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50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TAot MA~s1 Dcsacms CoPYR'GNS de. II ti.+t: -r rl"3fre cU ter an -~s!ttý ýdt r-~ $J sroL ' New DiC. TO E ?T&ItR SOUL 1 -SN S C3'ý (7LLEGE. (r.a n:.c 1tte. a a t:-e 4P~anet San alt ccit "' t ;. era a,. n Address. GL o. s OVL is &t 80N3 Barke~r Co., iion flMerchiant UINTRY PRODUCE, T'T'I. '~ F' RI:: K lx.I : A t . I. t~ 1'it A' -\'!7. T.A. o m~ental-.:7 F f --e t. ck. .fTRADE-MARKS 'P. BOURG, ket St and, ST., THIFODAUX, LA ..i.ATS o1 UAN1 TKzS 3iit. DCIMON. PO1RK VEAL' SIDAYIMA OF ALL KPI1D~ OAD e*e MARKET. 84E 3'. TOUWSA PROPRIETO)R. fres beef, perk. real, mutton and ronstantly on ha±r'! -OrI'WrA'F T YMlINING~ oaths Saar '. c rer St. Nark sad of ea~ ac f- Ir i all parts ý'' Bank of Lafourche Capital Stock $25,000. Surplus $25,000 Designated Depository for, funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. L. A. L' L Iº..ND. Jtl}K i' .k . P. F. Li. :N i LC. A . t Ca i R L.. A. !RLtºi1N .. I). lK.t-:LAUNL It r. T. STA1IIK F. HI. L A';Al:.1 º A. J. :1 1: i', i L. BEi: 3IY, AIIE TOUTS, K. J. v r.. t $ Does a General k!g Bsiness Ru\s so!8 oe ueL~n. Southwestern Louisianam Industrial Institute. `u LAFAYETTE. LA. E. L. STEPHENS, ' President. A State Institution for the instruction of both sexes In the XTrSV ences. Manual Train-n_, Domiestire :cen Ce Cd itmiercial B ar.cLs. Offersfive Cc of rse t tudd . reaiiriin' o i. t\. th.ree aitd f.ur years for eon3 ktLion. as "_" 1. (' unut . :1 o' - Cot: -t' Tra'niui Course. I Rt'. > i a r \in :-I Q!:: 14 \- i, or r !'r: sti-fi:.'trv exaiiiinai:on in (Gr numai:t . s . . al 1i a .. iut-ti. to percentage and L1emen tary' (k. ýiar ~t.:l -11 \ E Lii. e I in . ;is an foCi-rrn is a, i:rnyintm . tl ittu s.t :.ill .ts :" I fj . -t -. Ii ..1:hfulni s exc-Iletnt. tI i'a1t tli F .E F. 1" rsr::i c xp tr\"1 Il a ...I new t ' ck 1). ' r ' t'r t,' 1,1:a ,li s.i b h al:" I t' t- eq ip- c f ' -.. -n-ese . us-t l: . ýa .i, '. C.1 P .il .' 1"iw * A;pA.a* :r t...I _ L: .: . - . -,i. " * 1 t U~ HEADQUARTERS FOR ELILWOOD^ obI HELD FENCE,; POULTRY, RABBIT AND LAWN FENCE Absolute efficiency at least expense. jomam w A practical fence that will positively turn cattle, horses, hogs and sales 1 tL pigs. A fence ws'es - ! that is strong, * t practically ever- cI lasting, proven 0 ," thoroughly effi- ' WI cient under -- *t every possible Pi condition. EVERY 100 OF ELLWBOD FEICE IS SIABAETEEI. If you want youufeucig p bleasatist3Cou s raiti e to ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how Little monesy you in ca get absolute satisfaction. Planters Hardware & Mer. Co., Ltd. GOOD SELRVIGK 1902..-.4 BETTER SERVIGE 1903. Southern Pacific 0I SUNSET TROUTE FREE CHAIR CARS. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT.h BOX-VESTIBULED, PER FEUT TRAINS. THE VERY BEST A^ t ALL POINTS Send loc. in stanmps for a copy of the SOUTHERN L'A(MFIC fLUE COOK BOOK, cout.ainiI.g 2131. recipes. S. 1'. B. MORSE. T. J. ANDERSON. M1. L. IIOIBIXS. Pass. Traf Mlgr. Aset. Gen. Pi.