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60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADO MARIms COPYRIGHTS &C." ketrh and dselLrptlnl m" t tu .M.r Oplnt..ln free whether an j ,robavb patentable. (',en unlt'., 5idsaatlaL Iandbo ok o Pal cuta s el for securg latn . 1wfibOOt C Ma º S COWndICI&A S O COLLRO2, New Orleas, La, S)years renowaed as a lead W. No fale proie made Wo hambuggtin practiced ()ve I4.0 Gold alnd 8 tler Med. als . U)plun,., ule.. awarded . by As. rlican and European spo ilttaon.. Commereial Ceerse t1hllles Expert Ac. ¢cosatati aid Auditing, aid it GOaranteed Higther and a uperior to 1ay other a theI U,.atk. P rs Plttractaie ai oaee roulse. ile bank aand wbo ltl o esoI. : h ,;d Iendlu K poattons all over th * "strctin a t.l pe....nal. ._ rgerOt l"es c(n ect1toi0a0 ag tad Ie up tabl kIaowu,l we t salesataget Ua usiing amndeasuats o.ncted with Sou lCo tege . Isa do actual busItees with aid actual maey, and stadeats beokes In the Iatept lha..r saving forms nter t at an tilee. Easlatk, AM rthald antd hiOstnesseh tIaol. Ar facalllua. lend tor lCtalogae. .Iyi Men supplied witt eo:. eete:e alnd hortland wrltJ .r -Address OGO. SOULS ! SOBS Frank Barker Co., nmmission Merchant .l KAI.E rIt IN AL l. KINDI OF( COUNTRY PRODUCE, w4fFO, t..;L' AR. MOLAtKS,. RICk ,pTATol)S. KGtM, H.ONEY, 1 IE. WIX, TAIIOW WILOO. IlltES, MnOS. POULTRY, ETC. fl. 1l1 DECAT'UR TAbESI NEW ORLEANS, LA. UI,SUlAL AD)VANUK8 MAett ON C it NIGUNMKN'1 s l5mer obtain U. . and Foreign sketch or haoo of invention for on patents Y it . For Ire book. wu E -mARKS "ate -. T. BOURG, Market Stand, BST. TBIODAUZ. LA -&L ASV s TW - AND fA6' O^LL KINJSi RAILROAD e" MARKET. AVE J. TOU'S,. PRItOPRIETOR. eleefresia b.c, park. veal, nutton and _ a-- g onetantly on hand. -4)1'KN EVERY MOCNING. tImad on the Railroad. corner 9t. Mars asitni easy access froul ll parts O0 tows habirtlad "Phone 1(M0. 1.H. LANCASTER, ELECTRI/CIAN Vetri~cal H r in Pri. vate Telephone Lined and Plazntation Sys tens. Electric Bell, Firn and Burla r .4hrnOs and all Electrical ov b I ASK 'Oil ENTllATEh and PICIEt New Service via .ew Orleans S eport, Dallas, F Worth, El Paso, S1orado and ioruia. cair and sleepers on all t hrough tratis, i E. P. T'IINEIi, aelerl Pass. & Titrket Agt. DIallas. Texas. Sotel l) naud A. bt. b% NNo1), Prop. First class accommoda tre, ot t'oluCtmercial tra velers. Sample rooms on the premites. by tibe day $I.00 and $2 00. I board by thle week and mouth wche Cros sig, -La "The d Proper I Study ofMan kind is I Max." a id The proper way to secure eus- C tomers is to talk directly to them We are looking for new customers for our advertising a space It is what we have to sell. We know it is good. It 7 Is worth all that we ask for it and more If there is any per- 0 son In this community who has i anything to sell. who has any r need that isn't supplied, we want him to use these columns. a Tell the story here. Tell it simply and directly. Hun- C dreds will see it and read it. If your goods are salable and your wants reasonable your f communication will receive I attention. t SUNDA o SEMI-WEIKLYS WILL QIV8 vOU All the Latest News FROM EVERYWHERL I THE STATES Is the Leading Demoeratet Paper of the South... sull Assoolated Press Dspatches, All the Latest In Politios, Daily Stock and Market Reports, I up till closing of Exchanges. Special Daily Commercial columa, Dellvered at ITour Posnmea DAILY AND SUNDAY STATES, 1 year, $7.oo0 aw m., $3.0e a tos. $1.781 I me., O0.66 SUNDAY STATES. 1 to 20 pages. 1 year, $1.60 SEll-WEEKLY STATES, Published Every Wednesday and aturday. 104 Copie in a year for $1.00 DAILY STATES NEW ORLEAS, LA. IA TABLEAU. Tableau of prolable erpenses of the PurislI of ILafourche for the Fiscal year Halary of olfficers $fl1I 00 I0 Police .Iurors, Mileage and Per Diem, 500 00 Road and LAvee Inspectors' IJU 0MI Orand and Petit .lurore, HuM) () Witnesses in criminal cases. 