Newspaper Page Text
SfltC S&ibOtlUUX J&ntittCt, ANJI Juurnal of the Sth Senutorinl District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, COR. MARKET AND PATRIOT ST ■ . ■ i, .. . .. . . . isscBrt evert hajukiu v D S. C'AGE, Jr. Editor. F- SANCAN* Pro'r Ac Business Manager OFFICE THIBODAUX..LA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY lflltti, 1876. Editorial Notes. —Col. F. C. Zacharie, whose untiring labors in the cause of Louisiana have brought Him into enviable prominence, spent a few days :n our section this week as the guest ot the Messrs. Woods on theDucros plantation. —Attention is cabled to the advertisement of C. B. Block & Co., dealers ia tobacco and cigars Customers of this house may rely on the quality of their goods, aud the lowness of their prices. —We call particular attrition to the card of Ay cock & Blanch ard published in another column. Both these gentlemen are well and favorably known in this sec tion, and all parties having ship ments of oonntry produce to make .will consult their own interests by consigning to them. —Mr. Joseph Grnnwald of Mis sissippi made a raid on ourcommu nity, this week, and a capture in the person of Miss Brily Frieden Xhal. As the lady seemed a willing captive, we conclude the move ment was the result of a previous understanding, and wish the couple continued happiuess-and prosperity. —The continued bad weather of last week prevented works on plantations but the clean and cool spell which set in at the commencement of this will enable most planters to get nearly all their canes into the ground. With j favorable weather bencefmvard i the prospects for this are bright indeed. The sfubhle crop is at ; least a month ahead of an ordina ry season and will of course have more time than usual in which -to mature. | i j : ------♦.*—---- —Wp were much gratified to ! receive thecominunicit'ons which appeared in our last issue. We wish it understood that this j paper is a medium through which we are glad to ventilate the views of our citizens on matters of pub j lie, and more especially of local interest. Our readers in all parts I of the district should remember that We are always happy to hear from theup, and we trust will eon tinne to send us coin nuicatipus from all sections. ____ry ~ . lye report of the committee ! investigating the Metropolitan j Police ot New Orleans shows thar ; an almost incredible system ol j co^upuon pervades that orgauiza ; tiou. Of JoOpuv.ites 116are'ulead : .beads, or men placed on the pay | .rolls who rendered no service | whatever m return for their sala ries. Tile collusion of the officers ! of the force with gamblers, bunko thieves, and other habitual law breakers, is clearly proved, and if s^nv justice can be wrung from the obdurate senate. Kellogg's stand ing army will probably be disban ded, or at least materially modi lied...... . —The recent confirmation of E. O. Billings as judge of the United States district court for this dis trict is au action perfectly consis tent with the whole course of the dominant, party toward Louisiana It a in IS a notorious fact that this man has probably done more than any other to deliver the Stat^i into tlje hands of the philistjnes • i,,..., 11 ' • « „ 1 , hardly a scheme .of wrong oi vjl lainy under Shadow of law was required .he ,ignu,„™'" j drunken JDurell to inscoll a boirus ' ia Louieiem -Si bis wily advice the iSaa Iwl i ton nlinwlursjfl ____I ton plundered m estates of bankrupts, and waxed tha | tat and insolent on the substance ! ot the unfortunate ; to his guiding baud,. KelloBB loA. t„ ed„t ,bt; that the laborer is worthy ol hire,! jepays him with an office ot trust j and dignity. Well may his fellow * cou.spira'ors reinice L.r ti>,m.. party of pro , gross Ml mis year of dawn-ng ro- . ^ UCi,iati,,U ' The Speech of sen ator Bruce We are inclined to think that the late speech of the colored Sen ator from Mississippi marks a new era in the political affairs of every section in which the negro tonus a considerable element in the body politic ; ai: era in which the tact that, he is a reasoning being, and not merely a political slave to obey with unquestioning faith the behests ot party