(forme of Subscription
One year [in advance]........ $3 ««
« within 3 months____ 3 f »0
•• " " 6 " ---- 4 00
One oopy ................... 10
, SANCAN. Pro'r & Business Manager.
®ht| tSMifo SttMtang $fenttneL
Official Journal of the Town of Thibodaux.
Rates of QUiucrtismg: ^
Ok* Sun a** (q# tax Like.;
First insertion ............ $1 £0
Second insertion.............. 75
Each subsequent insertion 0
Caxbtdates................ $10 00
Corner Market and Patriot Streets.
NO. 31
business cards.
8 SF.LINEAU, MRS. E„ Dry Goods.
Fanry Article*. de., rorner Market
ndRt. I^niis streets,
UCOfN. P. A., Family and Planta
tion Groceries, Main street, between
oetts nnd St. Philip st reets .
ZEtt A, C., Coffee House Keener, Main
St., between Jacknou aud St. Philip
Notaries public. Office Green Street,
LUM, S. Pry Goods and Grocery, cor
ner Main and Jackson Streets.
APEAt'X, J. Family and Plantation
Groceries, Main Street, corner Main
A. Focus.
IADKAUX, THOMAS. Attorney at Lair
corner Main and Focus Streets, up
IILLIU. J. S., JHnao at T/am. —offi -e
> f ritter St, Philip and Main st reets
kl.AKK, K YY'., Attorney srf Lam, —of
> lice Green Street,
sLANCHAItP, .1. K., Sargrem Dentist.
> —office, corner Green and St. Bridjt
t Streets.
IOPLKY, Wagons and t Mrts. Di-pst on
9 Levo* Street near the Thibodaux
minify- W. H. RAGAN. Age'it.
ker and Gunsmith, Dealers in Jr.mel
ry fire-arms t£c, corner Market and St.
Last. Streets.
and Groce rit*s*xw.*-c Main anil (ireen
IKOSS YY YV, PShymeian dr tSssognmi, O i
j Hire: Sack son Sltvwf
L.ES1XX. JUAN. liai.er. Main bcoc.et,
corner IVCriot
VAN'SEUKAC, P_ I%gi»r*aii. o«wr
/ Jackson aail Slnirt Streets.
) ANSICREAU. li_ ihysir.ian, reruir
St, Philip and St- End-set Stt'ote
NXCELSK >K—iAIVKlK NO. 7U.—toe-ti
lar mrethrs* at the Ibid Fellow's
all, earner MaiAset and Patriot, every
itnnlav evenintrat 7 o'clock.
Officers: IV Tiiibfidan* N. (!.:OA»hi*
. G.; S. T. Grisamore, Sec. ; V. Sancaa,
''ROST JAMES, Cofee fI note keeper,
1 corner Green and Market Streets.
3RIEDENTHAL MRS. S ., Family a*d
iVau/utton Gentries Jackson Street.
I ^RANKLIX. H-. Acting Clerk of the
1 Dishirt Court .—office Colllt llou.ee.
t M.EF.TW'tOD. J. 11.. Drug Store Mark
Street. iwiivnt ii St. Louis ami Green
Str eet s . _______
F r.F.CTYY'OOO J. II.. Physie i«e .—ot
fice Market Strre r, betwei u St. lai.iis
and Green Streets.
ihroprietor, i-orimi St I a mis alld Mai
ket »t*. _
< 'l ItlSAMORE. S. T., Agent .\orlh Arne
I rirci Life Insurance Co. Corner Mar
ket and St. Philip, streets.
G OODE. J. s.. Attorney at Lam,— offlee,
over J. 11. Fleetwixsl Market Street
C 1UIOX LEYY'IS, Attorney and Counsel
U lor at Lain. Office, over J. n. Fleet
wood Drug store. Market Street.
H ESSE MRS. S. M its nary ansi Fancy
Dry Goods, Corner St. Looi* and
Main Streets.
H igginbotham, m. t., cierko/ihe
Tomn Corneil —office, corner Jack
son and Levee Streets.
H OLDEN, B. F.—Stages, Thomas S.
Holden conductor. In connection
with M. La. & T. R. R. to LafourcheCro*
•ing—Office, under Franklin House,
OLDEN, II F. U.icery stable, come
St laiuis and Bridget.
U OEFMANN, K.. Curriege Maker. Lie
ery Stable, corner Jackson and St.
Bridget Street*.
H OFFMANN. W., Dry Goods and Gro
ceries, Main Street, between Focus
and St. Philip Streets.
man J*roprietor, L. liardel. Con
ductor, in connection with Morgan's Lou
iriana, and Texas R. li. Lafourche Cros
* B K
a OGAN. I*., Itoiler Maker, corner L< -
vee and t 'hurch Streets.
