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___ I eethld WIi aux OenntineL _ _ ___ Official Journal of the Warish of Lafourche of the Int*rs6t of the Town. Vol. 38. - -- THIBODAUX AI., SE 8. No. m r"- I THE.... Thib'x Shoe & Hat Store, Goods That Have a Reputation. p A GOOD EXAMPLE. You may be sure the immortal Was lhington wore a becoming hat. lthe style in keeping with the times. You may emulate his example if you'll pro cure your head gear from our stock lwaysI sure to be of the latest moda A becoming and fair-priced. Thit Our Hocker Bootee Shoes ae long wearers. They wear 0 a almost twice as long as ordi MADE BY nary shoes. Because they are T4E MANss M'0E MFG. CO made by thoroughly reliable M Dt C 55.-9 A&W OTHER PATENTS PNDING. takers and only of the best material. Give them a trial and you will never regret laving done so. - Emile J. Braud. auember that I have removed to the Blum Stand. next to1 the Thibodaux Drug Store. . . . . ...--- - PLANT OF THE. -IBODAIU BRICK WJRKS& : ·: ,· I war EsIN etesP - MENT. t now prepared to furnish the best and cheap est brick in the market.................... .. t maillion bricks on hand ready for delivery. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. ADDRESS. - E. J. BRAUD, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. PHONE EMILE LEFORT I RNceasCer to I.SFORT a TETUEAU • • Livery, Feed ....AEd).... ...Sale Stables. 4 Undertaking i. S- Establishment -, Blacksmith and . i Oarriage Patiot St. Cor. Levee and .Market, Thibodaux. Just received a nice line of Bird Cages, Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, W ater Coolers, Ice a, Cream Freezers, Ham mocks, Garland Wood stoves, Garden Tools, B Wire screens, Etc. H. Riviere & Co. Phone 108. Cor. .Main 4 St. Louis Sts. I LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY l3atoon Rouge, La. Thomas D. Boyd, A.. M., LL. D., President. frorC t he tuLudIUn L ot e oostul medn. Edward .Badea Rf - Manufacturers Agent for - Unio ordel C4NDIES, CAKES 4#1D CIA AC R' appr -: CI GARS :- la and TEAS, SPICES,BAKING POWDE. of tive EXTRACTS, OLIVE OILS, VI A " ment OARS. PAPER BAGS, & MATC ce* Thibodaux Telephone 109, Coumberland Telpbsea 31 that Main Street. Thibodaux, Mr. and mov acce thera's no better brand than the "R. & W." to a rail' -that s why we ml ,ep advertise, and rec- t iltt ommnemi them as be all that a pair of trousers ashouldbe. A I glance at ee dhi is enough to convince t you that a custom the tailor cannot serve I you as weL cot rep Mo ofl o LRA for Rice Machinery . We handle the best on the g, .... Market .... he see thi om tio Ks wo it I ed e Se aentresthe -rr, Recognized essential elements oftt o., ke e pointed Modern Bank- -are offered by o The Bank oi Thibodaux THIBODAUX, LA. U ASSETS DEC. 28, 1901, - $366,834,21, b ASSETS DEC. 31, 1902, - $467,823.91. FOR YOUR Moss Collars, Call on or write to g @ The Rienzi Moss Collar Factory, * Morvant & Mire, Props. SThibodaux, La. IThe lest Lolar~. Made by lractical Men, of Choice Moss. Pilce reaioiablet Progressive Union. mad adopt September 1st, 1903 I Kge Regular monthly meeting of the To tb Jniou for September was called to I la arder by Vice President H. N. Coulon. beg ta Rending of the minutes of the pre- I repor rious meeting were duly read and To at approved. Ed Communications from the New Or Sai cans Progressive Union, Commercial two i mnd Financial World of New York, Cash ,en. Passenger Agent, Geo. H. Smith Cash if the N. O. & N E. R. I. Co., rela live to excursion rates for people Total From other sections to visit this sec ion, and from the Interstate Com merce Commission, and V. P. and enerlt L. S. Thor ie of the Texas & W _hat all communientlons ba dbl In tI repted a n( ordered tiled, seconded bs Th Mr. C. G. Badetaux, and duly carried. the I RIesigrations of Louis A. Rlivere and Paul Coulon were read, and was moved by Mr. Nicholls, seconded by Mr. Thos. A. Badeaux that same be accepted. Motion carried. Following report of Railway com- Ha mittee wa. sead: ions 'Your committee on Railways beg salve to report that they have filed with Cuts, the Interstate Commerce Commission Feb. at Washington, the complaint auth- Feve orized by your honorable Boly an-i Eul beg