Newspaper Page Text
' rr: :r***iwu**3•*- 's.a icriuti ci i.iiuia*.'ii}iurn one year [in advunct J........ •. within '■> nuiiil h> ... .70 " (i " ____ 1 (id One Copy................... 10 IgANCAN. Fro r & Business Ala tut r w % 'Published jsvkkv Sati'kiuy*. /US r% <■% t*-b ■$$-% V- . U *§ %,*• igyr r -f £ * i'll i fhtnv •L£j/*. 11Ti'-'W/V 1 _ JOURNAL OF THE 9™ "SENATORIAL DISTRICT. 0\k Sue vita (of Tfciv tax*./ First iu.-ertiou .............. $1 i><f o .il insirrtioti.............. 7 f» j E eh Mibicqucut iusortion 5>l I Oamithatkk ............... . #lt> uO VOL XV OftiHiil Journal d iLc rans!i ©1 E.iir©r:r«.fce (»f the Town of TSiilmthcix. THIBOBAUX. X. OFFICE; Fonu i (iv cii : 11 h 1 Lo\t'o'kdwlN. ^ A AY, AT GUST 3™ 187!) NO. 2 A|PU OKIjS.AS>'. urn laiiram. Royal St OrU-nw *n Cana! ami Ciistumhor.- * til Dr 1H. Ito delieaeh-s J hf' • tli r willf snpi>! "Private saloon- u) jjs. eUeautl.v lunm mouth. I l |,s 1 Tgutil twelve o lie. _ Also rli«- i» wedding- ''to *.. mi limits till S! < l I I >. tied, to let b.V th« slanr.iut is '.eot look at mulit. 1 .H» Id. Leon Uoilelumx, I^Ur^tund most .-"m.-letc stool, ClOtlHllg, n ml |'nrnisli'«E <»oo«?si ever ottered. i ■ttwition edt «our stoel, O I ->■ 1( w(hl eaunot be excelh d • p f low prices. G , DCIl Ai'X. F. P. SEVIN, Formerly Sevin & Gourd a ir.) Ho. 115 Old Levee Street, NEW ORLEANS ■bilk* in AI.I. kinds oV 'Ovointcf. SUGAR, MOLASSES. Hides. Furs, Rices, Patutnes Hoss. Poultry. Egg'S Ete Ifer.^ ctr to Snsar Fuair:'* STO AKNOl'MM T<> My *' , the Country and to the ll*general that 1 am now gou the Su«nr Factorage Business ell all e\t« He" 1 »*kasure in ottering t hem (fraladvanees made on < reps. ^tryror,e>,am.U ( me > eo , aatm; 81 and 83 < hi mil »lrer New die li NFS . i- PD. incpiti'i a in ii il Con.iins siiilc inn! 1 t bi-in my si i J. A. B* gSCHABUli DC LA VF.r> I oton, Scat', Kiz Ijh.w. Cii'c, I de toutc iv-] , ' S| 1^, VmIuiI'c*. Dibicr. •C ill' lUi'dilii V d.i. S clc.ji'.rdinarif. ...... 1,'nr lUctthn • witrc ib lVersim cl 'i'lmloii XttUVELLE OKLt. f.( loti: llnx *77. €. W. 71 AOKSC -willi— A. SI1W.U1TZ & SOT —Di alers in— FANCY and STAPLE 17! GOODS mid LA DIFS F.X DEliWEAR MAM FAC TOR Y. No. lf.l I'AXAL STKKiiT. Sew dec-21-78. mm ira KEPT j:y flrs. ,]| tBttoyal St.. bet. Toulouse n NEW OKI.EaN. Btturduml lio.t"in". si.. a j of the Soutli Sfavankf, Spriii" Tcriii Mini Tbs Institution— cun' i -ilb-il bv ^•Ulllireli tiers 0 , Soul!:' •wlUgbest l''<!iie:itinn e|mn 1 Seliim! itb eni'i «l>Vs •aini-iuil is;t Ili nr, I'rtfot foi-e,. „i i, 1Mnil ...... TwCbk'lidar e::n In- tio«l bv mb', rPw.J. K. dii-iiiiit D. D N.-w ns Or SAMI'! E.IONK' Sev. niiee 1 1 E. .1. SOU IVY Plioloffi'iiltSici-, *V in ( 'mini St. nml m'.i; m.i; i, NEW () 1 {LEAN 8 .' 0 i-:b 1<|. How •• jeJM. E. U'.ialit.v • 1 . ImJ. "'IIOLESU.K phallus ■ C 9 ) 1 tojHtrfcrs. mnl Com Mcrchitnls m hnacrir- A. Bring: "Du Hi iVliiiiijiituusUis st. A'Ell oui.F. I V.s I'UUl'UiETAKV AUTU'LKS: \ i ! l l ' s Otters, Ilari's S, idlitz I'oinlcr. Hart's ('■../ Li nr Oil . "H s hsx e llre .lantaict! Gintjt.r. d or m Coit feet ions. r « Tttiiin Coiii/h Syrup, U 'R s Lirt r Pills. s insect Pointer. unit mnucrous oilu rs H .A vs FI, A VO 1{ IN*} EXt'KA' T. /I Complete Line of fh'Ofcrh s ;jA * ALWAYS OF HA Mo Wriyht'. I ( ufi < / \1 1"TTX*TlZ'm*<77 (TV:' . - hi 'YFAV <> H A>1" I B, V. ' 7 yV ; j ^ j I I .... ' ; .SROBEKISMS* jj ! . A. K 58 SSVI 11 . Blind i Sf/iNA S n^jyj SasHj*.* im p & Doc s . v< ctlsy 301* Si If (g •' p •; A:. ; ■ 3C2. I 11 11i!' m i I Ap;v aNK 4~i *wTI3 V 7 0 . JOG. 307 GP.AV 1 ER V ORLEANS. (\ tOBERTS A: it ■-D. 