4l0 00 Sheriff fees, 0l0lt 01) Apprehemsion of prisoners, 300 00 Conviction fees, 400 (00 Constable fees, 'in~ (o Justice of Peace fees, 1200 10 Boarding of prisoners, I4no to0 Coroner's fees 400) o0 Jurors of Inquest |5 to T'ax collector's commission, 600 00 C'harity and maintenance of indigent 2000 00 Pupllc School funds, ta100 00 Incidental expenses, 3.Y) 00 I)rainage funds, 2100 00 Election expenses .i00 00 Quarantine and sanitation, 500 00 $1lT50o 00 WHEN YOU GET MARRIED You want P.une handsome and stylish Wedding lnvi tations. We ecn salt you. S The best ass.,rted st ock S ever in tuwn,and lots of it. STHE SEITINEL, New Idea Woman's Magazine. Brides, graduates, and flowers are the dominant features of the first month of Summer, and the June nuwber of the NEW IDEA WOMAN's MA~zrZIsp treats of them all. 'June, the Mlonth of Roses," is a practical floral paper, by Benjamin B. Kcech, charmingly dllustraed. Sarah Sslater tontributes a noteworthy article on "June Brides;" Agnes Warren de scribes ,June Fetes;" and Kate lMarstou writes of 'A Woman and her Pln Money." In addition to these distinctly timely themes, the I several departments of Society Fads, Good llous.ekeeprog. Embroidery, and tIome I)ressmaking receitve novel treatment, chlaracteriatic of the sea ison. The short ,toties and verse aie of exceptDonal excellence. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot Ease. It rests the feet. (Cures Corns, Buoions, Ingrowing Nails. Swollen and Sweating feet. At all draggists and shoe stores, tic. Ask to-day. 41 4t Bargans! Bargasins!! at 8 . Cou. Ion, Igbrgains that it will pay you to investingate. INGENIOUS TORTURES. Crtelstes of Psalahmeut Inalicted o0 Oremderm In Morocco. In Moro:cso the torture ot offenders. -t real anll suspectedl, has been and is still practieasll M InuCh genuity Is shown In the intllction of pain-such devices as the rubbing of red pepper in- qtr to the eyeballs. tying up the wrists at a height from the ground, etc. At the death of the late sultan a pre '1 tender proclaimed himnself the rightful orn heir to the throne and had a certain I," saceass. When presently overcome by sin the legitimate authorities. he was {, seIzed. thrown down. when cbhllies hI were applied to the inside of his mouth 'of till It swelled with pain. and he was desired to shuot ,.ut his titles and qual- b. Itles as much as he pleased, being of 'an course unable to utter a word After ,ri that be was, thrown into jail to rot there SU till he died. 1 A refinement of cruelty is the torture w of the "iron glove." as it is called. A wi lump of quicklime is placed in a man's fl hand, which is closed up into a fist. th Then the fit Is tightly bound with thi leather thongs and plunged into a tub in. of cold water. I n The agony soon becomes extreme. 0 The torture is continued for eight or tli ten days until in the end mortification tlh ensues and probably death. Again. a forma of "lying up" is to chain or fasten he a man to a wall. with ais arms extend- W ed so that lie can only escape strangu lation by standing on Uptoe.--Kansa City Independent Hi A Rat's Teeth. The rat Ia remarkably well equipped se for the peculiar life he is ordained to lead. He has stroºg weapons in t the shape of four long and very sharp teeth-two in the upper Jaw and two Ps In the lower. These teeth are wedge "" shaped and by a wonderful provision of nature have always a flue., sharp cutting edge. On e' thl.m eare- de fully the Inner part is found to be of a soft. ivorylk. r. cou.psitlon, which can ,r easily be wo,ru away. and the oeitle r is compose i of a glasstl'ie enamel -1 whichb is exssedtgly Lard. The