Newspaper Page Text
£erms of Subscription One year [in advance]........$3 uo '• within 3 months____ 3 50 " 6 " 4 00 One Copy.J................ ]o SANCAN, Pro'r & Business Manager PCBLIBHED EVERY SATURDAYS. <khc OtU'chln (LhibodatK -AND JOURNAL OF THE 8 IH SENATORIAL DISTRICT.! Official Journal of the Town of Thibodaux. VOL. XII. THIBODAUX. L—. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 th 1876. Kates of Qttorrtistng: OXK StJUAUE (OK TEX LlSr., First insertion................ SO Second insertion.......... 7 Eacli subsequent insertion 50 CaxotIutes............... jjQ OFFICE 5 Corucr Market and Patriot Streets. oung men's dramatic club— JS T G. 20 B B ADEAUX, J. Family and Plantation Groceries, Main Street, corner Main . tad Focus. B ADEAUX, THOMAS, Attorney at Law corner Main and Focus Streets, up stairs. ILLIU, J. S., Attorney at Law ,—office Corner St. Philip and Main streets B B "LAKE, E W., A ttorney at Law, —of fice Urcen Street, B lanchard, ,j. e., Suryeon Dentist. —office, corner Green anil St. llridg et Streets. B ODLEY, Wayons and Carts, Depot on Levee Street near the Thibodaux Foundry. W. H. RAGAN. Agent. B OUKQUIX &. 150UHON, Watchma ker and Gunsmith, Dealers in Jewel ry, Fire-arms Ac, corner Market and St. / oiiis Streets. VjREAUX &. LEGENDKK, Dry Goods I> and Groceries,comer Main and G reen Streets. _ ACROSS \V W, Physician A Surgeon, O ffice : Jackson Street C ItLESTIN, JEAN, Baker, Main Street, corner Patriot. D .ANSEREAU, P., Physician, corner 1 Jackson and Short Streets. D AN8EREAU. II., Physician, corner 1 St. Philip and St. Bridget Streets D ELBERT, P J , Groceries, Wines. Li quors, Tobacco and Cigars, cor. Main . and St-Philip streets _ ELBERT, P. J , Engineer, cor- Main and St-Philip streets P E xcelsior—lodg e no. 34.—Regu lar meetings at the Odd Fellow's Ball, corner Market and Patriot, every -Sstm-dav evening at 7 o'clock. OSieria: CAzenia; N, G. C. bahom-in, V. G..; S. T. Grisamore, Sec- ; V. Saucan, Treasurer. SSF.LINEAU, MRS. E., Dry Goods. j.E Fancy Articles. Ac., corner Market and Louis streets, A UCOIN, P. A., Family and Planta tion Groceries, Main street, between ecus and St. Philip streets. A ZEMA, C., Coffee House Keeper, Main St., between Jacksouand St. Philip reets. _-_ 1 LLA1N, L. S. k. LEBLANC, E e! J\_ Notaries public. Office Green Street, LUM, S. Dry Goods and Grocery, cor ner Main and Jackson Streets. Treasurer. F ROST JAMES, Coffee House keeper, comer Green and Market Streets. F RIEDENTHAL MRS. 8 ., Family and Plantation Groceries Jackson Street, F ranklin, h„ Acting cierk of the. District Court .—office Court Mouse. F LEETWOOD, J. I!., Drug More Mark Street, between St. Loui* and Green Streets. LEKTWOOD, J. H., Physician.—ri fioe Market Street, between St. Louis *Bd Green Streets. F ranklin house—b.f. holden Proprietor, cornel St-Louisuud Mar ket sts. G risamore, s. t.. Agent Forth Amt nea Life Insurance Co. Corner Mar ket and St. Philip, streets. OODE, J. S.. Attorney at Lair, —office, over J. H. Fleetwood Market Street G O F ION LEWIS, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office, over J. H. Flcet vaod Drug store, Market Street. H OFFMANN, H-, Cabinet Maker, deal er in Hardware, Puints, Oils, Varnish a»,etc., Main street,hotween Jackson and St-Philip H ESSE MRS. S. Millinary and Fancy Dry Goods, Corner St. Louis and Main Streets. H igginbotham, m. t., cicH- of the Town Corned— office, corner Market »ad Green streets H OLDEN, B. I'.—Stages, Ben F. Holden conductor. In connection vitk M. La. & T. li. R. to Lafourche Cros Bug—Office, un der Franklin House, H OLDEN, B. . Lirery stublc. come at Louts and Bridget. [OFFMANN, F„ Carriege Maker, /Av ~~V Stable, corner Jackson and. St. Streets. flOGINBOTHAM. M. T., Groceries nines and Liquors, Cor- Market and ween streets. tlOFFMANN, W., Dry Goods and Gro « j o ef P es - Main Street, between Focus St. Philip streets . Hoffman s stages ,—Frank iicfr rf Proprietor, L. Bardel, Con m cennection with Morgan's Lou «»na. and Texas R. Ii. Lafourche Cros H OQAN, P., Boiler Maker, corner Le vee and Church Streets. Dome hook and ladder co. fon*u\i 0 ^ e K*l ar meetings on the « n n, Monday of each mouth. Regular ex •5!r? 8 on Suuday preceding the fourth ■«day of every Month. 