'I F/T OHS. VP. Moull 'X. .. ,. ■ •r r 'i< i r , >i proiiTp .'77 ! v. \SB& O i A .j iV. m*:' j- VTL■■TTfWS l ENT n n U I* -L: rii il La f 7 . • '' / ja'' ! A' OF'; '■ 'c ^ ; :< )i/ii UNTIL YOU LET T<) V \ L>-- - 'Vi v L 'J L: v :L' r teili-a bd] tk ui ILL s' - 4 ~ -e p < ' /' ' :• WW- -'•• ■•• f St j i A MAy./p m <£* g) fU. * £■ 4 - » e ^ i'uL c s- • b'f 'F L ?P^ . tli ; -NsUlc f >vist received a full i L U-bLh reel from IVew York. ie i T' A"' ! ' 1 i- fl AJ Ml A rso I [ i T\ iiAi or. i ' i 1 a a x l (A ] i IN V I il Ml 'i run A I b, A,' v* it. Test styie aEid. whicii elliliiir ver cne a:j. , S v ) a ml complete stock of A T > SUPVE A Iso el in SI Bit no 53 NSfe And IliiC stock of Gentlemen's y. \ ^ «i it ^ m fn f 5 ! & UUM&* >*/ i-3 o' L iKySI/ iyt W iJilf (Ji Hiui shmsld call and b e fo re ? :• \i re 1 2 a s i a 2 o ii fine example SB rsummei my stock Respectfully, ,r vV-t* i{ <•*. t gA .iu.&i e? M l*i' ]> ,ubi "1I< -h i! Do vou ■ uivd. J'aei.el, vd.n v i.:.d erowdui^ i is ti bluster and : : vhi under Do you call t tii: I j urti". was plainly . u<l •(•<•!• it bl.!W, j AI ikr said **1*> vou l 1 Mil UAH' hi lull d lie met tliCiv .i so:i:ewli:ii ii.-coarugcil "1,1 ei;\v, . 1 liiiii 1 iloum 1 ■ iilil<-e I." tmmgn sho luil Ami :io emiii-'l ami .i<l, 'Make vuurseli t.i'Y. iu;, li'iem — Only kee]iyoui' miiiti 'oiiei ami thing* will ! : •t».T. j lid lie l,ui"h< old cov.', V' d lodg'd in a i h ■ Inn I'lltr u ir \vi ;bo tcn-ilii il ll d Mi d.lo tic lot iif slurs ho chut kleil ■ priest, "Xow bv norlit in bv will, ilie la 1, lot —By .t 1 orresUr 'V i its.. i-jCd' 4 AiiiLiLI .1 died "Oh dear! vh The. hoop iias tint i vb, ..mi my smLs iloor!" said Mrs. .. D.) v. Oi. despoil!i ('IU* as lie eane at i .!;■ sink iu *, J. n: i c i .— l)JU L.tvc to •; VU to- iiion ovv. tin t\> ■•Bui;a. s w it shall i uo : •t oil my wash ire, ail over the Aden m a loue i her husband, ash his bands oiling his new any. Y'oti will cashing go till ;;i can boirow 11 VV ( aie e lo [iieees x[iecting ; ;• 11 rii can't 1 .1 can't slop tii it now. maice nay when ihe i if .von do at all. Can't ji ii [j, .si, that it will do i should think you k i'i rliaps s . ^Vhnt can •Oh, mu to ID ill , ii you will help i lake ig lor this time;] gii L not to stop a 1 e is your clothes- j clothes are on it, on the fence and i 1 let's have i. »itiI fcso Airs. Auk moved her eio line down, v. Ini in tiie Goo: ami whistled imiai i tueiiiv. ] "i>o im.q> up this water, Jenny, j How can you susud in such a pud on : There, I forgot f get you a new mop-iiaudie, but you can make it go to vtay, can i. you !* "1 suppose I shall have to. 'You promised to get one weeks ago, when you broke tins." "1 know i did, but 1 never think of it—a m tu lias so many tilings to see to. There, that wit; go llii- week: it doesn't ieak mueli. i don t see what made it bleak." "ine lioop rusted out. The old it has Wlmt boa id it. ail rtted out and I and took the ! Idea stood ! tun nas none g< been in use in . "There, coni did you leave l Have biukeu r> rot tea. •w one. Ul>, itii your floliH s with your Immls; my motiicr always di<l, and slid never had a washboard, in her life. 1 ' Aideii marc'ietl off to the hav lieid, before he met with another catastrophe lotake tip liis time. He was he.ruly out of si^ltl be iou* a till }>i'd.lier s cart siopticd I at the door, eontaiiiiu^ a eoliee j lion of all articles used in a fam ily, from washtubs down to brooms, mops and pins. "•Anythin"- in the way of trade, Mrs. Aluen. to-day!" asked the man. "Xo, I think not. My husband does not like me to buy of ped» tilers. Jie says 1 always get ciieatei'.