Newspaper Page Text
Meeting of Lalourche Prr,. gresive Union. The .dr,,arned ,,v.t-t',e 'f vb- I" . foiurce l'rgr -sove )U 1o . w) e I -I to o,,ler 1e T.-u,,--r rv * b' i:r.,:-t., IV tf oie, n.*.,iu, -.V.' t") rucoe.v. L!. -rp ,rt of 'Ii- ,:., :,attr' ctr, rm ittee ailf o'cli ':t'* r w'.,i a3. :ai " line up The " .. rt , t " ie n . .u s.t'ng coil, mttee wal r c .v.:.l.' Wae as "To the l..rn'wrs. of th L-,fourche Progresvie 'noia: Ge,,tlewmen -- ',,ur Nomrniati:iu CommittPe after .,e sand car ful co: sideration. tie ta sjubmit far ,your approval. the f ) IoVi, g names] dent e m~.e to ill th. ' vuiue ,t 31es of th. Laf,,r h'e Prgr. -a-,: t uiua:: For Pres-d.-nt. V. P. Martio. Fur V\'e Precs . ]e-. Thos. B ., y, EGR ,b;clba. ' P. hcer, Ju.e tilchaux, Frank l'ara, 11. N Cou ol. Secr,.tary-.lanager, L. lU. Lanco - Ser. Treasurer Edward Bad-asux. Excut!vI Comrn:ttee: Frank Zer. an,tt, W. . Martin, le-nry Riviere, Ants,le Brand. C. R. BatLtie, Ozeme _Naquin, L C Waterbury, P. W. Necholl4. tb6 last n,,mel fur Chair aue of Committee. IRtspectfuly. Submitte.l, J.. I. oaDL., Chairman. K. .1. BRArD. J. A. U. CoRONET. Upon the rf.ufi}pt of the rexport of this comautte. l'Prof. L:fargule noov 1d the rat ii.ation of same for uuaui mnos e!ectti,n. Dr. Smith moved an amiendment tlhat each name be voted on separate Ly. The motiou for arendment was lost, aulI the motionr for unanim,ou riectioen was duly carried. It was tbhnu mnvel sed seconded that a committee of five be appointed to draft UcnUtitutVUn anti by-laws, aod the chair appoi,,,tl the following named: I1. N Con.on, CLai:man. C. RL Battie, This. A. Badeanx, Prof. W. S. Lafasgue, F. W. Sicho!is. .lotion by H N. Cou.oa, secoauled by Dr. II. S. smith Some remas ks were made at this point retatiuve to the question as to whether this last nam-d committee should draft a charter for our organ. zation, but upon due con-iderauoo, taking Into account the unnecessary expense attLich-d to filing, recording, etc., of chartLr, this question was laid pvAr for fui ther considieration. The Chairman read a commiiuica tion from Mr. Albert Godchaux en dpusing a personal check for $50, and the wishes of success for our Union. Mr. The.. Badesux moved a vote of thaaies be sent Mr. Godchaux, and P" Secretary was so Instructed. Mr. sdeauz thew made some remarks relative to the establishment of car ain commllttees to be as a guide to the Committee on By-Laws and Con rtation, and many appropriate re marks were made by different me:n bers along this line, and sugg.stiona for names of diffrent eommittees and the purpose of same, durang which remarks Prof A. J. Dupyu made a special request for an educa tional oummit.,e, and his remarks were received with much interest The (ollowing named committees were suggestel: 4onmaitee on pun Ic )ods, Committee on Streets of the town. Drainage. Taxes and License. Electric Lght and Water. wolks. Railroads. Manoufactures and industries. Finance. Bridges and ereri. Telephone and Telegraph. Sntertainmeut. Public Buotldings .duuational. Mr. Martin then eade a suggestion, afterwards put in form of a motioa which was duly carried, that a prize of $10, be offered for a descriptivs -rticle relative tO the advantLager, poisibilties, productiveness