Newspaper Page Text
Site (TJubodaux Sentinel, — AND— Journal of the Mth Senatorial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, lasLKI) K.VKKY SATURDAY DUNCAN S. CAGE. Jr., Editor F- SANCAN* Pro'r & Business Manager OFFICEi—XOR. MARKET AND I ATRIOTST THIBODAUX..LA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1876. E iitorial Notes. —Our town was this week en livened by (look's Circus, giving the little ones delight and elder children amusement. The acrobats were really excellent, and the performance on the whole well repaid a visit. —Ra\f&nd disagreeable weath er, with threatening of fain, pre vails ; long disused overcoats are drawn forth, and owners find some consolation for the unexpect JMl cold, in getting some return tor what threatened to be an un profitable investment. —The weather wise who pre dieted continued mild weather were flatly contradicted by the vagaries of last Tuesday. A very heavy rain tell on the morning of that day, a warm dear oft sue ceded, but soon the wind shifted to the North, and blowing colder and colder, resulted in a freeze on Wednesday morning. The growth of vegetation will he sharply chocked but we think no material damage has been done so far, as the cold was only severe enough to kill the exposeil portions of the cane. —It will be remembered that our last issue reported the niur drr of Col. Win. Oflut, of St Lan Ary, bv -a negro. ' The crime was committed in cold 1 blood;-the assassin conceal ing liimseif bv* the roadside to await'the unconscious victim. He was? caught uear Artnandville and lodged in the parish jail of! St. Landry, Soon a large crowd assembled and forcing the doors of the jail, took from it. the doom ed murderer and hung him near the hank of Courtableau. Justice in this case followed swiftly on crime and through irregular, was richly merited. —The road from town to Terre bonne station otters greater and more varied facilities to travel lers than any we can call to mind. It offers a choice of modest of travel.The wayfarertuiay choose whether he will wade oil horse back along the nubrokeu expanse ot water, aud he can safely as that he will not fall into suine more than a dozen holes and ditches betweeu the two points ; lie can go on wheels provided In is content to regard them merely as centreboards to trim the ve hicle as it floats, or lie can travel by boat without a pilot by occa sionally "taking his dep'aitnre" from tiie fence or telegraph poles along the route. It may thus be seen that we are not restricted to the tuotouy of travel as in less favored regions bin each man pays his money (for taxes to re pair the roads) and takes his choice. So enstomary has it become to stigmatise the youth of the South who have been reduced bv the fortune ot war from affluence to poverty as idle, restless and ready tor auy enterprise which holds out a chance of sudden fortune that many who have no means of proving the coutrara ry may incline to take this view. Never was imputation less do served. Looking around us in this community we see no deons ; and among those too busy in striving; to retrieve the past to waste time in useless repining over it, those who have seeu better days are not laggards. Best of all, thej •act that labor of every kind is honorable, and that loafing and idleness are the pursuit most likely to bring their followers into disrepute is fully recognized and acted on. The lasting good Ukel.y to accitie to thecominuuitv from this state of affairs is manifest to need too pointing out; the lines ot class are no longer so strictly diawn, a closer iiuitu-d interest between stations is pro mored.and the degree of standing and estimation enjoyed by any* one is more cntiiely due to liis own exertions Thau formerly. Under these conditions , . . .. grtcill ture is receiving more intelligent consideration than ever In* tore. There is no longer the rage for clcrkshijis and the learned pro fessions but the more imi ^ A l A„ t r. ,n0re - ,nde I>«» d^it life ot the tanner is appn ciated, and his business is no longer regarded as oue which the dullest can comprehend, but us a science whose mastery might tax the most active inieilect. May t a is view continue arfH-tef^xteiid ed, and f lien on !