Newspaper Page Text
Ucrmo of Subscription One year [in advance]........$3 00 ** . within 3 months.... 350 " <* . " ---- 4 00 One Copy................... 10 , SANCAN, Pro'r & Business Manager Published kveby Saturdays. XIII. cntmti JOURNAL OF THE 8™ SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Hates of 5t6i>erhsmg: Official Journal of the Parish of Lafourche and of the of Thibodaux. One Square (or ten uke j First insertion____ .....,,..... $1 50 Second insertion.............. 75 Each subsequent insertion 50 Can'dtdates................$10.00 OFFICE ( Corner Market and Patriot Streets. THIBODAUX, L—, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20™ 1877. NO. 12 " CARDS. " BUSINESS CARDS. a ijSELlNEAU, MILS. E., Ih-y Goods. Fancy Articles. Ac., corner Market and Loin* streets. UCQIN, P. A., Family and Plant a m i u ;,i Groceries , Main street, between Focus and St. Philip streets. ZEMA.-C. Coffee Rouse Keener , Main I St., between Jackson anil St. Phi dp Streets. B LUM, S. Dry Goods and Gjrotery, c-or uer Main and Jackson Streets. B iADEAOX, J. Family and Plantation _ l Groceries, Main Street, eorner Main ad Focus. SADEAUX, 'j'HOMAS, Attorney at Lam t corner Main and Focus Streets, up B ILLIU, J. 8., Attorney at Law ,—office Corner St. Philip arujl M*iii ptfwpji B LAKE, E W., Attorney at Lam,— of fice Green Street, B LANCHARD, J. E., Surgeon Dentist. —office, corner Green and St. Bridg et Streets. lYQjyj.KY, Wagons and (Mffs, Depot on 15 dJevee Street iicgr' the Thittodaux foundry. W. II. KAGAN. Agent. B RAUD, ELLIS N. Groceries, Wine and Liquors, corner Green and Main Streets. IlOL'UON, A. Watchmaker and ffun •J) smith, Dealer in Jewelry , ftp e-aruis. 'fie-. Main st. between £t. Jffiilip auil Jackson streets B O L'KQ CIN, E. IP ateh maker and Jew eler, corner Market aud' St'. Louis eta B reaux & legendue, Dry ppoffs and Groceries,comer Maip a#d Green .Streets. B ROCKHOEFT, H. Shoemaker, Main Street, betweep St. Philip and Jack son Streets. B INNINGS, S. A. Mrs. Millinary and Fanpy Dry Goods, corner JacUsouand Tliibodaitk sts. • c ELESTIN, JEAN, Baker, Maiu Streep, corner Patriot. P A'NSEREAU, P., Physician, corner Jackson and Short Streets. D A 'pvEJ.RERT.PJ-, Groceries, Wines, Li 1 JqlMrt.'Tobttcco and Cigars, cor. Main |aid St-Philip streets TvELBEItT, P. J , Engineer, cor- Main J/itad 86-Philip htxfefiff D CSCII, J. Fashionable Tailor, Main street, fronting Riviere s store. E xcelsior—lodge no. 34 —Regu lar meetings-at the Odd Fellow's flail, corner Market and Patriot, every "Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. • Officers :T.Thib<xlapx, N-if-Jo*. T. Thi bodeaux. V. G. j S ; 1Y Grisahiorc, Sec- 11. Michelet Treasurer. F ROST JAMES, Coffee House keeper, corner Green and Market Streets. F LEETWOOD, J. H Drug Store, Mar ket Street, between Green aud St. fxtuis Streets. F leetwood, j. h., Physician,—at fice Market Street, between St. Louis and Green St frets. RANKLIN HOU^E—p.F. HOLDER Proprietor, cornel St-Louisand'Mav Jret sts. G OODE, J. S., Attorney at Law, —office, over J. H. Fleetwood Market Street PJKISAMORE, S. T. Manufacturer of ■A Tinware, gutters, Ac., dealer in stores and house furnishing goods, corner Mar ket and St- Pnilip. H OFFMANN, II-, Cabinet Maker, deal er in Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish e»,etc.. Main street,bet Ween Jackson and j$t-Philip H ESSE JURS. S. MMinary and Fancy Dry Goods, St. Philippe st., between levee and Main Streets. n OFFMANN, F.. Carriage Maker, xArr ery Stable, corner Jackson and St. Bridget Streets. H OFFMANN, W., Dry Gooffs and Gro ceries, Main Street, betweeii Focus f »d 8t. Philip Stree ts. " " 1 JOFFMAN'S STAGES ,—Frank Hoff A man Proprietor, L. Bardcl, Con wlor, in connection with Morgan's Lou r -*na, and Texas K. R, 'Lafourche 'G'ros »ng. __ H OGAN, P., Boiler Maker, corner Le vee aud Church Streep. FoME.HQOK AND LADDER CO. I No ' 1. Regular 'meetings'dii the 4h Monday of each month. Regular ex on Sunday preceding the 'fourth ay of every ; Meath. p ;j !