of on_ parish, showing the locations of the diulfeant towns giving their special at tractions; this paper to include facts nd figores to be derived from the proper channel, Thi paper must :e delivered not later than the first p1 April, to be handed in in large seaIled envelope, oan use sigued to the article, but uname of the writer to be enclsed in a smaller enveicpe, sealed and pla.ed inside of the large envelope; this to be opened the even ing that the prize is awarded. A Committee of three will be apposted Isark to pe ,won the merits of the ab-- pape - ,. . MrS. ILd. Badin akd lhst s. anscial secretary be added to the roll of olficers, and after doe considers ,on it was so ordered, the Nominat ing Committee was instractedt to re perr the name of a person for this oMice at the next meeting. Mr. Martin then made some ver\ Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applicatiops as they rannol ;esch the diseased portton of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf .tes, and that Is by coi,titutiouii remedies. beafness is caused hy an idnmed L.crauitios of the mucous liu ,g of the siasta( ian Toube. Whet this tube is iifl.amel, you ate a rutin bling sound or iua.?- teFt hlmriag, anu yb.n it is eutirely cloa.-d Deafaoeas is the result, anld unless the intamma to n can be taken out and this tubs peetored to its ioim ral 'eu'lhten, Iar rag will he desto,3ld f ret-tr; riuns pases oot of ten are cne-sed le Cat abih, whih i nothiLng but no . tlrem ,d ceiedion ( the mucous surfar.-s We will give One Hfaded IDol.erl for any cause ,f DeIafaess (cas sdc b, rat*elh) .st canoot es cured li sill', ('starri C'ure. Snd fur circu rs fe. i. .9. CRENEY & CO., Tok do, o. bold by )Droggists, 75t. sal,'l Pa.ily pilla are the best. .;: r.rit"e rer rks ret'tive to the aseis of ertasg::.g tile c ,niges of ihi Tow,, -f 'Th:ra ux. suggetiung .,'uC, u -r:l to i arrr out the abov . a'", IC nrn,'rite'. of three was at 1,o.,te'l w!th th h Pr.-i lte.t as (.r, . oi, of -same. io take u,, this matter. Tit: c am.rmttee as a who e wi.t he as' ., W. P .tartiu. ex offIlcio,; II N. ('oi on. Tho:no~a A; Badeaux. Fritncis Kuuo,!oh. A motion was then male and car rie thit t0,' C. rnm:ttee on Constitu. ti.n an ! BI-laws repyut at a meet nug to be he'li two we.-k from the ,.re-, ,t in,--ting. , a ,l'a the eveiing of F".:hrrarr 1O' i This motion madle by \lr. N h.,~t -a-id seeoule'l tv M.r. Liv. Riv'.re. Mr. Y',u:,.. th,.n arose and offered the a-i:-ca' of th- stenographer ar.dl tyvpeuit.r to the EComu:ttee on C,,n-titullton andl By-Laws. ?.r. Nielv"ils mo"JVtl th.; a vote of tLanks) e. ex:te led t., the New 0: leans & S. W. It. 1 Co.. fir the services of their ,st- n,;grpher. W. S. ia.fargue then arose for a point of information relative to the q estion as to whetLe- the name of the ore,.iz.ati'on had been ofUiniatly acted upon. It b6i:,g ascertained that an action h d been taken in an Mial way, )Mr Beattie tho-n m red that the ,same of the ,,rgauization he the '.iaf, urc.he Pogressive IUnion. This m,,ti,,n r".cIvno g .numner,ui se cowast was Int to the house and car ried unasomouuJ v. Mr. Nichuol, then sutgeste ' that a reess of five m:nutes be ta . it for, the enrollrn ut of ..w m. mlers