Newspaper Page Text
Struts of Subscription OBe year [in advance]........$3 00 " within 3 months.... 3 50 " 6 " .... 4 00 One Copy................... 10 , SANCAN. Pro*r & Business Manager Published every Saturdays. ffibodaux • Sentinel -AND JOURNAL OF THE 8 Tn SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Official Journal of the Town of Thibodaux. VOL. XII. THIBODAUX. L—. SATURDAY, MARCH 31 " 1877. Rates of AbucrUsing: One Square (of ten link; First insertion................ 91 50 Second insertion.............. 75 Each subsequent insertion 5'* Caxdtdates,.............. $10 OO OFFICE; Corner Market and Patriot Streets. NO. 35 business cards. ' SSELINEAU, MILS. E., Dry Good*. t Fancy Articles, etc., corner Market | 1 Louis streets, I UCOIN. P- A., Family and Planta- : 1 (ion Groceries, Main street, between ■s and St. Philip streets. LgUA, C. Coffee House Keener, Main I St., between Jacksou anu St. Phi- j [Streets. [lLAIN, L. S. Sl LEBLANC, E E. i Notaries public. Office Green Street. ! |LUM, S. Dry Goods ami Grocery, cor ner Main and Jackson Streets. IaDEAUX, J. Family and Plantation Groceries, Main Streep corner Slain Focus. ttDEAUX, THOMAS, Attorney at Law corner Main and Focus Streets, up IILL1U, J. S., Attorney at Law, —ofti-e i UBmer St. Philip and Main streets ;E, E W., Attorney at Law, —of Greeu Street, JLNCRAKD, J. E., Surgeon Dentist. —office, corner Green and St. Bridg ets. JDLEY, Wagons anil Curts. Depot on Levee Street near the Thibodaux y. W. H. KAGAN. Agent. SbUBQUIN Sc BOUKON, Watehma I irr mid Gunsmith, Dealers in Jeieel |JUtmo-«i» de, corner Market and St. lie Streets. IREAUX & LEGENDRE, Dry Goods and Groceries,corner Main and Green ets. LlNNi>6S, S. A. Mrs. Milhnary and Fancy Dry Goods, corner Jackson and daux its. LESTIN, JEAN, Baker, Main Street, corner Patriot. SEREAU, P.. Physician, corner Jackson and Short Streets. T8EREAU. 1L, Physician, corner St. Philip and St. Bridget Streets LkLBERT, P J-, Groceries, Whies. Li fquunt, Tobacco and Cigars, cor. Mam 1 St-Philip streets .ELBERT, P. J , Engineer, cor- Main fund St-Philip streets Excelsior—lodge no. 34.—Regu lar meetings ut the Odd Fellow's 11, corner Market and Patriot, every ilay evening at 7 o'clock, leers: C. Salnmriii. N. G. Jos. T. Thi aux. V. G.; S. T. Grisamore, Sec- V. a, Treasurer. ROST JAMES. Coffee Jfonse ice per, comer Greeu and .Market Streets. RANKLIN, H., Acting Clerk of the. District Court .—office Court House. LEETWOOD, J. H Drug Store, Mar ket Street, between Greeu and St. 's Streets. LEETWOOD. J. H.. Physician. —of 1 Ice Market Street, between St. Louis I Greeu Streets. INK LIN HOUSE—B.F. HOLD E N {Proprietor, cornel St-Louis and Ma BISAMORE, S. T.. Agent Forth A me \rwa Life Insurance Co. Corner .Mur ud St. Philip, streets. IDE, J. S.. Attorney ill Caw. —office, over J. H. Fleet wood Market Street 1JION LEWIS, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office, over J. H. Fleet 1 Drug store, Market Street. pFlMANN, H-, Cabinet Maker, deal Hardware, Paints, OUs, Varnish m Main street,bet ween Jackson and dip Millinary and Fancy i «r'Y Coods , Corner St. Louis and I Streets. pFFMANN, F. Curriege Maher, tjt ! cry Stable ,corner Jackson and St. Streets. HNBOTHaM. M. T.. Groceries fines and Liquors, Cor Market aiul i streets. fFFMANN, w., Dry Goods and Gro Wain Street, between Foeuij ■A Philip Streets. FMAN'S STAGES ,—Frank Hoff |*Hi* Proprietor, L. Bar del. Con 1 m connection with Morgan's Lou I® 1 ™ Texas K. R. Laiourehe Cros 3AN, p M Boiler Maker, corner Le VRU utul 1*1...