•* 'it' Officers - R. K. Mo Bride President; J. Wehre, Vice Prdiiileht; R. Frost, Fore -* L- AttcOin 1st Asst. Foreman ; G.D. ■ha, 2nd Asst. Foreman ; Ellis N. ■•nd. Trpasui er ; Henry Riviere, Score Si Ed. l'errin. Asst: Secretary; N. "dreanx, Warden; H. Huffman. Jr. Ty NQBLOCH, CLAY Attorney at Law, Offieu up stairs Green <?t., between and Levee Streets. * K NOBLOCH, J. W- Clerk of the ConA —Thibodaux La. , v * ■■ :' ITUNO, DAVID. Dry Goods, Shoes, Moots, Hats, Capa . Jfcc.. corner Main Focus Streets. ■? ■ .» NORLOCH A. F.. Parish Judge, Of fice at Court House. EBLANC, EMILE E. Recorder, Court House, Thibodaux, La. ARK IN J. Mechanical Engineer*!! ltd , Manufacturer of sugar Apperams, and lOehiuery— Residence, Jackson street. AUKIN. Mrs. J. Variety store, Ktorr. Oils, Tin-ware, due—Jackson Twieet ' ! *e St-Bridget st. NSEREAU. II., Physician, corner St. Philip and St. Bridget Streets BUSINESS CARDS. OHIO, P.* E., Tax Collector, Couw ■4 House,Thibodaux, Lp. f ANGMAN, LOUIS, Sadler, corner St ■t -Philip and St. Bridget Streets. I EGENDRE, JOS., Groceries, Affine J aiul Liquors, Moin street, between St. Mlil-lit Ullil Si t I .iiitio (ita M ACHADO,.!. D. Groceries aud Dry Go uts, corner Maim: Jackson and -Levee Streets. M E1 N1ER, A , Dealer in Foreign an, Domestic Dry (hunts, Clothing Jtc., Maiu corner St Philip. M ONT-CARMEL CONVENT, Acadc my for the Young Ladies, under the Direction of Sister St. Bernard. M OORE, f. p. AtUymeg <U Law ,—of lice up stairs M*V U comer Focus. O SCHWAL1). J.. G. Shoemaker. Maiu Street between St. Louis aud St. Phi $i> stecets. O 'SULLIVAN, E. A. Attorney at Law, Green Street, between if ain and Thiliodaux Streets. P HIL1PPEAU ALFRED, Baker, corner Lovee and Maro^ge Streets. P ERRIN, A. J. foriegn and domestic goods, Bats, shoes and groceries, cor ner Main aud St-Philip streets PERSON, II., Shoemaker, Main stroe Between St-Philip uud Jackson sts. P ROTECTOR FIRE CO. NO. 2. En gine House, Jackson St. Regular Pa rades on I lie thirdSunday of each month, aud regular meeting on the third Monday. Officers:—('. Sahourin, President; A. *• Perrin, Vice-President ; F. J. Lagardo Secretary • ChiV ligde^mx, Assistant Sec retary ; \Y . (; Ragan, Foreman : Frantz Zeruot, Assistant Foreniau;Hosc Director Henry proch IcRt. Assisft Hose Director ; Martin Urmau, JV. lirocklipeft, treasurer. 1VIERE, L., Dry Goods, corner Main and St. Louis Streets. R R AGAN, \y. II .—President Thibodaux Saw M*ll Co., Local Agent and Col lector, Thibodaux. La, R IBKT, J. M. Fashionable t Tai,or, front ing Aiicuin's store. ^ANCAN, F. Parish Tr cusnrer. Office— O comer Matket an u Patiiot stroe s. S QUIRES GEO.. W , Justice of the Peace. 2 nd. Want. —Office, comer Market and Grcen^up stairs. UTRANGERS HOTEL - THOMAS AL IO BEKTI, Proprietor, corner Thilto daux and Green Streets. OT. JOHN S SCHOOL.—Rev. C. F. D. tO l.yne principal Jackson Street near St. John's Church. S AllOURIX, i:., Surgeon Dentist, Office; Jackson Street, petween 'J'hihi>di>ux and' St Bridget sts...... QClETE DE B1ENFAISANCE~Ef' D'assistancc Mutueile de Thihodaux la-s seauce rf'guliere div cette soeidtd out lieu le premier jeudi do cliaquo inois it 7 heures dn soir du ler oetobre ail ler avril, et il 8 heures du ler avril uu ler oc tohre. Offieiers :—Thus A. Budeaux. President; C. Sahourin, Vice President , H. II. Micho let Sgcrptajrc ;J. L. Ancoip. Aa,ustauf, Se cretaire ; Jos. T. Thihbdiiiix, Trdsorier ; Tlicopliile Bergeron. Coileetenr; Jos. . Devillard Portier. YIYETREAU, II., Carriage Maker and J. Horse Shoeing, eorner Levee and Pa triot Streets. T HBOR H. W., Family and Planta tion Groceries, Green Street,between Lovee and Market Streets. ritlllBODEAUX. JOS. T., Pharmacist, J. Dealer in Patent Medicines, I'erfu mery, &.c., corner of Main and St. Philip Streets. rpjIIBODEAUX, JOS. T., Treasurer of J. the Town, corner Main and St. Philip Streets. 