OCR Interpretation

The Thibodaux sentinel. (Thibodaux, La.) 1905-1912, October 05, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88064491/1912-10-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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VOL. 4«.
THe THibodaux Sentinel.
Official Journal of the Parish of LafonrchePBd Guardian of the Interest of the To
NO. 13.
The First Test.
Wilson Mlzncr, the well-known
riveur, explained, on a New York roof
garden, the origin of the word "toast"
toasting a lady.
"You will remember," he began,
that in olden times it was the cus
tom to serve punch with toasted—that
Is to say, roasted—-apples floating in
It. 'These apples were called the
toa.st. The toast-—remember that.
"Well, it happened at llath one day
that a celebrated beauty stood in the
cross Hath, surrounded by a throng
of admirers, and one of these admir
ers, intoxicated with admiration, took
a glass of the water !;» whl^b the
beautv vjnod.
To pr*v»nt Malar» î:-- far l«?'tér than
to cure it ; In malarial countries take a
of OXIDIXE regularly one eaoli w eek
and nave yourself from Chill* and Fctpr
unci other malarial troubles. Adv.
Rudely Interrupted.
"This is the parting of the ways—"
"Who left the switch open?"
A confession
of faith'*
If you have trouble with
your Stomach, Liver or Bowels,
feel run-down and in need of
a tonic, we urge a trial of
Your faith in this medicine
will not be misplaced. It
will surely help you. Be
convinced today. All Drug
gists and Dealers.
Pettits Eye Salve
Texas Directory
ContractorsySuppl les, Builders'
ysrdware.lkc. Prices and in
formation f urniShedon request
Hoiuton, Tum , operate» the ItrfMt force of
competent detective* in the South; they render
written opinions in cum not handled or them.
Reasonable rat»*.
Grown In tb* South
r• r «he South (••J
Orange« rig. Pecan, Peaclr,-Plum,
Crapes, Shades, Etc.
Alvin Japanese Nursery Company,
obtained and Trade Marks and Copyrights
registered. Information and an Inventor'«
Guide Book upon request. Offices at 303-4
Lumberman* Bank Bldg., Houston, Texas,
and Washington, D. C. Phone 4790.
»Me price«, write for free
„ llluHtr»te<l catalogue.
Oy A. H. HESS & CO.
° 315 Travis Su Houston. Tex,
Hotel Bfazps
Is a Comfortable Hotel
Camelote $10.00 DeÊivorod
Manufacturing; 8tationera
W« are Southwestern Distribiuors .WriwforCatalo«
South Taxa« Implantant & Vehicle Co.. Houston. Te*.
"e^hlp Clean
We Mafte it Clean We
Writ• to us
P. 0. Box 812 Houston, Texas
industry in Tews, and ii of value to every Texas seltlf r.
OUR OFFER—We will «end >oa
one dozen A ! Water Hyacinth«,
price of which is >1.20 and our
silent representative upon receipt
of 25c in stamps or com. t o
make the matter still more attract
ive we will enclose three of the
Mexican Resurrection Plants, the
otal of which we are giving
you a value of SI 50 in plants
ind our look.which will be worth
mmv times the amount to you. for
Iht few stamps to cover the packing.
Cauliflower—Autumn Giant.
I. adjn. No " ■ .i i --.
y r lv Erfurt Hünmc.h.W' J * ; ;
,, , ij ss. CahhaKe ]' ale > • ■ v
I Vit i) h. Ret I'iitch. sorehead. ;
1 .1,.», i..o0. l.c:.:.ce— AU the >ear Koui.J. I«'-*-
T*-v *«" K-.trserY & H CMAL CO.
A - k • •• i — '
, 20
lov, Safi
Alleged Bad Man Meets Match
When Deputy Sheriff
Kills Him.
Had Made the Assertion That He
Would Never Be Taken Alive.
Went Armed.
Waatern Newspaper Ualon Newa Service.
l^ake Charles.—Chas. Smith, alias
"Leather Breeches," a well-known
character, was shot and instantly kill
ed by Deputy Sheriff IJ. J. Charlan,
near Merryvllle, while resisting arrest.
