Newspaper Page Text
II. L DIL'BE, - 'ubilsbI r ,rop ogews Jdsrndl ,i tte !arsh of Jalorcke. '*,red q" tie I' it (feea! r L.daet. LA / *Noe cw, i mqanr r6a YEAR. IN ALAv4 tt .... .... 'i9 All cumL putclops ahoMkld br ad Pleam to The THISHAArXc !5ISMI EL. itsodaux. L. uberlt,*. vo':eo fi to rt,.ytr ttar paper a t* Le o',!ld i',,t t · i Ltout .ela;. Wu lly prepared to do job work of every description. orreponCnaene (on Subpe of general 1t1erest p*/" sted ro Isel-es-e n"t to - . co rtrrualwC)atk;. writers toist furn'h !'. r :u: na,neever b toaln tl.y sihot,.' deesirt t". wtuh.,ld .t, r 'bucat.on., ao an r,enc':" f roO faith Matter Oer ue~ f.or put.lI'rat.on a booU4 be writ n o01 r .n one of tlt. .Gbtt. aid to Intl:re rt sertn ,r th. weaktr'. .-j&a. (Or g.1. (titjn* rh,'la La I tI I o'e by *~41reew~, rn..-. of tIrtl week The President's Mad Course. Mr. T'heodore wlosevelt. by accident P'reident of the United States, seems to be pufferipg from a well develop. d aease of liegroluani. The mrnlady showed it first sympi toms at the time of the Bookerl Washiiurtou irncident. and has been grtwing on him ever! since, till it may be said to; have now reached the acute; stage. TIhe disease appears to have attacked the President in its most malign fortm, that of ra cial social equality. Its latest outbreak took place at a re ception tendered the Judicia ry and Congress at the White House last Friday week, at which were present by special Invitation. five negroes, name ly, Judson W Lyons. regis trar of the treasury, and wife, John C. DInry, recorder of deeds for the District of Co lumbia, and wife, and a fe. male relative of the latter. The Washington correspon dent of the Times-Democrat ppeaking of the incident, Pays; '"The attendance of these pegre at last night's func tion was, therefore, not "ofm cial" but "personaL" and was nbQe to indicate that the P would hereafter re. poeie at the White tse na rOs poRen terms of absolute social equality. The negroes, from the stan dard of the negro, were accep- 1 tably attired. One of the women present, was as dark Ra ebony, presented a gene. pous display of neck and I phoulders. The effect of this sombre figure 4monq a lnxn rious garden of pink and white womanhood was exceed. ingly novel. t Several of the southern a gurestat, the moment they rea lized the situation, went out I of doors, exclaiming: "Oh, horrores!" The very air of the ' Executive mansion was warm and heavy with the incense ' of the Rooseveltian devotion r to "humanity, regardless of i race." A "'strange invisible i perfgqme" arrested and pruzzled w4ytrers passing on the avenue. Ethnologically speak ing, the reception was the i most memorable of the eea po." r At the same time that the l announcement of this insult gid outrge to Southern sen tinmept cane by wire from Wahisgtop , another dispatch a frwx there to the Picayone a inforeed the publc: 'An afternoon paper here a :,i:,t4 the statement that P Silliamp H. Lewis, the negro ,',u .ntly appointed Assistant I'i ted States District Attor- , iy. at Boston by the Presi-I li, .t. has been invited to ,'',.i to Washington with his v:'i f. and visit the President." a 'ITiese incidents, precededj ,:- !',e Sooker Washingtonli in'i'ltnt, thle appointment of ('ii, as collector of customs t ,t ('larlesto, S: C., his cele- P !,ra?.t,. letter on the subject ,,i:! -intuient of negroes to, ,fli,, ..nd the ldiadaola af- a f;in -low nuaistakably that!d I !,, I': .ident is gone daft on ro qqeatio.n, and now :. out forracial social I " developed a won-i i,"k e , fe,r qegro so J'," '. . I at last Fri4a3y's re c-'L(ti,:, this r.icd of. societyll was in a measure forced upon the white guests who put in * an appearance at that social functioq. As an individual Mr. Rote lf velt is entitled to choose his own associates and make ` those he likes his social ' equals, and while we condemn .