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Site IhiMaux Sentinel - AND— Jonrnnl of the ISth Senatorial IU trirt OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, IgSl'KIl KVKKY SATURDAY S. T. GRIS AMO UK Editor. Police to Subseribers. This mark X, on the margin means that your subscription lias expired. Such are invited to renew at once. TH1I10DAUX, LA.. SATURDAY, JULY 14tli. 1877 Locals. —G. Boudreau Parish Treasu rer drives notice, that he will pay ail Parish warrants issued in 1877 up to and including No. 127* —Mr. L. S. Allaiu Treasurer of the Parish School Board is pay ing all warrants given teachers for services up to July 1 1870. —Selfsehliug glass jars are just what the good woman wants to put preserves and fruits. Call at S. T. Grisamore's and see them. — The Brie a Brae, a comic troupe lrom New Orleans arrived here on Wednesday evening and exhibited their talent for three days in succession to reasonable audiences at the Waverley Hall. They are deserving of success. •I. O. O. F.—At a called session of Excelsior Lodge No 31 I. O. O. F., held Tuesday evening July 10th, the following officers were instaled for the 45th Term. Theopliile Thibodanx N. G. Joseph T. Thibodanx V. G ; S. T Grisamore, 8.; H. LI. Michelet, T V SANC\N. Pro'r A Business Manager j r o.iev.A.i _i OFFICE COR. MARKET k PATRIOT STS ! ^ss^s^mmm^mmm^mmmmsmmmm ssssmm ' M ayors Court— Wednesday, Mad. Perry and Henrietta Con ley were brought before the ma-' yor charged with using abusive and insulting language to the m. nister and member of the A. M.i E. Church on Green street. Mad. Perry was lined $10.00 and Henrietta Couley $2,50, cost included. Adieu. —On last Wednesday Mr. Victor Sancan, for the hist 25 years a resident of Thibodanx, bid a final farewell to his friends and departed for Algiers in Afri ca, in response to a request from an aged uncle who has desired him to come and reside with him. Mr. Sancan will pay a visit to his native home in Frarce, during his journey. —On Saturday last, Judge Beattie, in a written decision, requiring 45 minutes to read, decided the contested election cases, in favor of Wilton for sheriff, Falgont lor coroner, Lorio and Rogers for Justices of the reace iu this Thibodanx Ward, and Brown, Schneider, B.isih " Foret, and Galleano for Police Jurors. In the cases of, Augustin Robertson, found guiltv of man slaughter for killing' Gustave Roberts at Lafourch crossing, the Judge sentenced the prisoner to hard labor in the Penitentiary for twenty years, and, of Peter Thompson found guilty of robbing a pedlar on the public highway near Racelaud the Judge sen tenced him to the Penitentiary for fourteen years. Both were nggrivated eases, and ail friends of Law and Justice will heartily thank the Judge for giving these meu the lull extent of punishment that the law allows. We have received rhe law card ot Bcomis & Arnold, Attorneys at Law, Custom House, up stairs. New Orleans, which will be found in our advertising eolumns and 1 conceive that it will not be 'amins \ to call the attention of those in I need of their professional sc; \ i-! ces to employ a firm for whose ; ability, integrity and reliability we do not hesitate to vouch. ! The writer is well acquainted witli Col, Beamis, who designs attending tnturo sessions of our court, in which he has important professional business. Col. Beamis is an old and va hied, gallant comrade ot ours, and can beat us at e\'er\* came except chess. The name of Mr. Arnold may he obnoxious to the hiuIy Moil ot the best govern ment the. world ever saw," but we boldy albert that lie will never betray a good paying client. We remember with pleasure and prid " ces h W 01 , ------------" (til iui outlaiiglit on President Hnyes. It reminds one ot ;i woodpecker peeking at the Hooky Mountains. Pa tier sou, the pretender oiiiith Carolina, made a fourth of July speech at Woodstock in 1 Connecticut and made a furious ! (Communicated) Bath Houses. It was often been said, and r , witil considerable truth, that litl- j fonrche is one of tile most health V I and comfortable places of resi dence in the. summer months, of the paiishes ot this Htate. T(|Is ta(Jt j 1HS p ee|1 established l»y the testimony of many peo p] e wllO llJlY'e been fortunate enough tt> experience many cli mates. But the fact that people are tolerably comfortable here and tjjpe from disease, is not in itself a|sufficient argument against their going away for a certain period in order to obtain what at the pre sent time. Thibodanx does not af ford, without considerable diflicnl ty namely, an opportunity ot fre quently restoring the system, enervated by weeks and monhts of evenly warm temperature, to that existing during the colder mouths olKlie year. i Were the weather is so warm, as it is here, that at no time with in the twenty-four hours of the day, can an unconfortable feel ing of cold be produced, though all the clothing be taken from the person, a bad effect is experiens ced iu the general health