and the l,ayme',t of qiarter:y lu s: 'th following narrs were aide I to the. membership ro.:: F. W.!ls. C H. Braud, Etig-ne Fiectwood, Morris. I Ce estin. H. L. GI.,b-, A'h-rt J. Duptuy, Chia. F. Bourgeois, Dr. H. L1 lucrocq. Mlstrtin S~hw.artz, Rcharl McCormick, Junius Ma brough, E. Dents, Thos. B -a , E Marqruette, Leon Polmer, G .illiot, Fatlton togers, A. J. Siromoneaud, Chas. Riviere, C. H. Dick naou, U. N. Cou Ion. Quarterly dues to the amount of $40 50, were collected including re mattar.c of Mr. Gochaux. $50, and amnounts previousaly collected of $12.70, making a total in the hbands of treasurer $103. 20. T[he membership committee was instructed to have 500 membership carsts printed and to pattern same af ter the card used by the N. O. Pro gressive Uniu. The treasurer was instructed to have blank receipts printed to be used in the receipt for payment of dues. All previous committees aslpointed ate to hold over until ol cially dis charged. There being no further business, it was moved by F. W. Nicholls, second ed by Mr. y. By. ivere, to adjourn. Carried Thibodasu, La. Jas. lth, 1903. L. IL LAScA mTs, 8ea.-Mgr. xewOant7ryComfort. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Btucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scaldhs, Cots, Bruises; conquers Ulcers, and Fever Sores; cures E ioptions. Salt Rheum, Boils acd Felons; removes Corns and Warts. Bed Pile cure on earth. Only 253 at All Druggists. Dr. Josep.h Baner, of New Orleans, and Mr. W. P. Tucker, of Houma, were here for the funeral of Arthur Thihodeaux, their brother The ftuneral was also attended by Messrs. E. B. Hobert. William Butcher, Desire Val!ahan and otherTerrebonoe people pre. Cure for Siek HPedsehe. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets ate a certain cnre for sick_ headache. If taken as soon as the first indication of the dsease appears they will prevent the attck. Get a free ample at Both Drug store and gate them a trial. Call at Ehlls Brands Sons for gesuine bargains. Call at Denis Clement's store, on Jackson street, for your Fresh Gro. ceries and good Liqorson,--of the latter he carries always in stock a Sne sssortment of ese gooods, sncb as "The Old Vally Whiskey"-extra special quality--which is excelled by no other. 25. Visit the bargal coouoter at Ellis B-and's So., y, might inad so- thing you seed thee much cheaper than you could buy it elsewhere, Opera House, H. L GIBBS, Manager rne merr AWeek,Jan. 31 C. B. Mlarvin's FURIOUSLY FUNNY PARCE A Wise Member, ITS THE LIMIT. SWIIIIILWIND OF PUN ('YC'LONE OF MIRITII TORNADO OF LAUGHITER Prices 2'., 35. 50, 75 C'ents. Proceedings of the Police/ Jury. court Louse and jail 14 10 Ed. Srmithwick, repair water work. jail anmd eart house 12 00 Dr. .1. J. Daigre, extract teeths of prisoner 200' H. W. Frost, Inmber for public road a Zendel & H., furniture tor court houae 41 U Thituodaux Sentinel, publishing official proceedings 14 00 Thibodux Sentinel for publish ing ordinance 450 Thibdxaux Sentinel for Job printing. election, 74 75 Lafourche Comet. for publishing official proceedings 14 00i Lafourche c(',met, for publishing ordinance 4 50 Lafourche Comet for publishing notice, election 225 A. J. l'rice, coroners fees O9 