•¥. prosperity is u>sured, - The Second Crusade - Some time ago a lot ot mistaken hut enthusiastic zealots undei took by means of prayer and ex hortations to so exercise the whisky fiend that no more he heard in the laud. The movement was dubbed the whisky crusade and soon assumed purportionaI! which atti.iekcd widespread at tciition, but like all sensational efforts soon wore itself out, and the vendor of red eye pursued bis vocation in pence. Now a crusade of very different nature and striking at higher game is inaugurated ; the first was against those retailers whose bu siness and its effects shocked the moral senee of communities; the present is against those tuanutae turers whose crookedness affects the revenues of the country. We are inclind to think that tin* influence of grand juries, in dictments and courts of justice w ill prove more potent over deal ers in the ardent than any amount of extempore prayer however powerful. Already frauds ot enor moiis magnitude have been dis covered in St. Louis,and Babcock, the man w hom the President most delighted to honor,s*ands charged with Inning aided the robbers of the revenue. Many high govern ment officials are accused of com plicity, and some convicted. This is but the beginning of the iuves tigation. Other points are expect cd to pan out as richly, and ru mor has i that New Orleans will he the next field of operation. Already proceedings have been commenced against some of the most piomineut ot those in the whiskey business. Toe high rax on whiskey holds out hopes of large gains to those who succeed in evading tin* law and few seem to have the strength to resist the temptation, f urther developments will doubtless provt interesting and we shall keep om readers posted. One feature of our country must strike the observant stranger with surprise, and of not a pleas ant character. We refer to the al most total lack ot any attempt at neatness and adornment which distinguishes our section ; build ing s are erected which, by the 'exercise of a little taste, might add no little to the appearance nut value of a propei ty, by vary ing the monotony of the dry-good. box style of architect me so piev; ent among ns, and and paint mig t with sustain the removal of the ban under which they languish. Our proprietors should recollect that weather stains and ravages, Low. ever picturesque on ruins, are not pleasing on the flimsy wooden structures which are in vogue among us, and bearing this fact in mind in tut tire not so religious ly eschew whitewash and paint. whitewash advantage itli a soil and climate euiiueutlv adapted to horticulture, few cut this pleasing trvate this pleasing and refined pursuit, and iu consequence an irreverent st ranger might conceive the idea that weeds are more numerous than flowers iu the Sunny South. A more conservative community than ours never existed. The first emigrant from Acadie who settled and built bis habitation on the banks ot the Lafourche may not have been aware of it, but in that habitation he set up a model tor future generations; aud the worst ot it is that the most ardent lover of country must acknowledge cm! on. vator Now stud ilti*n a bold inno lias bad tin* couta^e to <le|»art from the simple recta 11 git with the inevitable chimneys ut that the niopel miglitbeimpiov'-1 " ..... the end,and build it tasteful house, but as a rule their rash counsels been se.verely conservative neighbors. Let us hope tor the time when shrubbery and flowers will receive dm* attention, aud when a man contemplates building a house the structure before his and example have let alone by hi miml's eyes will not be a square box, but one erected on a plan resulting from intelligent stmlv