Newspaper Page Text
Local afarragrapis M.r. Hubert Wax, of Baton Iou,,.. .tfended the (sn'ee Isat Fridav. Mr. Philip Rus-, of Kraetmra ..'eat q few hours in tonv. latst Mlonal,v. (lnams, 1', \ilt ea at i e lh.ine ",f M r. 1,';, ]i, ' t1.1. w,,eek. IiKN.---'io Ml,. and .JMr. Chas. on last Saturday a fine hahv h, y. Mis,'s Le't ninl Cecil' ('Cthuniin, of Aria,!. wre ple-:':aut \'vistors to rels tives in twvii this w.eek. i:ara"lr n ('ouatic; evesy d'ay of theI wick : ; E:1i-I I ':u; all CA A.L Oi . .A. Bear. the Itz I' 'I 1 IV Al ifS Bought Signature .11s:( I'crcil1 11 ,.. t of Thl~i, I: x. is v+,lt,("n Mrs. She!; ,,,ru iTerreho~ . "ue llh . Mr. :ma l tis, (. I . Inet, -l New )rletaii., are ti -i iii,; relatives in Mr. jtandolph lier( ford let last `atulrda:y for "llope" farm where he has accelted a position. Mr. F. L. Knbloclh, one of oau iopular yon ag attrno~ys was a Ihi tei. vi'itor to Fr:l tklin last ýailld:tv. ,Misa MI. ,a Iºeleach. of 31:slt: II. '',xas, i. th tel gu'est oft. :Mal, Mr-. 1 I'. Martiu. :all at Ellis i hiaul 's Sons for genluinie Ibargains. cýAWTOR=A. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Bignataure jG. e lMr. Iae Flier, of Wll swooli. vinst Ci his inoithers, 1 ,s. J. Foret laast und:ay. returning MIcimd:y. Mr. F. iL. Hiarriiiea , uf LIkpoft, w'as in tobwn Tu'esd:arv. lie :ate 0) is aihuhtnatt rains int his suctionl. Mr. Peter Fey, r ., spe t fati; a.:s this weeNk in ourt midst visit in ielatives and friends. Water (',(,lers, lboth uenameled aiud galvanizxl lined. Planters llardware & Mlcrcantile ('o. MIr. EIarle Knolluuoh, of the lirln of Alid (c teyliohl, tof New (Ir ans, wasi it huiniess isitaºr here hLast J'aics lay. Go I. t. IR. ulol 5(,r genuine haagains. Mr. Lauren(e ' waS in Vow, last blonday alendling to busi ilcsa. Mr. inuis Robichaux, son of Mr. K G. Robichaux, left yesterday for Asheville , N. ., to spend sometime. Mlatting., yon want, call at Ellis iraud's bona, and see their beautiful line. 't;. Bea e te is KWd You HaN ways BugIt of Mr. Marton Munson, of lncton URoge', ('ilme to Trhii odaux last [ri )lay an. attended tl.e dan;ce at tre Pila house. MIrs tl. M. llerefori a .rd thihiren, whli, hat I heen sjwting sometime itn Untn Itcug, retuined holtne 'rI as diy. Jwl, Ig , l I. t': lcnle al IlSh..tI Attorn ey W . I'. 1I, n .',re :att r.iI ilng tac court ni::. :,t, I i,: ,,iuf :t cell 1Vedale, j'c M.r.,iwams e hlnl lhas it, ": tire last S tnda:V ,f a t llttrtr: il i~ ; •O Kil . who is stl. )iia da:itistr' ia New rleans. NIr. J. Unat eli t'agh, a l-pnlar yoalII attorn,'y of thie liinalaonville iar, was the guest of Mr. J. Van II. Beary lait we,,k. MIsses 'Rit', AIlcha and An,,ette Feret, of New Orleans, after splnaling a few dlays at the home of Mn rs. J. Foret, left Tuesday for Ludivine plai tatlon. The many frIenda of Mr. Gus. Wal la'e, of New Iberia, were pleased to meet him on our streets last Saturday sad Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Mr. l)aunis McBride anrd the Misses Dai. denll, of Houma, came to Thibodautx i:ast Friday to attend the dance. Rev. Father Tessier, pastor of Notrt Dame de Priompt Seaonrs I'hureh in the ('hachey Settlement. was in town We, hasdaV. