Newspaper Page Text
Qi~ )*ý >t 44i ~It, t i, Ai .." . 'iiiý I ri Ii I! "iºi'i r:lit. r;: P rish of c I :t I I I. l . ±I ,, t! ' i i ; j' ! 1. *i' IL" I '1 ii ii ! ' : .l. '. I ºii 1 I . '1 1 t.i 1 '. ii"ý '< 1 ; 1j.. : ' t ,l. it t ' [ O,.": h. 1., " 1 I;)it s. } i u;.ILX ." . t S. ;j !.~ 1_!i:" t Barker,t F. ji'' " t. _'e u~. t_.,j :, , 11.11,ou 0 !t i. i"ý>; "M I:I: I~r) \ 1 ;. m.ti1 < . . thai \i togt ie ' I 1.' 1 1h o ei the~l stil l " ie !:tat hI It' julg the 11if""lui tt,.1i ,lirlet 9:11( thertIot diliuth~ ue ' ,1 I:I tcJ'U.'Iva X(It izel:(1i t)ei tIIIr t N ~ '. Ol i~li -' the [;[ th ti&tel , l iz: i t Ii : U ' , itleol j ensaed, t ~ 'ilt' a1'[lt[ rei ltriji : %l t th1IC e na di illyt'u $~1Ut!it( ' tfl:hd " `-ltru ,i 11 Njir ajict º1 NiauiI ;t frvledtou tit iulucill_ .iae p~itiIi l wl1 lhtic as cit tLei i1 full. i CasI~ed~I, a:1i11 :fl 'r eali' " l~ctot by~ c e.! t i.v t nt tilt Mcidtie Rivi and -c - ie e -ýoMI tii " c1 i ttrtttý Is' L irh le : ... t \'~e.)te(1 io n cat ln 1'il ,' 1, t ry)~ teele- imi to 'iui~it .lr-. ItI and14 war e (.ºfje'jt'H~s~C,( !It1' ;t1 Irto le ve.t.. ! i 1':\ U i~et t' large-;t Ohir I!." "t) i 1 till 1. I ede al'-,: ') ( Th tae.-. i oft the ,tl,1i byso titL !!',: 1)t7hIeý- t I,..- vý >Ch. I.' 11 i 'I . .' i ' " , t . '1. : 1 '' 1 lii,;it' ii I'. . ! - ' ; I ( l l l "1 ;+" 'ii i t' 1 'tt1 1 I I :It l, ' Ill~ !!tr1),tl !; : it ', 9 * I:)II t~' 1' S t t'. . ,-''t : 1! :ii l ' k~I' 1tr t I !t> .1)' l .t'Q k i), 1tia it to 1!)!1 t. !9 1(jtu 99''''19 º '' 'tl , eutpiv s41 ii I tl:.ý' n i1.11rt rU`"a 1!t1't i' ; O'*. t1 11 Ti) ', . 9 . ":l1:I f ti' .ttlltjM , t i.ii 'i.-tth a e ' 'Ii 4111: 1 I il . I 14.4 jv V'. K t , i, , ,I , -j t till' l;'`,t ;a '' 1 , , . 1 4" 1 - ". ; 5 ! 4 ! 1" ..'li~ l.4 " t tLI 1_ti~~~~~~l,~4 -.-,1,.:IO V 1 t t e Iri i 1 r11;1'4 t'; ýto11 l~i,ý, tau 144114 o .111, 44. 4 tl tt h l t iis~ 11141 (lil Ili~ Lai" b ') 1 , 1 4 r "' 4 I " i4it 1 114; "' I ' Z " 11i' Iit 4. ' 11:11 41'I 'I 'll - I1 1 .' l 4"'-;!"1 II l~' t1 4'1 1)! 1' 14 4 4' '+ i .I(t iº- 1' 'i l ; l 4- ý , 11 1 , ,. " 1a . 1. t" ."U' . . t :4, 441 # I' ) 14i" ,",: :: ;; s1 1114. 11" ; 4 !1 Vi,, '' t' .. 4 ' ! 4 .1 )` th Co 1 S , " 44' at lýrl Vl. > 4.4. j... to441 1 4~ ~ iil~ti of tilt' f !)t' ~ ', u. 11 1it1' paris -xttii t- 1tii W ± ii'+ ll.j t v t, 14iii iu t 11wtn el ~lt andwho8h41 careull pre ''''' ; - tj\ a Ii~' 'Ii II' i 1. leU a144 :'. 1 '.11. L:."; .ia* 11 l~t A t tit P.' .1",~'.".i hi 1I l',t. 