Roth Drug store, medi'ine for jail 40 Lefort & Tetreau, bnggies for .lection 12 00 Naquin & Keeler, buggies for electin 20 50 Edma t'hiasaon, delivering box es, election 5 00 R. A. Frost, delivering boxes, election 25 00 Max Dupre, delivering boxes, election 10 00 C. A. Eagerran, delivering box es, election 10 00 Chas Riviere, delivering boxes, election 50S Commissioners of electloq. l 00 Clerk of election OS Dy sheriffs of election 1 56 ). L. Caro, election expenses 2 M L. B. Thibodaux, Juror of in quest, body of Zachari 2 00 Joe Esteon. juror of inquest bhoy of Zachari 200 A. Thihodlaux, juror of inquest bode Zachari 2 00 James HJearv heri ff, criminal expense. V. Wright 26 34 James i -arvy iv.rifI, criminel expens-es A. Edward 18 00 James lieary (.A W Connely) criminel expt·r.scs A. Single 2 40 James leary t'has Triche) criminel expct.-s M. Hall 13 90 James learv -hn.rif, eritnijtel expn-es M.. !hill 2 00 Total bills approved $1 50 'f Your C'ommitt.~e rcomlutend that Pension be allowed to the petitioners herein tbelow, for tihe amount per month set opposite their respective names, dating from January 1, lV'r to Decetm ber 31, 1j3, towit: Betsy Hill, from January 1, 1903, per month 2 00 Mrs. Pierre Lopez from January 1, 1910, per month 2 00 Miss Vie. Benolt, from January 1, 19 per mouth Fany ienterenimnt from Janua ryv 1, l, per month 2 00 Mrs Auristilc Malbrough, from January 1, l90o, per month .f.. Mary Lewis, from January 1, Iwsl, per mouth 2 00 Susan Parker, from January 1, 190I, per month 200 Williamns from January 1, l1r3, per month 200 Children of Nu:na Hebert, from January 1, 1%9:;, per mnnth 2 00 Sophie Joseph from January 1, 19113, per mJuth 2 00 Henrietta Jackson, from Jan uary 1, 1903, per month 2 00 Eug.'Edward, from January 1, 1103, per mouth 3 00 James Adams, from January 1, 1W-9, per month 200 Mrs Ad. Adam, from January 1, 1901, per month 2 00 Mrs Henry Williams, from Jan naury 1, 1903, per month 200 Missouri Taylor ftom January 1,1901, per moats' -4, _r l" ahmok 24 -u Hoinor, rom Jau a, - er month 2 Jim So m from Jaary 1,mur0, per month 200 louise Hoffmann from January 1, 191, per month 200 Hronry Michael from Janary 1, It9; per month 2 00 Elizabeth Green, from January 1, 1903, per month S4 Mrs Henry Tabor Ion Janoary 1, 1903, per month , 200 Susan Stripling from January 1, 1903, per month 2 00 Hy P. Prodomme hadwife, from January 1, 1908, per month 3 00 Abey Jarino. fromJmanusry 1, 1946 er month 2 0Q John bor, from January 1, I 1 per month 2 00 John D'Huet, froadanuary 1, 190, per month .. 9 Hannah Pierce frouJanary 1, 1913, per month 200 Richard Belt and w , from January 1, 19034, m month 300 Henry Armstead,_ a January 1, 190I~s, per month 200 Mrs Klebier Legendre and father from January 1, 1906, per month 4 00 Mrs Syrmp. Dugas from January 1, 19t,, per month 2 00 Frank Smith, from January 1, 190. per month 200 Uchnyler Dantin, from January I, 191, per month 200 Celina Dantin, from January 1, ISO, per month 200 Mrs 1ime Tousin, from January 1, 1903, per month 2 00 Mis ieleste Boudreaux, from January 1, l9M3,per month 2 00 Henrietta Jackson, from Jan uary 1. 