apper teeth weor into the under so that the centers of the opposed teeth meet perfectly in the act of gnawing; hene the soft part is being continually tit worn away, while the hard part keeps a hard, chisel-like edge all the time, and at the same time the teeth are con stantly growing up from the bottom, so that as they wear away a fresh supply . to ready. Should one of these teeth be removed by accident or otherwise, the opposing tooth will continue to grow. and there being nothing to wear it B: away It will project from the mouth and be turned upon itself. and if It be an under tooth it will often grow so long as to penetrate the skull. la tr Vmdertakers. In England in 1014 undertakers were men of influence who undertook for a consideration to get such persons re turned to parUament as would prove Ct submisslve to the royal will of King in James I. The three chief undertakers dt of 1614 were Lords Bacon. Somerset ' and Nerille. They undertook to bribe the chief speakers and men of influ- i ence in parliament that year over to the side of the king. with but partial success. Then there were undertakers to Ireland in 1008. They were English and Scotch colonists sent to north Ire land and were each allotted 2.000 acres of land. They were men of capital and undertook to pay a mark a year for at every six acres and to admit no recu sant for tenants. Hence the name as applied to them. But neither the his- II tories nor the ditiounaries give any rea-. t son for calling the men who bury our in dead undertakers. It Almost Lived There. L During a hurglary epidemic in the 1i country an inspector of the police force one night made a tour through the bur glarlzed district. Considerably after T midnight he saw a young man emerge noiselessly from a substanutla: home- A stead and made after him. e "Did you just come out of that cor- at ner bouse?" the inspector asked, over hauling him. A The young man. while of respectable appearance. was plainly ill at ease and b confused. "I did," he said. P "Do you lvre there)" demanded the C Inspector. f "Well. almost." was the embarrassed c answer. "Ilut I can't see that It's any of your business as long uas her father doesn't object."-london Tit-Blts. Where ranes sItwarm. One of the most remarkable sights in the world is Bird island, In south Afrl . esr, for the reason that during some L months of the year It is literally cov- d ered with gannets. Not a foot of ground Is to be seen anywhere. Day after day thousands of gannets strut around, and they are so close to each other that the a whole island seems actually alive. Those who have seen this sight say i that It Is one which can never be for- C gotten. I Am Umaasme Teems Pleems. Father-So Filmy Luhring Is engaged O to young Rattles? let me see: wasn't she engagtl to somebody else a little while ago? Daughter-- Sometody else, fathert e Why. in our set no engagemnent is con- ii siderod complete without her.-Brook- 9 lyn Life. Perubbtil the Landscape. HIubbub-hlow Irlght and clean ev erything look out Ier,! a Sntubbub-Ye's: w" had a couple of de- A tectlves scourling th country last wetek. -Phl:.ade:ph:n I:" :,:l. The jaw of the shark furnishes the best watchmsnker' oil. In each sharkl ia found about half a pint. Sin has many tools. but a lie Is the handle that its them all.-llolmea. The sea anemone Is one of the longest lived of hunmble organisms. One has flourished Io captivity for fifty years. The Responsibility Placed. "So their marriage was a fallure." "Not at all. Marriage is all right. It t was the man and the woman who were I failures."-Phlladelphia Press.m Kellevet. Spartacus-Has Cumo that smie old Itching after office? Smartacus-No. He was a candidate and everybody scratched hlam.