- •Have you not as good a right to have suitable apparatus to work with as he has! lie has a new horse rake and a huv-ted . j tier, and liis wife is washing m a > tied up witli a rope, ami a siiboard (hat looks as if Noah's 1 wife brought it. out of tho .ilk, and a leaky water-pail; a di[»[)er j without a uaadie: a broken mop handle—bless me ! Mrs. Alden! \\ hai is the use ! You lmd more money when you married than lie had, and i would have tools to work with that were comforta ble, to say the least. lie never stops to tiiiuk what a tiling costs if he needs it, or if it will make ins work easier. It tires you more to get along with these tilings than it does to do your Airs. Alden sat down and look 1 ed tlm property over. It was ! ridiculous to get along in this way. The peddler was right; she had mole money than her \ husband when they stalled life, | and -lie had worked hauler than 1 ever lie had. ;She had managed i every way to get along and he ; never thought she needed any- i ih-ing new or convenient. Iler ! setting oat was almost worn out and nothing was ever replaced. "You must make it do ; it costs every tiling to live!"— ana so she lmd dragged along year after year, and things wore out and were not replaced, rose :ii her throat there i hiukiiig. •-Whit do you ask for your wash-tubs !'• she inquired at length. "Two dollars for the large ones, a dollar and a quarter for the ne.\t size. Mop-hamlles for a quarter, washboards a quarter, dippers -0 cents, brooms GO.'* "Hand me down t wo waslitubs, ii you please—one ut each size ; A big lump as she sat j j 1 i : i : a zinc wasliooard too." j "Y'es, and a pai! and dipper too! J would have them" 1 And she did have them, and sundry other necessary things, amounting in all to the little sum of $12. bhe paid in barter, such as feathers, rags, eggs, dried aps pies and butter, "and went to work with renewed courage, but she knew, that her husband would growl at the outlav and expected a regular tempesUat dinner. She was not disappointed. But she iiad got the things ami was glad oi i 1 . and couldn't feel very bad' Aideu opened his eyes iu astoni-iiment. 1 j get things ■ easy; and i I made up my mind today that i 1 when i needed anything i should havi! it hereafter. You know that j every article 1 bought to day was ; actually needed in the bouse. 1 You have said time and again you would get them, but you nev ! er remember it. It is a rough ] ' ee for a woman to bo [ilaced | "You paid twice what the tilings a e worth. L could have bought them cheaper. We could have got along a while longer.'* "i suppose I have a good tight io judge of what i need to do my work as you have to o make your work i compelled to make bricks \\ it limit ] straw, and I am not going to do j it any longer." "Allowing to tie- hoop ing off the wash-tub to-day." I in, to have to tlo her work aud! ! nothing convenient to do it with. ■ ! It is hue the ancient Israelites, j j burst- | Yes, that was the last leather ] that broke the camePs back; teat and tlie new horse-rake came too near together 1 could not avoid contrasting your conve niences with mine; and you can see yourseif how it stood. You have every new machine that is intended to make I'ai m-work easy and J have no,lung at all/' Mr. Alden said no more, but i ate iris dinner in silence, and tlm | hired men exchanged significant j glances at each other, iuey had tliougllt aud spolien ot the p.i tienee which the little woman iiad shown in working at such a disadvantage, and always trying t > make Lae best in what she ha 1, and they were litai i i!\ glad Inal sue had at lu-t made a protest against tin* injustice. After the day's work was done, •Ahien drove his team down to file village, ami when he came back he hi ought a new stove for the kitchen, a new pump lor the eis tern and a butter-worker for the dairy, and his wife h since that washing day, tonnd her rough places have been smoothed ma most satisfactory manner. Her good-man bad never thought, about it. He did not mean to be unjust, but—he didn't think ! Count)';/ Gentleman. There was a Patent (lorn Erad motor man in town the other day but liis trip was an