Notice «o Subscriber*.
A eertaiu mortgage note of tin sum of
SIGG.Gc, sijfied August Iti, s« r> by Emriien
Gisclurd payable to his own order, and en
dorsed by him. 21 months after date Ik ar
in" eight percent per annum interest from
date, until final payment. Singed and pa
raplied •*.Ve r arictur" by August Cretiui,
Notary Public.
The public is .turned not to negotiate
for the said note.tus payment of the same
has been stopped. J. S. MAUPUL'LET.
—Gov. Nicholls has appointed
S. T. De ajanade constable for
this, the second ward of this Par
ish to fill a vaeuucv.
. ,, . I
Tins is sin excellent upommnent j
and oue tor which the Governor
will never have any
having made.
-Mr. L. G. Aubert has com
ple.ted his contract tor building
the Market House in Tliibodaux,
with the exception of hanging
the bell which has not yet arri
ved. The contractor has done a ;
faithful and honest piece of work ;
fully np to the speciticati./iis m j
every particular.
—There are now in this Par
ish 27 public schools, employing
31 Teachers with about UiOO _ u i I -
siren attending.
The Teachers have all been
paid one month's pay who are
entitled to the same : so far as in
formation has reached this office
the schools are all doing well
,f»nd giving as much satisfaction
as could he expected under the
xyas taken up but, when the
fribitor of the nine pieces com
pieces of golden coin were pro
duced, and the twenty dollars
Wert* plated side by side.
Wi.eii the curiosity of the spec
tators was s ilistied the money
pieces counted
them over lie had but eight.
The little bird that related the
transaction then flew away sing
'•Of pretty golden pieces, there
were nine,
Thev counted them over and
thou there were eight."
—Some folks think that no man
in Tliibodaux has any money, but
that is a mistake. j
Not long since one of the ci»
izens was saying that he had a
Quantity of gold which some of
his hearers expressed a desire to
to see aud to compare with some!
twenty dollars in gold which they
were the happy possessors. Niue j
—John Welsh has been ap
pointed Minister to England, by
the President—That is not our
Johnny here : be does'ut spell
his uame that, way.
—The monthly record is a new
journal published in Donaldson
ville as the organ of the colored
churches in Ascension. Assump
tion, St. James, and Iberville. It
is nicely printed and starts off
on a good mission.
Canned Meat.— Wo have pro
seated with a specimen can ot!
Jleet as put up in Fulton Texas.
It is possessed of tine flavor and
forms an important article of cotrf!
tneroe, designed for the use of
sailors, soldiers, ami travellers. It
will kt*t*p for any liMigtli of iimp re
t:iiuin*v all its original nutriment
anti relish. In Fulton Texas there
are tw 11 establishments in this
line of business, each of which
_ ------- 7 - VT '•'••XII
butcher about TOO beeves daily,
besides canning large quantities
of Turtles.
Our former Tow nsmen. AV. A.
Fulford and S, Holden are em
ployed in one of those establish
Tnr. Crop.— The Sit-par Plan
ter , that Baton Kongo, of Nov. 3 .
that Planters in that Parish had
obtained only about a hogshead
df Sugar to the acre. The cane
was not a deficient in juice but
lacked saccharine mutter to make
good yields.
---— |
— The Police Jury of the Par-j
?sii ot Assumption has diiactcd j
•t'i ordinance prolnbitiii"- "nil
b.trroams and other places of
business where spirituous liquors !
ate to be sold or given away,''
,Vom being opened on Sundays. :
This'act is to l ike effect from and
morrow, had that is what
Fditor of the Assump
r mad enough to put!
* |
retiitV set the example ol closing
i their of busiiuThey de
1 serve,i nml should receive the
j highest coinmendat'.o): Tor their
enlightened spirit. We have yet
to learn that their material inte
rests have suil'ered in vonsequen
e. True it is that even in tempo
ral matters, '•virtue is its own re
j ward,
! It would be easy to construct
jail argument showing the duty
Hh- ^unil.iv hau
Our Police .Jury is about to he
asued to pass an ordinance prohi
biting Sunday traffic. The move
is an excellent one, and we are
confident that it meets with the
approbation it Fully nine, tenths
ot the good people of this parisp.
Here, in Thibodau.x, some pnb
lie spirited merchants have al- |
of all Christians to abstain from
serxile labor one day in seven
But there is noesttiblishetl church
ill this country, and such an ar
gument would not be proper to
address to a political body such
tts the Police Jury, which deals
only with the temporal nit .ysts
of the community.