leaders will dawn on him, and ire will begin to re fleet ou the responsibility of citi zenship so unexpectedly conferred on him. Bruce boldly proclaims that his race has been ridden too hard as a political hack, and that in the Southern employer they (have a safe guarantee of l'riend . . . . .,.. , s,u «' im,! ba , rmouv let alone by [ ,altIs t aM l'"lit'cia..s-that of ulen ! ty ot , of his nature in order to profit by his ignorance. Had the adventurers whose ex thought that the attachment of the negro for the republican party had its origin in a good motive ; not capable of comprehending the causes of the war, he only recol leets that the federal soldier was to him the emissary of freedom, and the carpet-bagger afterward appealed to every grateful feeliu cesses have at last begun to open the e\cs of the confiding negro been less piodigal of the fund of gratitude upon which they drew so largely, they might have tlni veil for a long period on the mis taken sense of obligation of the negro. But we hail with joy the least >igu that their dupes begin to estimate them at their true value. The negro has the right of suffrage, and we are sure that all save the hypocrites who fatten on their ignorance desire to see them educated to a point at which they can properly exercise that right; ami to Senator Bruce belongs the honor of first breaking the thralls thrown round his race by the art ot their pretended friends. Let us hope that he will be able to en lighten his brethren, and infuse th« spirit of freemen into a race of political slaves. j ■ | Effect of the war in Cuba. i —The A ew York World having denied that the devastation ot sugar estates in Cuba amounted f<> a degree sufficient to create a marked difference in the exports, jtlictftoi prepares a comparative statement ot 7he number of estate ia operation now ; s compared to the number at the commencement ofhosti lities in 1868. At that time then were over 1500 estates producing sugar and al !" 1 * 11 ^ increase in the crop, tloia . K * intro nf.oa of impioved maelnuery principal was trom el S b [ to * en per ^cent. Oh this P uoaoar a uout ^50 a,e situated !Eastern and Central tie Pertinents. iitese with the estates ,,! I ucito puuc'pe and Xurvitas looduee* 1 anuully 21,000 tons tit sugar. Not one of th ou lemaiiis now of 1L2 estates in Giiantaria m ) only about twenty are now ,iu opeiation. Since the cuban army crossed the trocha in Janua 1873 the destruction in dis j'tricts before unharmed has been immense especially since the commencement of this year. The official journal of Havana publish ed the tallowing notice of the sn gar crop on the 22th of Jan, last, "file opinion is general that the sugar crop of the present vear will fall 3U ner cent short of tint of 1875 , dealers in this article both in Europe and America. may base their calculations upon Oubas tiirnisbiiig 200,000 tons less than last, year." It will be re membered that last year's crop was fully 30 per cent, short of an average one and with the earn moils decrease of this year the market can hardly fan to be se riously disturbed. However it is an ill wind that blows nobody good, and we eon soled ourselves with the refine tion that Cuba's loss is our gain. j j j : | | | } j j j ; —Among the reform measures ; passed by the House of the Rep 1 ___i i ' resenr .Mv,. Woi,. ; . „ f Slate ' 0,ie fco re " u ^VlectiLTfve ° f ^ verv m-t/eri >iu ti, * educes j very materially the larire eiiioln meats heretofore enjoyed by these j favored officials, One of the most j tl,OSe "' ost ' t'hY ilh ' • «*'' ,J'" T,> by i " 1. J f r,e " ,,f "•I" 1 '<>• Ike pioililin lit conservative | members, a»d if it becomes a law will save a large amount annnal ! Iv wlii.