The deputy used a double-barrel shot
gun, emptying both barrels into
Smith's body. The killing of "Leather
Breeches" Smith, as he was commonly
known, created quite a sensation in
the northern part of the parish, and
also in Lake Charles. Smith was Jn
der indictment on two charges, mur
der and highway robbery, in connec
tion with the Grabow labor troubles
of last, July, and has been dodging
the officers ever since. He had made
his boast, it is said, that he would
not be taken alive, and he kept the
Immediately after the trouble at
Grabow in which four men lost their
lives, and in which he was a promi
nent actor, Smith took to the woods
and issued his defiance. .Many of the
inhabitants of the northwestern part
of the parish, it is said, helped to se
crete him, most of them acting through
fear, as Smith was regarded as a dan
gerous man. He always went about
armed with two revolvers and a Win
chester rifle, and the people were ap
parently afraid to refuse hinija fa
Since the Grabow affair the officers
have been constantly on the lookout
for Smith. Sheriff Reid has made
several excursions into the pine woods
in search for him, and depuiies have
been after him, frequently striking his
trail, but never being able to come up
with him.
Deputy Charlan got a line on where
Smith was in hiding for the time be
ing, in a small hut about six miles
from Merry ville. Mr- pi
ingfon fu the night and"'
at Smith's hiding place
light Charlan lay concealed near
the hut until daylight, when Smith
came out armed as usual with his
two revolvers and Winchester. Char
lan was about forty feet from Smith
when he covered him with his shot
gun and ordered him to surrender.
Smith wheeled and brought his rifle
to his shoulder, but as did so Charlan
fired both barrel», literally riddling
Governor Inspects Canal.
New Orleans.—As a result of the
visit of Gov. Luther E. Hall to the
New Basin Canal and shell road it is
probable that a concrete wall will be
constructed along the canal and road
all the way from the head to West
End. Governor Hall suggested that
Superintendent Burke have palms and
trees planted by the side of the road
way and take steps toward beautify
ing It. Superintendent Burke point
ed out to the governor the various
landings and improvements made dis
tinguishing for Governor Hall's infor
mation those which are paying ren
tal and those which are not.
Operator Held for Murder.
Baton Rouge.—Detective Coyle, of
the New Orleans force, took back to
New Orleans Richard Wallace, lino
type operator, who was wanted there
on the charge of murder. He is al
leged to have killed J. P- Morris. Wal
lace gave himself up to Chief of Po
lice Huyack when he saw in the morn
ing papers that he was wanted for
murder in New Orleans, which place
he left to .accept a position in
Baton Rouge. Wallace says that he
was in an argument with Morris and
pushing him over and he fell, cutting
his head. He had on idea at the time
he left New Orleans that the Injury
was a serious one.
Beeves Are Selling High.
Eden.—Beef buyers have invaded
this section and are paying the high
est price in the history or local cattle
men for the beeves. The farmers, too.
are at present receiving $1.50 per bush
el for sweet potatoes, the demand be
ing larger than the supply. After six
weeks of drought, a good rain fêll
here recently refreshing the crops
and |ra» 8 on the range.
Another Big Well Bought in.
Shre^ort.—It is reported by a lo
cal oil man, returning from the Caddo
fields, that the Busch-Everett Com
pany, of this city, bought in a 20.000
barrel oil well just east of Caddo City,
where they have extensive holdings.
Sanitary Law Violators Fined.
Lafayette.— Judge Elliott in the city
court, tried Jean Prejean, Alsace Lan
dry and Eugene Du charme for violat
ing the sanitary regulations in the
salughter of two beeves overcome
by heat, and, after all the evidence
was heard, fined each $10 and costs
of court. Th? case against several
prominent citizens for violating a
city ordinance as to keping sidewalks
clean were all nol-prossed and new
affidavits made against the owners
or tenants.
Examiner Says Bad Management In
Found in Its Affair«.
Western Newspaper Union News Service,
Leesville.—The State Hank of i^ees
ville, capitalized at |.">0,000 lias been
closed by order of State Bank Exam
iner W. !.. Young.