___i cii ® HOOK AND LADDER CO. 1* a ^ e 8 u hu' meetings ou the ou Sunday preceding the fourth ? of eyerv Month. u ' v- McBride P.esident; J. KLY ice President; C.Azeiua,Fore *• Frost' 1st Asst. Foreman; Leo Asst. Foreman ; Eliis N. ttmiucr; Heury Riviere, Score gJPefTin, Asst. Secretary ; George "«det»; Nart-isse Boudreaux, Ty j. \y. Clerk of llie Town jf®' BAY'D) Dry Goods , Shoes, Hats, Caps tkc.. Corner Main F* Streets. A. F.. Parish Judge, Of P •* Court House. CLAY & ARTHUR, -41 and Counsellors at Law, —of Main St., between Jauftson [3- Mechanical Engineer apd tver of sugar Apperatiis. and "lideuce. Jackson street. Mrs. J. Variety store. Stores i Jaoksou street "t-Bridget st. ' * B USINESS CA RDS. I ANGMAN, LOUIS, Sadler, corner St. A Philip and St. Bridget Streets. ^"TRISAMORE, Capper, Tin and. Sheet X Iron Workers, cornea Market and St. Philip streets. L EGENDRE, JOS., Groceries, Wine and Liquors, corner Greeu and Main M ACHADO,.!. D. Groceries and Dry Gomls, corner Maim- Jackson and Levee Streets. L OhIO, P. E., Justice of the Peace, "hid Ward &. Mayor of the Town, —of ice comer Gruen and Levee Streets. M EUNIElt, A., Dealer in Foreign an Domestic Dry Gootis, Groceries, &e., Mam Street corner St Philip. VfONT-CAKMEL CONVENT, Acadc iTi my for the Young Ladies, under the Direction of Sister St. Bernard. M oore, i. lice up Focus. D. Attorney at Late ,—ot stairs Main St. corner O SCHWALD, J. ii..Shoemaker. Main Street bet ween St Louis aud Green streets. O 'SULLIY'AN, E. A. Attorney at Law, Green Street, between Main aiul Thibodaux Streets. P HILIPl'EAU ALFRED, Baker, corner Levee and Marouge Streets. P ERRIN, A. J. foriegn and domestic goods. Hats, shoes and groceries, cor ner Main and St-Philip streets lOTECTOR FI'IE CO. NO. h l.n ginc House. Jackson St. Regular Pa rades on the thirdSunila.v of each month, and regular meeting on the third Monday. Officers:—P. A. Aueoiu, President ; A. B. Ragan, Vice-President; C. Sabouriu, Secreturv ; F. J. Lagarde, Assistant Sec retary ; W. G Ragan, Foreman : Frantz Zeruot, Assistant Foremau;Hose Director A. J. Perrin, Assisft Hose Director ; B. Malbrough, YV. Broekboeft, Treasurer R IY'IERE, L., Dry Goods, corner Main and St. Louis Streets. ANCAN, Y'. Local Agent and Collector. Office Thibodaux Seutiuel, Market St. s STRANGERS HOTEL - THOMAS aL O BERTI. Proprietor, corner Thibo daux and Green Streets. ^T. JOHN'S SCHOOL.—Rev. C. F. D. O Lyno principal Jackson Street near St. John's Church. S ABOURIN, C-, Surgeon Dentist, Office; Jackson Street, between Thibodaux and St Bridget sts. VJOCIETE DE BIEXFAISANOK ET OD'assistance Mutuelle de Thibodaux Lcs seance rf-gulicrc de eette soci<5te out lien le premier ieiidi de cliaque inois i\7 lieures du soir du ler octobre au ler uvril, et it 8 henres du ler avril au ler oc tobre, Officiers :—II. Dansereau, President : P. A. Aucoin, Y 7 iee President , F. Sancau, Secretaire ; H. H. .Michelet, Assistant Se cretaire ; Jos. T. Thibodaux, Tresorier : Theopbile Thibodaux. Coileeteur; Alccste Bourgeois, Portier. r |*ETREAU, II., Carriage Maker and JL Horse Shoeing, corner Levee aud Pa triot Stieets. H. W. t Family and Planta Green S Levee and Market Streets. HIBODEAUX. JOS. T., Pharmacist, Perfa Pbilip rpABOR I lion Groceries, Green Street,between 1 Dealer in Patent Medicines, Perfu mery, Ac., corner of Main and St, Streets. 