1IIBODAUX FOUNDRY. Botlley & Keefe, Proprietors, Le vee and Jackson Streets. riMIIBODAUX, TIIEOPHILE, Town X Constable, Assessor, Collector and Wharfinger. Office Green Street between Market and Levee. T HIBODAUX FIRE DEPARTMENT— Organised Septcmber 7th, 1874. Offi cers : —L- A- Webre, Chief Engineer, H. T. DeM4nad<5, 1st Assistant ; Taylor La garde, 2nd Assistant; Allain Badeaux. Secretary & Treasurer ; E. Lorio and M. A. Legendre, Delegate of tlu^ Thibo daux'Fire Co. No. 11 Alceste Bourgeois, Delegate of the Protector Fire Co. No. 2 T HIBODAUX COLLEGE, Very Rev. C. M. Menard, situated in one of the most healthy parts of the town of Thilto dtuig. T RONE, J. A.; Books and stationary de pot, eorner Main and St. Louis 8ts. (oepposite L. V. Biviere's 8tore). Phata a hic Gallery, corner St. Lonis aud >ux. . rpHIBODAUX SENTINEL. Job Office J qovJ^eu Market and Patriot Stfeat*. T HIBODAUX BENEVOLENT LODGE No 90. A. F. and A. M.—Regular meetings on the second Saturday ami the last Saturday of Every month, at- 3 o'clock F.'M., Gi'^en Street, between LeTee and Market Streets. rrtlUBOPAUX, P. A., Civil Engineer X Jackson Street, opitosite St. Bridget Street. rjHIIBODAlTX FIRE CO., NO 1. X Regular parades ou second Suitdtiy of each month. Regular .Meetings bn Mon day after the second Mpndqy of every month! Officers:—S. T. Grisamore, President; J. L. Aueoin. Vice-President : Oe-taye Le gendre,Secretary ; Arsette Natpiin, Assis tant Secretary; Thomas Albcrti.Forema i; J. G Oshwahf, Assistant Foreman ; P. A. DcMaitade, Engine. Direct nr ; A. Weissen "halier. Assistant Engine Director; M. Legtmdre, Hose Director ; Elle6 Braud, Assistant Hose Dir'tor ; U Malbroqgh, Tyler ; Jos. Thibodeaux, Treasurer. - V ERGES; J. M. Barter; St. Philippe st. between Main and Leyie streets. y ERRIKU, T.. Gunsmith. Main St., bo tween St. Louis and Green Street imrlNDER, THOMAS, Palish Attor J T i icy. — office. Market* Street, be ween M a rouge aiul Patriot Streets. W ElSSENTHANNElt. ALOIS, Con fer. tin aery anil Sotla Water. Green Sire't between Market and Ma>u Streets w BtTSIKESS CARDS. ^YslTiNoro^'^TityFELii mtsT^g" Gamard, Proprietor, Market St.' b etween St Philip and St. Louis Streesta. \ rOUNG MEN'S BENEVOLENT AS SOCIATION, OF LAFOURCHE,— Regular meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, at 7 o'clock, at the Uuiou Hall, Cpr. Green and Market. Officers :—H. N. Coiihui, President. P E Lorio, Vice President. J. W. Kno bloeh. Secretary, C. Azfuua, Treasu rer, L* Aucoyi, Censor, G AZZO Dr. J. B C., Physician and Acouehcur, Thibodaux P. O., Lafour ehe Parish. La. Z EItNOTT, FRANK. Watchmaker and Dealer in fine Jewelry Ae. Maiu Struct NJ3W #ICLHA%». Cosmopolitan Ho^auTaiK. 1$ A 15 Royal Hew Orleai^ Between Canal and Customhouse Streets,) LOUIS CHAPLAIN Proprietor. All the delieaeies of the season arc to lie found here, as also choice wj^es of all killing P^iUej. weddings, etc., supplied at short nonce. Private saloons up stall's. Rooms, clugantly furnished, to let by the week or month. This Restaurant is kept pen until twelve o'clock ^.t iugVt- 1 jan 76. Leon Godciuuix, Ml and M3 4'HUM■ Fit. The largest aiul most complete stock Clothing, Hats and l''HrniNbin£; Goods ever offered. The attention of parents aud guardians is cglLgii to our stik'k of Boys' School Suits, wUpfi cannot he excelled aud will be sold at .very low prices. aug97li-ly LEON GODCHAUX. LITTLE EXCHANGE. Cor. Mt-l-oninl A Chartres Sts. New-.Qrleaus. P. Masseys, Proprietor. Choice Wines and Liquors always on Hand FURNISHED ROOMS ap'28'77. • Fu>RiAN;Lxi«qK, I j.j.ix Leoendke LANGE A LEGENDRE, 30 Decatur St., New Orleans, Generl Coinmisaion .llerehunts Cotton, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, ; —A Iso keep constantly on hand— J?qrk, Flour, Coffee, Bacon, Corn, etc. etc. etc, Heferenceg, Schmidt & Ziegler, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans ; Jules Denis. President Levee steam Cotton Press. Jules Cassard, Vice-President Germania National Bank. Pike, Brother & Co.. Bankoye. Nuina Landry, Cashier of