The strongest argument urged
; upon the assumption that a man
I can do whatever he pleases, mi
j fel , em i bv lestr;lillt . But this i.
l ,v the oppouents of the MuiuUjy ;
Law mint siioho huv tooI.1 j
tend to abridge the liberty of tin*
citizen. This argument is based
leueicu uv lesiiaiut. out, ui s
. ... .• .. . ,. , i
not libenv : it is license, which
v »• .
is a tar diaereut thing. We are
, . iM , , , .
not, at liberty to do whatever we
, . .. . , .
please when our actions tend to
1 • . ,, , , , i
violate good morals and are
bin Lilli to our neighbor. Has not
toe law-maker piovided that no
1 one shouhl ca: w concealed wea
, pons, that no one should trespass
; upon the property of another,
; na y, is it not a Tiotoiious fact
j tli.xo Il»ti law has stamped with
nuiii.y any con tact euteieil into
on Sunday, and o.darned
thedooi of , ,ie courtroom shall be
closed to all desiimis of seeking
arediessof grievances on Sun
day I Are not these law in dele
gation of the >i'oei*y of the citi
zen ? And yet, no one ever ex
claims against them. On the con
t'ary, any legislator who weald
be bold enough to suggest even
that courts should sit ou Sunday
for the trail sac, ion of business,
would it lie looked upou as a
madman or an atheist. Snell a
suggestion would shock the ;uo
j ral sensibilities of the entire pe.»
j pie of the Siate. And yet, unit,
is the dbi'ceir-e i*i principle ho-!
; tween ouviug and selbng ou .i m
| day, and keeping courts open <> i
j that day f Evidently theie is none,
drudgery to which they are sub
(jeeted they gradually become
j callous to the beautiful influences
ot Sunday. They get to the point
of Iooknig upon their work as r,
burden-theii heart is not in what
Since .hi opponents of Sunday
closing h'uVe urged the argument
that it would he ag.anst indivi
dual libei y of action, we would
like to inquire if our women and
children who do not frequent eof
tee-hoeses ou .Sunday, have no
rights which are ent'tled io pro
tection. Must their chaste ears be
assailed by drunken sbouis and
coase and ribald language when
ever they emerge from their resi
deuces i Should they not be gua
ranteed iu their liberty, of pro me
nailing the public stiqets when
ever inclination prompts them, or
must their liberty consist in avoid
ing certain streets where the ad
vocates of Sunday opening make
the air vocal with their yells and
huntings and profane language 1
Is hot their liheity now seriously
Hirpau ed f
Again. Those who Keei) open
on Sunday must needs have as
sistance in carrying on their busi
ness. Their clerks and employees
arc therefore compelled under
pain of dismissal to yield their re
luctant services. After working
hard all the week, they have not
the poor consolation of resting
trout their labors on Sunday.
From the constant and unnatural
they do. Their lot is worse in
some respects,than that of slaves
before the war. Then, a master
found it to his interest to work
his hands only troiu sun rise to
. ........J ' ' IJMXi l IOU IG
j aim-set, and tSutiday was always
i a bolnlay on the plantation. Clerks
on the other hand have to toi 1
from early morning till late at
night, and the greater portion
of Sunday. It they shouhl leel
itke worsuipping God according
to the dictates ot their conscience,
* hey are told that that would inter
fere too much with business- Talk
about abridging the liberty otthe
citizen alter that. Begin by re*
moving ail restriction on tue I:
beii^ ot poor clerks, before ur
aas a
found to
Uuisui to prohibit Sunday traflic
Besides, every State it the
Uuiou except Louisian;
< , . , .
UU . ilW %Tlllcil is
admirably. \\ uy should
Lllis ^ tatu be*a i»arish anion
ging that it would smack of puri
ux |
commonwealths /
Let us remove the stigma of iSuu 1
,lil ' betseeratiou from the bright
vscutcheoii of our
cun Stale. Murd
glorious Peli- j
- x -
Senator Oliver P. Mob- j
HON.—Tile death of this distiu- j
guished citizen, on Nov. 1, at
''Indianapolis Indiana forms an ;
important, epoch in the history
of this country. Possessed of an
indomitable will and untiling en
; ergy he yielded to none, and
placed himself at the head
I of tiny design or party lie enter
tained or to which he allied liiui
| self.
Merton, who never permitted titt
1 opportunity to pass without strik
For ten years, although practi-1
eallv dead as to his body from
tiie l ips down, he has made hup- |
self the acknowledged leader of i
his party, none of whom dared
to dispute his claim, and the ter j
ror of his opponents who watch-,
cd his every movement w;th fear j
and rrernbiing. j
The South never had a more
vindictive enemy than Senator I
ing her a b!o\v, aml'his blows were
given with a giant's strength. He
is now dead, but no man can fail
to render to him the tribute of
having been a great man, one the
like of whom is seldom seen. In
all the days of corruption and
with the opportunies of plunder,
surrounding his career, no one
lias ever dared to accuse him of
; lllmlp ,. j , ...... or robbinB
j El , 0 „„ ye g,, nibe , ellvl £
his family comparatively poor.
