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__ _ Kht__ Leekd,2 Ehi (Iaux AcutieL_ Otloial Journal ad the Para o! a"ub of the n~ME of the Towna. Vol. 38. THIBODAUX. L., N 1908. No. 1 THE.... E Thib'x Shoe & Hat Store, s Goods That Have a Reputation. C4 A GOOD EXAMPLE. YTu mas ibe ure the immortal R as ., 1 1t .iii ta m e a betotnaag hat. the a tole in keeping the times. You way emulate his example o NouW pro rune your hi-ad gels from our stock lalays sure to be of the latest mode. ORA becoming and fair-pric-d. Our lkcker BooteeShoes tee long wearers. They wear p t twice as long as ordi- ADE BY MADE BY nary shoes. Because they are vrsL MANss C4 rG CQ made by thoroughly reliable or as -~ f! t PTL Ts PENC~at makers and only of the best - material. Give them a trial *ad you will never regret baying done Eo. Emile J. Braud. Bemenuber that I have removed to the Blum Stand. next to the Thibodaux Drug Store. THE PL NT OF THE HIBODAUX BRICK V'ORKS TI AU WITH THE FINEST EQUIP MENTS IN THE SOUTH Us now prepared to furnish the beet and gea* esat brick in the market.............. .. b million bricks on hand ready for delivery. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. ADDRESS. B. A. BOUDREAUX, Manager, or E. J. BIRAUD, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. PHONE EMILE LEFORT E Sueecf*or to i.KYORT " TETREAU " Livery, Feed I...AN D... ...Sale Stables. Undertaking K Establish ent so Blacksmith and ra Carriage St. Jo . Lve an Maker Tioax Patriot S.CrLeean Market,TI u a Riviere & Co.I DKALJli IN Hardware, Tinware, ' Willowware, Ena-~ Imeiware, Harness and Saddles, Paints I and Oils. 'hn10. Cor. .Main 4f St. Louis Ss L.OUISIANA SATE UNIVERSITY Baton gouge, L..a. Wtm renow ned C Phrsth e tlhF h ak s T s u oe an all . e ..fa rompdss. Ma stric~ Powr5 Thou roctwd murma Ins Sua CoaiU. ua? t . BandSua 4 l~nt e a it 'ar y . c d t lo ne tew i p b y s por~b f t e d L I 97d Edward Bade this ro - Manufacturers Agent for -For For C4NDIES, CAKES 411D C/IA RS F -: eLGA A I t : TEAS, SPICES,BAKING POWD W EXTRACTS, OLIVE OILS, part u, Parey oi GARS, PAPER BAGS, & CATC 7RDERS F1OM RETAIL UE9CHANT TED Wear Main Street 'Thibodaux, - For Weax uaa car %ad Wa cratic F The Esst Tuceid tion o j Sher'e TROUSERS ew 4 ;; cult n Models .f America or t sCatrr 2s; 'Aet inorter i jeven We are showing the most complete .T e and satisfactory line we have Bator Sevcr carried. Every that a pair guaranteed1. ,se we claim gener; erang Phoi vet tc the ft (late' j N101 teltow the II ELLIS BRAUD SONS:e' VerV La!ourche CaIne K0ii esI Made Both Regular and Long Handle. ti Ask your dealer for them. These Knives are first quality in every respect, are ab. solutely correct in style, weight and shape, and are war ranted by us to be free from all defects in ma~nufacture. PLANTERS HARD)WARE & MER. CO., Ltd. Convenience Courtesy Capacity f Fidelity Prudence Safety ' Strength SeV Recognized essential elements of a perfeotli ap. pointed Modern Bank--are offered by The Balik of Thibodaux THIBODAUX, LA. to SASSETS DEC. 28, 1901, - 6366,834,21, SASSETS DEC. 31, 1902, * $467,823.91. Moss Colla rs8,, Call on or write to (' @The Rienzi Moss Collar Factory, *" Morvant &, Mire, Prop8. A usThibodaux, La. 1 The Best ?ollars. Miade by Practical Mcii. of Choee Moit. Nrcus reasonableI A Notice. Po'itiest ('iais w4t be poiulslsed in The i its ro u' mn at the following rates Thibxxi For Parot4",a' Office $10 00. merit" For itri x $5.jf 0 Alreai' P:aasbte cam-h in advance. small a For Clerk of Court. p rtm I Berea. announce 'riseif a. a 4'x.tate Still a I to offie of "'('Vt of ?'ocr?. of the Pariah o afourhe.ub:ect To no loatian by Prit.ary auxilisi Ihteiu of the 1emocr¶tic Party of sai fili J. Loris AUc')IN. isteti. We are autbored to . announce frank a1 P. Wallace Letort not do t a Cand'date for the ofL"^ of e'lerk of Court. Pate bi r th Part.b of Lfup- 'he. suhiet to oo-mina- think 11 on by Primary Flectikn of the Democratice aty of a:.I1 Pariah. aecou * time n For Coroner. Raved we ane authorised to announce while," Dr. P. A. Tetteam save tb q sbset Jameus yi, l W4. 