H»d due regard to appearance amt comfort, We publish with pleasure tIu * to,lowill & Bill, introduced by Hou, C, B. Darrall into Congress, with copy of hjs letter to the Presid* nt Police Jury. It is verv probable that the bill will pass ; lx tuk House of Rei'keskntatjves, ) January 17, 1876. y Mr. Darrall, on leave fol owing bill; A BILL State "f Louisiana, intiodueed the To provide for the improvement of the navigation of Bayou Lafourche in the lie it enacted by the Senate and Umse of Representative* of the United States of Amcr ic-a in Congress assembled. That the sum of t<?u thousand dollars be a,id the same h hereby, appropriated, out «.f any mZ ey ? in ^ Treasury not otherwise appro-} to 'fredc* out ana inm™-. th* printed, to dredge out and improve, the ■avigition *.f tile Bayou La fit robe, iu * ! "rd»nce w't-h the recoDimendation of ; Engtneeii „f the United j States Army Washington*. D. C.. J January 20, IS76. J Dear Sir :—I think I enn g-t the cti closed Bill pa-sed. The amount is small, nut a.I is the Engineer recommends wtio made rhe, survey. If it should enough, we ca l get a further tuvi next year. R s ectf Ly Ai;, 0. II .'ii..j G re. Tajiiod »ii\ j. not l) appropr a JARRALL Reform Measures.—I n an other column will be found a list of measures passed Ivy the House 1f Representatives which refutes and exigeant jiersoiis are wont to the charges of dilatoriuess and inaction which some unthinking make against it. These grumblers conservative j|ousc is not do not seem to realize that majority in the the ibsolute, but must have the concii'reuee of the Sen ate to give their acts validity. It has done its duty when the bill is passed and sent to the lat ter. It strikes us that here is a splendid opportunity for the Re publicans who, chiming in with the popular ury, to allow the buds of promise to blossom into the flowers ot performance. Several of the laws aimed at in these measures cannot be defended on any g'ouuds of public go al. E* peeially is this the case with the Election Law. The whole argil nient on its merits, pio and con., I amounts to this ; if its functions arc honestly discharged it is use less, tedious and slow in its opera tion, for the votes could he more rapidly and easily counted where they are cast if dishonestly, then it is the most monstrous engine of tyranny ever invented t«* much the expression of popular will, and we do not suppose that even those benefit ted by it will have the hardihood to deny its corrupt administration or to defend it on any grounds of public benefit. Of course we do not expect the lattei consideration to exercise the. slightest influence over the. lights of the radical party but is it well to force them to meet the issue. It will be seen that theseform measures cover much ground and sfiike at manv evils. Should they pass, and the coming month of legislature exis fence lie as prolific of good we may again led the unwonted and novel sensation of benefit resultimg from a session of the Legislature. i "'tives, who charged j * 1 Ie al . e was I ! 1111 . \ • —The A'. 0. Times has got it self into trouble. On Wednesday last it contained a sarcastic and slighting allusion to Mr. George Dupre ot the* House of Eepresen ed in return in"idled by by It is unveil i mg hi Ins rapacity as legislator Swine of the devious wtiysoftbe editor and associate editor of that sheet. ' He charges the former with . . , . _ . r , , iV111 '' ^ troiu 1 in-Ulianiy Hospital as counsel fees for di solving an injunction which never existed, and the latter with receiv ing an appointment as clerk ot a police court and placing a boy iu tiie office and pocketing the surplus salary. We expect to see the Times i eclipse itself in head lines to prove its innoeel ice. —The river is fast, but there is no reason for apprehension vet. We think that an overflow mouM find our planters better prepared to resist it than at any time since the Mar. They were compelled to rebuild or strength en