Newspaper Page Text
AtiOnuntcemflents, 'Mr. 'r-- ----- - . FOK CI,EsrI OF C:a,1ru the uniue of C lerk of Court. ot t4'. 1'.11-h uf - lt" ftr' I.,ef,rcbe. .uj ,ect ., ". nomuttt iOf 15i i'eiuury; letr , o uo'b. ~ bb J. lAJli s A r.- l.1 l le' stu - I - I. al I'ara rap ais. ,t:r preser e . i.W,!:r:e P ,'wu. of (cit O(lt.( , I r sl u I f t.:,la ' III tw . ant vi I'all :It lt!' i li:tandl s tns for to fi!er gelnu c lit ii i.u . Ue Ir. W. I'. lMartin 1hft Tuelday wa:l a nhfr . New tOrleans.. "estLel New Irlerans tIur i ti',' tih .''c Ik, waeekl CA bb OR Z.A P pigataf I)o of c41e to Duit: ) Mltss Elvie W.ebre was a visitor to, liumna Iast Sundaty. Jlit 11r-. T. Ro,lichaux visited ilim:s ler h the early p:lt of the week. relati Frank frl.ron, went to New Or leaies Thurnlay. Bran Picture Frames spade to order thing fMoters' hal ware O Moresatile Co than Octave Trouslair "was mingling child with friends in town this week. from Mrs. oEd. Smithwick, is visiting in visiti fkumahlstavillc. Ci IDon't f rget that the dates of the Abrt Thilabdaux Fire Co. No. 1, fair are Plan ,t. 2, t, '-, and ?9. El Buggile and Carriag's. ev IIlanters Hardware & MhewaIntile Co thut lion. H. N. Coulon left Wenllesday N to attend the meeting of the Central ým (`muroittee in New Orleans. Mr. J:mes Be-try spent several ' days in the Crescent City during the One we,-k. the Bargain Counter every day of the w .ek at ePlliq Braud's Sons. T The .Mie Juldge L. I'. (Caillouet returned hbome last Saturday from Markoville, D Iwa Messrs. Volney Knobloeb and P Henry Bergeron returned from New j Orleaps last Sunday night. lair 365 happy days o nmarried life in a q each year if Furniture, Mlattings and Ftoves are ltbught at Leon Bluoc's. Bal Agents cleb)al Jno. [eere im- te plements. An Planters Hardware & Mercantile Co. bat Young men if you contemplate pmatrimoyV. it will pay you to call at ar Leon Block's, T. Whyl it has been town talk about is' how cheap Leon Block sells Furtniture, Co .Stoves and Mattings. Matting-, you 'ant, real at Ellis Su Braitd's ions, and sce their beautiful wt line. 36. so The Police Jury of the Parish of or Lafoue.l, will meet on next Wed- he pe.d-y ill regular session. th Miss An anie loers rc turned howme Tuesday pfter a very Ileasant vaca tion spent at Haliwin. Fancy Vests, that will please th jx post fastilious, at Ellls Brauul' Sons, St pe tlww. . tr dul iCttI. of Ariel, was attending to buiness mattrsr in town the mid- ' tle of thie week. Enamele4 and Steel Efattl TilS. ?lanterS lHardware de Mercantile Co. L Mr. A. H Knobloch, of Ariel, was a caller at the Seotipel otu e on last Watorday. J. P. Bau&g, a worthy citizen of a Loukporlwt was a buciness visitor m t: tolrn Thursday. The prettiest line of fancy Vests aver bronght to this town cap be R fonad at Ellis Brand's Sons. Ga to 8. . C oulon for genoipe r ir les1.. , Mr. HIarry Bourg a talented and nps'ar yosag attoroney from Houma uas busiuanesa visitor to oar twow Thsrsday. Mul. J. J. Daigre and daughter, Miss ]ille, who had been visiting relatiyea im Jlouma, have returned home.. . ow's This We oL'Ie one Hundred D)ollars Re vaord for Any vcae of C·atarrh that ca-pout 14 care4 b"y itli's a atantih '. J. CI.E l' t 'U', Psops., Tole 0,. 