-t. i tax eoLcrors In P '° m2y ^,'Z J° T A D mbnry eo j little daughter of * mers. A lady vis _ A Danbury couple have a nice . ^ isitor observed to ; his the roa'l "ant. Sl,fc's reil handy.'' iiicbIs, nnd tells him to got j . ui ot - h . er th,n F s lhat 1 ' | Our New York Letter. j i j ! | ! ; Vindicating the Almanac Landis's Acquital—Sweet Charity_The Cooks' Ball —Imports and Exports _ The Opera—"Rose Michel" [ Frow Our Own Correspondent\ Xew York, Feb. 8th, 1876 To the Editor of Sentinel : It's on us at last, all we want ol it. I he cars ou Saturday morning were few and over loaded, and drawn 'oy tour steaming horses. Pedestrians looked like Santa Clauses, or like A*etie explorers at the very least. The leafless branches were heavy with a cling ing mass, and those round brown saucy sparrows eternally hopping about Union Square looked like so many flies in a pan of milk. Thousands ot men and boys who for months have been slinking idly about the streets have sud denly straightened up, put on an air ot importance, and armed with •ill conceivable weapons, shovels, brooms, boards, and even shut ters, manfully fought the eiiemv out into the gutters. The bell's jingle gaily on flying sleighs—the snow has come, and the shame of Winter is taknn away. Not everybody likes snow for its own sake, but I guess few are sorry to see the fleecy masses which tardily prove the correct ness of the almanac—for really the joke was being carried almost too far, and a precedent being set for eccentricities on the part of the weather clerk which, if allow ed to continue, might eventually damage this old globe in which, as our only support until we be come ghosts, we naturally feel considerable interest. We also read this morning that the ice harvest has begun up the river, so that the dreaded scarcity of "cock tail timber" next summer will probably be avoided. Att'*i a long and exciting trial at Bridgeton, X. J., Landis, who shot th-> editor Carrutli, has been acquitted ot murder on the ground ot insanity, whereupon our staid and dignified Tribune breaks out into triumphal!' applause, ae knowledging that the insanity part is doubtless a humbug, but claiming iliac the laws of the country afford no redress tor such injuries as the dead man persisted in Imaping upon the object of his i enmity through editorial attack upon his family, and that thes (•iicnmst:i!i.:e.s went far toward ja.-»ril , ing the homicide. The Tri bum says: -He only killed the man who had wantonly pursued him relentlessly from public into P' i' ate life, had outraged decency in assaults upon his family, and had done this not once or twice in hot blood, but coolly and system aticaily tor years;" and further asserts that the acquittal should have hem expected trom the first. Murder trials are s . common with us, that this particular case would hardly lie worthy of special mention but for two or three points which it brings our. hirst. tb ere is the rare spectacle just alluded to ot such a paper as the oue quoted, not only defending a homicide, biU one in w hit!li a jour nalist was the victim. Then there is the testimony in the case which more than hints at the fact, that Garnith died at the hands of his surgeons, showing that "the probe is mightier than the bullet," and furthermore, there is the expres sion which the ease has called forth, ot the President's temper toward the press generally. Lan dis was Postmaster of Vineland, w-here the murder occurred, and Grant was applied to tor hisremov ai. "Why should I remove him from the postmastership ?" the President is leported to have re plied. "lie has done nothing but kill an editor." * j The annual Charity Bail, under the auspices of the ladies of Xew York, came oft on Tuesday even ing at the A raderny of Music, and in spite of hard times was one ot the most brilliant and success till since the inauguration 'ot the series, flie nail decorations were elegant, bat according to the rules ot the Association, severely simple. In thi* matter of dresses jand jewelry, liowe- er, no such ; restrictions exist, and the weli I filled floor was absolutely daz zliug ti.e whole night through. The Committee of Management, numbering over two hundred, comprised the cream of society, and file guests included well-nigh everyone of any social importance from Mayor Wickham down. The proceeds, which must be excep ttonally large, wili afford timely aid to the poor in the increased severity ot the weather. On the succeeding evening oc curred another entertainment, which although pitched at a lower key, socially speakiu w as hiird ly **8s note-won by. This was the f' nr , h a,llluul l»all of the French | Cooks, on the bank er^ so dehcaie thTthT^mWeil j their stems, and formed entire j admirably model j led statue of "Greece, v four feet ! in height, and made of appropri _Lite material, a group of "Wash ' * u " ton Hi,( * his Generals," in ice (:ream » ai| d ! > pastry chariot occu Lv two lobsters, and drawn by magnificent swans made of swans whipped lard, sailing over tossing waves of parsley and mashed po tato. The architects ot these vv >n derfnl designs were the chief cooks ot our prominent hotels. The Custom House returns of the port of ot Xew York, for the year ending June 30th, 1875, showed that the imports through this port were about 8363,000,000 in gold, or nearly a million a day. The exports during the same pe riod, though of course less in the aggregate, were in some branches quite large. During that year tne United States exported to foreign countries, as shown by the (Jus tom House returns at Washing ton parlor or reed organs to the aggregate value of 8363,132. The exports for the previous year were $202,151, showing some in crease. It is remarkable that more than half of these exports in each year were the Cabinet. Organs made by the Mason & Hamlin Organ Company, whose exports in 1875 were $185,820. and in 1874 were 153,160. Consid ering that there arc in this conn try from two hundred to two him died and fifty makers, this fact that more than half the instra ments exported are from this one company, shows iu what high es timation its wmk is held abroad. I he Titens Opera Season has proved a great success. Xilsou herself hardly diew larger or more enthusiastic audience and the Academy on an opera night has been a sight to gladden the managerial eyes and warm the managerial heart. The prima don na whose concert perfomances were rather coldly praised by the newspaper criri., a few weeks since, has fairly taken those gen try off their feet by h_*r renditions ol opera, and warmed their pens into writing big adjectives about her dramatic force. Aside trom the opera the lead ing amusements remain the same, w th no immediate prospect of change. "Rose Michel," which proves itself one of the successes of the Union Square, whose ma uageis Messrs Shook and Uai mer, show their appreciation of popular favor by increasing the strength and attractiveness of the i*L.y. The furore created by tins remarkable work tempted tin* publishers of the Y. Y. Weekly to I'iA violent hands upon the storv and make thereof a serial for their publication. Messrs. Shook and l .timer, who own theexeclu sive right to the work, have en joined its further publication. Radix Tin* followin' of interest to joint resolution, SUGAR BROKERS AND DEALERS, ' and planters generally was intro I , K . was llirro duct'd in the Senate bv Senator Goode, and was finally passed : Joint Resolution memorializing the Xational Congress to disciT initiate in the tariff' against all imports being the products of slave labor. Whereas, the institution of hu man slavery is repugnant to the spir t and sentiment ot this age of advancement and eulighmeut; and ' Whereas, it should be the poli cy ot the American Government, particularly in this the Centennial year of its existence, to be secoud to none ot the Great Powers, in a vigorous, persistent and detenu iu ed opposition to said institution, in any shape or form ; ami d i reef Yu terVen ti oiq tVo T.Io^p'rao ticable and effectual mode on the part of any government to break down and destroy the said system of human slavery, is to discourage and embarrass the sale of the products of said system ; Therefore be it resolved by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the State ot Louisiana in General Assembly convened, Thatthe Senate and House of Representatives of the National Congress be and they are hereby memorialized to levy a discriminative tariff against ail imports being the products of slave labor. Be it further resolved , That the Governor of the Suite be and he is hereby requested to forward at once, copies ol this resolution, du ly signed by himself, to the Presi (lent ot the Senate ami the Speak er of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, to be presented to the bodies over which they respective ly preside. A