0 i—N®* H. k. McBride President: J. ' Ml ™ n ® r y, \ ice President; C. Azema,Foro Amin- 1st Asst. Foreman ; Leo aSP'-r ^ Asst. Foreman ; Ellis N. .. , ;* smel ': Henry Riviere, Sccre '- iv , rr ' D ' Asst. Secretary ; George ' Warden; Narcisso Boudreaux, Ty ^AVII) Dry Goods, Shoes, tioou, Hals, Cops &c.. corucr Main ■flroens Streets. A. F., Parish Judge, Of ace at Court House. K obloc h, CLAY & ARTHUR, At - Jr***fi* n *d Counsellors at Law, —of P MUirs Main St., between Jackson ^-Tulip tr eets. Mechanical Engineer and -Tr^ybeGirer of sugar Apperatus, and "Residence, Jackson street. ■ Mrs. J. Variety store, Stores •virioto-c. Sec —Jackson street ot-Bridget st. jgj—«»*», LOUIS, Sadler, corner St ' a ®A*nd t. Bridg ct Stree t«. Copper, Tin and Sheet Workers, cornea Market and -^streets. g^fBRE, JOS., Groceries, Wine ^saquory, corner Groan and Main L OhIO, P. E., Justice of the Peace, 2nd Ward Sc Mayor of the Town, —of fice corner Green and Levee Streets. M M EUNIER, A., Dealer in Foreign and f Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, &e. t ffi Street corner St Philip. "unT-OAKMEL CONVENT. Acade' my for the Young Ladies, under the Direction of Sister St. Bernard. M ICHELET, II. II., Parish Treasurer Office, Green Street, cor. Market M OORE, I. I). Attorney at Law ,—of tice up stairs Main St. corner Focus. O SCIIWALD, J. O.. Shoemaker, Main Street between St Louis and Green streets. O 'SULLIVAN, E. A. Attorney at Law. Green street, between Main and 'Thibodaux Streets. P HILIPI'EAU ALFRED, Baker, corne r Levee and Maronge Streets. P ERRIN, A. J. foriegn and domestic go>)ds, Hals, shoes and groceries, cor ner Main and St-Philip streets KOTECTOR FIRE CO. NO. J. E11 ginc House, Jackson St. Regular Pa rades on the tbirdSunday of each mouth, and regular meeting on the third Monday. Officers:—P. A. Aucoin, President ; A. B. Ragan, Vice-President; C. Sabonrin, Secretary ; F. J. Lagarde, Assistant Sec retary ; \V. C Ragan, Foreman •. Frantz Tfcruot, Assistant Foreman;Ilose Director A. J. Pen-in, Assist't Hose Director ; B Malhrough, W. Brockhoeft, Treasurer Ii 1VIERE, L.. Dry Goods, corucr Main and St. Louis Streets. s ANCAN, V. I meal Agent and Collector. Office Thibodaux Sentinel, Market St, S trangers hotel - thomas al BEKTI, Proprietor, corner Thibo daux and Green Streets. S T. JOHN'S SCHOOL.—Rev. C. F. D. Lyne principal Jackson Street near St. John s Church. S ABOURIN, C., Surgeon Dentist, Office; Jackson Street, between Thibodaux ami St Bridget sts. S OCIETE DE BIENFAISANCE ET D'assistance Mutuelle tie Thibodaux. Lcs stance regulicre de cette socidtd out lieu le premier jeudi tie ebaque uiois il 7 heures tin soil- du ler octobre au ler avril, et A 8 heures du ler avril au ler oe tohre. Otfieiers :—H. Danserean, President; P. A. Aucoin, Vice President, F. Sancan, Secretaire; H. H. Michelet, Assistant Se cretaire ; Jos. T. Thibodaux, Trdsotier ; Thcophile Thibodaux. Coilectour; Alccste Bourgeois. Portier. r |TETREAU. 11., Carriage Maser an A Horse Shoeing, corner Levee* ant! P triot Streets. rjTABOR H. W., Family and Plant a A lion Groceries, Greco Street,between Levee and Murket Stree. ■ T hibodeaux, jos. t.. Pharmacist, Dealer in Patent Mctlicines, Perfu mery, See., corner of Main and St. Philip Streets. vriHBODEAUX, JOS. T„ Treasurer of I the Town, corner Main anil St. Philip Streets. rpHIBODAUX FOUNDRY. Bodley & A Keete, Proprietors,Lever and Jackson .Streets. rpHIBODAUX, THEOPIIILE, Town A Constable, Assessor, Collector and Wharfinger. Office Green Street between Market and Levee. T hibodaux fife department— Orgeuisetl Soptem .t . 