105, per month 200 Mrs E. J. Davideon, from Janua ry 1, 1903, per month 4 00 ILoais CorLbet, from January 1, 190l3, per month 200 Melasie Adams, from January 1, 1903,per month 2 o Tbeo andry, from January 1, 190. per month 2 oo Lue Dempter from January 1, 135, pr month 2 oo Mrs 9. r. Atkinson from Janua ry 1, 1901, per month 2 oo Joba arret and wife, from Jan ur 1, 181 per month oo Mar Bltser from anary I, 108, per month to -orlomon Brown from January 1 - 1008,per month oo Mrs Ludovtc Baye from January 1, 1903, per month 2 oo Mrs Ev. Chiaseon from January 1, 1903, per month 2 oo Mrs. AuristLile Cherami from Jan uary 1, 19os, per month 2 oo Theopbile Guilfoux from Janus ry 1, 19o3, per month 2 oo Mrs Azelie Danas from January I, 1903, per month 2 oo Henry Clark from January 1, 11,3, per month 2 oo Mary Ann Stuart from January 1, 190l3, per month 2 oo Mrs Jos Parr from january 1, 19o3, per month 2 o00 Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigue from Jan nary 1, 19o3, per menth 3 oo Mrs oristile Savoie from Janna ryI, 19o, per month 2oo rs arcelin Martin from Jan uary 1, 1913, per month 2 oo Jim *letcher from January 1, 1903, per month 2 oo Celestine Prince from January 1, 1903, per month 2 oo Mrs Terranoe Toeps from Janua. ry !, 19o, per month 2 oo Mrs Camlle Troaclair from jau ar o 19o3,pe r month 2 co Mrs Peliclen Trommlair from Jan nary 1, 19o3, per month 2 0oo Pierre Molaisun from January li 1)33, per mnth 2 00oo Ernest Cantrelle from January 1, 19o3. per month 2 oo Mrs Emile Clement from Janua, ry 1, 1903, per month 2 oo Martha Bryant from January 1, 11io, per month 2 oo Adele limel from january 1, 1:.3, lpor inoath 2 oo Mra Avilien Mire from January i, lt. per month 2 oo Mary c'loo from January 1, 1903, per month 2 .o Tltal apprepriatin fur year $l.l8tUoo Your Committee the pay- I neat of the ealLari by ondin- . aee, to the fo te of the, aee and arenr towit: C n rd . Bo oo00 A, er, cosetable g woard Voo o. . ar, justicee p sd o 0 MaY Dupre eoetemsgli ward so o E. P. ernard Jlm sM ee 4th ward 16 ui 1. D. Hernard esaal4Sh ward .1 uo A Cretlni justiepe pe.a S ward 4 on 1. Remont coaestNabl wrd o 00oo A. J. Lsseigne -p 7-. p th 0 ward 18 96 A. Ayo comstable& wI 80so oo00 Total $88 965 Total claims ipppved $1 25o 27 Total pension 1 ms o0 Total salaries di tie peace and c S !B8 93 Grand total s9=2 2k RespeetdallIy mbtiht SJ. J.O Aceon, Q. JOU DAY, A T EU5oT, r-- ge on claims. 3 The exte4dem .IM mrods in the lower portion of 3s h action whereon had brom the session of a1 taken up and whereas, a a a on htis matter eam r by this jurT, wlham ssue Iein or son closing I bei l, in -tWasY6 The report of noaisitt*e j m justice at the comtbe's _slaries, tie sessioe of j 4eptember was elied for, sad A thereupon, Mr. . IAei ehairman, J stated that oo!laeeisat of the Rolling 5 sea.on and n on s ramn tof the very . bad weather va t l Ile, his com- 8 itee had esn sbe to meet and I live the patter proper eoadderation, 8 and for thee reasns, asked that furth- S8 ýr time, say until the meting of March Rext, be granted his aommittee to hand ( in their report. I The above request wa egranted. The r'quest of Mr. Rladela, made in C is ofldeial capacity, Is bperintendent ( f the public schools ot this perish, in re-ard to the Inckpot Iaekup lot, was ~aied up as un ftnis business of