to state that the Commission has guar' brought the charges implied therein to the notice of the several defendant railways anl that copies of these replies from the following lines have W been received by your humble com- of to mittee: Mo. Pacific, Louisville and Nash- Satu ville, Mobile and Ohio and the St. Oi :Lotes, Iron Mountain and Southern. swan As soon as the other roads shall goin have filed their reply to these charges, sacn your committee will act ulpon all and den make full report to your honorable in L body. Begging your forbearance in this the meanwhile, we are, Cut Yours Very Respectfully, ( Railway Committee. ten Moved by Mr. Chas. Riviere, se- this couded by Mr. F. L. Knobloch, that Deon report of committee be rsoeivcd. Juul Motion carried. log As a :isa of t a.h gal 9..- "K mttee.on he.I p emi th. e cSnt i I of the paipevr dsc~ ip.aveot T1iwodaea and Lafourche, Mr. Nicholls uspostsd beU that it was the ointm ef his es theI sir that h rtsda.mimdbe gr' sea ed and distributed with good results the for the town and ptish but rec:,m- will mended that an index be prepared reel' for same as it would add very much lowe to its value. Vent In expressing bis own views in this We connection, he stated that he wished trWe to commeud most highly the admirs. vate ble manner in which this paper had own been prepared and while he consider. tion ed it lengthy, yet ever ything was so for germane and of such importance, that haf it would be very difficult to curtail us the paper in any way. wat It was moved by Mr. J. B. Taylor, not seconded by Mr. J. L. Lobdell, that of r this report e received aid that rev- will ommendations be adopted. Carried. yea Mr. Nicholls then spoke in connec.. tion tion with his duty as chairman of the the Executive Committee, stating his apology for his lack of duty in this Bad connectiol and guaranteeing better exe work in the future. has Under head of unfinished business, for it was moved by Mir. Nicholls, second yiel ed by Mr. F. L. Knobloch, that the rnd Railway Committee be duly authoriz ed to have representatives in Wash lou ington, if it prove necessary, in con- ca oration with our care before the In- ma terstate Commission, but that the tioi expenses of this revresentative be not dr dtfrayed by the Union. Carried. the Mr. Nicholls, then movedl, secondedi dr by Mr. Chas. RIiviere, that the Secre- be tary be instructed to noufy the chair- th man of each committee to call a hi meeting of his ·committee and tou t make some report at our next regular thi meeting. Motion carried. ou Mr. Thos. A. Badesux moved, see oeded by Mr. J. B. Taylor, that the a Union express itstelf sad its apprela. tion to the Pollee Jury, for their very commendable work done at their last meeting, io the increasing of the LEd. ucational FuMnd by one half mill aud fs of awarding of the contract for the m improving and repairing of our parish ho Court House. hit blotion was duly carried and sec:re 31 tary lnstruc:ted to make known to the ri Jury this action on the part of the M Union. St Much discussion was then entered ia iuto in coimnection with the appearanoe ag of our stieets with regards to the St beautiful crop of weeds growing to thereon and the Councd were com- or mended for their work iu this respect. th It was suggested that the matter h * of the appearance of the streets be referred to a committee on Parks, as Io it was thought that they had the appearan*ce of a park more than of streets, but owing to the Union not having such a committee the matter was deterred. ol It was moved by Mr. C. 0. Ba-' deaux, sueconded by Mr. E.J. Le- - Sgeudre, that our committee on Licen- ii aee briug to the notice of the Town v Council the tact that there were G several peddlers doing business in the t town without lieaNse ,ery much to: . the dtriimenut of those doing a leg:ti- a rate business here. Motion was schoo,l dopted unanimously. dents. Report of the Treas. Mr. F. L. the to' unobloch was received as follows: Is grat 'o the officers and members of the realize Lafourche Progressive Union:-1 and a, eg to submit the following as my sacrif8 eport: can at o amt. turned over to me, by Mr. able ir Ed. Badeaux, ex tress. $49.10 varioo Said amount is deposited