7 1'll I BO >EAUX, JOS. T., Treasurer of I the Town, corner Main and St. Philip Streets. rpHIBODYUX FOUNDRY. Bodley A 1 Keeie, Proprietors ,Levee and Jackson I I rpHIBODYUX, THEOPHILE, Town 1. Constable, Assessor, Collector and Wharfinger Office Greeu Street between Market and Levee. rpHIBODAUX FIRE DEPARTMENT 1 Orgenised September 7tb, 1874. Offi c „rs : — L A- Webre, Chief Engineer, S T. De.Y16nacl4, 1st Assistant ; Taylor La ganle, 2nd Assistant ; Allaiu Badeaux, Secretary A Treasurer ; P E. Lorio and M. A. Legeudre, Delegate of the Thibo daux Fire Co. No. 1. Aleeste Bourgeois, Delegate of the Protec tor Fire Co. No. 2 Y oung men's benevolent as sociation, OF LAFOURCHE,— Regular meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, at 7 o'clock, at the office of Judge Lorio. Cor. Green aud Levee. Officers :—H. N. Coulon, President. P E Lorio, Vice President. M. T. Hig ginbotham, Secretary, C. Azcma, Treasu rer, L. Aucoin, Censor, rpHIBODAUX COLLEGE, Very Rev. A C. M. Menard, situated iu one ot the most healthy parts of the town of Thibo daux. _ V ERGES. J. M. A Co. Barber, Maiu Steet. between St.Lonis aud Green tt eet ____ V ERRIER, T., Gunsmith, Maiu St., be tween St. Louis and Greeu Streets EBRE L. A., Sheriff, Office et Court House. ] w VITAILES. L. A. Physician, Office, at TT Franklin House, corner Market and St. Philips streets. \I7TN T DER. THOMAS, District Attor )T ney. — office. Market Street, be ween Maronge and Patriot Streets. tm/'LISSENTHANNER, ALOIS, Confer tt tionery and Soda Water, Gree Street between Market and Main Street Y*7' ASHINOTON HOTEL, Mrs. G M Gurnard, Proprietor, Market St oetween St. Philip and St. Louis Streets. riYHIBODAUX SENTINEL. Job Office, 1 corner Market aud Patriot Streats. npHIBODAUX BENEVOLENT LODGE A No 90. A. F. and A. M.—Regular meetings on the second Sat urday aud the last Saturday of Every month, at 3 o'clock P. M., Green Street, between Levee and Market Streets. rpHIBODAUX, P. A., Civil Engineer, i A Jackson Street, opposite St. Bridget j Street. J Me, giue Room at Town Hall, Levee St. egular parades on second Sunday of each month. Regular Meetings on Mott May after the second Monday of every tnontb. ' Officers:—A T. Grisamore, Pres.dent E. LeBlano, Vice-President: M. T. Biggin hot ham. Secretary ; H. YY 7 . Tabor, Jr., As, sistant Secretary; H. YY 7 . Tabor. Foreman , H. Champagne, j ssistaut Foreman ; J. G. Oshwald, Hose Director; H. Tetieaux. As taut Hose Dir'tor ; H H. Michelet, Engine Director ; P. A. DeManadl, Assistant En gine Director; O. Malbrough, Tyler ; Jos. Thibodeaux, Treasurer. T RONE, J. A., Books and stationary dcp>i Market street, between St. Philip and St. Louis (opposite Washington Hotel). Photographic Gallery, up stairs. Z ERNOTT, FRANK. Wulrhmaker and Dealer in fine Jewelry dec. Main Street between St. Philip ami Jackson .streets. G AZZO Aron Y oung men's dramatic Regulai meeting Second Du. J. B C., Physician and oueheur, Thibodaux P. O., Lafonr die Parish. La. CLUB.— _ „ Thursda of each month. Officers:—Silas T- Grisamore, Presi ident ; Emile Loiseau, Vice President ; J Omer Lauury, Treasurer ; Henry Riviere Secretary ; F. Saucau. Stage Manager ; J. A Perrin, assistant Stage Manager ; John Hay,Property Man; T.Bergeron, Costumer; A F. Knobloob, Prompter ; J. L. YY'ebre, Assistant. A. B. Ragan, Floor Manager, Thomas Holden, Door Keeper. Committee ot Arrangements : A. B. Ra gan. Chairman,.I. X. Wright, L. Aueoiu. M. T, Higgingbothain. NEW OKL'w%\>. BANDITTI STORE The ONLY POPULAR Dry Uooils Store. No. 27, it 2!) Royal St. Corner Customhouse St. New Orleans. I am not afraid to con tinue tor thirty days longer to otter to ray customers, triemls and patrons such bargains iu DRY GOODS as will defy comparison and competition. Prices to be made by every buyer according to his OYvn means. 