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ttbt ®bib»toux Sentinel, — ANl>— Journal of the fSch Senatorial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY D S. CAQE. Jr. Editor. F- 8ANCA& Pro'r & Business Manager OFFICE ,C0R. MARKET A\D PATRIOT ST THIBODAUX,.LA. SATURDAY, APRIL, lotli IS7G. Editorial Notes. —The byyou is now about sta tionary anil the uneasiness about 'overflow seems to be Subsiding. —The prisoners who escaped from Houma jail were reeaptiir eil last week. —We are glad to note that the health of the town is better now than for some time past, aud : trust that it will continue so. —The hardest rain perhaps ever known in this vicinity fell 'on Friday week. The whole sur face of the ground seemed cover ed aud quite six inches of water j ' fell. The swamps and basins are all full ana some time will elapse before the water suosides to its ' normal point. —¥o publish this week a,list of the counterfeit notes in circufa ' tiou, which wilT be df use as a re 7 ference to those who will not, JiUe 'us, have their satisfact ion at know iug they have no counterfeits .damped by the the discovery ' that they are equally destitute ot geuuiue notes. —A pood time coming foi the lovers of amusetqeqt in our com j muuity, fora grand fair under \ the auspices of Bev. Father Me nard is to be given on theGtU of next mouth. The enjoyable na tiire of any entertainment under 'taken by this gentleman and his congregation is assumed before hand and we predict for it a flat 'teriug success. —The Aftfiumption Chronicle says that as far as that parish is con cerned our statement that the cane is recoving from the freeze does not apply, "because it is con 'tary to nature that it should re cover, and what is contrary to na ture is wrong" ; we are not parti cularly posted as to the moral na fare of Assumption cane, but granting the truth of this dictum are happy to state that that of this parish and Terrebonne is ert niinal enough to rapidly repair the loss of leaves, the only dam age sustained. | ! | —The condition of the road ( froin this place to Terrebonne Sta tion is such that it is almost im possible to travel over it, and the only way to get from here to that point is through the fields of par ties who. having good fronts, are naturally averse to having a liigh 'way through their places. We lately heard a responsible gentle man of this vicinity offer to put the road in good condition for five 'hundred dollars ; as this is only about half the amount required to accomplish this object, the offer is an extremely liberal one, and we hope it will be accepted by those interested. '** 1 ' —Some time since we noticed the fact that a schooner line had 'been established from New Or. ieans to the month of Grand Gail ; lou, enabling planter^ along that bayou to save greatly on their freights. This course incurred the displeasure of the powers that be on the Morgan line' - and nqw the offending parties are made sensi "ble of the tact, by the refusal of the agents'of the road to sell them commutation tickets by or 'fler of the managers. The unfortunate gentlemen say they will endeavor tp bear up with fortitude under the inflic tiou of the additional two cents per mile as long as they save se veral thousands a year on the (lit 'lereuce in freights; Dramatic Club.— The mem bers Of the dramatic club liqve changed the name of that organi Nation to the "Benevolent Drama tic Club" and propose in a short 'time to give a series ot perfor niances in Waverly, and devote one half of the nett protitof each otttertainnieut to some beuevo 'ldnt pnrpdse. This club has gone to consider able excuse and devoted a good 'deal'6f time and trouble to pre 'pare some amusements and enter tainmeuts where the people can 'have' an evening^ enjoyment, atid banish dull oares from the wenry tnriud, and should be eu eoarigfcd by the eitizens of this 'place. The members lay no claims ;to Any' other title than that of amateurs, And as they propose .to Taber as much - for tlte public l gor»irl as for their own amusement it ia hoped that in future they 'may have good houses to eticour age them iti an undertaking so b raise Worthy and laudable. »M..... Ar iu be Our Choice for Governor eringly thiou Louisiana po The impending