7tli, 1'74. Offi cers : —L. A Webre, '.uief Engineer, 8. T. DeMotladd, 1st Assistant ; T ylor La garde, 2nd Assistant ; Allaiu Hatleaux, Secretary & Treasurer ; P- E. Lorio and M. A. Legendre, Delegate of the Thibo daux Fire Co. No. 1. Alceste Bourgeois, Delegate of the Protector Fire Co. No. 2 OCNG MEN'S BENEVOLENT AS SOCIATION, OF LAFOURCHE, Regular meeting on the first Wedaesday of each month, at 7 o'clock, at the office ol Judge Lorio. Cor. Green and Levee. Officers :—H. N. Coulon, President. P E Lorio, Vice. President. M. T. Hig ginbotham, Secretary, C. Az£ma, Treasu rer, L. Aueoin, Censor, rfUIIBODAUX COLLEGE, Very Rev. A C. M. Menard, situated in one of the most healthy parts of the town of Thibo daux. V ERGES. J. M. & Co. Bat her, Main Steet. between St.Louis and Green ttreet V ERRIEU, T., Gunsmith, Main St., be tween St. Louis and Green Streets EBRE L. A., Sheriff, Office at Court House. w W INDER, THOMAS, District Attor ney. — office. Market Street, be tween Maronge and Patriot Streets, EISSENTHANNER, ALOIS, Oonfec tionery and Soda Water, Gree Street between Market and Main Street® W ASHINGTON HOTEL, Mrs. G Gainard, Proprietor, Market St octween St. Philip ana St. Louis Streets. riAHIBODAUX SENTINEL. Job Office, A corner Market and Patriot Streets. HIBODAUX BENEVOLENT LODGE No 90. A. F. and A. M.—Regular meetings on the second Saturday anti the last Saturday of Every month, at 3 o'clock P. M., Graeii Street, between Levee and Market Streets. nnHIUODAUX, P. A., Civil Engineer, A Jackson Street, opposite St. Bridget Street. r|1 HIBODAUX FIRE NO. 1. Engine X Room at Town Hall, Levee St. Reg ular parados on second Sunday of each month. Regular Meetings ou Monday af ter the sooond Mnuday of every month. OfficersS. T. Grisamore, President: E E. LeBIano, Vice-President ; M. T. Higgin botham, Secretary ; H. W. Tabor, Jr., As, j distant Secretary; H, W. Tabor, Foreman, , H. Champagne, Assistant Foreman; J, G. ( Oshwahl, Hose Director ; H. Tetieaux. As taut Hose Dir tor ; II. H. Michelet, Engine Dim tor ; P. A. DeManadt?, Assistant En ne Director ; O. Malbrongh, Tyler ; Jos. . ibodeaux. Treasurer. _ rpRONE, J. A., Books and stationary dep» ; X Market street, between St. Philip and St. Louis (opposite Washington Hotel), j Photographic Gallery , up stairs. __ j r/ERNOTT, FRANK, Watehmaker imp I /j Dealer in fine Jewelry Ac. Main Street between St. Philip and Jackson Streets. AZZO Dr. J. B C.. Physician and Aeoucheur, Thibodaux P. O., Laiour he Parish, La, G Y oung men's dramatic club— Regular meeting Second Thursda of each month. Officers:—Silas T. Grisamore, Preei itlent; Emile Loiseau, Vice President ; J Ouier Landry, Treasurer; Heifry Riviere Secretary ; F. Sancan. Stage Manager ; J. A Perrin, assistant Stage Manager; John Hay .Property Man: T.Bergeron, Costumer; A. F. Knobloch, Prompter ; J. L. Webre, Assistant. A. B. Ragan, Fluor Manager, Thomas Holden, Door Keeper. Committee of Arrangements : A. B. Ra gan. Chairman, J. N. Wright, L. Aucoin, M. T. Higginghotliam. WHAT PAYS ? X TPAIS every Manufacturer, Merchant, Mechanic, Inventor, Farmer, or Profes sio.-uil man, to keep informed 011 all the im provements aud discoveries of the age. IT I'Al S the head of every family to intro duce into his household a newspaper that js instructive, one that fosters a taste for investigation, aud promotes thought and encourages discussion among the members. The Scientific 'American which has been published weekly for the last thirty-one years, does this, to an extent beyond any other publication ; in fact it is the only weekly paper published in the United States, devoted to Manufactures, Mechanics, Inventions and Xew Discotcrics in the, Arts aud Sciences. Every number is profusely illustrated aud its contents embrace the latest and most interesting information per taining to the Industrial, Mechanical, aud Scientific Progress, of the AVorld; Descrip tions. with Beautiful Ecgravii:gs of New Inventions. New Implements, New Proces ses, aud Improved Industries of all kinds. Useful Notes. Recipes, Suggestions and Ad vice by Practical Writers, for Workmen aud Employers, in all the various arts, form ing a complete repertory of New Inventions and Discoveries; containing