1 HE BANDITTI STORE Intends to fight it way through to immortality and fame iu giving away its whole stock iu trade and aims to be counted amongst, the benefactors of humanity. A VISIT to the Banditti store will convince the most skep tical that eY'ery thing is as represented. p. di:gijilhi:ji, Proprietor Banditti Store, Nos. 27 & 29 Royal St. Corner Custom house St., oue square from Clay Statue. (octl4'7(>. Speciality! Snuff and Fine Cut Tobacco ! Huranna and Domestic Cigars, the best brand of shewing Tobacco. Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Pipes, etc., etc. Graugnard & Schneider, MANUFACTURERS. No. 55..... Magazine Street ..... No- 55 I'sept-ly NEW ORLEANS. Leon Godchaux, till and 1^3 Canal St, The largest and most complete stock Clothing, flats and Furnishing Goods ever ottered. The attention of pareuts and guardians is called to our stock of Boys' School Suits, which cannot be excelled auJ will bo sold at very low prices. aug9-ly LEON GODCHAUX. LITTLE EXCHANGE. KEPT BY J. BERGERON A GO. Fine Quality ot 'Vines and Liquors .list) Beds for Travellers For. Chartres A Wt«Lonis Wts. ] my;76-l y New-Orleaus Fiajrian Lange, Felix Legendre LAYGE & LEGEYDRE, 30 Decatur St., Netv Orleans, Generl Commission Merchants Cotton, Sugar, Molasses^ ltiee, etc —Also keep constantly on hand — Pork, Flour, Coffee, Bacou, Corn, etc. etc. etc. References. Schmidt A Ziegler, YVholesale Grocers, New Orleans; Jules Denis, President Levee steam Cotton Press. Jules Cassard, Vice-President Germania National Bank. Pike, Brother A Co., Baukers. Nuurn Landry, Cashier of People's Bank. Emile Legendre, St. James. 19june75 Notice to Sugar Planters. I BEGTO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS in the Country and to the Sugar Plan ters in general that I am now prepared to carry on the Sugar Factorage and Comnns on Business on an extensive scale and I take pleasure in offering them my services Liberal advances made on Crops. Country correspondence solicited. LEON GODCHAUX. 81 and 83 Canal street, New Orleans. D-SOim. i : I ' i YEW O'fLEAYS. YEW ORI.E tXS. GOOD PRICKS! QUICK SALES ODKLL & WRIGHT 50 Decatur Street , - - - - Neic Orleans. COMMISSION MERCHANTS LOUISIANA MOSS RICE, *IGAR, COTTON, ETC. HIGHEST PRICES FOR FI RM; I'OO.Y. MI\K, OTTI.R, ETC'. LIGHT CHARGES FOIt SELLING! et!476 KIP A RICH, RICE HILLS. ( All Premiums awarded at the Louisiana State Fairs for Rice Milling, from 1868 ud to the present time.) Nos. 12 and 14 Elysian Fields Streets, oppo site the site of the old Pontcliartrin Depot 3rd District, NEW ORLEANS. Capacity 420 his cleaned per day. EMPTY SACKS FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGES. Prices. No. I..................J No. 2......... j No. 3.................. i Cent. JNO M. WAISH, Agent, Av. 17 76 A. RHOI **EAI & Son 17 Chartres Street. New Orleans, — Importer and Dealer in — CarpetM, Floor Oil Cloths, China and Coca Matting. Table A Piano covers YY'indow Shades, Crumb Cloths, Rugs, Mats Carriage, Table and Enair.ej Oil Cloths. Curtain materials. Lace, Reps Damasks Cornices, Bands, Pins, Gimps, lamps and Tossels Hair Cloth, Pluob. Bed Ticking and Springs. aug4761y F. P. SKYIN, (Formerly Seviu A Gourdain) No. 115 Old Levee Street, NE.YV ORLEANS. DKAl.KIt IX AU, KINDS OK COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Wool. Hides, Furs, Rices, Potatoes Moss. Poultry, Eggs, Etc fev. 73 Thibodaux Foundry! KEEFE & BODLEY Thibodaux, I,a M H AY'ING purchased the above and well known establishment, take great pleas ure in aunoui-eing to the plante's that they have refitted the Foundry and Machiue