their levees in 1873, and thev have been maintained in order since, besides which many drain ing machine lave been erected during and since that year. A merchant vessel recently arrived at Marseilles, laden with sugar from Ratavia.,While in the act of unloaden, the workmen j «n<ldet.iy left tlieir task, and rush ing up to the deck, gasped out some inarticulate words. Among the hampers they had found three iminence boa constrictors. These reptiles seemed to wake from state of lethargy, and ad vanced toward tin* terrified men, who bad only just time to hoist themselves on deck and close the ^tehes. The captain was of course obliged to suspend the operation of unloading, and to look for the means «»t getting xid these strange passengeis. Two pigeons were poisoned with strychnine and dropped in the hold. They were devoured at once, but only two of the serpents died. The third reptile has not been seen again, aud it is with the greatest trouble that the Captain can get men to assist him iu un loading the ship. l ,, ^ eulis . "The boy at the head of the class will state what were the dark ages of the world ?" Boy hesita tates. "Nest, master Briggs, can you tell me what the dark ages were V y "I guess they were the before spectacles were luvetl ted." "Go to your seats/' Beform Measures Passed in the House. February 1, 1876. The following bills ot a general uatnre, and all looging to reform, | 1HVl . to t his date Massed th. have to this date passed the House of Representatives au*l have been sent to the Senate fur coueunence. House Bill Xo 10 An act relative to the public! printing and '.lie publication of; 'he ordinances, adveitisements [ au l proceeding c et<*., «»t tiie cor poratiou of th leans. city of New Or House Bill No 11 An ac r to repeal an act entitled "An act relative to public prin ting," appro ved24ih of July, 1868, and to repeal tin act entitled "An act relative to judiiiid and legal advertisements 7 numbered 94 of the acts of 1870, and to repeal sections 2986, 2987, 2988, 2989. 2990, 2991, 2992, 2993,2994, 2995. 2996, 2997, 2998, 2998, 2990, 3000 of the Revised Statues of the State ot Louisiana, and to regu late aud define the rates and prices of the public printing, and to prescribe the manner in which the same shall be done. House Bill No. 12 t An act to regulate the manner of making advertisements in judi cial proceedings and sales ot pro petty under judicial process in all parishes other than that of Orleans, and regulating aud di reccing the in Inner and price at which contracts shall be made by police juries or municipal corpo rations, except New Orleans, for public printing. House Bill Xo. 26. An act to determine the mode of filling vacancies in the parish and municipal offices for which provision is not made iu the con stitution. House Bill Xo. 32. An act to repeal an act entitled an act to establish an hospital tor small-pox and other contagious diseases. House Bill Xo. 37. An act giving parties accused of ciime the right to testify as witness on their trials. House Bill Xo. 48. An act to provide for the time, manner and place of bold ing elections in this State ; to provide for the appointment of commissioners ot election, anti directing the promulgating of results of election : to provide penalties for intimidation and violent at the polls, and other attempts :o prevent a fail free and peaceable election ; to pro vide proceedings for contest for ' office, and to repeal all other laws inconsistent with tin* pro visions of this act. i House Bill No 58. An act to relieve the New Or b*an.s and State of Louisiana from any charge for the registry of births, marriages and deaths occming in this city. House Bill Xo. 59. An act to define the object of drainage assessments ami regn late the collection if the same j and to prevent judgement tor assessments being rendered as pesronal judgment*, and to repeal so much of act No. 57, approved March 1, 1801, as make such judgements personal, and