- his tste, we have no right to; L. interfere with his right of jselection. But as President. as the Shead of this great nation. he owes a c*rtaiu regard and ree , pect to the views and senti * mewnts, nay, even to the pre " judices. if you will, of the! vast majority of the people, who are undoubtedly against h - racial social equality, and l condemn the President's lat-I est blunder, not to say, crime. To fly in the face of that sen. timent, that prejudice, by the I practice of racial social equal ity, is to stir up sleeping pas sions and antagonisms which I bid fair to bring on race con- r flicts which are always deplo rable, and often disastrous. r This result Mr. Roosevelt may not intend but it will be the logical outcome of the fa tal course which he has in Ijaugurated. Already his un fortunate and ill-advised acts are bearing bitter fruits; once more the "bloody shirt" has been raised and waived in the United States Senate, and at a recent reunion of the Afro :-American Association, an archistic utterances were h heard, threatening the South e" with fire and sword. Should the President per sist in his mad course he will only succeed in instigating more trouble and strife, ;ur moil and conflict, between the races, than either he or any other man or set of men will be able to allay and sub. due in a generation or more. a The President's rash conduct H reminds one of the foclhardi. T news of a child playing with a ! ligbted match near a powder: magazine. The' powder is, liable to ignite at any men. ment, and when it does, the " Lord only knows what will mT be the disastrous results of the explosion. The President is posing as the special friend of the ne gro. If he is a true, discreet friend, he will let the negro alone, to work out his desti. a ny in peace and amity with the Southern whites, his trn-m est and best friends. To disturb the peaceful re lations existing between the races and to implant in the breast of the black man the oe wild dream and desire for , racial social equality is noth Ing short of a crime against P humanity and the general Pc good of the country. If the President cannot see , in that light, it is because his reasoning faculties have been paralyzed by the violence of " the attack of negromania which holds him in its fatal To grasp, or else he i dominated by the malign influence and adviceof some Machiavelli, actuated by hatred of the South or by a desire to bring Co about the President's own political ruin. Thus the Farmereville Ga- M1 zette to the poor fellow whose all is mortgaged: "The poor fellow who has o all his property mortgaged ' and sees no way to pay him- .t self out, can take consolation in the recent statistics of no Carroll )D. Wright. He de- * clares that "95 per cent of the mortgages indicated pro-I verity rather than the re. verse." He shows that mort gages were usually raised to secure money for business I operations, to educate chil- Pe, dren, or to make improve .ents in thle property itself. The other 5 per cent of mort- a -ages represent the "dead broke" class." o - To For Sale. To • ---i One lot situated on ,Jackson street. Bor .4irale Ir:.ti,o to build residenc "e. 150. Ti,.aas A. RKIVIgar. Tot U poQeedi6p