Judge James G. Palmer, president
of the institution, states that the em
barrassment is only temporary, and
that in a few days they hope to open
the bank for business.
The officers of the bank all have the
fullest confidence of the people or
Leesville, ahd from every indication
there is no possible chance for the
depositors to lose a cent.
The last report of th© Leesville
State Bank to the state banking de
partment, dated at the close of busi
ness, September 4, showed:- Resources.
$424,387.81; liabilities, capital stock
and undivided profits, $57,719.52; de
posits, $312,458.
Evidence of bad management was
Governor Appoints Commission to
Look After Exhibit.
Wêiteni Newspaper Union Sêrrlei.
Baton Rouge.—An immediate cr.li
will be issued for the meeting of the
commission which was namtd by Gov
ernor Hall for the purpose K>f raising
funds to arrange for an exhibit from
Louisiana to the United Slates land
show to be held in Chicago during
November and December. The com
mission will probably meet, in Baton
Rouge and arrange for a campaign to
raise the funds. It is the idia of Gov
ernor Hall and tuose interested in the
plan that just at this time it is im
portant that Louisiana make a good
display at Chicago in order to show
that the state of Louisiana '5tas come
back" from its overflow. It will take
nearly $4,000 to arrange a proper ex
hibit, keep it supplied with fresh ship
ments from the state, have plenty of
Louisiana literature on hand and have
a lecturer there to talk on Louisiana.
The stock exhibit can bo secured as
the I.ouisiana State University has a
display for this purpose.
New Law Causes Tangle.
Thibodaux.—Who and how many
members constitute th« hoard of elec
ervieors of Lafourche parish
n.whj»-,h v « NW- pre
'.ttorney general's office
Since the new act of 1912
abofipphg the registrar's office or
righf to hold membership on the board,
this vacancy has been left unfilled.
The clerk of court is now required to
act in the rigistrar's capacity as re
gards registration, but no provision
has been made to elect him a member
of the board of election commissioners.
Parish Seat Is Unsettled.
Jennings.—A second primary wilt
be necessary to decide which town is
to be parish seat of Jefferson Davis
parish. The returns received show
that. Jennings and Welch ran almost
neck and neck for the coveted honor,
while Lake Arthur received slightly
over 200 votes. This means that Jen
nings and Welsh will enter the second
race. Never before has so much in
terest been manifested here in an
election. The entire parish was scour
ed, and probably every qualified vot
er of the fifteen r rec incts cast his bal
lot for the place of his choice.
Louislanian Has Patent.
Lockport.—H. McCoy, one of the
Delta farm settlers, has invented an
appliance which he calls an automo
bile host, designed to take the weight
off the tires of an automobile while
the machine is at rest in the garage,
and which, it is claimed, will largely
increase the life of automobile tires,
and he proposes building a factory at
Larose to manufacture the hosits.
The plant will start with ten employes
and will be increased to forty.
Louisiana Postmasters.
Washington. — Ixniisiana postmast
ers appointed are Willis J. H anna at
Acy, vice A. M. Marchand, resigned;
Henry C. Braud Jr., at Burnside, vice
H. C. Braud, resigned; Arthur S. Bliss,
at Oak Grove, vice A. Jackson Jr., re
New Iberia Paving Streets.
New Iberia.—The board of supervis
ors of this city has let a contract for
7,000 feet of paving on Main street,
beginning at the postoffice and extend
ing to the southern limit, so as to
connect wl'h the model road to Jean
erettte. Work has already begun.
Assessments Show Decrease.
Baton Rouge.—The assessment rolls
of two parishes have been received,
which show a decided decrease in as
sessments. St. Helena's assessment la
$1,247,470 for 1912. a decrease of $7.
740 compared with last year, and St.
Charles narish assessment for 1912 ot
$2,659,0000, a decrease of $444,980.
Growers Protest New Scale.
Abbeville.—The Cane Growers' As
sociation of this parish, numbering
more than 200 members, is protesting
against the action of the refineries
in adopting the 96-test standard on
which to tase a settlement for the
purchase of cane. This organization
will demand of the mills that buy
their cane this season to settle for the
same on the price of prime yello«
sugars, otherwise thev will diacoa
tinue the growing of cane.