-s. Agt. Gen. Pa-.s. & Tkt. Ag L HIOL-SroN TEXAS ChlIdrse efA. Age. abs BwIMS ths or me 3s e.e to c. d. MnoraTY. U. D., ST. Louis. Mgo. 01?. JOS. . DRE XLEIR, VETEIJINARfY SURGEON, LEON D/?EXLER'S STABLE,; LONGDISTNCE THIBOD4U Y. LA LOGDSTNETELEPHONE 35 flBODRfUX TEL EPHONE 128 igliL t de as lin the A~dvei tisinli ('olumnhi ot a I'opular Nevw pajiel are' hrc ld ofi. d tuc. -Iniu L-u-one"-s stier. iLt.he Is a P ulasr Ntwpaer nd is r cguiAAI .s a good Ad 'zr COGMRIALWPBITIN¶ The iSentiinel I'-t ablishmfent tuirii out up-to-date work kEstimuattes -.0 1(1 LU on aiii ( !.ass of L'rintiing SEND A TRIAL OBDER AT ONCE. Susroefr and J Advertise in the Sentinel. S:pped Against a Hot 8 l.: of ! a T on, w -e ., -s I. .: itr..5-igh 1) bh.h."t;,1 ib ,k fib-tab A stre f which 1':-i .n min se vrel Tý ibikti t was in ;east a our and his morjG r cou!d do noth'ini" to pacify hits. Be trembering that lie had a bottle of pi' C'lsaia edis:W's Pain Jin in the IM'e EIe she thL "ht she . wo-:1 try it. In less h thau halt an hour afterspp!vingittLe an rhiid was quiet ani in less thns two!Pa weeks was. we,.. Mrs Benson isawell ei a'w wn re'd ."' of Kh..t. Vs. Pain I I is an antt.phth. tin:trent and 'pee:s .,Y::i,'le for hurnt, cuts, ari l r.i:.s. For sale by Ro.n Druz Store. " or For a Bad Cold. in" If 'y u li:ive a b:l co d von nod a ..*d ,1:,".e me iijine Ike Chamber a'n c 'U 'Ia R. - yto !0ain and t. ra it \ i, to .t the irritation', 44 .1. :: n f the throat Ied lurigs. IUr si'e hy Both Drag R TLi pintt ,t tioe f !::ne? Vesti Lit) ever brog"ht to this town can be found at Eils Brand's Sons. 1 Wanted. ml pu Colored, to work idi Cigar Factory- ott 'tood wages and steady work Ap et ,lc at fae:ory, Badeaus buildtus, ch: Main St. r Notice. ex, I t":ke p'e::1ire ,lainform my pa., trans anl f; nas I have pur t_, ih "v 1 the s'<vk uf Jewelry of the Iar ate A. Ilo::rxcn, ari am now osering R19 " ?a_ ';>ns in the Jewelry line. rat A coma:. tr u of first e'sss Jewelrv.jJr S iv :rwae r!e. kqp: in stock at al f tiunes. Je'pt rcy, Watch. and Clock a sit r:,air , " *czla: V. tu t. FIASK ZERINOTT. r The p, :-., i cui iiai'y invited to :n. v's;t .,O :rai:n couter at }ilts I.. -. . Sr.. a."ous store on .1 ic I tr +. Ti - ii. itatioa holds good at! 'I' 11100 if you c'nnlot call thi w nobr ' cit. Lor this month, thnh ia nest mniith. .ou are welcome at j! lr t re tie bnreain counter has of Jo:e to ti.v 27 Eta Br.suls S'us have just re- l ecivild tLhr and winter stock of :: CIothi:;:. its a magrniX'e::t line. See :1 tLhini 'o re i urch.."ug dlsewhere. - --" ý ý -- In a Ili!,.n to our already large -t.,ck of vi hidies. We have just re ctive'd : al ha v samnpled in our show fo .eons a oar tlad of Buggies. Car rina's. f :..! ajuts and Sulkeys, Which we a'ould