Shop, and are now prepared to do any work li their line, witli neatness aud dispatch. STEA'M ENGINES. SUGAR MILLS, DR A INI SO WHEELS, SHAFTING and GEARING, -ANI) CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order. -Al.L kinds of Bra** Castings, -SUCH AS GUAGE COCKS, CYLINDER and PUMP COCKS, GLOBE VALVES, etc., etc., j made to order and furnished at the shortest ; notice. Having refitted their blacksmith shop, they cau do all kinds of work in that line, in the best manner and with dispatch. They resneetfully solicit a continuance of the former patronage extended to this es tablishment. [27my-76 c. a I GEO. YY'. SQUIRES, Thibodaux. AGE.YTOF D&mm KB* Genera I CommUMion Merchant j 61 Carondelet Street, Front office, up stairs, NEW ORLEANS. —SOLICITS THE CONSIGNMENT OF— i SUGAR. MOLASSES, RICE, COTTON, HIDES, WOOL, MOSS, ETC. And purchase all kinds of Merchandise and : Plantation Supplies, having had over I thirty years experience in the busi ness, can guarantee satisfaction. 14 oet. 1876. SUN MUTUAL INSURANCE (JO. OF NEW ORLEANS. JAMES I. DAY, President. HORACE CARPENTER, Secretary ' Paid up Capital, - - - - $500,000 DIRECTORS. Jno. G- Gaines, Jas.I. Da; K. J. Hart, Henry Renshaw, Hugh Wilsou, B. Biscoe, A Balbwin. Clias, McCready, W- E. Seymour, Richard Flower, J. YVeiss, B. W. Taylor, J- C. Morris, Lionel C. I^evy, Emory Clapp, James Byrnes, J. L. Harris, YV. B. Schmidt, L. Alctis. Isaac L. Haas, Scott McGehee, Geo. Jonas, D. Fatjo, T- L. Airey, JUST COMES, Authorised Solicitor for the country sep23-ly) , Louis Bush John B. Levert R. 6. Bush BUSH & LEVERT. Cotton and Sugar Factors. i Aud General Commission Merchants, au 1 75 1 y 31 Perdido Street-, N. (r. J. Y. BOURGEOIS, —Dealer in ail kinds of — Country Produce, —Such us — MOSS, HIDES. FURS, WOOL. POTATOES RICE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, COTTON, CHICKENS, FRUITS. EGGS 5 St- Louis Street 5 [Corner of St-Louis] New-Orleaus 3july'76-ly . U: Ik (FA KIN, I'omniission Nlerehant, —And Dealer in— COUNTRY PRO I) U CE, Moss. Hides, Furs, Wool. Potatoes, Molas ses, Rice, Sugar, Cotton, Chickens Eggs, etc., etc. No. 133----Decatur Street____No. 133 sep%ui NEW ORLEANS. LA. EQUITABLE Life Insurance Co. Cor. Carondelet and Gravier Sts. NEW ORLEANS. Samuel Manning Todd, President. R. W. Ogden, Y 7 ice President. Andrew Patton, 2d Y'ice President YY'illiam Henderson, Secretary A Thomson, E. A. Tyler, YY'. 15. Schmidt, J. YV. Stoue. B. T. YY'alshe. John 1, Adams, Alex. Marks. Roht. YV. Ogden, J. B. Camera, John Henderson, H.M. Payne, T. C. Herndon, DIRECTORS. James I. Day, E. B. Briggs, 11 y- Abraham, Clias. Chuffe, YV. Henderson. Jolm H. Pike, E H. Fairchild, H. J Voue, S. B. Newman, A. Patton, John S. Groves, J. B. Levert. 23sep ly) JUST COMES, Country Agent c. n. BLOCK JACOB MYER8 GUS. WEILL —WITH— C. 11. BLOCK A C O., Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Cigars. No. 75 Gravier Street ........... NeteOrleans Iffeb 76 ly RESTAURANT DES Q.UATRE SAIS0NS. M R. JOHN BOSIO, P OPRIETAIRE du Restaurant ijes Quatre-SaisonsI pr^vient scs amis do a ville et de la earn pague, ainsi que le pnblic en generate, qu i a transfere son restaurant du No. 155 (Il ia rue de Chartres au No. Ill de la mf-nie rue, prfcs de 8t-Loiiis. II profite de eette oc casion pour remereier le public et sollicite en nifeme temps la continuation de son hien veillaut i>atronage. II informe en outre ses amis qu'il ades salons partieuliers au pre mier, et des chainhres meublees it louer it 'a semaiue on au mois. Les personnes dv .a ville etde la campagne y trouveront tout It comfort desirable.L e restaurant sera ouvert jusqii'A niinuit. 