J v.In in the hack is
the kidney's ni glial
€»f If iIns
t i ui «■. .v v a ri> i r. i s i £•
nor^T.there is j^ra ve.
danfcrm* of timpsy,
*rravei, t rie poison
ing. or Uritrhi'G dis
Wfcen rou have
to susj>eet
Jw;v kidneys, nse
a special kidney
1*111» relieve weak,
Congested kidneys
e«re bHckttt'lie—
reirulate the urine.
"Eïtrj !
Tells a
George T>«'r, Elm St.. Bamaria
ootta Sic t s * ■ " Tw " y *" r ' •
fcrcfi' from f n.fv trouble My bac* WEI
fTP<l from I " »• . , hardlv «el
'iiat 1 could hardly set
un ^r ä°' '"'K*»; 1 "*
^ÄÄ^Äe-" JIhaVe
Cal Doant •* A bt Dni« Stora, 50« a Bo*
DOÀN'S k ^l n L e S y
FOSTE /t-MILBURN CO.. Buffalo. New YorU
It in easier to go broke in a hurry
than it is to get rich quick.
Mr». WinaloWs Boolhinsr Byrup for Clill.lr«>n
teething, softena tie Bums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind <-olie, Sm- :i bottle -
It Depends.
"Do you think a wife should ;
through her husband's pockets?"
"Yes—if there's anything in 'em."
As a summer tonic there Js no^ tneiliciiie
that quite compares with OX I DINK. It not
nnlv builds up the avstem. but taken reg
ularly. prevents Malaria. Reuular or Taste
less formula at Druggists. Adv.
Why He Sorrowed.
And then Nero had Rome set afire
in every quarter.''
"Alas, how terrible!'' murmured lit
tle Moritz, with an expression of such
deep anguish that his teacher asked
why it affected him so much.
"Why," said Moritz, "just think of
the poor insurance companies!"—
Fliegende Blaetter
Point for Sherlock Holmes.
Somebody wondered how long a cer
tain woman who had just left the
room had been married.
"About 15 years," said the jeweler.
"How do you know"" asked the jew
eler's wife. "You never saw her until
ding ring."'fee W v.:ed. /"She width of
wedding rings change about every
•five years. The kind she wears was
in style 15 years ago."
Wanted a Bite.
Ob. yes; it was raining—had been
all day. But they didn't mind that so
much; you see, they were fishermen.
AH the same, they were trudging
home, with weary steps and very
weary-looking faces.
Their baskets were empty, and, to
be candid, they were in a very bad
The White Boy—Humph! Why don't
you fight?
The Moke—'Cause I draws de white
line, dat's why.
Even When the Facts Abcjt Coffee
are Plain.
it is curious.\}jf* people wiH refuse
to believe what one can clearly see.
Tell the average man or woman that
the slow but cumulative poisonous
effect of caffeine—the alkaloid in tea
and coffee—tends to weaken the heart,
upset the nervous system and cause
indigestion, and they may laugh at
you if they don't know the facts.
Prove it by science or by practical
demonstration in the recovery of cof
fee drinkers from the above condi
tions, and a large per cent of the hu
man family will shrug their shoulders,
take some drugs and—keep on drink
ing coffee or tea.
I "Coffee never agreed with me nor
i with several- members of our house
i hold." writes a lady. "It enervates,
j depresses and creates a feeling of
! languor and heaviness. It was only
by leaving off coffee and using Postum
that wg discovered the cause and way
out of these ills.
"The only reason, I am sure, why
''ostum is not used altogether to the
exclusion of ordinary coffee is. many
■'ersons do net know and do not seem
billing to lepra the facts and how to
repare this nutritious beverage,
here's onlv one way—according to
irectt'-'-s ' "I it fully 15 minutes
!.. h • i ir is." Name given by
; le Creek. Mich. Reac
"The Road to Wt '.I
"There's a reason."