3. t Sdevotee For Justice of the Peace onty a We are authorised to announce cal itlei Edward Laforest wlnhic sa candidate for Juctire of the Pece of the Thib K1 ad Ward M-1tt aitaux sjecet to the ekmo Al th. rate Primary election January 1l'th. 1'4 2 lot 1 Give Vs No Buncombe. which the hat The t'arieh a'rimnarv election of "tit inst Baton Rouge took pilace Iasi bantl Ii rutnslay and resulted an the nominin bvtr : ion of Mr. DIaigherty over Mr. Rn -ever 3a 1'.l11h. the oppostag candidate for his (l61 iheraff. hr a maj"riv of 21, ad `m is flue oediat.ilv the- eorrespondente of the counte 'ew Orleans papers heralded the re the del ult as a B suchar vactory. In t Considering that some of General fil in I Fastremika's most arient supiorteri fali were alsa ardent partisans and sup u op r ,orterS of Mlr. Dougherty. and that itlierw gven the Aaivocnte, a Blanchard or It is !4n, claim'd that at least 21 tem fot -'rs of the Ja-tremski Committee for '` Baton Rouge were Doaghterty men, 1k hat aocallkd victory is pretty apt to to worse than a barren one The open e -laim of it, after the real facts are pwrtmt aeneral'y known, may prove a boom lng do !rang. Partiqa's of the varions an'biate' abonud make a note of it. that it is ret too early to c:aim' "the earth and ' the fullness thereof" for any candi- I rlate just for buncombe. The otiier fellows have time left to make known the troth, and then-well it is not a pleasant experience to be hoisted by one's own petaid, and it often proves vert disastroes. C te C A Save *50 ON A PIANO Tb desire We arn the largest mannfarers of ant' higih-grad piraos tad orpans in the lent 1 wod, and sell dire& to the buyer ceaaequestiy this uvias. S The best eatase ! make. are the Coeover f Krsach be'o' & Bach n Ca5i U &hubuat thail ~ CAT~tOiUS raulO6TPA1ID nu ND CATAL11 mp assa. 911d : WITS maICUcIuA5 or ors the c TIE CABLE CO. love W OR UANI and Adam. Ci -- mati M~r. Alezander Adama, of this ...,ui town, after a short uilnes", died last aaff Thaarsdaay in th.* 24th year of hb ag.' bles. lie was a good and lot tng son, an ses, iffectionate brother, and possessed and the good and noble qualities that curt beget public esteem. Has death is a lo ng severe blow to big family and is IDor sincerely regretted by all, whose good who fortune at was to know him. Nes The 8entinel offers its sincere coo gua doeteces to the bereaved family, dies Do..u's Respe@ 0 Ag.. It's shameful whee youth falls to show proper respect for old age, but jusat the contrary in .he casee of Dr King's New Ibife Psils. They cut I tiff maladies no matter how severe and tics irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia Loo Jauadice, Fever, Constipation all yaclhl can to this perfect Pill. 25c, at all Drug- par gists. ma 'For Sale at a Bargain, for -- tisi One 12 inch Siphon, has been in ant us ne 3 month', good as new. For fto pattictilars "ph'1) to har N. & A. Tours, leafourehe Crossing p. 0. La. hi. 16. b~i ~ at Having just received another car- 6' ) load of stoves in all prices we wil th make it deeltledly to your interest to h rahl on us before buying. ) Planters Hardware & MIerehaotile Co. to It Ke*ps the l**t Warm sad Dry. Aek to day for Allen a Foot. Ease, a powder. It cures Chaiblains, Swollen, Sweating, Sore, Aching, Dnmp fitct dma tIe' At salt drugtgists sand shoe stoaes. 'te tb Savings Department Thank1 the ou The insgasration by the Hank of On rl ilbodau: of a Sairgs Delar'- We ret" is meeting w:'h "arrat 'ucces -Duri Ireadv oearly twee heft Iret of the dealt be sall safes. reqatisite for such a ak. peace be rtment. have been placed in homes. `hano 1 roughout the parish and there is lkit we ill a big demand for them. This mir or ixiliary depar'm'nt of the bank is only to ling a wiat which has long ex- what he ted. It enables petssns to open it withta ink accounts, who previously would ty, wn:l at do so sirtplr because they could with o .re but small amounts and blid not n war.hv link it worth wbide to start such aentrust< count. With m anr plrrsons the In t me never comes when they