Detroit who didn't exactly know how to get a letter iegis tered, sent some money away t lie other day, and wrote on the envelope : "Registered with Alwa\ s thief. opeu to cou viction—a ; j Prof. Dana, of Yale College, with a party of twenty-five, went ou a short excursion the other j day for the purpose of observing j some glacial scratches. One ot the j students secretly made some scratches of his own upon a rock, and calling on the Professor to account for them, received the re ply : "They look like the work of au Irishman." "My dears, 1 miss something or somebody. I can't tell what or who," said Jones to his children as he sat down to tea the other night. "P'raps its mother, v said little Billy, "she's gone over to Aunt Jane's to tea." The child was right. It was Mrs. Jones who was missed, and Jones said in continuance, "Well, let's have a quiet supper, then. A fellow in Kentucky ran away with a farmer's daughter and horse, and was hotly pursued. The former got within close range and flourished a revolver. "Don't shoot, for heavetus sake shout ed the lover. -'I won't was the reply, "cause I'm afeared I'll hit tlier boss. Just leave ther boss and take ther gal." The compro mise was accepted bv the young folks, who walked on to the oreacher's house, the father rid itig home on his horse. "My client is no more guilty of stealing that hog than a frog ahi't got no tail,'' was a youug Kentucky lawyer's address to a Warren county jury* The wife of the A arquis of Bute was recently delivered of twins—a pair of Bntes, as it were .—Detroit Evening News. "We confess ttmf we don't like the devil .''—Louisville Courier Journal. Familiarity breeds con tempt. The male cricket chirps, while the female works in silence. Wo mans Journal please copy. His majesty, King Mtesa, of Africa, is clothed in nothing but dignity .—Detroit Evening Yews. Tvtoptl Ibis solved tfip problems ! "1 rXn!r si '' lu ' ge 1,loms ' a " 1 '' A waste of "t"—Putting it 1 e j 111 1.—.1 tin Calif im ia. Sometliiiigtliat olwavs soots—a fliiiiiuey sweep. ! fhe growth and structure of the human hair, is very plainly set forth in a pamphlet, published by R. P. Nall & Co., Nashua. X. I*, proprietors of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewcr, for gratuitous distribution. The deservedly high reputation of their pre j paration has wholly been gained by its I n,er '* 8 ' t ie ' n K free from oil and alcohol, it ; b:us a heilltl, - v action 0,1 the scalp, restoring ' gray hair to its natural color Without dvc *u.2 tt, cures itching of the scalp, removes and dandruff, and will thicken up the thick locks. Such are the, benefit which j are conferred upon the consumer. No one ! should neglect to gave it a trial.. Journal d; Statesman, Wilminton. Del. j C. B. BLOCK .IACOD MYERS Sltto-■' T -° 1,apere for little GUS. W'EILL —WITH— C. B. BLOCK & CO., holcsale Dealers in Tobacco nod Cigar*, No. 75 Grader Street ........... XcwOrleans ll'feb-lv— QI-B Ul.XBKIlD! The Thibodanx Sentinel AM) LOUISVILLE w eclily f'ourir r-.Iournal the price of one. Send u.s $4.01 and receive vour home pa- i per with the lOIKIIllt-JOlk. AAI., the best, wittiest, brightest and ablest City Weekly in the country. Joseph Atcock, F'ly ot Terrebonne Caj>t O. L. Bj.asch.vbd F'ly of Assumption A ACOCK & BLA3ILUAKD, —DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OK— Country Produce, 32 — . Bien ville Street .... 32 l-fv-lv I j 20 Ap New-Orleaus i ---j ! I In 4h - "Good Ditchers for T ^ lO ^Opuses. Goad prices .. Jd g P " r i »ply to T j D A it V lit | BaIIh Fmvi pi* 1 ' ,• ! tt ' 0 \e Plantation j l WANTED. NOTICE. B ids will be received at this Office, up to the first day of April, 1870, i A tor the ceiling and painting of the upper rooms of the Court House in the Town of I linlioilaux. Bidders tniPt spevifv kind of lumber and paints to he used, fhe wink will be paid cash. S. T. GKISAMORE 22ju-tolapl) Pres't Police Jurv NOTICE. I>IDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE OOftice ot Parish Treasurer for the sale of Parish '.Variants (oid issue), and all monies 'oiuiug into the Redemptiou Fund will he used lor the purchase of said warrants monthly, to the lowest, bidder. 