a weekly record, not only of the progress of the In dustrial Arts in our own country, but also of all New Discoveries and Inventions in every branch of Engineering, Mechanics, and Science abroad. THK M lKVriFlU AVERI AAHi lias been the foremost of all indus trial publications for the past thirty-oue years. It is the oldest, largest, cheapest, and the best weekly illustrated paper devoted to Engineering, Mechauies. Chemistry-, New Inventions. Science and Industrial Pro gress, published in the world. liie practical Recipes arc well worth ten times the subscription price, and for the shop and house will save many times the cost of subscription. Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics, Engi neers, lncenhrrs, Manufacturers, Chemists, Lorcrs 0 } Science, and People of all Profes sions, will find the Scientific Amekicax should have a p'ace in every Family, Library, Study, Office and Counting Room ; in every Reading Room, College and School. A new volume commen ces January 1st. 1877. A year's numbers contain 834 pages and Skvki; h. IIrxnuiaiENuKA vin<,s.T housands ol volumes are preserved ler binding and relerencc- Terms, $3.4(1 a year by mail, in- 1 chining postage. Discount to Clubs. Sjteeial I circulars, giving Club rates, sent free. Sin- 1 gle copies mailed on receipt of 10 eeuts M.iy he had of ail News Dealers. |_) A r | ' IT' V In connection ■I- HID*' 1o< with the Scientific American, .Messrs. Mi nn & Co., are Solici tors of American and Foreign Patents, and have the largest establishment in the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their agency. Patents are obtained on the best terms, Mo dels ol New Inventions aud Sketches exam ined, and advice free. A special notice is , made in the Scientific A meriean of all In- j volitions Patented through this Agency, I with the name and residence of the Paten tec. Patents are often sold in part or whole, to persons attracted to the invention bv such notice. A Pamphlet, containing full directions for obtaining Patents sent free. The Scientific American Reference Book, a, volume bound in cloth aud gilt, containing the Patent Laws, Census of the U, S-, and 142 Engravings of mechanical movements. Price ilo Cents. Address for the Paper, or concerning Patents, MILIUM & UO., 37 Park Row, Few York. Branch Office, Cor■ FA 7th Sts., Washington, D. C. THE WEEKLY SUV. 1877. NEW YORK. j , ( . ; j j I 1877 The different editions of The Sun during the next year will be the same as during the year that has just passed. The daily edi tion will on week days he a sheet of lour pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pa ges, or 5C broad columns, while the weekly edition will bo a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are al ready familiar to our friends. The Sun will continue to be the strenu ous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud in the administration of public affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people aud tor the people, as opposed to government by frauds in the ballot-box and iu the count ing of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers—a body now not far from a million ol souls— with the most careful, complete and trust worthy accounts of current events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected stuff of reporters and cor respondents. Its reports from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate, and fear less ; and it will continue to deserve and en joy the hatred of those who thrive by plun dering the Treasury or by usurping what the law docs not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of tho public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power. The price of the daily Sun will be S3 cents a month or #<t.gO a year, post paid, or with the Sunday edition R7 70 a year. The Sunday euftion alone, eight pa-res, $l«Ou year, post paid. The \\ eekly Sun, eight pages of 56 broad columns, will lie furnished during 1877 at the rate of $1 a year, post paid. The benefit of this large