Newspaper Page Text
Local Paragraphs. Hon. T. D. Kent wa. a vi-i. lh,-iteI daring the week. M3r. Ed. Mattnglyv. of H',Im',, spent several diys iu tiwun this week. t'all at Ell;s tiruuL's Sou for genuine bail 'ia,[ Time ohanie' all but Leon Block still cliudii to low prices. Bg,;e : and (Carriages. Planters Hardlware & Mercantile. Cc, Mr. F. I.. B:irrillenux, of Lo-Lkport was in town Tlzaaut.:ty. Misses Gra:ei and Willie B l,,.r have returned from Texas. Miss Corinne Aveock is a guest at the home of Dr. II. tIans,'reau. Dan ir * 1bKier YbuA N Io h Wgaatau Picture Frames masle to order |lautirs' Ilardware & Mercantile Co Hash your fuss let them tell of the low priess at L. Block's. Judge I.. '. Caillouet left Tlurs day for New Orleans. District (',urt will convene Mlon day for a crimninal term. Enameled and Steel Eath Tihs. Planters Hardware & Mercantile Co. Mr. Peter Fey is visiting his ipa reuts. Mr. Albert (Irahert, of larcland, was in town yesterday. Mr. Gas Wallace, of .leanerette, visited his mother lust Sunday. Fancy Vests, that will please the most fastidious, at Ellis Brand's Sons, see them. Mrs. . p pnnger entertained her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Moore, of New Orleans, during the week. Dr. 8. A. Ayo was a visitor to New Orleans the early part of the week. First last and all the time L. Block has the best selected Stoves and Cheapest prices in Thibodaux. Bargain Counter every day of the week at Ellis Braud's Sons. gam i, I4 LW Yes lM GWet The prettiest line of fancy Vests ever brought to this town can be found at Ellis Brsud's Sons. Go to 8. R. Coalon for genuine bargains. J-aedJ. DV BernTr~, of the-r, Ward, pent a few hours in town yes terday. Mestu. John Barker and Ulysses J. Barrios, of L.ikport, were visitors to Thibodaux Thursday. For a bilious attack take Chamber. lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For eale by IRoth Drug Store, A grand fair will be given for the henefit of St. Philomena's Cathollic Chureh, at Lahadieville on eptL Y7th. The On Time Base Ball Club wdil cross bats with the Stonewalls, of Housima, in that town tomorrow. Mattings, you want, call at Ellis Braud's Sone, and see their bIaitiful line, 36. Mr. James Beary, our popular sheriff, went to New Orleans, Thurs. day. )Ir. L. F. Suthon, of Booms, was a visitor here yesterday. Mr. Joseph Caillonet left Thursday for Rayne, La., with his famiy. They will reside there in the future. Read the letter of Ilon. Sidner Story to Secretary Lancaster of the Progressive Union. It may interest Aget mslbratsd Jan. Deere is Planters Hardware & MereaotIle o. lThe many friends of Mrs. Jackson Bernard will regret to learn that she is on the sick list. We hope she will soon regal. her bealth. Mrs. Dr. Jo. A. Pujos and daughl ter returned home during the teek from a pleasant vacation spent at Asheville, N. C. How's This? We offer One Hunoodred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that aesnuot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Prop., Tole. do, O. We, the nndersigned. have known F. J. Cheney fur the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business tr.nactioas, amsd tias cially able to carry out any oblhg tion made by their firma Wust e Tcrx, , bolesale Drug. gists, Toledo, O. WAILDZso, KBI.v.vS A M.,vi;, Wholeale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's C'atarrhb Caure is taken inter. nally, naeting directly Ulpon the W~ood pod mucous surfalces of the system. rlce, 75hc. per bottle. Sold ly all druggists. Testimonials free. HIll's Family Pills re the beat, ri to Ih lh ::,li + utaS they canl rla:- ViaI. Seinat:l r `1 Hi. l'rite sl ,nt tlee earl\ ast -.f lh.- week '.i hia hotme nnl tA -a ila" .lan.tatl i . hia t Ieft Thn'rs3 'lay afternlonl fair New )l!eeans. Cuugrat ulat ions are due to Mr. and Mrs. L. Ph. .;:e:u l. upln the advent, Tuesday, of a b bthy hoy-their third Royal and VauLeetean Enameled wa.e. Plauters Hardware A Mercantile Co. Mr. Frank W. Nicholls. of Ililge. field plantaitmn. in I. fjur' he Pairi-lh, ieassed throughn town tailav.