-BaltI I more American. - - -- ----------- Sheriff Sale. STATE olF I )" ISANA, g2, -- act 10th Judicial lºiotriet io,urt,-'ariAh of via Lafourche. Bit l-ail ttcc.:e.sioN OF, WALTER SSCOTT Wzre- H I.lANSq, No. ti,7 PonBATE. i -- in Take Notice, that pursuant to annot order and decree of the above Court and to a Coommission to 1me directed in the tril alwove entitled and numnbered Sucoem. th Ssion and bearing date of April 21st 1903, I will cffer for sale at public auction a1 pursuant to law to the last and highest su ilddter at the Court lhouse in the town of T'hilsldaux, on SATURDAY MAY 30th, 1903, between the hours of it o'clock A. M. Vi and 4 o'clock P. M. the following de- Br .riled property belonging to the said sir Succession to-wit: 1st. Tlhe property belonging to the an first Community between H alter Scott we Williams and M!arguerite Gaspard, his wife, both deceased and described as cal follows: an A Certain tract of lalnd ituated on the right bank of Itayou I.afourche in 0 this, at about 'ifty two miles tl)ow the Toe\ n of Thibodaux. meaMur ing Two arlexnts front on said bayou by a depleth of l'en arpents, bound e aho e by land of Wilfred Duet and below by D that of the Vendor Together with all the buildings and improvements tlherse on, rirhts and ways to said trac't of laud belonging, said property having been acquired biv the late Walter Noott Willlamin. deceased from William IteHl Williams, on the 29th day of Decemt6 MOVABLES. t Six Cows and Calves, 3 Bulls and on p Helffer. 2d. The property belonging to the D second Community between Walter Scott William.e deceased and his surviv ing widow Marguerite Doucet and des cribl l is f,,llows: A 'ertain tract of land situated in the Parilh of .afourche on the right des- lo enlidinl !caslk of ltayvo In.afourche at shbout fif y five nliles below the town eof T''llioid;laux measurieng two arpents more or less front on said Bayou by a TI depth of confiratlion bounded above hy the land of Purchaser and below by propertv of William It. Williams. To getlheor wilth all the buildings and im r, rolemrents th(ereon, said property hav ing .i .u ccluitred Iv the late Walter .Scutt W\illiaml dece aseel from Elie Dueos on the $th day of July hIit. .o MOVABLES. to One Beef. On the following tenns and Condi tions, to-wit' For CASl to pay debts. JAMES IIEARY, :Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche. TIuneM.S A. Rao tnAtx, Attorney of Succession. April :5th tisti. GREATLY ALA arJEi By a Persistent Cough, but Perma nently Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbage, a student at law, in Greenville, S. C., had been troub! d for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says. "greatly a armed me, causing we to, fear that I was is the first stage of consuml-tion." Mr. Burbage, hav- ing seen Cha:iu*rlain's Cough Reume dy advertised, conc!uded to try it. .Now read what he says of it: "I swxn, felt a rema.k:eie change, and after using two bottles of the twenty. five cent size, was permautly cured." Sold by Roth Drug Store. --- .. - The Delineator for Juife The June Delineator is especially strong in fiction and presents the usual charming display of fashions. It contalLs a group of four college stories, each of which is a fine speci men. They are: The Taking cf Isabel, by Catherine Young Glen; Professor Ashur's Tutor, by Alice Louise Le-; By Grace of Linnaus, by Kate Milner Rabb; and A Delayed l'ioposal, by Kate Whiting Patch. They are illustrated by E. M. Ashe, George Gibbs, C. bl. Relyea and Karl Andereon, respectively. Is the se cond installment of M rs. Catherwood's serial story, The Bois-Brul6s, the plot develops along highly dramatic lines. An intimate friend of Augusta Hlolmes, who diedl recently, contri butes an article on the famous com poeer; it is strikingly illustrated. A Chating