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50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Till TRADE MARKS J I DEsIGNs COPYRIGHTS c.' On 1 : akM .e and drcrptkn ma AUI f opiuon reee whether tl ('onntneanmmuntea. Sa H ,l ok on paite T fur M'l'unnr plptenl a American., . rated weekly. I.arrett rMr- ( Snu JarJrinal. lTermn,. 3 a L oI , by all newa!..alera. Illi _l *,---,a. New York II, Srit. Wast Eato.1 . Ut DI Try TO EIINTTR Jlo S Jul Ae CUSINESS Ai COLLEGE. mu otti LU. (;p:.i i.nlire Year. an< relt tinpi --( .' '1 u ,!ting In % i. r ,, 't-', and Se L - I 0, A rade t'hC 1. \!(.r I re .. tce:o.. d r to " . Bat . en ' lien L S. .'.- i . tt - t. chapei p i aL A Ii 1-t, r i nd A calof " r j ",,,t tokee er and . i r te for (,rculars. hd1 OLO. SOULR & 8018. of wr 10 Barker Co., Spsion Merchant 'ALZK IN ALL. KIN!:- Or of Y PRODUCE q, 9( 'AR , M. l .. .,b, I lC it l, K G ( ,S" , 1 4 I . :''Y , I E ICK - AZ",TALL,'W itiuill..IllUl , )I gMu8, POUli KY. TC;. E ,S IIlDFCA1TC' I NTS,''I to NEW ORLEANS. LA. bec AIDVAN('EI M i*' UN V4 A Se tSWNMKN'1? we (of ho r poýo of iention for nu S tanim . Fr frce book, ADE-, ARKS " AIus DU sti the iu wr T.BOURG, lE ket Stand, of !., THIBODAUX, LA OF RAND TIN>!-- a CrTroS. PORK VE.L Mie OF ALl. KINDSb as " MARKET., AVE J. TOUPS, bi PBOPITl ETOR. k6Y beet, pork, veal, mutton anC di tI) on hand. ..4M3 BIYLtY MO).NING.-- N. m ite Railroad. rorn-r St. Mart I eIsy access frou allpart. o 2 H. LANCASTER, LECTRICIAN ,cal Work, in Pri rate Telephone Line' n aMd Plantatlion 1SyS- tl frmos. E lectric Bell, iE a *nd Bur4li'irlr .-ll(r1 Jus c ad all Elcii(tril alrov I] U- Al FOB TIMI "''t and PRILCE ew Service viat THE 4 PACIFIC AMLWAY V *to I Orleans eport, Dallas, orth. El Paso, do and Srland tl9k. pin all tlrough eral Pas. rTict . Meyer's ate 1r, f., A BOTTLE. 2 Jury Venire. No. 1 P., TlKE STATE OF L()ISIANA, : I" 20Ti JUDICIAI. DISTRICT Coa:RT, 6 Jo1 7 2)t IARISI or LAFPO'I'IIs. J I Sal Be it known and remembered, That 10 Fr. on this fifth daynth the month of r August, in the year of Our Lord, One 13 A; thousand nine hundred and three, 1IL lh Pursuant to written notices issued 1 1. by the Clerk of Court, In and for the fore Parish of Lafourche, and addressted uotJ and given to each of the Jury Conm- sesl Inliesioers, in anid for said Parisb, as si n I3" the sai i Clh.rk's certificate hereto dor. unonexIc more fully appears; we lhen. No" ry W. Frost, henry Riviere, and of tl .lohn S. Seely, a majority of the A Jury Commn in ssion rs, duly ap- said pointed as auch for thie parish of -ith Laforcthe under the provision- of list Act No. 135 of the Geneial Assembly, aho' approvcd July 13tih, 1898, and pro- for mulgated by publication in the State whI otticial Journal on July 29th, 1898. .4 :4 and all du'y sworn and qua'iti,.d i s ke. such Jury Cotmmissioners in and fort t the parish of Lafourthe, met at the .nd Clerk's OI(hce at tht. Couit House ilt, the town of ThihiiboIaux, and in c,- veni pany with P. Wallace Leforl, Clerk ,,a of said Court, ex.