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mcr cury as mercury will surely destroy tie sen4f5e cf smell and copileteley durantie thi whok system when euterine It through the mucous surfaces. S~bh artliles should never he usd excpt ji pr.scrijit:Iol .rom reputable ph. taians, as the damt:,ve they wt!', do is ten fohl to the goaod yo'u can pistil,, derive from thct. adl's t.'atarzh 'ure, manufactued ibl F. J. Chenee d 'Co, Toledo, O., etint:itis no ,rtr cure, and is taken internally,: actiaag dlirectly upon the blood and maucous surfaces if the system. IT buying Haills (starah Cure be sure" you get the genuine. It is taken internallh, ,ni in.,e ,n TDled,,, ()hio, by E. J. hetev & Co. Testi:nonlals face. - flal's. Fawily P'ills are the best. .Mits C'a.millh I)elc,lt. a ch'bsrm)in ,,o 11 o Ia!v i .f I ,iitun ., is visiting iii ithe, home if Mrs. De Lelolrdy. TIe Thihlld:lux Fire (',. No. 1. wil -'ile tIl il f-,ir s . e till ](' during till i)ImontIh of Sept. .l 1, : I . lMr'. 1.ili I vliere ani, 31i. ali! 1Mr. P. F. l.egenlre, leav, to il.,, h1r Ili h x i. .1 i to S lpelll 3Mr. AIllen Frn,t and sisltr Mis' lFlorie, le:,ivs tul:iv fr L"Ieblit: in k.v to visit fri tilsl . Mr. LI. 11. Lane(aster, iiilaer (if he Titliieiiu x i 'rewr inr (':, . It,. wts a ieii roite-i to her to 1 Ii ('r 1, e in lis t ' I''ii l 1:iy. 1 . . I' net 1 ,1 : t'. t tined M r O iT i lioare, Coin lot, . f Tlrihnl tho l ire sp ndi" g some; time at t, h r rio ii 'd hI her si , pr tgo,'l n Ji'rr t !''r. . ` I ::m ies :1ii( ; ih lh, i_ . l ' ;:l ! ilnlu "i lr'd ' r , : \ M t r o n:til h I' , M1iSS L),,), Tl:i I1r. after nlni: g a month wilil h(-:r -i"+rer M11s 11. J. 1)llr., fretl irned to her ho in ('illrow ley last Tai esday. na. The Miisses Coignet, of Thi;odan: , are spending eome time at the hospi. tbile honie of Mr. and Mrs. Philip t Ij:Iiti.-Arnsumption ni revr.r Fial line I'lll itrlllic. Thelise fai" vifitirs to Napolonville Mr. \Aillt lolir, of the PNalli-hliof St rl ists :stilte ilnde of his Er vnltstl hi( i. r:,n ( , ei l!,wo :i. pl .nttione Fl,,ie. of [wl:. ,I Ii t 5: tlr:'al rturing thne j't w:k t' he i l ir.ti ut I h, , i ll 1 .t1i willt e ,,will e a gi,,: ni flh ir t-e ll terr atB Iautin'us plark u to-i 'v. ait ile lo'e!w(,Lk It. oii. IAn rointg, on Autst i; !ll. 1 nrtii 1c-!. A iv -n ifor th (centi, :tldit 1,Uld c at ronis. Full line ilur of pt. . lrantes ar e &la Mto rcantile Co MsiOj 31, trie u«antains. of Virginia. T1iss Len. tlini'l, of Tallihs, , its l'hie Ctal loo tNe icw. Orleans and Mr. Willie Ilo.<r, of Napoleonville, were hellsts at the homre of Mr tain nest lioer. e)n (areivwood holantalion turing the liast te to k There will he a grantd fair at Pierre lhoutreaux', place, about three wiles below LUfonrh].i iossing, on August 9tn, thi. an3th, liven for the onefi o t oif ,athe Soith tleiinal District. Thll purposet tf this fr is el good one and it should be patronized. The many friends of Capt. C. .1. Brehoaux are glad to have him once more with tthen afterho ant exlcks sojourn in tie imountains of Virginia. The Captain looks tie picture of god health al nd the iure mountain air seems to have greatly benefited bis health. He arrived home last Saturday. After a delightful trip to Wash ington, D. C., Atlantic