That he was possessed of un
natural prejudices and enuiiiies
towards the Sent hem people was
, e \ • . .
e\ldeiico only of his natural cem
.......... . • ,
peranient. tor he did nothing by
ki,.,,, , , , **
halves. \\ hen lie made war, tie
. , ' .
made war to conquer aud crush,
w;. , ... • , ,
>v hen he was a ti end he was a
Win -11 lie was a friend he was
friend in earnest.
Let tin* dark sides of his career
be burned in oblivion in bis tomb.
Perhaps when the shadow's of
history are cast over his memory,
the better elements of iliis
wonderful man will rise siilfl
cientiy high as to hide Ids
faults which Ins envy and hatred
caused him to commit.
He was horn to La* a leader.
Stricken down with paralysis
such as would have sent ftiUin
every 100 men to their armchairs
j to await death, he was not daun
ted by this misfortune but seem
ted nerved by it to the perform
ance of std! greater deeds than
those of his earlier and more
robust life.
Senator Mor ton was empliatical
lya Politician. HadjlicdctciiiiiiK d
to be a great Etatesnian and work
ed with half ids energy aud
talent, to attend that position V
would earned that title instead
of the ether.
"Ariel" November 1st 1877. t
EIifor Thibadaux Sentinel. )
Dear iSilt.— Owing to the nu
merous questions,which are being
daily asked in regard to "sugar
piospects"; and the great anxie
ty which exists among Planters :
l concluded to pen you a few
lines iu oidei to give some infer
motion concerning onr section «.»:• j
ixie country. j
We made a start Monday last, !
grinding a tew acres of ordinary '
stubble cane, from whicli we tea- j
I'zexi a yield of one hogshead,
aud a quarter per acre.
I see no reasoD, why planters
who laid their crops by early in
the summer should not make an
"average crop." Our Manager Mr.
F. VV. Seymour by his preat ener
gy 1 and sturbborn perseverance sue
ceeded in flnishing work in our
croj) early in the smnnmr season.
A large ridge thrown to tiie cane
proved with us a preventative of
serious damage by the storm,
Mr. Tassitn's coal kettles have
proved a perfect success on Ariel.
Yours truly,
Presley K. Ewing.
—The President has senr,
among other appointment*, the
following from Louisiana : John
Oglesby, Appraiser tit New Or
leans ; James Lewis. NaialOlii
cer at New Orleans, and Hugh
J. ( ampin 11 ot Louisiana to be
District Attorney in, Dakota.
Campbell should-have been sent
to Iowa where his former consti
tuents desire him to come and
settle up his former delaleatious.
At any rate Louisiana is rid of
him and is thankful.
The President has appointed
November 29 "as a day of Nation
al Thanksgiving and praise*'
^ —The death of Gen. Bedford
Forest, tin* great Confederate Ca
vairy leader, has caused a feeling
ot sorrow and sadness in the
That he was truly a great soldier
an alile commander, and an iu-I
' i ,y iUt of,!V, ' , '. v confederate soldier,
^ iat ie Wi,s ,ni v ' TrP!,f
imituble strategist no reasonable
man can deny. •
He arose fto*n the ranks as a
private until as a General of the
1 Gonfederate legions he tilled the
one army with admiration and
nerved to deeds of bravery and
heroism and tilled the other with
tear and anxiety when ever he was
known to be in striking distance.
He leaves an untarnished name
a spot less reputation both as a
| citizen and a soldier, and when
the. last enmities of tin* late war
1 will have passed away his name
vvill be cherished by tiie men of
e, ' :in: co '"' 1 {r V one of the
tme heroes of the nmeieeutii ceu
—On Saturday Dee 1 , the
large and numerous tracts of
land, belonging t., tin? succession
of Daniel Morrisson and wife, sit
uated on Bayous Brents and
l'Oiirs iti Assumption Parish,
will be sold to the iiighest bidder j
at Xapoloonville, by the Sheritl
of that Parish.
—Donaldsonville is :i moral
town and the capital of a Parish
famous tor the refinement of its ;
citizens and their obedience to ;
| law. i wo, three, and sometimes i
i tour newspapers are reqniied to |
(satisfy the literary wants of the
j inhabitants. The Parish prison
(contains 20 inmates aud the Don
j aldsouville papers claim, or
j ought to do so, that no Parish
jin the State can beat that,
I They have no blankets
and winter is now at hand, and
the merchants are so hard heart
ed that they won't sell the Par
ish any blankets without the
cash. A great Parish is Ascen
sion and Donaldsonville is its
chief city.
either j
Love.—T he
Song wiiter,
composer of
Kiss for
You'll be
John T.