• •»-<- if«!«.-* a n<*v
• »1—» S.i t!
f. nr.d Tu!l »-; «-.ariui
Short Mentioning of Interesting Hap
penings From Day to Day
Throughout the World.
Generally cold and fair weather will
; of the Rocky Mguntftlns
W^ffO^ HTiring tEe first
days in the Rockies, the plains states,
the upper Mississippi and Ohio val
leys, the lake region and the North
Atlantic States, according to the week
ly bulletin from the weather bureau.
"West of the Rocky mountains," says
the bulletin, "temperatures will aver
age near or above the normal. The
next general disturbance to cross the
continent will appear in the Far West
the first part of week, and the Eastern
States the latter part. This disturb
ance will be preceded by a general
rise in temperature and be attended
by well distributed rains.
Eugene V. Debs, the social nominee
for president, and Emil Seidel, nomi
nee for vice president, were officially
notified of their nomination with
ceremonies which attracted a crowd
too large to be accommodated in the
great amphitheater at Madison Square,
It was planned,
New York, Sunday.
as it turned out to be, the largest so
cialist demonstration ever held in the ,
United States. Notwithstandmg that I
admission cost from loc to $1, the
garden was overcrowded and an over
flow meeting was necessary.
Police and Industrial Workers of
the World paraders fought with knives
and clubs Sunday at Lawrence, Mass.
Two officers were stabbed, a number
of demonstrators were clubbed and an
Industrial Worker of the World leader
captured after a hard fight and then
freed. Only two arrests were made.
Louis Dlsbrow, driving a 200-horse
power Simplex car at the state fair
grounds at Detroit, Mich., Sunday es
tablished a new world's record over a
dirt track for 30, 40 and 50 miles,
covering the distances in 27:21, 36:25
and 45:32, respectively. The previous
records were made at Syracuse last
year by Ralph de Palraa, driving the
same car. De Palma's time for the
mn miles was '7:21.65
Two more lives wer«. S5 _, .
aviation at the United States army
aviation field, College Park, Md., Sat
urday, when an army aeroplane fell
thirty-five feet to the ground, instant
ly killing Corporal Frank S. Scott and
so seriously injuring Second Lieuten
ant Lewis C. Rockwell that he died a
few hours later. Hundred of people,
including fellow-army officers, breath
lessly witnessed the accident.
It is believed Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Pfanschmidt, their 16-year-old daugh
ter Blanche and Miss Emma Kaempen,
21 years old, a teacher, whose charred
bodies were found Sunday in the ruins
of the Pfanschmidt country home, six
teen miles from Quincy, 111., were mur
A crippled newsboy at Gary, Ind.,
Sunday gave up 150 cubic inches of
skin on his worthless leg to a burned
The Texas Commercial Secretaries
and Business Men's Association has
recently completed a census of tall
buildings in Texas, and finds there
are 202 structures in the State at the
present time that are five or more
stories in height, while at this time
last year we had only 168 buildings
in this class. Thirty-four skyscrapers
have been erected in the Lone Star
State during the past year, and nine
are now under construction.
According to the latest reports of
the commissioner general of immigra
tion 1,030,000 aliens were admitted to
the United States last year and 518,
215 departed. There were six nations
that gave us 50,000 immigrants and
aver as follows: England 86,131, Ire
land 50,488, Italy 176,107, Poland 74,
437, Russia 56,913, Germany 81,714. Of
aliens departing England leads with
51,410 and Germany second with 31,
Clearing nineteen foreign steam
ships, having on board cargo valued at
$11,054,506, of which vast amount of
value $10,515,817 was represented by
170,062 bales of cotton, the balance
wheat, staves, etc., Galveston on Fri
day broke all port records In the mat
ter of clearances.
Sales by the Southern Rice Grow
ers' Association at Beaumont Satur
day reached high mark for this sea
son, the aggregate being 28,964 sacks
at the association minimum. The salea
were distributed throughout Louisiana
and Texas.
Citizens of Guthrie, Okla., Saturday
made over to the state a deed to the
Frank H. Greer residence lots used
for a governor's mansion, in case the
state capital is returned to Guthrie.