b6 pleased to have you call f and iuspect. Ai Piianers Hardware & 'lerchantile Co. f Bargains! Bargains!! at 8. . Coo0. be lob, Ati ts3 th1attw wttI-7 to h investig'te. Pr ________tel Notice. Jo: an Hurting on the Acadia Plantation Ye is possitieiy pr.'hioited. ac 22 W. H. Pates. t For job printing of all kinds, cal on or write t,- the SENTINEL . For Sale. pi -- if A full set cf "*Modurn Eloquence' by the la-t' S; aker Tljos. B. Reed. -t lEacellent ha b:ce to seeure this fine P ..t of sv :ks ast a reasonable price. If iii want thint. ajppy at this office. ' Breeders of Fancy Poultry, . Attention. Ih B t! Covhin eggs for esae at $2 OC per dozen. Yon asie invited to vis:1 v breeding pen before placing youi order. Call either at W. C. Ilagans resi rI deuce or Knobloch's .Music store. 3 Mattings! Mattings! The largest and finest stock of ' mattings that ever was brought to a this town has just been received at , Ellis Brand's icons. Call and ex a amine the same, it will pay yOu to do so, before buying. 36. 0 ____--_-- -* . 1 For Sale. One lot gituated om Jace otrest, a desirable location to bmild resedence. $1,500. TuoxAs A. RIVhsa. Thihodlaux positively second to none in the State to get a Watch or t Clock tiaed, or to buy a Watch or I Cloxk. I'o not f:' i to see the fine a554rt'enol tto Watches numbering 2 5ij0 lee. 1st. 1e E. Dists, Thibodaor, La. ]Rice! Rice! Rice! .1 We sthict the consigomeat of R1CtE. Liberal advanoes mnadi'. Saitisfactuoo guaran teed Correspondence solicited. J. (iROSSMIIN & SOt4S. .1ew Orleans, La, Box 1178 Larizest wholesale liquor dealers andl distributors-of Harmony Club Pure Bye. NEW AL'VE TI'SEIENTM* ,.l ,i l-. .t " Sl:art.n . ii. Il: : . 1 ard t teint witn"---r- - r _ t 1 '!:- 1 PERSiOi-NALLY t AllI \N 'p ' . El': Al` rt J. Ia-ardi Pr-- . ,:i the tClophas L ta-rl.- 'r isp .t':. e t an I F -'a-d Ii. lazar- - 'I and Trca-":*'r .f the - #'- f' . v hoth of the -ii I -r.-.-"l- r* . :-in : . Parish and tit --i:1 - -a- t- n -t vile h-rein, and d'.""_ , o.1-. sr That r tr-a nt t. .ihi. it of ,'"orr "r' tiin .f-t t / f th it " i . . ttn , a.- o .r- . .. .. Thr t;d-Ia t n 1a f ": ., . I t ''-'' tI~i 1 1 I. 1 -' o:1* r' n- 1 ~ .* 1 ant i is .. . t' 'tate "f I v v- .. u ::i ' " t.1-" ret--"t"-,I r .f : e rnai"r:iy i tins i. z3art fi Dr 't-' Nl-TltI'LE Vi, The Board f l'ir'tct rs s'1all have " power get r-iay to -upi.vr-i. th bui-1 and nesi of the c 3r< oration. to adopt ;neral I rules for its conduct, to contract for the 4 purchase of machinery, the construe- r other things and apparten in.,dettt t the purpose and objeets of enterprises abo set forth in the Article Three of the Thi ehart-r. abe"t fixing the pri e of cane, fort cane jai' c , syrup: also the price for now ' apaitir:: the same into sugar and lane ..ther prr! "t-: fixing the salary '.f nov otihi-rs. driiin. lv Lcneral rules the Ian, exjiw-n- f th --. .rptrati..n. and pr".