political cam paign is pregnAnt with jmssibili ties of redemption ' or continued thralldom to Louisiana, and pro mises to be the most important and hotly contested struggle ever waged within her borders; iu this crises it is of the last importance that the man Selected to t>ear the standard of and reforip should unite iu himself ability, un blemished character, and an Uu impoachable record. Nor ; is this all ; the condition of allairs qs too grave to admit of experiments, and the interests of the State de mand that the executive powers l>e wielded by one whose fitness for position aud office has been tested and proved. Hearing in mind these necessary qualifications, we know of no one who so fully meets them all as the Hon. F. S. Goode, of Terrebonne. To abilities of high order, an unstained character anil a station which commands the respect of all, he unites the merit of being no tyro in political affairs, as his record as a legislator proves. A consistent causerva live, he has ever walked uutuult the labyrinth of idnted by bigotry on the one hand of jnsta bility on the other, because he held the clew ot devqtiou to the best Interests of the State. His large means place him above the necessity of desiring office tqr tfie. emoluments, or entering the race handicapped by embarassmeuts. He is deservedly popular with al! classes, and in this section, at least, would run far ahead of the ticket. A proud day w.QuId it be for Louisiana to behold a trusted son iu the chair sy long disgraced by adventurers, and we present the claims of y. S. Goode, confident that, while others may equal,none can .surpass him in fitn;ss tor that Station* gh the la Li fitics. uuta The Colored Convention at Nashville, The sentiments expressed by the delegates ot the colored peo ple pi' tfie South assembled at Nashville on the 5th ol this month mark a most important era iu the political history of that race. Though the attendance was not as large as was anticipated, it numbered among it some oftlie most intelligent leaders, and was iu every respect representative l*. H, S. Finch buck was the lion of the occasion, and his speech was of a character hardly to he expected of him. It is a matter of regret that he did not give utter a nee to these sentiments prior to his rejection by the Senate, as that fact gives his specious oppo nents, the carpet baggers, a plau sihle means of attack on his sin cerity. Be that as it may, phe colored people would do well heed the lps son inculcated in his speech, and emancipate themselves at once from the political slavery iu which they have been held since the conf'en ii>g of suffrage by uuprinci pled adventurers. Let Pinchback continue in the course he lias started, and lie will be more enti tied to the lasting gratitude of his race than it he had been able to confer on them every office in the South. TriE TriE NOMINATING CONVENTION —This important body, on which devolves the duty of naming our candidates iq the next campaign, should, ip our opinion, assemble at. as late a time as the require meats of the contest will allow. Many reasons demand this course, among which is the fact that a large number ot the delegates, being from the agricultural dis triets can ill afford to leave their interest during the busy season , another important one is that we should follow the example of the National Convention, and await the opportunity of learning the piograunne of our opponents by deferring our convention (ill afper theirs. Iq regard fo the fittest plaee at which to assemble,Baton Rouge would perhaps be best and most convenient to all sections of the State, being centrally located, and in every respect free from ol> jections which might be qrged against New Oiieaus. }Ve do not suppose that the laiter city will very strenuously object to the holding elsewliere ot the ponven tjon, inasmuch as her wishes in this respect have so qftyq IfotQre been deferred to, and a§ tlie con venience of t|ie majority of the delegates will be consulted by its assembly in Baton Rouge. —A liqmber of the serious as sembled this week at the resi deuce ot Mr. J. L. Goode to \jfft ness the working of the large sized Barbrain Gas Apparatus lately puL up by that gentleman, and all expressed themselves highly