0. We, tlye undersigned. .ave known F. I. CLwney fr the Inst 15 years, and be]eie Jiim pl.rfteay honorable vily aW" e toi t~ u 6at p.y obliga tion uasr by ISitr Aftm. gg 4 TloAx, Vtaoleale DruI gsTos, 'Todo, O. Wagae, oKwRA.v 4 NAaUvIs WhbolqlaUIt Fuogists, Tordo, O hall's Catarrh Vtre me ulaen mtel eally, ating direc-tly uponu the blod rud emueus aurace s of lwh system, rice, T~c. per bottle Sold biy all *roggests. Testihno ials free. 1Jail'q Family ?tlla are tbebt. I iIr. Tom. 1? ttln,l. retun ed from ±Iew t)rleeus Tug ;sy. j the rs. C'Waij. W. 1'. Murtin aceturrnedl yestr te e Iors IsYt from .'nw ')rle:uans. i operl Mr. ihle n JFrst 14:15 retulrnel reilm half !) l(etu(.i there t • that tl i The .Mc('oruicek buildings on Slain and n,tl Street have been repainted and now do wel preAept a nest alppealace.i set the The Mrs. Hlenry' Lechaux, after a pleas the Cl' ant visit to relatives in town returnet tlurin to tier hiume in Algiers last Sunday. winter Rev. Fatlher Tesier, of C('lctiey, such. I was a hltlºillles visitor tio our towni till" o sectltIhiy. till:at S( - relte y to the. M1rs. A. B,,lron move'1, idtnTig the was to week, into her lwatitifeul r, silence Nov which has just been co',ipleted! on Si. should Philip. shoutli i)o ynou want a swell looking vest. levelle go to lIhea IBraud'ca Sons th,'v e easily y. Wh Miss Iuattie Ba:i. left lasf t llSunday the ro for her home in New Orlc:ans after a we prI plea-anlt stay in our midst visiting tng in relatives and friends. perty Visit the bargain counter at Ellis we tn Braud's SomsM, you might find some- them thing you nee4 there much cheaper than you coaid buy'it elsewhere. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Shaver and s children returned home last Saturday sto': from Missmrs where they had been says visiting relatives for some time past. F:ant C,.lebrated White Mountain and ag' I Atrtic Ice Cream Freezers. C(ha IPlanters Hardware & .Mercantile Co aniI ant I Ellis Braud's Sons have just re- have reivedl their f;Ill and winter stock of try a ClIthing, its a magnificent line. See certa them before purchatsing elsewhere. Price Miss Fiorie Frost is expected home tomorrow, from Keutucky. Judge L. P. Caillouet left for New Orleans Tuesday afternoon to attend the meeting of State Central Commit. towe teato The many friends of Mr. Prank oun Thompson arc glad to hkqvý him once desti more in their midst. le returned and Tuesday aft.ernoon from an extended worl summet tour through Califo,rnia, the MissourI and other Western States. It d tow, , Royal and Vuenetean Enameled clain wa e. stre Planters Hardware & Mercantile Co. tall w For a bilious attack take Chamnhir. lain's Stomtach and Liver Tablets and ordi a quick cure is certain. For sale by ori Roth Drug Store. ord We are informed that the Base not Ball Association will give a grartn few Sfestival at Dantin's Park on Sept. 29. ed Among the attractions will he a froi Shburlesque game of base ball. for; she Mr. Oaeme Naquin had the pleas. sh urs last Sunday of entertaining Mr. he T. Simon, of Jenuings. Mr. Simon t is the presi lent of the ,Simon Oil gra re, Co.,"' in which a number of our citi the sens are interested. Mr. Emile Riviero arrived home exi tO Sunday night from Abita Springs ful where he had been sojourning for soaue time in quest of health. We of are happy to note that Mr. Riviere's So !d- health has been greatly beuefto' by ol( the vacation he enjoyed and we trust Vt that it will continue to improve. trc a An interesting game of hase ball i was played at Dantin's Paik last Sunday between the On Time hase s t Iball team of Thibodaxn and thl s us, Stonewalls of Houma. The home B tram was victorious by a score of 14 t to 1. Batteries: On Time- Picon, d Bondreaux and Ache; Stonewalls- aid ab:n, G:tutreaux and BeLgeron. Mr. Edgar Morvant, Parish Asses sor has filed the assessment roll for