- . ani.e f.r -u-i a:-i-,tants and supjer:teen- Ju., dents as ml:s' '. n"' m.-art to carry out !w thI t" x. uttu e t 'u,- u--' of the -..rp, ra ti:n. and .-niralty to adopt u - ill laws. rules and regulations as play be ne"'e-arny fr the "'".d[ -oniluet and ntait3ae.nutit of tIh- :,airs ..f the cor!"' rat:-n. I t -hsa11 .v t w,. r tor a sus- it jor:ty vute ~f all the dire. tors to Ii: -rt - On . or pl:dge the prioperty or vffeett ' if the *-rlp-ration. as the case may ht. tie: ifhr-e :.-.:n' vi- of the H.-ard shall con stitut. a qrr,-umn f r the transaction of businQ-4. Iat no !'uintss- ther than the tCOI rt'ul:a: aim n':t t r- t:t. a fair- of the . rporat:'n ,ha'i l-t" --nflu -t d by tht N itaiird at st s r t,-- Fr il - at-ti :11 ,tini: -.unkss ni"tic' :e t 11."! to the ltmifer- "f tht l f :!_ extra ordilnar' '.-." - t " !, t n Iut- d anid tratelr-1i I at the1 stra iiilarv :n- t inA. lat =t '. - old r ;hall have that, :'ll t t", "t trt'r.nt at the :..'" tutu. ' The ti ,i:1t rthi1 ijeate th Ftr tt inut -hall ta t -.e t. \, I" *. n -hail he qtuaA2i' 0t ' a itt*r fthi-.e*rpi !ai t n ti ti l e s- h e ..- . 't l - a t :e a - t -'t 'e .f la r e - - "f the stj-k of the corpt-ratoln h. AiTICLE VII. . T pr -:'. nt shall have NenIral ?u+ ThI p--r.i i- n 'f the ad:tiniti-ar-:tiv- aitTrs jt Sthe -'r1 at -n: he !;al: prid ate t .t ': t 2 ,'th- I:,ar-t i nd -h50 a''' hr -tvr t. cth the exenutivte r- ~t 1" ,. t' r .-r' .r n i- : he -hall 1"." ti- ". na-,t -r ,f tlw ," fnancest" and of Il. _:p... a- .tt t " ti- p1r .p-rty of the -- rp - ..a_ 1. ' I i- .. t-i with the p.µ -r. wh -r-t id i.- the i a :-rity % of t!." h--rai --f Dirtt .or-. to t-orr.w I" for 1"" 1u-:n =i Ot r th--t. nr ri. I 8 -thn of tni -u--l-rs- i' -tra-t - ' . r . - 1- . "t' : ,t fir 3:- ou nt. aG.- -i l ! ý full1 powei r t(, pledger :lt.a Is-- .: t. . prty -Jth: . rp -rat' t -r , i set H - Article Six ,,f thi. charter. 1he T - lrer:; tsal be ti it -u-toiliati .,f the fi-u.-i of the corporation, t. hich fundt shill he deposited in such hank or banksi as may I be decided on by the Board of Ltlrectir-i. The cheeks to be drawn on the funds of the corporation shaln be signed by the President or Vice-President and coun- Ills tersiened by the Secretary. The Board tit, of DIirvetors at any time shall T-y ma- - jority vote, have the right to su pond 111 any ett pleyee, superintendent, mans- L H irer or other subordinate officer of thei etrporation. or the same may be done in No accorilante with such by-laws. rule- Ca] and retrulatiin= as may be adopted by the Board of 1ire-'tors. - ARTICLE XIl. the it =1hall not he lawful f-r any -t- -ek- rii h-lider to' 'Iii-- ' --f any share or -ha:,e- Al i-f the eal':tai -t-ik of tier eirp :arion it with -ut tir-1i trig sam: to toe . -n- of pans anti tnvini it the prefi r, n,-_ t- r, pur1tthat e the -same at it= face value antid at if thi- is not at--c pted at the next r,'ci- .iii. Ia - - tet tin. of the .