Newspaper Page Text
Local Para'raphs. NLec Bsrgsn Counter eveI c day of the - t week at MIil- Br:tda Sono. Mr. Frank Zerno't i -itl New Or rttor leans during the w.'ek. **rs n Jgyie T:t- : r Keattie made a 'hort trio ti Iloms th a weck. Di.' Baby E ite sli. e Polish Z p V.k:agt.% sI ; for 15. tt El'is 1i0aud ls pns. 12. one and A Wg OR1A. Item' UAt; l beCt of ofVau I":itig roiln turiture in all &I et for I P' iuters lji rdware & Mercihaiitile V et I li.e C:I , F. r s'ttatuin. of L m-x k~rt tI tilt wc1- I. t sun Wedneeslay whatt,, Mr I' v-st.- Barrios, of Lockitort, ot' th tee' u 5p -tt !a't Tiest.Iy in town. te (l)-c'o';.4 ('r.'N'ent) Cane Knives ad *:t7'5 pie doz at 11. R'viere & Co. not T (>ut John 1I Wa'sh was a visitor Kier to New Orleans this week. I comw Who[ Pr P:'nl 1. T* trean, of Larose Chai P. U. 1aiid ,or Sanctum ca agreeable wenr visit Last Tuesday. h~abl cave We have furniture good enough or tion, (heap enough for any holy. j'Imntt. r Hardwire & Merchsutile Co.Iallo Mr. George Cousin, of Rathb:orne lag Was among the visitors this week p1" from thik parish to the Crescent City. Whit Mr. Thomas Knohloch, of Ariel. the was a visitor to Thilhlaux during hert the early part of the week hder ,w tbs The Lil Yon Huts Alts BlgIt dar of ite tIur sectional felt m:ttresses are the %e41v lweat utad latest tilt. dat Planters Hardware & Merebantile Co Mr. an,. Mrs. Reland Wilhlamson. rest of Napo!ennville, were visitors here tait lat Snuetay and Monday. era Nat .Iudge L. P. lGailliouet and l'bI'arict Ptar Attorney W. P Martia spent 110n-lay I for and Tuesday in Houma attending of court. dira Ilaruess and Saddlery at H. R:viere ' Nisq Estelle Ileb rt, of Biyou Des Re Allemands, wes guest at the home for of Ur. Lovi ey Houdreaux during the Jul week. I The town atithorities are having isat luain Street shelled. A car load 0otthue shells was received last week from as Ilouma. ful Go to S. R. Onulon for genuine cwt bargnu s. The Iam friends of ,M1r. and Mrs. Themas Pieuaoe werq, atariLed 1 VCI pained to learn last Saturday tt th Mrs. Pisrson was critical!y iiL We el: are hapoy to state that sh' is now on Tb the road to rrcovery. Ch Harness and Saddlery a!l k:ele and t Es prices. Co Planters Hardware & Merchantde Co. at raI The Paris, Ill, Gazette says: "Thelma" played to one of the hIugest audiences of the season. It was a firtt class prodoctron. The -"-st--mes and scenery were al- beautai. fijI." fow t':il at Eis Mraud'a Sons for fasi g.'nuinze bargains. pa There are rumors of many candi dates for the sasseasorship, but these Sa lnu-t he tunfoutadedl for the loeal pres's ye ha' not to any great extent been d tiaken into t he eoiufdenee of these rumored csndtldatesal ?ers. Frank 1R. Harmon entertained the Young 11strons' Eumebre Cmuh b Tueeday afternoon. The jirizes wernt von as follows: Piust, Mrs. F. It pr Marmon; Seeoi'1 Mt's. J. A. Wagner. 1cr drawn for by Meadames J. A. Wag 'a ner, G. Labe and A. J~. Dnpnv; booy. Mrs. A. J. Brand. The following members partisipatect: MWeseames A. J. Brand, 0. Naquln, I.. C. Tabor, C. o J1. Coulon. II. I Dppre. A J. Dupay, ' G. Labe. T. F Deupre, F. R Harmon, P. J. A&ucoma, J,. A. Wagner, E. L. Tuis c. A. G****s o Fascy Vests1 that will please tib.sia oset fastidous) at KElts B aiud' Souta ri see them. ti See our large assortment of wicker u vhairs and parlor furniture. a J'lantas Hardware & .1lerthinutie Co. s, $100 Reward $100. a The readers of this paper will be p&essed to learn that these is at least vue dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stagea and that is