rU itýM u F''.t ~ :1','.<
PUBLiI4N'., I."~ v iiY" II:t I'oj \ II|
H . R. DIPB'E. - I I,,l -i r '. 1' , t.
tit ells? .four,; tilfte !'.:: Ii o/ ,
La lource.
" ert."r tie r I/ , t, .. t ' r, . .r 11I
t t ,'ro.,d II .t'- 4
prr, t ).;;0. º:: ,.1 , I A,., 1,......... .;'..VII ]ii
, -
dress"t tisTh, "'J It tslr t' : i . \ ' I 't :r r . il
I 4lIbi,.r 4.II,,¶r4h 44f, t(,' t4I *t I. ,,) !
• 1 10 0 it,'J r f ll0 e '` i'." ', l i t t I '" : 1 r
-- h .
tr"JB ,thr,mit i 4lr,.tt -I''t. ' ,1.i.
rohr.. , oeI. r .it' -... ' 4 '""" - "t. =40 tt~ t' S
Announlc lltemets. :1
th I 0n ,l. u , lark ,,f hI,," ,.: t ,:1ta1 ..e,1" -,,r1 " 1W
wItr Is A Generl Primary. ,
t~hllllff l tn "yl , tl')" 'l1, I " I " , l i,, +, 1 "ll it- VI-j
l,iblic'-atlotn. NM :111 r i.". t:"'"* of "-)1'+"II r.) it| it .
MAs ouit r re:1 .'.Itl's -,already
nwrio, the Dle" i e 'h, r a'.t ". N tat.' ,Lt
Central Conunittee hts rdcr-I
e4 a geli l 'II. I ' i. i , im ry
State ofhlkers and for 1Uiitiel ai
States Sena tr.
' - he SE 'rim'1., w1, ( nl" 4'S. ' l I
ttie i( tt\ t od' 0 of l) ii l l at i a ll
for re so.l iF s afd'ltu Ii ill tl rlia>'
41)1'h11lI LVo lih tu lle to P.ititl
It Is A General Primary.
As ouri 't",ti|It'rs already 1i
}now, tilt' l)clu ,rati;e e i:tti , "
(Cenitral Ltoimitttet; 18 lul+,dt'r-I)
and tItral ,dirt t prill atryo
ior of the o rkiu flit t h c, it 'i !
t sthe iefelira1 )i rt l tlo ilt
ilet i t (e.: ut t a 'air , ,It y,, l(ls l
theaes crittrd Senantte
to thialts wehod if llth lil;til
(1ollumns from tune to dent'. 4)
ind notwitlsitteideig telec a,
Sion ocf the primnaittry , it i oit'
tiiestinje 0pi i)ary1 s-till an tli:i ii ]
importalnt r i. e:sol. It yie'`hA . Iý
haowve, tat is l'at we staiil il
teor now, id for what we
aidrill contend.illl
GeneraI~rimary. p
As was expeetedl by thone
who have kept in touch with ii
tie slentimert of the ic ple-i
itthroughout the Stat, t
state central comiimittee has
ordSine prie generalry i i, primary fort
lers andit e, but a fairU. S. Sut aor.l
h o n ~e st• prinm a ry , :-i nll a d e n h v l o s c m a g , .ice u s",
phille exoteint. of l setiment
in favor of a general primary
in thave country parishes wha
,raized whl, e the fr elegates
began to assemble in New Or..
leais. A cauckp of thei guih
i-al primary, removtetI atl
doilbt as to the prohahi'' ac
tion bf the coniri ttee in the
iatter.gou tle tt, t
stathose entrwho al er not itt fa I
ordered of a general primary, like
~oodI lDerocrats yiel(Ied to
he will of the majority and
whenr the central comumittee 1
mnet 'Tliuirsday withdrew all I
governoritio and the conimitte t'i
cers alid for U. S. S+elntolr.
oil ered a L primary by a unani
muons vote.