-.i n. , - t it ihill Pr theta 1-c -dt'r'd t-o the stine iilderFSwh I -hail harvt t.n itais withiin w iuti-l t-. the poreliast- all or au - part --f the -tli:I t at t le fa.--- valne. titnd oti~nly iwn rofua-il tli -f iii. sail i-.-itratti -Fo -t.iekii.-dtrr- Itt ti-i share-i lie act Inait--ld t- --- tmail P'H upoti the ta'oks of ilth- cr. -rastson. I ri-I Anil furtht-r thi- said appi-areri iteclar- tei ed that the said art iel. were -- amn- n~h i to read as ia.iie at the rernilar m i--'n 'i* hi-id at the 1ilac--of mteetliag ti the itir- Ii pirition,. tin the Fourth da'- of N-'ve.i- fti .er. luti. after having lw-e dis'us-ii Pl' and adopted liv a vote of the stoekhold- PtJ irs. the followaiaag stockholders hli mnr voted itn favor of the same, viz: Albert J. Latrarde. Philip Lagarde. 1'ernanul H. Lai'artle. Laura C'. Laieaide. Lel a La irarde, Mrs. Nellie M. Foret. dulv auttho rized by her hu-band Bert J. F- ret. who also voxcd for the samie in his own rimbt. the aiidi per-in rf- epr.Žefltiili andu ownl ing tine I undrid tind Twentv-i-iglht and .t-7 sharei tiut of the total of' tne Hunt (dred and Fifty sihari-s of the a-apital stock of the company and E. A. O'Sulli .van represi-ntinar for himself one shari of the said capital stock antIas the agent and attortney in fact of his wife M1rs. Emma La-arde who is th& owner of Twenty and tl-7 shares voted no and again-i thre said amnendnienta. In 'aith whereof. I the Notary, par ties and witnesses have signed hereunto on this the Eleventh day of November, Beattle Charlto RBeattie; P. J. Au coin, . Clerk of Court, emeooeu ie THE STATE OP LOUISIANA, PARISH OF LAPOURCHE. I, the undersigned authority, do here by certify, that the within and forego inz is a true arid correct copy of the oriatital act on file, duly recorded in Miscellaneous thook No. ~7 at folio b(}4, rNov. 1f, lPstt. and of record in niy office. SIn Testimony Whereof. - - Witncss my hand and the Imn L.S press of the seal of my otflce, at \ Thibodaux, La., this lath day of SNovember, 1t903. P. J. Atcorl'. D'y. Clerk of Court. THE STATE OF LOL'TSIANA, 20th Judicial District Court-Parish of Lafourche. SUCCcESSION OF E~iMosN Turtnot)Arx AND itiS WIFE, No. 16tlG PRo. - 0 * FAKE Notice: that purstiant to a'n E order and denree of the aboi-e Court and to a commtbisiont to me directt-d 1 in the above entithle and riumnlert-d -uccession, I will offer for sale at publii atuetion titrsuanlt tto law to the lai-t and highest 1'idder. at the court lhou-e di.- r .in the Town of Thiil'dnux, La. on SATrU IIA a, LIECEM lER it. 3, 1903. between the hours of I1 o'block A. 1M. arid 4 o'clock P. M., the following d--s cribed propt-rty, to-wit: REAL ESTATE.- I. A certain tract of land measuring t tine arpt-nt and tight tioisi-s front liv foirtv arpents in depth, situsated in ine Parish of Lafourche, on the left bank of 't:.. 1 . 