. 'X .1ill where.x, w'lst wle hl!lubl% submit tio his cl .crcee. v'et we drop th.' tear Of soile SW ail 'el 'r" s ioir grief at the going higbeei cof Ihlie: lle , r . r. Thuerefore, lie. it rest: ,veJ. tIlat we humbly pray Ilit ul l-ier whosee, wi: ice geeth fiuib, to I,.,tow his li s netige Uttileri lis Siout, uei.l :lisi tI imli, . cifully rcemeIInhir anicl bless his :famiily in this the houi hirof th ir ell-tress. Reso,lved fr liher. T'rhit a !a ag ef our Minute B,,k be set askde where. on shall be inscribed these reso'uti, I and that the,' neulwrl.- wear the :iadge~,. iof mnourninig feur thirty ,t . la;: aiI 'at El a tcoiy of tlitesP retol litonlls le It t, the stricken famnily. avid also that i copy he fulrnisheel f:,r pub.iea;i.,- it, our local papers. P. L. J. N. Wtlc;lur, C. J. C IUvl.. A Boy's Wild Ride For Lfeo. WitIh family :arolind expfectiilg him C to (die, and a son ridilng for life, IS miles, to get Dr. King's No w Dis.ov ery for Consumption, Coughs anti L Colds, W. H Urown, of Ieesville, f lud., endured desth'a agouies from , asthma, but this wonderful medicine - gave instant relief and soon cured e him He writes: "I now sleep soundly every auight." Like marve Ti lous cures of Consumption, Pneamc nla, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold. and Grip prove its matchless merit fteI r- all Throat anst Lung trou',les. Gua e ranteed bottles 50c and $100. Trea' er bottles free at All I)ruggcst,,. eC - - a For Sale. A complete Household outft, cor.. slating of 1 Smith & Barnes Piani, 1 6 Iicec Mnhogany Toilet Set still 2 1, Rattan Rockers; 1 elegantly carved it walnut Victo in Bed Room Set, glass h's corr Armor, centre Table, 4 chaios. e. 1 Rlattao Rocker, 1 H:ir and Splring in Mattress, pillows, 31o-luito Bar, a W:ishltuand Set, etc. nd 1l BeslaIifuI .lManitel Cabint Snld clhck; 1 Walhiut Victoria lied room Set, c'mnphi te wilh Mattreso, Sprii, Bar, polohws, \\'Wa'h stand Set; I oalk Victoria Folelig bed with Spring (when clo.ed u-cle nl a Ilit Rack.) larlge mirrer iin cetl ll e. 1 Oak D)iing ironc oitflt cons -ting cf I eleglat o:lk 16 ft. clt'nsioli e Talle Side Bardl. itefiigerator :nli 6 clabirj. Gasichliie tove, I KiKitchen ' fSlce and Talele;, ('ail~jw lieugs, Curtains, lShades etc. etcl:., eew rv Stliihing to make a sp!uedlid, Householid latqiiimiaent. For further particulare, apply to A J. TaIstn 8n. Emiire lintel. 1- ict Notice of Registration. ke Nottee is hereby given to the voters of in the Parish of Lafourche, that conforma r bly to law the ofcee of the registrar will open en Monday August 18ih, 1902, for d the purpose of registering all entitled to nl registry under the conatltutlon and laws of louisiana, iand that for that e. purpose I shall be at the places herein iv. after mentioned, on the date assigned for each place, to-wit : First week in Thihodaux, Monday to Saturday, August lath to 2trd. Monuday August 2 th, M. lIelaune. - Tueesdai Augusit ith, (;. sasonui. in- W'ednesday August ;th, A. Terre ike bonne. Thursdalv August lcth, Leeville. Friday Augueit cth, E. Dueos, ('ut Off. saturday Augu-t 30th, T. lladeaux. Monday Sept. Ielt, Pierre Tlheriot's store. Tuesday Seplt. 2nd, 'Paull cuidroz. Wednulcaly Sept, 3rd, locklport. Thursday Secpt. 4th, T~Lngueville. Fritlday Nept. 5th, Vawhrie. Saturday Sept. 6th, Arthur Legendre's Ier store. ren Monday Sept. 8th, Lafourche Cross m- *nuesIday Sept. 9th, Joachim Brand. on, Wednesdav Sept. loth, Howie, ke Thursday Sept. 11th. E. E. Knobloch. Friday Sept. lith, Iteautvais HBlouin. :ill Saturlav sept. 13th. ;osaii't stoire. ers Mondayvsept. 