pleased. This gas gives a light Iratueasureably snperior to Ar *.Y oil, aud is very cheap consid cring the qualify of the light. We are glad to uote that a mini her ol these apparatus are now iu use here or soou to be, as will be seen by the notice in another column. Mr. E. Maronge is the agent fiere a j j j 1 —The weather for the past week hqs been cloudy and threaten iug, but, ou«the whole, good grow ing weather. The flood of last week seems to. have about ex hausted the clouds, which have been endeavoring in vain to get up another raju. A singular fact about the crop is that plant cane in this vicinity seems to be doing better than that lower down in this parish and Terrebonne, Many planters who have applied fertili zers are apprehensive that the heavy rain ot last week has les sened the expected benefit of it by washing much of it away, but tiiqe alone willshow whether their fears are well grounded. We are glad to note that the use of ferti lizers is becpqjiug more extended and universal with each season. —The Hubert E. Lee, the chain pion steamer of the river, and probably the most popular boat ever run from New Orleans, bade tarewell to her numerous friends on Wednesday last. She goes to Louisville where her machinery will be transferred to a new boat which will bear the same name. The departure was made the occa sion of a grand demonstration, and the large erowd, the numer ous salutes, etc., showed the ex tent of her popularity. —Gen Diaz having negotiated a loan of two dollars and six bits necessary to inaugurate a revolu tion in Mexico, Is making things lively in that proverbially tran quil republic. As long as the fight \Vas between him and the Presi dent it was nyt particularly inter estiug to us, but troops of t he lat er under the vague impression that our government was hostile to them, lateh' fired on a detach ment of United States troops killing and wounding several. A brisk skirmish ensued, and jt re mains to be seen what additional conipljpatfims will result. —The Annual Conference ot the Presbyterian Church met in tfijs placg this week and a number ot divines of that sect are in at tendance. We trust that tbeir recollections of Thibodaux will be pleasant. —rA. T. btewart, the New York millionaire is dead. ♦John T. Raymond has been talk i'ig with a reporter of the Si. Louis Times about the success of the character of Colonel Seller. He says lie is making ^lL'0,000 a year, and thinks the part will wear as well as Jefferson's Hip Van Winkle. He first played it, but in another dramatization, in California, but Mark Twain stop ped the performances, having planned to put it on stage him self, with Colonel Sellern as a se rious part ? played by Lawrence Barrett, if possible. "I came East-,7 says Raymond,"saw Twain got him to go to work, fixed up the stage business as 1 thought most effectively, and started out with tim piece at Rochester. It didn't go. Then I did a rash thing: Without a dollar in my pocket I brpke for New York. Not a inana ger would touch it. 1 borrowed soiqe money, paid a week's rent in advance for tho Pai k Theatre got up a tolerable company, and opened out. I had Mark Twain on hand to make a speech. That attracted a tall house, not a pay iug one. Between the thud and fourth acts Mark Twain lounged out to the footlights. He was as solemn as a mule. During the whole of his twenty minutes' speeclj ho never cracked a smile, while the audience were roaring Every hit tank. That night a thousand people advertised Sel ler*, his mules, hogs, corn, and eye-water speculations. From that time on the holies increased nightly until there was no more room for an increase. I played one hundred and twenty nights, took a short run to the other large cities, came back to New York and played forty nights more, and tire next season every theatre in the country was offer ed to me on my own terms.'' Ray mond intends to play Colonel Sel lers in England in 1877, believing tnat the Emma Mine swindlp has educated the English people so that they wi 1 appreciate the points of the play.