utter failure. Mo toy is scarce, and people here dont go much on [latent specifics, i Theiefore, when this man had j walked about for three or four ! hours iu the heat of the day. with $ EUt'if aiiiS fine i'oru dot'loi*. out making even one sale, it is natural to suppose that he was disgusted. lie was not one of your one horse s lesmen either, was of the. cheeky never-let go species, and it is only surprising that lie did not succeed in p dining off a few bottles of his nostrum on some of onr unsophisticated. As h" walked towards the fer ry landing, he hud the appearance of a man that was pretty well used up. The coneiousness of ! Ids tailure. and the fact that be 1 was poorer by twenty-five cents, ! than when he put toot on Gretna -oil, no doubt, did more to affect his fee'lings, and produce a look of \ d"i etion. than did fatigue, | lie-was sitting on the ferry 1 house bench awaking the arrival i of the ferry boat, and musing on ; the uncertainly of human affairs, i when old uncle Ab made his a.i ! ptniranoe. The Eradieator man's face brightened up as he looked at ancle Ab's colossal understand ings, with their huge excressen cos. "Old man" said he of the pat ent Eradieator. "have you any corns on your feet V 1 Well, I reckon I is, and boonyuns too, j was the reply. j "How long have you had 1 them ?" i "Bout fifty years." : "M ould you like to have them removed by a painless operation l A bottle of m.y patent corn Erad i icator would cost you only fifty : cents, and a tew ap[)lications, would remove every corn and bunion from yout ted. Why, j yon would feel line a young man again." 1 "Well, boss," said uncle Ab, "1 jes bought a nu par ov shoos, an ! of I wuz tu hap ilcin corns and boonyuns looken oft my feet, de shoos would he pout four sizes ] too large, an Aar aint annudder ; nigger m town cud war em. Annudder ting. Caplin, de is bin keeping company win me tar bout j lifty years—way bac iu old Keb. j ! limes; da suilered will me, and ! I struck tu me all dat time, an 1) aint gwine bacon em now, ile j tote em tu de grave wid me. j But, nn le, just think of tin comfort you would have the re mainder of your days, for only fifty cents." "Comfort, why bres your soul, boss, 1 aint got much longer tu stay in t!is world, but ef I had moie comfort, an 1 had now, I jes ■ coodeuUstand it; twould kill me." The ferry boat had landed, and i tHe bell had rung, which warned the corn nun that it. was time to j get aboard. He walked weariiy ; down the passage way. and, prod 1 ably, Gretna will never seee libn again .—Gretna Courier. i i ! _ ---------- | ] GSrflitriltMl ESoilie ] | - ] We have had the pleasuie of ■ meei in ; Dr. Uicltard il. Day j ;l nd Capt. John McGrath who i etui nc New Gi j been fir the purpose of enlisting ' | j'oui' of oar town boys, viz : itich ard H. Day, Jr., Edwin G ] Clark, Eugene Nodler Sunday morning from aiis wldther they Iiad and John (j ' •Hun- an tar i aiuM Stales steamer M aeliusett. 1 uey toaini i some difticuliy in getting the | teen j [his r j, ( . boys tlilogli on account of their , age. each o ben. haung P«-ed Died s(\(.i«ta r y . y passed taeir medical examination 5 V Hi ,. w, ; w An Tie i *'! the oliir.u s a 11 n enlist any nune hdsovi stu ii years ot age. \\ c make 'statement, together with act th it applicants must be accompanied by parents or guar dian-, for the information of a large number- oi boys who are anxious to become "sea faring m u." M e wish our young -aii ( i ; < a successful career .