-lemnli, cret. Visit the bargain counter at Ellin Bralnd's Sons. von might find some thing vyo, need there much cheal:er Ilh:n you could buy it elsewhere. Mrs A. Matherne and daughter, ,Miss Antoinette. returnedl home Tlrhursiy after an extended visit to relatives on Will-wood Pleantation and inl New Orleans. Mr. P. R. Percy returned to Thi hbodanx last Sunday from an extended trip to Cincinnati, Chicago, St Louis and varioU, other points. Re reperts having spent a very enjoyable vaca Lion. Ellis Br:ud's Sons have just re ceived their tall an.l winter stock of ('lothing, its a magufilceet line. see them before purchasing elsewhere. The following gentlemen from Kraemer were business visitors here luring the week: Messrs. Lovincy Rodrigue, Victoria Pontiffe, Placide Legeudlre and Albert Rodrigate. Mr. Eugene Robi, haux an'd famill returned home Tuesday night from Asheville, N. C., where they spent the hot summer days All report havinlg greatly enjoyed their vacation. For National Baptist Convention, Colored, Philadelphia. Pa.. Sept. 16th 22nd, 190)3, M. L. & T. It. It., andl L. W. R. It. will sell tickets Sept. 13th, 14th, and 15 th, to Wtashington, limited t) October 1st, 19!3 return ing, at rate of one fare plus twenty five (25) cents for the round trip. The Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1 will give a grand fair on the Opera House grounds on the 26th, 27th, and 29th, inst.; there will be various new attrae lions which wilt be highly pleasing. Make up your mind to attend, you will enjoy yourselves. The Police Jury of the Parish of Lafourche will please accept the sincere thanks of the publ'sher of the Sentinel for his election to the posi tion of public pnnter and have the assurance that he will spare no pains to gave a good public service in re torn. We call the following items from the Terrebonne Times: Miss Elvie Webre, of Thibodanux, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Robert. Iouia Perrin, of Thibodauz, was in Houma last Sunday. Miss Jouise Rogers, of Thibodaux is visiting tn Terreboune. Mrs. Arthur Bethancourt returned Iast Sunlda: from a visit to her fath er, in Thibloaux Joe. McCollough, of Thibodaus, paid a visit to our town this week. 'Mayor W. C. Ragan, of TLibodaux, was in Houma Tuesday. A Remarkable Reeord. Chazmberlain's Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use tur over thirty years, during which time many million bottles have been sold and used. It ha:s long been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes, yet during all this time no ease has ever been reported to the manufacturers in which it failed to e8ffect a cure. When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough appears, It will prevent the attack. It as pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance anl may be given as confl dently to a baby as to an adult For sale by Roth Drug Store. John Celestin. Tuesday morning death claimed Mr. John Celestin a former resident and a native of Thibodaux, who of late years had made New Orleans his home and there died. Is remaina were broght hew Wedasday light over the Teas and Pacie route and oonveyed to the residenoe of his aunt, Mrs. Feliciten Celestin. The funeral services were held at St Joseph's Catholic Church Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, and the remains were then laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery. The deceased was a brother of Mr. C. A. Celestin, the well known Clerk of Court, of Terrebonne Parish; his mother and several seisters also snr vive him. The Sentinel sympathizes with the hereaved family. JMENU Strangers Hotel, Sunday, Septomber 13th, 6 p. m. SouP. Noodles with fresh River Shrimps. Bayou Cook Oysters on the half shell. Baked Red Fish. Tartar Sauce. EnnsTSs. Stewed Lamb with Green Peas. Chi!i Con Connie and Mexican Beans. Kalamazoo Celery. ROASTS. Pork with Apple Sauo. French Duck with 3lashroom, DEessaT. Pineapple St rlelt. Cu!if,rnia Fruits. Swiss Cheese. Olives. Pickles. S:uces