Catarrh. Hall' Catarrh Cure is the on'y Itositive cure' now kocewit in '.he Ome.'lk.l frat.Irnitv. Catzirrh being a onas ituei:onal disceuse, requerea S aJonstjituIOflal treatm.'nt. Hall's ovsrrrh Cure ii. t.1kCDn tcotrnally, act log directly upcol th~e t.,ooel and 5iiames nse fs.. Lac of the systern, there Ly desi rorint bhe fewno*Intiron of thle dijease, aod ge'ring the puti eCt~ strellgih by bui'd. ia u the wnaisditu inil and a-.i-ting Lature' ln doing its wrork Thae preoprigins heave so muhch (ait~h iz .is cuma~ti''e powers, that they pifar oou liundged Dollars f')r any~ case that it, fails to cre Sc.*rt for Address. . J,. CRCNET & 'O,: *.sil by druggists, 76u. I's riFamisly Pius are the best. Mectiag of DenocratiC Exe- " cutive C mmuittee. gyF Colnttiued tro~n-m pine for tI i t to ehl. ¢t ':" ; '; d a sho'ld the sU i' it att one he !sto .ied1d, it .halie pre-en rctirlted it' :hr e!,'tio~l (nicmillias .1 th rt *"rs ani, :lae vt.,er &'.a I .ei Ills ri.~'11.', :a :u \ote tt 11 ha:t pt s:n t'. ' the ;, 'u.'a, .x.ccI, for nwtn'er of the D r:' .Ac Staitt Centr:al Coammnittee. s.h !! L. co'taed, tno eel s cast upon I one of th.* roticiu, hailots. so prelaiterl 1ta. anti printed ibv th . Chairman ",f th " T i 1 lanlucratic Stake Central 'ommitlte... The ,t beverinth -An pi rets( dessriri to for the beeomte a ca' lii .te an l h:ae his a t tit1 natue print. J ti on the altliri l limo!t ,.,,j.0 for po uchval, w:arl ,r oth r otli e muiembLt rs of the De'rn Xtic I':ar-h'It i l;;'intj\' C.rn itta'1e .iindl nle L " ote et * thi Sj.natoora ConventOni eaie'e~ t', whait, in writ: tog. ito!ift th c l, hai tn-ti, The ofa the Il*anoesi atc Fx- t'attive Co. mult I GA!i tee of ha tiestre a'l itt' ation, on or its d before the 1411h titay of December. aand i and any on.- f:m ing to di so .'ht'I plant aot lw pei w htted to le i candidate reate iThe Chatr~unan of the Democratic Boar( liseretive Committee shall appoinut a c.ammitt*e0 of %even isemliers, of The whom he shall be one and ex oafleoi poae Clhairmatra. who shall imataliatetl' rules theresiftr manks up a budget of pro- tun liable election expenses sulfi dent to thep cover the cu-t of conducting the elee- otbem tion, including the cost of providing t Y said diatrthuting the ballots, t,,li charm . che ti, poll i t. e!e , an d o f fi rn is - ae fig the ba; riers. Lab es and shelve, .ther provided for t"\ the,.' roles, atai o titi whitiaelc.'niit'''- ihe a: stXii n the vi e 1mte ass jqr Issle aint i ent the candid te fair thl seve-ai eirces tr. heremuatbove uanttl. Sh datd any caal - lace) didate fail to voty his foorbtwioatied wshae of thew t x- l)ses within tot ret r d lat after riot al stion theeof the said jm.rit Ctairmnaan phroe not print hie Jjatne o - = ithe official, bal ot, :III,] said pt rsou Thr. e c.ra not he p urm wtt d to I of i cathi ti tbui date, and no vote cast for nis at a.d Iregi !!;primary electt so sh i he counted. < To Twelfth:-As iooi as the fina of n. result of the primary leas been asaer- 'i'i e thined and at said primarby the pro- Len cratie Exemctive Commiatt -e of teh f nc. Parish, the ('h tar ni ,u and ('e oere, d fo hn!frCre,t f! oe the. Jutaro of the P:ac:n::t e aa ns:uc ,1 forthwith and tilt with the Sec waredN aitl of State a eertiti.ate of n.meucnatio, ,oil drawn sad eCec'wtied in D tefrid forf re law, certifying the froainatio s wad f T by the people at satd primary election per of the heamocranti ofhndeates firl , ' RepreuentativeCm fmtr Crk of Court, de Mlfor Sheritf, for Coroner, for P inc1 cer le Jurors, Justices of the Peace ratc ar xecnstables of