H ome hook and ladder co.
No 1. Regular meeting* on the
lint Monday of each mouth. Regular ex
ercises on Sunday preceding tbo first
Monday of every Month.
Officers - R. li. McBride Preside 11 L E.
Loisiau Vice President, C. Aremx, Fore
man, R. Frost, l*t Asst. Foreman. YY'. II.
Ragan, 2nd Aa*t. Foreman, J. Omer Lsn
dry Secretary, Henry Riviere, Aa*L
Secretary. H. Faure, Treasuier. Leo Au
naia, W arden. Megel C»^«-Uo, Tyler.
K LING, DAY'ID. Dry Goods, Shoes,
Boots, Hals, Caps 3 kc.. corner Main
*nd Focus Streets. _
R N01IL0CH A. F.. Parish Judge, Of
fice at Court House.
K nobloch, «;lay & Arthur, ai
tomeys and Counsellors at Lose .—i>f
>• Jp Stairs Main St., lietween Jackson
Philip Streets.
I ARKIN J. Mechanical Engineer and
JJ tnmnufaeturtr of sugar Apperams. and
m*eki»rry —Residence, Jackson street.
t ARKIN, Mrs. ,T. Variety store. Stores
' 0(lf, 77 n ware, &c—Jackson street
"■ "osite St-Rridget st.
..., LOUIS. Sadler, corner St
and St. Bridget Streets.
ir»KI 8 AMORE, Copper. Tin and Sheet
XX Iron Workers, cornea Market and
$4- Philip streets.
Phili,; an
I EOENDRE, JOS., Groceries.
i *4 and Liquors, corner Gfpei} anil
, OISEAU. E., Tailor. Maiu Street, he
tween Jackaonapd St. Phili)» Streets
OHIO, P. E,, Justice of the Peace, 2nd
tWard M 'Mayor of the Town, —of
1 re nter Green and I^ree Street*.
my for the Young Ladit a. nnder the
Sfcemion at Stotar St. Barnard.
UETKieR, a . Dealer in Foreign, and
™ Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries. Ac.,
StMotcorner St Philip., .
\l*•» Foreign and Domestic
it Jr'icles, Main
treet, between St. Louis and St. Philip
't recta. *
\f U. H., Parish Treasurer
a.v» Office, Green Stre et, cor. Market
YT°ORE, I. 1). Attorney at Lam.—at
Vatu™ UP '' Uir '' >Ulu St - c,,rn< r
O SCHAVALI), ,1. Cl..Shoemaker. Main
Street lx-tweeu St Louia and Green
/~k SI LLIY AX, E. A. Attorney at Lam,
Green Street, between Main and
iluhodatlx StVeeta.
P HILIPl hAL ALFRED, Dnlccr, corner
le're and Miironjre Streets.
P ERRIN. A. J. foriegn and domestic
goods, Hals, shorsaod groceries, cor
ner Main an d St-Philip street*
din'' llmisc, Jackson St. Regular Pa
nuU*H 011 tuf thinlSuiulay of eadi month,
and regular meeting on the third Monday!
Officers:—P. A. Aucoiu, President; M.
Cointeimnit, Vief-Presiilent; C. Sahourin,
Secretary ; K. J. Lagarde, Assisti ml Seere
tarv ; YV. O.-Ragan. Foreman ■ Ben. Mal
breugh. Assistant Foreman ; Frantz Zer
not. Hose Director; John Hav. Assistant
llow Direr t or ; YV. Rrockhoeft.Trcasnrcr.
R 1Y Ir-liE, I.. Dry Govts, corner Main
nnd St. lamis Streets.
S ANCAN, \\. Agent Seen Mutual Fter
Insurance, Company. 'IVhwlanx La.
S ANCAN'. Y'. Local Agent and Cnllertor
Office Thibodaux Sentinel, Market St
O l'.ERTl. Proprietor, corner '1 li
wail Green Strre f*.
OT. JOHN S SCHOOL.—Bev. C. F. 1).
O Lyne y>rim-ip*3 Jack-son Street near
St. John's Cl lurch.
CA IV d ldX, C., Surgeon Dentist. Office;
ij Jja-kron Street, between Thibodaux
aad St Bridget sis.