Pgopjo'g Rank. Emile Legendre, St. James, 19june75 F, P. SEYIX, tFormerly Soviu & Gourdam) No, 115 OKI Levee Street, NEW ORLEANS. DKil.KH IX A I,I. KINjjS OK Conntnj Prohitw, COTTON SUGAR, MOLASSES. Wool. Hides, Furs, Rices, Patatoes Moss. Poultry, Eggs, Etc fev- '73 KIP & RLC1I, ip nmn in Av. 17 76 (All Premiums awarded at tlio Louisiana State Fairs for Rice Milling, from 18K8 ud to the present tju^e..) Nos. 12 and 14 Elysian Fields Streets, oppo site the site of the old Pontchaytrin Lepot 3rd District, * NEW ORLE 4 NS, Capacity 420 bis cleaned per day. EMPTY SACKS FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGES. Prh^l, No. 1 ......A Cent. Nq. 2 .............J " No. 3.....; ......i " JNO M. WALSH, Apjoiit* J. A. IfUliKG, Mnrchnnd Commissionnnirc, SE CHARGE DE LA VENTE DE Coton, Sucre, Riz. Mousse, Peaux, Laine, Volailles, (Eufs, . Cire, Mini, Gibier, et dp tonte ospfcco de pnalnits des chumpp ou de janlinage, M? • ..Rue Decatur ...... 14? [outre Jefferson et Toulouse] * NOUVELLE ORLEANS P. O. Lock Box S77. mhlO'76-ly " s. T. DAUNIS; ^ Nos- 59 an-Ji 61 Decateur Srcct. N. O. General Commission Itgercljan$ —AND— GROCER. Solicits consignments of Gotten, Sugar Molasses, Rice. Wool, Hides, Furs, Skins Moss, Poultry. Eggs, Potatoes, etc., etc, —ALSO DEALLS tN— All kinds of groceries. *' ' [2!.ap77 I'T^ncioni A Folse. Commission tlerehants —AND DEALERS IN—""' ** WESTERN PRODUCE, No. 95.. .Decatur Street. ..No. 95 * New Orleans. La. Box 2083. ap.21'77. NEW OIJLEANS. NEW OREE INS. GOOD PRICES! QUICK SALES! Attention? $*l*nters and l?Ierc#ia*ti 3 . ODKLL & WRIGHT COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A0 DECATUR, and 21 CLINTON Sts., New Orleans. RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS, RICE SHIPMENTS. Will mx>ive first class attention from us, aud will be sold iu the LQUjrh or cleaned as yon direct. You can depend ou our getting you highest prices, and give every care to your interests. LOUISIANA STEAM Sash & Door FACTORY, 301,, 303 305, 307 GRMUER ST. NEW-OKLEaNS. ROBERTS & CO. PROPRIETORS. Sash, Blind 11 , Doors, Mouldings, .-"'louring and Ceiling, Newels, Palps ers. etc-, always ou band or uiadp to <rder. Orders) promptly attended to. ap.7.'77.1y. LA. EQUITABLE Life Insurance Co, Car. Carandelet and Gravwr Sts. NEW ORLEANS. Samuel Manning Todd, President. J{ W. Ogden, Vice President. Andrew Patton, 2d Vice President William Hepdcfspji, Secretary DIRECTORS. * A Tliomson, K. A. Tyler, W. B. Schmidt, J. W. Stone, II. T. Walshe, J.oljn 1, Adajps, Alex. Marks, , Roht. W. Ogden, J. B. Camors, John Henderson, II. M. Payne, T. C. Herndon, James I. Dav, E. B. Briggs, 11 y- Abraham, Cims. Chaffe, W. Henderson. John H. } J ikp. E II- Fairiddld, II. J Vose, S. H. Newman, A. Patton, Joint S. Groves, J. B. Levert. JJIST COMES, J3sep-7fi 1 f) Coutt try A (D-n t BROOK Steam Rice Mill. C. II. ALLEN. 89, 01 & 93 TCHOCPITOUT.A8 Street Lock-llox 97 fi. Thjs ip t)te mpst extensive MILL in the SOUTH, New Orleans and the quali ty OF OUR RICE Unnurpiuicd 0 . n, block MILLING RATES : No. ]............ i pMf» ft. No. 0............| ct. V ]b. Np 3............i ct. V ft. Eight sacks of bran returned to the plan ters for every iilnukd Bbls. rough Rice re ceived. Bearded Rice a speciality—having a Ma eltine invented expressly for the purpose of removing the beard before going to the stone. O, I.epine Sc llugard E. I.rehe, Agents N. B .—Persons having Rice to ship to the above mill, will be furnished sacks by leaving orders at S. T. Grisanmre in Tlt'i bodaux. L. A. Leblanc, Lafourelie.Crossing. J. C. Rousseau, Bush Grove place, A. Lc icune. Racclanil or to the undersigned at ui» residence. O. LEPINE, Agent. JACOB MYKIIS GUS. WEILL C. It. 1II.OCK Jk ^O n Wholesale Dealers in Ttbact* aad Cigars. No. 75 Grader Street ........... NfwOrlfan* IPfefr 76 lj ________ THIRODAUX. Thibodaux Foundry! KEEFE & 60QLEY ThllHHlpUA, !.