Save the
Me/' has in
Mine Lore "
be Mine,
" Whisper
giver us
most decidedly the prettiest sontj
of the post ton pears. It lias a per
fectly bewitching melody that
sings itself right into the hearts
of music lovers the world over
Published in elegant style with
Crimson and Gold title page.
Easy accompaniment adapted for
lor either piano or organ. Puolish
ed also i n Aiken's Character Notes.
Ask your nemest Music Dealer
for it. or send the price, [40
cents.] direct to the p.<hliseis.
Ludden & Hatel, Sava. Ga.
Renovation, not Prostration.
Did any utileeble human being ever be- I
come strong uuderJfho unerntinn nfn/m-ur I
necessary to regulate the bowels, but that
can uo; he done by active purgation, which
atliatics or salivants ? It is sometimes ]
exlwlists the vital forces and serves no
gmitPpurpose whatever. The ou v true way
loAtfonmte health aud vigor, which are es
sential to regularity of the organic time,
tions, is to invigorate, discipline and purifv
the system at the same liue. The extraordi
nary efficacy ot ilostetter's Stomach Bit
te '.s ill cases of digestion, assimilation, se
cretion and disearge, is universally admit
ted. Appetite, good digestion, a regular ha
hit of body, active circulation of the blood,
and purity of all the animal tiuids tiro in
* Inert i by this superb tonic and corrective,
ll has no equals, moreover, as a preventive
ol'jthills and fever, and other types ofiim
(ivrtai disease. To i migrants and travelers
itTs p i; ticniarly serviccaole as a medicinal
• it a heavy expense I have just put up
tiie necessary apparatus for ueat ing i..-.
Gi-R BLER, as is practiced iu St. Louis
and Cincinnati, uv,, wliicli means the Beer
lct'iius its brilliancy in any eliumte and
tor oily length of time.
I'will continue to sell this Boor at the
same price as heretofore, guaranteeing it
to equal any Beer in the market. The usual
(discount to the trade,
j The usual stock of Philadelphia ALE and
j PORTER, Northern CIDER and LAGER
! beer, lor draft as well as in bottles, con
' sfantly on hand. Also. Ginger Ale and
j " ,ilters ' * mt U|> ' u all ff required
Send orders to Post Office Box 1475. or
store Nos. "G, 28 ami Jo Bienville s'trei
New Orleans. Send for price list.
August 25th. 1877. L. C. ARNY.
The State of Louisiana
Parish of Lafourche
Seviq Joseph
j ^tlttN^ui^'
| Toups Paulin
I hereby certify that the following is
the correct Jury list drawn by the Jm v
eommissionners for said parish ou the Slit
day of October 1877 as follows :
Jurors for the 1st week of C urt for
Grand and Petit Jure beginning ou the
3rd day of December 1877.
Chauvin A. F. Bergeron Auguste
[V; 1 ' y- „ Grimes Henry
Knobloeh J. O, Pugh I). B. '
Sniith \lvii Pirt.u Robert
Robjchnuv Iheodule Ltj"iuie Taylor
Folse William lupine Oscar
Mire J. B. 8- Rovira A,
Gordia John Morrison J. II
Laforest Alfred Ford Svlvain '
Boudreaux Aaatole Bouterie Off us
Morvant Jumonville rtaude C'lis. F.
Hare M. N.
Naquin Anatolo
TroiiG P. G,
Naquin A. L,
Kling David
Chappuis A, S.
Vicks Gabriel
Lag irAe Clay
Hottmanu Frank
Gdmore NV. T. .........
Malhfough Benjamin Uieriot Alexandre
Lee Join). Maronge Ouesipue
Auselet Joachim Brand J. (J.
Aucoin p A. Rossignol Adolphe
V. U ?' .. Richard Washington
Met ullum J. H. Bergeron Arthur
Bouterie Prosper Dorsay Joint
Jjtrors for tiie 2nd week of Court,
December JOth 1877,
Richard Huliert
j Reed Philip
| Leblanc J. II.
j Coition If. N.
| Lagarde A. L.
; Deloehe E. C.
| Josey Joseph
Boudreaux Ozdmde
Burton W. D.
, 1{illiu JiW . A
Hebert Emile
( Leonidas
" u '
- ]r , ' < ' 1 'j r JI' U't
] Brand \oizi
Duprti Martial
Johnson T. J.
87.rin Oiiffsippe
Bourg Svlvt'i'o
Nathaniel William
Britud Aurelieu
GamlG Mvrtile
Clement H. J.
Morvant Ernest
Leblanc Leo
Lease [is Chs.
Caillonet J. N.
Price William
Poe.hqH. I*.
Dugas Emile
Jurors for tha 3nl week of Court,
December 17th 1*77.
R< njainin Lewis
Billiu M. W.