—Raton noun- Anroeate. IVorli. d ft'- Hoiccruutn Packs Jlis Wife's Trunk. Mr. Uownman and wife left for the country yesteidav. Om* 1 could tell that their trunks were not over half full, as they were pitched into the luggage car with ' ' * " ,lL a crash. They began packing a week ago. \\ hen tlie subject was broached lie said lie preferred to [»ack ids own trunk, and he didn't propose to take a whole ,u o»tli to it either. All that ho proposed to take along was an extra suit, and could throw that in most anyway. Night before last he began work. It struck him he'd better put in ah extra pair of boots as t: foundation, and he thing em in and braced 'exn in the corners with liis clean shirts. The shirts didn't seem to ride very well, and he braced them wiili two pairs of trowsers. lhen he started liis iSiiiidny coat pockets with collars ami cuffs, and found a place for it, used his white vests for "chinking,' 4 and the balance of his clothing just fitted in nicely. "flie man who takes over teu minutes to pack a trunk is a dolt!' 4 said Mr. Bowerman, as he slammed down the lid and turn ed the key. j . , . . ..... .. ! ' ,,,d " uuld " v a.J nothing. ~— Mrs. Bowerman had been at it just seven days and seven nights, aud when the husband went up stairs at It) o clock she sat down before the open trunk with tears in her eyes. "You see how it is," she explain ed, as he looked down upon her in awful contempt, "I've got only part of my dresses in here, to say nothing of a thousand other things, and even now the ltd won't shut dawn. I 4 ve got such a headache I must lie down for a few minutes.'' She went away, and Mr. Bows ermaii sat down and .mused : "Space is space. The use of space is in knowing how to utilize it/ 4 .Removing everything, he be gan repacking. He found that a siik dress could be rolled to the size of a quart jug. A freshly starched lawn was made to take the place of a pair ot slippers. Her brown outiling, fitted into the niche she had reserv'd for three handkerchiefs, and her best bonnet was turned bottom up iu its box and packed full of under clothing. He sat there viewing sufficient empty space to pack iu a whole bed when she returned aud said lie *was the only real good husb.iml in this world, aud she kissed him on the uose as he turned the key. "ll 4 s simply the difterenoe be tween tin; sexes." was the patvoiD izing reply, as lie went down stairs to turn on the burglar alarm. \\ lien that wife opened that Hunk last night-! But scream ~— The rate of discount at the Bank of England continues at the given are A to .R but this is^qaite nominal; iu fact, advances can be obtained abnost on borrowers' own terms on approved security. Dis count business continues very j slack, and three months'bills are | quoted at \ to 1 per cent. (Jon ] sols have lately fluctuated be ] tween and D.S1|H. As the rate of 2 per cent, at which it has stood for some time. This is a certain index as to the state of the money market in Loudotu The last ollicia! report states that there is a superabundance ofcapi tal, foe which scarcely any em ployment is offering. It is found very difficult to place loans, even tor small amount; the quotations interest on national securities is only .'I per cent per annum, the high [nice of consols, instead of ' is hi; showing prosperity, indicate- thac money, in the language ofGltange, "drug" at this moment. Tiih Radical Policy in 1880. -The party lines will be drawn mon . e [ ose |y j,, I8,*i0thau ever las i t ...... »n... V..a.* ..mi.. _______ tore. The tight will be more bit ter and quite as momentous as iu , , iS60 U(1 Ultt 8alue qiieMtioil wiU . , je ; , t issuc _ wlwt £,. tllt , Stslto or the national supjeuistcy, if nec essarv lt tbe cost of eveiy State »>•« l^iw^u MaineandCalifo., ,ia. i We prefer national supremacy with State lines, but if we cau-* not have that, then we are for na tional supremacy without Statu lines.— (St. Louis Globe lttmocrat.) —In Vermillionville, now that the railroad will soon be there, they are killing the dogs for tear they might get i uu over and hint.