I.INE--Cab f,,rnia Claret. C~ak- Nuir. For The HIon. Williiim H. Price. The guhern:itoral canmpaign will now soon be on in earnest, aml De. ,maxrats thrmughout the State will hiave to choose between the caudi ddates fn the, highest of ice within the gift of thie ptlple of this State. Jud,,e eWntkins having withdrawn from01 tie ra, there are now but tbhee eanilidatsa in the field, Senator Price, Judge Blanchard and General .iastremtki. Of thew Senator Price ia by long odds the fa-vorite in this section. ail Is Ideveloping strength in other parts of the State. Our distinguished fellow parish iner is a native of this State, in the prime of life; he satnds high in the commmunnity socially and politically; being a toan of noble and generous impIlse~, affable and considerate, he so naturally and deservedly popular among all classes of ipeople, and makes friends readily of those with whom ke comes iu contact He Ihas been a life long and stead. fast Demnocrat, and has always taken an active part iu fighting the battles of the Democracy, aikt deserves well of his party. He has never held offile, except that of StaL8 lSenotr to which he was elected at the last else tion. Senat)r Price is a planter, to which calling he has hiih-rto devoted b whole time and attention; he is bright and intelligent and possessedof those gr at'r gifts, a practical mind, a sound judgment, ail fine business and aimministrative ability.--qualities which will stand han:m in go{aI stead in the discharge of tit,, fun.itions of the high andl responsible officie to which his friends seek to elevate him. The Picayune a causervative D)e maratic o-gan, thus conciudtes a strong editorial, end1oring the cautdi dacy of Senator Price: "The Picayune beholves that Mr. Price, who is a young man and com psratively a new one, but a life-long citizen of Louisiana of the highest standing, will fill wilh ability and general satisfa:-tion the guhernatorial! o:kle of Louisian:t. and that his ad ministration will ma:, not only for the general good of the State in every way. but also for that of this city. which is a chief care unile: the cir cumstances. Thus the Picayune, with charity for all, and with malice to none, but actuated solely with a desire to promote the public goodl, proposes to the people of this State and city the name of William II. Price, to be voted for in a nominating primary, to be Governor of Louisiana." We fully concur with the Picayune, and again proposes to the people of the State, the name of cur distin guished fellow citizen, William H. Price, as a candidate for gubernato rial hosors before the forth coming Demaocratic primary. Stemach Trouble. "I have been troubled with my stomach for the past four years," says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield. Mass. "A few days ago I was inloced to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomrc.h and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal lbttcr." If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of these TaIblets. You are certain to be pleased with the result Price 25 cents. For sale by Roth Drug Store. Police Jury Mtets. The police jury met into regular aes sion Welraesnay afternoon and Thursday morning. The attention of the meeting was d(lirected to the e!ec lion of officers which took place Thursday morning and resulted in the election of those who were in office dluing the past year, with a few exceptions in the ranks of the road inspectors; Mlr. Evariate Mire was elected to suocceed Mr. Alphonse Scott in the first district, and in the fourth district Mr. F. L liarrileaux replaces Mr. P. N. Rian. All the members with the excep tion of Messrs. J. L. LeBlane and Alexandre Theriot, w,.re present. The proceedings of the meeting will aplpear in full in our next issue. - -~· .4,4 Fearfal Odds Against tHim. Bedriddeo, atone and destitute. Such, in brief was the condition of an old soltdier by name of J. J. Havau&, Versalilles, O. Fr yesrs he was troubled with Kad,y. deanm sad neither d'xtnrs nor medielnea gave him relief. At