D'».-sistaace MutuelU- tie Thilselaux
L*s« fcaniT n^guWre «le eette sociAtd
out licru )e ^ictuier i«uii ,k- cliaipie mois
it 7 be«i-es du wiir <ln lev octobre au ler
a' rii, et 4 S fcmres dn ler avril an ler oe
Offieiers:—IT. IMnsenmu, President :
P. A. Aneoin. Vice President . F. Sancan,
S<-cr«-taii«-: II. H. Micht let, Assistant Se
cretain' E. Loiscau, TrCwirivr ; Tbeoplii
U- Thibodjuix. ( oiicyteur ; Alceste Ilnur
gisiis. it rer.
r |tETREAI'. 11.. Carriage Maker an
1 Horse Khoeinij, corner Levee and P
trioS Stin t*.
tABOK H. YV.. Family and Planta
tion Grooerie s. (Ireen Street,iM-ttveoa
1 -ami Market Streets.
rpHIBODEAUX. JOS. T.. Pharmacist,
1 Dealer in Patent Medicines. Perfu
tarry. See., corner of Main and St. Philip
r | > HIB<>l»EAl'X. JOS. T„ Treasurer of
I the Town, corner Main ami St. Philip
J. Constable, Assessor, Collector and
Wharfinger Office Grecu Street between
Market and Levee.
Regular meeting on the first YYVduesday
ot each month, at 7 o'clock, at the office
oi Judge Lorio. Cor. Green and I^veo.
Officers :—H. N. Coulon, President. J,
YV- Kuobloeh, Vice Pre*ide.nt. M. T. Hig
giubotluini. Secretary. C. Azemu, Treiuut
rer, J. Hay. Censor,
JL Orgeniaeil Septeinhi-r 7th, 1S74. Offi
ccrs : —YV- II. Ragan Chief Engineer, P.
E. Lorio. 1st Assistant ; A. B. Ragan,2nd
Assistant; Norbert Roth. Secretary &
Treasurer ; J I- Aucoiu, Delegate of the
Thibodaux Fire Co. No. 1. J. Lagarde, and
S T. KcMcnadc Delegate of the Home
Hook A. Ladder Co. No. 1
J. C. SI. Menard, situated in one ot the
most healthy parts of the town ot Thibo
V ERGES. J. M. &. Co. Barber, Main
Steet. between St.Isviis and Green
sttreet _ ___
— KKRIKR, T.. Gunsmith. Main St., be
tween St. Louis and Green Street*
''EURE L. A., Sherif, Office et Court
_ „
>HIBODAl'X SENTINEL. J<>b Oft tee.
corner Market and Patriot Streats.
j--—---- ~ " ~"
I. No 90. A. F. and A. M.—Regular
meetin u * ou the second Saturday and tin
last Saturday ®f Every month, at 3 o'clock
W INDER. THOMAS. District Attor
tiey. — ofiiiv. Market Street, be
tween Maronge and Patriot Streets.
tionery and Soda hater. Green
Street between Market and Main Street*.
' Gatuiird, Proprirtur. Marki-t St
l*twi*i» St. Philip awl St. I-oui* St reet*.
Levee ami
P. M., Greeli Street, lietweeli
Market Streets ________
£ Room at Tomn Hall, Levi-e St. Ri g
uliu' paraile* ou mooml Sunday ot ein-n
month. Regular Meetings on Monday af
ter the second Monday of every month.
Officers:—S. T. Griaamore, Pres.ileut,
E E LeBlane, Vice President. P Trone,
Secret-irv M.T. Higginbotham, Assistant
Secretary! H. YV. Talmr. Foreman.
.-me Director, O. Malbrou, Tyler, Jos. T.
Thilioileaux Treasurer.
Civil Engineer,
Jackson Street, opposite St. Bridget
rwtltONE -I- A- Books and stationary depot
J. Market street, between St. Philip aud
St Louis (opposite
Photographic Gallery, up stairs
YY'asliington Hotel).
Z ERNOrT, FltANK. Watehmaker anp
Drier in fine Jeriry At. Main St: Oe I
Utwren St. Philip and Jackso n -Street*■
r a A/ZO Dn- J- B C.. Physician and
0 AeoocAewr, Thibodaux P. O.. La/oor
the Parish,.lm. . .1
Y oung men's dramatic club.—
of each month.
OfficersThomas A. Badeaux, Presi
ident ; Emile Loiscau. Y'ice President ; J
Omer Landry, Treasurer; Henry Riviere
Secretary ; F. Sancan. Stage Manager ; J.
A Perrin, assistant Stage Manager; John
Hay,Property Man; T.Bergeron. Costumer;
A F. Kuobloeh, Prompter; J. L.'YYVbro,
Assistant. A. H. Ragan, Floor Manager,
Thomas Hidden, Door Keeper.