City and other Eastern resorts, Mr. and Misit . ;. N onulon returned home Tuesday highly pleased with their vacation. They report their sons Gabriel and Eugene, wCh are in Washington, and Gastulr: who is atteudiiing school at Bla.cks hrtVi ha, to :lirAl ood heallthl and well phlatd w:th their i'n'ei,.ns ir. and Mlrs. t Coulon visited Ia-t. t t! on their returni trit. There wai a mniiiil l in New licri:I last wM ek of ightiz.i fr'un ,Jenii i Fralklhi, ifafyette. Ne'w hiiia. Iik, crhaetlrs, OCehl:s. A. Ilii Alcxar si for the iSretlri; f oThenliny 0. rahul icuit. nio . N. Rothl, li.u; oini ai Te L. S.osito,; h'westa rlnt FIr'l:i. T'N Ingwineer, Ale~; 1'it n w) el eatl t' ireBord,: .'.s. Al'.. Riof ier. ai r'resident of tis c mpnwis for tf'jin le lrH. r.. t. (ilb, tue 1otutrlar,, an Ir of the Tir.,ug ef s.rintl inflrm' - uis that liei for thnile diarrnt glelnt threunnt the c'iciit.--Sta 8 .P. 1r, shecl bill of fa hire for tile inefli., i'eollef 'fhieild. Thmu. A. i of this cVhice rcl, inclln, II. nc. ahal biottle of cttiue, is oenrly . tif centrud Trsnurer, ITe. l,. Roth, 1n.; oius 1an V. E. posito; istt F orel , Adims; Hose lirector, George lBh As(istont moa. Oirketor, inoul lk.yj Fire Board, Rihes. A. RShieri. Ho CikThomas A. InBadeaux has been etlecte resiklent of this company for twcuth ba:i four onscutive t eram ottoss. 3hager of the StrangCcll' aoel inforn s that le has iale itrranell p enls. itween the iors of tc aL P. I, the people of Thlile daux. The pricc. of this choice mCeal, inc:Idin a ha. Boisoin. Okra ( ume. .\t N.\D. tewe, Ll.b with gr'ni peas. , A PlIeaallt Excuclrsiol. ti The excursion given Ilv "the 'elic(ai t('liul to 1 'ton Ilug)l on T'lhunrsdal over the1 T. & I'. road was n pleasan itfi:lir. nmueiih ulnoyed by tihe largi ilo O 1 (if exctu' sionis,t-. The t';-i:li lft hetle on time in the Smorninl, witl a goodly number o I :isse',rt'l's, and re ached IPort Allet n <,. , 1 h: tiime, there Ibeing no delaJ on l· ' V. 'Ix' i i i't1 i.t bil'ardet the t: ti ' fi I i'.; .'V : v Station of Tl. " day v a'ý +'",'i" . . 't f:w,'t whit'l if co t::i ' t i ',l i i , t t etl ij Il('li I e'r'.< h i 4) I ctl::! .' 14:Ill-i-- dc. vii e r'tl' :111I' ti" ,, '"; :i'.:ti + :t !)lit .11( si'1,2 iii I'h -it e i , i,-'l t , C'iti) wit ihout 'l ;lir :It If illt The returnli tr ip w:aL" iilrdnt witl no un pllh's.ull n llt" cn t, Ih:lrili ont ore tentive of suicdhe bal ben dscvrai :rew ll ineres abvut Ilfny ast eler a ,) u.ytetw or (l.'lioi., ltl O'¢, invari:bil lIle in fu0itt, lit e'iis prccr. t etIoi linllitl i ii i iull ii :." ; re :iA 'tirie till t iv l eti to jst LI iiiaseL .df 'In i rt of t;(i i '"o rsioniistis, :tuiI d'lli I th best the) c Aotu liulerit t l irt'ii Ltle*': i. Suicide Prevlented. SThIe start;i hrl lnoln f tii.ce int that: Spreventive of suicide hai4 been dtse,l+v Sredl will interest many. A rtun dowi syslltem, or n deIi s)odenty invatri ab precede suicide and svmtnhilng hlt Sllee'n found thlat wi t prev'e.t thae onlditin which :kmak .