—A. Y. Sun, A St. Louis fashion reporter being detailed to write up the horse railroads, thus describes a gorgeous new car "Car No 36 is a beauty. She is trimmed in yel low, and gold leaf put 'on bias, corsage decollet, truck rotunda and fn tahlier , brakes en train, with gable pointed revers of wrought iron. The seats are of cotton vel vet, punier en pouffe, bound around with n jichn of rod tape. As a whole, the car is a very re clierchd affair." Michael McConnell, who was hanged a few days ago for mur dering Mr. Nelson Mills, at Ham ilton, Canada, said on the scaf fold : "If Mf- Mills had taken a little more pity on me this would not have happened. He made me a bankrupt fora debt of $14,wheu all I asked for was a little more time. I got angry, and killed him in thy anger lesson to all present , „ , ________________ I hone thi<4 will he a i X uope lUlfi Will De a I A lawyer interrogating a rongh witness in a San Francisco court, Paid, "Do you believe in the exis tence of God !" "I don't know,•' was the reply. "Do you admit the diviuity of Christ 1" "No—o." was the hesitating response ; "I don't know nothing about Christ." "Do you mean to say." said the lawyer, seriously, "that you never heard of Jesus-Christ i" "Wal," said tfie wituess, "the fac' is, paid, that I jest cum up from Lower Califoruy, and I hain't had no chance to meet any of the people in these parts." ■Ii-BUgiii^Out fixintcuce. Tlio nervous, weakly invalid does not en joy life, but merely "drugs out existence." as the phrase is. Unfitted for the active pur suits of life, and incapable of partaking of its pleasures, to which health alone cun give n zest; disinclined to social intercourse, and a prey to melancholy, the valetudinari an is indeed an object of pity. Yet there is nothing iu all this that cannot be remedied by that genial alterative tonic and nervine, Hostetter s Stomach Bitters, which supplies deficient stamina,braces the nervous system, and overcomes those bodily irregularities to which nervous weakness is most frequent ly attributable. Diseases of the kidney aud uladder, imperfect digestion and uterine troubles are fertile spurees of debility .Their eradication however, becomes a matter of certainty when Hp^tetter's Stomach Bitters are systematically used for that purpose. The Hitters likewise annihilate and prevent, fever and ague and other debilitating febrile complaints of a mal trial nature. A Voice from Sweden —American Che minis and their Production appreciated by the I'rofessers at the celtdtrqted Unirersities in Sweden. Mr Sachs. Sir,—At your request I have tested Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Keuewer, iu my practice at the "Skhai imkr Hotel." and eau say, it will restore gray hair to its original color. It entirely harm less, and is a valuable remedy to use in such cases. P. R.MALMSTEN, Professor of Chemistry and Medicine Stockholm, July 7,1868. From the h'ujhest medical authority tW Swe den—A* I hive had occasion to see govern] persons, who, for some time,have used Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer, and know that it has restored the original color of the hair as well as beiug efficient in removing the itching and dandruff that accompanies the falling off of the hair. I consider it my duty to acknowledge the same to Mr- Sachs. VINCENT LUNDBERG, Physician-in-CItief to the King, and Preser ver of his life. Stockholm, July 7, fStSs. To incorporate A* ACT Protector Fire No 53. Uomi] aipauy No J. of the town of Thibodaux, parish of L.i tourolie, aud to provide lor the organi zatiou atul government of ti.e same, and exempting from jury an J militia duty the Members thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Utilise of l'l-pre.-sentalivea of the State of LouL-iaua m General Assembly convened. That 1*. A. Aueoin, W. U. Ragan^Uharles Sahom-in. A. 1>. Lagan, 1$. Marhrno, F. J. Lagaiaii. I lenry l'iei .