A Co. Lfourche with the Auditor. The new roll shows an increase over last lat year of $19 920, the aggregate assess ments for 1903 amounting to T $2,770,205 whereas thtose of 1902 L a of mounted to $2,750,345. The poll g m tax for the present year amounts to ' ests Messrs. Louis Theriot and Albert p be Romagossa have recently leased of Mr. Timothe Austin his bakery known a s the Morning Star Bakery. They is Ple retain in their employ Mr. Austin as hmker, wlh needs mo introduction to u te pebljo. husagone of the oldest L at best knoso bakers in Thibodsau. The proprieors o( the be are deserving young men rn should receive their share of patronage. na We dir. et the attention of ourt iwg readers to the announcement of Mr. I J. Louis Aucoln as a candidate for 5 Clerk of Court. kter, Mr. Aneoin is a staanch Democrat h iting and a man of high character; he is f rned now serving the people as President O of the Police Jury. He is in every a a way worthy of the confidence of the t people, and if nominated and elected C will prove an efficient ofliter. that At the meeting of the Lafourcbhe laIuh Levee Board which was held T'rues day, Mr. L. H. Ma:rtero who hal an role- option on a lot of Lea marsh between Lake Catacwathe aud layou La ~onourche, grautd last Decemlber, 'ears, confirmed the option and hall the rable land traus(gerel to the North Louis Ine ina ]and (~onpmny, Ltd.l, which will tga improve it. Tlperre are about 03,000 aeris to the ract IA.; TThie public is eotr iall itrlited to ilts, visit the hargai, counter at Y.Lh braud's Sons' spacious store oa fain nler street T1is invitation 4olda good at lceot any tige. If you cannolt call this item, week, nor next, nor this month, then Sall call next month; you are welcvme at •anN time; tile hargain counter has It. I mLe to st.iy. 27 A Spleudid Road. N rs. H Tetreau has recently had Piver tle road in front of the old "Goode" Colored property e:evated about a foot and a, good wr hal:f !bv h.iviung bayotu saId huiled ply at there on. There is every evidence Main I8 that this will make a splendid road. and other riparian proprietors would Prima do well to imitate the worthy example !)e set theta. The road fromn St Charles Street to the Catholic Church was impassible nomin during the loin, raitny spell of last one tn winter and its ccn-lition at present is the u such. that should there be it repeti- m tion of the disagreeable weather of which that sca':si, it woull soon' be reduceT r to the same had condition in which it was then. Now is the time that the roads should receiyeattention, the deep ruts should all be tilled, the road bed HALL levelled in aicix a way it as:y be Thit easily drained and the drainage Whi dilchls cleared of all obstructions. Ruler Whatever may be the conlition of linite s the road during the coming wlltter of our we predict hliilt that stretclh of it ly- memlw Ilng ill front of the o;d 'Goode." pro- Aad perty shall lie in good conailiOU, and mate r we trust that the other owners one faithfa and all shall follow tb"* example given sosetj them by Mrs. H. Tetreau. . Stomach Trouble. "I have been troub!ed with my re Iov stoma'ch for the past four years," says D. IL. Beach, of Clover No,k all .do Famrn, G reenfield. N 1sss. "'A f.w days by al ago I was inlduced to buy a ox of thse i C'hamlherlaii's Stom:'ch a'd Liver er 'Tablets. I have takene pait of th.min the PC aunl feel a gre-at deal I,:tt'r." If you Save any troulile with youIr stomacthe f try a box of these T:'lrlets. You atr e certain to be lelaserd with the result. OPY