have extende owed --enough to make it worth Him th bile," simlply because tb y do not in the t awe the dimet The savings depart. b Ia is *aiduid5tq 5 S to secs per. is to open a batik smeeet It t b iCsd evoted primarily to small depo ita, and ligl air a dollar deptaslted with the bamik asitles the owner to oae savings bauk weac hi'h is loaned him by the Bank of the earl bib adaux. Thy little safe i, rocked the t we vii the bank keips the key, tb r: i, of the t slot in the top af the safe througb high the money is diopped. once lii te hank it is preveated from comia:g it thiaugh the sot by some pitea Socees -d devnce. The ho'ter of a deposit unrse ii saik has on'y to drop therein what York, rer amount he chooses to save from I sch. Ti is dyy's earnings rnd when the safe aegui't fihled, it is taken to the Bank of Worms b;taodaux, there opened, its conteuts TAV, )unted aonl placed to the credit of .ar i depositor. S Sl In this manner a person. it ftith il in his or her deposits, can save a ,al aum during the year wh clh therwise might be squandered It is gratifying to see that the of M1r. xts of the Bank of Thihodoax are leans, r ppretiated lay th people said it is to repaije e hoped that many more sa iung- week anks will lie place-, for those who guaran pen an scaruut w:th the Savings De ýartment of the Batik of Thilstad ux 44 ril never have cause to r-gret bha Dg dare so. The the ups to wit Dr. DA VISEB' tn and mi Compound en sasoni Syrup j ni@ jand is two Ik clever Comblassthb popartimeso app asi the Chmrry and the '. A suze evenin curs for Consamption, Coughs, being Asthma. Influents, Bronchitis, tit y. Croup, Whooping Coach, Pal The tion of the Heart. so e..same e ase neas. cally Asi.D aU .eSme ..t.. act. All .. - newRne Card of Thanks. the as - preset The family of Mr. Jos. A. Trone sensas' desires to hereby thank the friends any' acquaintances who so willingly lent a belping hand during the ordeal caused by the sudden death of the be'oved head of the family Special Gec thanks to the metahbrs of the Braz Show ton Biagg Camp U. C. V. No. 196 Danti who attended the funeral to a body comes and to the Dire Dramatic Club and it sap the children of the 1ebre School for form: thme beautiful floral tokens of their us a I love said respect for their mnoderatot from and teacher. apP' Disastrous Wreeks. TI Carets saness is respaunaible for , d many a railway wreck sad the samue ..* 'eauue are omakieg human wrecks of very .iffrrers from Thosot and Lung trou brou bles. Bait suace the nalvent of Dr King's meri New Discovrcay for Conanuiptiso> Cough api and Colds, even the wor4t eases can lie Ithe cured, and luapelass resignation is no ousl I *nger uccessary. M1rs. Lois Crsgg of Dorchester, Mass., is one of many whose life was saved lay Dr. King's New Discovery. This great remedy is guaranteed far all Throat and lung g diseases fby all Druggist. Price Soc, se $1.00 TrisI bottles free. x ... - parl Dr. Paul Tetreau. the T -- the and Elsewhere will be found th pli enan I tical cuard of Dr. Paul Tetr..aa, of jbf Sleower Lafourheb? announcing his I candidacy for the curonership of this, vots - parish, before the Democratic pri- e mary. Ilear Dr. Tetrenu is now and has been and for several years succesafiuly prac- didi tising hsisehosen profession in the vici wha s ity of the Cut Off, and lower La gl r fourche, wheme he as deservedly pop and lar as a physician and as a man. Fo Be is a native of this city where his Immediate relatives live aud he has many frie,.ds. He is a good phv siesan aaad a fine gantletnali, and vot IIshould he be chosen by the lpelile asn their coroner, he will no doubt fall, Dc othat office with credit and honor, adj mit to the satisfaction of the people Ifor Thanksgiving. Ie n,. Nest Thursday Nov. 26th is the thi *t day sPjmuinted lay ihe l':csul.aut of pri c .the United Stteks for a g*i~era of ank-giving to Almighty God for onumerous blessiwwzas sboweredl up our pros;e-its ci2n:iry. Wet excerpt tbh fe"'owing fr .,n ssideat Roo.eielt prociai etson : "During the last year the Lord has sit bounttfullV with u', gvting u+ ice .t ho' aid ab'oa i an I O'e.' sn." for our c~ttze is to w-e fr it wi.fare unh n'I.