thia variou wards; ahd f" hg issue hcrdentiads to the mremers of t oll fI the Cout ittee anittie Igaes ant fur man w atso issue ;nid deliver to he success- tath fill eard.Jate for as-ewsor vvte I for, t1r anr elected at such primary a certt6 er he . to that effect. Art It -of t anhe SCrhary mand ianhom t h emocratit a. Itmxecutive Committee nht then can- atp al vene, within a reasonaile delay, it, be, af thwtditu of Tasueoae o, the newly the re eleted mefmtrs it the Democratic i Pre Ill Ex'ecutive ('ommittee of ties parish tier. They adl hercise tali th righthe joa Cpaiwersa of the present Democratic n Id Executive Cotimite e Commnew t..r Committee sh Ill th n proceed to flect an. u0. P. temlpurary f uairmn n aril a tempo- th yary Secretary. And the Committee 'hadi then procet'l to pet malneut:y or 11 ganize by the election of a Cit tirmstl hb r and a Secretary sad authorize the ail1 0i bepointment of such comrnttees :as art- pat ti necr as im dterie., d I u fnrhwideth, iciaatsme ohre ofther at ln orfairs sadhel D.t moraie bary the Dem In peris Colewrieal h rg anitee p tigwetsward theretofosrequirged by at I Sand seer tesal en o foras s\1 lear, oruto the Se rtayo aneu ing Luk ewiee shod anytlertificarte of incoemingpDofocra eii Pari-boEretn b' tihe Comrmittet litef de sclae inalid to prf@~ ant hl of f Sirle oray other cauem th ~mcratic Parish Exccutive Comtee r Ur. sue dulw certikies b ofe chniimatio, st< agj rn ecured by lhrofaw. euie b lawto thitme Sctar communiation fro thve Staitee Comteeo dcarportion-a kefr ment of therost of tny Sthteprimarye was on mocrtion Prhseconddadcrived, Co.miefered ts flyathePra ~owittd uto is- a ces reatied by thl orgigweolt. Ant hving chame a cothensametoat-ro tker m on the part of the Ptatprish ariy I be was designated by the ehair to he ( east Messrs. F. W. Nicholls. H. R~iviere,, has P. Scott, J. S. Barker, Thomnas J. and Knobloch, A. Mlorvant and J. Toups, ;awi IThere being no further business, arrh the Committee a'ijourned, subject to ares the call aaf aht achairman. aet- Sec(retary. Chairm tu, c and * -- t ICCASTOR IA ~e:t For InfantsaandChildren. Thu Kind Yon Have Alvaj Boaght I Slgr turo . For sitck bendiache try Chamber-? ':o, lain's Stomoach and Liver Tatbletia ihey will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sile V Both Drug I t. StoreI THlE STATE or LOUISIANA. TS PARISH OF IAFOURCHF.. I) LF .R1 nac,Philip J.Aueoin,Deputy 2Wth J1 I, Clrk .f the- District Court in and for the Pa-rih of Lifiiurche, and ex oti.cio. a Notary Public, duly comnuis slo; ". sworu and qualified, and in the Srcvnw pre-eonce .,f M.'ss~rs. Taylor Iteattie andA Charlton 11. Beattie, goo5J~ I ald C('mpe t'nlt w~itnesi as residing in this Parish; P1:11-IN ALL.Y t'AME AND .fPPEAR-, ED: %hi:ert J. Lagartle, Pre.idettt of or th l." 1ieha I.agarde Company, Limit- ar t". .,raa,; d HI. Lacarde, "ieretary in the 'I ra; uer cf the said Coimteany, success I.' hI of the said persons residing in this suctiol l'ari-th and the said Company its domi- hitrhe e.1t herein. and declared, In the That pursuant t-, the act of incnrport- SAT tiPn of the said Ctoimpauy. by a vote (ºi the- I. holdcr., sunictient in number betwe. for that purpose s= provi.l..l f..r by the ani 4( act of it,ý or p' n:1,1 after due cribed nouti ' to th- toi-huhol- ' Zivtei in ac ,.ia:snee it' th hlt, , inuio than -ix 'ore tlth- of the' -h:ari- havi. loet" I "liie a votedi in laour thereof, the art icles of. forty inei'poratton tyre ann *nded and alter- Parish e of as to r' O l: ft ,liins: the bI ARTICLE I. miles The name and tittle of this