I Price 23 cents. For sale by Roth a co e Drug Store. Away With Thtem. W1 e note with pleasure that th. Itown authoritis have at last decided to have cut the high weedls which line k oun streets. W \ikmrnen are at work ,e destroying thein on some of the streets d and it is to be hoped that the good A work will continue until we are rid of a, the pest, at least for this year. It ii ceist.luly a disgrace to any town an I especially to one which d claims to ie Irogressive to have its streets and side walks fringed with 'o. tall weeds and high grass. We believe that there is some town ordinance %tlich r.quires the proprie tors to keep the wakes in fro:it of their irewises clear of grass, if such ordinance does exist, it is cortaim!y ise not enforced, and the citizens, with an few exceptions, are not public spirit !9. ed enough to have the grass removed a from the side walk without being forced to do so. This is not as it should be, law or no law, the citiseonsm lshold take prte ti thett towu sand dr. should always have some regard for * IU public welfare; wa'ks lined with high a oil grass certainly do not contribute to it the good an t convenience of the vi public and thelefo.e should not me exist. Let sone action be taken. 1I ngs -- l- a for Fearful Odds Against Him. We Bedridden, alone and destitute. a re's Such, in brief was the condition of an by old soldier by name of J. J. Havana, n ust Versailles, O. For years he was a tronhed with Kidney ds,.aae and I neither d, to,rs nor medicines gave ll him relief. At length hie tried Eiectr' e last Bltte:rs. It l:ut him on his feet in 1 e short older and now he testifies. "I'nm on the road to complete recovery. m1 Best on earth for Liver and Kidney tolllhleas and all foims of Stomach ou' and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaranteed Iby l! Do uggist. sc We cull from the last issue of th. tor Assumption Pioneer the follownlg last persoial items: ess Misses 13hid and Etlher Braild, of to Thileidallx and Misse.s Flances and 1902 Lizzie DIollgs, of Bl,.l!e Rose, were d3 poll guests of .Miss Clara lMarquette thils bu La to week ad Mrs. .Jame: Wright. of Thititatux, n spenti last Suinday with relatives at bert Paiicourtvihle. of I of Van Bcarv, a popial:r young man sh own of Tilloldaux was a visitor here dur. di hey ing the week. ai as Miss Ilucille Abraham, of Raceland a to s th. guest of Mr. aid .rs. Leon o det Lemmel. .... ... , o o ... " Prof . S. .Laargs e airived here th 8uld Sunday night from his boie in ( Marksville and resunmed his dnties as our teacher at Thibodaux College on Mr. Tuesday. The lProfessor's vacation oa for seems to have been very beneficial to K him for hie is the picture of good b acrat health. Prof. Lastrgue's numerousa he is rfrenids welcocae him back in their ident midst with joy and hope that hi* very stay may be a very pleasant one and f the that success will crown his etflrts eted during the scholastic year just bgun 1 at the Collhge. arche Strangers Hotel, Sunday Sept. 6, '03 M an NU. Saeen SouP.--Clam Chowder. we.n ^ D.