15th,,(lnezippe 'li asson. Tuedvay Sept. Iithl, Loviney Rodrilgue i" e'hool hoeiue. e s Wednesday sept. 17th, L. Kraecner Seh(e)l house. Thursday Sept. 1th, Baton Pilon, at rod Ed. ('hia.rion. Friday Spt. 19th, Ahhb store. Saturay Sept. Utnh, Felix lelatte. Mlday Sept. 2nd, Orville Thilbdaux, STcaesdy Sept. lSrd, Lafourbe Itetn er tredneeday Sept. ith, J. L. Basseo and next (2) two weeks at the court IHouise, from Sept. lth to (ct. 8, legal holidays excepted. E A Mo , I Assessor Parish of LafIourcbe. SOet fat on Tio-Tonique boy a Sbottle at Thibolaus Drug Store, 12 SThe Resli Shoe Reboundig acushion centesole Vynlte he shoe at every step. Prvnr fa to nerves and pine. `;tricity Dsrbute pressure over foot o VsolcA practii lDise L diseas Se of-The aoneu Aslar A BadeAux &I Wagner GARS. PAPER BAGS, & MATCHES. Thlbodan" Telepho~ne 109, Cumberland Telephoe~ 31 Main Street. Thibodaux, .J. L. JOSE ELLIS BRAUD'S SONS Sole Agents EDWARI) BA.EAUX. -JOHN A. WAGNER S!" f07 Badeauxe oted tegreatestty oteoth on oner, n o nufacturers agn ts for -- o C4 NDI ES, CARES 4/ID CIfACKERS. TEAS, SPICES,BAKING POWDERS, EXTRACTS, OLIVE OILS, VINE OARS. PAPER BAGS, & MATCHES. ThibodTelephone 109re , Cumberad Teof gphoods 31 er Main Stret. Phibodauxlip Sts., A SttlKRID DItIIRERKC5 UNION M RS. A. BOURON. I i ,3 MRS. A. BOUREON. Notice, Nolice is hereby given tht all repairs t~t are in my p3eesasio5 if nuotcaled tot iu $0 days wiU besold for charge'. 5 nu A. Borio!. For Sale. Two Portable boilers mad emgiesa, on whlels. 8&10 se-es. all iu good orker. For furtlwr particulars apply to LAT IIRAM & GOLDlE, 4, Thibodaux, La. /The Wiiiaxnaxas Elec ro-Me dica1 . ... -- •|l Faradic Batteries. In this age it requires no argumenllt to convince thinking people that Elec. tricity is the greatest curative agent known to sclence. The most learned ,hysici .ins of Europe and Am:erica conce-de thi.s, and there is to-day. not a hospital in the world, or a great physician in aitive practice. w o does not daily use it with most wonderful effects in all chronic diseases. Our batteries are operated by powerful Dry Cells of the very best quality. The coils in our maehl,:es a;.d all mechanical parts of our Batteries are made by skilled mteachanies and L) NOT GET oar OF oDaIR. The Dry Cells with which our machines are fitted will last from three months to a year. according to the use the Battery receive s. All the Batteries are so cotlstructedl that the i-l C(ells can he removed by any person when ex. luausted and new Cells put in their place in a very few seconds. Diseases in which a speedy Cure can be Effected by thle use of thie Faradic Currents of Electricity generated byI, our Batteries: Paralysis, Epilepsy, Locomioter Ataxia. Rhlomatism. Muscular Rheumatism, Neutalgia. Sciatica. uyspepsia, Constipation, Kidney or Brights . Dis ease, Liver Complaints. Catarrh. Asthma and Bronchit s, Insomnia or sleel'!essin-ss. Female Complaints, Nervous Debility, Other Complaints, Electric lathls. We publish a little Book entitled, "Suggestions and di rections for treating diseases with Faradic C'nrents of El-. ectricity," by J. J. Mackey, M. D. A copy of this littl Book will be sent free of charge to each person purchasing one of our Batteries ................................ " . . . . . For further particulars, apply to A. J. STAUTNTON Electrician. Agent, Thibodaux, I.a J. L. LOBI)ELL. Pies. P. R. PERCY JOSEPH CL 'IUDET V-President. Socy Treasurer TIe Iobdell & Perev @o. Wholesale Dealers Gommission Merchants. Near S. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. *for j and tekisen eour, --Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters orderE given special attention for Grain and Hay. Local 'Phone 152. -Cumberland 87. H. Riviere & CO. Just Received a Complete Assortment OF Imported Rugs All Sizes---All Price Big Cut in Summer Good STo make room for o enormous Fall stock soo s to arrive. H. Riviere & I CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH Long distanoe lines and telephones of this Conpany enable you to talk almost mm anywhere la Southern Indiana, Southern Iiiinois, KentucLy, Tennessee, Mississippl and L.Auislana. We can put you in quick and eatlsfactory commnunlcation with the people of this great section of the country. We solcit your patronage. Rates reason able, Equipment and factilities unsur a passed. 1, dMseS K. OawALDWLL. LtLANUD USe. .. D. a 'm rhms a Go*a amage. srera AS.* Ge* ass