8. T. ORI8AMORE. ~') an Pres't Police Jury | urer ' 8 , . ------- , payment on or before the 15th. of March ' 1 ies t 1 bhee Jury ' ooks. 2~jn .tonich.ll. PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY ! b:ivc tiiTau£P(l, thron-di libera eon r rue is with iiiioiuiiietiirein. to ; ive to ajfentx and olulw ot'sulwfi ibors the lotlowiijo very line prcniiumn. SEWING MACHINES. Rl. MEAI HER THE WEED SEWING-MACHINE CO. Ia oue of the oiliest and best established Sewing-Machine Companies in A lueiiea Their Machines rauk amoiii/ the very best Premium No. 1, No. 1 Weed Sewing-Machine Premium No. 2, No. 2 Weed Sewing-Machine Premium No. 3, No. 3 Weed Sewing-Machine ( annor the reader lortu a club in his or her neighborhood and secure oue of these excellent Sewing-Machines as u premium > A few hours of well-directed effort will ob tain it. ORGANS. Premium No. 4 is a E. P. NEEDHAM & SON'S Celebrated Silver-Tougue Organ. Two Set of Heeds, six stops......Price, $205 Premium No. 5 is a E. P. NEEDHAM & SON'S Silver-Tongue Organ. Three Sets ot Reeds, ten stops. This Organ is a very large si/e and admirably fitted for Churehes and large balls.......Price. $d\!.>. It nill be easy for a congregation, desirous to make a A HOLI DAY Pitiisim to the pastor, to secure the remiisile number i t subscribers. Many a Nablm(Ii-*«-hu»l, Lodge, or Claurt-li u.-ed an organ. I'ass (he hubM-riplion Paper. SILVER W.ARE. The Premiums under this class are from the w: 11-known Silverware House of Kkki> & Barton. Ibis is the oldest house in this brunch ot business in the cenutry. Anv Sil verware dealer will tell you that the Kef.d Sl Barton goods have a reputation at least e<[ital to the very Is-st. A'o of Xante of Price of Premium. Premium. Premium. ti..Napkin Ring, decorated in Japan ese style........................$| oo '..Child's cup. gold lined............ •> 75 8.. Hail'dozen tea-spoons............ 3 00 9.. Child's set (knife, fork, aud spoon), in litie morocco case, satin lined. 4 00 10.. Half dozen table spoons or forks.. 6 00 11 ..Butter dish, with knife rest.......8 50 12.. Cake-basket, new pattern.........13 50 BL.Iee piteber, seamless lining.......15 5U 14.. A Communion set, 5 pieces.......27 50 We will give the above described pre miums for Clubs of Subscribers, as follows : iV>. of An. of Xo. of Xo. of Premium Sub'bet No 1..............3 No 2____ No 3____ Premium Sub'bcrt No 8................9 ..40)No 9................8 45 No 10..............10 No 4..............130|No 11..............jg No 5..............175 No 12.............18 No 6................4 No 13..............20 No 7................8INo 14..............30 ! gw a & wa a■■ a■» BANDITTI S TORE Relief at last! Help nil around! I AM XOT AFRAID To announce that the JETTIES ARE A SUCCESS! Atteutiau! Atwiition! ! SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO BE DISTRIBUTED. j Remember the past tllld be eCOIl niicai, Fifty per cent of vour I l 110 ^ 1 money will be saved by purchasing your MT GOODS —AT THE — BANDITTI STORE, JfosAT dc 29 ROYAL STREET Corner Customhouse. Notwitbst Hiding the great dull ness in trade before the passage of that Glorious Jetty Bill of our Benefactor EADS, . THE BANDITTI Has fought its way through,and now more than ever will maiu tain its renown as being THE CimiPION OP THE MOUTH. Banditti's motto: Quick sales and small Nos 27 iV 29 ROYAL ST., cor: Customhouse One sqnaie from Cluv Statue. New Orleans, La., P. DEGUILHEM, Prop. June 5-75. i j i Subscription Price OK THE Price Current Sugar & Rice Crops Book. Reduced to $3 per copy. The statistical returns of the different parishes are coiniug in daily. A number of them have been received, giviug thorough returns of their respective parishes. The hulanon are protniseil to ns bv our agents by the first proximo, euabling .is to publish t!ic "Book as announced in (he Price Cur rent. We are pleased to inform the sugar , n ™ ,nIere «ts that our subscription list wait ants a reduction in the price of suh S(, ription to the Bo.ik from $a to $3 per cop v As the subscription list increases the price further reduced to a sum tnerelv „ . --------- — .. sum tnerelv summont to cover our actual expenses anil pay us a reasonable profit. Subscriptions solicited by GLO. W. SQUIRES, Thihodaux, for the Parishes of Assumption, La ' 1 —' * _ aajn J. BACHEBIY, • Cotton and Sugar Factor, General Commission .Wert-hunt — AND— ^ EA ^ER IX WESXERX PRODUCE — * ort h Peters Street.....No. 53 P'-f-R Biouvillo Sc Conti. Ne.v Orleans Agent-ft fuurche, and Terrehontic. .4.1 Orders and Consignments Promptly Attended to. (ik> 20 ly | To Klee Planters. utnlersigned nroposee to lease out , ■* 1 ^' aipents fresh lanti.suitable for Rice culture,,— m lots of from 39 to nrpents, —or larger if required—at rate of One Fifth <me mile Above Thibodaux.