so far as energy, vigor, etc., is concern ed, although no aente sense of de sense or discomfort is apparent. The only proper remedy for this trouble >s to be found in cold water baths, and yet we have not one of the kind in this town. Where some enterprising indi vidual to sit up a place where a cool shower bath could be taken iu the morning, noon or evening, lie would undoubtedly be regard ed as a benefactor, and receive the remuneration which his ener gy would so decidedly merit. Such an institution would un questionably be patronized by all abie to pay for it. but who are yet unable to get away fiotn town ; and in time, as its merits become known, the get-aicay would materially subside, and Thibodanx hold an equal share of population with any town iu the State through summer months. But this is not all which is de manded in the way of the public bathing line, as it uow stands, the people who wish to refresh themselves bv a plunge into an element somewhat colder than the atmosphere, are obliged to make an excursion to the sea shore or to the qity of New < >r leans, costing considerable, and more than a large portion of our citizens are able to spare. We advocate the establishment ot public bath houses at sonu place along the Bayou near the town of Thibodanx. The water of the Bayou Lufo'ir elie is colder by several degrees than the cistern water which Is generally used for washing, and by imparting the desired shock to the system would go further to wards improving the health and happiness of the people than all the physic of the doctors. The erection of the proper faci lities, through the action of tlu Police Jury or Town Council, would have the effect to givi tin* benefit of a great desideration at a trifling expense, which is now beyond the reach of many on account of poverty. We commend these few sugges tions to the attention of our peo ph*. and hope speedily to see some thing started for the benefit of Public Bathing The subject is one which should actively engage the co operation ot till citizens, the Po lice Jury and town Council, to as large an extent as questions usual ly considered of much more im portance in our everyday af fairs. . V. Auion. —We will give one year's sub scription of the Planter to the lady sending ns the finest barrel of potatoes, and by wav ot supe rior inducements, a full length , , 1 l ,boto K™pli ot the editor. There \ 11 °'' '—Sugar Planter. I The are'severa! ladies in this vu ' ini D T 1,w wo,1,<1 nveept the ; ^ ar S a ' n of the Sugar Planter man, I' vere ^ ,,ot ^ or the "superior in ! 'foment,'' that nor one of them ! ' vouItl ,lave for «ny considera ■ tiou * A flair* ofthc Tax Collec tor's Office. EXPERTS REPORT. Thwoiuux La., June 3fith, 1877. To the Hon. the Grand Jury ofthc Parish of Lafourche, now in session for the June JrirtfW H,mort,blf 16<A JlulMa/ *>* j now in session for the June ■ tHNTLKMKN —YOUT prnprta ftn tlm of 1 fairs of the Tax Collector's office, bog leave : to report : i That they find by Crosier s casii hook of I srish taxes, that the total amount col taves colic to February 19th :.....■»». ». ivuriwu i imwi 1 by him from April 20 th. ! • 187,. amounts to.. 899.13 ; on which he has paid Parish Treasu- ; * ................................. 899.13 : - ^ llwf< ' d f ur current taxes i of 1876 . the sum of ..... 0,1 he has paid Parish Treasurer 3 t 75 ' II j > our F.xperts further report that no cash | iMiok ot State faxes nor stubs of State re cepts were produced, although repeated demands were made on O. Crosier for the aaiue, and notwithstanding the fart that two several orders of Court issued to him to produce the same. Your Experts therefore, in order to fix his liability on the State Tax. were coin pelted to use liis cash book of Parish Tax CS, and to make the proportion therefrom as Parish Taxes anil State Taxes, are eel lceted at the same time ; and find the fol lowing result. Amount on Assessment on which Parish Taxes for 1875 was psid O. Crosier. $1,555. 14(1 at 14.'. mills, rate of State Tax for year IS75. jrives............... 22,549.03 on whieh he paid to State Treasurer................7,318.86 Comiuision on claime.. 813.20 8.132.00 Balance due by O. Cro sier...................... 14.417.47 That he has collected forfeited State Tax.............................. $2,374.68 and has paid in State Treasurer * including commissions........... 1,519.79 Leaving ha lance due by hint----$ 854.89 That lie has collected current State Tax for 1876............................ 100 77* That he has paid................ 000.000 Leaving balance due by him..... 1 00:77} III Your Experts say that they have no means of ascertaining the amount of Poll fax collected, hut say that State Taxes for 1875, have been collected from 778 different male Tax-Payers, voters of the Parish, all of whom are liable for Poll Tax. Thus 778 at $ 1.00 ........... 