Di~b Supper, by Mliles Brad fold, is of especial interest to epi- ( cures, although it is also a good story. Minnie 3laddein FFike, the actress, is shown in a page of very fine photo graphs. An attractive dwelling, suit able for occupation the entire year and moderate in cost, s presented C with excellent illustrations. Clara E. Lnug6hlin has a serious paper on the domestic relations of woman, and Mrs. Birney contributes a helpful article on Childhood. Dr. OGrace Peckham Murray discusses plumbing and the water supply, in their rIs tion to health. For the chitdren, Grace blacGowan Cooke gives the last of the charming "What lappen ed Then" stories-Beauty's Little Dumb Son, and Lina Beard adds so- i other number to the msigiT 1 times. A quirrel 'story by Charles tlcllvaiue is also a teatore. Almost every phase of the bome i treated i the other Departments. Quick Arrmest. J. A. Gul!edge of Verbena, Ala. was twicc in the hospital froum a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedles failed, Bucklen's Arnimca Salve quickly ar rested further inflammation and eured him. It conquers aches sad kills pamin. 25c. at All Druggists. Notice. I take pleasure to inform my pa trons and friends that I have par. t chased the stock of Jewelry of the late A. Bouron, and am now offering Igood bargans itn the Jewelry line. A complete line of first class Jewelry, Silverware etc. kept in stock at all ttimes. Jewelry, Watch, and Clock I repairing a splcialty. 36. FRANK ZERNOTT. I Visit the bargain counter at Ellis Braud's Sons, you might finad rome ' thing you need there moch cheaper than you could buy it elsewherae. M1r. Joceph Pominvil:e, of Stil!. water, Mlinn. after hwvg 'ný;t over $2,00o with th. I est doctors for stow. ach tiouble, with ut telief, was itd vised by his ciruggi-t, 1,Ir. Alex. Richard, to try a box of Cha:,b.r- C lain's St,,mna, and Liver Talt.lts. He did so,, and is a well man tud~ly. If troubled with indigestion, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite or nonstipation, give these Tl'abies t a trial, and you are certainu to be wore r than pleased with the result. Fio sale at 25 cents per box by Roth Drug 8 Store. The public is cordially invited to A visit the bargain counter at Elli Il. Braud's Sons' spacious store on Main street. This invitation ho!ds good at I any time, if you cannot call this g week, nor next, nor this mouth, then F call next month; you are welcome at any time; the bargain counter has come to stary. 27 Read The Sentinel v When you want a pleasant physeic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They ale easy to take and M pleasant in effect. For sale by Roth Drug Store. . For Sale. On easy terms, the property be G longing to Ann Sandeas, situated to corner St. Philip and Rose streets. E For further pat ticulars apply at r Thibodaux Sentinel Ofike. ig. Notice. ft Hurtinlg and fishing is po+sitively prohibited on the Energy and Il.igh - ton Plantations. TIlE C('I.:EPIIA LAGA.ItD ('C,. LTDI, 38-6m. For Sale. One lot situated on Jackson street, desirable loc.tion to build residence. $1,500. TuaoxAs A. PIVIERE. ELLIS BRAUD'S SOJ;S . NEW ALVEBTISEMENTN. I PARKER' HAIR BALSAM and b~reair.. th, hir•. l vetIWall. w mto fesqtor 'l oal to it. Youthol . US3E.... Dr. Meyer's Wate r, 50C. A BOTTLE. 2 Our Music Store Is the central oftice for all messages of inspiring harmso ny and poetic minstrelsv. We are headquarters for all kinds of Musical Instruments and musical goods and can suit you in anything you want. Yours for melody, V. J. Knobloch. MolrT1flIE1 HOUSE. l azzIP LAGassD , Prop. No. 188 Bourbon Street OLD NO. 31. Telephone No. 21'-ll. New Orleans, La. Unsurpassed Accommodation for I Merchants and Planters. CLAY KNOBLOCH Att'y and Counselor at Lawe Thibodaux, La. Offaces; Fleetwood Building, SSt. Philip St. MARIE A. KELLY, Stenographer Typist Night Class in Isaac Pitman's System of Shorthand. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. TELEPHONES: r OFFIOE CUM3ERLAND 161. LOCAL, 107, aESIDENCE, LOCAL, 14i., Bank of Lafourche, Capital Stock $2i5,000. Surplus $25,000 Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. ..... . O,'FICE S: .... . A. J BRAUD, President, K. J. BRA ID). Cashier, L. A. BLOUIN, Vice President, P. F. LEGENDPE, Assat Cashier ...... DIRECTORS ...... I,. A. I.OI[UN, D. DEAIINE, Dr. T. STARK, E. N. ROTH, JOHN T. 1OORE, Ja., Da. L. E. MEYER F. H. LAGARDE. A. J. BRAUD, C. R. BEATTIE, AILCIDE TOUPS, K. J. BRAUD. " Does a General Banking Business- Z Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange. Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. LAFAYETTE, LA. E. L. STEPHENS, - - President. A State Institution for the instruction of both sexes in the Arts. Sciences, Manual Training, Domestic Science and Commercial Branches. Offers live courses of study, requiring one, two, three and four years for completion, as follows: 1. Commercial Course. 8. Manual Training Course. 2. Stenography Course. 4. Domestic Science Course. 5. Academic Course. Requisite for Admission; 14 years or older; satisfactory examination in Grammar Grades branches. including arithmetic to percentage and Elemen tary Geography and Iistory. Ilandsone new buildings. commodious and modern i11 appointments. Equipment full in all departments. Healthfulness excellent. TUITION FREE. Necessary expenses very icodeiate. Splendid new qbrick Dormitory for young ladies, with all modern equip ment and conveniences, iron single b:.d for each student. spacious and well firnishlie bedrooms, hinated by steat and lighted by elhetricity; liltered water fro,m city waterworks for Iathing. pure rain water fo,r dri~king and cooking. A1pply in advance for board. Young timeboard in private families at $10) to $441-~4 r m lnt h. ,econd Annual Session Opens tiedne.ldayv. September 17th. lP552. Catalogue sent on application. For further informnation;write to V. L.It()Y, LIafaette. La GOOD SERVIC3 1902.-.~' BEPTTER SERVICE 1903. Southern Pacific S U NSET ROUTE FREE CHAIR CARS. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. EOX-VESTIBULED, PERFECT TRAINS. THE VERY BEST - to ALL POINTS DON'I FORGET our EXCURSION SLEEPING CAItS to WASHINGT)ON. (HICA. ,) LTJ l Cn CINNINNTI. Berth Rates LESS THAN II . I.F STANDA lI) Send 1tic. in stamps for a copy of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC HICE COOK BOOK, containing 200 recipes. S. F. B. MORSE, T. J. ANDERSON, M. L. ROBBINS, Pass. Traf Mgr. Awt. Gen. Pai.. Agt. Gen. PI'sa. A Tkt AI HOUSION, TEXAS. Subscribe for and Advertise in the Sentinel. 1)R. JOS. L. DREXLER, VETE/IINA R Y SURGEON, OFFICE AT LEON DREXLER'S STABLE, THIBOD4U '. LA LONs DISTANCE TELEPHONE 39 '. IlODAUX TELEPHONE 128 In the Advertising Columns of a Popular Newspaper are heralds of a successful business career. The ll-A'-'gibedaux Sqqtiqqi Is a Popular Newspaper, and is recognized as a goodl Au vertising Medium. It COMMERCIAL PRINTIN6 The Sentinel Establishment turns out up-to-date work Estimates solicited on any Class of Printing SEND A TRIAL ORDER AT ONCE. £veahvly bsuale Ah/ltde .eth as TIN a,- IRON M V/BR/~ES. fAY~ArD#55, MACHNVEAR S~mErraSCns The Planters' Hardware & Mer. Co., S AGENTS, T'hibodaux - - La. For Sale. Two Portablle boilers and engines, on wheels. Cylinders 8i10 luches. all in good order. For further particulars apply to LAtlORAM & GOLDEN, 4, Thibodaux, La., U ood ! Wood ! ,,:r :le first clias cypress wood. stove lnugth at 1.20 per cord. Goud wised wood stoveleng'b at $2.00 per coldt, at Fiost's lumber yard. Apply to G ScrIDDAY Arn ALLEY BFosr