reduction from the previous rate for the Weekly can be enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of our fiiicnds choose to aid injexionding our circulation, weshali be grateful to them, and every such person who scuds us ten or more subscribers from one place will lie entitled to one copy of the paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postage paid, the expenses of paper aud printing are barely repaid ; and, considering tho size of the sheet and the quality of its contents, we are confidant the people will consider The Weekly Sun the cheapest newspaper published in the world, aud we trust also one of the very best. Address, THE SUN, New York City, N. Y. LITTLE EXCHANGE. KEPT BY J. BEEUEROjf & CO. Fine Quality ol Wines and Liquors Also Beds for Travellers Cor. Uhurlres A 8l>Lonis Ats, 20my76-ly New-Orleans GOOD PEI0ES! QUICK SALES ODELL & WRIGHT 50 Decatur Street, ---- New Orleans. COMMISSION MERCHANTS M Sl lillt, MOI,ASSES, RICE, COTTON, ETC. HIGHEST PRICES FOR FI,'ItS ; ( ()»>. MIA It, OTTER, KTU. LIGHT CHARGES FOIt HANDLING ! ootl476. 1 I 1 , j I KIP & RIICH, rnsnuiB iice mills. (All Premiums awarded at the Louisiana State Fairs for Rice Milling, from 1868 ud to the present time.) Nos 12 and 11 Elysian Fields Streets, oppo site the site of the old Pontchartrin Depot 3rd District, NEW ORLEANS. Capacity 420 bis cleaned per day. EMPTY SACKS FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGES. Prices. No. 1..................* No. 2...........:......I No. 3.................. i Cent. JNO M. WALSII, A"ent* Av. 17 76 | BROUSSEAU & Son, 17 Chartres Street. New Orleans, —Importer atui Dealer in — Carpets, Floor Oil ClotliM, China and Coca Matting, Table & Piano covers Window Shades, Crumb Cloths, Bugs, Mats Carriage, Table aud Enamel Oil Cloths. Curtain Material*, Lace, Reps Damashs Cornices, Bands, Pins, Gimps, Loops and Tassels Ilair Cluth, Plush, Bed Ticking and Springs. aug4761y F. P. 8EVL\, (Formerly Sevin 4c Gourdain) No. 115 Old Levee Street, NEW ORLEANS. DKAI.KK IN Al.l. KINDS OF Coiminj pvatmcf. COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Wool. Hides, Furs, Rices, Patatoes Moss. Poultry, Eggs, Etc fev. 73 V. F EH IIA NJJ O ( 7 , Uommissiou MerchunL —Will attend to the sale of— Cotton, Sugar, Rice. Moss, Rides, Wool, Eggs, Poultry, (lame of all kinds, Beeswax, Iloney, and every des cription of Garden Prod ure. No. Ml ......St Louis Street......No. Ml (Between Chartres and Levee) my20 76 ly] NEW-ORLEANS Thibodaux Foundry! KEEFE & BODLEY Thibodaux, La*, H AVING purchased tho above ana well known establishment, take great pleas ure in announcing to the plantere that they have refitted the Foundry aud Machine Shop, and are now prepared to do any work n tlieir line, with neatness aud dispatch. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, DRAINING WHEELS, SHAFTING and GEARING, -AND CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order. -ALL KINDS or - Brass Castings, -SUCH GUAGE COCKS, CYLINDER and PUMP COCKS, GLOHE VAL VES, etc., etc., made to order and furnished at the shortest notice. Having refitted their blacksmith shop, they can do all kinds of work in that line, in the best manner and with dispatch. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the former patronage extended to this es tablishment. [27my-76 Emile A. Albert, Wm. Reinkrtii. No. 30 CHARTRES ST., Corner Custom-House Street. —:o:o:— ALBERT & REINERTH IMPORTERS &. JOBBERS FRENCH SILK & FUR HATS. CAMPEACHY & PANAMA HATS. AT WHOLESALE. New-Orlkans june 5tli.75. C. B. BLOCK JACOB MYERS GUS. WEILL —WITH— C. 15. HIAIUEi & co. Wholesale Dealers fn Tobacco ii n (I Cigari No. 75 Gravier Street ........... NewOrleans lPfeb 76 ly H. HOFFfflAV\, Dealers in F URNITURE, Hardware, Paints, Oils Window glass, Wall-paper, Lime, Saud Piaster, Cement. Metallic, rose wood, iinrai tatioa blin k walnut Coffins, also cypress coffins made to- order, Alc, .Ve in connection with A. H. Hoffmann, Cab inet Maker and Repairer of ail kinds of fur oitnre. Main