6 fdv 75.( J. A. BOI KG, iffarchand Commlssionnalre, Sfi CHARGE DE LA VENTE DE Coton, Sucre, Riz. Mousse, Peuux, Lnine, Volailles, 4Eufs, Cire, Miel, Gibier, et de touteespfece de produits des champs ou de jardinage, 147...... Rue Deeatur ......147 [outre Jefferson et Toulouse] NOUVELLE ORLEANS P. O. Lock Rox 877. mbl076-ly BROOK Steam Rice NIill. C. n. ALLEN. 89 . 91 & 93 TCHOUPITOULA 8 Street Lock-Box 976. This is the most extensive MILL in the SOUTH, Xew Orleans anil the qnali ty OF OUR RICE I'niriHuel MILLING RATES : No. 1............ i ct. V tt. No. 2............f ct. f* 16. No 3............. ct. -P ft. Eight sacks of bran returned to the plan ters for every HCNDRD Bbls. rough Rice re ceived. Bearded Rice a speciality—having a Ma chine invented expressly for the purpose of removing the beard- before going to the stone. O. J. SEVII, Agt. PENSION FRANgAISE, 198 — SUE l>OUAIMK—198 M ME Y'vk e. TASSET, PREVIENT ses amis de la ville et de la campagne, le public en gtsn^ral trausf£r£ son eti ainsi que ? u'elle a 07 de a rue Douane an No 117 de la niPme rue.eutre Royal et Bourbou. Elle profite de eette oc casion pour remereier le buhlic et sollicite en iu4me temps la continuation de son bien veillant patronage. Elle informe en outre le pnblic, vu la situation des mauvaises affai res. nne reduction de prix dans sa {tension, et & eet effet, elle a ouvert nn salon A $4 par semaine. Les personnes de la ville et de la , eanipagne y trouveront comme d'habitude ] tout le confort desirable, j Ohambreeet pension par jour $1,50, 13 fev. 74. She (Thibodaux Sentinel — and— Journal of the Nth Senatorial District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, ISSCK.n EVERY SATUUDAV S. T. GRIS AMOK K Editor. F- SANCAN* Pro'rA RusinessManager OFFICE COR IURKET & PATRIOT STS W**y Middy and Fat Mar ried. "Oh, why did you marrv him, Biddy? YY by did you take Pat for you spouse ? Sure lie s neither purty nor will y. And bis hair is as red as a cow's ! You might had your pick hail von waited ; You done a data bettor with tint ; And r helm O'Toole wa# ex pectin'— You couldn't do better nor him. * < ij 1 l, t UN young people courtin'— ^ *" ,w 1/our courtin' began, YY hen you were a widdy woman, And he was a widdy man.'' "lim and pat, miss, yo see. was acquainted 1 efore they came over the sea, When Pat was a courtin' Norah, Anil Tim was a courtin'me. She did not know much, the poor Norah, . for that matter, neither did Pat ; tie had not the instinct of some one, But no one hail then told him that . But he soon found it out for himself. For life at best's but a span— YY hen I was a widdy wouiau, Aud he was a widdy man. 'I helped him to take care of Norah, And when he compared her witlnne. He saw, us he whispered one evening, What a woman one woman could be. She went out like the snuff of a candle . Then the sickness seized upon Tim, And we watched by liis bedside together It was such a comfort to him, I was not alone in my weeping. Our tears in the same channel ran— For I was a widdy woman. Aud he was a widdy man. •'YVe had both had our troubles mavourneen Though neither, perhaps, was to biamo ; And we both knew by this what we wanted And were willing to pay for the same. YVe knew what it was to'be married, And before, the long twelvemonth had flown YY'e had made up our minds it was better Not to live any longer alone ; YY 7 e wasted no time shilly-shally, Like you, miss, ami Master Dan— For I was a widdy womau, Aud he was a widdy man.'' R. II. Stoddard, in Harper s. i Official. Laws of the State of Louisiana. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. EXTICA SESSiOA OF 1877. No. 7.J AN ACT To regulate and limit the liability of parishes of State, the parish of Or leans excepted, for cost and fees in criminal proceedings before Justices of the Peace and in pa> iah and Dis tricted- urts. Section 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatires of the St.<t> of Louisiana in General Assembly convened. That in all criminal proceedings and trials before justices of the peace, in DDtrict. and Pari'li Conns of this State. .the parish of Orleans excepted, the clerks, sheriffs aud jusiic- s of the peace and constables shall not collect or re ceive fioin their respective parishes any fees or compensation for their services ui excess of the limit -tions and amounts fixed in this act. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, cct., That ill compensation for all services rendered in criminal proceedings and trials lie fore justices of I he peace and in District and Parish Courts, where the costs aud fees are chargeable to the respective parishes, the fees ol ch-iks of the court , sheriff's, constables and justices of the peace, throughout the State, the parish of Orleans excepted, are hereby limited and fixed at fifty per c-ntuin of the fees and coasts as are now paid liy existing law, and the parochial authorities are j hereby prohibited Iron, increasing the fees aud coats to criminal proceedings as i n , w fixed by law. j Sec. 3. Beit further enacted ect., That I this act shall in no manner affect the j right of these ofti era to charge and col left all fees as now fixed by exi-ting laws, from defendants in all criminal proceedings and trials where the defen dants are decreed to pay the same under judgment or sentence of the court, nor shall this act affect the right of the sheriff's to charge and collect, fiom their respective parishes, the fees and expen ses as now fixed by law for carrying prisoners to the Penitentiary; nor for executing prisoners condemned to capi tal punishment, nor for finding and maintaining prisoners in the parish jails and costs aud actuel expenses incurred in pursuing ami arresting criminals Sec. 4. Be it farther enactatect., That | in preliminary criminal trials fin- com mitment witne-s'-s shall not be allowed any fees, per diem or mileage; that no witucss fees shall he allowed for atten dance before Crand Juries, and ill no criminal trial or proceedings shall wit nesses living within five miles of the courthouse or place where the court is held he entitled to fees of mileage and perdieui. Szc 5. Be it farther enacted, eet .. That all officers making charges for fees and costs against the parish shall still be re qnired 'o present specific and itemized amounts duly approved under existing laws. Sec. 6 Be it further enacted, eel., That this act shall take effect fram and after its passage. (Signet!) I OUIS BUSH. Speaker of the House of Representa tives. (Signed) LOUIS A. YVJLTZ, Lieutenant Governor and Presideut of the .'eiiate. Approved March 16, 1877. (Signed) FB yHCIST MCIIOLLS. Governor of the Slate of Louisiana. A trnecopy: YVill, A. Srr.OKO, Secretary <Jf State. The wail of Eliza Pinkston's toothless babe is borne no more on the morning breeze, mill Packard's bluster and Cnamber laitPs plaintive appeals for the toy he craves tall alike upon list less auditors. The Returning Board, once the hope of a great party, is disbanded for the sea son. Wells as a private citizen presses his cotton claim upon bis old friend yvIio