Newspaper Page Text
®crms of Subscription One year [in advance]........$3 00 " within 3 months____ 3 50 " 6 " ---- 4 00 One Copy................... 10 .SANCAN. Pro r & Business Manager. PCBtUHBD BVBRT SATURDAYS. Wit$h ®hthodattx Hates of Aimcrtising: -—AND JOURNAL OF THE 8 IU SENATORIAL DISTRICT. or Thibodaux. VOL. XIII. On k Site auk (of tk\ link/ First insertion............... 91 00 Second insertion.............. 75 Each subsequent insertion . . 50 (Jaxotdatks................$10 00 OFFICE | Corner Market and Patriot Streets. THIBODAUX. L—. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29" 1877. NO. t business cards. 8SELINEAU, MRS. E., Dry Goods, Fancy Articles. Ac., corner Market [ Louis streets, UCOIN, P. A., Family and Planta 1 lion Groceries, Main street, between Poeus and St. Philip streets. ZEMA, C. Coffee House Keeper, Main St., between Jackson and St. Phi )LUM, 8. Dry Good* and Grorery, cor ner Main and Jackson Streets. 1ADEAUX, J. Family and Plantation Groceries, Main Street, corner Maiu Iljutn P **v rOCUo. IADEAUX, THOMAS, Attorney at Law cornet Main and Focus Streets, up )ILLIU, J. 8., Attorney at Law ,—office 1 Corner St Philip amt Maiu streets (LAKE, E W., Attorney at Law, —of 1 flee Green Street, lLANCHARD, J. E., Surgeon Dentist. —office, corner Green aud St. Bridg et Streets. lODLKY, Wagons and Carts, Depot on ) Levee Street near the Thibodaux foundry. W. H. RAGAN. Agent. |RAUD, ELLIS N. Groceries, Wine and Liquors, corner Green and Maiu |0URON, A. Watchmaker and Gun 1 smith. Dealer in Jewelry, hire-arms, |«<£., Main st. between St. Philip aud un streets B OURQUIN, E. Watchmaker and Jew tier, corner Market aud St. Louis sts |RKAUX tc LEGENDRE, Dry Goods and Groceries,corner Main and Green eta. 11> ROC JULIO EFT, H. Shoemaker, Main |D Street, between St. Philip and Jack Streets. B INNINGS, 8. A. Mrs. Millinary and Fancy Dry Goods, corner Jackson and Tbibudaux sts. C ELESTIN, JEAN, Baker, Main Street, comer Patriot. ITVANSEREAU, P., Physician, corner 1/ Jackson aud Short Streets. ID*t SKREAU. II., Physician, corner ID*t [0FFMANN, H-, Cabinet Maker, deal ' in Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish ■* Main street,between Jackson and knilip f^®E MRS. 8. MUlinary and Fancy ■ Dry Goods, St. Philippe st., between "tand Main Streets. J0FFMANN, F., Carriage Maker, Liv eable, corner Jackson and St. eeta. T\ELBERT, P J-, Groceries, Bine*, Li 1 If airs, Tobacco and Cigars, cor. Muin End St l'liilip streets T\ELBERT, P. J , Engineer, oor- Maiu J/»ad St-Philip streets | \USCH, J. Fashionable Tailor, Maiu MJ street, fronting Riviere's store. VXCELSIOK—LODGE NO. 34.—Regu Li lor meetings at the Otlil Fellow's Hull, corner Market anil Patriot, every fistnrdsy evening at 7 o'clock. Officers :T.TIiilioilaux, N. G. Jos. T- Tlii Meaux. V. G. ; 8. T. Grisamore, See- H. Miclwlet Treasurer. ■pROOT JAMES, Coffee House keeper, X comer Green and Market Streets. pLEETWOOD, J. II Drug Sure. Mar x ket Street, between Greeu uud St. Louis Streets. pLEETWOOD, J. H., Physician, —nl L floe Market Street, between St. Louis uyt^reea Streets. pKANKLIN HOUSE—B.F.nOLDEN, A Proprietor, oornei St-Louis and Mar let its. fJOODE, J. 8., Attorney at Law,— office, vs over J. H. Fleetwood Market Street rjElSAMOKE, 8. T. Manufacturer of J Tinware, gutters, Ac., dealer in stores house furnishing goods, corner Mar krtud St- Pnilip. I0FFMANN, W., Dry Goods and Gro , a.