Newspaper Page Text
TRADc MARKS CoPvuui Ac. i spendnlg a keth and desreption may -a cer an (llr o nllolp n free whether an (oo. pr" haNly patentahle. Cirmmunlta. ,ý.nlnrtl. .tl,' . In imndbook on Patents ftiL. Oldet agency ftr eclUrirn3jtenta, teaLslen Ihr, mh Mutn t" * , aen wit hout charn lan.. , atifle HJmerical'i tmely iluntrated weekly. .Irgrat cir. ,CO.3Broadway, ,New TO ENTETS SOUL BUSINESS COLLEGE. Orkas, La. Open Entire Year. tha Fl'r t r.ines (C'olege Butlding In i lted .. t H:s ',,:t Ir , c:il:tice and ilnts I*r",1r t . .lc I -Grade, ci t :r n" I",n - me.l ad"ardin orthLand, as ute' "'1I( 1 7act.I . pt C l'". li " at.anl: d r. ines OC e, a io a, of the "" -pto-dates.e. S u~l . ,; cot:r.s. The cheap. ,,I ,Ollkmn~~_ r r 1: I l .';tin. . tiivy Witudent. Ir r"n , •. • " • preacntatlon. tlt I. 1 L.salng ' ationa and arn 11J. mand. t A d d to Posittoa. B-dstnea Men ithlb compete aUnd 4 *Writers. Write for Circlars. Address, ORO. bSOUL 80kNS. Barker Co., ission Merchant Agp DEALER IN ALL KINDs OF UNlTRY PRODUCE, N, RIPUiAR, MOLARSERRI IC; S. , KGG(;( , IIO()N Y, Itl.ES VjTTALLOW WOOL. llDtIS MObS, POUITRY, ETC. 1, 29 DEL ATUIC 8 YTIiA!E'I lW ORLEANS, LA. L ADVANtEP MANE UN (Nf RIGNME? T8 ptly obtain U. . and Foreign S ,sketch or photo of Inventin for tntabit For fres book, TADE-MARKS I . . BOURG, et Stand, ST., THIBODAUX, LA AWt OW s S IF, MUTTON, PORK VEAL SAGUa OF ALL KINDl AD .I MARKET. E J. TOVPS, ROPR I ETOR. beef, pork, veal, ntutton and antI) on hand. EVERY MONING.-i he Railroad. .orner St. Mar) asy access from all parts oI Service via THE EAILWAY to Orleans ort, Dallas, Sth, El Paso, o and slee ers 11 throuigh I Pass. & Ticket Agt. Dallas, Texas. 8E.... Meyer's terr, SA BOTTLE. " SRAUD' S SO.VS. Bank of Latourche, Capital Stock $2.5,000. Surplus $25,000 Designated Depository for funds of Parish of Lafourche and Town of Thibodaux. A. .J liI \ID, Pre-ident, K..1. BR1 I'll, (:shliir. L. A. BL0I1IN, Vice President, I'. F. LEG ENDI'E, Asst Cashier ...... .ItRE"ror ... .. L. A. BLOAUIN, D. DEI,AI'NE, Ilr. T. STARK, K. N. ROTHI, JOHN '. .100lE, Ja., La. L. '. 31EYERi F. II. LAGARDE. A. J. BRAI1D, C. r. BEATTIE, ALCIIE TOUPS, K. J. 1;RAUD. - Does a General Banking Business -ý Buys and Sells Domestic acid FIreign Exchange. Southwestern Louisiana Industrial Institute. LAFAYETTE, LA. I . L. wr>PIBN, - President. A State Institution for the instruction of both sexes in the Arts. Sciences. Manual Training, Domestic Science and Cornmercial lianches. Offers live. courses of study, requiring one, two, three and four years for completion, as follows: 1. ('Cointercial Course. 3. Manual Training Course. 2. Stenography ('ourse. 4. Dotmestic Science Course. 5. Aca'hermic ('ourse. Requisite for Admission; 14 years or older; satisfactory examination in (ramlnlar rades Il tnches. in'lidling arithmetic to pTrcelntage al1d lleuen tary G ,eoira,' h, :ta l, ili'ta,'. llanidsril' i ew hubllihil g . ol illll( l tioius n il nuslertl in! appiltin:e llts. EquilllUt!lt fu inll I all dl.luteilu!nts. Il.allh lifuliess excelilent. 'Tl ITI' ON FREE. F e' 's:ll p\.eiil , vi r iimoderate. Spl'ndid itnew Itiek Do inittori f f or uollig in l dies, with all ot ederni eq'"ip inent andl c liv niiences. iron siihle Iil for each iistult-i:t. an:d'ins W elll furniishe I ltelrinim s, healeld li stetam and lighted l1y eietri it ' illItled water from city wateul'olks le' r ll:tit!ilin. pure h iln hater for drinikiing ill tcooking. Apply in uie:tince for board. Young iitnnboard in piivate fa;iiiilies at $10 to $12.50 per linllth. Seconmd Aninual Se sinu (O)p!ns Wednsdav. Septenll.r 17th. 142. Catalogull sent on .aplication. For fulithc inforulation write to V. .L ROY. L:if.netlte. La HEADQUARTERS FOR ELL WOOD wov FIELD FENCE, POULTRY, RABBIT AND LAWN FENLCE same" Absolute efficiency at least expense. somln A practical fence that will positively turn cattle, horses, hogs and si4Ci_ pigs. A fence asienc that is strong, practically ever lasting, proven thoroughly effi cient under every possible r condition. EVEBY IDI IF ELlUI aa F F I SJsaCl 4s If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and Mse the ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. Planters Hardware & Mer. Co., Ltd. GOOD SEFRVIGE 1902,-.. BETTER SERVIOCE 1903. Southern Pacific S U NSET ROUTE FREE CHAIR CARS. SPLENDID EQUIPMENT. BOX-VESTIBULED, PERFECT TRAINS. THE VERY BEST And to ALL POINTS DON'T FORGET"r E''X( I SION ~.LEEPIN,; .