now -dts at the re ceipt of customs in Washington, •and beyond its payment asks on ly to be let alone in his snug berth as Surveyor of the Port of r Neiv Orleans. Kenner once more dispenses the spicy cock-tail and the aromatic punch to the dusky patrons of his saloon ; Anderson has retired to his plantation in the canehrukcs. aiul Cazenave cnaffers over the price of burial cases as in the days before he be came a iiero. Kellogg, afraid to return to the contiunents whom he has branded as assassins and theives, haunts the gin palaces of of Washington, grateful for friendly ears in to Yvhicb he can pour the story of the ofieuscs ot a departed Senate.Corbin mourns the expenses of a month at the Capital without the otiset of Se natorial salary aud mileage, anti Patterson brings his gigantic iu tellect to bear upon the forlorn hope of a new election. Truly the glory of i lie carpet bagger hath departed ; the scalawag hath fal lt*n into the sere and ;>e!low leaf. —Pennsylvania Times. Our boys are fast becoming men. Drinking houses are daily and nightly crowded with youths: scarcely out of their teens, ami to our shame be it said, old age has never yet remonstrated against this step towards immorality, that must end in ruin of charac ter to many a now promising boy. The evil calls loudly for a check, and we hope our city au thoiities will give it their atten tion. With all houses that keep open under city license for gam ing aud Hrinking purposes, it should be understood, and so made a hiw, that such licences Yvould be revoked and the houses closed, if minors aud interdicted persons were allowed to frequent them. Get our worthy Mayor bring this before his Corporate Body aud we feel assured they will do something to stop the Hoys trom bad habits, if their parents will uot. Tlie public good demands _ v U- Natchitoches Vindicator, j happy home i8 desolated by a f a j||,|' e s8 woman's perHdv,'' Mild i ... , • i. . . j pointed to (he overshoes. It took I "e.trlj t'Yo lioilis to explain, Slid j then lie forgave her, with the Playing the "Rubber.''—A lady who determined to surprise her husband, a few nights ago bought him a new pair of rubbers and placed them by the bedside, so tiiat wh"ii he earne in she could enjoy his delight at such a fond exhibition of love mid affee. tion. The man stayed oat so late that his YY 7 ife fell asleep, and Yvheti he ca"«e in his eye fell npon the overshoes, lie. was just about to stab himself Yvith a cheese knife, when he reconsidered his intention aud determined to rouse his Yvite and tell her that he knew all. Grabbing her by the yelled our: "This once understanding that she would make him a pair of slippers with his monogram and a green dog on the toe. — Viryiaia (Ner.) Chronicle. —A Lowell (Mass.) newspaper announced that twins had beeu born to the wife of .John Dixon. Mrs Dixon, who lived in Lynn., read this news, and was certain that no such thing had happen | ^0 her. She YY'eilt to ItOWell, anti found the mother of the tYvins in a second Yvite of Mr, Dixon. The bigamist was arrest** ed. ' Candidates for municipal offi ces are numerous in Baton Rouge; there are four candidates for Ad-* ministrator of Finance, three for Administrator of Accounts, etc., in proportion for all the offices. Sonje ljttle colored boys went out hunting oh Sicily Island, Catahoula parish, the other day. The gun o| one of these accident ally Yveiit off, killing ouu of the boys accompanying him. A sugar worm appeared in St. Tammany parish and is play* iug sad havoo with the cauw saved for seed. Yeiy little of It trill