corpora- bound Lion shall le `-TICK CLE till AM LA- longli GAHIRE Cn1l'ANY, LI.11l'lT:U" and el by its dal.niile is her-br deoliretl to Ih, lands and its place of meeting shall be at the togeti ortice" at the reaidenIe on the Leighton prove plant:atrn in the Parish cf Lafoturihe, t i-re state of Iiinislana until otherwise di- t tin 1 rested by a vote of the majority of the frint Board of Directors*. on ARTICLE V1. bwuil The Board of Directors dL5I, have alon . power generally to supervise the buss- of 1h4 nes of the carl oration, to adopt general gi ts rules for its conduct, to contract for the I n parohase of msehinery, the eomstmro*- in m i tion of buildings, tramways, railways, of ON the purchase of barges, steatmbosts, and at fot other things and apparatus Incident to game the purpose and ol'jeets of enterprises or let set forth in the Article Three of the by a, charter, also filing tie price of cane, lines cane juice and syrup; also the price for they evaporatine the same into, sugar and with other prisdn-ot; lixing the salary of meent o:tieers, detinina by ceneral rules the privi ,e pns- of the cnirli-ration, and tr-i 3rd vide for cuih si :sistanti ant superinten- situa ident s iS 1 av ': Iic --sary to carrv out of 1I the ex.inlutite bujie= of the copiOrs- uile, tion, and -etnerally to adopt rune tv- And laws, rules anti regulations as may h5 the 1 ne-n -sary for the good conduct and quar manag-:erant or the affairs of the cirpo- l-ss. ration. It shall have ;.wer by a ma- ini t ii j rity vote if all the directors U, mort- by P g iie, or luledyiý the pro iwrty or effects datul of the eorlj'ration. as ie "-age may ie. ahoV n Tlhrie nmeimnbers of the Hoard shall eon- and -titute a (uaiiutm for thme trani'action of beob busineis, lot no iasines- other than the foul iiregula r adiminstrati e affairs of the and corporation ihalt .c cinalute ted by the righ Boaut at other than rniaular stated 4th meet-inac, unle-a ntaice be given to the tray - mmixr-re of the board of the extra- an ordinary tu-iness to le conducted and dept transacted at the extraordinary mrnct- left inn. Any stoe-kholder shall have the shot -rht j: to t,.- l retnt at thi* meetting of *Thil tie lItard nial nartwipate thi^e:i. itut firu V shall not v-1,:. No p"-rsn -hall :ie now Sqialiicil to ie a iltran-tor of this eairi- land ratei,ºtn t-ls4 h" ,tn 11 it l-ast onut share now of the stock of the corporation. lane > Al:-TI-LE VII. t111 It The pr sid.-nt -:-.11 hate general su- Just p-rvisioa of tte :nlnminlitrative affairs two of the .orpior~atii n; he -hall prn-4ide at roaf Sall meeting" of the lIt. -rd .nd -hall deal dc t, directly with the executive oficers of c the coorp.ratiion: h. -Ttall 1,e the inana ter of t l" mNances and of the lninrov.- 0O I ments to the propel ty of the corpor- en a tion. He is ve-ted with the power, 01 nranted by the inaj"..fity vote of the tioa Lf Hoard of t'irnetors, to tmrrow monov id for the lutin. os if the c..rporation; to mase and stitucritie not. s in represen- ('ot - tatlon of th. - l-,u- so contracted, to en ir, dor-e note' for uti-count, and .hall have - full power to pI-lige any personal pro perty of the cirpuration. as set fort in Article six of thin, charter. The Treas urer shall be th~ custisdian of the funds of the corporation, which funds shall be I - deposited in such bank or heanks as may Ie. in be duelded on by the Band of Diaseetos. The -lipseks so Me drawn em She fmd. of i 13 the corporation shall be signed by the otne ic Presidtent or Vice-President and coun- fou 'h tersitn(d byr the Secretary. The