Newspaper Page Text
(Ecrms of Subscription One year [in advance]........$3 00 " within 3 months.... 3 50 " " " 6 " .... 4 00 One copy................... ],0 DUNCAN S. CAGE, Jr. & F. SANCAN (the Wit^Un ®hthoxlanx Sentinel. AND: Published every Saturdays. JOURNAL OF THE 8 th SENATORIAL DISTRICT. JBm VOL. XI. ™ ----- \ iA\a asBSBBassm Sates of SUtomising: —f—-----■ V ->wn 9K+ 0 0ns S^UAK* (op TEX LINE, First insertion ............ fl.bO Second i nsertion.............. 75 Each subsequent insertion 0 Ca.ndtdates™ ..............$io 00 OFFICE: Corner Market and Patriot. Streets. THIBODAUX L—, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22™ 1876, SSELINEAU. MBS. E., Dry Goods. Fancy Article*. Ac., corner Murket a ail 8t. Louis streets, CCOIN. P. A., Family and Planta _J. lion Groceries, Maui street, between <*us and St. Philip streets. ZEMA, C., Coffee Haute Keeper, Main L St., between Jackson and St. Philip eets. LLA1N, L. S. fit LEBLANC, E E, L Notaries public. Office. Green Street, iLUM, S. Dry Good* and Grocery, cor ' tier Main and Jackson Streets. B B ADEAUX, J. Family and Plantation Groceries, Main Street, corner Main d Focus. >ADEAUX, THOMAS, Attorney at Imw ) corner Main and Focus Streets, up tain. B ILLIU, J. 8., Attorney at Daw ,—office Comer'St. Philip and Alt-in streets ■LAKE, E >W., Attorney at Lyw, —of fice Grocn Street, B prank ux loupe—b. f. holden, r J'rnprietor, cornel Pt-Louis und Mai Ket »ts. 0 RISAMORE, S. T., Agent Forth Aj/te rtra Life Insurance Co. Corner Mar ket aud St. Philip, streets. G OODE, J. 8.. Attorney at Low, —office, over J. II. Fleetwood Market, Street 0 U1ON LEWIS, Attorney and Cbunyrj hryit Law. Office, over J. H. Fleet jrood Drug store, Murket Street. TlKssE MBS. 8. Milliuary and ' Fancy XI Dry Good*, Corner St. Louis anil Main Streets. H igginbotham, m. t . , cterk of th* Town Cornell —office, corner Jack ton end Levee Streets. H OLDEN, B. F.—Stages, Thomas 8. Holden conductor. In connection EfcbM. La. fit T. B. R. to Lafeurelie Cros pif—Office, under Franklin House, I OLDEN, B F- Lifery ttable. corner St Loots and Briquet. f OFFMANN, F.. Carrieqe Maker, Lie try Stable, corner Jackson and St. ftMget Streets. tJQFFMANN, W., Dry Good* and Gro XX eerie*, Main Street, between Focus M St. Philip Streets. B LANCHARD, J. E., Surgeon Dentist. —office, corner Green and St. Bridg et Streets. „ B ODLET, Wagons and Carts, Deppt on Levee Street near the Thihodaux Foundry. W. H. KAGAN. Agent. B OUKqUIN fit BOITKON, Watch nut - ker and Gunsmith, Dealers in Jewel ry. Fire-arms Ac, corner Market and St. Louis Streets. B REAUX fit LEGENDRE, Dry Goods and Groceries ,corner Midn and Green Streets. 5 RDSS W W, Physician dr Surgeon, Of ( ffice : Jackson Street ClELESTIN, JEAN, Jlakcr, Main Street, V corner Patriot. kANSEHEAU, P„ physician, corner I Jackson and Shoijl Streets. D ANSKKEAU. H., P/iysician, corner St. Philip and St. Bridget Street^' E xcelsior—lodge no. 34.— ue^S lar meetings at the Odd Fellow's flail, corner Murket .and Patriot, evqrj Saturday evening at f o'clock. Officers: l'h. Thihodaux N. G.; C Azlpia V.G. ; 8. T. Grisauiore, Sec- ; V. Sancan, urer. ' t jtROST JAMES, Coffee House keeper, corner Green and Market Streets. IF.DENTHAL MUS.S ., Family an(* Plantation Orreries Jackson Street. T ''RANKLIN, H., Acting Cterk of the. District CourJt .—office Court House. jlLEETWOOD. J. II.. Drug Store Ma^U Rtreet, hctwciiu St. Louis and Given wets. _ F LEETWOOD. J. pi,. Physician.—at fice Marker Street, between St. Louis and Giveu Streets. i I I H OFFMAN'S STAGES ,—Frank Hoff ie«» Proprietor, L. Dardel. Con ftftr, hi connection with Morgan's Lon hmna, and Texas R. U. Lafourche Cros _ H OGAN, P., Boiler Maker, corner Le ve e and Churcji Streets. DOME HOOK AND LADDER CO. O No 1. Regular meetings on tho Monday of each month. Regular ex J**** on Sunday preceding the first ■jjuey of every Month. jOncers- R. R. McBride P.esident, E. Vice President, C. Azenia, Fore i «. Frost, 1st Asst. Foreman, W. H. ", 2nd Asst. Forejuan, J. Otuer Lan ""eretary, Henry Riviere, AAst. J, H. Faure, Tcpasuier. Leq 'Au , Warden, Megel papello, Tyler,. tJNG, DAVID, Dry Good*, Shoes, • Soots, Hats, Cap* Stc.. corner Main i Focus Streets. HOBLOCH A. F., Parish Judge, Of fice at Court House. CLAY fit ARTHUR, At tomeys and'Counsellor* at Law, —of ^if^Rtrs Main St., between Jackson rhilip Streets. XBKIN J. Mechanical Engineer and of sugar Apperatus. and j—ery — Residence, Jackson street. Ntt?