(,AI , ,WASI.INT.'r,. CHI.CA(a, enil 1lr. in stallups for a copy uf the SOUTIIERN 1'AC FIC Il'E COOK 11OOK, conlt-ninijg 2in1 recipes. S. F. II. IMOISE. T. J. ANIEIISON, M. L. ROIlIIlNS, 'ate. Tratf Mgr. Am t. (ten. IlusS. Agt. (t'en. 'en ass,. & Tktl. A ilOUS rON. TEXAS C.-s Oly Ycst atrChsrD.ub , It sv.fTl the Bowbl Trouhieu e Or mail 15 eants _ b C. l. MOPPETT, M. D., ST. LOUIS MO. T~stWORB. ta. Jey S--DL C. J. Momrrx-rr- Der sir: Jastk· to se demande that I hould gtre yea *yepeirsnee with yoereselleat mediclee, TEETHINL Onr itttle rl. jt I rteenmoabathr h old. aa bad mch Teem, aee. 0. . RoWVR, aIler Ie n inTCena(lM. Me.' oR. JOS. L. DREX LE R, VETEfINAR Y SURGEON,. .-OFFICE A T-' LEON DREXLER'S STABLE, THIBOD4U v. LA LOIs b/STANCE TELEPHONE 3D \ 4IBODAUX TELEPHONE 128 Sigi~tt¶a 'a I t i In the Advertising Ctolumns of a Popu!ar Newspaper are heralds of a suc~essful business career. 'l he l- 4I - tibodaux Sqittiqf i Is a Popular Newspaper, and is recognized its a good Ad vertising Metdiuim. UI COMMERCIAL FPRNTURG The Sentinel Establishment turns out llup-to-date work Estilattt. s solicited ,n any tlass of P rintlnlIg SEND A TRIAL ORDER AT ONCE. Subscribe for and Advertise in the Sentinel. A: RL 11. ljlid :,' I:.scu.i ou Rates to Points lu L.uisianln and T eas. New Oileaus, La., Nov. 2 , 1903. To all Ticket Agts. For lloliday Excursions to All points in Louisiaua and Te as sell round t t tickets at fullowin ' rates: Where one way rate is a than 0:; . sald at one and one thb I fare., ,ot to exceed rate of $3.30. 'here ,:ate I $j:1.00 or more, sdi at ate of one fare plus ten per ceat. Dates of sale; December 23rd, 24th, 25th, 2t6th and 31st, 19 3, and J:an,,ary lst, 190t4. Limit: Transit limit one iy in each direction. F.ual limit January 4th, 1(901. W. II. M3sters, F. S. Dettker. Traffcl Mgr. A. Gi P. A. Visit the bargain counter at Ellis Brand's Sons. vo', might find some thing you need there much cheaperi than you could buy it elsewhere. Leave y rders for pi nos organs and uning with . J. Knollo h slntativ of l Louis G ri Attention Farmers. I have a large quantity of wild peas for sale and would be pleased to have any one interested either call to see mce or write for the Informs tion deliied. Jean Rodrigue, Kraemer, P. O 'The' !lr ettleat line .,f fancy Vests ever hri opht to this town can be f.ouil -at Ellis Brand's Sous. Notice. - I take p!easnre to inform my pa irons a:ud friends that I have pur chase.l the stock of Jewelry of the late A. Bunron, and am now offering good ,Iatgauns in the Jewelry line. c . cni:leht. lin2 of first class Jewelry, 1 Sil\ , rw.are etc. kept in stock at all , timns. ,!ew.lry, Watch.l, and Clock f repairiing a specialty. 36. FRANK ZERNOTT. r .7 - . The public is cordially invited to d visit the bargain counter at Ellhs t ranud's Sons' spacious store on Main r street. This invitation holds good at c any time, if you cannot call this wee k, nor next, nor this month, then call utnxt moIth; you are welcome at :any time; the bargain counter has t come to sta.y. 27 For Sale. One lot situated on Jackson street, desirable location to build residence. Bargainsl Bargains!! at 8. IR Ion, bargains that it will pay yo to inve.tigate. Notice. ilu:'ting on the Acadia Plantat4u is l.i.ssitive!y prohlbited. d 22 W. H. Paiuc a Go to S. R. Coulon for gen ne a bargains. For Sale. - A full set o~f ,Mlodern Eloque~" Iby the late Speaker Thos. B. Rqd. Excellent chance to secure this he set of works at a reasonable price. If you want them, apilly at this office. 