Board i f 1)ireetorsu at anr time& shta'A by ma- Sat he jority vote, have the right to suspend Bit it any employee, su erintendeat. mansa iPr or tther -ubi minate otli-er of the Pl W corl.raltioun. or the same ilav lie done in et accordance with sochl bv-laws. rules and regulation- as may It' adopted by the Board of Directors ei ARTICLE XII. ir It shall not he lawful for any stock- so : holder to dispose of any share or shares of the eapital stsck of the corpsration 'I without first offering same to the cors- 1 rn- pany and git ing it the preference to ui. ilpurchase the same at its faer-- ralue and ia this is not acce-pteJ at the neat regu- - iftlar meeting of the company, it shall t then b-= offered tso the stockholders, who shall hare ten days within which to iii purn-lusse all or iany p art ed th" skart-s in an the face value, and only upon refusal of the said corporation or sto.'khelders Sto jiurehase same will the transfer of ur such shares be auihorixed to be made reupon the hooks of the corporation. rAiid further the said appearers (leclar ty ed that the said articlesa were so amended to read as above at the regular nmeetingf held at the place if meeting of the cor- - hat oration, on the )'otrth day of Novcm-J tic hr, 19W, after baring he~n discussed edand adopted by a rote of the stockhold c rc. the following stockholders having n- voted in favor of the same, viz: Albert J. Lagarde, l'hilip Lagarde, Fernand Ii. Iagarde, Laura C. I.ncarde, Lelia La 0(1 garde, Mrs. Nellie M.Foret duly autho mse rized liy her husband 1te:\J. iForet., who alsso voted for the same in lia own right, bi the said per-oust tepresenting and own o ing One Hundred and Twcnty-eight and .i-7 sharesn out of the total of One Hun- ~ ~'dred and Fifty shares of the capital an stork of the compaxty and E. A. O'Sulll- cot b. ran representing for himself One share tIe -of the said capital stock and as the agent and attorney in fact of his wife Mrs. of Emma Lagardo w ho is the owner of aol Twenty and 2-7 shares voted no and or agalnst the said aniendmnentis. en In 'aith whereof, 1 the Notary, par ddties andw itnesses have signed hereunto idon this the Eleventh day of November, aee, 1908. , ga. (Orinl nsdAlbert J. are,' 15- 3654*1* Chaito BBeasate; J.At as eoin,D'. Clerk o* Court, ex-dofelo 14o-~ tary Pulc. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, aro . 'ARI8Hl OF LAFOURCHE. ar ,teundersigmied authority, do here by certify, that the within and forego lust Ifis a true and correct copy of the1 o ltel act on file, duly recorded ina onMisicellaneous Book No. 7 at folio 104,J at- Nor.1. It, ICS, and of record in my oflice. .ir' InIt Testimony Whereof, SWitness my hand antd the tin L.S press if th- seal of roy office, at November. 1s03. 1 P J. Atcoels. ups1 D'r. Cli-rk of (onurt. es, Not A Sick Day Since. "Iwas itaken severn-Iv sick with kid Hney lrnouble I tried all sorts of medi nau, chxco, none of which relieved ne. One <yI an jdot yor Eiettmiz* Eit ters and determined to try that. Afterb taking a fe w do<*- I fe~ t r.-lievel. nnd sotit thi-riafter wns sutjicely cuin di.anr1 hat'e nott 5.-en a sink lily si-in-. Neigh-i hors of mine hate k-en voretlof~ UIineumilstism, Netiralgia. Liver zind K didn-i troubemhe an-I (Gemeral Dehiili Sty "This is whit B. F. Bass, of Fie mont, N. C, writes. Obly see, at all her- drugsiia. I Icts; - sken Feather Pillows hit'st quality and L)rug low l-rwc-s 1'li~iatt*u I..rwsne & M1er:baiiteh Co., THESBT OF LOUISIANA, Dth Judila tict Court-Parish of ppfvurche. reconsioi 6# E ND TnluotAUx Ax XD.s$y*ra, No. Idl¢G i'o. TAKE Not that pursuant to an order sad, roe of the aNove Court and to a mission Wi me directed in the above titled and numbered succession, I offer for sale at public auction pir at to law to the iast and tighest aidce atthO court hou-e door in the Town Thibodhatu, Ia. on SATlRIbA DECEMBER, 21, MI.., between the urs of 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock V .