'lepo 'a "[ 4jV f ~ rit ' til ::111. v t i: tlIl~lt : 1 T'Ilisrul all not apply to nem1fllkr8 the 1 )uini *,Iat i' 3 P'arishi Ex tivt: (' vii'lttten" 11 W to del es to thet ;,ntli,. riil c0nvet EOI ;is *ii :*'ui i ro)vi(1ed, t the i ree j). t on'!i for w *anItlefl I011 t re) 't" of vot "rw e ,:itll he cit , i a i .t" C' 1" erso ý- ) tt 1 .1 i. art recci t, th i!.- Ill ;:i *,1ir a l lkl wi e h'. Ci:Ch al ' O 11 t ti: ".i !It'j'TLila )VI ;' l t.* ''1" , Tl 11 - pl iii'' t. t lt 'I: liy candid to 4a )l is1f .. I aite lie ai 1i': )1 the Iubl'('Tli * of jlive hein i ove prov "(d For. l1" -l-iill 'lave the ri lit to apri! to it' l)en *raiti I:"'o1tiv. unuinfittee withi' fia e days O'ter the l )clan+.ation~ of the. :-tult of t ' -ýaidl gil, ýt !1 lit of five, po)0 prescintiti to Lbe Chairin n theref lhi p, _ tition of a al, setting forth learly an distinctly the Proinxda o which be relies For if f their action. "ý h51 . _ receipt of such a petitionTie ('hairman of the I ºnocmtic Executhte Coe - :i'* [Ce ;i1 al inmra* tl;.tel y co") V;IICe Iiiis connliitte" to Lhar aan1 deb'4e said eit't er N inth---1his eiecta h:01:jI by an offibial il" )t. T is 001printed ;is 1:" : nt uh-tr iiriivioled for, to)'etiler wVI' ii f ly sheets, poll li-ts. blat!k M 'liIlavite and -' ihi r bl :i ks adl tiara! hirt-Pita!i;a as :ar. lciessary jPi* ithO 'l ict " Of the election, shall 1 ro vhdle by the Chiairnit .f t'e DIemocratic Exetiti'e t ( i O iiiitttee. lie shall provlde any i tatitity tfluer:g f net *. y' f r the various pre. t.' in e whOi ward in t1 p;:irll . It ,ha.l be the ( it ii t i a irman of the P: ttint Committee to (itii 11 lit, these ballots. foll jists. i:iiiy sheets and othl r ti! -ary paraplhernaliai t:: thp r with the ballot huee i tj * c('9 uinii ionerý v ' t l, t i lA at 4a.1hi preciniit in the riPi ')efore the hour fixed herein for tht, opening of the polls. Tetuth--The Chairm:n:: of the he ExctiveP Comm-Itee shall print upon one ballot the names of all the candidate; for vea'-h ofijee. alphabetically, uniler the heading desigIaltini. tui office fir which the eandldate is I aspiring. o i'he voter shall de Hgnate hi:i choice by stamping or by iiaking a cross hi ink or with Slead pencil to t lu rigYt of aiii opposite to the auanw or iitames of tiP! candiolates he ies-ire5 to sui~pport fe; thc pa:> tiu lar offices tor which thiey have otlered. Every Voter shiall 1> &eAtit IciI to receive fraoa t b c'unui nissioners of eleotiion oie bl lot, which ho may i:ep r9e at the time reo-eive'l ;:!l xi it: uiiw a:; euli uron ioe if 1i:- eleict~ii conunifl--l~A' i to at-jit him in hr iii>: it. aid if lie sa de.A: a, id iie !91'('iiC oi a w u: :sh voter:I may select: 'ii