®""**' Main Street, between Focus 1 u. Philip Streets. I0FFMAN 8 ST AGES ,—Frank Iloff *** Proprietor, L. Hardel, Con 'Mn connection with Morgau's Lou Ud Texas R. Lafouroho Cros I0GAN, P., Boiler Maker, ooruer Le vee aud (Church Streets. HOOK AND LADDER CO. !? L Regular meetings on the ***d»y of each month. Regular ex *n Sunday preceding the fourth ofeverT Month. R- MoBride President; J. L»i i*oe President; R. Frost, Fore *®^ Asst. Foreman ; G.D. " Asst. Foreman,- Ellis N. Vj*o Uer ' Henry Riviere, Seore *'*■ ,® mn ' Asst. Secretary; N. , Warden; H. Huffman, Jr. Ty L^2?*A>CH, CLAY Attorney at Law, jT*®®®!* Mairs Green St.-, between T **" Leve e Streets. J w - CUrk °f **« Courl n.AVID. Dry Goods, Shoes, *c«a. Caps &c.. corner Main A- F., Parish Judge, Of ; Court House. EMILE E. Recorder, Court lmbodaux. La. IN J. Mechanical Engineer and *{ aet f lrr . r °f sugar Appcratus, and 9 Ki^iupoc^, Jai-ksou street. .5: Rks J. Variety store. Stores Dnavare. Scr —Jaeksou bt-Bridget s' street, BUSINESS CARDS. L ORIO, P. K., Tax Collector. Court House,Thibodaux, La. T , A ^? IAN ' LOUIS, Sadler, corner St -■-A i lulip uud St. Bridget Streets. L EOENDKE, JOS., Groceries, Wine and Liquors, Main street, between St. Philip and St. Louis sts. M ACHADO,.!. D. Groceries aud Dry Goods, corner Maiue Jackson uud Levee Streets. M EUN1EK, A., Dealer in Foreign an, Domestic Dry Goods, Clothing See. Main Street corner St Philip. mroNT-CAKMEL CONVENT. Acade .. !".V for tho Young Ladies, under the Direction of Sister St. Bernard. M OORE, I. I). Attorney at Law ,—of lice up stairs Main St. comer Focus. O SCHWA CD. J. G. Shoemaker. Main Street between St. Louis and St. Phi lip streets. O'SULLIVAN, E. A. Attorney at Law Green Street, betweeu Main and Jliihodaux Streets. P HILIPl'EAU ALFRED, Baker, corner Levee and Maronge Streets. P ERRIN, A. J. fnriegn and domestic gooils, Hats, shoes and groceries, cor ner Main and St Philip streets I3IER8ON, II., Shoemaker, Main stria A Between St-Philip uml Jackson sts. FIRE CO. NO. 2. E11 „ , Jackson St. Regular Pa radcHou the thirdSunday of each month P ROTECTOR ginc (louse. Secretary ; F. J. Lagnnle,. Assistant Sec retary ; W. _C Ragan, Foreman : Frantz a *?»' Assistant Foreman;Hose Director A. J Perrin, Assist't Hose Director ; B, Malbrougli, W. Brockhoeft, Treasurer R IVIERE, L., Dry Goods, corner Maiu and St. Lauis Streets. R AGAN, W. n .—President Thibodaux Mill Co., L teal Agent and Col lector, Ibibodaux. La. R IBET, J. M. Fashion abl; Tui.or, front* iug Aueoin's store. ^•ANCAN, F. Parish 1. eosurir, OlHce— O comer Matkct a-i Pal. lit atreo s. CQUIRKS, GEO., W , Justice of the O Peace, ~n l. Ward. —Office, corner Market and C .ten, up s airs. STRANGERS HOTEL O BERTI, Proprietor daux and Green Streets. THOMAS AL JOHJM'S SCHOOL.—ltev. C. F. I). Lyne principal Jackson Street near St. John's Church. LABOURIN', Surgeon Denlirt, Offiee; IJ Jackson Street, between Thibmiaux uml St Bridget sts. * OCTETE IUC BfENFAISANCE ET OD'u-ssistauce Mutuelle de Thibodaux. Les seance riigulifcre de cette socii?t<S out lieu le premier jeudi de cliaquo luois a 7 heurcs ilu soir du lor octobre au ler avril, et it 8 lienres du lor avril au ler oc tobre. Offioiers :—H. Dansereau, President; P. A. Aueoin, Viee President, F. Sancan, Secretaire ; H. II. Michelet, Assistant Se cretaire ; Jos. T. Thibodaux, Trdserier ; Thlophilc Thibodaux. Coilectenr; Alcestc Bourgeois, Portier. flYETREAU, H., Carriage Maker and X Horne Shoeing, corner Levee and Pa triot Streets. 