-,tfiio Jury 'omt- Cou misaioner, duly swoiu and qualifrd the as such. Then and there in the I presence of Mlessrs. J. Otis K,oblhch this and Etmile J. Legeudre, two good anti the I compeltent and disinterested witlnses day of lawful age, oumlt,.tent to res.d and wil write the PEaVglsh Lauguag,', sttinitg nan in the paish of L.afourche, and sunn- ( moned ty the Cleak of said Court for the piI, ose(.; pioceeidedl in accordance with SetLl iuon of said Act No. 131 of the Guceral A~isembly of thel State of Louisiana of 1S98, to examine the ,tnr rat ve,.i e list on Ii e in the cle k's Cle olhice, and Ihving struck therefrom 1 the u:ue~ of turbh grand jurors and j petit jutsos as have so served, as well ,1 as the n:,ves of others who are known j to have died. removed from the parish, (. become exempt or disqualified to serve as jurois since their names were entered thereon, r.tnd the names of those who lave died, removed, become exemn)t or dis lutalifi d were also takt n from the ge-n. r,! venir; box, after whi b we su,,p'emected the original list a.d the bl!ots in the HiA box, with the n1amtesi of the same numti .r of goo I andl competent men from the qualified jurors of the parish,f 1 as have been taken from the box and her erased from the list, so as to keep the Hge Snumber of names in the general venire He box and an the fury list at the original wIt: standard of three hundred contained tern therein; each of said names so placed ai3 Sin the general venire box having been It written by the said clerk on a separate B. slip of paper, together with the num- FoI her of the wird or place of residence of such person. And iL.mediat. ly after completoing ati said venire list, we seletesd therefrom the names of the following twenty citizens, good and conietent mun, 8' osaessiag the quailiestiono to serve as grand jurrsn.preselmed by Section 1 of said Aet; takes from the dtlerent ord parts of the parish, as far as praclica tot ble, to serve as grand jurors at the ai session of Court beginning on tMon- tio day, September 14th, 1903, and until his e discharged according to law, towit: Its GRAND JURY. No. Wd. No. Wd I. Jno. Wetre. 1 11 PromperBouterie 4 bel •. 1.'.H. Lagarde. 1 2 Felix l)eltte ii an 3. Paul setel. I 18 O)leus Leonard. 5 cr 4. A.J. Broul. 2 14 AdonIs Toups. S .Ja. it. Taylor. 15 Jno.b odrlgnue, Ii. Denis ('lrment. 2I Alctde Thauvin Jr. 7 - ('. J. 1Ldetir'. 2 il Arthur Lea ntre y 7; .I ('iy Inrw ltl. 3 15 Charles KIllot , 9. 1,0. J. iterceron 3 19 D P. owlunwl iara, q 10. C. 31. Hargw, 4 ~ Josr. Boeois IU th ,And, having so selected the above named l)wrsons as grand jurors, the lnalefes of teach was written on a se pa:rate slip ctf paner hy the Clerk in n 'the presence of the Commissioniers in Saund tihe witnesses, and all the slips so t Scontaininlg the .:ames and numbr of p . the ward of ea'h of saiI grand jtiruor were laued uit atlt envelope by Us commix sioners, which was i'y us seal- t ed, signctd anI endorsedt, and labeled, --.LiAst of Graiut Jurors", an,! placed t , in the Jury Box as hereinaftter stated .fter whichl we proceeded, after de the slip1s colntai:ed in the generaiol velIre iibox had bee, well mtlied, to draw from the sail general venire ilx the nanies of thirty p'rsons to serve as petit jurors for Ihe first week q of the oe-sion of said court, beginning ( on Monday, September 14th, 1903, h the names being drawn from the box one at the time by Henry Riviere, 1 one of the said Jury Commisioners, r in the I)resenee of the othelr commis moners and of the witnmese, .and t which so drawn are as tolltows: r No rWd. No. Wd 1 Paul Dolu n Auae b r AL ee Bertohu 2 Tho'. (aund. 3 17 y ivcrterChauxl n 3 Hwavrd p'l ce. 1h IEmile Kahn a fo rlh ne 19 Felix Poehe. iat si ieson Al'l' o 2c (iwnar linvlope 5Win. M.cCulia. 