to con tine the execution under assess ment judgement to the proper ty on Mhicli the assessment is levied. House Bill Xo. 80 An act to amend aud re-enact article six hundred and forty-four of the Code of practise and to repeal laws in conflict with the provision of this act, House Bill Xo. 80. to create a police board therein, aud limiting the cost of the same. f f b ° HtVot °\ew^^Orle^n < U> ot 0«te»na.aml ry 1,1878, and llouse Bill Xo. 101. An act to provide for the nni fomi assessment of property in the city of New Orleaus, defining the duty of the Administrator of Assessment of said city f fixing the limits ot expense to be paid for said assessement, abolishing the office of State Assessor for the parish ot Orleans ; providing that separate State assessment shall be made within the parish, and repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict or inconsistent with this act. House Bill No. 134. An act to suspend the collee tion of .all drainage taxes in the city of New Orleans until Janua to stay all execu tions to enforce payment there of until that date. House Bill Xo. 145. An act entitled an act to amend and re.enaet section 1021 of the Revised Statutes of Louisiana. Suhsistntefor House Bill Xo. 90, and now Home Bill No. 177. An act relative to the day of demand, payment and protest of promissory notes, bills ot' ex change and commercial jpaturiugou Holidays. paper "My dear," said a husband, in startled tones, after waking his wife in the middle of the night, "I've swaliowed a dose of strych nine/' "Weil, tlten, do tor good IK m *ss' sake 111* still, you fool, or it .... n .«> coqirt n}»/ Tint Colossal Bitoszi: Statue of Victo ry which stand in the Park, at Loweli. before the tomb of the first soldiers that fell iu the revolution, is a lasting aud btuii tiful tribune of art. It is oue of the first ob jects sought by strangers visiting our sister city, which indeed man visit purposely to see tbi9 e.egant object of high art. It was obtained from the king of Bavaria by Dr. J. 1.'. Ayer, to whom his majesty was espe cially gracious iu acknowledgement of what remedies are reputed to have done lor the suffering sick. It was donated by t.ic Doctor to the City of Lowell as a per manent aud speaking emblem of the victo ries both of Science aud Arms .—Hugos town (Mil.) Pres*. Official List ot* Letters Remaining in the I'ost Office at Thibodaux, aud unclaimed Feb. 1st. 1876. Amhrost Alex Adaui Clitus Alphun Ernest Anmnda Martha Anderson W. T. Adaui Theodore ltarnes John Brat ley Liuirick Bradshaw L. F. Bang Clias Mrs Block Thomas Bourgeois W. Boiitarie C Brut)' Sarah Miss Bear L. C Handy Jem Hcriiiiiudcz Aug. Jackson Andrew Junes Juo. Johnson Kandol Jackson Narcest John Nelson Jolct E. Kiby '.i. Harger A Davis Legcuarv Brown Louis Mre. Landry Ernest Daguerre Pierre Niles Morning Mrs Broussard Alexander McClelland Win. A Bourgeois II. Mrs Bess C. A Bergerrou J. J ('om-uuon Juo J (2) Carter Win Callwell Fountain C'oneaiion J P Christian Kui'I Champagne O Degg Wui Davis George Darden Elidev Miss Dovles Maroeliue Ellis Thus Mrs Estivaint Odressi /Vi lat l'rospere Teuiever A Fetd Madeline Fasmuebc I. Falgou: F Goodwill Mar\ A Mr Griffin s. M (ledrie Mr Oue dry Chas I Gauv Mary Gordau tsauo G nil lot Pauliu Griffin John R Gorlden Alice Hebert Franeois _ Harrison G Harrison Lucy Hydd A Hebert Jos A Marteuue Andres Miter U Mire Gustave MeCulleu Mr Magee John McK vers Dean Miss Moors Sarah Mrs Maker Paul Mitchell Gabriel Oston M. A Power S T Maj. Pool iff Charles Perilliae Franeois Picket Am Mrs Pendegrast R liideau Joseph Ranking small Stone John St lied Geo Schmid Gustave Savoy Sam Simms Emily Seie J H Seott Am Sherperd Wiles Sparks Amanda Thomas Fleuiug Taylor Laeliu Tesaon John Verlrice J. T Williams Aron Williams Seott W illiauis (S. Miss Wilson George. G. BIOI IIKLAI Y, Postmaster. WATTIiD. 