yes lerday, and on motS oet Mr. Morvant. seconded by Mr. ,uedr, the President C 3f this jury wasns tnd end directed to execute such deedordeeds as may be eeessary to grat the d e of the Lock- C port lockup lot, b to this prish, t and which is sItaated Jthe ile of Lockport, this p arL a period of 9I rears, to the-ParF Pblie echool Board of this parish, the condition that same be used R1 be maintenance thereon of a publiHc se l, and in the event that it ceased he need for the above purpose them use of sakd lot shall ipes facto revert the parish as at present, by the vote. Yeas-Aueoin, y, Bar rins and Morvant. Nays-Theriot. On motion of Mr. seconded by Mr. Guedry, the of cutting I nst a new dsi as requested by Mr. Roger, ao y, was not acted on, for the that said re guest was not supported by the residents of new dis- I trict, as reqluired by , the opinion at the jury. At this time the communi eation was read. Thibodsux, e m. 14th 19 To the Preldenst u e bars of the Pollee Jary, Parish Jlesrehe. Gestlemea m .. wold y a k swe ntsd fer the ion was b with the u rstandinl t t old nhee donsbler eeeee an riter, < adbl reprsit. - Tngforusting you w1 isr this wlh It tion was d ed r with the un-proper derstandln at the Grar could nod:e- a consider Iols5 .f0 Parish printer, mad as to tl hLs the parish print ing for ~yeahS, that would bej Rias dur at the proper The foriolag repheet the Grand t gary for te leptber term of the Court, waspla ed odered spread on the minuem ATE.E OW TIOIBIANA, PAISfl OP LAJOURCHE. To the owasrhe L.P. Clloset, Judge 1 of the Twennteth Jedielal District of a the StatLe of Loudama, sitting in and 1 for the Parish of ~Laehe. Your Orand Jurrs dly tinpaneled, sworn and ehrgd aem th8th. day of; eptem br, I be leave to submit. W'e have esan the public ol-~_e of the Parish hd - them neat and well kept In ommining the Clerk'sl Omce we learse'tht the ats from ifsI to date have not m bemd, sad as im portant actw a h esIs by reaeson of the set ttthatet Mas .yar loosely kept, we wold semsssse that the oliceJry lhave ld seats bound withlotdeJ y . We ld farther ro Coamed thet 0erstHoes be pro v-o with a new Sag. ob e in use now g Itn a ms-drladated eondi Tatagir sabIted to as ag d 'aesounts and s ~te tsh s e asmelal condi tl ofs e .ompoeed his ~t~ iqbeks ~U it both ter than t years. We had emisat of hAte pubish sehools is Wmee are be thepresent structure ill be much more saiatei7 (be same time give the auifort and convele-1es gismers5 had no complalns s mip stated to us that they vems led end kiadly tre hlave -- b l sueh erlm inal matters s g t b toour at tentm sd bi our seve I neomeArg I lYe to thank the omoers for iesg extended as dur ing oar sessisls l . Buace, Fonemn. Fled s (Sp(Signed) P. J. A trc e e Otee, Thibo danx, . I~. uLU . J. AuonoI, " Depuy Clerk. The foliwr mmiifimm the joint Thibodau - " vwas duly ,ne spread on To the m reient end Members of of the parish ofl Report of 5 Presdlent Thib. odaux Bride Ifrom Janqary 1, 1o0, to D. january81, bulde 11 ooo March2 645 oo PriI bog MS oo 3o,, O o6; oo -pL So, , 67o1 Nor. 3o, red 4;e ;C. ei Dec.. 31. receipt- from L,rTgl.: c %7 b, Total $& 1 To Warrant" Paid: January R, J. L. Aocoin. No. 1, 3 oo January tt, .. N. N oth, No. 3 o o January 9, E. U'. Morvant, No.8, aO: january K. A. J. Branud, No. 4, o, "anuary t. F. Zernott, No. 5. 