*» J- Variety store, Stores' yd*. Tin-ware. Ac—Jackson street' te St-Bridget ot. .^BGMAN, LOUS. Sadler, corner St « X™hpaud St-'Bridget Streets. *>AMORE, Copper, Tin and Sheet iron Workers, cornea Market aud '"ip streets. .*®J f pBE, JOS., Groceries, *1 tines 7*® Liquors, corner Green and Main , U, E., Tailor, Main Street, lie 1 seen Jackson and St ■ Philip St recta BF"}' E., Justice of the Peace, ~nd Br " Mayor of the Town, —of r Green and Levee Street^, •CARMEL CONVENT. Acade - J tot the Young Ladies, under the of Sister St. Bernard. 1EK, A., Dealer in Foreign and "mestic Dry Goods, Groceries, See., eet corner St Philip. I V|eBnde R R, foreign and Domestic Good *' Fancy Articles, Main Street' bCtVreel< 8t ' Louis auJ st " Phili l» M ^^jy^LET, II. H„ Parish Treasurer Uffiyi, -Green Street, eor. Market YTOORE, I. D. Attorney gt Luw,—ot Focus.* 0 * nV * talr8 Maiv ***' co,ner /^SCHW ALD, J. G.. Shoemaker. Main streets r ** t between St Louis and Gre<vp 'SULLIVAN, E. A. Attorney at Law, TObte S& 5, ' in "" 1 P M ILIPPEAU ALFRED, Baker, corne r Levee and Maronge Streets. P ERRIN, A. J. foriegn and domestic gooits. Hats, shoesand groceries, cor ner^ Mam and St-Philip streets P UOTECTOR FIRE CO. NO. 2. En gino House, Jackson St Regular Pa rades on thcJhirdSundav of each month aaa regular meeting on the third Monday! Otheors:—P. A. Aucinin, President ; lit. Convenient, Vice-President; C. Salimmn, i oei-ijftary ; K J. Lagari(g, Assistant Secre I tary ; W. C. Ragan. Foreman : Ben. Alal lirousai. Assistant Foreman ; Fratitr. Zer I l' 0t ' ,director ; John Hay. Assistant llo se Director,; W. Hroekhoeft.Trcasnrer. >1Y ILRE, L.. Dry Goods, corner Main w and St. Louis Streets. •ANCAN. V., Agent Sun Mutual Fire Inn up fine c Compttny^ Tlifbodanx La. S A M-', U r f* al Agent and Collector Office 1 hihodanx Sentinel, Market St hotel-"THOMAS AL V' "EKTI, Proprietor, corner lliibo daux iiiul Grejen Street^. CJ T - JOHN S tSI'HOOL.—Uov. XD. F. D. J,. T Ji 7" e I' r dH*ipal Jack won Street near at. Johu h C hiireli. S AROlkIN, (\, Surgeon I)rntint. .OHire; Jackson Street, between XlMibodaux and St Bridget etw. 5ociete de biexfaisanue et k^I) anaiatiince Mutnolle de Thil>od8tix. Les s6apce r^gulifre de cette soci^td out lieu le premier jeudi de cliaiiue mois ft . licuri'i* dn soir du ler octoWe nu ler avril, ct A 8 heures du ler avril au ler oc tobre. Offieiers :—H. Danserenu, President; P. A. Aueoin, Vice President , F. Saneng, Seerefnire : H. If. Mieln-let, Assistant 8c i n tHire ; E. Loisean, Trdsorier ; Tlidophi le 1 hibodnux, Coilectcur ; Alecste Bour geois, Pprtier. r nEI'RJli.AI'. II., Carriage Maker an 1 Horse Shoeing, corner Levee and P triot Stieels. fJ^ABOR 11. W., Family and Planta I lion Groceries, fireeri Street, between Iaiveeand Market Streets. rjMMliODE.U'X. JOS. T.. Pharmacist, X Deiflfr in Patent Myjiciius. Perfu mery, &c„ corner of Maiii and St. Philip Streets. r |' , IIl BODEA UX, JOS. T.. Treasurer of I the Town, corner Main and St. Philip Streets. rpHIHODAUX FOUNDRY. L. KEEFE X Prn'ppu'tor, Levee and Jackson Streets. rpil IllODAUX, THEOP1 JILE, IWii X ('onst(ibtr. Assessor, Collector and Wharfinger' Oltiee Green Street bptweon Market aud Levea. OUNO MEN'S BENEVOLENT AS SOC1ATION, OF LAFOURCHE,— Regular meeting on tlie first Wednesday of each m<iptli. at 7 o'clock, at the office of J udge Lprio. Cor. Green and Levee, Officers :—H. N. Coulon, President. J, W- Knobloch, Vice President. M. T. Hig ginbotham, Secretary, C. Az^piu, Treasu rer, J. Hay, Censor, rpHIBODAUX FIRE DEPARTMENT— X prgenised Sejifember 7th, 1874. Offi cers ; —\V' H. Ragap Chief Engineer, P. E. Lorio, let Assistant ; A. B. Ragan,2nd Assistant; Nor Bert Rotb, Secretary Sc Treasurer ; J L "Aueoin, Delegate of the Thibodaux Fire Cp' No. 1. J. Lagarde, and S- T. DeMCnadi 5 l)'elegato of the Homp Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1 HIBODAUX COLLEGE, Very Rev, C. M. Monayd, situated in one of tlie most healthy parts of the town of Thibo daux. V ERGES, J. M. St, Co. Barber, Main Steet. between St.Lonis and Green sttreet V ERRIUU, T.. Gunsmith, Main St., )ie tween St."Louis and Green Struts W EBRE L. A., Sheriff, Office at Cpurt House.' WINDER, THOMAS, District 4ltnr TT ney. — office. Market Street, be tween Marppge and Patriot Streets. W EISSENTHANNER, ALOIS, Confec tionery and Soda Hater, Given Street between Market and Main Strep pi. W' ASHII "^ TQN HOTEL, Mrs. G f f Gatuard, Pronriofor, Market St between St. Philip and St. Louis Streets. I ''HIBODAUX SENTINEL. Job Office, corner Market and Patriot Streets. rpHIBODAUX BENEVOLENT LODGE X No 90. A. F. and A. M.