2 21 Neuville Adam. 1 a oKic1rt leagare o th AIcidC Thibodur w ;hllpHe ert 3 21 Randolph Roger. 2 OSie SeBuudoln . rce Grlif. 1o Wlato Foir. 7 Il naoce Richord. a it y. Kr~eir. - s Wmi. Pisrtentbc5 South Adam 6e nr Svlvestre Kraoemer 4 Voisi iLenott. 3 29 L.eo MobichaUruau RtY ieRiviera. 20 F.L.lirrlOBUl I SHaing pltced the noames of ther i foregoing thirty persons so drawn ase petit jurors for the first week of the : sai" ses-ion of court in an envelope, C - we have signed and sealed, and en .dorsed "nu labeled it ,c.Listoifjurors No 1" to serve for the said first week of the session. After which we proceeded to draw fIom the said general venire box the n'mes of thirty persons to serve as petit jurors for the second week of the session of said eurt, beg'nningi1 on Mlonday, SeptembIr 21st, 1903, J the namas being drawn from the box I one at tbe time by said Henry Riviera, - one of the Jury (,ommissoners, in the presence of the other Commis sioners and of the witnesses, and which names so dawn are as follows: No ECOND WEK. ( The No t. Wd. o Nu. . 1 P. J. nout. i, or .I. J. I : H iiltty lorvant, 1; J. S. Leei . bi l 1 l (lau, ta6ide S. is. rTn 2le attra o4 Adrin , p r , 1anwa ve C'lment 5llur ui, rels kioharl. o2 we Alfr i)ali 2 crc 6 Joe Perrlla,ºx Jr. -St Jo Flanagan,e 1 AUt 7 ')wllmne brweruno 3 2 it. ebu-,.ertJr. 61 ;Jackeon ,trle is 4 Z1 ilaywmod Wlihs I forei iglaurlin 8evn, 7 ?4 Jeph Reenoit. 6 tollI 10 Frank MlCulllum 2 (iSon of A radeoo) II Arse'w .. Naquin i Albe.rt Leilane milli 1 Preldk. Goolman S 21 Arthur Heheert. a 13 Atbon Pierce,- 27 Augustln Adam 4 and 14 Willie lraseiloe Wmn.J. Foret. w tiont 15 (:has. ltgout, 1 3 Alex. Leple, .. Is te. J. Ber.on. 2 5 VirttoA e Having pla'ed the naines of the is 1 foregoing persons drawn as pett tillus jurors for the steond week of saidnI pro.c session of court in an envelope, we melth signsit and sj'ard the same, andi en- I colle dorset and lafi,"letl it,-"n lisi of jurors I ilud No. 2', to seeve for the sectad week the i of the sessi',n. Lthn And thereupou we have placed the t::nn ssid twot sealed envelopes tcge'ther the with the se:ttled envlolte contininlg a bout list of grand jurors selected as herein- ' con abol)ve set forth, in a ,ox provided h st, for thLe purpose, lab eted Jury Box, teen which was thcetllpl n locked andl sal- I cc e 4I anld pl'ac.d in tihe custody alnd ,ora. of the Clerk of Court, for use Mlis at tile ucxt cusning session of coult, tain 1nd Bsuject to to the or'lers of the Mat I)atrict Judge. And the sald general on I venire h) was also locked and sealed van and delivered to the said Clerk of on 4 Court as the cunstdlan thereof; all in tons the presence of the said witnesses. Bru In faith whereof, we' have signed stot this process verbal of the drawing of Fla the Jury. made at the time, on the enta day, month and year first above Stra written, in the presence of the afore- muoa named witues-es. 1 r (Original Siguci) 1oe . No. S S :i:r.v, jf t ill. l{i\i 0ts. o.1 11 W r t' t, , l u, .T 11." r'h in'o:-s. out rs. The P. \WAui..I' E I,EFtT, Ch Clerk of ('tuirt, csx o!licio .Jury Coan'r. 1111 Wit et-ssts : e E J l. g.,id, strt