778.00 He lias paid in State Treas ury........................... 47.50 Commission on same....... y.50 Leaving balance due....... 728.00 IV 78.00 778.00 Nor can your Experts say what State Li censes have been collected. YVe find that there are in this Parish 129 persons who pay or are liable to pay for a State License tax from $15.00 to $100.00. \\ e find that there are 15 persons who are liable for a Parish license tax, amount to a total of $305.00 which per collec ts s cash hook it appeal's have not larcn paid. V We suggest that your Honorable Body inquire in this matter. If these parties have paid, lie owes this additional sum, if they have not paid, they should he compelled to do so. VI To recapitulate.. - To balance due ou State Tax 1875........................... $14,417.47 To balance due on forfeited State tax....................... 854.88 To amount due un current Siate tax 1876.................. 100.77} l otal due bv O. Crosier for----— State taxes.................... $15,373,134 Balance due Poll tax......... 728.00 Balance, due on Parish Tax 1875................$10,471. Respectfully submitted, (Signed :) F. A. P A. J. $16,101,134 ten, . Sancan, Y P.lNAI.l.K, > E I. Perrin. ) Parish Treasurer's fairs. xperts. Af Thibodacx La June 28th, 1877 To the ITon. the Grand Jury of the Parish of Lafourche, time in session fot the. June term of the Honorable the loth Judicial District Court: Gentlemen.— On the Parish Treasurer's affairs your experts beg to report that an examination of the Treasurer's Book, shows that lie lias received from Tan. 6 . to tune 1 st, ls77. the sum of____ 5,653.34} That he has paid during the said term, the sum of................ 0,650.284 . Tims leaving due by him of.____ 3.06} The T'-easuror's Book shows • balance due.................... $ 3.06} From which deduct amount omitted in making addition on credit side of his account........ .001 $ 3.06} 2nd. That the total indrlitedness of the Parish to June 15th, amounts to 17,929,00} The additions of the warrant and Bond account on the Treasu rer's Book, shows total indebted ness to he............. 17,858.05} Making a difference ' of.................... 70.95 17.929.00} 17,929.00} This discripency between this, our report, and the lace of the Treasurer's Book, is ae counted tor by the lollowing errors made by linn, viz „• 1st. \\ arrant No 1216 entered on Treasu rer's Book, for......... 1.33 1.31 .02 was really audited per II. Michelet, ex-Treasurer for 2nd. Warrant numbered 253 and 40 4, entered on Treasurer's Book for..... 81.00 Was reallv audited by H. It. Michelet. ex-Treasu rer. for the sum of........ 8.81 72.19 3rd. Warrant numbered 845 and 348 entered on Treasurer's Book for..... 42.00 was really audited by H. H. Michelet, ex-Treasarer, for the sum of...... $42.10 Amount, omitted. .10 42.10 42 10 Amount omitted carried...... 4th. Warrant numbered 392 audited by II. H. Michelet, but not carried from Michelet's book Error in addition, page 48____ Error earn ing forwaiil pages 78 and 80....................... Balance showing discripency. .10 1.10 .01 72.21 70.9: " 2.21 The report of G. Schmidt, Expert (?). ap pointed by the Police Jury, and for which serv ices he received $1.50.00, is as erroneous as the Treasurer's B.ook. This expert, took the figures ns he found them, which, to gether with the additions, he presumed cor rect, and struck a balance as the result of liis labors. His report therefore is nothing more nor less than a fac-semile of the Treasurer's book, and is entitled to no more respect for accuracy, than that from which it is a copy. Respectfully submitted. (Signed:) / F. Sancan. a if ! A. Panai.le, I Exjierts. A. J. Perkin.^ the assessment rolls, proceed to collect the tax' s therein mentioned. For that —Below is a continuation qf Act No. 90, of the Extra session of 1877, relative to Tax Col lee tors: Skc. 52. He it further enacted, cct.. That every tax collector shall, on receivi , ---- «»»'!< tax collector outside the parish of < irleaus shall give fifteen days' notice of the places in his parish at which tie present for the pni lNise of .. . ■■■■-• ........ | U :al - v Pei sonai property owned by the j taxpayer when the amount of tax assess i ed shall not have been paid within ten days after a written demand therefor further enacted, tc.. That , . -------------— t u ' collector shall, on the first Mon day of Noveinlicr, tile in the office of the parish recorder a detailed list giving the "ames or all persons whose taxes remain 'unpaid, ns well as the amount of siid taxes, and the filing thereof shall oper i ate a legal seizure of the property upon which said taxes are levied; and from tlie date of such filing said taxes shall bear eight per cent per annum interest, j ■ . . 1 .... .... 