*»., A VINO purchased tiie above and well 1 known establishment, take great pleas H tire in announcing to the planters that they have refitted the Foundry and Machine Shop, and are now prepared to do any work n their line, with neatness aud dispatch STEAM ENGINES, SUGAR MILLS, DRAINING WHEELS, SHAFTING ami GEARING, -AND CASTINGS pf all descriptions made to order. ---ALL KINDS or ^tracts Casting** -SUCH AS GUAGE COCKS, CYLINDER and PUMP COCKS, GLORE VAL 1 'ES, etc., etc., made to order and furnished at tV,e shortest uotiee. Having refitted their blacksmith shop, they can do alt kinds of work in that line, in the best manner and with dispatch. They resoeetfully solicit a continuance of the former patronage extended to this es tablishment ! 27 gty-7 6 Notice to Sugar Planten, I BEGTO ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS in the Country and to the Sugar Plan ters in general that I am now prepared to carry ou the Sugar Factorage and Commis on Business on an extensive scale and I take pleasure in offering them my service* Liberal advances made ou Crops. Country corresi«>ndenee solicited. . LEON GODCHAUX. 81 and 83 .Canal a tract, New Crleaas. D.30.76.1y. OWUPRICE STOREI CORNER ST. ANN & OLD LEVEE. (Opposite French Meat Murket,] New-Okleans. PRICE'UST Sf RINf 4 SUMMER 1 8 T 7'. MEN'S Caesiinpre Sgiffi fipm...... $7 00 to 14 25 Scotch Tweed Snifs from-. 9 50 tp 10 50 Blue Flannel Suits from... 12 75 tff 14 50 Diagn'l sk. Coats & Vests- 3 50 to 11 50 Diagonal Frock do. from... Alpaca Sack Coats frpvh. Alpaea Sack Coats front.. Grpsgrain Alpaka do....... Alpaca Frock Coats from Grosgrain Alpaka do from. Grey Mohair Sk. Coats from S. B. Br'dclotb Frocks from 8 00 to 15 00 D. 1J. Br'deloth Frocks lrom 10 00 to 16 50 Black Doeskin I'aijts f|-t)n) t . 5 00 to 7 50 fancy Cassintere l'antj fp.ut grey*& Strip'd Linen Pants KvI Jeans Pants li'pine mad,e blk Broadcloth Vests from. Black Alpaca Vests from., wb't Marseille Vests from., grey Linen Dusters from . grey MohairPpsteyaIfom VOUTH'S Cassintere Suite fropi-----, Scotch Tweed Suits....... Blue Flannel Suits........ diagn'sk Coats & Vests.... Diagonal Frock do from--- Alpaca Sack Coats front — Grosgrain A lpgkask Coats. Fancy Cpsbmere ('ants front 9 25 .to 15 00 1 75 .to 2 ? 00 tp 5 3 50 to 5 5 50 to 7 1 25 to 3 75 to 5 00 1 00 to 1 50 1 30 to 2 00 2 25 to 3 25 2 00 to 2 50 1 50 to 2 25 1 25 to 2 00 1 75 fo 2 06 6 25 to 12 25 8 25 12 00 6 75 to 10 25 8 00 to 13 50 2 25 to 3 75 4 25 3 50 to 4 50 Black Doeskin Pauls from.. 4 75 tq 6 25 Ky.Jeau Pants home made ^ I 25 grey & strip'd Li«en Parifs ' " 1 25 5 00 to 7 50 7 25 to 8 50 8 00 to 9 50 6 25 t« I 75 to BOYS Cassiuiere Suits............ Diagonal Suits from—...... Blue Flaunel Suits from.... Scqtfh Tweed Suits, from—. Bl^ek Alpaca Coats from... Grey Moltair Coats........ Ky. Jeans Coats home made Ky. Jeans Pants borne made grey and stripetl Linen do CHILDREN'S Ky. Jeans Sujts frOfn....... 2 00 to Blue & Grey Flannel Sailor Suits from.............. 2 50 to 1" j 50 t« no ta 75 to 2 25 Diagonal Suits from........ i 50 ta a 00 ta 75 to 2 35 5Q to 1 00 56 ta I 75 ta 75 to 40 W b\Y Cassimere Spits trom....... White $hirts fYoiu,.,...... Colored Shirts from. White Undershirts from —., White Cotton Undershirts, drill'd Cottqu Drawers..... BOY8' White Shirts from........,, Colored Shirts from........ White Updershirthfrom —.'. Children's wife undershirts Linen Collars, from 50 rents to $1 75 per dozen. A full line of Neckties, Scarfs, Hand kerchiefs, Trunk aud valise a. Call apd examine the Goods at the ONE PRICE STORM, Comer of St. Ann and Old Leyas, opposite French, Mead Market ap28*7 _ JL. U pROMH) 52......Rue Bienville Nile Orhiets—....52 G rand assorttment de biere, ALE, PORTER, LAGER BEER ET Cidre. Speciality pour le boutoilkige do cos arti ieles " • Depot des meilleurs bouehons veudus dans lejiays. ' * Mr. 1 Picard, rejiryscnte cette niaisou depuiscinq an^ uout 12 76 j ! ; want Gash ('ustomehs tor n - ■ " *"ORG« or NlfiAR Cane Mills aud Evaporators Cotton Gin anti Thresher ENGINES, Absolutely Safe from Fire by Sparks. The only Engine Safe and suitable for run tliug Cotton Gius.Graiu Threshers, &c. I'Ve eati fiii-pish at low prices., .tlio best Plows, Cultivators, Thresh kiss. Fan Mills, Wag ons, or any other kind >f Improved Ioiple -inents. Machinery or | FieldSeeds. "German" or "Golden" Millet, Pure and Genuine, Send Stamp for Price List and Circulars. Address : T. H. Joaes 4c Co, may.