in the greate wo banks as follows: crease ash in Bank of .Lasfonrche $30.75 To ash in Bank of Thibolaux, $18.35 school - their Total amt. in cash on hand $49.10 very a Respettfully submitted, F. L. KIa tocac I Treasu: .r. Was moved by Mr. C. ,*, dadsai, Ian by Mr. tkia1 portbo a t cuafas There being no further business, tetat lie Union adjourned. and k Rc{-pecptfuli) submitted, friend L. H. LANCASTER, Malbr Secretary. monti " - he hat Ducklen's Arnica Salve. man. Has world-wide fame for marvel- tao ro ous cures. It suriata¬s any other wife a salve, lotion, ointment or balm for very Juts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sore, precip ?elons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Khuwm, which ?ever Sores, Chapped Hands, Sk n Tha lrulations; infallib!e for Piles. Cure Juuau suaranteed. Only 25c at all druggist. ters to -Th Land Reclamation. ontI ft the be We reproduce thit: following itrm if interest to our people from last Ha Saturday's Daily States: Plant One of the shining exainples of swamp land reclamation th:at is now going on with the greatest d,.grte of success atteinding. is thait of the Gol den Meadow Deveblpment Company, the r in Lafourche Parish, 42 miles from this city near the postofilce called week. Cut Off.Su General .Manager W. R. Penning a con ten came in hfow the Golden Meadow cian, this morning and registered at the eiil Denechauld. where President W. J. Juuk of the company has been stay- cal t hag for the ast several days. great "We etpact to have Io oelgvation day tit year fully 3000rtes of rice," day mua Mr. -.enaiqgte. -.We have A bem at work there sow emsO about f the sitddig .e May sai' wist emoas. 'e lik- hoes a wiemr la . the Goldee Meadow propostion and TI will demonstrate conclusively that the Th reclamation of swamp land on the Tr lower coast is feasible and a payingl venture. Our land is all prairie. We will utot sell out the redeemed tract in smal. farms, but will cu:ti- day. vate the entire plantation under our It own supervision as one huge plants- those tion. All of the water we will need jouri for irrigation we can get from Bayou lusti hafourche. The flood did not bother road us to the least during the recent high rept water and broken levee era. We did cori not make any effort to get in a crop ars' of rice this year, but next year we ru will have in a large crop and two years hence we will have in cultiva- plmo tion the largest rice field perhaps in ages the South. cent "Rice is now being harvested along o Bayou Lafourehe, and the crop as exceptionally good. Of course none ne has been thrashed yet and it is there-. rdi fore impossible to say jst what the cent yield irlll be but it will be very fne indeed. %I '"There is no reason why all of the lowtr coaMst prairie where drainage bus cau le had for irrlgation. cannot be n made v.ry valuable undr the cultiva rit tion of rice. A great deal of the cn drainage water might be utilized in cert the irrigation. That is, the water drained off in the wet season could w be distributedl by irrigation during of the dry season. This idea I believe are hab been h..ld by msny who have mat uiidertaken to handle prompositions of r" this kind, bat it has ot bree worked out on a large practical ~i e yet "Bat Golden Meadow Is a wiamer, sad yoe wall her of It eat fall." Runaway Horse. t Great exacitement prevailed for am I few minutes ,on Main Street yeLsterdlay cor Imorning occasioned by a runaway I hor-e. The ft ightened animal was or hit:hed to the light toad wagon of At Mayor Ragan aad began his mad Srace at Ragau's stable at the foot of SMain Street running ula this Street to A St. Philip Etreet where he turned and I ian to Thiulodaux Str, et here turnuing S again he pursued hris counme to the a Stranger's Hotel and was here brought Sto a halt by some etizens. Luckily - no damage whatever resulted from L this runaway, no one was infured, the rhorse ecleared every obstacle in his P e way and the rig was returned to its dei a owner as sound as ever. 8g I Schools Open. un S- rri The wast week beheld bthe oypening of the 'claools throughout, the parish. Reports from various rqu:.rtars initcate -: a very good atltendance. Tule principal ' -i institutlons