2 Breeders of Fancy Poultry, Attention. Bultf Cochlin eggs flor sale at $2 04 per dozen. You are invited to visit Ibreeding pen lbefor:e pilacing youi order. Call either at W. C. Ragans resi d(nce or Knobtoch's Music store. 3 Mattings! Mattings! The largest and finest stock of mattings that ever was brought to thls t ,wn has just been received at Ellis Brand's Sons. Call and ex amin' the same, it will pay yeo to do so, before buying. 36. One Walnut esk. For partieu iar4 apply at the I ntinel Offioe. 16. For Sale at Bargain. One 12 inch Sv Pon, has been in use 3 mnonth., go as new. For paiticulars :1'1,., to' N. \& A. To'rs, Lafounhi Croping P. LO. 16. ro Rice! ice! Rice! We soheit the consignment of RICE. Liberal advace made. Satisfaction guaran \ teed Correspondence solieltbd. J. GROSSMAN & SONS, New Orleans, La, Boa 1178 Largest wholesale liquor dealers and distributors of Harmony Club Pure Iye. NEW ALDVEIrI'INEIiENT. HAIR ISAL M - ith Judicial DistriIct I('lurt--':rish of S'cC·usiUl.n cOv EIYxNID TH I nn.IA S & A N D I I .is W Eli , N o . l iliti P I C K. I frTAKE Notice: that pursuant to an order and decree of the above ('olrt I and to a colnlIi3sion to lie directed liin the alsbve entitled ald I numltiwred succession, I will offer for sale at public auction pursuant to law to the last and higlhest bidder. at the court house door in the Town of Tl'hiblaux, La. on SATI'ILDAy, 1)EI'E.1If 1:1, 2i;, 1903, between the hour. of 11 o'elock A. M. and 4 o'clock P'. M., tle following des I eribed property, to-wit: ItEAL Es''ATE. I. A certain traclt of land measuring one arpent and eight ti,-es front hv forty arpents in depth,. situated in tile Parish of Lafourehe. oin the lefit hank of the bayou Lafourche, at albout seven I iiiles below the Tolwn of Thiblwlaux, holnnded ablove hv laiinds ftoiln l.ylv lle" longing to Pierre D)aspit, but no11w own ed by Libby i Bloutn, and Ilow by lands of the Estate of Paul lireaux; together with all the buildings and ini provemtnnts thereon and all the rights thereto belonging, less however, a cer tain lot of ground measuring sixty feet front on the public road by a depth of one and one half arpents, with all the buildings and improvements thereon, bounded above by Bush Grove Planta tion and below and in the rear by lands of the larger tract from which this lot t.kan. 2nd. Another tract of land, situated In this Parish, Immediately in the rear of the tract herein firstly described, and at forty arpents from 'the bayou La fourojie, measuring four arpents, more or less, along the said forty arpent line, 1 by a depth of forty arpents, the latteral lines of which are supposed to open as they recede from the forty arpent line, u with all the buildings and improve ments thereon and all the rights and privileges thereto belonging. F 3rd. Another certain tract of land. situated in saild Parish, on tile left bank of Bayou Lafostrehe, at about seven t miles below the Town of Thibodanx. u and et ailout forty-four arl'nlts from the Bayou Lafourehe, measurilng three quarters of an arpent front, more or I less, by thirty-six arpents in depth, be ing the upper half of a larger tract sold by P. J. Theriot to J. Ed:llilod Tl'lhio- t daux and 'Ilheogene Toups; boundedl a above by lands of Estate of Paul lBreaulx and blelow by the other half of sai(d land i belonging now or formnerlv to The'ogenle Toups, together wIIth all'the buihlingl and imlprovemnents thereon and all the ti rights and privileges thereto belonging. b 4th. The undivitled third of a certainl tract of land, mneasluring one quarter of an arpent front Iby forty arpenits ill depth, situated in this Plarish, on the left bank of the Bavou Lafourclehel, at about seven miles isl"iow the T'lln ,if Thibodaux, bounded above by lands formerly belonging to P. J. Theriot and now to Libby Q Illouin, and below hv lands formerly of Alex. Ilepine, Ilit 