-ou and their associates and sucres-o s. -hall lie and they are hereby ordained and constituted a body i nrisirate and political, in deed anil in law under the laws of tills State, by the name of ft. ntax tor fire I'timpany No. of Thibodaux. pur isit ot Laioa.a tic State of Louisiana ; and by that name tbe\ shall lie capable of being stu d and of suing, and of receiving donations, legacies, bequest and devises, and of purchasing, holding, leasing and sel ling or otherwise disposing of any estate, movable or immovable, with the rents pro fits, income and interests of said estate to the uses and purpose of said cpmpatjy, aecoidiiig to the rules and regulations which are now adopted, and may Iron) time j lo time be declared by said compauy in its constitution and bylaws. Said company shall moreover have the power and is hero by granted authority, to use a corporate seal, with such device thereon as said coin patty may adopt, and the same to alter, change, break or renew at the pleasure of said company ; to frame a constitution aud by laws not inconsistent with the provisions <;f this act. the laws ot this' State, the con stitution of this State and the United States which constitution and by-laws shall be binding oj> the members of said company ; they shall have authority to change, alter or amend the same at plea^ure.three-fonrths of th" members at any regular meeting concurring in such change, alteration or amendment ; to levy impose such tines and penalties as may lie by said coqstitu tion a-id by-laws provided ; aud the same to recover before any court of competent jurisdiction at tlie suit of said cotnpanr. See. 2 Be it further enacted, etc., That the demieile of sai l company shall be and is hereby declared to be iti the town of Thibodaux, Farislt of Lafourefie, and all services of citation or other process in suits against the company shall be made on or accepted by t he president of said compauy. Sec 3. Be it Lu ther enacted, etc., That the officers of this company shell consist of i a president, vice president, ftireiqan.' assist antforeniau, secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as said company may deen) necessary ; said officers to be elected by the members of suhl company in accord ance with their constitution and by-laws. Sec 4. Be it, further enacted, etc., That it shall he the duty of the said 1'rotoetor Fire Company No. 2. to immediately on the alarm repair to all fires within the eorpor ate limits of the town of Thibodaux, there. to take such steps, under tho control of its officers, as may be deemed necessarv for the prompt aud effectual extinguishment of such fire, and particularly the prevention of its spreading, aud for the protection aud safety of the lives and property of those en da11gered by fire; and for said purpose said compauy shall always keep and have at all times ready for service one truck, or more if deemed nacessary in the future, with ladders complete, grapping hooks wthrppes and chains, hand hooks, crowbars, axes aud buckets. ! Sec. 5. lie it iurther enacted, etc. That each member of said company, during the time they are members of said company and from the date of its actual incorpora tion, may be exampt Iroin jury and militia duty, except iu times of iuvasiou, insurrec tion or pivil commotion, upon complying with the laws of tho State and furnishing thy Sheriff or commanding officers of the militia witji a certified roll of their mem hers, sworq toby their chief officers accord iug to law, and after a service as active fireman iu said company during a space of ten years, well and faithfully, they shall forever lie exempt from jury aud militia duty within this State: provided, that in every such ease said member shall have ob tained and exhibited a certificate signed by the president, foretnau and secretary of said company, certifying that he has dn ring said space of ten years well and faith Lilly served as an active fireman . and it shall be the duty of said otfiicers to furnish each active member with duplicate certifi catrs to such effect, upon expiration of his term of teu years, upon the receipt of the sum of five dollars, to be employed for the benefit ot said company, one ot 1 which cer tificates shall be tiled with the sheriff of Lafourohe, iti order to entitle him to said exemption. See. 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That this act shall remain iu full force and effect jterpctually. Sec. 7. Be it furtlmr enacted, etc., That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. , (Signed), E. D. ESTILETTE. S D l '^ k '' r V* ttc 1Iollsp cf R-presentatives. (Signed) C. C. ANTOINE, Lieutenant Governor and President of the 187(c Senate. Approved March 20, (Signed) ' WM. P- KELLOGG, Governor of the State of Loqi^jana: A true copy : N. DURAND, Assistant Secretary of State Oflicial, TOWN COUNCIL OF THIBODAUX TOWN HALL, ) Thibodaux, Avri- 4th, 1876 i A regular meeting of the Town Council of the Uoipnratiou of Thibodaux wan held this day. The roll was called and the fol lowing named councilmen a tu we red to their names, viz !'