Committee ot Arrangements : A. B. Ra
gan. Chairman. J. N. YV right, L. Aucoiu.
M. T. Higgingbotliaui
YVIIAT pays 1
I T PAYS every Manufacturer, Merchant,
Mrrhanir, Ineentar, Farmer, or Pro fession
at man, to keep informed on all the improve
ments and discoveries of the age.
IT PAYS the head of ereiy family to intro
duce into ids household a newspaper that is
instructive, one that fosters a taste for inves
tight ion, and promotes thought and encour
ages discussion among the members.
A lias been published weekly for the last
thirty years, does this, to an extent beyond
that of any oilier publication, in fact it is
the only weekly pajier published in the Uni
ted Stated, devoted to Manufactures. Me
rhunies. Intentions and Aeic Discoveries in
the Arts and Sciences.
Every uiituber is profusely illustrated and
ts contents embrace the latest and most
interesting information pul tabling to the In
dust rial. Mechanical, and Scientific Pro
gress of the YY'orld; Descriptions, with
Beautiful Engravings, of New Inventions,
New Implements. New Proet sses, and Ini
proved Industries of all kinds ; Useful
Notes, Recipes. Suggestions and Advice,
bv Practical Writers, for YY'orkmen and Em
ployers, iu all tlie various arts, forming a
complete repertory of New Inventions and
Discoveries: containing a weekly record not
only of the progress of the Industrial Arts
in our own country, but al.-o of New Dis
coveries and Inventions in every branch ot
Engineering, Mechanics, and Science a
the foremost of all industrial publications
for the past Thirty Years. It is tin- oldest,
largest, cheapest, and the best weekly illus
trated paper devoted to Engineering, Me
clianirs, Chemistry, New Inventions.Seienoo
and Industrial Progress, phblisbed in the
The practical receipts are well worth ten
times tin- subscript ion price, and for the
shop and house w ill save many times tlie
cost of subscription
Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics. Engineers
Inrentors, Manufacturers. Chemists. Lorers
of Science, nnd People of all Pro fessions, will
find till- SciKNTIKIC AlIKKIC.VS useful to
them, it should haven place in every Fami
ly, Library. Study. Office, and Counting
Roam ; in every Reading Room, College and
School. A new volume comnieiiccs Junnarv
1st, !S7o.
A year's numbers eon aili S33 pages and
Sereral Hundred Engravings. Thousands of
volume* ace preserved for binding and refer
ence. Terms, $3.g0 a year by mail, including
postage. I Recount to Clubs. S|tecial circulars
giving Club rates sent free. Single copies
mailed on receipt id' 10 cents. May be laid of
all New Dealeis.
P A fit i.s W'rfyxt In connection wi*h
1\ 1 VjL\ 1.0. the SCIENTIFIC
AMERICAN, Messrs Mi .nn & Co. arc Soli
citors of American and Foreign Patents,and
have tlie largest establishment ill tlie World.
More than fifty thousand applications have
been made for patents through their agency
Patents are obtained on tlie best terms.
Models of New Inventions and Sketches
examined and advice free. A speeial notice
of all Inventions Patented through this
Agency, with the name and residence of the
Patentee. Patents are often sold in part or
whole, to persons attracted to tlie invention
by such notice. Send for Pamphlet, contain
ing full direction* forobtiiining Patents. A
tienud volume containing tlie Patent lei ms.
Census, of the U. S'., and 142 Engravings of
mechanical movements. Price. 2.) Cents.
Address tor tlie Paper, or concerning Pa
tent*, MI VT &4'0„ 37 Park Row, New
York. Mranrlt Office, Cor. F St 7th
Sts , YY" ashing ton, D. C.
Eighteen hundred and seventy-six is the
Centennial year. It is also the year in which
an Opposition House of Keprt sentatives.lhe
first since tlie war, will lie in power at
YY ashingtou ; and the year of the twenty
third election of a President of the United
.Stales All of these events are sure to lie of
great interest and importance, especially
the latter; and all of them and everything
connected witli them will be fully and fresh
ly reported in Tiik Si;n.
* Tlie Opposition House of Representatives,
taking up tlie line of inquiry opened years
ago by Tiik Sex. will sternly and diligently
investigate the corruptions and misdeeds of
Grant's administration ; and will, it is to lie
hoped, lay the foundation for a new and
better period in our national history. Of all
this Tiik Sun will contain complete and
accurate accounts, furnishing its readers
with early anil trustworthy iuformatiou
upon these absorbing topics.