J O Kubiihch. Gal t.a:d aid hiltd Ang. 5, 10:10. lo (.igniei) P. WVAiL.t"tI I:.i:ro, r, lo Ctrk of saidl Curt. con A true *ol'y. Bol - - Clrkls offlice. Thihodiux, See I i. S a , Aug. 5, 1903 tail P. J. Arcols, val D'v Clerk of said Court. Has Life Saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cbol-ira and Diarrhoea a re Remedy. use "B. L. Byer, a wt II known cooper Whi of this twot,, siays he believes Cham- bee herlain's Co it, Cholera and i)i:arrhoea :he lRemedy saveti hi- life last summer tre: He had been si, k for a month with hot what the do.,trs cal bilious dysen- .:* tery, and cotuld gt nothing to do him gna aqy good until he tried this remedy. ette It gave him min diate relict," says the B. T. Little, merchant. Hancock, Md .W For sale by Iolth Dreu Store. wil M ------ý STATE OF 1.O1 ILs1[ANA, . Jth Judicial District Court-Parish of sil Latourche. det Sucoaasero oF CaIi.A x BovDIaAUx, i I)ECAMaED WIDOW Or FERTHOLD I BARRIos No. 1610 PHOBATKM. Take notice: that pursuant to an order and decree of the above Court and trit to a Commission to me directed in the above entitled and numbered Succes- pai sion, I will offer for sale at public auc tion pursuant to law to the last and a I highest bidder on the premises situnatdl i, in this parish, on the right bank of Hason Lafourche at about thirty three miles below the Town of Thihodaux on Ns SATURDAY OCTOBEIt &3, 190:1, 4 between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. 6 and 4 o'clock P. M. the following des- we S cribed property to.wit: at REAL ESTATE. mi 7 A Certain tract of land situated in the th Parish of Ittafurche, on the right bank S of Iia\oui I:fo,tlr'lt', at a holtt Thirty 0 threet Inic . below the It Wi f ti,. . Spents, fr aittti ll lr. ti t' te h iv 1,11' C- tarcelin (utir.r atnd Ii itx i t:l now or formerly ',l' .t:i a , 1 '.ttr'iti I ; l eattie. 'rTtgetlr u at I I li i l tl 5 in :s and imnprove'lll -l :.- it.' :i ;t!:, a 1 o third of the trop of .r n i ii -ti ",-i thereon. 'The said trtlt :, I. l ttt ,°:.; , iil f parallel lines extend. : i t i, r .t. :, billlb r part of the wititle It;: t ltirt tt C'harliton Heattie from: i :..:. '. ii p1r a by private act on January "~ sci, I, anti I being lot No. ne (1) on plan of said tract executed Ibv .t..hlet .I r.turveyor, it 1, on March tlih, 183, alni on tile inl the h Recorder's oflHice of the Parishi of La four'he. d Lcss the following tracts: tt First. A portion of the land above er descrilbed meas:uring Seventy feet front W 'Ai on said tHLVou hv one htuandred and a nt linety two fret illn ilepth, iounded albve t by land of Marcelin Giuidlroz aid in the re riar and bellow hy otllher landstl of venll to dors, sold by act before William C. Lorraine, Nttarv Pulblic. ou te 23rd k day of August n"1r, to Luke (uidro T g (S.e C. B. P. I1l,.) d rSecod. Anoter portion of the tract herein first described sold to Etlenne g aX Defilice, on March 12th 1910 by act he- o tore Oustava Abriat Jr., Notary Pu b rlie, meesuirtoI eventp feet front on s lt ofby one hninred and ninety tl Stw in th bou nded bove by lnd ofl h ekde s and below b lande of ad st vedo who alo 6wns and n thebs rear. See C. B. P. 425. Third. Another part of the tract first above described, Ameasuring Scventyi feet on said Iayou .hy one hundred and Snlinety two fueet ill d