1 1 LABOR. H. W., Family and Planta J. tion Groceries, Green atreet,betwoen Levee and Market Streets. rjiHIBODEAUX, JOS. T., Pharmacist, JL Dealer in Patent Medicines, Perfu mery, See., ooruer of Main and St. Philip Streets. rpHIBODKAUX, JOS. T., Treasurer of X the Town, corner Main and St. Philip Streets. rpHIBODAUX FOUNDRY. Bodley & A Keete, Proprietors ,Levee and Jackson Streets. rpHIBODAUX, THEOPHILE, Town A Constable, Assessor, Collector and Wharfinger. OlHce Green Street between Market and Levee. T HIBODAUX FIRE DEPARTMENT— Orgenised September 7th, 1874. Offi cers : —L- A- Webre, Chief Engineer, 8 T. lJoMeuadd, 1st Assistant; Taylor La 'arde, 2nd Assistant; AI lain Badoaux, secretary & Treasurer ; P E. Lorio and M. A. Legendre, Delegate of the Tliibo daux Fire Co. No. 1. Alcestc Bourgeois, Delegate of the Proteotor Fire Co. No. 2 T HIBODAUX COLLEGE, Very Rev. C. M. Menard, situated in one of the most healthy parts of the town of Thibo daux. T KONE, J. A., Books and stationary de pot, comer Main and St. Louis Sts. (oeppositc L. V. Riviere's Store). Photo hie Gallery, corner St. Lonis and Thi tux. 1 THIBODAUX SENTINEL. Job Offiee comer Market and Patriot Streets. T hibodaux benevolent lodge No 9(1. A. F. and A. M.—Regular meetings on the second Saturday and the last Saturday of Every month, at 3 o'clock P. M., Green Street, between Levee and Market Streets. T hibodaux, p. a., dvu engineer Jackson Street, opposite St. Bridget Street. T HIBODAUX FIRE CO., NO. I. Regular parades on second Sunday of each month. Regular Meetings on Mon day after the second Mouday of every month. Officers:—8. T. Grisuinore, President; J. L. Aueoin. Vice-President; Octave Le gendre,Secretary ; Arseue Naquin, Assis tant Secretary; Thomas Alberti,Forema 1; J. Q Oshwaid, Assistant Foreman ; P. A. DeManadtl, Engine Director ; A. Weissen thauer, Assistant Engine Director: M. A. Legendre. Hose Director ; Elies Brand, Assistant Hose Dir'tor ; O. Malbrongh, Tyler ; Jos. Thibodeaux, Treasurer. V ERGES, J. M, Barber, St. Philippe st. between Maiu and Ijevoe streets. y EKRIEK, T.. Gunsmith, Maiu St., lie tween St. Louis aud Green Street THOMAS, Parish Attor Market Street, be ween Marouge and Patriot Streets. W INDER. ney. — offiee. W E1SSENTHANNER, ALOIS, Confer. iiitnery and Soda Water. Green S < between Market apd Main Streets nusmess cards. W ASHI NGTON HOTEL. Mrs. G Gamard, Proprietor, Market St. between St w tiilip and St. Louis Streests. Y oung men's benevolent as sociation, OF LAFOURCHE,— Regular meeting on the first Wednesday of eaeli month, at 7 o'clock, at the office of Judge Lorio. Cor. Greeu and Levee. Officers :—II. N. ('onion, President. P E. Lorio, Vice President. J. W. Kuo blech. Secretary, C. Aztima, Treasu rer, L- Aueoin, Censor, G AZZO Dm J. B C., Physician and Aconcheur, Thibodaux P. O., Lafour ebe Parish, La. Z EliNOTT, FRANK, Watchmaker and Dealer in fine Jewelry Ac. Main Street iYJkW OKL* 2A%>. Vs---- -------,_ ___ ^ Cosmopolitan Restaurant. $* & IS ltoya.1 lit New Orleans Between Canal and Customhouse Streets,) LOUIS CHAPLAIN Proprietor, All the delicacies of the season are to be found here, as also choice wines of all kinds Parties, weddings, etc., supplied at short notice. Private saloons up stairs. Rooms, elegantly furnished, to let by the week or month. This Restaurant