+s sniritte lIkiely t th, fi! st to,, t ill s, f w d somethin1 u t:, 'e el. tor.., lits is. It li i a t reti :l to i in trllctive, tl et .l it'lvs a ll tly reai :.1 thl perusal of th : ke. It ;-,1t1tl : :l 1 i '.i u , :1 t).,, l l" - t; All Intt'etin' Snetch. El-he wrriuge o:-h aiilly most luter 'Sting skto r. h rel:tler to tl on, li rtns, i ance of thed bdstom theer, o r 1 TimuoAll, l lr.tin, in thi presence o tp rish i:t ',ttel t ivhe ý"s d se'0 aer 1,25, to v'hiw'h 1.e d:rtil'aco r r1"'' iers atttiitlt iit . t:',* paper is frolm tilt pen oftm the vener, Juge C!. . n. W eu,,h, : ionnge'lrian of tahe rarill of A.Stlltin, vi.() not only :-til possesses a veryv :ttiVe Ill ii il alni ttakes :t liIi lv iiteiest in l)uii ;IC all'd lr. but also ir iks on hors ck oUt ii r his iit1 1 ,l"( t 1,' n ' :-v ,, h F" lif0 114\ ' i,, a: i ,'t] j i:. . 1',i ef ; :! i favor il, ..end i 4 ts ie bI rief I I e r: t history of t'he pati.hi, acmie pauie with a short personil note written like the sketch, in his own hand, :ltlt in which he remarks that the sketcl "will enable our readlers to make . comparison of the past with thv present," andi L will show something of tihe manners and ocupations o their ancestors." a'e have no dUt Ibt our redtlers wi .tin[t the comparison ha)th interestin; and instructive, and themselves amp ly repaid by the perusal of the sketch Aust A n-Wilson. r - quietly celebrated Tuesday at the resienc, te of the brie' rs father, ble Tilnothe Austin, in the presence o the immediate relatives and severa intimate Liends, by Judge C. A. En. Aft, rp tlr't.!kiu of : ' f I o ant'if-ii re pat. l :been ~.lle - \\a l !o left ove thru. h ith '1 't 4:. n : t . tOi C',1!u litintt.r T .i ,, ,lw re i 3lcrca, e C i Loa Rates oit S. P. Railroad Moi 'in tes Louisiaca Tease Rail road. hlld lrtam.hip Copa'. - wi Il:e tto-lakt fr St. hibodauis to spea ti Tren .o s't rrr f tiI. 1s to " I rOutv R ' ti return li- it - t. i - . 1(t , l fr it inr v'o t. The re ere _ir ( aii.-k.ut , f h r. i . in Ih, 'ar. hll er loa tn, th tir to m oi C. th. vl':ir w4 . thirly .nts : bskL t ,"it i ti' wiie A o Dlivbi-in P' --t'lme' A\"1 For S;a e n One complete led Room Suite', v Armoir has Ihvele tl _l:lss mirrolt.. it Solmethint line. For rl'tihlnies ai e ply at this oullice. It. I le eave our0l ottorn; fa, 4)iniios ºf orgaps and pilano tuning with V. J. n Knollo. h Local Representative of I Louis Orlinwahl Co. Itd. 1:1 d New Railroad. A ccnilp l'a tl'iV he org"'nizeal in the neer f:t:'r for the luirpobe of Iui'rI n ', I:iLHlo:ul from i , w lIeria)0 to Grrnd -i"'. Col. F 1" . Merl ill a'nd G. . I'l'~l:iTer tw, .xeriet.led1 railroad tonitl 1: lor.l h:v\'e viewed thlt Sterritory through Clhiche: thie prolostd C route is to p:ss are hielly plens I ed with the unlimitid oi,poltunitiis for development which it ,0l rsj. TIEDFORbD'S ,AC1-DRAUGmHl STHE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE A a!luv- ,ti xon. di zi , biiieusn.,.s :,I l . ' to. '1 ue are ca::u".l ii ': at:,' is of liver iand lidtel lie:. .a. " na, h arnd bI owel tr.:i' ,t. jet,.r :sý tiet'y are, givot in,,.iitait, v a Wn' by pain, but liver a::,l ki :,., tr ui'. though le-' paihf.l at ti, star:, are m:ch hartl r to c;ire l'lhe:lfod's lack.l4ra; u:::i lint r fai!., to fit dis.asel liver an:l weaclatld kid. neyt. It stirs up the torpiid liver - l to throw (I the ger:ls of fcvcr and agie. It is a certalni preveltive of cholera a:d Itrieiht' , of the ki.ine's. \':t kidoicvs re inforced ,vn The,!f .id's lhlat k e nraught tbl u:ands :f persns ia\ve dwelt iuimnurie in the midl-t of yel low feser Many fa,.: iehs live in perfct health a1't hat' no other I dctor than TLF:dr, r 's !Ilnk I Dralght. It i4 .lw.y}s on Iland, for use in an teo w"ntley antd saves l:uan y ecl.",: .i' . '- ll; ,of a ,lrctr n.i.;r.c, S. C., Miarch 10. 