Street, 15jan ly) Bet Jackson aud fk Philip J. IV. BOURGEOIS, —Dealer in all kinds of— Country Produce, —Such as — MOSS. HIDES, FURS, 1 WOOL. POTATOES RICE, SUGAR. MOLASSES, COTTON, CHICKENS, FRUITS, EGGS S St- Louis Straet 5 [Corner of St-Louis] New-Orleans 2july'7C-ly NOTICE. T HE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED to the corner of St. Philip and Market streets, next door to the Post Office, where be will keep an assortment of Charter Oak and other cooks stoves, tire grates, cooking utensils, Glass ware, Tin ware. Bolts aud Nuts. Charcoal, rivets of all sizes and kinds; and will be prepared to do any species of Tin. Zinc, light iron aud copperwoi'k. Also an assortment of wagon hubs, felloes, spokes ect. Jan- 1st- S. T. GRISAMORE, W. Price, Cooper. • Tigerville Station, Terrebonne Parish. La. Constantly on hand and at the lowest .Market Price : Hogsheads, Molasses Bar rels, Halves Barrels, (all hand work) Sc de pot of all qualities of staves. All ordeis entrusted to me will moe; prompt attention, july 22 76. 6 m. BROOK Steam JLiice Mill. C. II. ALLEN. 89. 91 & 93 TCHOUPITOULAS Street Lock-Box 976. - New Orleans This is the most extensive MILL in the (SOUTH, MILLING KATES : No. 1............Jet. Fit). No. 2............i ct. ft. No 3............[ct. P-lh. Eight sucks of bran returned to the plan tors for every HUNhkd Bids, rough Rice re ceived. Bearded Rice a speciality—having a Ma chine invented expressly for the purpose of removing the beard before going to the stone. O. J. SEVIN, Agt. DI FARII, Commission Merchant, —And Dealer in— COUNTRY PRODUCE, Moss. Hides, Furs, Wool, Potatoes, Molas ses, Rice, Sugar, Cotlon, Chickens Eggs, etc., etc. No. 5...... St.-Louis Street ...... No. S sepfiOm NEW ORLEANS. LA. EQUITABLE Life Insurance Co . Cor. Carondclet and Gravier Sts. NEW ORLEANS. Samuel Manning Todd, President. R. W. Ogden, Vice President. Andrew Patton, 2d Vice President William Henderson, Secretary DIRECTORS. A Thomson, E. A. Tyler, W. B. Srlimidt, J. W. Stone, B. T. Walsho, John I, Adams, Alex. Marks, Robt. W. Ogden, J. B. Comers, John Henderson, H.M. Payne, T. C. Herndon, James I. Day, E. B. Briggs, Hy- Abraham, Chas. Chaffe, W. Henderson, John H. Pike, E. H. Fairchild, H. J Vose, S. B. Newman, A. Pattern, John S. Groves, J. B. Levert. •23sep-ly) JUST COMES, Country Agent. SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. OF NEW ORLEANS. JAMES I. DAY, President. HORACE CARPENTER, Secretary Paid up Capital, - - - - $500,000 DIRECTORS. Jno. G. Gaines, Jus. I. Day, E. J. Hart, Lionel C. Levy, Henry ltenshaw, Emory Clapp, Hugh Wilson, James Byrnes, B. Biscoe, J. L. Harris, A- Bulbwin. W. B. Schmidt, Chas, McCready, L. Alcus, \V E. Seymour, Isaac L. Haas, Richard Flower, Scott McGehee, J. W ciss, Geo. Jonas, B. VV. Taylor, D. Fatjo, J- C. Morris, T- L. Airey, JUST COMES, Authorised Solicitor for the country. sep23-ly) NOTICE. B ids will be received at the Office ol Parish Treasurer for the sale of Parish Warrants (old issue), au l all monies coming into the Redemption Fund will be used for the purchaso of said warrants monthly, to the lowest bidder. S.T. GRISAMORE, an Pro e : t Police Jury Leon Godchaux, *1 a»«l M Canal ml The largost and most complete stock ('lothin Hats and Furni»hi ue { Goods ev-er ottered. isJoiU t , tcutUm of parents and guardians is called to our stock of Boys' School Suits, which cannot ho excelled and will bo sold at very low prices. augy-ly LEON GODCHAUX. Floki vn Laxue, Felix Lei: gn j>kb LANGE & LEGENDRE, Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN Coimtii) -pcofriice, Olce S Wareloiise: 17 Mouse St„ P. O. Box 440 New Orleans, La. References. Schmidt & Ziegler, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans ; Jules Denis, President Levee steam Cotton ITOSS. Jules Cassard, Vice-President Germania National Bank. Pike, Brother «Sc Co., Bankors. Niima Landry, Cashier of People's Bank. tiime Legendre, St. James. l ( Jjune?5 FARMER'S FRIEND. hi Will stand this season at J. B. Ancotii's