is kept pen until twelve o'clock at night. J jan 76. Leon Oodchaux, SI aad S3 Canal St. The largest and most complete stock Clothing, flats aad l^urnlslilag' Goods ever offered. The attention of parents and guardians is called to our stock of Boys' School Suits, which cannot be excelled aud will be sold at very low prices. aug976-ly LEON GODCHAUX. LITTLE EXCHANGE. Cor., kil-l.o ii >m) .V CliiirtreH Stv. Now-Orloaus. P. Masseys, Proprietor. Choice Wines and Liipiors always on Hand FURNISHED ROOMS. ap-28'77.1 Flokia»;Lanok, Felix Leoendre LANGE A LEGENDRE, 30 Decatur St., New Orleans, Generl CominiMHlon Merchants Cotton, Sugar, Molasses, Itice, etc —Also keep constantly on hand — Pork, Flour, Coffee, Bacon, Corn, etc. etc. etc: References, Schmidt & Ziegler, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans ; Jules Denis, President Levee steam Cotton Press. fulos Cassard, Viec-Presidcut Germania National Bank. Pike, Brother k Co., Bankers. Numa Landry, Cashier of People's Bank. Kmile I^ geudre, St. James. 19june75 F. P. SEVIN, (Formerly Sevin & Gourdaiu) No. 115 Old Levee Street, NEW ORLEANS. DEALKU IN ALL KINDS OP Ccuntrij Proimcf. COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Wool. Hides, Furs, Rices, Patatoes Moss. Poultry, Eggs, Etc fev- 73 KIP & RI CH, FE8SETEBAICE SICE HILLS. (All Premiums awarded at the Louisiana State Fairs for Rice Milling, from 1868 ud to the present time.) Nos. 12 and 14 Elysian Fields Streets, oppo site the site of the old Pontchartrm Depot 3rd District, NEW ORLEANS. Capacity 420 bis cleaned per day. EMPTY SACKS FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGES. CHARGES. No. 1 .. No. 2.. No. 3.. Prices. ..............i Cent. .............. i " .............. i " JNO M. WALSH, Agent. Av. 17 76 J. A. BOURG, Marehand Cemmlssloiinaire, BE CHARGE DE LA VENTE DE Coton, Snore, Ris, Monsse, Peaux, Laine, Volailles, tEufs, Cire, Miel, Gibier, de tonte esp^ee de produits ties champs ou de jardinage, 147...... Hue Decatur ......147 [entre Jefferson et Toulouse] NOUVELLE ORLEANS O. Lock Box 877. mhl0'7ff ly S. T. DAUNIS, Nor 59 and 61 Deeateur Sreet. N. O. General ('ommisslon Merchant —AND— . GROCER. Solicits consignments of Cotton, Sugar Molasses, Rice. Wool, Hides, Furs, Skins Moss, Pcnltry. Eggs, Potatoes, etc., etc. —also Dealer in— All kinds of groceries. [2J.ap77 All kinds of groceries. [2J.ap77 Francioni & Folse. Coi Its mission Jlercha —AND DEALERS IN— WESTERN PRODUCE, j. 5 ---- St-Lonis Street ____ No. 5 New Orleans. La. Box 20S3. a)».2r77. NEW OH LEANS. GOOD TRICES! NEW ORLE1NS. _ QUICK SALES! Attention? Planters anti merchants. ODKLL & WRIGHT COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 50 DECATUR, andj21 CLINTON Sts., New Orleans. RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS. Will receive first class attention from us, and will be sold iu tbo rough or cleaned as you direct. You can de|»end on our getting you highest prices, and give every care to your interests. LOUISIANA STEAM Sash Mind 4 Doo FACTOR!, 301,(303, 305, 307 GRAVIER ST. NEWORLEANS. ROBERTS 4 CO. PROPRIETORS. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings. Flooring and Coiling, Newels, Balus ers, etc., always on hand or made to order. Orders promptly attended to. ap.7.'77.1y. LA. EQUITABLE Life Insurance Co. Cor. Carondelet and Gravier Sts. NEW ORLEANS. Samuel Manning Todd, President. U- W. Ogden, Vice President. Andrew Patton, 2d Vice President William Henderson, Si'cretary A Thomsen, E. A. Tyler, W. B. N-h limit, J. W. Stone. B. T. Walshe. John 1, Adams, Afcx. Marks. Kobt. W. Ogdon, J. B. Cantors, John Henderson, II. M. Payne, T. C. Herndon, DIRECTORS. James I. Day, E. B. Briggs, Hy. Abraham, Cliss- Chaffe, W. Heudersou, John II. Pike, E. II. Faireldld, II. J Vose, 8. B. Newman, A. Patton, John 8. Groves, J. B. Levert. JUST COMES, 23sep-761y) Country Agent BROOK Steam Rice Mill. C. II. ALLEN. S», »1 Sc 93 TCHOUPITOULAS Street Lock-Box 976. - New Orleans This is the most extensive MILL in the SOUTH, ty OF OUR RICE Unanrpased MILLING KATES : No. I............J et. P IS. No. 2............| et. P IS. No 3............i ct. P IB. Eight sacks of bran returned to the plan ters for every hdndkd Bbls. rough Rico re ceived. Bearded Rice a speciality—having a Ma c\|ina invented expressly for the purpose of removing the heard before going to the stone. O. Lepine & Edgard E. Leche, Agents. K. B .—Persons having Rice to ship to the above mill, will be furnished sacks by leaving orders at S. T. Grisamore in Thi bodanx. L. A. Leblanc, LafonrcbejCrossing. J. C. Rousseau, Bush Grove place, A. Le jeune. Uaceland or to the undoisigued at his residcuco. O. LEPINK, Agent. C. B. BLOCK JACOB MYERS GU8. WEILL —WITH— C. D. BLOCK A CO* Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco and Clear**. Ao. 75 Gravier Street .......... .NewOrleans IPfcb 76 Jy Jy Til I BOD A CX. Thibodaux Foundry ! KEEFE & 8QDLEY Thibodaux, La* H AVING purchased the above and well known establishment, take great pleas ure in announcing to the planters that they have refitted the Foundry and Machine Shop, and are now prepared to do any work n their line, with neatness and dispatch. STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, DRAINING WHEELS. SHAFTING and GEARING, ■ ■ AbiD" ...... CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order. -ALL KINDS OF Brass Castings, -SUCH AS GUAGE COCKS, C YLIXDER and PUMP COCKS, GLOBE VAL VES, etc., etc., made to order and furnished at the shortest notice. Having refitted their blacksmith shop, they can do all kinds of work in that line, iu the best manner and with dispatch. They respectfully solicit a continuance of the former patronage exteuded to this es tablishment. |27mv-76 Notice to Sugar PlaMters. I BEOTO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS in the Country and to the Sugar Plan ters in general that I am now prepared to carry on the Sugar Factorage aud Conunis on Business on an extensive scale and.I take pleasure in offering them my services Liberal advances made on Crops. Country correspondence solicited. LEON GODCHAUX, 81 and 83 Canal street, New Crleans. D.30.76.1y. ONE PRICE STORE! CORNER ST. ANN & OLD LEVEE. (Opposite French Meat Market,] Nf.w-Oki.kass. PRICE-LIST SPRIHB A SUMMER 18 77. MEN'S Cassimere Suits from......$7 00 to 14 25 Scotch Tweed Suits from.. 9 50 to 10 50 Blue Flannel Suits from... 12 75 to 14 50 Diagnl sk. Coats & Vests. 3 50 to 11 50 Diagonal Frock do. from... 9 25 to 15 00 Alpaca Sack Coats from.. 1 75 to 2 50 Alpaca Sack Coats from.. 4 00 to 5 50 'Grosgrain Alpaka do....... 5 00 Alpaca Frock Coats from.. 3 50 to 5 75 Grosgrain Alpaka do from. 5 50 to 7 50 Grey Mohair Sk. Coats from 1 25 to 2 50 8. B. Br'dcloth Frocks from 8 00 to 15 00 D. B. Br'dcloth Frocks from 10 00 to 16 50 Black Doeskin Pants from.. 5 00 to 7 50 fancy CRSsimere Pants from 3 75 to 5 00 grey Sc Strip'd Linen Pants 1 00 to 1 50 Kv. Jeans Pants home made 1 30 to 2 00 blx Broadcloth Vests from. 2 25 to 3 25 Black Alpaca Vests from.. 2 00 to 2 50 wb't Marseille Vests from.. 1 50 to 2 25 grey Linen Dusters from . 