of the Police in -ia) iTATE OP LQUISIANA, iu- PARISH OP L4OUR;HB. bi Thibodaux, a. January !, Kil. ke The Pole urr y the Prab of, L : s ourehe met this day in regular meetiag 4 la1 anrn14i,, t9 sadjournment wade on ! mnl Preseat-J. L Acoin, President ad Messrs. J. L. asset, C.J. Ouedry U. to;Barrios, E. U. Morvant and Aa j of .er. SAbsent-Messue. I Rod , P. P. Faigoat. J. L Leilans and F. P. Parrs. The minutes of the sestoans as se temter Ilth, November 12th IIUr and he i dJnuar r1 were rea" d ud approv e"- Namerouj claim, sad Pesion appli eltions were read ad referred to the i cti- committee on elaims for examination and report at to-morrow's session. SAt this time, Mr. Thomas a Bade .i h uperintendent of the Public schools o e ti parish, was given a heins . Mr.1 I( Padesura stated that the Parish School ] Board was now endeavoring to obtain a ut saulable lot in the village of Loekport Swhereon to erect a Public School horse 1 nd and in as much as the parish owned a ot in id village, desirbly situated, St- and on which the poliee jury had erect ed a Lockup, and whereas this lot was D8. large enough to accommodate both the Lockup and the publie school building 3 ID. which his Board contemplated erecting, he r or ury with ath ority of the Scho Boardl to asth iis al. jrto allow the use of their said Laek. rd for eri Shouse. with the eoditoa, that the o event of his Board easing to ase ame )n- as a Public school, then said bail J or buildings to revert beack to the parish - police jury. Consideration of above request was postponed until to-morrow's session. C If Mr. Thomas H. Roger was next heard in regard to the creation of a new C Dbe ainage Distruic, to be taken from the present third Drainage district of the F a- parish, s follows: AU that portion of said District commencing from the ut ID- per line of Mrs. Leufroid Truelairs i plantation and extend a downward to 1 the upper line of the Laurel Valle plantatio itneluding all lads owned O CLynta riniding along the !tayou are mche in said dfsrict, provded all soch lands were situated South of the a Chouple and Chaey ridge. This Die trlet to include all that portion ofthe ie Orange Grove and St. James plantation yat o urthof the isad Chooapic and PO This matter wa also laid over until 1 to-morrow for consideratioa. Mr. H. N. Baxter, representing the T Psaly Jail Co. of Bt. Louis, stated that h we he was present lor the prpw of amur th ing thery that all dects in the na einerator onstrueted by his company intheirish Jail would eto properly N tr- There beina no further business, the ll ry, o motion of Mr. Basset seconded I by Mr. Moant, adJourned ntil to morrow at 11 o'clock a. m. g H. N. Cortox, J. L. AVcoL, r- Secretary. President. D S STATE OF LOCISIA.NA, PARISH OF LAPOURCHE. Thibodaux, a. January 2, 198. ! The Police jry of the parish of La torehe, met thi, day pursuant to ad b. joaumt of yesterday. SPresmt-J. L. Aeon, Presidht. and or Messrs. J. L. Baret, C. J. ( .edry, t. t Barries, E. . Morvan, sad t, a 1- Absent-Messrs. L drlc P. P. rlsgoat, J. L. SBlaue an . P. Parr. wma. read and d e nes remets.