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keekj hid x tragneL ___OdioiglvaA l ed f.wprl !iý~o ý~i ft~ aw~to theTana. -- 38 - - - THIBODAUX, LA., .28. 1903. No.19 rm~ - ___ ___ ___I Thib'x Shoe & Hat Store, Goods That Have a Reputation. A GOOD EXAMPLE. Toa may be sure the immortal Was bt:, - n moie a becon'ing hat. the style in keeping with the tunes. You - - may emulate his example if you !! pro cure your beed gear from our stock always e to be of the latest mode, beesmasin Our Hocker Bootee Shoes are long wearer. They wear 4 almost twice as long as ordi- O1 4 MADE WYt Dary shoes. Because they are ts MAfts sot arrE made by thoroughly reliable ..a Wa wea-as r etm aekers and only of the best material. Give them a trial and you will never regret having done :o. Erile I. Braud. Bmember that I have removed to the Blum Stand. next to the Thibodaux Drug Store. THE fL NT OF THE TIBODAUX BRICK VORKS WITH THE FINEST EQUIP ast brick in the market..................... . ali bruickn m hand reedy for deliuery. FOR FURTNER PARTICULARS. ADDRESS. R. A. BOUDERAUX, Manager, or E. J. BRAU D GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. PNONE EMILE LEFORT aSmeesmr s. LEF'OUT " TITIZAU "Livery, Feed I .... AN5D.... ...Sale Stables. A Undertaking X I*' K Establish'ient Blacksmith and Maker H.I Riviere & Co. Hardware, Tinware, Willowware, Ena meiware, Harness ( and Saddles, Paints 0 and Oils.I 'Phone 108. Cor. Mein 4# St. Louis Sts.J LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY. Baton Rouge, L.a. Thomas D. Boyd, A. K., LL. D., President. Nates 'abnrta Londfton Ia get tast e.* u thon ua f ree aw verettr Edward Bade - Manufactur Agent for - C4NDIES, CAKES 4#D Ci -A ERS *: CIGARS: TEAS, SPICES BAKLNG PO EXTRACTS, OLIVE OILS, VXO GARS, PAPER BAGS, & MA-CLt ORDERS ON & NM Main Street. 'Thibodaux . TROUSERS Goo wokbas e..d Weeknh L!lae Knives Made Both Regular and Long Handles if Ask your dealer for them. These Knives are first quality in every respect, are ab. solutely correct in style, weight and shape, and are war ranted by us to be free from all defects in manufacture. PLANTERS HIARD)WARE &t MER. CO., Ltd. Convenience Courtesy Capacity Fidelity Prudence ~ tty Strength Recognised eekential element. of a perfectly ap. plted Modern Bank-are ofered by The Bank of Thibodaux THIBODAUX, LA. ASSETS DEC. 28, 1901, -* 368,834,21, ASSETS DEC. 31, 1902, * $467,823.91. FOR YOUR Moss Collars8, Call on or write to g The Rienzi Moss Collar Factory, g Morvant &, Mire, Props. Thibodaux, La. The Beet Collars. Made by Practical Mesa. of Choice 3loss. rces'reasonabls Notice. }Potical Cards wil1 be published in th column at the folliwing rates: For Parochial Ofice $10 00. For Ward (kie $5.oo. Pacable cash in advance. For the Legislature. We arn authartwd to' annonce J.erph II. Price as a manida4te for the Le rsatuie tno, the at1 `fouzefe. subJect to he Damlmcrathi r eaectka. January i19t I 4. For Clerk of Court. I hewey ainosure myues as a cantia~e for the or: of Verk of Cats. oithe Par'.. of 1. LOCIS AC(INM. 3as amcniaefrCme of e Nm Paris of I anfra msubyso t Dor Para y " dtea 117 19f . tat For Coroner. We ar aask rtied to anouwce Dr. P. HI. Tetteam m a candidate for Coneser of the Para'b of lafourche. subjec: to the Denoeratic Primary e ectioo January 19th. I*4 For Assessor. We are auth'r~.a to anooncc Edgar lorvaut, as a candlate for A curem of the Pareh of Lafourbe, ittabjee to the Demorrarlc Primary e]RIeetJ~anoamr, 13th. r2c For Justice of the Peace We are authaogr-d to announce !award Laf Car ma a candbiate fOr Justice of the Peace of the fod Ward 'Th;ibeauz subject to the Deo erauI Primary e4 ,two JaarTy 1tNh. 135. We are autbortaei to announce Obscar L. Caro as acandstdaze f.r Jtttuce of the Peaeec'f he !od ward T h.biajz' sut~jeet to the Deo cmauc Pr~utr a e."thua January 1t h. Wk. Are You Qualified? Unodr the new law no one eace ' qualified electors can be candidate for odice; a quaafit-1 elector, as nor rt'd* rt know. is one who as qialiie i 'o nko-that is. who is r-gtetral and bolds his pol' tax receipts fir two consecutive years prior to the time offering to voet. OUe en have paid the poll tax anywhere in the State, but most have resided in the State two teats and perish one year before od~rang to vote. It a person has actually lived sad paid his pot! tax is a parish for one year, some lawyers assert that, according to the parish. must live ms ti"e perish one year before he becomes a booaSuie resident, eligilae to hold ofce in the last parish. However that may be, it is certain no person earl hold office who is not a duly qualified elector. This applies to all alike, tom the ward constable to Governor.