leogth he tried Elecotre Batters. It put him on his feet tn short order and now he testifies. "I'm on the road to compleLe recovery." Best on earth for Liver and Kidoey troubles and all foams of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50e. Guaranteed by all Druggist. Mrs. Neal Newell. Death invaded the home of Mr. Neal Newell. on Leighton Plantation, at noon Wednesday and claimed his beloved wife. T'he deceased was only 38 years old. Her maiden name was Otavie LeBlanc. The tuneral took place Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock at St Joeephs Catholic Churchb. Our sympathy to the bereaved re;atives. Celebrated White Moontain and Artic Ice Cream Freezers. Planters Hardware & Mercantile Co CASTORIA low nats sad Children. The Kio Yu Haos Alwnr wht eas the Sipaltuwe ofcaE Shells for St. Mary Street. At a speeial meeting of the town council heW at the city Hall I:ast Friday aight Mayor RIgan wa:s ath orized to perhase enough shells to repair St. Mary street and in the event of any srplus to shell one of the ste .ts etering the town from the Terrehboms side. This is a *Up in the right direction. and it is to e holed that ere long all our streets will be thoroghb'y .helllt.d. Thibodaux is prosperous and progres sawe, but the baid conditiou -to which its streets are subject during a long rainy spell Is a great drawback to greater prosperity and should receive the serious onsideration of the citi sens. W<ald that the 8srUTInt, were able to boast of the streets of Thabodaux as dons the I6erwiUe SoutA of those of Plaquemine: It is a well known fact that there are few towns in the State that have as good streets as we have h're in Plaquemine where weather conditions never interrupt traft: nob as used to be the ceae Ibefre the asterts were graveled. There was a time when this now lo urishicg lhaie city was a veri witler Le was ats r aqy e tim. Now, tortuastely (dy if growth and pensperty, thb xistence of such a condi'i ,n in thi town is an impositbility. Our streets are always gmood, rain or co rain, and there are no such things here as mura holes. In fact some of our younger generation doesn't know what a r1,1d hole looks like. Every word that we have ever heard cooctlting our streets h.m. b e, e in commendation of them aid of th satisfaction that they have given iandl are giving. Even the Donaldd-on ville Times takes occasion to remark: ,-Plaquemine already has six fine gravel streets that are the pride of all her people, and now the seventh one. Seminea y, which is in the frant of th< town near the river, is being gravelle:l and will soon be completed. Another one is being graveled to a distanceof two miles below tihe town." And in the following the sam. paper, undenrtanding the value of these streets, points them out to New Iberia, which town is about to improve her streets: NYew Iberia is talking of having her main street paved with asphalt We will butt in to the extent of advising the people of thst progres sive city to have gravel streets made instead. They are cheaper, far more durable a better in many impol tart points. PYLuemine has them and they bave veu general satisftctio.a." You bet hey have. And the long-r we have thim the more we hke them. What we t now ae just such streets all the parish. I plesars to intform my ps trons friends that I have pur chased t stock of Jewelry of the late A. aron, and am now cifering good ins in the Jewelry line. A corn lina of first class Jewelry, Silverw etc. kept in stock at all times. m ry, Watch, and Clckk repairin specialty. 