in town, Mt. Carmel ('on. vent, Thibodaux College alid the P :: Geion Aedemy, opened th,-ir portalt pr i'to- studenlta on the Ir-t, Tueslay. The 0 Stat two tarh c a m an uttmiianiace if -lleit 110, while the last, the public P !hwod, has a roll of shout 200 stna ants. The small private schools of te town are also wellt patronized. It gratifying to see that the parents talize the importance of educatiomn ad are willing to make some lit!eo crifce in order that their childreii an attend school. There is a notice ble increase in the attendance of the arios schools but still it could be reater and we hope that it will in - rease ere the close of the month. To the teachers of the various chools throughout the parish and to weir students the SENTXrLr wiishe a cry successful year. Benjamin Maibrough. sr'%,> welr .emu Wwageray entatious life, Industrious, nd kind heasted he made aumerous needs and had no enemies. Mr. lalbrough was only 48 years and 6 aonths old at the time of his death, -e had always beea a hard working man. and of late years had not been ~o robust in health. The loss of his rite a few months ago affectcd h;m 'Cry much and in some measute recipitated the anctlion of the diseCse rhich caused his death. The deceased leaves a son, Mir. lunus Malbrough, and several daugh. ers to mourn his loss. The SN.vrTINL is joied by numer ,is friends in extenillg sympathy to he bereaved family. Humes mand Suddlery. llanters lHar.ware & Mercantile Co Friday Is A Lucky Day. Contrary to all traditions and to -he firm bhlief of th.,e ivl'ized world. Prilay is the luckiest day of the week. Sue'h is the conclusion reach,.d by a competent and painstakilg atatmeti tian, the re.sots of whse labots are ixploited in the Chicago Tribune. After a thorough search of statisti. cal tables, he discovered that for great aslamties and disasters M.on. lay is the most unlucky day and Fri. lay is the luckiest A unmar o40m results slows Qe following: " The worst day for emr--Monday. The worst day for shipwrecks Thursday. The worst day for railroad acci dents-Friday. The worst day for loods-Satur day. It will be seen that the fears of those who refrain from beginning a journey on Friday are to some extent justified. Bitt in nothing but rail road accidents does Friday sustain Its reputition, having a very small re. cord for shipwrecks, murders and fires. A table of averages for the various days of the week shows that 10.23 per cent of the disasters took place on a Friday-the normal aver. ages would have been over 14 per cent-that 10.56 per cent ocu.rred on a Tuesday. 14 1 8 pe: cent on a Thursday, 14 1 2 per cent on a Wed needaa. 16 12 per cent on both Sat. urday and Sunday, ard 13 23 per cent on Monday. Wednesday seem- to be the be t day on which to begin a journey. We are reminded also tLat Colum. bus sailed on his voyage of discovary onl a Friday, first sighted land on a Friday, and discovered the American continent ou0 Friday. This day is certainly a lacky one in American history. The b attle of Bunker H-Il was fought on a Friday, the iLotion of John Adams that the Uuited States are and ought to he independeant was made on Friday, was sir rendered on a Frkiday aud theim Mrii man was sunk in Sanuiago harbor on a Frinday. We might aid that the Maywer lauded on a Irriday sad that Oeorlge Washllton was br, on Frdaly, February 23, 173. The anti Friday nsupelastitlon is probably due to the fact that Christ was crucifed on that dasy. Pa-t r, cords, however, seem to establlslh Ie yond question th-st F, iday is not ani unlucky day, but one of good omen.-. Atlanta JouruaL A Surprise In The JenningA Oil Field. A special to the Picayune of !a:e Sept 2t.d, states: Well No. 3 of the lome Oil Com puny, which has always been ens-i dered a small prodocer, ,yesteml:y gushed a column of pure oil to the top of the derrick. The well has beei unduler the pUni sixty day., ad itts rrcellt elnidtoc ha, gratified alni momooomii th, ti its OWtt ri. The Kquitable Ot Cmolpany, of ' Lake c'hrlbs, today accepted its fir.t well from Keo.ghai & Co. This well is Icatoed in th." north eeatral. SPart oIf lthe o:il flid, and is a valunbli, propeity. S FoIuI lime Furn tnure. j Plantu rs Uari.wart & .Mtrle.tLae C(X