-19.77 Nashville, Tenn Parish jSoard of Public Schools. PARK'S HALL, Thihodaux, La. ) . Oet. 2, 1877. * J "he Board of Directors of the Parish School Board met this Joy at 10 o'clock A. M., upon a call of the President. Present, R. J. Perkins President, C. Lagardo, C. jC. Williams, S. T. Grisanmre. Nelson Tuvlor, K. A. O'Sullivan . Absent, J. S. Seely, j M. Howell, and A. Paualle, the latter of whom subsequently appeared at the meet ting. The minutes of the last meeting were read, anteuded and approved as amended. A number of petitions aud communica tions were road, one from citizens of the Moreau neighborhood in District No. 2 was laid over for future consideration. It was decided that colored schools should be opened in Bndee Grand Cheue iu District No. 1, at Villier's, in District No- 7, and that sehiools for white children should bo opened jn Chacboy in District No. 2, in Orauge city, at Galliano's, at Ve ga's iu District No. 18, at Mr. Bergeron's, uud at the Crossing in District No. b It teas resolved. That schools should be kept not less thau $ve hours, exclusive of recesses. it was decided to appoint au Assistant Teacher in suburb school, iu district No. 4, at the rate of $35.00 per month. Application for repairs required to be made ,yn the school house for colored chil dren atrilie Crossing, was retered Jo Direc tor C. C. Williams with power to act. It was resolved, That aft accounts for build ing or repairing school houses, or for rents of same, approved uod paid by this Board, should be charged to the School District in which said expenses are incurred. A bill for shingles amounting to $37.00, and another for muteriubr furnished amount ifiS to $67,75, used ip repairing school house in pintfiot No, 5, for white children, was approved and ordered to be paid. A bill lor lumber to construct tenches and desks for school for white children at Cross's lane, amounting to $6.92, was ap proved au d ordered to be paid. The President and Secretary wore author wiivvi, itnjmiuu uj inn Ml Mt) I| uisited to the State Board of Education, The following report wes then read .' Thibodaux, La. Oct. 2.1877. To the Board of School Directors for the Parish- of Lafourche, Gentlemen: — The undersigned report that they ltave made the following con tracts with Teaachers of public schools in this Parish .' Names. Schools, No. Dis. C'ompl'n 1 . Colored 1 White 2 Colored 2 do 2 White Evans F. Stafford, Doiese J. St. Veueent 2 Wallen W. Moreau 1 Dunn £. Bayou See 2 Schifferstein C. Isiuc 3 Levrou C. ) n . •__ Lambert f Academy 1 Suburb McBride Sternberg F, Stewart O. LcBlauc J. Robinson J. Thornhill E. Elliot J. T. Lovo S Turner C Bergeron L. Valley Crossing Pittmau Coulon Race land Longviile White Colored White Colored Colored do do do do. White White do do „______ Long' Pragonne E. Ct. Folse . Commencing Sept. 10, 1877. Folse Alex. St- Mary 2 8 Cullie M, ^iicojn 4 2 Pugh S. E- Capal 2 11 Commencing Sept.-17, 1877. Morris W. Waterproof 1 10 -do Whitehurst Corporat'n 2 3 Colored Commencing Sept. 24. 