36. FRANK ZERNOTT. hrodt-Kent. A qut wedding was celebrated at the hope of tMr. L. C. Wate burr, at 7:30 *)lock Wednesday morning, Rev. J. I. Blackburn, of Houma, oflciatis.g The cootracting parties were Mr.' John Scthrodt, Jr, the popular uanger of the Combei land Telephoe ~ia this town, and Miss Emma Kt, the amiable daughter of lion ThoLss D. Kent The Smtinel extende congratula tions to the happy couple and wish a them a hg life of happiness and pros~erity. sthema Va stlid. pien eUS th orers in hes eomtaguem. BeaMache., bioes sass, .Ir sad many other sil metsb 1 e rwb m costi relldrwd. Thed ad -l m· m without the Iml,| r oI ther vio aBae o hlt tar teo, Whe di ioseC 8M b all dr aggistk in S)emat aod $i.0 e packs. .. Ma vs ssifthe Tlk1 Wanted. Colored. to work in Cigar F:eilo: r good wages sad steady wow k Ap plh at fadory, Iradesi buildatn5,. Miain Yt L. E. CAILLOUET, Notary Public Hank of Thilodaux Building. T'hibodaux, La. Mrs. Pierre Trotnd. There died in Cleveland. Ohio, on Augu-t 5th, 1903. a former anl well remoemher c citizen of Th ,lauxi - Mirs. Pierre Trrone. nee Stepharnie Slenard, a st. a of Whc ,t.- b.-loved Fathier C'. .. 11 lnc, I. The ,1e-3~en was in her 83:h yerI. She was buried at Fie.di. v. Oleo. Leave your orde ea for pianos organs and pano tuniug with V. J. Knoblo.b Local Representative of Louis Grunwald Co. Ltd. 13 L7 w-- L-? , - -:- The Racket Store's Shoe Talk. We take pleasure in announcing the fact that we are sole agents for the celebr:ated "*Tulane $3.50 Shoe" which is made by Keiffer Bros. in their up to date Shoe Factory iu New Orleans, Ia. We are shoAng a nice line of the latest shapes made up in Vici and Pa'ent leathers and would be pleased to have you call in and Inspect the line. The Tulane which is truly a Gen tleman's shoe has pleased thousands of customers and ought to please you. THE RACKET STORE, CUAs. A. B.hsAux, Prop. Jackson St, one block from Main. Breeders of Fancy Poultry, Attention. Bul Cochin eggs for ale at $2 OC per dusen. You are nvited to visil breeding pen before placing Tyo order. Call either at W. C. Ragans resi dence or Knobioch's 3Jusic store. 3 Mattings! Matting ! The largest and finest stock of mattings that ever was brought to this town has just been received at Ellis Brand's Sons. Call and ex amine the same, it will pay you to do so, before buying. 36. For job l;-printing of all kinds, cal on or write to the SEnrINEL. Notice. Runting and fishing is positively prohibited on the Energy and Leigh ton Plantations. THa CLoPnss L.AGARD Co. LTD. 38-6io. For Sale. One lot situated on Jackonu street. desirable location to build residence. $1,500. TnOMAs A. RIvIane. OFoll line Furoiture. Pu'ntLrs Hardware & Mercantile (o Wood ! Wood! For sale first clas eypress wood, store length at $LO20 per cord. Good mixed wood stove length at 2.p00 per cord, at Prst's lumber yard. Apply to 6 ScUBvoa Ao bALLr FUAoS Bargaual Barpains!! at 8. R. Co. lon, bargains that it will pay you to inovestigate. For Sale. A f Ill set of "Modern Eloquence" by the late Spea:ker Thos. B. Rfleed. Excellent chance to secure this fine set of works at a reasonable price. If you want them, apply at this oflce. Natioe. HIuonting oa the Acadia Plantation is possaitively prohibited. 22 W. H. Pawo. Rice! Rice! Rioel We sohict the consignment of RICE. Liberal advances made. Stisfa:ction guaran teed Correpondence solicited. J. GROSSMAN & SONS, New Orleans, La, IBox 1178 Largest wholesale liquor dealers and dstributors of Harmony Club Pure Itye. Better Than Ever In Looks, Fit and Material. That is what you will say when you look at the now famous line of Bostonian $3.50 Shoes ... FOR MEN. .. that is being shown by ELLIS BRAUD'S S3 J. L. LOBIDELL, Fres. P. 8 JOSEPH CL UL')ET V-President. Secy ile Imobdell & Pery gB. Wholesale Dealers Commission Merchants. Neaur S. P. Railroad Depot, Thibodaux, La. 'Igpents Jflv f"ojr and Bdigsan eIwur, d Orders For Car-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters orders given special attention for Grain and Hay. Local 'Phone 152.--Cumberland 87. Follow the Tide We are all going to H. Riviere & Co. * and examine their im mense line of spring and summer goods. White Goods aSpecialty Having bought a large quantity of B sample Embroider * ed Handkerchiefs t .they are ready to save their custom ers 25 oio on this purchase. They have also a special line of Misses and Children shoesin all styles & prices. Call on them before purchasing. A STRIKING Dlrl!RENCe I-, i so s iv e~YI~SI-- hq slSma g )I l )Ill