• E. Lorin, Mayor, R. R. McBride, M. A, Legendre, l)r. J. II. Fleetwood, J. Badeaux Absent: l)r. H. IJansereau. S. J . Grisatnore presented his commission and was qualified as Trustee as per appoint ment to till vacancy eaused by the deuth of S. Navarre. Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as recorded. The following reports of the Treasurer anil Collector were presented, read and .or dered to fie spread on the minutes : TRKA SCREWS REPORT, for March, 1876, 1876 Mar 7 To bal. on baud.............. 7 86J Apil 4 V Cash for Taxes.....1875.. 9 50 " " .....1874 30 50 " t' " .....1873.. 5 25 " " Sch'l Taxes... 1874.. 1 58 " • Licenses.....1876.. 100 00 J876 Aprl 4 Paid for Pol Sc C ex. •• St'ts &. Ditches.. " Collectors fees... " Incidental Ex.... By Bal carried down.. 154 otq 13 20 5 00 47 74 5*» 50 7 454 154 69j-154 691 Balance on hand.............. 7 45j Balance appropriations due.........440 644 " tlue H. H. Sl L, lire Co.. 175 00 Respectfully Submitted Signed) JOS. T. TllIBODEAUX.Treasurfcy COLLECTOR'^ MONTHLY REPORT, from March 7th, fo L April 4tA, 1876 License of 1876..P. A Aueoin, R. M.. 10 00 ..J. Badeaux, d.9 .. 10 00 ..L. J, Meyer, do .. 10 00 .. M rs M ary E Hesse.. 10 00 . .T. Verricr. if. M.... 10 0)1 ..John Wink, B...... 5 00 ..Mrs Juo Larkin.K.M 10 00 ..J. A Trout;, R. M... 10 Q0 -.11- Tetreaux, B. S... 5 fit) --H. Franklin. E. S... 10 00 ..Mrs M.patuard, H. 10 00 Taxes of 1873..Mrs J. T. Dauuis..... 1874.. do 5 -J5 6 UO ..MrsM. (laniard.......'JO BQ ..Mrs Leonard Webre.. 4 06 1875.. J. 1. Adants........... 7 00 ..Oscar Crosier........ I fX) ..E. Brown ••.••....... 1 50 f 145 25 Sch'l taxesof 1873..Mrs J. T Datjnis. 1 75 Respectfully submitted, [Signed] TIIEOpHILE THIBODAUX, Collector The Mayor and Finance Committee re ported verbally as having ejected a scttle tlement with Louis Bush by paytug (^4uS.iiO) Four Hundred aud Eight and 60jlofj Dollars on the Tenney mite of ($960.U0) Nine Hun dred and Sixty Dollars due lltfi ol' August, |878. Said Louis Bu.-li huyjttg tiausjeied hack tq the town the cidaterals held by hitji for securing the payment of certain notes against the Corporation. On motion ot R. R. McBride, duly secon ded byj. 11. Fleetwood, the Mayor«ml Im provement Committee were authorized to contract for havjng the Tog ti Building ta ken duwn. Motion carru d. On tiintiom was resolved that the first motley derived f-ont tile Bridge revenues be set aside to pay the expense of taking down the Town Building. The yens and nays were called for, and resulted as follows: Yeas—P, F. Lorin, M. A Fleetw S. T. Grisamor Na \ s—none. A claim of the Recorder of Lafourche, for ri eonling delinquent tax list, was pre sented and referred to the Finance Comuiit tee. The tollowin approved, viz Then Thibodaux, Collector's Fees... 12 26 Leme Malbrcugh, (Corporation man)- 50 00 Legendre, J. H. id, J. Badeaux, R. R McBride a## ; elainis were presented and Tqtal......................... $62 26 O11 motion duly seconded an appropriation of Sixty-Two and 20(100 Dollars ($62 26) was made to pay tjtc above claittfs. The yeas and nays were called for, and resulted as follows: Yeas—P. E. Lorio, M. A. Legeudre, J. H Fleet wood, J. Badeaux, R. R McBride, and S. T Grisatnore ; Nays—none. A petition was received from the "Home Hook & Ladder Co No. I," end the follow ing aot'on taken : On motion of S. T. Grisamore, duly geoon ded bv J. H Fleetwood, it was resolved, that it shall berealter be the dlltv of the Treasurer to place to the credit of Thibo daux K re Co. No. 1, Protector Fire Co. No. 2, and Home Hook & Ladder Co. No 1, on the first day ot each mouth, commencing with the first day of April iust, the sum of -r t-, n \-y ----«.....