Riviere L. V.
1 lurlnu \v aliter
Lroekhof* Louis
Pieou C. 'J'.
Laganle Joachim
Guthridge Paul
Boa. r Edwin R.
Curtis Lou li.
Guillot Pauliu
Richie Adrien
Legendre M. A.
Laforest Jules
Machado.I. I).
Lagarde Taylor
Alberti Thomas
Banks Chs. II.
Coiling Andrew
Breaux Feliei'cn
White Janies
Sanders Grandison
Boudreaux LGaudre
F'olse J. L.
Keller Ab ide
Harvey William
Choi Emmanuel
Hav Jno. F.
Coulon J. K.
. . Gaude Emile
in tes timony whereof.
/T "TN .Witness my baud and mvoffi
( SEAL \ eial signature this tho 8tli dav
of October A. D. 1S77.
C.erk loth Lid. Dist. Court. Parish of
I aiourclie. L.i
j J
PEET, YaLF AND BO vYLING vs. No. 1383 i
Du. P. li. MELAXC'ON.
Court Parish, ol Lafourche.—By vi**- |
ioeot a writ oi Fi Fa. to mo direr ed in
the above entitled anti numbered case I !
have seized and will offer for sale at public ;
auc;iou, pursuant to law, to tin* last ami
Inchest bidder, at the Court House iu the ;
Town of Tliibodaux, on
; EitiUidaij 15 tluhiyof December 1S77
; thy ti 'ursofn o'clock A. M., and
i j, r „ |M . n y f«» wit:
| a certain plantation situated in tbispa
risti on the light bank of Bayou Laio ir
eke at about three or four miles above the
Town of Tliibodaux generally known as
the Bernard plantation and composed of
tin; following described tracts of le nd to
A certain tract of land situated in th ; s
parish on the right bank of Bayou Lu'.'oiv
die at about throe or four miles above the
j Town of Tliibodaux measuring six arpent
m >re or less (rout by tortv arpents in depth !
bounded above by lands formerly owned
by James A. ami W. (J. Hilliu and now I
owned bv Octave A Bergeron and below |
by tne Brulee Grand Clique Road separa-!
Lug it from the Waverly plantation belong |
ing to Judge John M, Howell. j
A certain fact of land in the rear of and |
adjacent partly to the above described i
uietand fronting on the Brulee Grand j
Cliene Load measuring about eight arpents I
front more or less on the Brulee Grand j
( lieoe Road by Twi n y ore urpAits in
depth more or less the lai teral lines closing j
as they recede from the said Brulee Grand !
Cliene Road hounded in front or Ka-t bv \
the said Brulee Grand Cliene Road, North j
by laud above described anu the forty ar- j
penis claims fronting on Bayou Lafourche
above and West by land ormerly owned
by Joseph Bourgand South by land former
lv owned by J. P. Lcdct. Together with
all the buildings ami improvements rights
and privileges thereon and thereto belon
ging or in any wise appertaining.
Terms of sale:—Cose on the spot in U.
S. Treasury Notes. '
November (Oil l-f...
Vg ( ourt, Par.'li ol Laiourcbe.—Whereas
Johnson Pitre of said parish has this day
made a|>piieation to the saidCourt. to
lie appoiuted Administrator of said Es
tate. Now. therefore, all persons are
hereby warned and notified to tile
I their objections, it any thev have, with the
I Court, at his office in the
. Town of Tliibodaux, within ten days after
] the first publication hereof, otherwise the
1 said applicant will he in due course of law,
appointed Administrator of said Estate,
and qualified as such.
"AVitness my hand and the impress
of the seal of my office, this 10th
uay of October 1877.
J. \V. KNy^kOGiy
Clerk of Court.
AD V E R 11 S E M E X T S.
Office of Superintendent
of PnbSie Sidueation
for Louiniiana,
Nf.w Ocleans, Oeroittit 31st. 1877.
To Tcttrlirrs of Pnhlic and of Frit-ale
Echinus in rural LouisM.ui.
Evrrv Teacher who has h -en in charge
of a public or private School in anv portion
of the State, at any time since the 1st Octo
her, 187G, is requested to send, at as early
a date ns possible to the Secretary of the
; I arlsh Board Selio.,1 Direeiors m the l'a
! risii in which lie or she has been teaching,
j or directly to the undersigned, a condensed
. report of such School, showing its location,
j name and grade, its public or private diree
j tinn. the number of Teachers employed in
it. the months during which it was or has
j been open the number ot pupils enrolled,
of each sex aud color, the average month
ly attendance of such pupils, the branches
taught them and fex* books used, together
with such other statities and such remarks
aud explanations as each teacher, over his
or her signature, may be d> eir. suitable for
Such reports are needed for a complete
exhibit of the Educational work in Louisi
ana in the Annul Report of the undersign
State Superintendent of Puli'c Education.