ejptlr, ounded srl, ve iU, lieg lot of Etitnne licllic anti below aind in thoetcar Iy lands .of vendor, ul I a i to luke tuidroz.l nt Ieftre Liustave I n 2 Abrlh:ti Jr., and recorded in C. .t. o. S:ri, pyage 1h.. SOn.o lot ofJewelry, a ailver Watrl, g 5- a lot of ilothhtlg eontaillnIid in Armolr, on h '--. ed, two IIlnt)a Mattresse', one s]burk era-ttress., oe feather ilo!stv.r and two U zt fieathler pillowi, etc., a lot of live quilts, t l V one armo. r a lot of chairs. two Itocking chairs, tvo small tables, one writting L the I desk, one safe and contenti, one cookilng stove and 4 pots, etc., one stone jar, as aboUt two sacks of Itotstoes anclhne hoe, - tie a large wooden box containllg an oid z clock, Alamp, three, one water p itcher and three pictures, about forty ore On the following terms and couditions t ek to wit. For Cash to pay yebIs. S Sheriff Qf the Parish of Latourche. Howell & Martin, Atys of Succession. 4 •a August 29th 1t. 1 What isd ]e. of In the last analysis nobody knows, ing: but we do know that It is under strict 03, Abuse that law even slhghtly, hox Fain results. Irregular living m.asln4 ere, derangement of the organs, resulting in in C'oostipatioo, Headache or Liver ie- trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills and quickly re-adjusts this. It's gentle, iw: yet thorough. Ouly 2!5s at all druggist. Thle Il)elieator for Septembur go The S,-ptemnlher Delnrealtr is S politi attractive number and presents tions charming and ulp-t--date display o with Autumn fashions. Letters from *0 color foreign fashion centre., and illuta pa l tions of the newes. fabrics, Olat er millinery and novelties in trimmi9gs and accessories are valuable contribh. r tions in this all important month n on the realm of style. A special feats- oe I is a Collection of Rlare samplers, an from illustrated article showing many majc prr'cions hits of needlework that re ing incluled in a nutimner of famous lr adv collections. In the Flower Series,l. nom Iludsou Moore charmningly recounts anan the story of the Lilac. A Mystery side Luncheon, by Miles Bradford, con very t: ns some excellent suggestions f swail the table along with a good story. A dicta house possessing the comforts sa Lal convenuiencs of the twentieth and the h story awll architecture of the eigh teenth centuries is shown, as wellas Owe a couple of pages of exclusive photo.@ graphs of pets of actors and actrelseie M1 Miss Clara k. Laubhlin writes entetn thro tainiugly of the Fourfold Love; ties, Margaret U t hall has a helpful chapter to t on the relations of mistress and seI was vant; and Mrs. Birney udlds a papr diar on Childhood. In fiction, there is skit concluding installment of The relit Brules; the first part of a delig I ins story, A Florida (Oraker, by Fiazer Boyle; a pretty love story, and entitleh-d The Wit te Moth, by IEdward him Stratton Holloway, and an amusing For nleOt 4l" ~.i AafternroU Drive, he Mrs. \Vaotlwat.l ll:lsuin . Amuonag th. pCett:eal contr haitrous are: The Song ,of tthe ('orn, by .\iinna Smith; Gran l;z in.s - S:.tailtler. by Alice [. uito,; I WVout..alnt Soug. by Caiutout Scollaid; trot The Argosy, by Edmund Vance cha Cheney; Colupetnsation,, by Elltsat.