—Regular meetings on the second Saturday and the last Saturday of Every month, at 3 o'clock P. M„ Groen Street, liet ween LeTee and Market Streets riXHIBODAUX FIRE NO. 1. Engine X Room at Town Hall, Levee St. Keg nlgV parades on second Sunday of each month. Regular Meetings on Monday af ter the second Monday of every month. Officers:—S. T. Grisauiore, Pres.dent, E. E."LeBlanc, Vice-President, P. Trone, Secretary, M. T. Higginbotham,.As8istanf Secretary, H. W. Tabor, Foreman, H. Champagne, J ssistant Foreman, O. Kuo bloeh. Hose Director, R. Cointment Assis tant Hose Dir'tor, P. A.DeMauadt? Engine Director, A. Weiscntlianer, Assistant Eu ine Director, O. Malbrou, Tyler, Jos. T. libodeaux Treasurer. gin ili Ciril Ei T HIBODAUX, P. A., Jackson Street, opposite St, St. Br i neer, ridg^t Street. Z EKNOTT, FRANK. Watchmaker anp Dealer in ii\e Jewelry Ac. Main Street between St. Pbil'p and Jackson Streets. G AZZO Du. J. B C., Physician and Acoucheur, Thibodaux P. O., Lafour clie Parish, lai. Y oung men's dramatic club.— Regului meeting Second Thursday of eaeh mouth. Officers:—Thomas A. Badeaux, Presi ident ; Emile Loisnau, Vice President ; J Ouier Landry, Treasurer ; Hmnry Riviere Secretary ; F. Sancan. Stage Manager'; J. A Perrin, assistant Stage Manager; John Hay .Property Man; T.Bergei.on, Costumer; A. F. Knoblooii, Prompter ; J. L. Webre, Assistant, A. B. Ragan, Floor Manager, Thomas Holden, Door Keeper. ComnuUtfi of Arrangements : A. B. R& « an, Chairman. J. N. Wright, L. Aueoin, 1. T. Higgingbothain. £T PAYS ! IT PAYS l WIIAT PAYS t I T PAY-S OiVe^-y Manufacturer, Merchant, Mechanic, IntcnJor, Farmer, or Profession al man, to keep informed on all the improve ments and discoveries of tlie age. IT PAY'S the head of every futility to intro duce into his household a newspaper that is instructive, oue that fosters a taste for iuves tigutiuu, aud ]>romohes thought and vncpjfy Hges discussion among tlie members. fpHE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN wLidi A lias been published weekly for the last thirty years, does this, to an extent beyond that ot any oi her publication, in fact it is the only weekly paper published in the Uni ted Stated, devoted to Manufactures, Me chanics, Inventions anil Fete Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences. Every number is profusely illustrated and its contents embrace the latest aud most interest in" information partaiuing to the In dugtrial, Mechanical, and Scientific Pro gr.iss of the World; Descriptions, with Beautiful Engravings, of New Inventions, Nejv Implements, New Processes, and Ini proved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes, Recipes, Suggestions mid Advice, liv Practical Writers, for Workmen and Em plvyers, in all the various arts, forming a complete repertory of New Inventions iuid Discoveries; containing a w.eekly record not ciuly of Hie progress of the Industrial Art£ in our own country, but also of New Dig. eoveries lu^d Inventions in every branch ot Eiigiuei-ring, Mechanics, anil Science a broail. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN has been the foremost of all industrial imblicatiohs for the past Thirty Yeats- It is the oldest, largest, cheapest, and the, best weekly illus trated puiier devoted to Euginuiuing, Me chanics, Chemistry, New Inventions,Scicnae and Industrial Progress, phblished in the World. The prin-^ieal receipts are well worth ten times the subscription price, and for tho shop and house will save many times tlie cost of subscripting Merchant* Fanner*, . iwwu*,rurmer* f Mechanics, Engineer* Inventors, Manufacturers. Chemist*. Later* °f Science, and People of all Profession*, will find the Scientific Am^uican useful to them. It should have a plajre ju every Fy,mi ly, Library. Study, Office, iiiul Counting Roam ; in every Reading Room, College anil School. A pew volume commences January 1st, 1870. ' " * ' A year's nnmhers eoii uin 833 page? apd Several Hundrtd Enyra rings. Tliousundj> of volqnies are jireserved for binding and refer cnee. Terms, $3.'J0 a year by mail, including postage. Discount to Clubs. .Special circulars giving Club rates sent free. Single copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents- May be bad of all New De-dels. XI \ r |^ |j' Hi connection with X T\ I