1901. I hav" uisd 1, nO:' s t~lack.Draught forth-ee,'e., d' a !! s.:v nt ad*a oo to a doctor w'i. t i have heen taki,'g it It bI the best rathi,;ne lr me that is on the market for liver and kidney , troublek and dy'pepsia and other d complaints. Rev. A. O. LEWIS. - --,e ....--- b Worthy of Imitationi. Capt. John T. Moore, of Wauhun, Schriever, haý set anl exaimple worthyl Sof imitation in road bui!ding. lit has had the Terrathonne road thor oughly repaired and worked from the lowElitne of the St. Oeotge Plauta tion of the John T. 1Moore Co., to 9 parish line between Terrehonne au.l hs fatourche, all at the co-t and expense e of his planting company. Those who r. have had occasion to travel over thi ,f road, since it has beeu worked, re it port it to be in splendid conditionu, - a pleasure to travel on, and are pro fuse in their pralies for spirit of tiro -itesa and entlerprise of the citizen whl, lj tivna tha: ilal:e suchi a gooJ Capt. ;\I,ir'c's ex:imllle is worthy of initi:if , ).. I P..ts an End tn it All. A 1tie\', a-.i .7all ' i;a ,e- a. a rt.'ult of illt.. taI.: la:in fl 1.1 rI I taxed og n4l . )z:iti..... |: k .'h, But tlhaks to ti. Ki %':,' , Lit Pills t he" it n, i e: l to It ll. T h.le ' s ore g'.nte bht tlhorouiflt . TJi tv SFor Sale. O -- ------ - , " On si" ttrim . ta ' p t tV fnti ecr'y b .lo,,,:t t * .::n -.<.lb-- -ie t et. l r c lr l" St. l'lil:p ai, i Il s.: .lri -'r t . For furtlhr ttrtetl:,ts atilly at SCASTOR IA >r For Infants and Children. Thi Kind You Have Always Bought PiBIgnature of Visit the bargain counter at Ellis nl Brands a Sons, you might find some 8thing you need there much cheaper s than you could buy it elsewhere. e, The public is corlially invit d to 'o visit the Ibargain coulter at Ellis n Braud's Sons' sp,:.iou. store on Mlain o street. This invitatiou hoilds good at I any time, if yu cannot call this to week, nor uext, nor thi nlout th, then Scall next mouth; you rtle welcomte at ;s ny time; the lhiugain counter il:ais come to stay. v7 re FOR SALE Four double flue Boil ' ers 42 inches by 28 feet Sgood as new, served only six years for bag gasse. -Xi For particulars apply .nat Bentinel office. 2 , L. E. CAILLOUET, -g Notary Public to Bank of Thlihtodax Ulh)ihilit-. ,.Tlii(boda uN l, 1 .' Noltiy:. want: 3-s 110 11 r,,ulrti of '-'. t '(otato(3 aniil jt )O 'uirrel Fre.. (tI4, . For furt!hr pallicuIla~, C:ll on "JS I,. IL. iA,, . t t:' , ,igr. The Rai ket Store't- Slt Talk. \vc t:,ke l!lasurc in atnnouucirg the fact that we are sole agents fot tile ceclhr tel '"Tu!ane 3.:34 Shoe ' which is minade by Keilier iros. in their lip to date Shoe Factory in n wv O ileans, La. We are showing a nice line of the latest shapes made up in Vici andl lPateeit leathers and would be pleased to have :"'l cal.l in anld inspect the 'i:c Tilne wht'i h ik truly a lcn ti Iall' .Sh't, li: ea.l lr.cld tlhou.