To Depositors in the late
Freedmen & Savings Bank
and Trust Company.
N otice is given to Depositors and
others interested, that tho Commis
sioners appointed to close np the affairs of
the late i* UKi*: dmen's Savinu Bank and
ltnsr Com tan v, will shortly declare a Sec
ond Dividend of Twkni v ekk Cent, which
amount can be collected without unueees
sary delay by forwarding their names, tho
number of their Pass-Book, if in their pos
session, aud a three cent postage stamp, to
the undersigned, on receipt of which the
necessary instructions wifi he sent by re
turn mail,
Those whose Pass- Books were forward
ed with the first dividend are requested to
return them. Apply to, or address
Attorney anti Solicitor of'Claims
1G8 Gasqlet Stu., New Orleans, La.
Take Notice.
JL of December 1877. I will sell at Pub
lic auction at the Court House in the '.'own
of Tliibodaux at 12 o'clock Meridian to tiie
last and highest bidder, the lease of the
Public Ferries of the Parish of Lafourche
to wit :
lo Kt-dlohn,
•Jo Rareland,
S« l.ockporl,
lo llaraiig's,
for one year, that is from January ',?t 1878
to January I st 1879. Possession will not he
given till January 1st 1878 thus enabling
purchasers oue month from dav of sale to
construct their boats or to make any other
necessary arrangements.
Terms one fourth cash in U. S. currency
on day of sale the balance of adjudication
to be represented by three promissory
notes of equal amount due and payable
respectively, April 1st 1878. July ist 1878
and October 1st 1878, to be signed by the
purchaser with approved security resi
ding in the Parish and worth over and
above all liabilitie
rr»j /. , |
Ihe iailure to pay punctually any ot the I
» :
above all liabilities, iu property subj et to
seizure, double the amount of the' credit
instalments. '
f ,, , , |
1 be failure to pay punctually any of the .
credit instalments shall tpso Jaclo operate a
lor feit u re ot the lease and also a lorleitnre
dated damages ; and the lease shall Ite're
sold to the highest bidder after five da vs
public advertisement, for cash on the spot.
President Police Jury
Parish ul Lalourehe
For Sale!
D esirable property iu tlie suburbs of;
Tliibodaux. For further particulars,
Apply to
lov.3 ",
Attorney at Law.
i — ---- --------- I
| -
| A meeting; of the Public School T,-arbors
of the Parish of Lafourche will be held on
! Saturday, November 24th inst-. in the Town !
; of lhibodaux at 2 o'clock P. M.. for the .
pu»*pose of re-organising the School Tea- '
; diets Association, and deliberating upon
such ubjy.-ts a
may come Ik- fore them.
Tub Uonfkdek-c'e Soldier's Uktuun.
on The Lost Uai si:.—A magnifiri.iit pic
ture, beauti.ul in ilc.siiru and artistic in exa
cinion. It represents a Couli-derate soldier
alter the war returning to his home, which
lie tiuds ruined by shot and shell, looking
lonely and desolate. In trout of the! ruined
cottage, lolling a sad tale of the ruisiries of
war, are two graves with rude crosses, ou
one of which some friendly hand lias hung
a garland. The graves are overhung by a
weeping willow, ill the shadow of which
! stands the. returned soldier with bowed
head, as it thinking ot the past, lo tho
I right the calm river audjising moon in
| dicate peace and rest. lie stars seen
through the trees represent the Southern j
| Cross, draped over the graves, aud einh'em ■
j of the Contcderate ling as well as harbinger ;
| of brighter days to eouie. The flood of glo- |
i nous moonlight streaming through tin
j trees and retlettiiig ( on the peaceful riw-r'
I adds to tlu* sentiment aud beauty ox the
j scene end its surroundi tgs. No description,
of this gem of art will do it justice— it must
j he seen, it is a piyture that will touch every
! southern heart aud should lind a place in
\ every southern home. It is 14 x 18 ruches
j in size., on heavy piaie paper. One copy
j will he sent by mail iu a paste hoard rol- j
ler, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of I
2a ets : three copies for tM> cts., or six tor I
$1. in currency or postage stamps. Agents
wanted everywhere, to sell this and a va
rioty of other popular cheap pictures. No
money required miiil they are sold. No
trouble to sell them. Send stamp for o\u
catalogue and terms. Address,
A. GREGAB &. CO., Publishers,
1G8 Market S.,Chattanooga Teun.