3 o0 aiharv 8, R. Williamson, No. S on anuary 31. K. Williamson. No.7 jo .)' fanuary 31,. PO.. Naquin, No. 4 uo January 31, Chan. Tabor, No. 9, t to Feb. NP. OI. O. Naquin, No. lo, 4 00 Feb. 2, I'has. Tabor, No. 11, 4. to Feb. 2, R. Williamson, No. 12, 10o oo Feb. 2R, R. Williamson, No. 13, 665 March 14, A. J. Brand, No. 14, looo oo March " P. L. Brand, No. 15, looo oo March " F. Parrs, No 1lt, 3 oo March " A. J. Brand, No. 17, 300o March " E. U. Morvant, No. 13, 3 o March " E. N. Roth, No. 19, 3 oo March " J. L. Aucoin, No 2, 3oo anury " F. Zernott, No 21 3 oo January 31, P. O. Naquin, No 22, 00oo anusry " Chas Tabor, No 23, 4 o00 anuary " R. Williamson, No. 24 13 oo Aprl 2 H. W. Frost, No 25, 1 13 April 5, C. Lusignan, No 21, 375 April 23, R. Williamson, No 27, 1 30 April 3o, Chas Tabor, No :" , 45 oo April " P. O. Naquin, No 29, 45 o April " R. Williamson, No So, lo oo ay 31, Wim. Keller, No 1, 45 oo ay" P.O. Naquin, No 3, 4 oo May " R. Williamson, No i3, lo o0 * " Thibodaux Sentinel, a S. 4 25 no, P. O. Naquin. No 3, 45 oo une " M. Keller, No 38, 4 00 une " J. L. Ancoln, No 37, 1o 00 ly 31, P. O. Naquin, No 38, 43 o SM. Keller, No W, o00 -J. A , 4om, loo No f T loos ea July " Parish of Ltefrche, No 42, ooo oo00 August 31, J. L. Aueoin, No. 4,, !o oo August " P. O. Naquin, No 44, 4 oo J August " M. Keller, No a4, 45 'o Sept. II, F. Par., No 1, 300 oo Sept " E. Morvant, No 47, 3 oo00 Sept " E. ltoth, No 4l, 3 o0 Sept " A. J. Braud, No L, 3 00 Sept " F. Zernott, No 5o, 3 ono Sept 3o, P. O. Naquin, No SI, 45 no Sept " M. Keller, No 52, 45 no Oct. 3, P. F. Kurtz, No .3 42 o Oct. 4, H. W. Frost, No 54, I 82 Sept 30o, J. L. Aucoin, No 55. 1o oo Oct. I';, Joe Robi-haux, No 56, 4 oo Oct " Planters' hardware Co. No 57, 5o 75 Oct " Ja'es Beary, No 5, 4o oo Oct 31, town of Thibodaux, No 50, 75o oo Oct " Parish of Lafourche, No fo 7650o 1a Oct " P. O. `aquin, No 61, 45 00 Oct " M. Keller, No 62, 45 oo Oct " J. L. Auecoin, No 91, lo 00 Nov. 13, Victor Sposito, No 64, 3 6o Nov. 25, town of Thibodaux, No66, 6o oo Nov. So, J. L. Aucoin, No 66, 10o oo Nov. " P.O. Naquin, No 67, 4 00 Nov. " M. Keller, No 66, 4500 Dec. 12, James Beary, No 6, lo4 o6 Nov. 9, E. N. Roth, No 7o, Soo Nov. " A. J. Brand, No 7', oo Nov." E. U. Morvant, No 72, oo Nov. "J. L. Aucoin, No 73, 3 oo Nov. " . Zernott, No 74, 3 oo Dec. 31, P. O. Naquion, No 75, 45 oo Dec. " M. Keller, No 76, 45 00 Dec. " J. L. Aucuin, No 77, 1o oo Dec " F. Zernott, No 78, 15000oo Total 87244 12 Balanece on hand os51i o0 RECAPITULA'TION. Salary of officers $1416 oo Cash to perish 275o 0oo Cash t town 721o on Parish & town taxes A licenses o Incidental expenses 134 27 Total 7914 tt Z. Esmtlshsmm w, ASt a t ib th D se s emtry Isemi mrlass i kean the uased e Dir estes of the Soldises Home at New Or leanU, aelling the attention ed the J to the fact that said home was in of assistance,-whereupon on motion of Mr. Theriot, seconded by Mr. Morvant, an appropriation of 100oo.00o was order ed made for the relief of said Home. The communniation of Albert T. Folse, asking to be named benelciary Cadet at louisiana State University and A and