Trin e following resolutions
were adopted without a dis
senting vote, which shows I
that the w)ehoioratic party in
Louisiana is as solid as evOr: i
"Be it Resolved by the lDe
minocratic State central coim
mittee of the State of Louis
lana, That the nomminationi of
the can.ilateis of the 'em t
eratic partys of the State of
Louisiana for the officers of
Governor, Lieutenant Govt r
inor, Attorney 'General. Stntt
Tfreasurer, Auditor of PublIdic
Accou~nts, Secretary of Stamtt
amid Superintendent of Ptahlic
El(lolltli whio Vhi1 iall Standal
for o(e tioi at tpl'ni geirral
electiof O the siaeornt aTns
niay wb Aim 1 104 shall l'
by a'dmrvt yltte of time white
Demlio rats ot the State 4)i
Loleisied at a priimary byau .l
thon to Ibe held it such timie,
:1n1( places aiidl unider 504-i
minmis amid regulatio.s as sll
Tie (lesignated and adohth,
ry this committee; that at
said 'lectiori"thc partoys who
r cauididatei a 'esfore Sa ier
nrimorat efectioat shcnt recein
their notilinations by a iim
jthrity aote of all the lmotcs
cast thrartghyout the State,
aId in the evant that a mnim-o
ri ty i1 not rt.evive 1by an1y
.;.lidiJllate I' W, lly tllte' (f IllMo'
it tll tlir't priv, y.; tliteli thllat
tle hall l!; a et( li t l i-i
1,ii iy i1l Silh itilile and iittldt'
-i:iall h, d,,ignl!1 tieId ( l ;1 id a(1) t
all by tl is I n I i tllt'e l!t- ,
fIlit' first. Ifrilllary lreceV ll..
i' 1 i greatesIt iltl, r i lof v ot'e.
all other ilaspir: ls to he ex- .
"I· t`i lurither r(esolve. etc..
I heii ir l''ellt(e b1y c:astlillg ai
vl i tt' forl ' S-) ll )ll l'i'1it o' r
lIitt'd ;tat('t , e attltr, tC be (,
tl,,','oI by thle lt.islat]iilet;
wvhli4-h ,1;1-: e111)kI ii M t:iy. 1!1)4: t
hi1;)t ani"y p)l`r'l',on 'teci\inlg Ia t
Iuiltit. y of aill the otes (,ast . t
I'm. s;ii1 pllitihol of UjinitlC
Statt!e. `enator shall thereby t
leColtoie ihth Ilulijlllitee of the
of Louisiana for the office of t
United Statet Senator, and a
siiI-h nijiority of theio direct
votes (ast at sa it primary
,latl be letirelili)t }ry Ill5lfilu -
itio li t ;i1h1i lt.l'llblh r o) f tilte
'" eniit'rall :alissemly, elhct,, asa
I I)th n(Ocrat, to \"'tt' for tcll
I)rl1olt ftlor sa;id ,tlli ' o4f Unit-I
e'li Stait'es Sealt' I t iln thei i
I ini ltie linrt i lrillialry tlnl ii ai
s: ;'a di! tril ait r ty !shall he or
(ýi l , 1 r 1 t1i1 fLillie 11(
,!j ieI' I ltli ' . il " ! 'il i l i'.A and r,;.
-' .lid - 1 1'ý1,nl I)riiiary flor stateI
SThle Mate Central C',niunt
I"t t',' l re,)olv%,(.( that a ',)l -
11inittthe of liftee'i, witlil tht'
cliairlnali of t Cllte intiral Colii
. initt.'t' xt O- !ii:.i,) a mll,'l1itl!• alln,
.hlaii'itan thei'r'f be appi)il
r! d te ( lt ) i'lr' ilh'es ril ' -'riu
i lilili.s, alnd to suiggeS t the
hlate for hloldinig the primary'
od', r!rd in the forgoilig r't'S(
y" litions, ai(d to report back to
the Ceniitral (Comlitiee oni
)Oc:tober 1Sti, lt)103, the re
.suiilts of its labors, to be final
1 ly acted on by the latter coinm
e inittee.
T'lbis committee of fifteen
was also.direated to devise a
plan for the election and ofr
ganlization of a new State
Central Committee and frain
11 ing and form:ulating a party
t pilatform.
'Ih'liS eLonuilittee's functions
f'ire iiiuot illip)rtant anid ilu tch
dpit'iiwlný upon the result of
I their labors.
T.I n ac li ie w It I n it thRu4 . re-",
colutiit autorizing the ap
ponintmecut of thii tonuittee,.
:chairman ELll. B. Krntts'hiitt
.aippointed last F'rilay week
.,the saiih coulilll'itt(., of lifteen,
• ht .hi is as folltws:
SChair:nani-- E. B. Krutt
First 1)istiict --John Fitz
a. litrihk anl Johlii iew.-tr.
ie Second I )istrict-I1. C. Cage
to land E. Howard M.Caleb.
i rdI hid l)istri-t --L. P. Cail
ee louet, of L,,fouir4h,'; ani R. F.
Li1 Broussard, of lberia.
rl Fohi-rthi !,)itr:ct C. V. Por
ti- ter, of Natchitohoie, and II.