The twenty-third Presidential election,
with the preparations for it, will be memo
rable as deciding upon Grant's aspirations
for a third term of power and plunder, and
still more as deciding who shall lie the
I candidate of the put ty of Reform, and as
; electing that candidate. Concerning all these
1 subjects, those who read Tiik Sirs Will have
| tin-constant means ot being thoroughly well
i iiifnrtiit-d.
The YY'kkki.t Sfx, which has attained a
j r i r ,-ulatiou of over eighty thousand copies
| already has its reader* iu every State and
! Territory, and we trust that the year 1876
j will see their numbers doubled. It will eon
j t j nut . to lie a thorough newspaper. All the
; general news of the day will be found in it,
j condensed when unimportant, at full when
of moment ; and alway*, we trust, treated
iu a clear, interesting anil instructive man
It is our aim to make the YY'kkki.y Si n
the best, family newspaper in the world, and
we shall continue to give in its columns a
large amount of miscellaneous reading, such
as stories, tales,poems, scientific intelligence
anil agricultural information, for which we
are nut able to make room in our daily cili
tion. The agricultural department especially
is one ot itsprmninont features. The*fasliions
an- also regularly reported in it* column* ;
anil so are the markets of every kind.
The YY'kkki.t Sun. eight pages with fifty
six broad columns is only tfl.ltO a year,
postage prepaid. As this price barely repays
the cost of the paper, no discount can is
made from this rate to clubs, agent*, Post
masters, or anyone.
The I>AH.Y sits, a large four page newspa
per of twenty-eight columns, gives all the
new* for two rents a copy. ubsi-ription.
postage prepaid. 35e, a month or 80,70
a year hcsntT edition extra. $ 1.10 j»er year.
Wtt have 00 traveling A<Kire«n.
THL SUN, New York City
r A.O'tiULLnAN,
T-Js Attohsft at-Law,
Green St., between Main St Thibodaux St*.
Will practice in the Parishes of Lafourche
Aa.-umpruvn. aud Tem-b inne Tlno-ly
She thibodaux Sentinel,
— AX!>—
Journal of the Nth Nenntorinl District*
rssYisn KVKUY satckday
D S. CAGE, Jr. Editor.
F- SANCAN* Pro'r A Business Manager
Thibodaux Bridge Company.
By Uncle Silas.
The subscribers to the stock in
Thibodaux Bridge company in
stead of going before the Legisla
tare to obtain a charter, went be
fore a Notary Public in aceor
dance with tlie existing law, and
obtained the following Charter.
State of Louisiana.
Be it known by ihese presents.
That on this the thirtieth day
of May, in the year of 0111
Lord, one thousand eight hun
tired and fifty six. and ot the In
dependence of the United States
of America, tne eightieth,
.Before Joseph Nicholas, a du
ly qualified Notary Public in
and for the Parish of Lafourche,
State aforesaid, and theiein resi
ding, anti in presence of the wit
nesses hereafter named and sub
scribing :
Personally came and appeared,
Patrick Henry Gary & Co., duly
represented by Patrick Henry
Gary, Edward James Brnff.
James McCurdy Crawford, James
F. Thompson, Joachim Badeaux,
Roust an & McEvcrs, duly repro
sented by J. B. Ronsta:i, John
\Y. Dedeiick, Eugene Godefroid
Robicliaux, Vietoi liicliard, Louis
Sylvaiu Allain, Fayette (Jouuly
Ewing, Jerome R. Van Liew,
Miles A McLeod, Adolphe Perrin,
The corporation ol tlie Town of
Thibodaux, duly represented by
the Mayor, Jonathan Church
White, Louis Langmatt, Jean
Francois Riviere, L. V. Riviere,
I>. Dtitac, Etienne Olivier & Co.,
duly represented by Auguste
Bertrand ; George Washington
Westbrook, Joint Larkin, Syl
vain T. Dauniw & Bros, duly rep
resented by Lufroi Daunis, John
Conklin Ragan, anil W. li. Ra
gan, duly represented by J. C.
Ragan, and Joseph lvlelier Gour
dain, all residing in the Town,
Parish and State aforesaid;
Charles Dupre, Louis Bush.
James Augustin Scuddv & Co.,
duly represented by James Au
gustin Seutldy ; Donaldson &
Nelson, duly represented by An
tlrew J. Donaldson ; the estate
aud succession of the late de
ceased Andrew Collins, duly rep
resented by John A. Collius;
all of tlie Parish of Lafourche ;
and Arthur M. Foley, of the
Parish of Assumption, State
aforesaid duly represented by P.