1t- t' r 1. I : t r \ n r r h . f -r f. i 1 : ::" 1ar " r tri- r :11 n tai 1+ 1 i '" a - 1 l" r: '0. An *th*r Trait *"f ln1. 111 t'ý f .t P'rt-i. n1 ot .: :V it. r - Ira" tr t' '.1 at ' .. YI"n - .:f or: arp ::- i-"t1, bnu rt:' . L. " aid .r - r.i ` ~ ~ ~ f laer " - ; -i r .t .., .t \+. .. .. tn i Thtb f r t. T I. : it "': u \ L* al *ve.: .2' 1 T." :a! f }:-t1te ýf Yawl Itrt.ºux a ! ":rir f - t i ai i 1 " nt:: w a-i. r f. r n r'v \ ,. T?. -t "_ 1 i' up. ttogether with ^!1 rile buildline itid tmprovi.ewents thereon and all the rit hts and privilexes thertto helengin2. MnoI 4.h. The undivided third of a certain tract of land, measuring one quarter of ibout ueveu tn~e Thibodaux, bounded above by lands 7 rormerly belonu ing to P. J. Theriot and ctea aow to Lihby A Illouin. and below by lands formerly of Ale'x. Lepine. but and aow .f Libby & ll1. uin: which traet of j Pr land is consti lered as a road. nth. All the righth *"f u-iufruet which Rot to-tin Chauvin h , +r inav ha-' on I w" utv-tite fte: front on the pulile nd. liv one an.l Int--half arp1n1- in l tith .f the tract herein fourthly des 'r itd. MO VAHLES. i;n1 lIt of hou-chold furniture. kit h- 1 _n and1 Amt:lin::-rotun utcn-tls. o On tie tirms ant con ii tion-. to-wit: For C'.ý4i to pat d..c., of JAMI}:5 -i :AY. Sheriff "f the Part-h -f Lafour he. .OtINEYA' Ko"tti.' :I. At'v-t. of Su' . sioin. [ie Nov.21.l1,.d Public Sale of Ferrie. . FATE OF L'ot ISIANA. 7 PA.P.I-l oF .1 'Fit Lii. I I ~ ti B1 I1T I 1: IFTIEAUT1if Il I Of i. we t Id . af 11 t a Lb". the . P t1:i :1 1r I: LaN V III a "d te r. " . t ". " a h Pu' . :l th- - fro-1 ,'"r of t c at lrt 1 [. . in the t. n r Thitbwalaux. . s SAT!"l1I) % 1" h 1I I:I 111E R'th. l*." \ i ret "1 th i . 'ur . of 11 . k :.:n. aCd 1 t'. -k v n it. '!:" ~- f l t- I l' lii F . rr f t'1" r p~ri:lcs ". L.'t' Iar e. i"r a t" r:n "f % I~ ext .:.!:l_ f: 'ii :?: r t' "It * ...:..i\ a i.:1' T tl iar . r . RMr il t. : d" h : . rr - t" t"- :. . .. 401 lo"atv'd Vf'!w : 'lit. inc *tor .tiu : r hr a mlib f ti * -c e :.t " ". it a n x. t!:. - :.. \ "ý t " 1.;I t Tii: Ri \. i lfp I h at,. i. +" at o Vi. 1."I, x' th 1. :.: IYe a or near .A. t;" Wi Blan'ns i re on :th1eBuck. .rn plne I - ! 7 tt t thtre ni tiest: = iel iw the t. wit o'f Tak~ibedauý. stir it. 'ilt'e 'it or ne~a: Wt. t.harle- Ch .f 6th. One at or near Ib.eorean. . 6ith. one at or near Thomass fae Utlane's stcre on the Buck Horn planta- %% i tio'n atºut three mile= ab~ove Loceki-rt. We 7th. One at or near the. store o1 .1. I'. Itadeaui about seven miles b low -ý Laiekport. -th. itie at or near the Chapel of Motre Dame dii :o.1aire at llaranc:s Canal. (F ith. One at or near the Cut OSI. Term- and *in.iit *-ii :tne eizh:h of the price cath on the iltv of sale. oue Wih tichth on the tirst day of the mninth 'f April lulil and oun,-itIhth ever,- threc in it' i- tour' tftor ltro.t _ .