- the following d* a cribed properg. to-wit: 1. A certalj tract of land ineasurinmt ote arpent sd eight lui at'ft oatby forty arpeyi in depth, situated in t~ae i'arish ob rhe, on the left btank ofev the be eo Ijoarche, at about seven miles below pe Town of Thibodaux, hounded abWe by lands formerly be- Ti longing to prebaspit. but now own el by ,bt Blottin, and below by lands of the state of Paul Breaux; (Col together withAl1 the buildings and im provemeats ereon and all the rights t o-reto be Ing, less however, a .er : in lot of g d measurinfl sixty fett front on the bile road by a depth ., one and one If arpents, with all the buildings Itprovemcnts thereon, bouuded a by Rush Grove Planta uion and and Ithe rear by lands of the larger 't from which this lot is taken. 2 . ta of lad, situated ao *tSothe sea of the - f firstly described, and at forty hupents from the bayou La foareh mesaxring tour arpent., more or less, the said forty arpent line, by ad tho forty arpenta, the latt. ral lines ofvhie are supposed to open as they recede from the forty ar:.pnt line, with alt the buildings and implrove Inents thereon and all the riohts and privilege thereto belouuiug. l rd. Another ertain trret of lane. situated in said Parish, on the left hank of Bayou Lafotrehe, at at-tout -even Imiles below the Town of ihanldanax. and rt about sorty-four arpents fron the Bayou Lafourehe, measuring three quarters of an arpent front. mor- or less. by thirty-six arpents in d. pth. '. ij:g the upper half of a larrer tract .vil -by P. J. rberiot to J. Kiumond Thi.. diux and Theog'ne Toups: boundt-d above by lands of E-taef Pa;- Breaux and below by the other half of said land belonging now or formerly to Theb- -ne oujps., together with all th , haildnirz and improvements thereon and all the rights and privilege., thereto belonging. 4th. Theundivided third of a certain tract of land, measuring one quarter of - an arpent front by forty arpents in I depth, situated in this Parish, on the - left bank of the Bayou Lafourche, at I ' about seven miles below the Town of JP f !hibodsax, bounded above by lands t formerly belonging to F. J. Th*riot: and e now to Libby d lilouin, and ln-iow by r! lands formerly of Alex. L- p tie.i but e now of Libby & lilonin: wh!cil tract of land is considered as a road. 5th. All the rights of usufruct which to Justin CMauvin had or may have ont twenty-Ave feet front on the public m t road by ooe and one-half are.nts in el de hofthe tract herein fourtoly des- at MOVABLES. e: One lot of household furniture, kMtch en and dinning-room utensils. r+ On the following terms and condi e tjons, to-wit: For CASH to pay debts. s' y JAMES NEAitY, di ;u Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche. C C- (oxoes & Kxouseoer, I- Attys. of Succession. e Nov. Si, 11,. A Runaway Bicycle, ie Terloasted with an ugly on the h 7 le tf J. B Orner, Franklin Otove, ill t. elogimd a stubborn utcvr to tnyie ag to dixet'tr ant remedies for k four rs Then Bucklen's Arnia a- Salve aired. IF's inst as good flir td Burns, 8,uld., Skins. Ernptions and { 1 Piles. M., at all rougzists. 