- F a. .eU. Morvat, JThiboda.x L. Jam, . m C o mit on anse be.g t e Ne port ofthat hey have arefll examinedr sad compared the vouchers with the Treasurers Boks aberd found them eoa- Fe Ot. lReh, esh roeovll bd Oct. st, eR reetved Committeefrom Bridge Revenu a0 SReport of A. J. Brand Parishtal for terTrsur ior Jail Accou t with the geeral d of the Jastiee Peao fee 274 the t e o' 6onveinaPri nrs d ~adn For her1 sa1 aary M4 F3 a 6 For Road Il spectors 25 00 from LiPensions 5 us SOct. olletr c 2ceied SFor Repaird ofg Ree nu 70 e or Janitor l ad Hoit ads 1t Sor nd totlen for term 14 31 Total disbursemet nts 8 Balance oni hactad Nov. f O I orneJildental ExpenUe itemited. For Juste Peao fee 2t4 u. __ . For CostaMbl fee r Fl s. ,e For Cone, n10, A. J. Prien, eoronr fees, Fortnel for printi, 61.0, B. a Fore stationery Co., Book of Sheri, F2r, Mil. F. Dunn, Book for sherif, 17.4, Ja. For Penry riminal ex e, 9.20, A. M Colleson Lime for Toail aourhe Form., 19, r. Robhax repair ofod ten Roer Passage M. Adam harty Hosn - For InclNed ntuardia IIormal 3 ho 1 75.00t, 19C. J. Barker criminal term ap.' Inidental Beary court expeste, x e. B. U. MoLrvary t, committeei.00,Paul pAu' Coun repair (brt House. Windows, 2., b Zedigel & H. furnitre for Cou rt ice. for l, A10, A.J.ic . J. Brsed. l7,Fdar Moant, assressorer, b, eport of A. J. Brantind Parish Tre lr Mer account with the Drainage funds Mof the Parishlsonime fo of Lrche Lfor the term b p binnln Sept. 6th, and ending Nov. Jo J corn.,l90n , Ma.n Rosthar repair cten b I Pad out srice ofrom enersl f . A. e D r . Adam hor repa lospi- Ab al Ineo, Nd ouardia Normal 8chool, D. 7500To Credit Dlrkerst No. 1 5criminl term .1 5.00To Jedi t s No.ur 11p 12e A To in redit Diort N oueo. 4 Wndos 219 5 b eal Diet N ir. 4 fr Court oe o ThixAaux Drainage Dist 2. Braud Bondel itA. J. rnd Prih Trasar Genral Dredge Boat fund or181 7p Ar ToCredtal a t aDsove 571 E8 t. Tsesarer. a nReport o 14.J. J d ,ar. I. WWtnI- rees nso p. .-J .em as Por Jetnee ete tM ,,I For nac lAe - up. Pusa a C1agl.O pr Jom Rod Inee dss O' Poead Lmrsemio f as J b a ndd d l k-s tama r For aitobri to" .*1 For Imcldeltma . Total DIsbarUISag k U Bal e Pardsh embmt I r esalJa! Nov. mag PBaa on Iasd Received san tromparige . l rand for 1 cmba g. o. ~com laton e o teParr gi ,l ertae e atr SPd Margin La. W, dteh Senerale Drp Be" 4o1o a Totnal distormtern loo J aI. 14, I Balaneo as rei d 1s ia0 SDistribud as cleUs. To Credit of Dist Nao. 1 7 Xt To Credit of Dfst So 3 118T o8 To Credit of Dist 2fo. 4 8 21 To Atedit of Dist N. S 19 14 To Crdit o Dist o. 4 7 42 STo Credit od Te Det - r f Credit of Gooeeral t Bost fund 15o it t. MaknTg a total as sMose 19 at st r so General D redge eat ofr 1gm27. Theriot DriDt, to s ro. credit of Dist N. 4, ae No. 2tNo , is soe atherIo the ReJeraol as a prish for 71T and to El Des wrk d d Bayou Ble laSept.a ts e me Tsarer., Report of A. J. Braedg t rasr-P er in count woith tie ds for To thtrene e staarll am as im DimmIa "ao "i h enral a:ai "o o Toer~nTets mmsne Prs s u n TFo - t-aees eal. RorQ t @1 A.i tir ouis i toe Not aCouatnt wit tsar fund. 4ot or 1T Cled ors P. e enasding I gro or msent AoRranes y - i FPor Asx eollretos Co e. Fomm ta I Stamps & 8aadrlee so to Total disbar emPty lo wm mb. Baau t Troaurer. The following t Ao e eah enaiter on claims ws r udi vedP sad sp proved mad on ee 7 Mr. Mrvant favorably. ro Moran ae &eDiem To the Polaee Jmr. ByAmonty, sad oerwn t 44ow toeepetsf iuy their patymeTt, eu wir: c. J. wae, tler vedha ma prov and owttes .ra ace o. re d. I " amnd peertlbomar 11 on -. A. Bark Juror ar a " body of A. Wallat S- , ro M.rCot ltas e l. Tody ot A Wallale J Waitr Blanehor O e A. B. Brees tuertherr body of W. R. So C. J. DMeKaer eurero t Sdolp Bernr( i tbody of V t. 0 Alyofa Wa. 2 n6 Jbod ourk jurro ' ofy ar.Walham oy. Aoka Wrmt l 260. Titbodyux fon ry, Woalto Blanc HeaqRome r . arbodyuof W.o udre - Bert nard 36 01 amtij 4 tm Henylu v¶WLe., PUZZLE PICTURE. YTH WEULITTLES EXPLORE SAN