AjuX Xk^.the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Messrs Muxs & C,q. are So i, citors of American and Foreign Patents,and have tlie largest establishment in the World. More than fifty thousand applications have -------- **i»j ; hwwho n nu onmiips examined and advice free. A s|iocial notice is made in the SCIENTIFIC A.MERICAN .of pli Invent ions Patented through this Agency, with the iiUfne and residence of the Patentee. Patents are often sold in part or yjt.olo, to persons attracted to tlie invention by such notice. Mend for Pauipblpt, contain ing lull diree-tious forohtaining Patents. A bound volume containing the Patent Junes, ppnsua of the IT. S., and 142 Engravings of mechanical movements. Price25 Cent*. Address tor the Paper, or concerning Pa tents, 1H .V> 37 Park Row, New York. Hraxeh Oflice, Cor. E & 7th Stg , Washington, p.'C. THE WEEKLY STY. J876 NE>V YORK. 1876 for a thii Eighteen hundred and seventy-six is the Centennial year. It is also tho year in which an Opposition House of Representatives,the first since the war, will bo in ] lower at Washington ; and toe year of tlie twenty third election of a president of the Unjfed States All of these events are sure to be qf great interest and importance, especially tho latter; aud all of them and everything connected witli thorn will be fully and fresh ly reported in The Sun. The Opposition House of Representatives, taking up the line of inquiry opened years ago by The Sun, will sternly and diligently investigate the corruptions and misdeeds of Grant s udmiuistrqfion ; and will, if i* to lie hoped, lay tlie foundation for q new and better period in our national historv. Of all this Tiik SyN will contain complete and accurate accounts, famishing its readers with early and trustworthy information upon these absorbing topics. The twopty-third Presidential election, with the preparations fbr it, wili be memo rable as deciding upon GTant's aspirations hint term of power ant] plunder, and deciding 'whq shall be the -------- r - -he party of Reform, apd as el6cting that candidate. Concerning all these subjects, those who read The Sun will have the constant means ot being thoroughly well informed. The Weekly Sun, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, already has its readers in every State and Territory, and we trust that the year 1876 will see their numbers doiihled. It will con tinue to lie a thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day will be found in it, cundensed when unimportant, at full when of moment ; and always, we trust, treated in a clear, interesting and instructive man ner. It is our aim to make the Weekly Sun the best family npwspapcr iu«ke world, and we shall continue to give in its columns a largo amount of miscellaneous reading, such as stories, tales.poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural information, for which we are not able to make room in our daily edi tion. Tlie agricultural department esiie'cially is one of its prominent fen tureq. The fashions are also regulai(y reported in its columns ; and so arc the markets of every kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages with fifty six broad columns is only 81 , 2 ft a year, postago prepaid. As this price barely repays the cost of the paper, no discount can be made from this rate to clubs, agents, Post m .sters, or anyone. Fhe Daily Sun, a large fonr page newspa per of twenty-eight columns, gives all the news tor two cents a copy, -•'ubscription, postage prepaid, <>3c, a month or fift-Stt a year Sunday edition extra, $1.10 per year'. We have no traveling agents. Address, THE SUN, New 1'ork City A. O'SULLIVAX, J , Attorney 1 '-at-Law, Green St., between Main & Thiliodaux Sts., THIBODAUX, Lna., Will practice in the Parishes of Lafourche, Assumption, and Terrebonne. (13no-ly Official. TOWN COUNCir, OF THIBODAUX. TOWN HAjLL, > Thibodaux, Jan 4th, 1876 ) A regular meeting of the Town Council of the Corporation of Thibodaux was held this day. The roll was called aud the fol lowing named councilmen answered to their navies, viz P- E. Lorio, Mayor, R. ({. McBride, M. A Legendre, Dr. II. Dunatreau, Dr. J. II. Fleetwood; Absent: S. Navarre and J. Badeaux. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approveil as reeoi-ded. The President of the Police Jury, Mtyor 8 Jury of the Parish of Lafoprcbe, adopted this day, requesting the Senators and liep reseutatives of the Parish of Lafourche to endeavor to have the Legislature to pass an act giving permission to the Police Jury ot the Parish of Latoiirche and the Corpora tion of the Town of Thihodaux to issue Bonds Tuning for a series of years, for drai ning purposes, and having explained the object and mgdas operandi of tne plan pro posed the .Council, after deliberation, by an unanimous vote, endorsed the recommen dation of the Police Jury Treasurer's Report, For December 1875. 1875 Dec 7 To bal. on band.... .......... " Cash for Taxes. ...'.mi:. " " •• ... 1872.. " " " .... J873-. " " " ....1874.. " " Sch'l " ....1873. " '•* Licenses. ....1875.. 1876 Jan 4 P'd Upll't Fees.... .. 21 13 *• Banquettes. . .. 66 92 Sul. of Office . .. 181 25 Incidental Ex .. 282 25 . " P'l & Grim'l •* .. 3 00 Ktr'ts fit Ditch .. 3 40 Balance carried dew n. 303 85 Tof* 1 ....................881 80 " 1874.... 12 (4) J874.... 10 00 J G Oschwald..... { .. Ij lisa more St Lay kin. 'f 1874.... J5 00 JpsepliTrone .'t 1874 ____ 9 00 Geo Bryant......'.... *f 1874.... I 00 " .......... - 1873.,.. 7,i r Lagarde............ " 1874.... 13 00 O Benoit.............Licen. 1875____ 2 00 Mrs N Wright........Taxes 1874 ____ 3 00 J Badeaux........... " 1874.... 37 00 Mrs John Larkin..... " 1874.... 15 00 P G Trone............ " 1874____ 6 00 II Frankliq ( c H)---- i Licen 1875____ 42 50 Alfred Crosier........Taxes 1874.... 2 50 H Faure .'............ " 1874____15 00 JDevillai'4........... *• 1874.... 3 80 J H Fleetyioqjd........ " 18^4.... 41 50 V Lacapeyp .......... I 1874.... 25 00 H Dansereau......... •* 1874.... 26 00 Mrs J Palmer .1.1.... " 1874.... 4 00 . 7 ......... *f 1873.... 3 00 RR McBride......... *• 1874.... 10 00 Mrs McBride......... " .... 7 50 Leufroy Dauuis Est.. " " .... 1 00 T J Dauuis........... " '• ____ 25 00 " ........... " •* ____ 8 00 Jos T Thibodeaux .... " " .... 30 0Q Jos Dautiu........... " •* .... 9 00 Louis Langman....... " " ____15 00 MEstivenue.....,.... " " .... 4 00 G Ridley............. " •< 1... 1 00 JV'Panalle............ " •'!... 50 Mrs <Iuap Puertas Ejst. " " .... 10 00 Alphonse Aueoin.,... •' " '... 3 00 Mrs J B Bernard..... " .... 1 00 F Hoffmann.......... " " .... 25 50 Alexis Lejoune....... " * .... 4 00 II 11 Miclu,let........ " « .... iso Mrs I Palmer........ " " .... j (Jo C C Davidson........ !* " .... 9 0Q Lucy \Yilliaras....... 'i " .... 2 50 S M Rutledge........ " '• ____ 26 00 J ATron6[R M]......4Licenl875____ 5 00 Joachim Ozclet.......Taxes 1874.... 1 50 " " .... 1 50 " " .... 3 00 pbile Thibodaux. " * .... 7 00 A PaTr............... " « 3 00 Bustoii and Wilson... •• ..., 5 00 Felix Levy fli)...... ) Licen 1875____ 2 50 B F Holden [L 8].... Licen •• ....10 00 " „[«].-...... " " .... 10 00 " (Omnibus)... " .... 5 00 J Badeaux...........Taxes 1874 ____ 5 00 J McCormick......... " « ____ 20 00 It A Frost............ " " ____ fi 00 Mrs Martin McGuire. " " ____ 4 00 Tptal amount............... $850 45 H Gnmeft......School Taxes 1873.... .3 00 Geo Bryant..... •• " " ... 25 Mrs I Palmer... " « « 00 it 25 Respectfully submitted, w" [Signed] THEOPHILE 'fHII^GDAUX, Collector On motion duly seconded it was resolved that the returns of the recent election be spread on the minutes : Thibodaux, January 3yd, 1876 In conformity with resolution passed at a regnlar meeting of the Town Council of Thibodaux and advertisement thereof, the undersigned Commissioners have opened Polls at the Town Hall, this day 9 o'oloek A. M. Fames of Voters : T. J. Dauuis, per R. R. McBride ; F. La capere, per J. F. Qauile ; J. F. Gaude ; Jean Celestin ; Joseph Taillieux ; ,T. M. Verges • L. J. Meyer ; Thetl Vernier ; James McCor' mick ; Mrsill. Gamard, per Louis Bardel ; P r u J V H- Fleetwood ; Evariste Maronge; ,Ph D Adams It. C-o., per J. Badeaux; Joa clmn Badeaux j Mrs C. Horton; Hubert A uwun, per P A. Auooin ; Corporation, by * Dono, Mayor; Miss Josephine Wil iams -, trank Zernott ; E Loiseau, Adm't Estate Juan Puertas; Mrs Clay Bergeron per Augt Legendre ; Brand fit Legendre l**^Augt Legendre; A. J. Perrin ; M Bourg: V Gris »iuore, President Police Jury : H Hoffmann. 3 ' Ty Bal on hand.......$3 )3 85 By Bal appr tioiis due........120 96] " " dueH.H. Set,'.. ..175 00 Total due......................$295 96* Respectfully Submitted Signed) JOS. T. THIBODEAUX,Treasurer Collector's Report. From Fofembcr 'Lid 1875. to January 4 th 1876 J Dupre ...... Taxes 1874.... 8 00 Mrs L Bergeron....... ' " 1874.... 