20 • # .TTGooil Ditchers fur Ley ing pur inscs. Go.ul prices paid. Apply to T. J. DAUNTS, Belle Grove Plantation Wul»M«*riplioii Price l IK THE Price Current Sugar & Rice Crops Book. Reduced to §3- per copy. Tin- statistical returns of flic differon* parishes are coining in daily. A niinibe. of! tliein have been received, giving thorough returns of tlieir respective parishes. The balance are prm iised to us by onr agents by tin* first proximo enabling u« to publish the -Book" as annoum-ed in the Price Car rent. We are pleased to inform the sugar and rice interests that our subscription list warrants a reduction in the price of sub script ion to tin- Book from 85 to 81 per ropy As tIn- subscription IGt increases ibe price shall be further reduced to a sum na-relv Sllftieielit to cover our iletlllil expenses mill pay us a reasonable pmtit. 8'ubserintioiis solicited bv GEO. \\ . S()l IRES, Tbiboduiix, Agent for tin* Parishes of Assumption, l.a fourche, and Terrebonne. 29jn ■londursiM 8i<-«*d Ri«*e. -r#kn«BLS. HONDURAS SEED RICM. *r\J\r warranted first year. For sale by WILLIAMS A GAI'DE; "Lafourche Rice Mill." Lafourche Crossing J. A.TKG8E, Market Street. (Laeapere's Buildings,) Tiiibodaux. C LASSICAL and Religous Books, Station ery. Blank Books, Music Paper, Articles of Piety and Fancy Articles. Phologrnpli Gallery, [L T p Stairs] YOTKE. A I'L VN1 ATIi >N iu the Parish of Lafour il die for sale or rent. Well stocked. A rare bargain. Apply to T. L. WINDER, Thibodaux, or to T. H. A J. M. ALLEN A CO., 22j 4t pp) 192 Common St. New Orleans AOTH'E. B m.S WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS Office, up to the first day of April, 187ti, for the ceiling and |>:iintiiig of the ii|qicr rooms of the Court House in the Town of Thibodaux Bidders must specify k ud of lumher and paints to be used. The woik will be paid cash. S. T. GRIS VMORE. 22ju-tolapl) l'res't Police Jury AOTICK. B ids will be received at the Office ot Parish Treasurer for the sale of Parish Warrants (old issue), and all monies coming into the Redemption Fund will be used for the purchase of said warrants monthly, to the lowest bidder. S. T. GRISAMORE. *22jan Pres't Police .Jury : NOTICE. H olders of bonds and coupons I of Interest issued by virtue of Ordi nance No. 14, approvod September third I 18»ifi, in liquidation of the Parish debt pre vions to sain date, are hereby notified to present! the same to the Parish Treasury for payment on or before the 15th. of March 1876. otherwise they will be considered null and void, and stricken from the Treas urer's looks. S.T. GRISAMORE. l'res't Police Jury. A a. iucnE.nn, • Cotton and Sugar Factor, Gencntl Coiuininsioii Merchant —AND— DEALER IS WESTERS PRODUCE. No. 53.....North Peters Street.....No. 53 ; Bet'u Bienville A Conti. New Orleans All Order* and Consignment* Promptly Attended to. (no2<) lv -MOT ICE. T HE PARTNERSHIPhcretoforeexioting J and known as Boudreaux A Delatte in ! by mutual consent -dissolved ; Mr. Pier-e | J. Bnudreanx will have charge ot the liqui dation of the Partnership. P. J. BOUDREAUX, C2jn-3t C. DELATTE. I I j I „„i,„„ ,■ „ . ... - culture.- inl.ns of fro;.. 30 to nJarj^nto. To Rice Plan tern. r Ui!E undersigned proposes to lease out 1 4 fi ai pouts fnsh land,suitable lor Rie* --<>«• il req,.ir,id-»t-rate «»f One Fifth. One mile above Thibmlaux,—Right Bank. Jan.22. DAVID PUGH. | PREMIUMS GIVEN A WAV ! EPWo have arranged, through contracts with liianulaetiirors. to agents and clubs uf subscribers the to very tine premiums. SEWING MACHINES. REMEMBER THE WEED SEWING-MACHINE CO. Is out- of tin. oldest and best -1 -stuidisht-d Sewing-Machine Companies iu America Their Machines rank among the very best Premium No. 1, No. 1 Weed Sowing-Machine Premium No. 2, No. 2 Weed Sewing-Machine Premium No. 3, No. 3 Weed Sewing-Machine Cannot the reader form a club iu bis oi lier neighborhood and secure one of these excellent Sewing-Machines as a premium ? A few hours of well-directed effort will ob tain it. ORGANS. Premium No. 4 is a style w E. P. NEEDHAM & SON'S tclebraled