1 25 to 2 00 grey Mohair Dusters from.. 1 75 to 2 00 YOUTH'S Cassimere Suits from...... 6 25 to 12 25 Scotch Tweed Suits........ 8 25 Blue Flannel Suits........ 12 00 diagu' sk Coats & Vests.... 6 75 to 10 25 Diagonal Frock do from.... 8 00 to 13 50 Alpaca Sack Coats from.. 2 25 to 3 75 Grosgrain Alpaka sk Coats. 4 25 Fancy Cashmere Pants from 3 50 to 4 50 Black Doeskin Pants from.. 4 75 to 6 25 Ky. Jean Pants home made 1 25 grey & strip'd Linen Pants. 1 00 to 1 25 BOYS , Cassimere Snits............ 5 00 to Diagonal Suits from........ 7 25 to Blue Flannel Suits from.... 8 00 to Scotch Tweed Suits from... 6 25 to Black Alpaca Coats from... 1 75 to Grey Mohair Coats........ Ky. Jeans Coats home made 1 50 to Ky .Jeans Pants home made 1 00 to grey and striped Linen do. 75 to CHILDREN'S Ky. Jeans Snits from....... 2 00 to Blue Sc Grey Flannel Sailor Snits from.............. 2 50 to Diagonal Suits from........ 4 50 to Cassimere Suits from....... 3 00 to MEN'S White Shirts from......... 75 to 2 35 Colored Shirts from........ 50 to 1 00 White Undershirts from.... 50 to 100 White Cotton Undershirts. 50 drill'd Cotton Drawers..... 50 BOYS' White Shirts from.......... 75 to 125 Colored Shirts from........ 75 to 90 White Undershirts from.... 40 to 60 Children's wh'e undershirts 25 Linen Collars, from 50 cents to $1 75 per dozen. A fall line of Neckties, Scarfs, Hand kerchiefs, Trunk and Valises. Call and examine the Goods at the ONE PRICE STORE, Corner of St. Ann and Old Levee, opposite French Meat Market. ap2877.1y. 7 50 8 50 9 50 7 25 3 00 1 00 1 75 1 10 1 00 2 25 3 00 5 50 4 75 Em Lippmoa 52......Rue Bienville Nile Orleans......52 G rand assortment de biere, ALE. PORTER. LAGER BEEU ET Cidre. fipiicialite poor le bouteillage de ces arti cles D<5pot des meillenrs bouclioiis vendus dans ie pays. Mr. I. Picard, rtjirC-sente cette maiaon dejiuis cimj an*. aout 12 76. tCCA PSIC UNT The Greatest Medical Discovery since the * .. * - Creation of Man, or line* the Commencement of the Christian Era. . T'!*™ ? evor h " been a time when the healing of so many different diseases has by oat ® ard application as the {^rj-.i 1118 a V t,u,ll «P'ile<l fact that over entire population of the globe resort to the use of ordinary plasters. Me, v i*'s Catsicdm Poitou* Plas TKRS, are acknowledges! by all who have used them, to act quicker than any other piaster they ever before tried, and that one of these plasters will do more real service than a hundred of the ordinary kind. All other plasters ure slow of action, ami ro 9"!™ t ." b ®^' orn continually to effeot a cure; w ' th these it is entirely different; the ite effiit° ne W npplied the P a tie"t will feel Physicians in all ages have thorough! v tested and well know the effect of Capsi cum; and it has always been more or less used as a medical agent for an outward ap plicatiou; but it is only of very recent date inat its advantages in a porous plaster have been ..lseovered. Being, however, con vine oil of the wonderful cures effected bv Dr. Melvin s Capsicum Porous Plasters, and their superiority over all other plasters, they now actually prescribe them, in their