H. Gaiy:
Who severally declared : That
willing to aY'ail themselves
the benefit of an Act of the Leg
islature of this State of Louisiana
entitled "An Act for the Organis
atiou of Corporations for works
of Public Improvements ami
utility ," approved the 14th. of
march 1855, and numbered 131,
page 182 of the Statute Book, for
the last mentioned year:
That they have especially asso
ciated themselves, and other per
sons who may hereafter join or
associate with them for tlie pur
pose hereinafter mentioned and
set forth, and for the term of
twenty five years.
In consequence thereof they do
hereby covenant and agree be
tween themselves.
1—That their
Association i
shall be known uuder the name j
and style of the Thibodaux Bridge i
Company , the principal office J
» hereof is hereby located in the
aforesaid Town of Thibodaux.
2°—The object of tiiis corpora
tion is to erect a Pi rot Bridge
across the Bayou Lafourche, at
any suitable point, within the
limits of the said Town, as shall
be designated by a majority of
the stockholders in amount, to
cross over, at any time of the day
or the night, any person or per
sons. horses, mules, cattle, carts,
wagons, carriages of ail kinds,
and all other Y'eliicles of whatso
ever nature, empty or loadeJ.The
President of the Board of this cor
poration shall be de facto, the offi
cer upon whom citation may be
3—The amount of the capital !
stock of tkiacor|M>rutiou is hereby
fixed at thirty thousand dollars,
divided into twelve baud red
shares,each of twenty five dollars,
with privilege, if the majority of'
stockholders, in amount, think
proper to increase the capital
slock to the sum of thirty five
thousand dollars, also in shares
of twenty five dollars. The pay
ment of each share in this cor|>o
ration shall be as follows : Five
dollars per share on subscribing,
ami for the balance of their anb
cripliou each stockholder shall
furnish his promisory notes made
to the order ot the President ami
Directors of this corporation,paya
ble at the Recorder's office of this
Parish, at three, six, nine, and
tweh'e mouths after the date here
of, at the rate each of five dollars
per share for the amount of shares
lie 01 they shall have suscribed.
The non payment of any such
note for fifteen days after its ma
turity, ami demand, therefore
shall cause such shares to be for
feited for the benefit of this eorpo
ration, as well as the instalments
previously paid in.
The election of the Board of
Directors shall be held by three
commissioners to be appointed
by the first boaid Imreinatter
mentioned, at the office of tlie cor
poration, on the first Monday of
January, eighteen hundred aud
Fifty seven, between tlie hours
of 10 o'clock A. M., and 2 o'clock
P. M.; at which time also three
eomniissiouners of election shall
be tlected for the, eusuin>; elee
tion , and thereafter the eleetiou
ot the Board of Directors aud of
three commissioners shall be held
at the plaee above designated,
and between tlie hours .just, above
mentioned, on tlie first Monday
of January in each year.
Tlie management, control and
supervision of the affairs of this
corporation shall be confided to a
Board of Directors, to be compos
ed of five stockholders, to be elec
ted annually as above described.,
by the stockholders in persou or
by proxy, to the plurality of votes
iu ammint. at the time, and place
ab<»ve men i»ued. On their first
meeting, the Board of Directors
elect shall, from unmigtheir mini
her, elect one who shall be the
"President of the Thibodaux
Bridge Company." The President
shall keep a collect record of the
proceedings, business, transac
Rons, accounts and affairs of tiiis
corporation, as well as a full an
count ot its receipts and expendi,
ttires : it will also be his duty to
collect, all toll bills, and pay out
all moneys that may be due., jast
ly and lawfully, tor the construe
tion, repairs, and expenses of the
Bridge : he shall a»so make and
exhibit a full statement of tlie
concerns ot this corporation,made
up semi-annually to the first Mon
days of January aud July iu each
year, to be submitted at the semi
annual meeting of the stockbold
ers to be convened by him, and
held at the office of the company,
ou tne second Mondays of Janua
ry and July in each year. For his
services he shall be entitled to re -1
ceive two and a half per cent, on
all moneys paid, except dividends
paid to the stockholders.
The board of directors shall j
gi\-e the contract for the building j
of said biidge, together with the
machinery, implements and ap- j
purtenances for working the same
to the undertaker or undertaken,
that will make the most advalita
geo 11 s proposals as to the pi ice,
and who will offer the best seeu
rities for the performances of his
or their contract.
The board of directors shall
make a set of regulations and by
laws for the government of the
business of the corporation, aud
the same, amend or repeal, as to
tlie majority of them shall seem \
best for the interests of the cor- j
poration ; provided the same lie
not inconsistent Yvitb this act aud
the laws by which this corpora
tions is created. They shall also
have the right of electing a secre
tary and any other necessary of
fleers for carrying 011 the business j
of this corporation, remove them !
at pleasure re-elect others, and
at any time dispense with the
services of any officer or officers.