Silver-Tongue Organ. Two Set of Keeils, six stops......Prie Premium No. 5 is a E. P, NEEDHAM & SON'S Silver-Tongue Organ. Three Sets ot Reeds, ten stops. This Organ is a very large size and admirably fitted for Churches and large halls.......Price, $325. It v« ill be easy for a congrega tion, desirous to make a A II 1A IIMHii: 1101.1 WAY PRESENT to tin* pastor, to secure the requisite number ot subserits-rs. M any a Nubb:illi«*(eliu<)l, Lodge, or <'h«iroll need an organ. Pass the hubseriptiou Paper. SILVERWARE. The Premiums under this class are from the well-known Silvt rware House of Rur.n & Bahti.n This is ihe oldest house in this hr inch ol business in the country. Aii\ 8.1 vi . war*-dealer will tell you that the Rkkd A 11 w: ros goods have a reputation at least equal tmthe very la-st. So of Same of 1'rire of Premium. Premium. Premium. 6.. Napkin Ring, decorated in Japan ese style........................#1 00 '..Child's cop. gold lined............ 2 75 8.. Half dozen tea-spoons............ 3 t)0 0..Child's set (knife, fork, and sp-Kin), in fine morocco ease, satin lined. 4 00 10.. Half dozen table-spoons or forks.. 0 00 II ..Butter dish, with knife rest....... 8 50 12.. Cake-basket, new pattern.........13 50 13.. 1.e-pitcher, seamless iftiiug.......15 50 14.. A (.0111111 union set, 5 pieces......."-'I 50 We will give the abort* described pre miums for Clubs ot Subscribers, as follows : ■e. #205 .Vo. of Premium No 1....... No *2....... No 3....... No 4....... No 5...... No fi....... No 7....... .Vo. of Sub'Iters ......35 .......40 ......45 ......13.) ......175 ........4 So. of So. of Premium Subbers No 8................9 No 9................8 No 10..............10 No 11..............12 No 12.............18 No 13..............20 ....8 No 14..............30 I'OR J8AI.F,: GREAT BARGAIN'S ! ! For XI.affA 1 4 foot Sugar .Mill —Niles Make, IS Kettles, 1 10 Horse-power Engine. 1 Double-fine Boiler. Apply to (). Dri-uv. on plantation. Race lan .1 Station. Lafourche : or to ('. L. Wit. KKK. No til l amp Street. NT w Orleans. H. MAKKIITV. WITH LOEB. GUM BEL A- SIMf N. Inqiorters of Fnnej (>oeds, and Motions. No 7........Magazine Street........No 7 AM an-l v) New ()rleans H HOFFMANN & J. L- AUCOIN, . Dealers in F URN1TI UE. Hardware, Paints, Oils. \Y indow glass, Wull-pa]ter, i.iine. Sand. Plaster, Cement. Ac, (ki lt) connection with A. II. Hoffwann, Cab inet Maker aud Repairer ot all kinds of fur M ain Street, 15jan ly) Bet Jackson aud St-Philip BANDITTI STORE Kcliefnt last! Help allaronnd! j ! ! | j j j i 1 ' i 1 I ; i i ! Romeiubpr tllO past it 11(1 be t*COU - — * ® an f6tti s motto : Quick sales and small I AM NOT AFRAID To announce that the JETTIES ARE A SUCCESS! A TTENTIO ATTENTION! SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO BE DISTRIBUTED. mica), Fifty jn*r cent, of your money will he saved liy purchasing' your DRY GOODS —AT THE — BANDITTI STOHt, Nos.it7 A 29 ROYAL STREET Corner Customho' Notwitbstinding the great dull ness in trade before the passage of that Glorious Jetty Bill of our Benefactor EADS, TIIE BANDITTI Has fought its way through,and now more than ever will main • tain its renown as being THE CHAMPIO.1 OF THE NMOTH, i profits. Nos 27 A 29 ROYAL ST., cor: Customhouse One squate from Clay Statue. New Orleans, La., P. DEGUILHEM, Prop. June 5-75. NOTICE. r pHF UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED A to the corner of St. Philip and Market streets, next door to the Post Office, where he will keep an assortment of Charter Oak and other rooks stoves, fire grates, conking utensils. Glass ware. Tin ware. Bolts and Nuts. Charcoal, rivets of all sizes and kinds; ii" 1 * be prepared to do anv species of Tin. Zinc, light iron and copper work. ; isortment of wagon hubs, felloes, 1 Also;, n ass p ,,ol;,.s Jan 1st 8. T. GRISAMORE, . ! ; new ADVERTIZE IDO DOMESTIC" PAPERS,? The Best Pattern. made. Send SctT Address DOMESTIC SCTmm wS* Agum Van*, 1M2 CO.. Augusta. Maine ** 4 "Jet forty day,, and SintuA ^ y Future events llciiiierN thrown." nts prophesied u w Prophetj. md fU L tunes foretold in the ups and ees for the next twenty ream !?