-Opel ousms Courier. I- ON A PIANO worse, sd &.aO b the haywr * qra.*7 . c.Y15. s'I'he.Is mbas ma s amernr' nKgorsh socuac :rm ;om::s - waos awrsnuyw or ,as T BB C.atBL CO. i The Show. Geatry Urteass' famous Eqand** posy show gave two exhibt'toms at Deatia's Psat last Monday. Largi sauleeces greeted both perforesanes and were well pleased with the pro Sgramme. The Gentrys' Show is na a stranger in Thabodaon, and neededi no recommenedation baring exhibitei here last year. when it was also greet el by veir' large audiences It is at attraction of genuine merit and oci that cannot but please erery body. For Sale at a Bargain. Ose 12 inch Syphoc, has been ii n ainee 3 months, good as new. Fo paiticulars apply to N. & A. Tor as, lafourche Crossing P. U. La. 16. Having just received another cat ) load of stoves In all pramrs we wul make it dentaledlv to your interest t esill on as before buying. ) Planters Hardware & )Ierchantile Cm Ask to dy for Allen's FootEsse, powder. It cures Chitblains, Swollem Sweating, Sore, Aching, D:*mp fee ieAt all dauggists amid sboe stores, 2t For Representative. 3 Is this iisae Mr J."eeh H. Priay of the Cat M sannouDces himse.f a: a candidate fo- eprpsentative from this pariah, suIjedt to the action 'I the Democratic parts at the cmmiu primary. Mr. }rice settled to this tran-1 wsme yeas ago. and married a few rears ago a dangbter of the late P A. Thibodeaux. the well known cc' ensineer of this parish. He is a man of rd otion, is nti and has been for the last tw-nti years a sclaoo teacher. sarn, if noDi nted. will be crmp.tent to serve .he people inteiPgeotlr. Mr. Price w a satire of Indiasa but is 1878 moved with has pareau to -ebreska, whene he lived din.1 bee. a cossistest Democrat, hasto Wdei is this State since the `pring a 1390, and is a man of good repot. theu "tHe subhmits his ease and asims at the fair and impartial oeisi.ti*ratzoc .f the Democrats of Lafourche ao respectfu ly solicits their soff, gr4. Follows Relief Dr. Davis' wuiminy a Tyr ta all Maa o Coneamption. Asthma. IntSeam. Brca. r *me ami Slo e s Ussils. 5a t drassises sad modida.e a r'Sheriff Worrell has promised tha e Tribune if he is re-elected to the om8. e ,f Acadia parish. to at once pick out some faa minating young lady, sad lay r siege to her heart with the olject of nmalkg ler his wife. This siege he propcees to press with the resistles4 determinstion of a Bunaparte, eoea;'l.l Swith the Aeny ardor of yosth, the null quality the iatr ma"M ea et news.} earmuesu for his reelection, as aberif e Murrel Is quite a nice looking young gentleman, possessing to a marked degree theou .ome.tic traits of char acter, that goes to make up the quili r Ieations of a model husband, we look for quite a number of fair mailese it, take as active interests in his elec tio'."-Rayne Tribune. Disastrous Wracks. Carelessness is responsible foi many a railway wreck a -d the same ' au'e are making human wreck.4 01 Seafferers from Throat ant Lung tron bed. But aine the advent of Dr King': New Discovec y for Conso mptu Cougl and colds, even the wortt eases can I. cured, and hopeless resignation 1s ni longer necessary Mrs. Lois Craggm' Dorchester, MIass., is one of mani whose life was saved by Dr. King's New luiscrvery. This great remedy t C guaranteed for all Throat and bunt diseases by all Irugg-st. Price 50c *1.00 Trial boules free. I Passed The House, Hung Ui iIn The Senate. Thus i. told La a line the historg of Mr. Rooinevelt's Cuban R..ciprodit3 Tarif bill in the present estra sessini of Congress. It was raitroaited through the boos by a big majority, there being on1: 21 votes agmanst it. .Coagresaman Broussard made inaguilcest speech agpinet the mesa mrs4 is which he decomssratei thu Tre sa c the Auumemmms e ese mor the Cuama producer, aad rain th Americas came growers; but his speec could have no elect on men wnoe 0 mods were already stubbornly mad ed 05p. In the Senate the inloence of th administration and of the Repubi an can leaders of the house tried to for. asthe measure through but the Sienatoa resented the Interference and c'ete mined to poetpone a vote on it nut Ithe regular see-inn. There is sow very little hope thu in itwill not he passed then; so ot or planters may as well prepare for tI worst. Picnic. The chaldron of Miss Cecile D.' ar- cuts private achool celebrated Taule ri iigDay by a basket picaic giva In t the suburbs of the town la the ap I cous grounds of Mtr. James Chive. Do. 