practice, for such diseases as rheurautism, paiu m the side and hack, and all such ca ses as have inquired the use of plasters or liniment. Alter yon have tried other plas ters and liniments, and they have failed, and you want a certain cure, ask your drug gist for Dr. Melvin's Capsicum Porous plaster. You cau hardly believe vonr own convictions of its wonderful effects. Al though powerful and quick in its action, you can roly on its safety for the most deli eato person to wear, as it is free from lead and other jmisonons material commonly J* 80 ** *'ie manufacture of ordinarv plas ters. One trial is a sufficient guarantee of its merits, aud one plaster will sell hun dreds to your friends Ask your druggist for Dr. Melvin's Cap sicum 1 onors Plaster, and take no other: or, on receipt of 25 cents for one, 11 for five, or $2 for a dozen, they will be mailed, post paid, to auy address in the United States or CanadAs. manufactured by the NOVELTY PLASTER WORKS Lowell, Mass, 1J. N. A., G. E. MITCHELL, Proprietor, Manufacturers of Plasters and Plaster Com pounds. JOS. T. THIBODEAUX, Agent.] Thibodaux, La. W E want Cash Customers for our IKVIIGO or SUGAR Cane Mills and Evaporators, Cotton Gin and Thresher ENG INES, Absolutely Safe from Ure by Sparks. The only Engine Safe aud suitable for run ning Cotton Gins,Grain Threshers, &c. |We cau furnish at low prices, the best Blows, Cultivators, Thresh krb. Fan Mills, Wag ons, or any other kind of Improved Imple ments. Machinery or FieldSeeds. "German'' or "Goldeu'' Millet, Eure and Genuine. 8end Stamp for Price List and Circulars. Address . T. If. Jones Jt Co* may.-19,77 Nashville, Tenn She Ihibfldaux j^ntiuri Janr — AND— al of the 8th Menntorlnl District. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE TOWN, ISSUED EVERT SATURDAY 8. T. GRISAMORE Editor. F- SANCAN* Pro'r & Business Manager 50 25 00 00 75 10 00 25 00 F- SANCAN* Pro'r & Business Manager OFFICE COR- MARKET & PATRIOT 8TS Fun in a Court room. How One Dobson was Tepmt ed by Satan to Kiss a Girl against Her Will. The doll monotony ot a coart proceedings was enlivened in the case of the Common-wealth against Dobson, in which the des feudant was accused of assanlt npon a yonng lady named Hotter, by kissing her against her will. The plaintiff complained that Dobson, "by force of arms, malice atorethonght, aud instigated by the devil, did then and there vio lently assanlt waylay," &e. She told ber story in a plain straight forward kind of way, to the effect that she was enjoying the even ing breezes while leaning over ber fence, aud that William Dob son came along, seized her by the bands, and fucibly pulling her over the palisade, committed tht assanlt for which she claimed re dress at the hands of the law. A sister of the complainant testified that she did not see the alledged impropriety, because of the darK ness, and she being in another part of the yard, but she heard a kiss, or somothing that sounded like a kiss, and knew that some thing was going or,. Dobson claimed the privilege of being his own witness, and be told the part of the story omitted by Miss Belter and her sister. He is a jolly specimen^ of an En glishman.His narrative of the oc cumMIC0 which be had become involved runs as follows: Dobson—Yer see. yer 'onors, I I was walking along, singing ''What will the 'arvest be T' _ Gen. McCartney ^counsel for plaintiff, disposed to have some fan while