i.a. 1Iwtlare his ballot with tii. a-.,istauce of a friend. by hiim Sielcted for that purpose. WVhen a voter calls for as sistance to prepare his balict, by a comnmissipuer of election or by a friend of his selection, as the case may be, he shall have the right to retire to the place designated for prepa r lng the voter's ballot withiin tIIe barriers hereinafter pro vidoti for, and there imnue diatciy prepare his balhlot and return and cast it within live minutes after receiving it. Whna voter prepares his ballot with assistance, as above specified, there Aiall be no one else with him, ex ccpt the person or persons by Ihim selected, as above. Any voter who shiall spoil lais first ballot shall have thle ri ht to demand anid receive from the election coa-aniis stoujers a second one upon re tnrniing to themi the first. Should he also spoil the so* coiil one he shall Ve ciiit led ti a third upon returnic t 1 tI.Gtbiitc - * in ivo A'.r.Vs 1Voug;u. * ; whidt bu, bje- '' ýr c '1r 3;C ý .t:;, :iav 2t ::: t13i F atu eo of id l(!prVl on uitEz s-. I1,aicy. .' ( ý rf it , )r!:t; ± ios:; :ani' 4Jr't-:- oo "arc but Z4Li.ttrP:inent thatiý tr'ille Zth a s:-l on o~ R he: lt Int i::'E5 or&ý \,Ch º"adv --10`'~' pe _:!: ,. a - ýýi!Iod :ai. a ~ Pr. W bat is CASTORiA Tul O slo .i 1i" a) i:1. F4i C4 f : *:'_: 'r Ca-1( r Oil, ?are rtrtie, I)rowi a: ! S*'ot!ing t' i . It i., Plcat'ant. 1t cn!ain1.t nei'"'r Ooi '!:1, Morphito ior otnler NarctI Dbi'-tanilC'. Itsi age i5 its n' : s:ttie. ht t * L '-q P'nw1j Paud all.¾s '.evierhniC". It enrsi Diahiriis:& a. 1 int! Colic. It rTli&ec'; Tcctlhiin Trotlki( it c , Cl a.iiati.,a! and Flaitukncy. It QS1imat!et V-- ? 'a, r('eg!litC. t:o Stomzcl1 ant Bc wcl, giving Iierilthy andil natutral sk 'e, The Childrcn's Panacea-TThe M1ither' s Iricud. CENUINK CASTORIA AL* V Beare the Signature of Tl3 Kind You llavo Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 3 Twa t CCrault couassw. I" mornas suracC. new voNs crV. L" I? I 1, Flee tocMedial FadiUe BEtteries. C fi : " " .t - -1 ii g yi'op e that El-- A l-.i. lil !l'- I . .1 , fy t 1..I:1' t"'1 .1 (1 r 'ica conced thi s. andi( l t , ." " 1 ll. 1r i** i ' i i. ý i siii i " tri l ' "1 ) I ll .i ' r .' ::t " ' 1 ' i r f t `T ) i. ( % .fl .. f t ( " hr v t1 e , t iq a l tv . . l ii'tý .11 vtt- < f .ur t1 attr'ite are aildtl. £ .) 1 :* : ' . *it `t A l t:m . f tuoin en x1 - . ` ý".~ ~ ~ f"; i' it ; /1 i' E ý . i i '" LIf.; II'.lt' iC)t ii 1 'Il'l " (',"':.z 'ii' inl `hI :11"~ in a veryi' ftw %V .t"".1 -u Dis,:ases ii -which a sp eJey lure can be Effected 1,tl w o tin' Funw~i.e '01,n 1- F etI it - - _ La. .at4d l y our natL-ri 1: P. wly s, E 'if . .:,Lokor ,te .tr ia ittia :14i iSi !l. Muscular Rhlcmnatism, Ni .tii! .' . at i . 