1877. LedettL A. Ledet 2 7 White The ' above Teacher's are employed at $40.66 per month with the exoeptiou of those in Guion Academy, District No. 3, who are yaid respectively gt $50,00, $35.0* and $3o.00 per mouth. Respectfully Submitted E. A. O Sullivan, Sight'd A. Panale, 8. T. Urisamore. Board of Examiners. It having come to the knowledge of this Board, that one Edgar Coilloiiet, a pupil iu the Suburb school of District No 4, who had been punished for misdemeanor, hod [eft the school without permission, and that one Edmund Sam, a guardian or protector of said Cailionet hail, shortly afterwards, gone to the said school and used foul and qbusive language to the teacher thereof, uqd whereas such conduct is deemed sub versive of discipline and good morals, and should not ue tolerated in the public schools of this Parish, aud seeing that since that time tbo said CaiUouet has been admitted into the Corporation school of District No. 3, the Board unanimonsly resolved : fhat Edgar CaiUouet be susiieuded from school for the space of one month. ' The School Board thpu adjourned subject to call. S. T. Gbisaxore, R. J. PERKINS, • Seeratarv. President. DISTRICTS AND DIRECTORS. Tlio following are the liouuduriea and numbers of the various school districts in the Parish of Lafourche, with the names of the local directors as appointed and re vised Uy the Parish School Board. DISTRICT NO. 1. From the upper line of the Parish right descending bank to the up;sir line of D. B. Pugh's plaqtiou, iucludiug Hruslee Uraml j Chene, aud all back settlements. Durec ! tors ; Herniogene Bernard. J. B, 8, Mire, Hilaire Cldineiit, Charles Brown, Wesley ; Stafford, and G«>rg^Mn , ^ao,.^ From the upper lin,e of the Parish left descending bank to the lower line of tjho Uicnzi plantation including upper Cliouuic and all back settlements to. the Bgiuge over Grand Bayon. Directors: j. B. Au coin, Leonidas Trosclair, N. H. Coulon, George Wgtson. Jef. .Rlimlea, and Bnrrol James for the front and Bayou See schools; Joacliiu Lagarile. Louis D.intiu, Leon Gue dryand l'heo. Clement, for the rear settle Bjeuts DISTRICT NO. 3. Corporation of the Town of Tkibcdaux. Direetors: J. A. Legeiulre, J. L. Aueoin and Fk Sancan. DISTRICT NO. 4 , loom the upper line of D. B. Pugh's plan tation, to the ujqier line of Lagarile aqd Beatties plantation, excluding the Town of Thibodaux. Directors: George Sinclair, Jo. C. Braud, Miteliell Guilliot, Charles Niools. Enoch Adams and Martial Rioard. DISTRICT NO. 5. From line of Kienzi plantation to the up per line of Mareeliu Richard's plantation, Directors.' Nunia Beeurgeois, /. B. Bour geois, Octavo Poclie and Thomas Morris. DISTRICT NO- 6. From Lagarde and Beatties' upper line to Leopold Pertuit's upper line. Directors: Mareeliu Bergeron. Arskue Korgeiam, Wad lace Lefort, P. Aroeneau, Jo. Cousiu aud P. Richard. DISTRICT NO. 7. From Mareeliu Richard's upper line to the upper line of G. Sabatier's plantation. Directors : J. M. Kuobloch, Eugene False, Zephirin Toups, Jean Niool, .Dan,Reese, Moses Bibwlet. DISTRICT No.g Erom Leopold Pertuit's upper line to up per line of Sostbhue Folse : Directors : " sin Martin, Paul Bourgeois, Lho R. Qau det; Jean Mareeliu, Jo Coulon, and Augusta Eolet. DISTRICT No. 9 From Sabatier's upper liue to the lower line of the Mathews plantation. Directors ■: J. S. Perkins, T. J. Johnson. Paul Tbibo dowg. Wash, Whitney, Squire Love, Abram Allen. DI8TRICT No. 10 From Sosthene Folse's upper line to the upper liue of Franklin Pierce. Direc tors .• Sostheno Folse, Alfred Matherne. Jo, Molaison, Lovincy Levert. DISTRICT No. 11 * voni lower line of Mathews place, to lower line of Mrs. Joseph Barrilleau's Plan tation. Directors.- Mar, Foret James Mo R'r U .'.. JoljI1 Taylor, aud Solomon VYilliums. DI8TRICT No, 12 From the upper liue of Franklin Please to «bc lower line of Joseph Claudet. Din*;*' tors : C. J. Barker, Joseph Claudet, Vo! froid Foret. Jean Gonzales and Ferdinand Barrilleau. DISTRICT No. 13 From lower of Mrs Joseph Barrilleau to tower line Gustave Abrebnt, Directors .