M. College, was read and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Theriot, seconded by Mr. Basset, the President was em powered and directed to sell all the old Iron belonging to the parish to the best advantage and also that all the old lum ber on hand resulting from the repair of the jail, be turned over to sheriff ery for use in the opperation of the Jil Ineinerator. Mr. Brasset complained that the Road Inspector of the first District had not performed his duty-if he did not do ay bte.ttr from now on he would object to said otfficer drawing his salary. On motion of Mr. Morvant seconded by Mr. Basset, the matter of any afurth er repairs on the Pariah Dredge Boat, wa: postponed to the March meeting, nrxt. There being no further business, the Jury now adjourned, on the motion of r. Basset, seconded by Mr. Barrios, to the second Wednesday, the Ilth of March next. Carried. H. N. Cou, J. L. Arootm , Clerk. President. Cured of Rheumatism After' Spending $8,000 in Vain. Mr-. G I. Thaxter. of Ashtland, Cal.. writes: "I had been long adhle ted with inflammatory Rheumatism and was cofinel to my hd six 4 month.. I had tried every known remedy, spending $3.000 to no inflect I used three bottles of URICSOL, and found p.rmanent relief." URIC 801,, never fails to ore deseases inu eidear to dieorders of the Kdaey sad Bladder wbe easat by ri acid. Dru(gets sell it at $1.00 per bottle, or'as bottles for $5 00. Leave your orders for pianos organs oandl pmo Inning with V. J. Knollo h Local lIec;reseutative of Louis Gruunwahl o. Ltd. 13 MARIE A. KELLY, Stenographer i Typist Night Clsm in Isaac Pitman's System of Shorthand. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays.' TELEPHONES: OFFICe, caUMsaRLAoND 164. LocAL, 107 RnlMDNce, LOCAL, 146. On last Monday the 26th, inst., at 4 o'clock P. M., at St Mary's Catbolic church Mr. Jos. Gaude and Misr OJelia Knobloch were un!ted in the holy bonds of matrimony. A Rare Oppprtunity. iou will do well to call at Leon Blocks and examme his h.argains nto furniture, he is closing oun regardless of cost. Rattan and Rocking chairs utc. Do you want good furniture at ch, ap prices. h re is your chance. tore on Jaek-otin St. near railroad. Fit, Style, Quality. Are the ThreePStrorg Points on which "BOSTONIAN $3.50 SHOES lHAVE BECOME FAMOUS. The line is now ready for your inspection. Ellis Braud's Sons. J. LOA)DELL, Pres. P. . PEB;Y JOSEPH CL UDET V-President. Secy-Tresg r TIhe l.oUbdell & Perev @g. Wholesale Dealers Commission Merchants. Near 8. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, IA. Igents J o and eiekI'em lfSur, ,-Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited.7 Sugar Planters orderE given special attention for Grain and Hay. Local 'Phone 152.--Cnmberland 8. Oh! Have You seen the beautiful and large assortment of Winter Goods AT H. Riviere & Co. S They make a specialty Sin Black Goods and Wais tings. Call and Examine oiur Immense Stock If I Riviere & Co. EDWARD BADEACUX. JOHN A. WAGNI EI Badeaux & Wagner, - Manufacturer. Ageuts for - C4NDIES, CAKES 4,1D CIACKERS TEAS, SPICESBAKING POWDERS. EXTRACTS, OLIVE OILS, VINE : GARS. PAPER BAGS, & MATCHES. ' Thibodaux Telephone 109, Cumberland Telcphone a Main Street. Thibodaux.