-th late Rugg'ea. For the Children, Lna gsoo Be -r1 lesrcrihees anll expi aias the cou A c struction in miniature of the Hlanging Silt Giarenis of Bahi;en. Liviagston I. tim Mloise has a Firelight story, The rep lue-ea' At lHome; :a d Sli·.hael Wh:te 36. cotntrihbites an entertnining tale called Bobly's Garden. Theae iT also the Sewing Lesson. The de.,jrtments coi, tain much inform:ation of practical value In the home. Chimb -rlain's Cough Remedy h."a a remarkable record. It has been In use t,r over thirty years, darig which time many million bottles have been solis and used. It has long been :he -tlndaidt and main aeliauce l the Be treatment of croup in tho.sandl of homes, yet during all tiis time no ease h .s ever been reported the manufacturers in which it fai 1 to etect a cure. When given as n as the child becomnes hoarse or e ": as I soon as the crou, y cough ap rs, it will alc'vent the att:'k. It is ptil saInt to take, many chi dren like It contains no opiunm or other amful substance and may be given as 1 deutly to a baby as to an adult. For male by Roth Drug Store. The following called from I Daily Times is a good account of the i trial of horse thieves, who, during the - past haif y.par, had been carryinlg o a scheme of systemathic horqa-steal ing in Ascension Parish. e Frank Gouvernale and Pasqale Palermo were tried in the bitricet Court for this offense yesterday said - were very properly convicted. Their attempt to prove an alibi was a die. mal failure, and the evidlence agterst Sthem was plain, pointed and postive Sand the jur r.. as not long in finding ids, ri t au;t w:a in staict accordeace iri ad. , ihl- .t-:Ias ae f 'lall Se tho se 'ar...;.h ;a ult l it,. .li iT l l lthe tede .,.sm, i~ that l, " i' l a had lten cMDLuntted b,-a iat all orarin.d Italias, ainti u it, a hi, he diap- p ared he worked o. t.j Iypothtabils, Sand succceededl in runullg the men r, dowia, and when their ti:,l cams up I he had, as he said he would yve, a- cmpetent witn sses to substlan te the ch:lrge The two men coni ed - t were prominent Ia this communit to ia ertain extent, in that they a e dutceid a egitima-tc busulaess, Gou r i- nale owning the macnYroni fau3 t I' and Palermo conducting a . SThu, it will be seen, that t y would hardly be suspet ted of - Sgaging in the reprehensible t a -of professional horsesteatlini b the evidence yesterday showed t t Sthey had done so beyond a penderadvei of ture. Thi men were shlyI h by Hoo. i. N. Pugh and Walter laemann, buit the tide was against • bem anl they could not stem it. District Attoi noey Goudran prosectkd ye the case with vigor and determination SI and put many of the Italian alhti wit e nesses in anything but enviable posi Stions. There is no room for doubt, whatever, but that these men are ti, guilty. They had a fair;and impar. ir, Lial trial, theyr were convioted by an wo unpr.judlacet july and the welfare of t5 this community demands that they be given the full extent of the law, ir which the nature of their offending so Seminently merits. ter A Boy's Wild Bide For Life. rty With family around expecting him tns t die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discov 1e. ery for Colnsumption, Coughs and on Colds,, W. II. Brown, of Lee~ville, lod., endured death's agoaies frorn asthma; but this wonderful medicine ws, gave instant relief and soon cured rict him. He writee: "[ now sleep sound. tly, ly every night" Like marvelous -ures