1 :ia. )y tlit: i.. \ . isfi t. a t of i h n. i *r 1'i s"t b. )ils \\t, l~i lt a little l)Ok "':! tý d. .:l:ig.: ýE:.s aid di lt f-I)th t ti'f.i tr atii:' 1i'e1 t ati with i'ar:il:c Cu'itrr t'i (i f F,: (". tritiit'" 1: .}. .1. Mr key. i 3!. ;>. A 1't;y oIt this litti. Hoo)(k will b -u re fca: .h :~ arhsn olne of our BHtt rits...................... For further particulars, apply to A. i{. STAUNTON ' lintrelan .\n1u, *Thibodiux, Ia. Solo Aqonts 'L ,; 5TRIKING DIFFERENCg 0 UtiON MADE SUIT ICN'NK~ -0*RE UC CcJ Lint ,' 2h1'st- uyt U t0 CA ALS E T AC4 -BIIDR* W RLAS earth Seadfor ewilstr~athecata-uylone. W IY.uIaOa. u.SECR Peiet I . s8. Ayer old; youndg ativenmso progrsie s ot laenwt mostoets thel buseies streetsin the eion. t psincethe pretestworkce-bcui ted in e Searth oSendfrnwilstae.aao .CUMBERLAND TELEPHONE &, TELEGRAPH CO. (urcoswaxronm) Long distance lines and telephones of this Company enable you to talk almost anywhere in Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana. We can put you in quick and satisfactory communication with the peoplo of this great section of the country. VWe solicit your patronage. Rates reason-4 able. Equipments and facilities unsur passed. - IIAMES L. CALDOWELL. LCLAND HUME, T. D. WEE.. tcI'fe, z.*n.'A (.en I l~aas ,. -r n Sem A~e't Genit Mg?. Trasagr.. ! Axdvertise in The Santine1.~ JO(.AL w~N * rk. i Rig *K. t", . ''. Ieat IJc. 1"t " rIeg6 I, 1' +I A. (lypi-cuam acid "liie.H be 'I. """a. and lawe~.i ~llrt I A.J.& LE. ll'hJeelcltm.r sad !4Urgeomm I'r..i~re." f d.-1 r~o~t .laa rnlhodauz La. J. J. Pierson, Magqa [ i : I'ro s'ronEi 0.>t. 1. r ",I .A'h. l.,, j /'ý ies !nmia~kcer b W.f'Wel hl . aiii atc~h":d:res, 'e ig A.TTOa1EYS-I T-Ltu. jp~l~! ttz rIq 'hls& B.iik (.1 l.a:oamc!,e 'uitldaj. c . id t;Att .a" er.E. :.S Uhii al. Iý.I: " *1, r e . , Buir i L;Vain-"1 : .1U:- :.! ; 11 ,"' , I der. .eee I-or luirt , )i r i '.1"."0," ir~ly :ti 41 A u~,,uy h r le.ulu 1..j 1! .. rIr i-t, r- n: Mounit Caern.l The.. on rti --r .r". Eng iisl man Freereb. IFeot Iat ke# ~irpe*. NOTARIA.L. 1![Ln ,(. ý.. `.eiiaery PethIS.., F:i. - tat L - Fire and Ifree Inoue I.e ne. P'a " 1 . M. ;l~t ,,.1r 004e. Nar ,,.ý,.rt vn I."r",r Bank uf Laiemrb 'tLBF iT.J. jA4S3E1OG NNOTARY PUIBLIC It c( riA\I). LAFOI'1:CI:E, LA trry \Ntiti iii iurtajnese pr.aueptly and H. N. Coulon, A TAPIV PIJBLII GIWSAf 1' STREET,; THIuNOIb43 1. LA. L. E. CAILLOUET, N otary Publio hloa Bidng Thibodaux. L