—' —-—— 1 Ion Dollars, subject to the order of the Presi dent of said companies respectively, for the * pnrporo of enabling said com anies to pay their monthly rent, aud for file cleaning of their respective engines Adopted On motion the Council adjourned. P. E. LORIO, Mavor M. T. Higginbotham, Secretary. AOTICE, rpiIE IMPROVED BARBARIN GAS AP i- PARATUS now working under letters Patent, granted to the ^undersigned dated January 6,1876, are now offered to the pubr lie under full guarantee, are entirely South ern Invention and Manufacture, have been in.use >. n the States of Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi for the last five years, and refer ence is given to persons using theiji as will he shown by circulars in the possession of E. Maronge, who is hereby authorized to contract tor and put up machines under my personal guarantee. F. ROBERTS, No. 2 Iriangje Buildings, New-Orleans Refer to C. • Azcnia, Thibodaux ; J. - A. Frost, do Bra.ud Sc Legendre, do J. S. Goode, do 15apl Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! Just published, a new edition of I>r. Cuherwell's <>l(n bra ted Estisay on the radical urc (without medicine) of SfEit matokrucea or Seminal Weakness, Involun tary Seminal Losses, Impotknpy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc ; also, Consumi'Tion. Epilep sy aud Fits, induced by self-indulgence pr sexual extravagance, A-e. , ■j "fF Price, in a spqled envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sueeegsVal practice, that the alarming consequences of self abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a inode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be. may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. {^g^This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every mau in the laud bent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, p<>s0-paid. on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address the Publishers, F. BRUGMAN & SON, 41 Ann St-, A. Y- P. O Box, 4386 I 5 ap!-ly ' * • TWfM jPArat IB^OM FOUR WIT? ffllfre AdTMtMng Contracts can be modi _ PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY ! tyWo hayn arrtuiged, through libera contracts with man,utacturgr.s. .to give to agents and clubs of eubserjlgera the toflowing Very tine premiums. 8$Wim MACHINES. REMEMBER THE WEES SEW 1 N 6 -HACHINE CO. Is oue of the oldest and-hept established Sewing Maehine Companies ip America. Their Machines rank among the very best Premium No. L No. 1 Weed Scvyiog-Machine Premium Nq. 2, No. 2 Weed Sewing-Machine Premium No- 3, No. 3 Weed Sewing-Machine Cannot the reader form a club in his or her neighborhood and secure one of these excellent Sewing-Machines as a premium ? A few hours of well-directed effort will oil ♦ Y ORGANS. Premium No. 4 is a w e E. P. NEEDHAM & SON'S Celebrated Silver Tongue Organ. Two bet of Reeds, six stops......Price, $205 ^jetuiuin No. 5 is a ■*-«. E. P. NEEDHAM & SON'S Milver-Tongiue Orgaip. Three Sets of Reeds, teg stops. This Oxgap is a very large size utjd admirably fitted for Churches and large hulls.......Price, $325. It will lie easy for a congregation, desirous to make a A HAXDNOIIE HO I At DA A to the pastor, to secure the requisite number o! subserilters. Manv a Nnl)b;t lbt8el|0<il, l.pdgc, or Chnrelt need an orgau. Puss ihe hubscriplion Paper. SIWKRWARE. r f'he Premiums under this class am front the w; ll-kuvwn bilverwate House of Kkkd Sc Bakton. This is the oldest house in this brunch of lioness in the country. Anv S.l ver ware dealer will tell you that tho Rkki> Sl Barton goods have a reputation aX least equal to the very best. No. of Name of Pripe qf Pffinium. Premium Premium. 6.-Napkin Ring, decorated in Japan ese styJ.e........................$| 09 7.. Child's cop. gold lined............ 2 75 8.. Half dure# teaspoons... _____ 3 po 9.. Child's set [knife, fork, a#d spoon), ip tine morocco cityc. satin lined. 4 00 10.. Hall - dojsen table spoons or fA-ks.. 6 00 11 ..Butter dish, with knife rest....... 8 50 12.. Cake.basket, new pattern.........13 50 13-. Ion-pitcher, seamless lining.......15 50 14.. A Comtiiii#iou set, 5 pieces.......27 fiO We will give the above desgrib.-d pre. tniuius for (Ti,bg of bubseribers, as follows : No. of No. of | No. of No. of Suh'berf pre miu it) No I Sub'hers I Premium No I..............3>|.\iO................9 No 2...............40 No 9................8 No 3.............. 