C. )re~w, of W .'b)Ster..
u, Fifth Ilistrict ..R. II. Say
is- der, of Tenuas, and R. B.
vs Dawkiis, of Union.
in Sixth District-T. J. Ker
3r: nan, of East Baton Rouge.
)e. and S. McC. Larwrason, of
niV- West Feliciana.
Sol uth District-A. P.
*d. Piijo, of C:tleasieu, ali(l (Gteorge
ofi K. Bratifori, of Acadia.
of 'Thie coniiniitet; is tclleld to
cr- meet in the rooms of the
. Cho'taw club at noon on
1c Seit. 15. It miuit retport 1a,'4k
ie to the statt, ce.itral conhnittUC
mal T,'Ii cii. otie iosjti uof this
(*' i.'-erii'd. As rtelli'rket;d Iy
,,.. iui' 1 PFit.Lyllli."
11tW "It i- nmat l up Of 1iien whcl
tih bevnlId oiit,-tiii arie iii tilt)
a!l v4'ry frout rainik tif the politi
eti tatl AiIfaiis ,) tli .t'i h,. and
at the divisiii *ita'(idii I t j c t
ho grersioui;il diistritt, wl4idle lin
,* rwsolutioni. giv"'S all s',ctioin
*i-, equal relresiiitaltion on whal
tes will prove to b) the most imi
Ite, .iortant eolimllUitte of the cam
i( " J i. ' "1",
s. ParCish Primary Rules.
'(I 'I'ex o,)1 the Letter and Rules-t
at as Finally Adopted.
,.r; In view of the importance
sof lite rules and suggestions
*i,- to parish commnitt.ees for their
"rgiicianrce in the condllct of
'11 arisli rillaries. the Sentinel
.S. rejulIlishes the letter and
.x u ilt's, as finally conipleted
ri- and a(lo)teil by the State
lx,'iulltive: Commllittee:
"".. To the Chlairimn11 of the
'l e nihn)tcratic' Executive ('om
it iltt.e .of the Parishl of
s iar Sir --lii order to secure
SIniflormity in tihe rules aud
'r ItL' mll tionll to goverll primary
Ut elect ions, wlhtlitir held to
make (iirect nominations or
-1: to select. delegates to convell
l tions, the Executive Conlnit
st tee respectfully submit for
your favorable considerationt
I,; the accompanying suggestions
he of the manner in which the
6-procednlgertyuura O
of tee in conection with the
ad calling of Democratic primary
(ct elections srlouhll be conducted
r'y awl relported:
''- Fir:t -As the Primary LWty
il" provihl.c that at each polling
"a pre,.inct there shall not be
•i h lh tbi-ui three nor more thain
ait-1t t C"tIissioner, andi not
Iit'le tlil la olenlor IrTe thall
i two clerks, the bi)lalks should
~Lthe till ed in by your ('oniunit
o'1 te, wiit the niumbler ill each
i!, c,,st' s:ltiisl:' tory toy tO ytiirsAelvi'e
"; nl in accordlance with the
ite Seco',,id-I'lie iln"eting of
tie (hm!ltiittee should ne held
ut- at leailt thirty (days .prior to
Illn- the dalte lixtl for the elk'etion,
the as ;etiun , potviles f or the
n plllulication of the lproýeed
1ii0 of the (llilnittee at least
tl:,th rty dlys prior to the ele.
i11- itio1t.
.'l- i'Third---WVhIere parishes pre
lite fcr t, have and use an otliT ial
Liat it embracing the names
try of all the caudidates, it is
"~- s ,gestu e t that sectiotis 5 and
to i; road as follows:
on "F1iftll--The names of all
1Ca(ldidatcs shall be plrinted
'e1 on one, official ballot. 'he
al- i hairinman shall make up i?
.)m- budget of probable election
expenses in detail, and pub
"en lish same three weeks before
e a tl l election,
`a IaFiOtlon and each in
or- dividual shall, at least two
ate weeks before the day of elec
sny. tion, hand in to the Chair
I man. the names of the candi
rty <dates to be priuted on the
ballot. and shall at the same
one time dleposit with him their
mlll proportional share of these
of expenses. Upon the refusal
olf any faction or candidate
to pay this share of expenses,
re- 1the /a(irman shall refuse to
p Irint tie nailes of suilch can
ta idates on thie official 1)allot.
"-\ (iAy p'rson who is unable,
by physical disablililty or oth
Ok er'w ise, to prepare his ballot.
en. shall have tlhe privilege of
callihg u)po01 oe of the 'Jom
utt- missionelrs to do so for him,
ii the prn'senie of a witness
selectedl by the voter.
itz- Sixtlh--1'he names of the
r. various caniidates shall be
aeso pv.iuLtd on the ballots that
the voter . hall have, no diffi
Scutty in indicating the can:ldi
l- date or candidates for whom
ihe eF l ires to vote.