-'lud. ot c'istouiu:ri awl olnhlt to pleas:-e ouil THE RACK(' ET STi' OiRE. St , one h'o k from Main. Breeders of Fanlcy Poultry, Attention. BIt ('ochil eggs for sale at $2 (0C per d,,zen. Youl are invited to visia hreedilng pen before placing 'oil ('all either at W. C. Ragans resi dunee ur Kuiii ioch's dMusie store. 3 Agents for the culebrated Charter i'luitets Hlrdware & Mercantile Co. Dysentery Cured Without the Aid of a Doctor. "-I am just up from a hard spell of the flax" (dysentery) say:i 31r. T. A Pinner, a well known merchant of Drummond, Tenii. "1 used one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and :as cured with having a doctor. I coucnEler it the best cholera medicine in the world.'' There is no need of employ. ing a doctor when this remedy is 11ud. for no doctor can prescribe a better nme, licine for howel complaint in any fornm either for chil!dren or aduls. It never fails amid is pleasant to take. For sale by Iloth Drug Store. M t-- - g- ! M a g- -- Mattings! Mattings! The largest al fine:st stock of mn:ttir.g thait ever was Ibrought to tlis t wiI hlis just beeu recciveti at E:i lfi 'aut's S -'os. Call tlnd ex :itniii he I s i:110i . it will pay Cyoul to 110o ilo, I) fore buyi g, 3t.. lI", jb ' h' i i ''f all kinds, cal ,:in or write to tile SNrlNEL. Notice. prhi,,id nill the Energy and L.eigh - lt, I'i' litatitioins. eI' lot sitinuted on .:lo.kson street. dlsi:1l)h li.,tioti to build esildence. For s:ile tirst class eCiipre.s wood, stove hulg'h at $1"0 21•pr cord. io.,d mIixed woodl stovre length at $2.00 per cord, at Frost's lumber yard. Apply to 6 ScrPooAYr AND ALLan FBosT. Bargains! Bargains!! at S. R. CiI. Ion, Iargairs that it will pay you to inv liigate. For Sale. . f .1' t of Mlodlern E!uqcln Ine'" Excellent chance to secure this fine -et of works at at reason:blh I'rce. If V "on W:hut thleI1. :ta1,13 atL this oilice. Notice. ll'iuting on tile Acandia Flanation is i,:P'itively prohibited. 23 'W. II. PlncE. Rice! Rice! Ricel \1e solicit the con-ignmEnt of RICE. Iilieral adntlices made. Sati sfamcturuio ,n i rian te' C ('orreponden e soliciteld. J. GROSSMAN &t SONS, .L·w c)llenls., i,. Box 117; si i t ovu 1(i' (if ll:i'IIiotny L in o '',:,, i, , Big Ba:rga IN Straw Hate AT ELLIS BRAUD'S 8O Come and get your cho' almost at your ... Own Price J. L. LIO1 b1iLL, Pres. P. - JOSEI'II CL:\UI )ET V-President. ¶he oHell & Percy W hoIlesale Dealer Gorilission M orchannts. Nar s. . ~iailroatd Ilt pot, T hiboltaux, La. >"" jog anrid £eiean Ffe - Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters ordere given special attention for Grain and Ha. Local 'Phone 152.--Cumberland 87. I Follow the Tide We are all going to H. Riviere & C and examine their im * mense line of spring 0 and summer 0 goods. White Goods aSpecial * Having bought large quantity Ssample Embroide ed Handkerchief they are ready t Ssave their custo ers 25 oto on thi * purchase. They have also a speci line of Misses and Childr Sshoes in all styles & pric Call on them before purchasing. A 1Match Starts the Me If You Use a WICKLESS BLUE FL4 OIL STO'I'OT E, Will boil, bake, broil or better than a wood or c stove. IH. RIVIRE & c00., &gents for Lhfourclh¢ Paris