3 00 Thus Bruce........... " 1874____ 2 50 A Panaile (K M).......Liceu 1875____17 50 Mrs M Phillippeau.....Taxes 1-874____ 25 00 " ...... " 1874.... 1 50 John Howard........ 1874..., 2 50 H Teti'eaux.......... " 1874..,. 30 00 F & L Riviere........ " 1874...'. 40 00 L V Riviere (Agt).... " 1874.... 50 00 Pierre Lorio.........1 " 1874.... 0 00 1* E Lorio............ " 1874.... 9 00 Frank jfpmot-t......'.'. " 1874.... 2 00 " Licen. 1875____10 00 Laura Mary..........Taxes 1874____ 1 00 Mrs G. Flitch........ •• 1874.... 20 00 W.A. Botcher........ " 1874.... 4 50 Mrs S Friedenthal.... " 1871.... 2 50 Leon Lnngiiion." 1874.... 3 00 Ueury Grimes........ " 1871.... 17 40 {872.... 20 00 1873.... 9 00 At two o'clock P. M, we closed the Polls counted the votes and found the following result : For Repeal Ordinance No. 10, relative to buildings, fitc TWELVE Against it-peal Ordinance No 10, relative to buildings, fitc r FIFTEEN (Signed) r J. BADEAUX, (Signed) E. MARONGE, (signed) P, E, LORIO, Mayor. On motion duly seconded it was resolved that the Tubleuux ot Assessment of 1875 be accepted as presented at the last meeting of this board,. Adopted. The following claims were preseuted P Hogan, for Boilers........ D5 00 " gate to " .................425 00 Mrs U. Badeaux, for bricks.......... 37 8C Furcy Thibodaux, work............. 75 00 Laborers, above work ............... 19 50 Saw Mill Co, Lumber............. 7 10 Leuie Malbrough, Dec wages........ 50 00 Thqo Thibodaux, Collector's fees..... 47 74 " Ass'r for Tableaux.. 100 00 Total...................,.... $637 14 motion duly seconded it was resolved that an appropriation of Six Hundred and Thirty-Seven and 14.(100 Dollars be made to nay the above claims. The yeas and nays being called for, resul ted as follows : Y'eae—P. E. Lorio, H. Dansereau, R R. McBride, M. A. Legendre, J. H. Fleetwood; Nays—None. A petition from the Parish School Board after reading was laid on the table. A communication from Mr Thibcrge (Ar chitect) was presented to the Council, and, on motion duly seconded, the same was re ferred to -Win Improvement Committee, with the Mayor, to be reported npou at next reg ular meeting. Carried. On motion of Dr Danse reau duly seconded the Mayor was authorized to have a ditch dug in the Canal for draining if. Motion carried. On motion the Counoil adjourned. P. E. LORIO, Mayor, If. T. Higginbotham, Secretary. Site Shitwdaux Sentinel, —ANIJ— Jaurnal af the Nth Senatorial District. OFFICIAL JOtJANAL OF THE T0Wft, I88UEI) EVERY SATURDAY DUNCAN S. CAGE, Jr., Editor F- SANCAN* Pro'r $ Business Manager OFFICE :-^C0R. MARKET AND PATRIOT ST His Cowardice, Mm Woodhull on Woman 1 * Cur se ller Advice io Henry Ward Bwpher. Mrs. Wootjl)ull lectured lust evening in Cooper Ipstitute on "Woman's Curse" to a small au dience, composed, as usual, partly of tunny people with erratic no tions, but mainly of men who went to scof}. They laughed aul applauded lustily when she rela ted her experience with Henry Ward Beecher. "I had a full dis cussion with him," she said, "of this whole subject of stirpiculture. 'Mrs. Woodhull,' he said, 'you are perfectly right in what you say on this topip, but X naveipt the moral courage to acknowledge it publicly.' *Henry,' said I, 'you should come out boldly. You should preach my views in Plymouth Church.' |Ob* no, I could not do it/ he said. 'I would preach to empty benches.' 'iThat was bis mistake. He was a moral coward. He fully under stood this subject (langhter), but he feared the consequences of openly advooating his real views. He should have come out sqnarely and told tho truth, and he would have had no need of fearing the result. I am well acquainted wjth his ideas on this subject. As you know, I spent qaite a time in jail in consequence," Old Ironsides.— The Phila-* delphia Telegraph, of the 6tb, says j ''The work of running the Cous titutiou on tho dock took place this morning iu the presence of a large number of spectators, who good naturedly withstood the chilliness of the weather for the sake of glancing at this noble reb ic of the last century. The process ot hauling her on the dock was the same as used when she was brought here tor repairs, and which worked so successfully. At 11:30. after elaborate preparation, the vessel made a slide, causing a shout ot 'there she goes !' to go up from those assembled. After moving along smoothly about half her length, she stock, caus-r jug considerable delay. The diffi culty was finally overcome, aud the