"'alily sheets, ballot boxes,
Por- poll lists antd utiiir lparapher.
p inalia niecessary to coniduiet
ithel eiection shall be providted
by the Chairman, and these.
y- together with the ballots, se.
B. curlty wrappled in pac;kages
allt scaledl, shall be, by thb
Ker- said Chairi an, delivered t
the Commissioners at eac
gt3. polling precinct befoir tht
of houir ixed for the opening ol
the pol!k."
. or'th--It is understood
of coulrse, that these sugges
rge 1ti,)s 'are simplly advisory, bul
we re-l)ectfully nurge that
d to ilisular 1as ilay be practicable
the t'y lhe a(iopt(ed and put ilnt
on eilect, as we feel that lsucli
_ck o.e will greatly minimiizi
klhe dait'etr of coltests an(
tte, the iiecessity for aplpeals, am
the dis5;tishfctiionII and acri
this inuoy ainiost invariably r.
ieli seliillg thtertfrolm!.
•ill Fift! - It i, further ultndei
Sstood tIhat it is not the intei.
' by tion of. the (J, niiission ti
5lgh4"est or adlvise the repea
who or 01ei\vision of rules alread
thile itlel it~elnce in ally parishil
oliti- tl,. St:!te and not violative o
andi! the Primiu:u-y Elei'tion Law o
coail other laws 4)f the State.
liot sixth--'l'he conullittee, i
iin;ll thle riules suggested by it, ha
h iis provihh'l that the quialilict
,'lat tii)11 (if \voters at lrimlary e
t in- ectiolis, iii respeci to po
cain- tatxes, shall be that thle vote
shall lave paid. lie saliie 1)o
taxes rd d red of tWhe ,r.c
who shat participate ill them
general _tion followigt e
prima ry. Whit the Corn
Ynittee- taken this a.'tion.
i. wide jgetce of opuinioin
has doev p amonlg the
lawyerp h. State upon the 1
tquesti ]ther the 'poll
tax q io for
at a prl eld in the fall
of 190~ b e payment of thie
poll taxeu for the yeals 1'1ul
and 190$, or for the years
1902 and?903. All difrei, cnce. -
of opinion on this subjiect ti
would disappear if parish pri
maries beaheld suls.qluently
to Jan. 1,'1904. Iii this event -
the committee is of opinionl P
and adv es that the old re- n
gistratlon of voters remain
good for all purposes until
after the new registration
shall hate been completed,
sixty da after Jan. 1, 1904.
During' t5se sixty days, the
fact that the voter was regis
tered user either the old
ommi : constitute him a
regit "red voter_ for the pur- N
po of casting his vote at a a
primary election held during
said sixty days. It will, there
fore, be seen that the holding
of local primaries subsequent
ly to Jan. 1, 1904, will elimi
miate very serious legal ques
tions from the case, and ul'1's
tions which the Executi% e
,-oniiittee cannot finally d(!
.cile and which it cannot keel)
out of the courts.
Yours very respectfutlly,
H. C. C.w;, '-
Chairman Executive Commit
tee of the Democratic State
Central Commuittee.
lall of the Democratic Exe
cutive Commnittee of thl
PaurIh of--,
. .. -, 1!--,
The Chairman of the lc: -i
ocratic Executive conmmittec ti.
of the Parish of , hav
ing called a meeting thereof:"
by nptide mailed to ealh ,
member, ptating the object to
'oe the c lling of a prim:try Th
election said notices giving b
the dat aud hour of such !l.,
meeting,.having been :nailed
more ten days prior to
this d and a like public Di
notice . meeting and its
object . aboditnrgivent.
by p oD ia newspaper ,
publis in this parish more
than days. prior thereto),
the co ttee met this
day of , 'with the follow
ing me bem present, being a reo
quorn to.wit: ecl
(Her ive the names of the it
mnembe present. )
On tion, duly made amlnd
second , it Was
Reso ed, first, That a'
Democ tio primary election
be hel l the Parish of - -
on the d-- ay of- --,
-, d that the o.olling -
places 11 be as follows: i
(Her~pollng pIaces.)
And that the polls shall
open a -o'clook a. m. and
be co --o'-clo'k p. nm.
Se be-
?at ea iotin bbeth. Thlese
commi 'on-s htill presidle
over and conduct the election
in tkhoi rt~ietive polliig
places and they P-hall have
the samie qualifications as are
required of the voters at tihe
precinct over which thl,.y pre
tside. i
I These commissioner: and
clerks shall be appointed by
.the Chairman of this P'arish
a Execu$ivre committee on the
, recommendatioii of the op.