- .eh ry French style. mher, Fis. the Fried Perch, Baked Croekers. ois- ENTtREES. a S will Stulled Crabs. Maccaroni nod Cheese. a Mexican B-auns. a Beef wilth Brown Gravy. a md to Chicken withl Dressing. u a DzsarT. a Mlin Lemon Ice Cream. Fancy Cakes. b od at California Friits. a this DELICAGIEs. t then Olives. Pickles. Kahlmasoo Celery. t me at Sauces. . r has WINE --Californlia C!naret t Wanted. L. Five or si girls or boys, White or N O )olore4, to work in Cigar F.ctory rood wagrs and steady wo k. Ap Thu ,Vl at factory, Badeaux buiiblibl. T/ 1 Mlain tL i7 Primaries Adopted By The Demooracy of Louisiana. ý es erly WlA , eln Il white primary for the ed eorn nomination of all State onller;u and For one Unite4 Slates Senator-Suiuct w:Th the ronclusion arrived at by the Democratic Statet Central Committer which asembled in New Orleans on Thursday Septemlber the third. F M In Memoriam. ers goo& HALL Y. M. B. A. Ov LAFOt'RCIIE. only Thibodaus, La, Sept. .rrd. 1903. Y Whereas, the great and supreme gass Ruler of the Univeri has in his ini fuite wisdom removed from as one of our worthy and esteemed brother at S member, Benjamin Malbroug!h, Aad Whereas, the long .nd inti mate relatika held with him in the faithful 4schal'ge of his duty in this somiety .e* it emmineatly befitting The I Sour iappes don of Be It esolved, that the saddn removal of esoc a life from among o r midst leaves a vacancy and :t sh.dow that will be deeply realiz .d by all the and friends of this orgauiZatioi, an I will prove a sernous loss to the con.munity and the puldic. Be it fitrther resolved, that a :o y ,of thesw resolutions be spread upon e the records of this Association, a oopy printed in the local papers, and the to a copy forwa ded to the bereaved family. the cc Louis A RIVIERa, which PUILIP F. IgQ(ENDBE. WASHINGTON RlcthARa, their S. VoLCAa TRAILes, CHAS. J. CocLoN, Orlee Comnitter. latest Pater to ha line. ikh M ITh i tiem: of cu h - Mlmt Ida M. Snyder. . sit * i am I os tr aa d 111 Br1 ,d seeste s wem gie to Wp M iwsl remy&ta M1the i ris vs l tif c i/ Carduadlhsa B O eds ck.Dtanght and so I toot nd per % emav seasi o &as& him for a maw ms .sdup t me with -@s-r-ed & heam ad kutodok three monts tser am." ord Wis of Cardni is a regulator adt the C me. mbsteal functions and is a most as- den tontshag tonic for wonmer. It cures scanty, mupprssed, tootfreuent. s, ular am panmfal menstruat ion. fali as of te womb, whites and flooding. It id is helpl rwheen approacam womun hood, during pregaancv, a er child vc birthd in chan·,• of life. It fre- mal r etb brings a car baby to homes tis nin i been barren for years. All Eil 'drn.l have S1.s~ bottleu of Wine am c. OC. on Denis P. Gaude. th. g Last Monday wvening at 4:30 o'clock, death claimed the life of M1r. Denis P. Osude, an estimable young Sman ot Latourche Crossing and a son of( Mr. Arthur Oaude. The ere d ceas had been ill for some time, his but the 6lamily did not deem that his aslhne~'wa of a very serionus a naturo. x, He w eompell!,d to takr his besl 'el atonly tl day before his demUse, and $1 of com the news of his death was a Ian shock all his friends, some of whom lur. did eves know that he was sack. He w a man of family, leaving a Sd yous wre and three Aill children ]* sonto l~ . hk death. The futaerl i serve a held at St Joseph's o Ostb.;uu WGhraa Tuesday. sad i5uthe U aern, emsre laid to rest In tShe 6 in Uemtery. on Lear your orders for pianos loI tion organs s pIanoM tuning with V. J. i I to Knollo, Local Representative of od Louis OGrawald co. Ltd. 13 heir hi CASTORIA b "" I Km Yon Ha Alwnay Boh W DOws tho Isr. Paul LeBlanc, is es. O(s at hTuesday evening all that was ioeal of Mrs. Paul Leblanc, rese. 4e Piploeue Disonia, passed away after a Otrggle of several months. The wmrable lady had reached the yY seoS years and detlb was nor unaerpe·utd for sk had been ilh (or a long tg. r Her death is mourned ikes. by Ave sriving chiktdrea and by many frisds and relatives, to whnnm the Seutial extends sympathy. iHer lery. Iht laM to rest Wednesday rf aeeoi. at she Catholic Cemetery t. L L. E. CAILLOUET,I : Notary Public Bank of Thiodlux Jluilding. Thibodaux, Lia. For Sale. (), easy terms, the, property torn.;' Prly til inglig to Ann anilers, sitil:,t ld cOrner St. 