*1 jodg.d by the pas* past What money on pig iron, hoirs __ cotton, amF when we^an T'WU pitnie, what year hard tiiiL^Jfl business revive again. Every laeturer, legitimate trader should have this Imok 80 H! * (o avoid loss and he to any name, post-paid, SAMUEL BEN^EhVmJj t v. (). ryFOR IP PLETOHr 1 I A Household Wkly! devoted to port LAB LITEJtAi and all Matters of Taytt* Culture. ! Ai'Ui.i. tons' Journal iqipesrtlt^aJ and with other liicehauiml imM^3 making it tiie haudsoineNt jcurual iu the country. Arpun^V 1 NXI. aims To he eoeqiiv||(, ll8 iy e jjj its plan all branches of liteinttta a ing ail subjects of iuti-iest toV readers ; it designs to be «!e and pure in time : it give* m« twenty-ti e percent, moretluuithT of the Monthly Magazines, while j, ty its literature is of the l.i .,i— Price, $4 per Annum ; 10 CMl||t^| Special Announcei The undersigned have pnn ui^.e ly for suhsci-ilier* ,to .I rpltttmf splendid steel engraving of 'CHAS- DICKENS I!f HS0M which is offered, under sperid So every subsoriber—iu advance— for 187(i. This steel engraving is iu line ml R| It is uot a fancy |dcturp. but UmHk resell tat ion of'Charles Diikent* (S Gadshill, while the isirtrait otthej guished author is slri kingly ftirtftt * I hc size of the plate is 20 x 14, ishy ! heavy plate pa|»*r 24x30. muJiepI | and handsome engraving for tfespHh i library wall. The exeeutiou of tbejfiS a superior order. 1 The ordinary price of a slid cm j this character in the print-simps« j be less than tire an I jie iaifuti/if j offi-red rselusierly to tiits urih rnti j to Ibe .bo i:SM. tor one year. tnr| ! is. for 81 .(Ml additional, each re« ! subscriber to the .Ini hnal tori# ' reive a superb engraving worth mi i tun- s the amoltir. Tiiis engraving is entirely nr*. I never been for sale i:i theprmt«i j ranao■: In obi.lined itrtjd in ermmt I Aeuiaroxs Jollt.XAI. U|HIU lurk ■ condil ions given above, it will tel ' subscribers postage prepaid. D. APPLETON *< 5 t» A .1.11 II roads A WEEK gita sutrdtldj and female Agnus. hlialH eality. Costs NOTHIlllrtO it. .artienbr* fna.lffi VICKERY A CO., Augusta, 31c. #5tO#20KSkiiS| son A Co., Portiauu, .Maine. tk |>SYCHOMAXCY, OUSOl'Lf I ING" Ilow either «*v m»jl and gain the love and affectiaiasfli son they choose, instantly. This* possess, free, by mail, for 25etaR.I er with a Marriage (laidr. Egy] ele, Dreams, Hints to Isidy, ett sold. A queer Iiook. Address. T. r A CO. Pub's Philadelphia. AS CtKNiTW. the greatest Address, with stm Copying Co., Atlanta Ga. iTJSST and jsighr-seeiug. I un. Four C'oXTI* I 8k as. Mysteries of the OnRjH ' oka vlMis. Height, will). the most attractive hook not. I pect first rate. It sells / It, .' AUEATfi WAATkl j oner for descriptive ein'uUr* j^. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CD., 8t Louis, Mo. .> ew Ore;ins,C'oant t he Packeli The fine a*<l 66^ * e A*frnm JOE DALFERE8, Master; W PUS, Clerk. Leaves New Orleans every I*. M.. and Saturday at W *"5i down the Coast ill daylight «■ j. and Monday. I^or freight or on board or to - - ,-aH I!. RIVET, 30 Conti stree 1 I>. E. L0BI0 Dec IS 75 * T1 The fine and f*»t ROBERT YOO^ U. D Terre bon no, Frank I Muster. Leaves New-Oi leans every Thursday, at 5 P, M. Return^ Thibodaux every Wednesday day, at 6 A. M.' Extending tb* flip as for I.ovkport. tor freight or passage apply**, to HITE A CARLIN, 1 I). 18 75. Tchoupitonla* ger Steamer HENRY TETE, J. F. Aucoin, 2. H. Leaves New Orleans every Mon"U m., and Friday, at 1° a-m --* the. Coast in daylight every Wc Sunday. For freight or passage board or to _ B. RIVET. 9 Conti Stw*tL P. A. CHARLET. • Conti. F. The Fino Fa er, _ St. J01 j. c.i emu, Master, L< avi s New Orleans every W 12 M. and Saturday at 5 P- NL down rhe t'oaet In daylight on * Friday. , For Freight or Passage aPF-T E. O. MELA SC No.S> or to