*retl hr w ir. f: ne or plague. It ..'ves us not ly to rejiece great.y bsuse of at has been given us. lut to sace;t with a solemn tense of r, honsdih realiuing that un.l4'r Ii ahen it ve&s th ourselves to -h.w sh it we :ae ir.hy to use emight whit h:es lee.@ trusts d to rour ea: ". + " In thanking t. I for the miervirs tended to as in the jestI. we bisetech im that He mice not wrbbo'd thm in the future and that our hearts may roesed to war steadfastly ftr good . dt against all tae taeercs '4 e*wrye"-F and prtrate. We pray for streng b d light so that in th., coining iea.s may with e'e:inlnlt's. fesr.easness d wisdom do our a lotited work on e earth in su h msanner as t1 show at we are not alt. .tbh r 'nw 'rthu the bles-ing we hiii. r em other Grays a SweLt Powers for Ch:ldr n. sccessfult il 1-tt "V Ii:. r tir1V. irse in t''e ('1I lens :1 hn in N. w ork, Cure Fe ri- ht!:n. -. d S omn -i. Teetlhint ) h *rd'. ". in' "a aI gulte the glowwe, a!.. I ,la.'Ii means Over W t0s!,) te-t 'in 'it a-. Roy err ?rt .At : ill truleer t-. ic. Sam p.e FIi.E. .LAi ire-' Al i S Olmso't L- It jy. N. Y1 1 Piano Ttniiig. Mr. Geo. II Ke& er, if N.w Or_ ins, an expe incc. d p aun tiuer ant p)i:er wits be is Pi ei j Tl.dsxa eek Orders so) is ttd auti w.stic isranteed. "Two Little Waifs. The anuiienee' wbih tasemb el at se opera house W..nlsessy e, earning º witness lr. Lit.nten .1 ' it" a roduction -Two L-tic W ,.if- lhail we pleasure of seensr one of the tae't nd rust unique plays thet bate een staged here dur.ui the present Mson. The cast of chtraciers is nod, numbering several dlever cto-Ls, ad Is unique. The acting of Ithe mo Ilkte waits, Tempest and S. . lever and they werei ntheesa iciuly pp asded m ay time. In an the vening. Th- atto-r i- g aso , the pklt iing cente ed upon miietakn idea ity. The scenerv way h'. uittif.l. espe .ally that used in: the tir.t anad last ct. All in all --Two Li:t'e Waifs, stemed to give better suat4.etiusis it. he audience than acy p ey heretifoiit )resented set the opeira hIuse this !esawn. Gentry Show. Gentry Brother' Dog aitu I'i'i) Show well ezs.iisit 'n Th hra l'u . at Dantin's lark, s:t SIon l:e,. fhe , .nw comes direct frou' New t irleans wh. rto it spent the who.c weik giviag per furinances ev re fls. entv rShsw is a fevorime wit I our iuiie; ) ulgisig ftom the- repoit of iti' New Orlirans lalers it is Ik ties thii ytsr than it lias ever been. This is what she Di).v States says of tGe-ssry llros. iihioi ceThe show sun d'scetis'nah'y as the very best the lentiis have' cur brought to New I. Llan'.. a:nl iii merit was atte'.tal iii tiac vigairousi applause which festlow. ieishs act uef the warvelouslh iistel- at, ns~unitt ously traincel animn a)' Au Impsortanht .11atter. ElseWhere will lee f. sine in thia is see the prooeedaing'.sir thee I)emcusrzt c IExeutive Comumittee. irqegisating the pariah primary, to whit ls we diree t the atteintifln of nor rca~lcrs. The-v shoujld be real I-v ever yevoter andt by every one who is alrealv or cosstemlelntes to twma' sn-* a eaands l.te before saal prmsy By a carefiel pe55'.?t there'of ith voter will taminliteri: hbtuilf e:t tib Idetails 'if said primary etesnios, 11111 Ilearn what his riglts its a votes ase, sad how to eserci'.e th. in. This can didate on the o her haud, wil1 leasri what are his rights. shutsies noel ob L gations, and be in a 1souitiosi to. meet and discharge thaem us be-t ailvasitige. For instance, oandtd .tes ranil proslec. live candielatesi Cur the various otluces will note that in orler to seure a Ipouitkon on the otflej'a ballot nod he Ivoted for at such psimvsry, they must notify in writini thie Ub sirimin of the I Democratic. Parish ExeeutiVo Casn mittee of thea esi didacV on or b* fore mla. 10th, day of Ih'eember 1903 This thaw should carefully ante an I hear in mnmed, sa it 55 SU iiiilniiiiiit .euisedion which must he fsstfllhc; feur e the rules of thes coUmitte-c. tnd r theci if primaty electionl law, hive 'he farce. I ct sw.