1 now of Libby i& ilouiu; which tract of land is considered as a road. 5th. All the rights of usufruct which Justin Chauvin had or may have on twenty-five feet front on the public road, by one and one-half arpelts in depth of the tract herein fourthly des- l MOVABLES. One lot of household furniture, kitch en and dinning-room utensils. On the following terms and condi tions, to-wit: For CASH to pay debts. JAMES EA KY, Sheriff of the Parish of Lafourche. COIONET & KNOBLotII, Attys. of Succession. Nov. 21, 1903.' a THE STATE OF LOUISIANA, 1' 20iTE Judicial District Court,-Parish of Lafourche. SUccEssION Or Mas. CELINA BocU c DREAUX, DECEASED IDO)OW OF h BERTHIOLDE BARRIOS, No 1680 PRo. - sI Whereas, Joseph E. Jeandron, the E duly qualified administrator of the it aforesaid Estate has rendered a final s: naccount of his administration of the g aforesaid estate. Now, therefore, all persons, credi tors and heirs and others iuterestedt are hereby warned and notified to file their oppositions to the said account $ ino writing with the Clelk of saidl Coulrt, at his Ofice in the Town of Thibodaux, within tLn days after the first pub!icatlion hereof, otherwise th, said account will be approved and homologated in atcordauce with law. In Testimony Whereo', (L. S) Witness my h.inI( anlid thle im press of the seal of my oltict, at Thibodaux, La., becem;er, 10, 1903. P. .1. A t oI' ., D'y. Clerk hf :ni I Court. HoWELL & .AlITIN tf coUllaeci. Ellis Braul's Sons b:haire just re ceived their f:.11 1 and St ,.k of Clothing. its a uIlignli;:eltt liii. Scl them befole Ilureha- ilg els~whce. IIt Mrs. L aura S. Webb. omes la cas t woesaam ene. "I dreaded the chags o life which f lrdiLe. ad detided I toy abe U., I expedreasd saees ridih first month. so I kept a tai it flr tre _manths and vow I measutts withnopainand Ishailtaklt~ff and r e mewmatil hapmssedthcldiax." Female weaknesr, disordered t mensa, of f the wob and -grian raeot wear cr. Theyfollow a wom to thechange of life. Do not wait b take Wine I of Cardni now and avod the trmo- 4 ble. Wine o Cartdui to benefit auff any e. W'ine U-r lo 1:º ,Ehtel .n . 1ll)elictc teltd strengthen the,,n,. try a fwt v f loses of Ch:nmle'rl.,i.'s Stotu:icwh atil Liver 1':blets. ,'r. J. II. .-itz., 4f Detroit, 11ich , saus, "They restored my appetite, w%-en impailtceI, e!iev.ed me of a ble:itael f.'eiing antl caus el c pleasant and s:tl-fa(ctoly movementfl of the bhowels." There are peopleh eI , this community whie, need just sucheb as medicine. Fir sale by RothI Dug Store. Every box warrantaed. t Low Rates on S. P. Railroad. f Morgan's Lo,,isinena & Tt xas flail- a road and S:eam-hip ('omlpan y w ll t sell ttcket,, frmin Thiltiul:t.x to, New Or!eanse, IDech Il7th and 18th. 1903 c with return lunit )Dec. 21st, 1903. at , a rate of one fare pIls 21c on accou,.t ii of ('eutenni:d Cl,.b'ration Transfer of tl Louisiana Purchase Ic For additional particulars, apply to ti local agent, or to C. B. Ellis, Diviwsen .1 P'assengr and Freight Agent, New h Iberia, La. THIE STATE OF LOUISIANA, h; 20th Judicial District Court,-Parishb e of Lafourchea o0 di SUCCESSION OF FRANK HOYPFANN, Sa., No. 1672 Pao. o 'hereas, Mrs. I,'ze'tte Fritzinger. lo widow of the late Frank Hofff' mann, Sr, TA-stament:ury Executrix of the last will and Testament of the latei Frank Hloffmaun, Sr, of this parish it :Iand state, has filed an account, and l tableaux of di'tributi,,n of her al - tui,nistration of the aforesnt sail Elistate. Now, therefore, all persons heir-, th 'e gatees, and 01loh-rs intere-ted ate b hereby w:-n1cad and Itttii'.l to file their opposition to the said account t and tableaux of tlist:)1bution, ii wrt t ing, with the clerk of said court, :t hi office in the twn of Tlhibd:ux, within td tern d,(as after the ti at pul) iC,tio ev hereof, otherwise the said account antl tahhleanx of dii'tr:hution will by h approved :iand hntoint,eg'tt.'d In acctr' ,lance with Ilaw. %% itne, m"vl hard and