1 a ind lm other penalty shall lie e.xigib! any previous law to the contrary not withstanding ; on the second Monday of November he shall post at the door if the curt house a copy of said detailed li-t, and publish the list, -o tiled twice dining ten days, notifying the delin quent taxpayers that on the first Mon day of December, and from day to day thereafter, in the order ( in which said list is made out. he will proceed to sell without appraismeut, at public auction, the property of said delinquent taxpay ers upon which said amount of tax's is due ; prorided. that the delinquent shall have the right of pointing out the prop erty to he seized and sold to pay the | same. Siic 54. He it further enacted, etc.. That on the day fixed for the commencement of said sales, and from day to day there after until the said list shall have been exhausted, the tax collector shall oiler the property for sale at public auction, to tlic highest bidder for cash ; the hid to lie accepted shall be at least equal to the taxes and costs. Skc 55. Be it further enacted, etc.. That ali cases which may he commenced hereafter in any of the co its of this State, in which it is sought to enjoin or delay the collection of uny licenses or taxes whatever, whether State, parish or municipal- imposed by competent author ity, shall he regarded as preference ca ses, and the court shad proceed to final trial and determination of the same at the earliest moment compatible with the ends ofjust'ce. And upon a'dissolntion of any injunction, hereafter granted, to en join or delay the collection of any such taxes so levied or imposed upon any per son or property in this State, the court ordering such injunction to be dissolved shall enter a decree against the person, or persons, suing out the same, and his or their securities on their injunction bond, for the sum of ten per centum ou the amount of all taxes, the collection of which was so delated or enjoined, ten per cent, for special damages tor attor ney's fees and all costs of suit; and said decrees shall he enforced as other de crees are enforced, and the money col lected and paid into the proper treasu ry : prorided. that if upon a rule nisi, taken against the tax collector, the dis ti'ict or parish judge issue an injunction then upon the ultimate quashing of said injunction, no damages shall he allowed in favor of the State, parish or munici pality, Skc, 5C. Be it further enacted , etc.. That, the tax collectors shall he and they are hereby authorized to give a title, in the name of the State of Louisiana, to all persons purchasing property sold iu pur suance of this act; if the property sold is movable, thedelivery shall be made at once but if it consists of real estate, the delivery shall take place only on the ex piration of the time fixed for the rerlemp tion <d the same, as hereinafter provi -ed; that in all cases where delinquent taxes are due upon movable property, the tax collector shall he authorized to make ac tual seizure of the movable property upon xvhieli the tax is due, and sell the same after notice, as above provided. Skc. 57. Be itfurther enacted ect-, That all real estate, sold hereafter under this act or heretofore sold under any former revenue act, provided the same has been purchased by the State or any city or parish, shall lie redeemable by the own ers thereof or any legally authoriz 'd agent or any heir or creditor of (lie said ow.iers w.illin IWO years from the date of sale, upon payment to the party pur chasing a; collector's sale of the amount of the purchase money, with one per cent per month on the pnreha-e money, and'all taxes paid by the purcha ser on said property between the date ot the sale and the date of redemption ; prorided. that if the 8 tat" has become the purchaser, and taxes since assessed be pa'd. and on proof of the payment, as above provided for, tho auditor shall issue to the said owner under the seal of liis ottic', a certificate of redemption. The party purchasing lands at tax sales may. after the delay of two years, if the property has not been redeemed, present the tax collector title of said sale to the Auditor of Piddle Accounts, as evidence of such tax collector's sale, and demand a title to such property; and the Audi tor of Public Accounts shall thereupon issiea deed of sale, with complete and full title, in the name or the State of Louisiana, to the purchaser, under his seal of office, which deed shall vest the title completely and filly in tli» said purchaser, or his heirs, for which the Auditor shall charge two dollars; jtro rided, no fee shad be charged by the Au ditor, except where property has been actually sold and bought in by another party than the State. Continued on the last French page. OHDIMYCE Wo. 103. An Ordinance dividing the parish into Po lice Jury, Justice of the Peace. Districts and election wards or polling places. Sent 1. —Beit ordained by the Police Jurv of the Parish of Lafourche in regular ses sion convened, that the Parish of Lufour ehe he and is hereby devided into ten Police Juiy and Justice of the Peace wards or dis tricts viz : FirstDistrict—From the upper limits "of" the Palish right hank* to the lower line 01 the Onion Plantation including all hack settlements. V'""." * '"*_*>""•«of '"nII;"?' gan La & Texas R. R.. and thence alon„ said road to the line of Terrebonne Parish. Third District—From said Railroad to upper liue of Ursin Leblanc. Fourth District—From the upper liue of Ursin Leblanc to a line opposite ' Harang's Canal. Fifth District—From the upper line of the Parish to Lafourche Crossing running hack to 80 arpents including Baton I'iliom Sixth District—All hack settlements the Bayou L'ours, Choupio, Cbegbey, lie ton aud Malnguc. Seventh District—From Lafourche Cros sing to Mathews lower line including Co teau Folse. Eight District—The Vueherie Dugu 6 Li Mathews lower Ninth District—From line to Harang's Canal. l euth District—From Harang's Canal on both hanks to the Gulf. Shct 2 .