It is one of the handsomest homes in
the state, costing $25,000, and in
cludes a half block of ground.
Holding in her mouth a card for a
target, Mrs. Jose Holguin was shot
through both eyes Friday in her hus
band's shooting gallery in Dallas,
Texas. It was found necessary to re
move both of the eyeballs to prevent
other complications from the hurt.
As the climax to rioting in Augusta,
Ga., and the shooting of three citizens
Friday by state militia troops, Govern
or Brown has issued a proclamation
declaring "»-he city of Augusta to be
in a state of insurrection," and order
ing the immediate enforcement of mar
tial law.
The once prosperous Pat Crowe,
who became notorious as the kidnaper
of Edward Cudahy, son of the mil
lionaire packer, whom he held for
$25,000 ransom, is now a pauper and
in the county hospital at Omaha, Neb.
W. M. Andrus, charged with killing
A. Vansyke in Fort Bend County, was
admitted to bail in the sum of $7,500
by Judge C. V. Birkhead of the seven
ty-third district court at San Antonio
Within the period of a year the na
tional banks of Texas, outside of those
in the six reserve cities, have in
creased their individual deposits $16,
995,980 ; their loans and discounts,
hâve increased $11,207,147 ; their sur- 1
pli», funds $608,589, aijd die ».mount
of Tävmfm&üey in the mm™ was'
$366,855 more on September 4, 1912, (
then on September 1, 1911. [
Permission to transport an addition
force of Mexican federal troops
through American territory was grant
ed Friday by the state department
through the Mexican embassy at
Washington. |
Theodore Roosevelt will be exam
ined by the senate campaign expendi
tures investigating committee in Wash- 1
Ington in October.
The William M. Rice institute was
formally opened Thursday at Houston,,
Including the arrivals of Wednesday,
there have put into Galveston for
cargo since September 1 a total of
seventy-seven foreign steamships.
A new comet, known to astronomers
as "Gale 1912 A," was discovered in
the southwest on Tuesday night at
7:30 through the telescope of the
Carotliers observatofy in Houston.
, ^ comet waB discovered iQ Sydaey>
I Aus(nüia> on So])teniber 8 and the in -
formation wired to astronomers in this
The world's championship baseball
games will begin at New York October
8 and alternate with Boston.
John L. Crumley, private of troop
L, Fourteenth United States cavalry,
under sentence of six years' imprison
ment for desertion, was shot and kill
ed at Laredo, Texas, Tuesday when
he attempted to regain his liberty. He
made a break for the Rio Grande, but
was shot.
Miss Nellie Schmidt, the 19-year-old
girl who recently won distinction by
being the first of h«T sex to swim
across San Francisco bay, swam
around Seal Rocks, outside the en
trance of the bay, Tuesday. The feat
had never before been accomplished.
w J£T FORE ~
Oct ,.
covenant against home rule.
i The Turko -Italian peace negotia
tions probably have entered their final
phase with the arrival at Quchy,
Switzerland, of Rechad Pasha, bear
ing Turkey's latest proposals. If these
are acceptable to Italy, as is hoped,
Reched Pasha will assume direction of
the official negotiations and arrange
I the precise wording of the peace
) Sir David Burnett was Saturday
elected lord mayor of London, his
term beginning November 9.
[ Prominent Mexican officials of Mex
ico City profess to believe peace is
I very close and Orozco will be routed
this week.
I Communication has not yet been re
stored, but persons arriving at Tokio
from the Chinese provinces report
that the loss of life and property loss
from the typhoon has been appalling.
Where the fury was centered nothing
has been left standing. Whole vil
lages have collapsed, temples, schools
and theaters have been wiped out and
In some places forests have disappear
ed. Troops have been called out to
work in aid of salvage. Four hun
dred Sapporo fishermen were lost in
the hurricane.
i The .volcano Stromboli again is in
eruption at Messina. Cinders, ashes
and incandescent sand are being
ejected from nine craters and dust is
falling in quantities over the sur
rounding country and outlying islands.
I A new movement to secure peace in
Northern Mexico was made Friday
when President Madero and his cabi
net instructed the minister of war to
offer amnesty to the followers of Gen
eral I'ascual Orozco.