'residence on St. Charles streq SNotwithstanding that the day w F*somewtat co:d the lhttle fo ks enjoys ,a themsselves hugely, acid wi.l loang be en in fou'l recollectios the national di 'et of Thsnkinglving and Isruiwe for I e ~year of grace 1903 Regular Monthly Meeting of Lafourche Progre,-ire p" Union. as Remember that th- r'gu ar meet inj of the Lafourche Prrigresevare Union wt.t be ii ki ofat Tues tae at .ho cl4ock P. W.. at thke C.tyv II it p Thelma. The presentation at the Opera ,Hus* on Therist ev. n:g of " The! t mi. a drsmat:zationi of e iorel-. Is pP U at novel hr Charles W. be Chase. ii d not come iui' to the expec 1at1o of the asadienv Of course many interestng Messages of the Hooel ane ereseuri.r omitted bel thr j liaw ae well emlected and e:ing gat as iniest sa 'aned ace ant at bf f: e ager week. ýand Rs eel .. of Fors. as rd. dwart UgreUt handicapped by his strong v oile andi large stature. and to one to judment wwiuki appear too great ad , ran'age in :9e no e of leading man. This :s the second appearzane of Telmna vivo the local stag, it bar.. ing been resekutn here last season, antd those whio witnes,&'t º.th ebhi-. 'btious eay that the reeet.t one f 11 ha{,rt of the former in rg. rd to the eener an.ot that in thb acting it was an improvement. Does'nt Respect Old Ag. It's sbamiful when Vibth fji'4 !o shbow proper resirct old age. hut j ist the contrary in :he rase of Dr Kings Nrw Life I'l's Th".- cut -off maiadi.s no oatter hiw severe sad Jrresoevtive of oil ate. Ds;eloia Jaudice, Fever. Coustip-tt.?r - ai viebti to this perfeit P.1:. 5.". at a t lirug - ýIsts. For Aseno-r. In this issue appears the catr of Ir E'igar IMlran', auiai'n .. ug him. -elf as a vandidat- for asst-i,,r Lw. fore the cominug pnnary. Mr. Mor-ant ij the piesent a-ses. he soil and as such is well and ftvorab v °v He is a native of this pariah, is a man of fair educatisin. of sonh d judg meet and well fittet for the oftke. The people know him. in*I he sah mite his name snd claims to their fair and impartial consaderation at tl pri. mary. Bayou Begun. ig The work of damming was begun r_ at Donal1Monri;:e list W.'inneutuy 1i morning. A dispatch of that date from that place says: to -Work was begun this morning on the constructioe of the dam at the bead of Bayou Lafourche. Mr. '. White, of the firm of Dame-us & White, to whom the contract was or jwesnied, was asked bb s moroang to ngive s outline of the p -ji'.aed 'I Mr. Whi.e stated li-t th" work would be carried on in the samne in inm:er at ! a levee is buit L A .li.te will he put gh across the bayon an-I then the laso IV begun over it. The dart w:li 1e dutoped on the dais be m-ans of " seoops anti mites Frnm letee to . evee, on bth sides of the bhtvo.u, the -lam will lie 425 foct lo. g It will is have a biat of 301) feet atd a crown 1s of 30 feet; the height from the btse to the crown wvii be -ow.ithiuig like 47 feet in the c--uter of the dam, Swhile e~ach side of the t ino v-li m et )Pg with the crest of the levee on lastth sides of the b-rvon lit White stats-d that the work wit! be pushed as rapid. r) ly as passib e, anal that with good ty weather and sum,-ient lbhor he ex on jpecti to complete the dam in sbhnut Ithirty daiyum Hi abit. d thst tha work mae of digging canals bad a realy batigua slty and that the canal frois Lkake B ia uf to the baron had b-en started for a some time, and that a saIle of thai a-work had hee. esapleted. It win ml lbs purpose of those letere-ted to hsr ly-- he Estbut 6eas's Swest lowers 5* __ Secoeststuil used hr Mother Gray, ul@ nurse in the Ubtidrenas Home in New York, Unre Feverishness, Bad S'om the ach, Teething Disorders, mnove and bi euaethe Bowels and Deettoy bilWrss Over 30 000 testimoniats. itThey rete fail. At all druggiats, I 25c. Sample FREKK. Addreas Al atil Ilea S. Olmeted. Ia. Roy, N. Y. 15 atOn An Important Mission. >tur - the Mr. Wallace Br ron, m nag -r of the Donsldeonvilt- Ciamnitg Vactory, went to New Orleans this amorning fair the purpose of noontarinig with Mr1. 0. M. Abrona, who sone time ago ex. Wa preased the belief that the capital ink- etoek of the cony rn isiult hie easily men raised from SIIM000 to *24,000 and pas. assertand his williugimees to lake boast ers' of the matter ,".l lpsns it to a satis. eel. faetor3 conc~ulud, sincw he was satte was lied it would prom-s a safe and liayinit .yed i iveastmeut. Ac pj*n as the atnuint ea. b-ia hetn secured Mr Barron wit in day ttine h-ri aid get the f se~.rvin reudi lbh- ne-s to I-.gia. the cantiingan uii tauatithg of syrup of this year's c*tt --1i. s