—Be the Parish of _____ into and the followiu are hereby designa it further ordained., That Lafourche is hereby divided \ „_________, ____„____ ted as election precints or polling places ! Vlz •' I 1. i - , j .ran *» cure » Plantation front. I Preeint No. 2.—Shall comprise the remain ! der of Police Jury YY - - tween the upper ( ;'lia(»' „„ of . 1 an- the lower line of/iuion's plauta i tion with poll stationed at oY near th'e B *1 ! you end ot the Road leading iu Brule Guil- ! lot. ^5 'j POLICE JURY WARD No. 2. Preeint No. 3—Shall extend from the lower limits ->f the Guiou Plantation, to the upper line of the Acadia Plantation ineln I the Court, House in the, Town ot Thibodanx. Preeint No -1—Shall extend from the up per line ot Acadia plantation to Lafourche Crossing including hack settlements with a poll at or near Arseni WARD No. 3. Bergeron's resi dene POLIC E JURY Pi- Tint. No 5.—Shall extend from I.a fouuhr Crossing to the lower line of Louis Bourgeois place, with a poll at or near the residence of Jules Thiboduux. Preeint No 6 .—Shall extend from the low er line of Louis Bourgeois to the lower liue of Louis Martin with ptill at or near Lovin cy Folse's store. Preeint No 7.—Shall extend from the lower lire of Louis Martin's to the upper 'in*' ol Ursin Leblanc, with poll at or near Ben. Folse's store. POLICE JURY WARD No. 4. Preeint No 8 —Shall extend from upper line ot Ursin Leblanc, to lower line of Jean Claudet with box at Lockport. Preeint No 9.—Shall extend from lower line of Jean Claudet to a point opposite 41a rang's Canal with box at or near l)e lutine's store. POLICE JURY WARD No. 5. Preeint No 10.—Shall extend from the up per line oi'tlie Parish, left hank, SO arpents back, to the upper line of Jamison's plaiita tion with poll at or near E. Roger's plaiita tion front. Preeint No 11.—Shall extend from upper line of Jamison's plantation with a depth of SO ai pouts to the upper line of Mrs. Col lins plantation, with a poll at or near H. N. Coulou's store. Preeint No 12.—Shall extend from Mrs. Collins upper line to lower line of C. Espe nan's plantation including Brule Baton Pilot! ami Coteau Boudreau with poll at or near Mrs Gossip's store. POLICE JURY WARD No. 6. Preeint No 13.—Shall extend from upper line ol the Parish in the rear of Police Jury Ward No 5, to the Bridge over Grand Ba you with poll at or near Louis Dautiu's re sidence. Preeint No 14 —Shall extend from Bridge over Grand Bu.ou to the Jower line of A. A. Lafuivst with poll at or near V. Legen dre's. PrecintsNo 15.—Shall comprise the Mala gne settlement with poll at or near Gre nier's residence. POLICE JURY WARD No. 7. Preeint No 16.—Shall extend from the lower line of C. Espenans's to the lower line ol'Ariel plantation including hack set tlements with poll at or near P. Ledyt's store. Preeint No 17.—Shall extend} from lower line of the Ariel plantation to the upper line »>f Sabatier'- plantation with poll at or near W. Hebert's store. Preeint No 18—Shall extend from upper line of Sabatiers plantation to lower line of Mathew s A-Selby including Coteau Folse witli poll at or near J. S. Perkins front. POLICE JURY WARD No. 8. Preciot No 19.—Shall include the whole of Police Jury Ward No 8 with box at or near Rosemond Dilfresne. POLICE JURY WARD No. 9. Preeint No 20.—Shall extern! from the lower line of Mathews & Selby to the low er line of Mrs. Joseph Barrilleau with poll at Longueville. Preeint No 21.—Shall extend from lower line of Mrs, Joseph Bandeau to Ilarang's Canal with box at or near Tras mund Fo rets place. POLICE JURY WARD No. 10. Precinx No 22.—Shall comprise both sides ol Bayou Lafourche from liar mg's Canal to the upper line ol J,-au Baljtuir's place with box at or near the Cut-Oft'. Preeint No 23.—Shall comprise both sides ol Bayou La foil rc he from upper liue ot Jean Baljuur's to the sen shore with poll at or near Janvier Guedry's resilience' Adopted J. M, HOWELL. July 2nd, 1877 President. Freii. W. Francis. Secretary. Wlui t (lie Kilo mis Require. Since torpidity of the liver is the chief cause of its disorder, it is evident that what the bilious require is an alternatrvo stimu lant which will arouse it to activity, an ef lect that is iollowed by the disappearance of the various symptoms indicative of its derangenienr. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters invariably achieve the primary result men tioned, uesides removing the constipation, flatulence, heart-burn, yellowness of the skin and whites of the' eyes, pain m the right side and under the "right shoulder, nausea- vertigo and sick headache, to wnioli bilious invalids are peculiarly subject. As a remedy lor chronic indigestion, mental des pondency and nervousness the Bitters arc equally efficacious, and as a reuovant of lost vigor, a means of arresting premature decay, aud,a source ot relief from the infir mities to which the gentler sex is peculiar ly subject, they may he thoroughly relied upon. STATE OF LOUISIANA. r ..... ..........^ „ pllra ol '.i e £tioiis, if a KJ- ... L 'i erk ' n " Administration Notices. ^dminiKtration Wotice. Parish Court, Parish of Lafourche. Succession of Marie Marguerite Richard, widow of Y'aierie Bourgeois, No. 994 W^ceas. Zenon Bourgeois'of said Par " " ish, has tins day made application to the said Court, to he appointed Adminis trator of said Estate. Now there fore, all persons ai-e hereby warned aud notified to »ny, they have, , . , Court, at his tofliee in the town of Thibodaux. within ten lavs after the first publication hereof, othe wise tbr said applicant will he iu Sm -! mill (State, and quintal Witness my hand aud the im press ot tho seal of my office, this 14th day of Jnl v. A. Di, 1877. J. YY. KNOBLOCH. Clerkof Court. _ Tax ^Jlector's Sale. rpax Collector's Male. THE STATE OF LOUISIANA and PAR RISH of LAFOURCHE , Vs. AV 2 MRS. L. A- MOULE, Office of Tax Collector, Parish ef Lafourche. Thibodaux, La. July 9th 1877. —By virtue of the power in me vested by tho Ait No- 47 of 1873, approved by the Legislature of this State, March 14th, IS 73 , and Act 96, ot 1877, I will proceed to sell at J^ublic^ A action at Lockport Lafourche, on 77, follow Monday 2,U'd day of July, 18' ft 12 M,. without appraisement, the fol >ng described property, to-wit .• A certain Peddier's Cart and horse ; also the Goods, YY'ares and Merchandise, being the contents of a certain dry goods' Store, situated at Lockport, Parish'of Lafourche! n, 2 nt bunk of .Bayou Lafourche. Sai,i I ,ro I»erty assessedfh the name of Mrs. . A. Moule, and having b-en seized bv me t0 v '* debt due the State ot Louisiana a,u ' p n8 ,! ol Lafourche for taxes amount 1 ' u .£ *° frourtoen 20|100 Dollars, anil U. cense9 , o'uounting to One Hundred and ! **n'«w* Ninety Dollars, together with all • v* Ral , e tllp Property will not he ad ! 9 . for s ,^ t . ® atl *f- v claim of the State an, ' Parish, together with the costs and ,®* 1 Collector, Ufo^cheT^'fc. charges which may have accrued. The purchaser at this sale will be pnt immediate possession of the property, forms.— Cash on the spot. P. E. LORIO. SHERIFF'S SALE. ^HEKIFPH SAI.E. STATE OF LOUISIANA. JOUKDAIN SAY'OIE, Administrator, vs. P. A. THIBODEAUX. F ifteenth judicial district Court, for the Parish ol Lafourche. No. 1284.—By virtue of a writ of Pi Fa, to me j directed in the above entitled and liuui- \ bered case, 1 have seized and will offer ! for sale at public auction, pursuant to law, ! to the last and highest bidder, at the Court House iu the Town of Thibodaux, ou Saturday ihc -Uh day of August, 1877. between the hours of II o'clock A. M , and 4 o'clock P. M., the following described property, to wit .' 1st. A certain tract of laud or parcel of land situated iu said parish of Lafourche, ou the right descending hank ol Bayou La fourche, at a distance of about forty-four miles below the town of Thibodaux, meas uring about Two Hundred aud eighty two 7[I2feet trout ou said Bayou, and contain ing Fifty-seven 72[HH) arpeuts more or less, being lot or subdivision No. 15, on a plan made hyP. A. Thibodeaux deteudaut, by reference where unto the said sale was made and which is uow specially referred to, lining bounded above by Lot 6 , Subdivision No. 14, adjudicated at said sale to St.James Ledet, aud below by Lot or subdivision Mo. 16, adjudicated to the defendant herein 2d. Another tract of laud below and immediately adjoining the tract just des cribed and of the same dimensions, hound ed above by Lot already described, and lie low by Lot No. 17, unsaid plan adjudicated at the probates sale to Lucien Guidry, be ing subdivision No. 16. terms and Conditions: This being the second and last auction, the said property will be definitely adjudicated to the last and highest bidder for what it will bring at twelve months'credit the purchaser fur nishing Bond with good and approved se curity hearing eight per cent interest per annum from (late until tiual payment and special mortgage reserved on the property sold. WILLIAM WILTON, Sheriff. July 14tli. 1877. s IKEKIFF'S NALE STATE OF LOUISIANA. CITIZENS BANK of Louisiana, ys. O. DU PUY AND D. L. MARTIN &. als. F ifteenth judicial district Court, for the Parish of Lafourche. No. 1515.