45|No HI..............10 No 4..............13'iNo 11............12 .13''I No ......175'Ni. 12 tixo 13. .........8iNo 1 i. .....30 ■Colicfat Iasi! Help sill around! I AM NOT AFRAID To announce that tlie JETTIES ARE A SUCCESS! Attention! Attention! SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO HE DISTRIBUTED Remember the past anil be econ uiical, Fifty per cent, of your money will be saved by purchasing your DRY GOODS —AT THE — BANDITTI STORE, A 99 ROYAL. STREET „ Corner Customhouse. JfotWlthstindiUff the great dull - - - ® uess in trade before the passage of that Glorious Jetty Bill of our Benefactor EADS, THE BANDITTI Has fought its way through,and now more thau ever will main tain its renown as .being THE CHAMPION QP THE SOUTH, Banditti's motto: Quick sales and small profits. r Nos 27 & 29 ROYAL ST,, cor: Customhouse One square from Clay Statue. i New Orleans, %a., P. DEGUILHEM, Prop. June 5-75. Mm. J. Hoffman, Al*x Masks, JYeti* Orleans Aen Or'ran* Lkvy, Lbon levy* New Orleans New York E. MAYER WITH HOfFMAtt, HARKS Ac CO, A UCTIOIVEERS! — AND JOBBERS IN— D RY GOOD, C LOTHINO. HATS, n ETC, ETC. 99 Ac S 3 ... Magazine Street... 39 Ac 33 —and— 94 At 93 ---- Grazier Strut ____ 94 At 93 NEW ORLEANS 8apl JOSEP! F'ly Capt O. L. Bi anohard noe F'ly of Assumption ;pu Avcock ptTepreoon ATUOCK Ac RLAACHARH, —dealers in all kinds of— Country Produce, 32 ---- Bienville Street ____ 32 12fv-ly | New-Orleans F. S. Goode J. B. Winder GrOODR & WILDER, Attorneys at Law, Houma, ha. --- 8011 1 - v choose, ittstantlv DOssess. I.. KEW AI) VER T ft CO., Augusta, Maine ACTS WASTEH' xi > Aw for HOI. >IA.V, |x. , 'J*k4i NEW 1*1 (*P« 1-NOO IlluKtrnt'na *rf.i * X.J. HOMl.sS^, . ro Phn-®5 /A \VEEK~ r^KERr T HE TANITECO..S Emery WheeUjt $5 to SON Co., 'T^ u r. s a« and gam the love and possess, free, by mail fa/' er with a Marriage Oniils cle. Dreams, Hints to I..'-* stild. A queer hoon AilJnJ A C'Q. Piilik 1'hiliulelj^j^ _ ^ en .'furs ago Messrs. Co estabjiyheil their advei New York City. Five jtwi ,td the business coBduetjj IIoo|ier. who was the first kind of enterprise. N uw; faction of controlling the; complete advertising c, ever been secured, aadpns lianlh possible in any this. They huve snecefidedis a complex business into 1 systj-j.nuti.e method thaf M newsjiuper system of An notice, while the widest in all topics interesting to adv at the disposal oftlie pnblk. H.Y. TIMES, advert! in Rfel-IfidIOI S aad TUBAL WliEKL I* BICE. Send for Cats PLAN. For information, BED. t. HOWIUt 41 Pari 801 , New OrleaamUsast f'he Pr The fine snd get PnekM assu; Master; JOE DALFERES. I 1 LIS, Clerk. Leaves New Orb-11 ns i vht I P. M.. and Nitnnhiy at 12 U down the Coast in list light and Monday, i or fnigiit or jr; on board or to B. RIVET, !) L'miti -tr: P. E. HUH* I fee 18 75 'H*" ki up nad V7 cr .N( earner HEN liY TE" J. F. Aueoin, M. H Master, i I-eaves New Orleans evert H in., and Friday, wt 1« a. Bt—~ the Coast in daylight every W. Sunday. For freight or board or to B. RIVET, 9 Conti Stn P. A. CHAKl.ET.91 KIP A RUC* ( All Premiums awarded at the State Fairs for Rice Milling, I to the present time.) Nos 12 and 14 Elysian Fiddi! site the site of the old IHr" Depot 3rd District, NEW ORLEi Capacity 420 bh elmd EMPTY SACKS FURNISHED CHARGES. Prices. No. 1..................I, No. 2. .....; No. 3................ JNO M. WAISH, OctI76m * To Rice Pla T HE undersigned nroposwiU 4tKi arpnnts fresh landji2t!2 culture, — in lots (If from t* —or larger if repaired—stratera One mile above ThibodaBX r Jan. 22. DDL J. A.TR03lt Market Street. (Laeapert't. Tuibodaux. C LASSICAL aud Religoosl cry. Blank Books. .Music I of Piety and Fancy Articles. Photograph ^ tgrapa to [Up Stairs] C. n. BI-OCK GUS. WEILL —WITH— C. B. BI/OCK Ac ! Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco aa$ Cf No. 75 Grazier Street ......... l?feh-ly— QLD HUNDRED! The Tlilbodaw* AND LOrigVILL* Weekly U'ourlepJ* One year for $4.00. Two papers^ more than the price of one. ^ Send ns $4.04 and receive voorig per with thp AAI.. the beet, wittiest. bng*^j ablest City Weekly in the country. ^ NOTICE. gIDK WILL BF- RECEIVED — Office ot Parish Treasurer for Parish Warrants (old issue), aal coming into the Redemption - used for the purchase of saw " monthly, to the lowest bilider^ 22jan T Pres't P« FOR! O discharge Addres.. B. A WORM Thibsdtna