He will serve Mares at the reduced price of $10.00 for the season, and insuring a Mare with foal. lliose neglecting to attend regularly nn til the Mure is known to be with foal, will he required to pay full price. Pedigree. Farmer's Friend is 8 years old. weighs 1400 ibs is a hoautifuly unihogu "y oay, black legs, mane and tail, and is 16* hands high, lie was sired bv Young Potomac, grand sire Old Potomac, - brought lrom Kentucky by David Niles. Daui by Burnap's old Sampson of Hillsboro 111. Young Potomac's Dam was full blooded. (Sire Arcliy) J. R. ALCOIX, Parish of Assumption. Lahadievillc, P. O Speciality! Snufl and Fine Cut Tpbacco ! Havnnna and Domestic Cicjars , the best brand of i hewing Tobacco. Constantly on hand , a larye assortment of Dijms, ctc. % etc. Graugnard & Schneider, MANUFACTURERS. * No. 55..... Mugazine Street ..... No- 55 gsept-ly NEW ORLEANS. J. V. BOUI8 G, Marchaud Uommissioanaire, Si5 CHARGE DE LA VENTE DE Coton, Sucre, Riz, Mousse, Pcaux, Laine, Volailles, (Eufs, Cire, Micl, Gibicr, et de toute espfece de produits des champs ou de jardinago, 1AT...... line Decatur ......1-17 [entre Jefferson et Toulouse] SOW ELLE ORLEANS P. O. Lock Box H77. mhl07C-ly J. DUSCIl, Fuwhionultlc Till tor, Market Street, under Washington Hotel, T1IIBODA UX, J. DI'NCH A CO., No. 70---- Chartres Street. ..No. 70 NEW ORLEANS. 15jly76-ly ^JAISO.T BLANCHE, DR. SAMPLE, 157....... Canal Street, N. 0 .......157 Cuboclic Ac Victor. Always on hand l>est Brands of Wines, Whiskeys, Liquors; HAVANA & DOMESTIC CIGARS. iny20 76 ly) VICK'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE Fifty pages—300 Illustrations, with Des criptions of thousands of the best. Flowers and Vegetabiss iu the world, and the way to grow them —all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in German and English. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper; in elegant cloth covers, $1.00 Address. James V ick, Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S FLORAL GLIDE a beautiful Quarterly Journal, finely illus trated, and containing an elegant colored Flower Plate with the first number. Price only 25 cents for tho year. The first No. for 1877 just issued in German aud English. I ick s Flower A 1 egctable Garden, in pa per 50 cents : with elegant cloth covers $ 1 . 00 . Vick's Catalogue—WXI Illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. VICKS FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and six Chro ma Plates of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 50 cents iu paper covers; fl.OO in elegant cloth. Printed iu German and English. Vick's Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vick's Catalogue —300 Illustrations, only 2 cents Address, James Vick, Rochester, X. Y. VICK'S ' j ' FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS ARE planted by a million people in AMERICA. See Vick's Catalogue —300 Illustrations, only 2 eents. Vick's Floral Guido, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. Vick's Floieer and Vegetable Garden, 50 cents; with elegant cloth coverd$1.00. All my publications are printed in En glish aud German. Address, James Vick, Rochester, N. Y, BANDITTI STORE iHE ONLY POPULAR ^ Goods Store. 'd; 29 Royal St. Corner te St. New Or lean x. No Custom h j f*?™ ?°^fri»W to con ! t,nue * or l Nry ditys longer to otter to w customers, friends «n<l l^trons such B R I G»o j) g as will defy couipm^, aiu ] competition. Pticetitobe made by every buyy according to bis own meaus. 1 HE BANDITTI ST 0 \J Intends to fight it way through U immortality and fame in giving away its whole stock in trade and aims to be counted amongst the benefactors of humanity. A VISIT to the Banditti Store w&I convince the most skep tical that everything is as represented. P. DEGUILHEXI, Proprietor Banditti Store, Nog. 2i & 29 Royal St. Corner Custom« house St., oue square from Clay Statue. (octl4'76. GEO. W. SQUIRE^ Thibodaux. AGi:.