FRANCISCO. Iavia visited St. Ignatws, chur S- San Francisco. the Weslirtles rrturn to their heL ss FWD a, SLLBOT. The Williams' Electro-Medical Faradic Batteries. In this age it requires no argument to convince thinking people that Elec riet, is the greatest curative agent known to science. The most learned pbysitans of Europe and America concede this, and here is to-day, not a hipltal in the world. or a great physician in active ractice, who does not daily use it with most wonderful effects in all chronic iseases. Our batteries are operated by powerful Dry Cells of the very test quality. 'he coils in our machines ad all mechanical parts of our Batteries are made y skilled mechanics and Do NoT Gar o t T or oDoas. The Dry Cells with which our machines are fitted will last from three ionths to a year, according to the use the Battery receives. All the Ratteries re so constructed that the Dry Cells can be removed by any person whe-n ex susted and new Cells put intheir place in a very few seconds. )iseases in which a speedy Cure can be Effected by the use of the Faradic Currents of Electricity generated by our Batteries: ralys. B pilepy, Locomoter Ataxia. Rheumatism. Muscular Rheumatism. Neual, _jiatls. Dyspepsia, Constipation. Kidney or Bright's Dis ease, Liver CaoplIts, Catarrh, Asthma and Bronchitis. iloemnia or s iaFeale ComplaItn, Nervous Debility. Other Complaints. sitrie Baths. We publish a little Book entitled, "Suggestions and di ectiosw for treating diseases with Faradic Currents of El otrilcty" by J.j., ia , M. D. A copy . of this litte iok will be seat free of chrge to each parlm p aa i g I0irrt grertedr.e ........:.................. -s Fo1 fizrtber p'rt aulnr , apply to A. R. STAUNTON Electriela. Aget, THiedaeux, La. Sole Agents A STRIKING DIrrERENCE UNON ýMDE SURI$M w Z 8I0C CANAL :Tr;ET, Nr K 4 bhAll the News!rC 62 per year. Bri s. R as r wr irw Im.r O/ - q S MAw & and We med it aes '*OAL BUS8INJF DIRFCrORT askuc urr.. *UIJrLT C IL L '. B 1C. iiA Pr T. MJairkelt Awarsv ea. bd tre .e of a*f5. Mets P ak. Tom:. Y sd ,.,ag** o al lk.. maurket , trt, l bhadsas. La. M. V. Yra igle. Pro.riese. Cbo wi.. wm gmd ilqr,. lan eis always 'e he&d Cer. Ors sad Market turs Cypresm sad Paie .ember. Crpres Wad ieaed lk1mgl*.. S YEi. DS. A. J. &I. L. Phyaklelas. ad Nare.m.. Poprietarsf 'i w Dne "sP . MIal ' ,.e lbibsaUsA LJ J. Pl.remg, 3mas. - P DRU0 WTORE Dram. Ci-eam:-. sPe1-r' . geý el ba e MaI*saerv *& U. s Ones streate rWasc emake-. Jerwdige Plee Jeweary. wfeaes w4 Weles, c. WH Mcrsst, 1stw.e Phi.5p Wad Ii tsris ATOSI'0Rin-/ LAW ADIAU, TdIO':AS A., Diak .1 Laeemie be.di. i 1~ow .&MANrNS. A asU tem.e .64 , l¢saa e Tibedmg PIn I- KU!obW CLeA e Os.: RsU B~as &rrae 'e esa Iseemi mw r C SAN ,.. Wesdc Teacherd Gives o * rI; W!o wueI , THIDODAUX COLLZ.GL The eosium of aWP an, lCsb, P h For i thler partiMlats apply O 1, 5. 3ASUIG, ?heseep. NOUMT CARMEL rbLvt %s Aeuedeie ter Young 3~mdft C0Cw. N. o. - MV ALBEltTJ. LA88EIOGB NOTARY PUBLIC RACELAND, LAFOUICUE, LA Omee bourstrom am. ".so p. a. Any Notarlal bais... proiptl. a" as THIBODAUX Filter Cloth Enterprie Ml EMMA T. ALL.AI. Piu FILTER CILTHS, FILTER BAG8. Orders Promptly FIIed. SATIsrFACTION (ARA.TrrD. EM to lPIPTy CENTS A YEAR L I Woman's I r BT £mbreldAey, Ee M - ml h Is ibroi m a Psi N d icomes io r. . *** Deew.y. New T.a. 3. 1. Breeders of fancy poultry, attention. Bou Cochin eggs for sate at $2 00 per dozen. You are iated t , i t beeding piu Iefore pialaig vout order. Call either at W. C. Ragans, re-i s beaLc or Kooblo-bs 11uic store. .