The books of this corporation
shall at any time be open to auy
of the stockholders that may de
sire to examine them.
Tlie first Board of Directors
shall be composed of Jona C.
White, P. H. Gary, Leufroid Dau
uis, James A. Scudday and Henry I
Hoffmann, jr., whose term of ser -1
vices shall expire on tlie aforesaid ;
first Monday of January of the
year eighteen hundred aud fifty-1
seven. j
In case ofa:iy vacancy occurring j
iu their body, by or for any cause :
whatever, the Board of Directors
shall, from among the stockbold
ers, choose a persou or persons to
fill such vacancy, and who will
ser\e until the next election far
Directors by the stockholders,
The cot poration shall have 11
common seal, upon which shall be
engraved the name of the com pa
ny anti the date of its incorpora
In all matters wherein
® YOte
of siockholders shall be taken,
each share shall be entitled to One
vo j p
The dividends, if there shall be
any profits over and above the
expenses iucurred for building
the bridge ami carrying on the
business of this corporation, shall
be declared semi-annually, and at
the same time that the exposition
of its affairs shall lie made up by
the Directors, but ouly after the
Bridge has Ireen completed and
all its bills paid. The directors of
tnis company shall exercise a su
pervisory control over all the ot
ficers thereof.
Boards ot transfer shall be kept
by the President tor the transfer
of stock; and the certificates of
slock, signed by the President,
and countersigned by the Neere
tary, with the impress ot the seal
of this corporation thereon, shall
be issued to the stockholders.
Books ot subscription tor tlie
capital stock of this corporation
shall be opened at the office of
the company, and in all other
places that shall be designated by
the Board of Directors, under the
superintendence ot such person or
persons as shall lie appointed for
that purpose by the said Board ;
and they shall continue open from
tlie date of tbisact until tlie whole
amount oftbe said twelve hundred
shares shall have been taken,
when the same shall be closedjand
iu case any excess of subscription
over and atiove the said twelve
bundled shares, then such excess
shall be deducted from tlie names
holding the largest number of
share.*, but uot so that any oue
stockholder shall be left with a
larger number of shares than
either of those so reduced,
Should it be determined, as
aforesaid, by a majority of the
stockholders in amount, to in
crease the capital stock ot this
corporation, uotice thereof shall
be published at least four times
for one month in succession in
som.*- newspaper to be designated
by the Board of Directors ; and
at the meeting of stockholders at
which such resolution shall have
been adopted, three ofthestock
holders in the Town of Thibodaux
shall be elected by ballot, to open
books of subscription for such iu
creased stock, which shall be
opened at the office of the coin pa
ny, and in all other places that
shall be designated by the Board
ot Directors,
That body shall choose a per
son or persons to open books and
superintend the new subscription:
but the booksjn each place shall
not be kept open more than thir
ty days after the expiration of
said month's uotice ; then, also,
the first, stockholders of this com
pany shall have the privilege to
subscribe for aud take up all of
the new stock in preference to
parties not stockholders.
Fifth and last. Wbeu the pe
riod has arrived for the liquida
tion of the affairs of tins corpora
tion, that liquidation shall be
conducted by three stockholders,
to lie elected by a majority of tlie
stockholders in amount, and
shall be styled "Liquidating Coin
missioners." It sbtill be their duty
to sell and dispose of the entire
property of the corporation, ex
cept the bridge, (that shall be
abandoned to the Police Jury
of this Parish and to the Mayor
aud Trustees of the Town ot
Thibodaux,) on terms to be fixed
by a majority of the stockholders
in amount, at a general meeting ;
ers, in proportion to tneir respec
j tive shares, at least-, as last as
! enough shall be collected to dU
they shall collect all amounts
then due to this corporation, and
after paying all its liabilities, di
vide the net proceeds of sale and
collection amongst its stockbold
vide. But in case of any deficit,
in the winding up of the affairs
of this corporation, the said Li
quidation Commissioners shall
have full |H»wer and authority to
compel the stockholders to All up
such deficit, always in pro|»or
tion to the uumber of siiares of
Thus done and passed in my
0 qj C) . j n the Tjwn of Thibodaux
j„ presence ot Messers Louis
Bondreaux and Pierre Ernest
Beauvais, good and comi»eteiit
witnesses ot this Parish, who
have hereto eigned their names
together with the appearers and
me< ty e H aid Notary, after the
ri .*ding hereof, the day, month,
aiJ) i y t * a r first aboY'e written,
Jon;. C. White
L. Daunis
L. V. Riviere
J. K. GotinUin
L. S Alhr-n
J B KoastA3
L- Lanjtniun
D Durac
M- A. Mel-resl
J M Craw for;!