\r of •3A1MS3 m* WfflMlQL (■euci-n 1 t'ommhrioR Merchlint 61 Canmdelet Street, Front office, tin stairs NEW ORLEANS. ' —SOLICITS THE CONSIGNMENT OK— SUGAR, MOLASSES, RICE, COTTON HIDES, WOOL, MOSS, ETC. ' And purchase all kinds of Merchandise aud 1 Imitation Supplies, having hud over thirty years experience iu the busi ness, cun guurantee satisfaction. 14 oct. 1876. (The thibodaux jfrntitwl - AN1>— Journal af the 8th Memo rial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, ISSUED KVKKT SATURDAY F- SANCAN' Pro'r <fc Business Manager OFFICE COR- MARKET t PATRIOT STB UNITED STA TBS OF AMERICA. IHE STA TE OF LOUISIANA. PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. ¥£NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE IV Sr.NTS. Thut on this the thirtieth day of the month of November in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred ami Seventy-Six, and of tho American luda pcudencc the One hundred and one year. Before, me, John Wilfrid Kuobloou, a No tary Public, duly commissioned and quali fied in ami for said Parish and therein resi ding, and in the presence of Messrs Octave Barroisaud Adolphe H. Uotfniuuu.good and competent witnesses, also domiciliated iu saidparish. Personally came and appeared; Messrs. Henry Nicholas Coulon, Matliew T. Higginbotham, Cyprieu Azeina, P Er nest Lorio, Dr. John H, Fleetwood, James A. frost, Joseph O. Lagurde, Maxlmilien (.ointment. Joseph L. Webre, Taylor E. Lagarde, Ellis N. Braud, James Otis Kno bloch, J. G. Oswald, S T. DeManadtf. Who declared and said: That availing themsel ves of the laws of tho State, relative to the orgauizHtion of Corporation, they form and constitute themselves as well as their associates now or who may hereafter joined them, an As sociation, tho objects ofwhicu are herein after set forth and explained. Article I—The name shall be, the Young Men's Benevolent Association of Lufourcbe. Article II—The objects shall he to assist onr needy memlx-rs, uOrse the sick, bury our dead, and take care and provide for the widows and orphans of our deceased incur bers Arti .-le III—The Officers shall consist of a President, a V ice-Prcsideut. a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Censor and a Collector. , Article I\ —Ihe Domicile of the Associa tion is fixed at Thibodaux, Parish aud State aforsaid. Article V—This Association is hcrebv es tablished for the period of Twenty-Vivo years. Article VI—This Association will be able to sne and to lie sued before all the Courts of the State or elsewhere, to receive non..* tions of money and of property reul and personal, to buy, rent and keep all such buildings or Jots,_ which may be requisito for the benefit ot the Assosiatiou. also to give, sell, transfer and dispose oftlie same. It shall also have a seal which fan be des troyed or renewed when it will be necessa ry Article VII—The President shall be the proper party on whom all notices shall bo served. Article VIII—This Association has also the right to pass such a Constitution, By laws, rules and regulations us may be re quired for its good government, provided such be not in controversy with this Char ter or the laws under which it is orgurnized. This done and passed, at my office: iu the town of Thibodaux, on the day, moKth and year first above written. D* "hereof the parties, witnesses aud I, tho Notary have signed, these pre sents after due reading hereof. (Signed) II. N. Coulon. M. T. Higgin botham, C. Azfima, John H. Float" ootf, J. A. r cost, Jas. O. Knobloch, M. Cointinent, Jos. L. Webre, Taylor E. Lagarde, E- X. Brand, J. O. Lagarde, J. G. Oswald, 8. T. DeManadt, P. E. Lorio. Witnesses . Adolphe H. Hoffmann. Octave Barrios. J. W. KNOBLOCH. . _ Notary Public. STATE OF LOUISIANA, PARISH OF LAFOURCHE \\ ithin act of incorporation, having been duly examined., and its objects ana pur poses being in accordance with law, f alva my approval to the same, November 30,1876. (Slgued) T. L. WINDER. Dist. Atty. 15th Jod. DW . Recorder s({tl °* ^ Uri * bu ' 1 (ml).; intfca Witness my hand officially, rhUtheXKh, day of N o vein bar, A. D.. 1 vtK J. W. KNOBL' w '" Notary