famous yjsse* was firmly setr tied on her dock. The work was uuder the sajierintendeuce ol Na val Constructor Hart and nis as sistant, John Hoover, A feature of the occasion was the tact of the Constitution having original ly been constructed under the su- j pervision of Constructor Hart's j grandfather, then nis father super ' intended her rebuilding in 1812, aud now the grandson of the ori giual constructor has consented to rMnaiu in Philadelphia to su perintend the repairs. to to of j j ' War. Preparations for war between the United States and Spaiu are openly going on. A telegram from Washington, semi-official in its toue, .and un doubtedly official in its .origin, states that "the concentration of naval vessels at Port Royal,South Carolina, is iu pursuance of a gen eral plan of the Secretary of the Navy to make that place the head quarters *4 the North Atlantic Station, as it presents many ad vantages over any other port on the Atlantic coast." The great, essential advantage which it pos sesses is then stated in the follow ing terms: '•The geographical posi tion of port Roy al makes it the central point ot the North Atlantic station, and the vessels rendez voused there can reach Cuban waters, and the Gulf, where our interests most used to be looked after,wiihin forty-eight hours. It is the policy of the Secretary of the Navy to have our home squadron larger than any of those abroad, because he believes in being prepared for any emergency out of the present difficulties on the island of Cuba. While there is no official announcement in regard to the condition of affairs between this country and Spain, jt is believed, in well informed circles, that the uncertain tenure which Spain has upon thut island may cause the Government to become involved in a difficulty with tbe United States when it sees it .can no longer hold the island, and thus part with it as a jpatter of necessi ty." So muck for what is being open ly done by our Government. Ac cording to this despatch, trans* parently emanating from the Na vy Department, we are conceittra ting our available uaval force, within forty-eight hours of Cuba, in anticipation of a war with Spaiu. Tbe fact and tbe motive are publicly avowed. Now for the other side. What is Spain doing ? Is she making any preparations f She has ap pointed Gen. Jovellar, just now perhaps the foremost man of all Spain, Captain-Geueral of Cuba. Then we have a very important announcement in the following despatch by cable to the Herald : ''Madrid, Jan. 8,— The Spanish Gov ernment has ordered from Herr Krupp's tbundrv. at Jissein, six 11-inch breech loading steel canuon. with 600 rounds of ammunition, for delivery in Cnba at- tho earliest moment. The contract has been made at-the special request of General Jovellar. Each gun will cost $120,000-'' What does this mean ? Of what use will these rilled cannon be iu figbtiug the insurgents — why pursue a system of warfare which renders such guns practically ot little avail f Tnoy will be of ser vice, however, iu opposiug any interference on the part of the United States; and we apprehend jt is to that end they have been ordered and are to be sent to Cuba. And it is mainly with aview to resist the United States that Spain sends to Cuba a General and a statesman wbera she now so sorely neads at borne. When, a few days ago, onr scholarly contemporary,the World insisted that we most wait to see what Jovellar would do, somehow that sounded to us more like the voice of Spaiu than of the United States. If we wait, we shall see. In fact, we begin to see alreadv.— N. Y. Snn. On a small island opposite the town of Wadso, in the extreme north of Norway, is the only es tablishment in the world for slaughtering whales wholesale. The proprietor sends oat some small screw steamers, armed with a cannon on the forecastle to shoot whales. Asa rale the steam er returns with a piize about twelve hoars after starting. The canuon has a chamber four feet long i tbe projectile is a long iron bolt, having at its end fotft har poons, bound round with a line so as to be flat, and close to the harpoons is a six-pounder shell. If properly aimed, the bolt pene trates deeply into the animal's flesh and blubber. When he rush es oft the bolt slips back, spread ing the harpoons and exploding the shell. If not killed thereby, the whale often drags tbe steam er along for a considerable dis tance, till exhausted, A Detroiter got home at mid-* nigut tbe other