the impress p If the se, al of ly ollie.e, at Thihold:eux, La., t his 18th day of D)ecember, A. 1), 1903. (L. S.) (Signed) L. V. AzrE AtR, D y. Clerk of said Court HOWELL & MIARTIN, BEATTIE & BEATTIE, Attys for Testamentary Wt Executrix A true copy, lI ,. S.) Clerk's office, Thibtodaux, La, ac Dec. 18, 1903. of L. V. AzKMAR, D'y. Clerk of Court. Revolution Imminent. to A suae sign of aiqroachmrg revolt ht and serious Irouo in your system is nervousness, sleep'essness, or atom the -k-iliy -dineember the trou Wesome c eases. It never fails to tone the at stomach, regulate the Kidlneys and cae Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and an clarify the blood. Run down sy-temns benefit particularls and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough eff,.ctiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that mI is returned if it don't give pertf.ct cO satisfaction. Guaranteed by All Dnug 101 gist. h NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS, PAR-. B ISH OF LAFOUItCHIE. m u State of Louisiana,-Parish of La Di fourche. Sheriff and Tax Collet tor's Offictle. a Thibodaux, La., Dec. 5th, 1903. HEREAS. THE STATE TAX rolls of the year 1903 have h..en filed in the office of the Recorder ,f L Mortgages for tLe parish of La fourche and a copy thereof has wbeen delivered to me: Now, thrt fore, I, James Beary, Shenrff and ex ofclo Tax Collectlir, in conformity with the piovisions of A Act Ne. 170 -f 1898, do hereby give notice that the taxes assessed for the year 1903, as set foIrth on the ta x roll on file in mr ofmice and in thlis 1 mortgage osice (,f this I:ei,.h, are C due, cntd the taxes on minovalle pr-. perty hecame delinquent on the tir.t day of O.t,,ber, 19)03, and the taxes on immou ab!e property will Iwcome II delinqutnt on the 31st day of Decem b-r, 1903, in accordance with said Act No. 170 of 1898, and will hear interest at the rate of two per cent eI per month. until sold uader Art. 233 C of the Constitution. The publication of this notice ooae a week for three weeks, and the post-. ing thererf on the door of the room P where the 20th Judicial L)Ditrict Court la for luafourche pa1ish is held, is., by s law made full and complete notice to al cach tax payer and to any person w whom it may concern. Tax payers tt are invited to call at once and settle h their taxes in order to avoid iuterest m and csts. e JAxrs BEARY, Sheriff and Tax Collector, Latourche Parish. a A Timely Buuggestion. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife repleulshee her supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be ne ded before the wanter is over, and results are much more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at p hand given as son as the colds ias i Scontracted and before it has become n tUed a the sysiim. In almost every T anee a severe cola maay be warded G taking this rimedy freely as T as the first indicaticn of the cold a. There is no danger io"giving hildren for it contains no harm- s stance. It is pleasant to take It Sadults andl cbillrea like it. I I i tnld you will get the .I Is always cures. For sale Iy Roth l)r,,g ft Stere. Whitecappilig rteceives "A Check. In the case of Pua r Warner vs. B. H. 'l'Talbt et als. the Supreme Court of Louisi.:,a has administered a sal tary le-son to whbite cpping whit I w, I eflectively check it, if it does i. t Sstop it a;togethter A young man who had. been ill. treated and rotrli ;y ,ise.d by a crowd of men and threatened anod put in fear of his lift, bued irs assailants in dan:ages for such i'l treatment and ablqe, and obt:ained a judgment in the dietict conlt for $500 On appeal thie Supeme Court de cidled that 'where a i:umler of ecti zens, withllut w:amrant of law, take into the woods a younig m:an, whomn they su.pect of having t.onmitted the crime of arnon, anid who is at. the time in attendnece upon the Grand .luny, and th reab abuse id ill-.treat him for a ilnumbler (f hour., p'ace a