-it th*"i tef r t )ii of - =tai i-i -ait credit pai mutlt- to !to o r prr Ust. I "i tote- i':ly Q le as i.f.- o 'aid: 9 ii Iy iWthu punriha-tr anninettr mior; st iuriti: . t I "c approved by itl ii-* Pre-idlnt of this Jury. Ilt 1-a. h puruthaser diiail futrnish tuon I il the -iii' of iTwo IIundntrud and 1it t but vi aiii 11.1' rs hinitiAz and oblies~tm:i~ joy the lesiee ti keepi the f :rry it ati it in - lt n -s .n orIr :i t ti fatithfullv lear! irtli all1the iuttis ii~~n*linbxt on hlmntt a itil puili' f-try keepir. -aidI tuine ti " ret rue ti ri.b u efuire any court of eiitpi it nt juri~-di *ti't. I0 FTuhe url. al-ir' at 'tail sale shtail l hefiurtier li oild bu all the ti-r::t,. 1- litiuts wand * uld ati utI ititlv.-it tiuup i lie firry keiper-. by the ordinance of sthe Pl'iiii' Jutry relatint to tite sale of the I publie ferries adoptied lit. 23 l-. *. an J. 1L. AUft*'IN. fat President Pollee Jury. F'C T. A. BADEAUX. superintendent of Public behiolds, parish of Lafourehe. - ---- je o ii Ud I orasan in tun wt1.Je Lous Gun a pdC. Lt. 13 t Attenion armers. ci I hav a lage qantit of hit pesfo al n woldb pese to haean -n gneese eith alti tose -eo wrt orteifotn Krae.rI. -r on lb I a,,a n the Tradian V. Al a.19hwl N. Y e r , la h : h eir. 'I :.t th" ,t"' t'. u' e W a- *At poe-i to the -ao ..aIo .aur ml w1w a =t. ThI 1t.ha alt' aart 14 loyal ta a ,a. .i *- <.1 a. ana, I hri.1 \ta:"ri"1, .. a'1 . --I t_ : rl a r I a . if li a a h rc h SoI, " 1, " t hal ahI!ri V r .z a.. 1::. nz if t: * Sra :0 u* nt u Ia *ý! . : . t'. It 'rU t 11 :.ialu nl a a I r it : -' . JUST WH T YOU NZED. Thamb-rlain's Stomach an t Liver Tab: ts. l . n t,-1 ci l .1. after mating. WhLeln 'o. 1 have ieo) :a ppe.ataite. Whlu you have a lad t& te in the na~utlh. When your liver is torpi.I. When your bowels are constipated. ý. a -y.. ra hhe They will improve your appet te. 'leanse an.l inv:,)riate voir !a wmach, and ae.Zulate yuar Liver awl bowels. l'ra-Ž 25 c-nta per ii). For sa.e ay Ruth Drug Store. Zachary Taylor's Tomb. Z. Ti: aor. I) ed 1 Bt'. That is hjeise :pti alln on the tomah at Z. "Al:aa v i'.. air, twe.fth pi-z-1d at >f the 1"nit, d Sta'e3. A ( who r, entlc visit d the tomuh of -(0.a I RoK gh and lRea lv sats fti over halt a ventury has laakeal the' c re eaf a kind-v iata:ai anaI is tist f..I'alina into a aelav. Apli-aretvy nob.aly ac:res. Tho t'emb lies .e 1 ictlas from Lc':i-viie. :atail is attf the rom l. Ivy i jjta ov. r the weath r leaten bl aks f granale. The faste:iLulZ on the il.r:. are red with ru.t So f:tr as 13 n wLa. no kev h s turned the locks r tifty v.xts. Vi-itors ate rare. It is tIou *.ful if half a dozen tolurt-ts vit-a the tomnb aluracg a tw.lvt mouth. .Al * this ,.t_:ac t.1 1.att is theti l t r '1 :aae af th.' la. ro of tatth B'ack Ii lwk anal FIoriraala war.. lire is tIt' ltr-t of th _,re:.t so 'aIr who, with 4laah A1m r t! :uco, alaove in r, treat 2,1.1i0l 'la.11icaLnS a! adeai S AnITIL at Ii;a U: :1 