'Y No you want a swe!I lookieg vast t go to Allie Brandls Sons they can i- Cooktng and HIating Stoves at H. River Y C. 3 The TULANE $3.50 'I SHOEI J.G Is ptea.iSg new entomers every day, its popu'arity is such that we are compelltd to carry a larger and more canplete as.'ortment of shapes to meet the dteind for this stylish and strictly '"up to date bhoe. Rave just receivec a new shitpment of Dew styles, (haring completely sold out our Srst -bupment) If you want a good $3.50 dress shoe you can be suited TE-IF TUIANE. HATS! HHATS HATS!( Have you seen our new, line of Gents $2.50 Hats the are positively the best $2.50 Hats ever sold. We guarantee them to do as much service as any $3.90 Hat made. If you need a Hat you winl do well to see our assos tmcet before you by. Ohwer grades at 75c., 90c., $1.00, $1.10. $1.25, $1 35, $1 50, $1.60. $1.5 Oal pst style Apines, tine quality at 75c., 85e. and $1 00. T1U RACKET STORE, I Lowest Prices on Everything. IRAo~ Building, Jackson St. One Block from Main St. º 'has. A. Badea1x, Prop. Toys! ToysT ! Rtemember that thel head-quarters for HOLI DAY GOODS il At (has. B. [asseigne's tor. Market antid S. Philap St. Tous of E'eru Varictu. Come caaly and avoid the tush. T Opera House a H. I.. GItRES, M1gr. ONE NIGHT ONLY t.. 1r / Q Thursday Nov. 25th: 'iThe1rnar N 1sula Prices. Curtalu Hiues at P:'10 it I WANTED-FAITHFFII PERBO h to rall on retail trade at,(d :i* rt- f manuf:ant irirhg M'ute having wJl n ii erstab liahebv h'it-nnes.; lIocil I rrit.rv: straight s:aliay 420 baid weeki a' r: expen'e :aonzet adv n("". 'r1 I sreion h. esperience unnecfss-rc ; t oStion tter . manen'; bu-iuess sure' ssful. En&o" *- se-If jddrtesed envelope S ijeertintei. de(nt Trave'ers, 60 otion B''; l * Out for Justice of the Peace. Mr. Edward Latfrcst as-uonhcei he him--If in this issue as condidate fot r jpasliiwe of1 ae p'.ea of this ward. Mr. r laforest is a long time and wel. or kn wn rediden; of thin town, a man '" of fair eIneuation a:(d cons:d -eabe es IperI9DCen.. and. We 'clleet lu' i teie ud pctent 9fl the imorttan' *.eit( eo which he aspires. lie has mu.n' frienis who wih him esif antd would -t be proud to :ce him stceced. an * For Sale, Cheap. H. One Wa'nut Dc-k. For particu- 4 IarN apply at tbe Sectinel Offlke. 16.4 You Are Sufforini with your feet for want of a good comfortable shoe! The Duke Last Bostonian $3.50 Shoe, has no equal for comfort and wear. Try a pair. That and many other styles always on band, at ELLIS BRAUD'S SON An Invitation. Ve itiiite~ OIL' hat! 'iiy tl 1 t~l 0 anli i!e our n~ew hi i't o 0 AFall alld\X'iiitei'udd - Consisting of - Black Goods, Dress Flan nels, Cashmeres, Tricots, Broadcloths, Silks of all kinds, Dress Trimmings, Flannellettes, Repellants, * Giughams, White Piqus, Grey and Blue Flannels, : Also Novelties, of all kinds, Carpet Strips, R S* in all prices, Chemille and Tapestry Table Coverw, Portieres, Cotton and Wool Blankets, Turkey Red and White Damask, Ladies and Misses Jackets, FUR COLLARETTES, A big line of Ladies Skirts and niy other thin too numerous to mention. REMEMBE $There has been a rise of about 25 oio on all Cotto *goods, and having bought our stock before the rise w *are able to sell them at the old prices. EL R ivie re & Co J.L OULPres. P. R.PEl JOSEPH CL 4 UIJET V-President. Secy'-Trea 'He 1Mobe¶I & ercy @ )Wholesale Dealer Oommiseion Merchants. Ner S. ?. ange lhsieT auxam, Is. #'r Orders For Oar-load Lots Solicited. Sugar Planters orderN given special attention for !Grain and Ha; Local 'Phone 159.-Cuomberland 87. ,ALBERT L. "FOLSE, - Iltaler In Wholesale - GR INFEEK andc FLOURB. Cumberaasnl [Pone 43. ALL N ?1 \ Q P.1 THIBOPAUX, LA.