—By virtue of an order of seizure and sale to me directed,iu the above entitled and numbered case I have seized and will offer for sale at public auction, pursuant to law to the last and highest bidder, at the Court House in the Town of Thibodaux, on Saturday , 21st day of July, 1877 between the hours of 11 o'clock A. 31., and 4 o'clock P. M., the following described property, to-wit .• A certain tract of land established as a sugar plantation, kuown as the FWue.situa ted in the parish of Lafourche at about twelve miles below the Town of Thibodaux measuring six aud a quarter arpeuts front on Bayou Lafourche, by forty arpents depth between parallel lines, at which depth, the said tract of laud opens and measures about twenty four arpents iu width by a further depth of forty arpeuts, running" as far hack as Lake Bumf. The front is bounded on the upper side by lands belonging to the heirs of James A. Seudday and on the lower side by lands of Evariste Repine, aud the rear tract measuring us aforesaid, about twenty-four arpeuts in width, is hounded ou the upper line by the Daspit Canal and 011 the lower side by the lands of Evariste Lepinc Sr. as per plan drawn by Bourgerol, Deputy Surveyor, of tiie U. S., on the 25th of August 1835. To getlier with all the buildings, and iniD.move ments thereon, mules, horses, oxen, anil all the agricultural implements thereon thereto belonging, and 247 shares of the mortgage stock of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana, thereto at fuelled. Atso the steam engine and maehinary, See., nine mules, 4 cows. 7 jilouglis, six harrows. 1 three mule cart, one lot of tra ces and hems, and the crop thereon exis ting and thereto belonging, (except the crop of all hired parties or tenants thereon. To pay and satisfy 1 he sum of three Thou sand one hundred and sixty eight dollars. f$3,168) with interest at the rate of Ten per cent per annum, from the first day of May, 187 # 5, until paid. The further sum ot six bun dred and seventeen dollars. ($617.00.) with 8|U0 interest on ($494.00) tour hundred und ninety-four dollar.- from the 10th of April 1873, and on the sum of one hundred and twenty three dollars, thereof from the 1 st of July 1876, till paid, and the further sum of twenty-one 90(00 dollars costs, as well as all the costs of these proceedings cost, to satisfy the above sum. Interest aud costs in cash, and on a credit as follows, to wit : The purchaser to furnish a stock note for the sum of Twenty-three hundred and seventy-six dollars. (2376.00), falling due ou the first day of May,1878, and renewable, according to the Charter of the Citizens Bank of Louisiana. The purchaser to as siiine all the obligations auil responsihili ties of a stock holder of the Citizens Bank ol Louisiana, and the stock note so furnish ed to he identified with the act of mort gage and pledge by widow L. Nicolas and J. O, Nicolas before Henry F. Kuoblocli, Notary Public in Lafourche Parish, on the 30th of December. 1844. WILLIAM YY'ILTON, Sheriff. Parish of Lafourche, June 9th 1877. A Card. Thibodaux, La., July 2. 1878. Iu a personal difficulty between myself and Mr. R. N. Sims, in this place, ou the 1 Jtli of June, 1877, being under an erro neous impression regarding a certain fact connected with a certain law suit (lending in the District Court of Assumption parish wherein a question of appeal arose ; said erroneous impression being that the deci sion of the District Court would he siihmit teh to. whereas Mr. Sims says he intended the decision ,<f the Supreme Court, aud never intended at any time to create the impression on my mind that the District Court was meant. 1 believing from conver sations had with him and mv counsel that the decision of the District Court would he final, and believing that my belief as to that fact was erroneous. I hereby ret ract the language used by me towards Mr. Sims, ou tlie said 13th of June, 1877, and apologize lor all that occurred on that oc casion. * L. SUTIION. YY finesses : WALTER GUION. RUFFIN BEASLEY, J. 8 - BILLIU, J. A. BLANCHARD. . , ,, , J n 'yl4.1y. NOTICE HPHE UNDERSIGNED KEEPS CON . staidly on hand a large assortment of 1 1 eke 1 s Barrels and Hogsheads Staves, which he offers tor sale at- low prices J. A. Bergeron. . T „ Lafourche Crossing P. O. (June 9.77-3m.) 6 BEAMIS Sc ARNOLD, ATT OB 8 ~EY 8 AT LAW, CUSTOM-HOUSE. UP STAIRS, NEW ORLEANS, Will give prompt attention to any business in the city, awl in the 0 Parishes of Assumption and Lafourche. ICE DEPOT. Market St. between St Philip and St. Lonis Streets. TUTBODAUX, LA. First quality Ice will be furnished, in quantities to suit purchasers, at the fol lowing orices: L n ^f,***J.................. 2 ! ct *- t** l»ound bv block..................2 " « • May 19-77. \ NEW ADVERTISEMENT T>F 4 / "1C 7 1 wtave, fi ne use over six _ $130; cost Mew i'lauos at wholesale. Great A IVQ Near, .V ticw. v " t\ xl Estops. $45 : 5 si™ 55KHKH5555 *> stops, $ 55 ; 7 $* 0 ; 9 .stops, $65 ; 12 stops, $55 to$75." opportunities. New organs at whol Beware imitations. Best offer ever read. Sent on 5 to 15 days' test trial. ]_ refunded and freight paid both ways if> satisfactory- Est. 1856. Agents wanted. ] counts to Teachers, Ministers, &.c. Adi DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, Jersey. a week iu your own town T« and $5 outfit, free. H. HAI &. CO., Portland, Maine. To Rational Invalid*.