a. lute arc the rmitn1jis if the1 .1 me" Lar t 'a l'.It"- - 'r a.'l i iac of thi f I t ..I' - :'a. a. a 1 wit e onqg~i.redi the Sina .i, a.d li1ter abadca. lit Fl?.or a an I it.tll M1. xico turrea .ier is foriottlal ha las ananl ttry men. Not one in tela tia u and know. the p'a.e of his sep"allete. The petIee.e wnrdsat fip YV. WCinkie- are appropia Late: *dIaaw SoMon we are for)iotten wh*u we're gone t"' -C:, velaud Press. The Best Remedy for Croup. (From tha *ltchisoan, Kara . Daily (a.'b.) This ie the se:t-an whlana the womanalil who knuws tlea he't a nmedies for croup is in alemaad tit every neaizlahlo hood. SnI of tita ta onst teariale thiinas ill the word it to b, awakentl in the aaiddle ~f tihll Ii gat !IV a wia a'ap fla an aLile of ihl, cVhlilt. itae Croup r"aamedLies ace .alm..t as s.are ta ba, i.. ease ..f butzlars. There usel to jac an o.dtash. inaaia remealV for eralup, kitawunt hasbve svraap tana ttalaa laut sanma modaerntt aaatlaers -:av tlaat Chtulaasaealain s Caougla rd i' hatter taid alae'a aot cost -a mch n iat (.duse tlaa ji.tiln!ta to*throw tap the ahilegma 'p quuk*'r. aand gives tre. lact in li 4hrta'r taane. Il ie this reme 'IV it5 w0ill prv n h tt5.I e e tails ndis pleasant and safe to take For lane by Roth Drug Store. Vatican Archiveti Open. The Vatican archives, whtch con tain the most important historical documents in sacy hiharary in the world, have just been thrown open by Pius X. for the investaglatton of students. For centuries this unpor. tint collection of document. has been jealously kept from outside inspec. tion, and it, was only recently that Leo XIII. allowed a few privileged personages to peruse the treasures COOD MDl d inthe VaticanclSD~UiL.~ berestter every student will have a chance to wade through this -e of historical information. The Vatican archives occupy thirty. six rooms in the rear of the palace, and contain all the document. relat ing to nuncios and Papal envoys, many autograph letters from Kings and Emperors, the drafts of treaties with foreign governments, the origi. nal acts of many Councils ot the Chaurach, and many of the most impor tant daocaments reg:ardaecg the history ot nations. It is because of these imm Ibortint archives that GOctary Frtance anal Austria have lately a sta blished ano line s' hoo:s of learoing, whare stualcits of huaataay may come aitt he near thi3 mantai kable cohiec. taon.-Southaaaa 'aes, aag.r. Visit the bargait (ountetr at Ellis IBraud s "ons ',oa mazht fin I somne thing voa naeal tlaora' rait cheaper IM han ~ i coacit a .'a at elsewhere. An ani hg tia tl** Stest statistics of tha ao bigiun of the world at the eind aptf tI ia cetaenthi cetaturv, jaaaheaheal iv by Ilier lKrose, S. J , the CatI:adies I imi naanr 2i; I, 5(Fa,922 Of thaese.. I 77.6.a7.2al :are iin Eapo. a',71a35ti 879' in Aaaua atwna 1 1,513,274; in Asinb :;a04.5303 in Africa and 971yJ94' ua I Aat.Inatrtashk.