'hilip and Rose- streets. For further particulaurs apply at Thilhodlaux ,ý-ltini Oi.e. 52-81 r0 FX SALE Four double flue Soil ers 42 inches by 28 feet good as new, served only six years for bag gasse. For particulars apply at Sentinel office. 2 " lp4 -'- The Racket Store's Shoe Talk, J. L. I JOSEL cro We take pleasure in announcing the fact that we are sole agents for the cce;br.,tcd "Tulane $3.50 Shoe" which is made by Keilfer Bros. in ,7lgen their up to date Shoe Factory in New for Orleans, La. We are showing a nice line of the latest shapes made up in Vici and G Patent leathers and would be pleased to have you ca!l in al:d Inspect the line. The Tulane which is truly a Gen tieman's shoe has pleased thousands of customers and ought to please you. THE RACKET STORE, CUAS. A. BADsAUX, Prop. Jack'on St., one block from Main. Breeders of Fancy Poultry, Attention. Bull C" hin eggs for sale at $2 OC per dozen. You are invited to visil breeding pen before placing yoo order. Call either at W. C. ERgans resi dence or Knobloch's Mlnsic store. 3 Mattings! Mattings ! The largest and finest stock of mattings that ever was brought to tills t wnl has just been received at S Ellis Braud's Sons Call and ei e amine thlie same, it will pay you to do sc, lhifore buying. 36. For job printing of all kinds, cal on oQ write to the SENTINEL. Notice. Hunting and fishing is positively prohibited on the Energy andt Leigh ton Piantations. Tig Tu. CLEOPHAS LAGARDE CO. LTD. 38-6 . !he - mhi For Sale. r ()n lot situated on Jackson street, bddestlrable hc'ation to build resldenee. ud $1,500. TuoiAs A. RlviYa. ow Wood! Wood! Sa For sale first class cypress wood, Iren stove length at $1.20 per cord. Good wam misad wood stove lasgth at o.00 par e' cord, at Frmost's leber yard. sd Apply to the 6 BScnDAT Aro ALLaU Fmot Bargalns! Bargaius!! st S. BL Con. Ios ion, bargains that it will pay you to * investigate. of 3 For Sale. A full set of ",,lodern Eloqu.nee" by the late Speaker Thos. B. Reed. Excelleot chance to secure this fine set of w,.rkts at a rCeasoiible price. If ytou watit them, apply at this otlee. Notice. Hunting on the Acadia Plantation is possitively prohibited. 22 W. II. PIlcI. ; Rice! Ricel Riceo Itb We solheit the consignment bor of RICE. Liberal advances e made. Satisfctivi guaran by teed Corre.ponience solieited. 4. GROS$MA M t& SO New Orleans, La, Box 1178 a ( Largest wholesale liqgnor dealers and dP' lstributors of Harmony tClub I Pure kie. Big Bargains IN Straw Hats AT ELLIS BRAUD'S SON Come and get your cho almost at your Own Price J. L. LOBUELL, Pres. P. L JOSEPH CL .dUDET V-President. Secy IT e Iobdel & Per@c g Wholesale Dealers Gommrission Merchants. Nesr S. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. ge'""j and eisls Ifew for O ," Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters orders given special attention for Grain and Ha Local 'Phone 152. -Ciunberland 87. IFollow the Tid We are all going to S. Riviere & C and examine their im mense line of spring and summer , goods. WhiteGoodsaSpeciat ; Having bought e large quantity o S. sample Embroide ed Handkerchief ,they are ready t Ssave their custo ers 25 olo on th d purchase. They have also aspec Sline of Misses and Childr Sshoes in all styles & price Call on them before purchasing. A STRIKING DIPPERENCE Co r-f tcd. i