By Mrs. Sarah A. Dorsey,
At whose plantation aud residence, on
the Gulf of Mexico, Jefferson Davis
is now residing, and where lie
is engaged in writing aud
preparing ins memoirs.
in Morocco Clofh. in Gold and Black
l*rice 81.59
Head the following notice of "Punolo," writ
ten by !>r. If.SHcitlon Markerzie, l. *era
nt Ed<tor of Forney's Dai y Press,
who read the work in manuscript
"Panola," a Tale of Louisiana, is from
the pen of Mrs. Entail A. Dorsey, a talented
and highly educated lady, previously dis
tinguished in biography ami romance. The
sto'-y is very peculiar, and strikingly ori
ginal, iu its phi'iusopuv, io imavulq.Jit.y of
character*, and tlm successive steps 'in'the
narrative by which the action culminates
in a very striking and most unexpected,
though highly satisfactory c .m uisinn. Lite
in the south western part of X ottisiuna is
' represented, with a brilliancy of de.-erip
! tion which, indeed, is Yvord-panning of the
! most artistical order. The dialogue really
; advances the action, (which dialogue too
| often fails to do,] anu in the few letters that
are introduced, t lie th-ani" 's person or res
pectively give their views of society. Al
; though Panola, a bright and lovelv elii'd
( of genius who is a tnunrai musician, is the
j principal heroine—a ver.u.hle pi inut dtpntia
; m more ways than nm—there is a rival,
i scarcely less beautiful if ■ mm what exeel
( lent. There are two ' ivors. ro laaiytiiia the
j halauce,—J»ut the host of these has unfor
i tituatelv lo-t the use of his limbs—like tue
( young King of the Black Islands, of the
Arabian tale, who was half man aud half
marble. Under such circumstances, this
gentleman would scarcely hav. his name
written, by a fa. hioimble mother, on tlie
list of "eligible" candidates lor her fair
daughter's hand! Nevertheless, he does
contrive to marry the "lady of his love," to
tiie, jierfect satisfaction of both tliough the
preliminary miracle which enabled this to
la: done is to lie found only in tbe closing
chapters of the story. Panola has Cherokee
tdoo.l in her veins, and. some of her race
prove, in this story, that they indeed are
"Children of tbe Sun with whom Revenge
is virtue." The book tbonnjs ; u interest—
innniagQ, divorce, a great musician's debut
and triumph, the alternations of serious
and conflicting passions,—death by poison,
and, the already liiuted punishment of the
criminal. Two very interesting characters
are an old French Doctor of medicine and a
German naturalist. As the "universal dol
lur" manages t a work itself into every thing
below, we may bint that a trifle ot over
three millions is a bequest in the very first
chapter- 'Panol.Y wiR be published in a
large duodecimo volume, beautifully hound
in gold and black, by T. B. Peterson A
Brothers. Philadelphia, at the low price of
ijil.50 a copy, and »iil he found for sale by
all Itook-seilers, or copies of it will he sent
to sny address, free of postage, on remit
iiug $1.50 in a letier to the Publishers,
nov. 10.77
Breecli-liOiidin^ IGuns
Single Barrel, rang- I Double Barrel, rang
ing in Price from ing in Price from
$lo upwards. | $22.50upwards.
Guns, Stifl«*!s aud Pistoles
of the best and most approved English and
American manufacture. Paper &. Brass
Shells, Wads, Caps, etc.
Prices on Application.
Permanently Cured—no hnmbiw—by one
month's ukayeof I>r. Con lard's Celebrated
infallible Fit Powders. To convince anfi'erer*
that these powders will do all we claim lor
them, we. will send them by mail, post paid,
a free irial Pox. As I n*. Goulai'd is the only
physician that has ever made this disease a
specie! study, and as to our knowledge
y cure
will yuan
| a permanent curt? in every caso. or refund I
I yon alt money expended. All sufferers should
: Mive. these l'4wW an eariy^ S
T{ ™ to our Knowledge
j " 1 :lve permanently cured by
' 11 '' 08,! these Powders, we will guarantee
| a permanent cure in every caso, or >
. you all money expended. All sufferers -
give these Powders an eatlv trial £
cony it ed of their curative powers
'T'* e-iMh or 4 ho,
tr. or 4 boxes for i
$10,110. sent by mail to any part of United :
States or Canada oi receipt of price, or bv
•ess, C. O. D. Address,
Atoll & ROHHIY8.
3.40 Ft i ro.N Stueet. N Y.
11 ap-77 A A R
A sure cure for Torpid I.ivep "
all diseases arisir g therefrom Lnmr ku!
Spine, B'adder, Womb, and all Fein.!.*
senses. CHILLS HA D FEVER Coui
ness, njrsprpdn. Headache.' Our ■
ver,l.nngaudAsue Pad,*?
ney xml Kipittal Pad, S3.
Female Weakness, $;|. w e
them by mail free on receipt of nrie.,
dress E. F. SNYDER *CO„ Cin i!^
a week in your own town '
T?"'VJ and $5 outfit free. II. HAI
& CO., Portland, Maine.