—Right. Bnuk. DAVID TUGH. , Honduras Meed Wire. ' Lafourche ( roeain* Xf:W AD D ''DOMESTIC" PApci The Beet Pattern* made. Address DOMESTIC S£WI» Aoxiirt Wsjitxb. -gj ntlit anf > ten* ( O., Au gusta, Maine. rel forty days, and " ^ Future events pr ()p ; llenuei-'a l»ropli»,u tones foretold in the uns - «;es tor the next twentf— juiigtd by the past WWlI money on pig iron, ^ '•otton, and when we name, wlnit year hard m»L liusuioas revive auain faeitner legitima^r^ should have this hook to so as to avoid low and he to any name, post-uaid ■S VidCEL BENNER i ' ty, o. r? POR l; |P PLETO I -TO A Household W'kly UKVOTKD 10 POPl LAH UTE atul all Matters of* Culture. Arri.EToxs' Journal an— and with other meehaaiVJd lnaking it the liandsotiiestit ,ji urual in the country. \ x vi, aims to he coiMpr*lie~ its plan all hrauches nl'htTL ing ail subjects of intercut ls-aders; it designs tubed; aud pun- iu tone ; it givesio twenty-ti e percent, more of the Monthly Magazine*, ty its literature is of the b' Price, $4 per Annum; 10ee* Special Aimos The undersigned have; ly for subscriber* to A splendid steel c-ngravingV ms -sickens n which is offered, under every subscriber—in ad? for 1876. This steel engraving is ia" 11 is not a fancy picture, resentation of'Charles I)- 4 Gadshill. while the portrsir guisbed author is strikingly The size of the plate i* jur heavy plate paper -..4x30, 7 and handsome engraving " library wall. The exeeutioBnl ti* a superior order. The ordiioirv nrire iifast«i ' this character in rhe print he less than fin an 1 perhaps ns offered exchmi-c!y toivbitn to the Journal for ore year is. for $1.00 additional, eaek subserilier to the JoiC.XALfpiX loive a superb engraving times tile anionn . This engraving is entirety never been for sale in the pdsl carvin' b~ oh' lined inept in.' Aeir.KTo'.s Jou.fAi. uiwa romUtious given above.. If auhsi-riber, postage j repaid. D. APPLE! 540 & SSI Hr FA WEEK . [and leomie i ealitv. Cants .T it. Vnrtifnlara j VICKERY A. CO., Augtuu* !#5io®20sS i son Si. Co., l'ortiand, Maine. IJSYCHOMANCY, 0B. J ING" How either sc* and gam the love and off-, son they choose, instantly, possess, free, by mail, li>r 25 er with a Marriage Guide, e'.e, Dreams, Hint* tu Lrtiy r sold. A queer boon. AddmM, Si. CO. Pub's Philadelphia. 1 GENTS, the greatest xVage. Address, with zLY Copying Co., Atlanta Ga. ' DUHT AND 11 Sight-seeing. Tun, lion Four Conti-' 11 Seas. Mysteries of the Mr (, ravings. Bright, Kitty. the most attractive liook ott' pect first-rate. It sells i 4 ! A CHEATS WAA once for descriptive eipiular* ANCHOR PUBLISHING 00, St Louis, .Mo. Xew Oreans.d i che Packefc The fine Pttcklrt assum JOE DALFERES, Master; PUIS, Clerk. Leaves New Orleans every P. M., and Saturday at 12 down the Coast in dal light ■ anil Monday. For freight or on boartl or to B. RIVET, 9 Conti »t P. E. LOBIO Dec 18 75 The line aud find robrkt % U. I) Terrebonne, Frank. Master. Leaves Xew-orleans every Thursday, at 5 P. M. Keto I hiboduux every W'eilncsda.' - day, at fi A. il. Exteuding WJ, trip as lor Lockport. For freight or passage app'J to HITE&CAKI D. 18 75. Tcboupitouhw P Tl 1 ** F inc * nd ^ ger Steamer HENRY TETEt J. F. Auooin, M. H. u Matter, Leaves New Orleans every m., and Friday, alria. in — K . tbo Coast in daylight every W Sunday. For freight or pa" hoard or to .. B. RIVET. 9 Conti Street! P. A. CH ABLET. 9 ConU F. The line I : **" er, ST. J J. C. ij-ge.ron, Master, w • Leaves New Orleans every 1£ 51. and .'-•aturday at 5 P- A down the Coast, iu daylight on Friday. For Freight or Passage s or to B. IV M No.