—In ness every portion of the body sympatbb ' witli the seat of the disorder.' When tai stoinae fails to perform its fimctwn, Si liver, bowels, nerves, muscles, veins, ries, &c , are all more or less affeeted.'i, delinquents require a medicine, cnah h the properties of a stomachic. an«jkttiaj 2 | live, a purgative, a tonic, and sedativ«i»| bring them back to their duty ( and §| ] tlicse eliinents. in their pure ' " ' festive forms, are united in Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Apertu^ the great Saline Remedy for IndigeMhka and its concomitant consequences.SeMWl all druggists. ™ $55 5 pT&gm Maine. ; 1 # duy at home. Agents wautsi Outfit aud terms free. IRUB4 /W CO-. Augusta. Maine. Drunkard Stop J . C. C. BEERS, M- D. (formerly of Bostoi) has a harmless eurefor Intemperance, which can he given without the knowledge of tks patient. Also one for the oimtjivt; habit,! Permanent cures guaranteed in both. Send stamp for evidence. Ask drugsutife it. Address " BEERS tfc CO., Birmingham, Coon, i) " Extra Fine Mixed Cards, with nMfe» smseJ IO ets., post-paid. L. JONES St 00 , Nassau, N. Y r - tn dfi l*er day at home. 8 a»] IU pics worth $5 free. Sltt] sox & Co., Portaud, Maine. FOUR IIOYTHS OF G0ODHEALTHI F 0 r 2 5 Cents.' ANY PERSON WHO WII.L BITV A BOX or PARSON'S PURGATIVE PIlUj anil will take one |l) each night for toiuMf I nights, ami will do this every tlnnl ( 8 } I week del ing the months of .lime, July, 1 August ami September, will not he tronblc|: with Peter and Ague, nor Malarious tier, nor Billions freer, nor any ot the digfiMt resulting lrom miasmatic poison, omnium in Missouri, Mississippi, Limisinua. Arkac sus and Texas. If PAHSOXS PIB0JP\ TH E PILLS cannot he obtained at 3 nearest store, scad 25 ets. to the uuikmttt ed, and the pills shall he sent, post paidjij return mail. Pliysieiai s supplied by mail at $2.50 per thousand in hulk. As this is but lit t le more than half price lor standard pillity 1 the thousand, cash must aceoiiipsny (w order. Tho Recipe will he cheerfully seat!* any physician on application. We willfcW Parson's Pills by mail to responsible partim on commission at $2 per dozen, sample Am ens at $1.35. cash with the order. WHOLESALE AGE1TB. Coi.lins Bros ----.'..........St. Louie, Ha* G. YY'. Jones & Co........Memphis, Tear E. J. HautiSz. Co ........New Orleans, If C. J. Lincoln & Co......Little Rock, Ark*.l T. C. Thompson & Co....Galveston, Tex*] Address all orders to I. S. JOHNSON & CO., Bangor, Maine, Proprieto!* FITS EPILEPSY, OR 1 FALLING SICKNESS Permanently Cured—no humbug—bp met I month's usage of Dr. Gon lord's Celebrtrisi | Infallible Pit Powders. To convince snfferM that these powders will do all we claim fcr them, we will send them by mail, post petit, a free Trial Bor. As Dr. Goulard is the oaly physician that lias ever made this diseases j special study, and as to onr knowledge thousands have been permanently eurtivj the use ol" these Powders, we will guarantee a permanent cure in every ease, or rtfuti you at! money expended. Ail sufferers should give these Powders an early trial, and ha j convinced of their curative powers Price, for large box, $3.00, or 4 boxes fbr j $10.90. sent by mail to uny part of United .States or Canada on receipt of price, or by ! express, C. O. D. Address, ash a robbimr, 360 Fulton Street. Brooklyn, N- T. 14 ap-77'AdtR. CONSUMPTION PoHitively Cured* All sufferers from this disease that sa anxious to be cured ahould try Dr. JtRH tier's Celebrated Consumpticc Powders. These I Powders are the only preparation knew* I that will cure Consupmtion aml.ail diseassa of the Throat and Lungs —indeed, so strong is our faith in them, aud also to conviasa you that they ure no humbug, we will for ward to every sufferer, by mail, post paid, a tree Trial Box. ™ YVe don't waut your money until yottl perfectly satisfied of their curative powesal If your life is worth saving, don't delay*I giving these Powders a trial, as they W»| surely cure you. Price, for large box, $3.00, sent to I part of the United States or Canada W| mail on receipt of price. Address. ANH Ac BOKBINB, 3(0 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N,T. 14-ap '77-AdtIi. NOTICE. T he undersigned has removHJ to the corner of St. Philip and Ma n** streets, next door to the Post Office, when* he will keep an assortment of Charter Oil and other cooks stoves, fire grates, coo hlf t utensils, Glass ware, Tin ware. BcU* Nuts, Charcoal, rivets of all siaesandkianK and will be prepared to do any species m| Tin. Zinc, light iron and copperwork. __ tl Also an assortment of wagon hubs, foils** spokes ect. Jan. *76 S. T. GRISAMORE, J. DIJSCH, Fashionable Tailor, Mu let Street, under Washington Hotsl, J aug . 7 TIUBODAV *I