; nieneious curious
829 Brnc.dway , Arji York C"i/ ,•
Chicago, 111.; jVew Orhint, La.
Or Hun Yrmteiteo, i
(Been Away—A strange mvsteriotu
most exiraordmarv Book, entitled •.«
HOOK OF YO.XUEItS:' CuntaiotL !
pictorial illngtj'
tiie mysteries of the Heavens and .
Natural and Super-Natural.Gil.lit,,, i
6'cal Strange Curiosities, Witclie*
Wifehcra.t, Dreams. SupersUtioniTAI.
di 'as. Fabulous, Enchantment, &e. I«
dec that all may see this curiotu k_
ti e publishers have resolved to ijiv^
av,ay to till that desire to see it. .'uligi
by pos ul card, F. GLEASON <b 00. j
Wash vgton Si.-cel, Boston, Musa. 1
fn their own localities, canvassing for (
Fireside Visitor, |enlargedj W«
and Monthly.^est PanerVaf
World, with Mammoth Bhromo»li_.
Big Commissions to Agents. Terms ami Oh I
fit Free. Address I s . O. VW^KtiEflEJ
Augusta, Maine
a day at home. Agents u
Outfit and terms free. Til
CO-. Augusta. Maine.
HI Extra Fine Mixed Cards, with _
tI" IO ets., imst-paid. L. JONES k
Nassau, N. Y
hug News. Ot guns, 12 stops $55. Pii
ly $ 1 30. cost $G50. Cir. Free, D. Jf,
Washington. N. J.
•JB I^r day at bon*. Ms]
pies worth $5 frta. fi|J
son At Co., Borland, Maine. ._jT a
-T ackson'S BeiT
wa ! awarded tbe 'highest prize at I
uial Exposition for its fine ohewmj ftf
ties, the excellence and lasting c'
of its sweetening aud flavoring.!!'yoai
tho best tobacco ever made ask your n
for this, and see that each plug beans
blue strip trade mark with words
son's Best ou it. Sold wholesale by si
bets. Send for sample to C. A. JaC3i i
dc CO., Manufacturers, Petersburg, Fa,
30 !
SuiAv flake. Mar de, Ate. Name
ed in Goi d and SlLVEB, with
mental ty [><•, lOcts. No past
or trashy cards sent. C. H. NIC,
GreeneMe, Did.
Tae Greatest llnlirnl Trinmph rflrI
ffern Times! The Mysferlou* t'kui|
~ of Disense Discovered, nil •
Certain Cure Provided. Tho
Stomach, Diver, and
Howells the Centre t
4 f-Dlscnse.
The Great Anti-Ililioas !
dy and Yliiismatic
Parsons' Purgative ft|
Are tiie result of long-continued
investigation, and aro WarrantM) 1
all diseases originating iu the Stornh
ver. and Bowels. No griping paint J
tho use of these Pills, unless tbe
are inflamed; but RELIEF, IMMEI
RELIEF, may berelied upou. Atll
mon Kaniily Physic
Parsons' Purgative
Stand itnequaled before the world
By varying the dose according to dir
Pakhon's Plkgative Pills efftctasl
a i ft tiie Blood and greatly aflevw
not entirely cure Dysj>e]}sia, Scrof
King's Evil. Hose. Erysipelas or SL^
tty's Fire, Eruptions, and Erupliss
of the Skin, Salt Rheum, Tetter "'
Sores, Roils. Tumors, Morbid St»
eeratimis, Pimples atul Blotches.
Musi Complete Satisfaction Gu
No Pay.
Full direction* aroohd
box. Physicians supplied bv mail,
paid, for $2.50 per thousand, in bt»J
in advance We will send thesePU»I"
reliable druggist or merchant to;
commission. Agents wanted eve^
Manufacturers, Bangar <.
Positively Cui
All sufferers from this disease_
anxious to be cured should try
necs Celebrated Consumptive Pmcatrt
Powders are the only preparation
that will cure Consnpmtion and t »u*
of the Throat and Bung* —indeed, tol
is our faith iu them, and also to
you that they are no humbug, wet
ward to every sufferer, by iwuk C
a tree Trial Box. L. t
We don't want your money until ]
perfectly satisfied of their eurativ#!
If your life is worth saving, dont j
giving these Potcdcrs a trial, ns WW ,
surely cure you. . .
Price, for large box, $3.00. jf™'
part of tiie United States or l/*
mail ou receipt of priqe.
3G0 Felton Street, Brooklt*,"*S
14-ap '77-A&.R.
ii£AIIlS & A8»<
NEW 01
i „ " . Ag-i
: II HI {five prompt (ittemW*
buxines* in the dtp, und »'*
Parishes of [
i julvlUy.
and Lafourche