* 1 rasimond Foret, G. Abrelmt Francois Burrilieau, Albert Harang. DISTRICT No. 14 From lower line .of Joseph Claudet to Louis Le red's store. Direqtqcs ; l^yh La. reil, M. Deluune. M. Ogqrpn, DISTRICT No! 15 From lower line of G. Abrebat's place to Clark Head's upper line. Directors :Oo tare Harang, Victor Pnyo, Eli Hill, Ludsey Ingraham. DI8TRICT No 16 From Louis Lereil's Store to Mrs Remont'o lower line. Directors : „ DISTRICT No. 17, From Clark Heads upper line to Dr, Heads lower { Directors, F. L. Parra. DISTRICT No. 18. From Dr. Head's lower line, and Mr*. Remont's lower line, both banks of Bayou Lafourche to the Gulf coasts. Directors: Michel Adam, S. Gsfleano, F. Colin, Vfclbre Guedry aud Gr&roire. . DISTRICT No. 19. Vacherio L Dugiie Livaudais. Directors ; Hamilton Ayot, Auguste Ledet, A. J. Ma. therne aud Thomas Mu Williams. DISTRICT No. 20. Cotenn Folse. Director : Joseph Thi bo. daux, Fdlix Folse, and AlUor Rohichaux. DISTRICT No?21. Baton Piion. Directors 1 FnivooiVAndrda, Antoine Bonamour, Etienim Boudreaux. DISTRICT No, 22. Bayou Malngny and C'hocbesr to the Bridge over Grand Bayou. Directors A. A, Laforest, Urbin Presteubock, Omar Bnvois'. and A. Johnson. ' * Below is found the list of Text Rooks to the be used in the Free public schooUl, not be changed for four years, BETAIL PRICE LIST OF TEXT BOOKS —ADOPTED BY— STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, ■ FOB USK IB THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF LOUISIANA. As accepted by contract with lowest 'hid ders * or use ip ftli Qiigr^di^l t<ry McGuffey's Eclectic Speller......... |3 McGuffey's First Reader............. 15 McGuffey's Second Reader............. M " ' 'juffey'a Third Reader.............. 44 uffey's fourth Reader............. 55 For use iu well graded elementary schools. Independent Spelling Hook..-......... 20 Independent First Reader.......... 20 Independent Second Reader.....;...... 40 Independent Third Reador............. 55 Iudepcudent Fourth Reader........70 Independent Filth Reader............I 00 Inue{iendeut Sixt Reader..............1 00 Willson's Larger Speller............... 30 Worcester's Primary Dictionary....... 5Q Butler's Introductory G rum mar....... 20 Butler's Practical Grammar.......... 80 Swiuton's Composition......... 4q Hart's Comiiosition and Rhetoric____..I 25 t lark's Easy Lcasons in Language-.. 3Q Mauray^ Physical Geography.........1 <tt Mauray's World We Live In...........I no Mitchell's F'ist Lessons in Geography— 45 Mitchell's New Primary Geography.—. 75 Mitchell's New Intermediate Geogra phy .......................... 1 54 Cornell's Physical Geography....... — I 35 Dimitry's History and Gttograpny of Louisiana........................... 75 Swiuton's Primary History.............60 Holme's United States History........j 20 Robinson's Table Book................ |5 Robinson's Progressive Primary Arith metic........................... :.... 9Q Robinson's Progressive Iutellectuai Arithmetic........................... 35 Rohi 11 son's PnwreMive Rudiments Arithmetic... — " Robinsup'f Progressive Practical Aritli mctic-.,................ ........... Ruhiusoii's Progressive Higher Arith metic.............. t _| |q 1* Mcore's Elements of Science........... 65 Martiudale's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy........................ 55 Steele's Fourteen Weeks in 8cienoe«. 0^c(i..........' ........ . ....... j 2Q Cutter's Fist Book iq Anatomy, etc—.. 80 Carter's Elements of General History-1 20 Willson's Fifth Reader................| (ft Cat heart's Literary Reader............1 30 Sargeut he May's Etymological Reader 1 35 Worcester's CompreRoiiaive Dictionary! 75 Whitney's Essentials (of English Gram mar................. 9^ Johnson he Brown's English Literature 1 20 Saudford's-Higner Arithmetic..........I 25 Webb's ModcljEtymology.............. 55 Ander5on's Historical Reader.........1 5Q Peckham's Elementary Chemistry.....t (MX Duff's Book-I\eepiug..................1 g) Bartholomew s Drawing Bpoks, lo sum hjprqb I............ 1 8R Teachers are permitted to. make seleo tions out of the above list according to the capacity and advancement of their pupils. Iffii se books can be funud at' the lowest retail price's at Jo. A Trout's book store in Thiliodaux aud cau he obtained by any men chant in the Purislt from Seymour and 8t« veus in New Orieaus at prices to euable him to soil tluuu to scholar at above prices. S- T. GR18AMORE. Secretary. Board of Schoql Djrectqrs.