confusing the witness] —Yon were singing "What will the 'arvest be t' , ]closely imitating the intonatiou or the wituoas). iyI— Dobson (very composedly] iyI— Dobson (very Yes, sir, "What will composedly] ill the 'arvest be ?" Gen. McCartney—"What will the 'arvest bef' Dobson fnnroffled] — "Whdt will the 'arvest bet w Gen. McCartney—Well, go on, sir. Dobson—Yer sec, yer 'onors, I was going along, singing, "What will the ( arvest beT*' when 1 heard Mary singing "What will the 'arvest bef' Gen. McCartney—She was sing ing "What will the 'arvest bef" By this time there were decided evidences of merriment all over the court room ? bat Dobson re mained as imperturabable as though officiating at a funeral. Dobsou—Yes, sir. She were siugiug, "What will the 'arvest bo," bat not so loud as I was, and I called oat, "Hallo, Mary, s*e that you T* and she said it be, I went up to the fence, and she were hall haloae, has her father 'ad gone to "class," Gen. McCartney — Gone to class! What did she mean bv that. Dobson—Why, any fool knows what "class", means. Her father had gone to class meeting, and left 'er hall halone. We chatted a. little, and then— Gen. McCartney — Well, yon have beard bei testimony. Yoa seized her. palled her over the fence and kissed her f Dobson—No. That testimony is false. We talked awhile, and she sort of leaned hover the fenoe —like as if she wanted me to— and just then Satan got the best of me, and I kissed 'er right bon the month. I found out "What will the 'arvest be," and I think she was a heasy prey. Here the gravity of the oonrt. counsellers and spectators gave way, aud seldom in a oonrt of jnstice has there been each a scene of uuoontrollable hilarious ness. Judge Harding fairly roar ed himself hoarse with laughter, and all business was suspended for several minutes to allow those iu the court-room to recover their equanimity. Dobson was acquit ted of the charge of assault, but must pay half the costs of the suit as his share of the "'arvest." Models foe the Lee Monu ment —Yesterday a large bor was received at the eapitol and stored away. It contained a plas ter model of an equestrian statue of Geueral Robert B .Lee. When it came from and who sent it is uuknown to even the board which has to decide npon the merits «f the different works. This is the second model which has been re ceived. It is stated that the first came from Canada. Both are en cased in strong, heavily-bonnd boxes, which have no mark npon them save the direction, "To the Lee Monument Association, Rich mond. Ya." The board has pres cribed that the names of the 00 m peting sculptors shall be kept from them, as they propose to adopt the best work, and will bo unbiased in their choice hi ac cordance with this requirement, no one knows the names of the sculptors who are competing for the great work. Other sculptors are known to be working on mod els which will oome in daring the mouth of September. Tbs committee will probably de cide the end of the mouth if all the models are iu. The competien for this great work will be very lively. Sculptors in Europe and America have signified their inten tion of competing for it. Many will simply send photographs of their models, ia order to avoid the great expense and risk. The models will bo exhibited in the hall of the House of Delagates. The committee which is to decide is composed of the Governor, Treasurer, and Auditor.— Rich mond Whig.