I Travelers returning to Pekin, China,
from Northwestern Manchuria con
firm the report previously received of
outrages committed by Chinese troops
operating against the Mongolians
north of Tonanfu, in the district to
the eastward of the junction of the
Tola and Nonn rivers, 150 miles south
from Tsi Tsi Har. On August 28 the
' Chinefee troops fired the temples Gar
cbinsumei and Orinsumei. The lamas
escaped, but the men, women and chil
dren in the surrounding districts were
killed and mutilated.
Baroness de la Roache, an aviatress,
was desperately injured in an automo
bile collision near Lyons, France, Fri
day. Charles Voisin, an aviator, was
killed at the same time.
The strike of railroad men led to
several conflicts in the streets of Bar
celona, Spain, Saturday. On several
occasions troops were obliged to
charge in order to disperse the riot
Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa," stolen from
the Louvre Museum in Paris a year
ago, is hanging on the wails of a pri
vate gallery in St. Petersburg, accord
ing to a report published by a Rus
sian paper.
A grave frontier incident occurred
Wednesday near Belgrade, Servia,
when six fully equipped Austrian sol
iiers were arrested by Servian fron
tier guai'Js charged with espionage.
lhe *roops encamped outside the
i.es of Wu <'hang, capital of the
. avince of Htipeh, China, mutinied
.uiiesday u.iid attacked the city
Both in Use
and Cost
— And it docs better
work. Simply follow
your customary method
of preparation — add a
little less of Calumet
than when using ordi
nary baking powder.
Then watch the result.
Light, fluffy, and even
ly raised — the baking
comes from the oven
more tempting, tastier,
more wholesome.
Calumet inturts the baking ol an
expert. Ask your grocer to -day.
Pure Food
Exposition, |
Chicago, 111.
Pari«, Ex
Yea Jtm'l »act ft—*9 when ym hmg
dmep «r ilg-can bJffngpmoJu. Don't
hmhUJ. Bug CmlamtL If» mm*
muf milk end tJa.
Raw Chickens.
Rose Pastor Phelps Stokes, In an
address on behalf of a New York coun
try week charity, told a Quaint story
"A little slum girl," she said, "stood
for the first time in her life in a barn
yard—a genuine, old-fashioned barn
yard with its ricks, its lazy cows, its
plows and harrows, and what-no^.
"The slum child drank it all în de
lightedly, then gasped half to herself
'An' Jes look at the chickens—al>
runnin' around raw!"—Washington
Regular practioine physician« recommend
and prescribe OX I DINE for Malaria, be
cause it is a proven remedy by years of ei
perience. Keep a bottle in the medicine
ohe«t and administer at first sign of Chill«
and Fever. Adv.
Many a woman would be willing to
trade a million-dollar hushajid for »
ten-thousand-a-year alimony.
Milk-crust all over
tiny baby's face
Mothers, If your little ones «re suffering
from tormenting, unsightly skin or scalp
eruptions, how can you fall to profit by
the experience of this mother, who writes :
"I do not know what caused the milk
crust on my baby's face, all over it ex
cept the eyeballs. It started as s rash, of
an itching nature ; though only thre«
weeks old it tried to scratch It. Then la
about a week or ten days it had formed
Into crust that was very sore, whitish, and
came off In scabs. For about Ave weeks I
used different washes, but it did no good.
From the Urst application of the Reainol
Soap and Ointment. In a few hours, seem
ingly, we could see the thange. I can
safely say I cured the baby with Reslnol
Soap ard Resrinol Ointment. Anyone who
will trv thorn will sure get resuits that
are lasting." (Slened) Mrs. Luvenla R.
Ruffin, Cauthornvllle, Va., May 13, 1312.
Yonr druggist sella Resinol Boap (Î5c) and
Ointment (5üo),or in.iil<-'i on iwelpt of price.
Resinol Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. They
are invaluable household "-emi-iUes forskln
lroubles, boils, «ores, w ouutiss bur^a and
ct C
il Syrui
Sold ty Drcr;

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