) posing otions and indivi
( must be h*ided to the Chair
man at leait ten days before
the day of election. The
SChairman must, without de
t lay, make the appointments bi
and publtlh the names, to
Sgether with the precin:ts or o
polling bo~thQe in whlich they
are to serve. This pl)ublica
e tion must be made at least
ri seven days before the day of
:1 election. The Chairman shall'
i. apportion these election oUli
. cers ag .ually as posqible
among the opposing factions (
.and tididuals seeking the
i. suffrages of the )cemoratic
o I voters at this election.
i Third--The objects for
y whicl thu primary election
n is called~tie.
d (Here sQte objects.)
r Fourth--The qualifications
of voters at said primary elec
tion shallUbe that they ar:e
a white Democrats, registered ,
i voters, and have all tihe qutl;l
1- ifications required by law to
llvote at the ensuiltg gener-al
II lclt1nuc4 O? thlIl pcg"
--7 1 For Infants and Children.
The Kind You HaveA
Always Bought,
A~egetable rep "gaionfr-s
ting the stom1cdis at wels o ears t he
.r-i Signature
Promotes DigeslionCheerlfu'- ,Pr'L
ness and Rest.Conlains neiller hi
Opium.Morphtine norllinxral.
Bon,. Sotr 1o1uBh.
ness and Loss OF SLrEP. or ver
F acSinile Signature of
NEW YORK. Thirty Years
-- .
,r. Cn . lor.V i "' .k_. 1Uy won cr11.
The Willia . s..' -
Electro-Me jj
o thi,; :ýt it '('!'Qi'es no arg e;l'l t. i. .' '. that Ele
ti irt' , i- 1'; , gr"'.tt.". curati' ' . , , , , , .
T'h m )st hle nri : I phy~' ci n : ,,e .1 , A11 . 2 li -. . ": Z,,
l ~'tr! i av. t ol-day. 110t a hospital ifn 1 " ' :;, il. iort : -i '<t . ,I l i ,i i A' ' t1
t,':11 ti,'e . who l d s li .. A' dald ill tuse it i if, n: t \o de l t :l'l't1t. ii all ch ii'
(". 1 , t ir f,_,.- : "' ( 'te'+,1.t ili by . f; j ' E1)i '" ' I -ll" P 'tl .... .. r ti't 1, il v.
T I '1 k ii 1 i 1 i iii ', ' ll: (S i ; 1 a d l l . 'ia i, ; a : o rl -~ n ' , t l a t ' i '. a r k :Iina' "1l
It _' m,.. li it ! f *C lh : . i ti t ll D O N t YI'O 0 4 2 . " . . IT tr "l - . .! .
T' i' i is with whirlh oh ( i m:ilt I". ne-,:11t" il: e'1d 1;i" fr.m thtret
tnoaths t, a : (1. aa'. tordlln to the' t.e thie 1, tetry rec1('ivt s. .111 the jIt t rie 1 i 1(
ill't' sl ~f 1st',1 tr' d t, at the Dry (:C ls .til ". v l}'"t' a'l ,'y ia I.I . 1 l wtel i ex-l :j
hausted and new Cells pult iU their lp'ace in a V('"y feW sitec)lii.
Diseases in.whic&i a speedy Cure can be Effected
by the u uo.the Fariadie Curretntu ut'fleitri'it "t
' nre'tie by + fr BIatteriee: "
Par.?'yss. Epilepsy. Loeoimoter At axias RIalr:tlil,.a. M'Itiseular Rhlleuiatisum,
Netnl,. a.ia. ,iattiai, Dyspepsia. Contipation. Kidtlev or ]righlt'r l)is
ease, Livter ('uomplaints~. C ta'rrh, Asthitn i f tia 144t4.4 'l :, L i i- If t1t or
8!eeplessess. Fcemale Conml ,ait#,. rvr " I- elhl.'ity. Other Compl!ai:tts.
Electric iPt:l,..
We publish a little Book 'nt!t!ed, 'S,;..esit~is and di
rections for treatinig di:-eases with" f':ttdlic Currentsl of E!- v
ectricity," b:y J. J. Matckey, M. I'. A t:opy if tltis litt! e
Book will Ibe 0:i+t free of charg"e t,) chl l ,ersonl puirchl:.inetii
one of our Battri-............. ........... ........
For further particulars, apply to
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4I I,;Y 8.
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aIT il I A;L '! Ns '(I: ,:
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