night with a black eye and » boozy step, and as bis wife met him at the stairs she ex claimed, "Why, you've been fighting." "Yes'm," he meekly replied, as he leaned on the rail. "And some one has blacked one ot yonr eyes," she continued, as the tears came. "Don't cry, zharling," he said, in a coaxing voioe, m h« put bis hand on her bead; hadn't had a chance to run he'd have blacked boff of 'em!" Promptitude of Neswpamer Debtors. The experience of the Findlay Courier mau is sad and mournful He has^ lost faith in the profes sions of his fellow men. Hear how be talks; Last week a man stepped up to us and said he would pay us every cent he owed, if he lived till Saturday night; we presume that the man died. Another said he would pay us iu a day or two as sere as we were born ; query —did the man lie, or we were born ? Another said be would settle his bill as sure as shooting; we are led to the conclusion that shooting is decidedly uncertain. Quite a number said they would see us to morrow ; those men have been blind ever since, or else to-morrow has not come. One man told us, six months ago, that he would pay us as soou as he got some money ; that would not lie, and ot course has not bad a cent since. But the experience <of editors is about the same all over, says the Fremont Journal. Last year we stopped one man's paper who owed six dollais. ne was serving the public, and we met him while in the discharge of duties. He averred that as soou as he got through und received his pay, be would make it all right, be would indeed. He told us the same story this Spring, and wn presume he is still assessing. An other came all the way, five miles, to town to assure ns that, he was all right, aud that we need not be afraid. He would have some money soon, and wonld pay—ye^ he woald. Some time later we "saw" his money at a distance. He was putting it in a bank. It was tbe last and only glimpse we had of it. He never bad a hatchet and ran aronnd hacking cherry trees, or they would have dp*! without anybody knowing who killed them. Another would pay us after sheep-shearing. His sheep are long wools, and it takes a long while for the wool to mature, Another would pay after wheat harvest but bis wheat, like tbe century plant, is of slow growth and dou't ripen often. Another had poor health, but was improy ing. He wonld get around soon, aud raise some money and p y ns. He has had a relapse, fot though he eats hearty and works bard, he don't get "round" worth a ceut. We would have some hopes ot getting even with such folks some day, when an admin* istrator is appointed, if thay bad any to administrator on. A Romance of tho Miinw There is such a thing as toe much as well as too little caution and the chances for losing a for tone, while sailing under tbe ool ore of either are, perhaps, abont even. An instance in which exeet sive caution oaine near robbing a man of all bis spare coin wai brought to our notice to-doy. In the Grown Point mine work! a quiet, uttasaumiug man, who bj bis most intimate acquaintances has never been beard to talkoi his stocks or money, and who u; to a few days ago, was supposed to be in almost destitute dream stanoes. Yesterday or the day be fore, an inoident occnred wbicb showed that be was not the pan per he was supposed to be. Ai that time Joliu McLeob, aftei going borne from his day's work in the mine, shortly returned, and calliug the foremans to one aide disclosed to him the fact that b< had by a mistake taken 10011 other man's backet, instead o containing a specimen of crys talized quartz which he had placed in his own bucket, held $800 in coin and $300 in mining stocks. McLeob bad scaicely fin ished his story before anotbei mau, pale, barggard, and out o! breath rushed up to tbe foreman and in accents wild asked 3 ''Did you see him f Where is he < Where did he go f' After caln ing the excited individual so thal be oould talk coherently, it wai discovered that he was owner ol the hucket which McLeob had just brought to the surface. Tht owner thereof was shown hi» treasure, and with a wiidcrj gathered it to his bosom and wem on his way rejoicing. It api>ean that ever since the great fire it Virginia the man had been iu tip habit of taking the money wifi him to his work* being afraid U leave it iu his lodging boose o trust it in tbe hanua of a baker Had McLeob not been ho nest that man wonld now be moauht* the loss of his $1,1(10. Rochefort has extinguished tyft Lanterne.