rope aroun.t his ,,e,,k and threaten to hang, and deminoistiations of hanging him, all with a view of ex torting fiomu him a coifesaioni of the crime, or an accusation against rsome other person, a vrytict .of I500O as damages for mental aguish, terror and distress is inasuficient, even thongh nothing be clannmed on account of damage to reputation awl nothing be proven in the w:y of pecuniary loss, and the amount allowed will be increased. It then amende d the judgment by inicrasing the aineieit thereof from $.150 toi $5000, which it condemnedl the dlefenl lalts in sclido to lnay the plaintiff. Two other law points decided in the case are Ihlus at itel in the sylla bus: 1. In a .ivil action to recover attual d.,nl ge's for abuse and ill treatmuien' inthlcted in an effort to extort information from one asuspect ed of having commIultted a clime, evidenc' as to the t:illIs connected wiih such siupposed Ciilon, sa:id t, have beeil coLmmnittcd five days pIior ti, the :iabise alnd ill-tltietment corm- plaineo of is inadnismlhle, either by way of jisttfication or in i.'tigation of tihe dain ages cl:limetd. 2. li a civil ease where there is no well-founded comnphlint of the exclusion of evidence it becomes im mattrial, on the appeal, whether the charge of the trial judge was right or wrong, since it is the duty and privi lege of this Court to app'y the law, according to its under.tanuding there of and regardless of what the trial judge may have ehaig,.d, to the facts as disclosed by the record. This case will serve as a warning to all would be law-breakers and will have a most salutary deterrent effect. It will teach the lawless that even if they escape punishment in a criminal prosecution tbrough the sentimentali. still another scourge of the law which can be applied to them with force and vigor. light WIlU Be Batter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continlual r.ecu mendation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their tronl hies, if not ended earlier by fatal ter inination. Read what T. R. Beall, ,f Beall, liss., has to say: '-Last fall my wife had every symptom of con umption. She took lDr. King's New Discovery after everything else had fai;ed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cuced her." Guaranteed by All Druggist. Price 50c, anud $1 00 Trial bttles free. Low Rates on S. P. Railroad. Mtorgnn's Louisiana & Texas Rail road sliand Steamship Comlpany will sell tickets, from Thilalaiux to New Orleans and points in Sounth East, Arkansas, Kanls., ,linn, Neb., Ill, Mexico (!lty an'l lont'r:ay, 9ecl, 11), 20, 21, 2611th, 1903. with return limit 30 days fromu date of s:ale, at a rate of ocle fare l!hns $2.00, on accouut of Christmas Hollda3ys. For additional ilarticeilars, apply to local agent, or to C. B. Ellis, Division P'asseniger an t Freight Agent, New Iberia, La. How to Prevent Croup. It will be goo I news to the mocthers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is bj arsene. A ti'-" or tWo before the attack the child' be"omes hoarse. This is oone followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamber lain's Congh Remedy freely assoon as the chilul becomes hoarse. or even after the roiih cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy Is used by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remledy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Roth Diug Store. Low Rates For Christmas Hol idays. The Texas & Pacific Railway Comr pany, as heretofore, afirls the peo. ple ofl Texass and Louitiansa an op. portunity to visit the olM home dur ing the Christmeas Hlolildays at cheap rates. For full informtion, ask any Ticket Agent, or write E. P. Turner, Gener:l Pa.e.gler Ag,.nt, Dailas, Texas. Call at Ellis Br-ud's Sons anl i,,. spe.t their large stock ,f neckties. It is the lhrgest, the fint anid the hest a-icr?', d line of nreckware ever se.ii in l'hibodau, and you cannot fail t finlal just the kiud yu n wantl