ns of Consumption, Pneumonia, Brunch. inlg itls, Coughs, Colds and GOlip prove its ver matchless merit for all Throat and 'ills Lung troubles. Guaranteed botte tie, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottleS fsee at iat. 1all druggists. Some newspapers can recent their I political. financial and other convic Lions with the ease and fr'queany with which the chameleon changes its colors, or in plain English, their Capi opinions of to clday are as easily re. tersed to morrow as those of our Supreme Court This assertion, broad though it may be, is bhased up D e on knowledge of the fact gleaned fu from their editorial columns, that a majority of the newspapers support. an ing .1Jdge Blanc.hard, and which advocated the couvention method of nominations previous tAo his publicly A. J announced espousal of the primary I,. A. side of the question, nr' r,~ w either very reticent on the question or ha:ve swallowed thlle rimnary plans at the E. N. dictation of the C:ubllo Statesmoan.- F. 11. La. 1)Democrat. Owes His Life to a Neighbor's Kind. ness. Mr. ). P. Dslnghelry, well known - throughout iMercer atnd Sumner colin- So ties, W. Va., most likely owe,,s his i.fe to the kiniuaess of a neighbor. lie was a:lmost ihopelessl :afflicteCd with diarrhoea; was attended by two phy siciaus wh;o gave him little, if any, E. relief, whon a neighoor learning of A Ins serious condition, brought hen . Matn of Ciaimberlain's Colic, Cholera course and Diarrhoea Remedy, wich cud 1ollow him in less than twenty tour hours. 2._ For sale by Roth Drug Store. Notice. tary I I: I take pleasure to inform my pn. i1:'. trons nod friends that I have Imr.- l' chased the stock of Jewelry of the tfrni, late A. Bouron, and am now c.llrig fram i, grood hartans in the .lewelrv line. Apply A complte lin, of first class. Jew'h v, llg2 . Silverware etc. k.lpt in stat.k :t all C, times. ,J.ewlryv, Watch,. and Chl k repairing a speeially. 36. FRANK ZIltNOTT.'r. S Cs N Bq CM American Bottling Works Thibodaux, La Began Operations, Feb. 4, '03 Is now prepared to fill all orders for Pop, etc. at the following prices: DOI I box, 2 dozen bottles, at 60c BOO] Large cases 4 doz bottles, 1.20 We are ready to make contracts for any length of time at above prices. Address, John Guyot, - Mgr, Thibodaux, La. L I. LOud 7 ELLTS BR.AUD'S SO "SP i iEW AI"VE i ISEIENT,. r / 1PA1 r i-S . ca. UP al . C.. &. ..'? 0.'i. to VIRGINIA COLLEGE For Young Ldies, Roant ke. Vs. r- Opt elae Sa.iet' .l. l!,:l. tIce (of ,it lm thalirlt Icbsmk ier Veeenllg laldiea inletulthe iamtet. NewS1 I huidifr. 1)8- 0,1u Pdc, ..c.t.. itl Valloy ,t "a.. famed for healti. Europea nal amurl c auntacbhrs. Full course. ('oneserVatoray a ata-trl-n Art. Muhic and Ehoeuton.. ('a:r --t a tee- Weliestey. Stuetients fromu thliry l Ktattes. For eaalai ue addrea XrTXIE P. aLttLfS, President. Roanoel. TV. in it pictures a year by CHARLEs dDAA GISON are onlya part of i LLI soo ER'S oithe rrld's ot progr*ss*., lustrated td ew N Asp :! aior . F am nt ,risny and artists md mAe Coi,a' - necesslty in every home. as t iiaw .' .e .i36.A.' 3 Sl.ribe. ·° £ tIdlsas'sfle' 436W. 1k Se.. l*w 1[rl j Bank of Lafourche, mea 9aen.s . a a LS3AW2. Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $25,000 Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. ...... OFFICERS: ...... A. . BRItAID, President, K. J. BRAUTD. (C:(shier, I,. A. BILOUIN, Vice P1i'sident, 1'. F. IEGENDEII'E, Asst Cashier ..... )IRECTORS ..... I,. A. BIOI'IN, I). iELhAIUNE, lDr. T. STARK, K. N. ROTil, JOhN T. MO1IE,. R., DR. L. E. IMEYER F. 11. LAGAIRDE. A. J. BRAIUD, 4'. H. BEATTIE, AL('IDE TOUPS, K. .1. BIIAUD. D Does a General Banking Business ' (iunys and Sells )omestic anld Foreign Exchtange. Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. LAFAYETTE, LA. E. L. STEI'IIENS, - - President. A State Institution for the instruction of both sexes in the Arts, Sciences, Manual Training, Domestic Science and Commercial BWanches. Offers five courses of study, requiring one, two, three and four years for completion, as follows: 1. Commercial Course! 8. Manual Tralnig Course. 2. Stenography Course. 4. Domestic Science Course. 5. Acalemic Course. Requisite for Admission; 14 years or older; satisfactory examination in Grlammaar Grades br:anches, including arithmetic to percentage and Elemen tary Geograpldy and History. I liatlHindsme nlw hlilllnes. comlnodious and mlodetrn in appointments. E41i illimintl full in all iep:rtlmlts. IHealthfulness excelllent. TUITION F ;iI rI,. N.e ss r"ipl tltle lvses vierv lolldilate. Sphllilid new briik i orlnil}'i f or' un lilic adies with all modelrn equip I ll'lu t :anlli c1vll-m iec'Pe. ironl sishi ' llell fl' ('i ac1 s1tn h tt i t. seal'itus antl well nillrishei ei roo s, heae i I hv stemii :111d lighte-I hv" chl'eticit\: tiltertdl water ifro eiity waterworks for Ihathingt. 'lre tin lier fior dri'hikin il oiokinig. Apl, il adlhance for board. Y \oilg llln iihtoald in private faumlics at $101) to $12.511 per illonth. Setcond AninmIal Session (O)lpics 'tdninlsdlay. ,lSeptembetl r 17thi. 19tl2. Ca'tainloii sent on applicatioin. For f't her inforlliationll write to V. I.. iY. Lafavette. La GOOD SE RV IGE 1902.-_ BETTER SERVIGEL 1903. Southern Pacific S U NSET ROUTE FREE CHAIR CARS. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. BOX-VESTIBULED, PERFECT TRAINS. THE VERY BEST And to ALL POINTS DON'T FORGETo"" '"C""X"UI'" I I.EEi'INC C'AHto WASIIIN"TON. t'IICAOO and CINCINNATI. lBerih Rates LESS. TIHAN HALIF STANIARD Send loc. in stamps for a copy of the SOUTHIERN PACIFIC RICE COOK BOOK, conltailinig 200 recipes. S. F. B. MORSE, T. J. ANDERSON, M. L. ROIIIIINS, Pace. Trhat )lgr. Asat. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Pas. Tkt. AM IIOL'USON. TEXAS Subscribe for and AdVertise in the Sentinel. OR. JOS. L. DREXLER, VETE#IINA R y SURGEON, -OFFICE AT LEON D EXLER'S STABLE, THIBOD4U r, LA LOnsIG DISTANCE TELEPHOIE 35 r IlBODAX TELEPHOIE lt2 In tIhe Ad vertising Coluamns of a I'opullar Newspape' are hler.aldls of ,t sluccessful buhssilnies c (r'5. Tihe 1 i Iitibodaux gqtiqil lt a IPu'Fiil r N' spIi ,liaIpe'r, : nt l is reelogizil l t as a good Ad iet i .isain Mediulia. -' { OMMERCI,,I, IRTI NG Thie Sentinel Establishment turns oult uip-to-date ortk Estihuates taolisiteld oin any Class of Prinltiig SSEND A TRIAL ORDER AT ONCE. .1 £Esasly, VlurableeAlnf /Mta etal ,- as TIN or IRON ROOFS.~BRIDGE~ , ¼ kBY18DWW .iJMACHtt/IN SMOKESTACKS EtC IThe Planters' Hlardware &i Mer. Co., AGENT'S, Ige Thibodaux - - La. of DR. MOFF CTT'S S i(ITE ETnI NG POWDERS lseB sa ~ Ir~c unthec k.SbIS. deal siin dl UIw IaUlU Lh'Is.aU .la _q _ m