K G. RoUishi.n
IV H tiitr*
Jno. a. Coiiiu#
Uu or t rm ,
h. Hoffmann
J. C. Ragan
J- Badeaux
j. F. Tlioinpaon
E-J. Bmff
i oI lSr I & rki, L .
U. YV. W estbrook
A. J. Donaldson
J. A. ScuiUiu„v
A. M. Foley P.
Charles Duptii ^
J. V. Rivihre
J. YY'. Dodat-ick
V. Richard
F. Firing
Louis Iia*U
J. R. Y'iiu Liew
Test :
Louts Bouprracx
P. E. Beauvais
Notary Public
Printed from the original.
Sweet Haven.
It is seldom that we flud any
thing iu the Northern religions
press as juicy as the extract be
low, scissored from a New York
paper, the most influential, as we
should judge, of those published
in the interest of thedeuoiniuation
of which the President is said to
be a member. The item forms a
part ol a letter Yvritten from New
Orleans by Bishop (sic) Haven,
the great American third term
nominator, giving some account
of his recent trip South, and of
his adY'eut in our city where lie
was debarked at a "shanty called
a depot," thereafter "soon spied
out by General Bussy," and car
ried off to coffee and cakes, and
then—but we must let the brother
who, it is reported, once sat up
all night in barroom rather than
sleep in tlie same bed with a col
oled preacher, speak for himself.
Enter Haven, solas —"Well,alas
and alack-a-day !'' Goodness gra
cious, how 'we uns' do spread.
Emperor Williams, and Dibble,
and Burch, and Hartzell, and
Dunn, and Bishop Brown, and
that thoroughly reconstructed
gentleman and soldier, General
Longstrect! Next !
The first night, before we were
fairly rested, we were called \o
fine entertainment given by the
piesidiug elder of the city district,
to the ministers of the conferenocj
then came a great dinner, called
modestly a lunch, from theestiin^,
ble pa-tor of the First Germa^i
Church, Brother Allenger, and a
dinner equally bountiful from the
President of our University ; then
a like feast from our dear Brother
Emperor Williams, Yvhose wife's
achievements in tlie culinary art
have been previously commended
iu these columns ; then au elabo
rate and stately "spread" from
the pastor of Wesley Chapel; then
a pet feet and petite feast at Judge
Dibble's, where tine art, flue
grounds, aud flue culture corobiue
to make a very attractive borne j
then a still statelier least at Sena
tor Burch's, whose wife,the widow
of the late Lieut. Gov. Duun,
graced the boards iu her choice
mansion, the gift of her former
husband's friends, aud where Bislt
op Brown and other celebrities of
bis aud our Church made the feast
fraternal aud almost suggestive
of organic uuion. There was uuioi)
in the gustatory and vital organs
as to the richness of the entertain
ment. Then came an evening and
a dinner at the residence of the
leading German of tlie city, whose
generosity and hospitality are
alike of high repute iu that city.
Ex Mayor Heath, a member of onf
Church, added his tavors ill a like
excellent manner. Brother Hart
zell closed, as he liegttn, the festi
vities witli asoireeat his residence
attended by many representative
ladies and gentlemen, among
whom was that thoroughly recon
structed gentleman aud soldier,
General Longstrect.
Oysters Scalloped in thr
Shell.—O pen tlie shells, setting
aside for a»e the deepest ones.
Have ready some melted butter,
not hot, seasoned with minced
paisley and pepper. Roll each
oyster iu this, letting it drip as
little us may be, and lay in tlie
shell, which should be arranged
iu a baking pan* Add to each a
little lemon juice, sift bread
crumbs all over it, aud bake in a
quick oveu until done, Serve in
the shells.—Cor. Country Gent.
—It is stated that a Fort Plains
young lady recct\*ed the following
note, accompanied by a bouqnet
of flowers : "Dear—, I send by
the boy a bouquet of flours. They
is like my luv for u. The night
shades menes keep dark. The dog
feuil menes that I am your slave,
liosis red ami poeis pail, my love
lor you shall never fail."
Speaking of New York lawyers?
incomes, the Sunday Times and
Messenger says that David Dudley
Field is credited with $376,000
Samuel G. Court 1311 at with $200,•*
(JQO. Brown Hall, ft Yauder|ioef
With $225,000.- E. W. Stonghtoii
with $2o(Mh>0, and Wtn. M
E-arts with $L-jO, 000 annually.