Newspaper Page Text
1 ..oca! IS <'AV fte.^ >OT^ * : - .. s0 f tin* !>riiitM'rati<- (\ ntr;ji . the I'arisli of L;iioim K. I ^ T. (»ri* i ^ ,,,0,< * |. a ul l*™'" 1 /• J. B;irki'V il N. (•oulo'i I^forost 0 *ur UlJjT , Jam''' u 1 ' I, V . Swtl"'"" K \. \A arm"' 1 * j' jt. Fallout j T. Hail''" 11 x *■ ClaV Knoltlorh „ ,,j iiii'i't i«' ATi:itl>AV. 1 lerinogene l'cninr I II. limin' I,. JVM nit .1. X. Oaurgems p. 'I'niM-lair Alex Theriot ■l.nvi'.' Moran < !.-..|i!i is '1 1 .IS. Puiilleaux | . ,1. I 'aillolii't \Vclling!.m Ilchcrt Frank d. Parra i ! mini to inert in L'uion M ' 1,! V A III >1 'ta. In ^ III'- I'll' !"'' ' ,,1 ' U 11 ." ........rail.- l'ti'l.v Ini' tlm nppn 7hf DOll'M l " 1 "' 1 1 'lll'ljl • 1 'luiiriiiiui wonileiiul in ■liseineiit on inn hist pa; ^See lisiuui [^vertise ^S<h: new ailvertisements in | Ip-day* issue. ^Persons having painting to Iffhould Imy piepared paints LnS.T. (li'ismnoi e. j I to applicants for Tar —See not iei Ifearlirrs. of the .Secretary o! libTchool Board 1 11 anotlier | join. anythin; _If you wan or kitchen use you ecu rd at, the stove del), t for find fbnt you nee iS.T. Giisamore. „\V« have received an article) jomaThihodaux t 'orrespomlent ibieh we will print next Saturn k -As the SENTINEL goes to a report is lieiiid that (Jen. 0. Marlin ol .Vstimpl ion has |idin Texas. \\ e trust ii is not mie. -Remember that Baum's new javis at the corner of Market (j8t. Louis .Streets, under the fuuklill House. -There is now on exhibition in jfPost Olliee w sample of live Jrgnreanc', cut on Mi. Bragins station on August 1. inst. av<-r ipnfjalxmt TJ joints well inatir iJ,e*ell joint; from four to live unites long. • mini's next ! | j j t t i -We do not voai it t■ i Ie tralli of tin' statement ml that after an ovenim. lieeof tlit* children who ai bytndunce, not less thnn if fifteen shoe heels ;ire ■|)ill the dancing hall. -Mr. II. \Y. Tailor o! bur it is nieke t ranes grown in his \ K and tiisti 1 eunnot be »f country* He ha ftivp wlmse deiieiouf beginning to ripen. |ielarge ami of excellei in.; town i sample of id tlmt for ie exce'i'd s also s f: isir r i'he tigs, t i 1 a v oi [-non. J. II. Aeklen M. <'. has «l through Thilmdaux the Wit-week eeiisulting witii his Ms and more especially exam Mul inquiring j:,t 0 d,,. j,„i,ijc fl'fOVPinciits being undertaken TOr which In* hopes, Govern N to undertake shortly. [Hie Rurv , Ruvor t' * ,ln! ' Xov ''"* , n{ ' | Whom,,*, is one of ■ " 8I1, > V¥ hi eonte njilalion. | | I—Katharine Hood, who had an I Mment in ii,,. r iz ! m,. 1 ' ''^'"i street j -t""* 8 °nt« need by Judge [ I 1 ' 0 ''Kill to si\- months in tlie! ^etttiarv left some davs ago ! P r Clia-ge or Sheriff Webre r vt «Hit!,m' sentence. Katlia r*' 11 probably take less inter 7 othei peoples property in " nr e and pay more attention «0W|!. ''ttle son Bli of ot Kiel aid L. I, . . height on plantation I Biug home the ot her day [ ffltl1 a s, '*ious accident. Hi^ •Witinhled, when tlie saddle *** '*.v "Inch the l 7' v » headlong relief his horse, ri^dii ! n > y the He j "»e«« for several l.oui |" U,ll i' rallied, and lus ! Well. IS uovv | ■ • Sii wart h;is oj cued ;i *V"ool at Waveiley Hall, desiring u> enter the fw'logout ns ,-he r a »> only two months, fixlcrah. < hildreifs class Malays. \\ ednesdays and * at o i'. M. ha'ai Bents class—Tuns f ld Saturd ivs at 8 ]'. M. Mdieulars app'n IB. ' ' | 1 ; : F <53i:iva:3'ir-si print todav an article on Iiiis subject dipped tVom t!n* Monthly Star of Now Oilcans, winch is worthy the attention of the thoughtful reader. There is no doubt tiiat these senseless quarantines in three eases out « j four, have personal .seilishness as their foundation. The hope of gain aiul jealousy between rival towns and cities cause ot r which iiot'.ine ; j | j ! an the primar de! ion-i. pi'' ' ' r: : or i | ] K< ' — r i in n'liee place in i >eee! 'rim m iv i 'n oik! ! he shad embused by Staii . coils in i imt f porta: biireiie elect ion il !»-•»' next. nUundon vvid, !>< >'.v of a d m . be tile voters e.f the rnfly tin- duty smee: ri , t hi* proper men to oee i p> the various public positions one tiia! should not be ignored evaded by any « i; izen who de .-ires the country pi i/sp.-nms and happy. hue relorms contemplated in | tlie in-v.'eoiistituiion will m-cessi j tale tlie enactment of many iaws j to put !hem in force. le selection ol p:oper persons repi-esent the I'arisli in the Legislature is a duty that, we owe, not oi ly to ourselves, but to teliow citizens of oilier l'anshes. 1 he selection o! t wo .Senators to represent this Senatorial ids tiiet, aid t iiat of a 1 bstriet dud'>(* I'li for this Judicial 1 ii. sumjitionand Latnun: important man. : io ;ti attention ot voters. The of a Sheriff, v, bo will be Tax Cod' i'toi', and a ('i, '.viii also be the U - -mdej t he c.iki j.m :;ni'*a; an.I , t CII! i";: oi l \ cry one *, 1; to ha ve 1 f a o imp ees iiiA*. 1 by t nm, lioiie.'f i iyh; iii n. let are i.ti ae .* sell d Js i k. wh i eousrt wish at otti iild in tl'-n ' the i ; ' ,i! j the ; Satin day ported in a ease . dan;c. \ el low l.fljll'i;,' ot timt it was iv that there was fever in Thibo ;i n t lie s to bee :e lae ite a until it 1 atiou, it nothing about ud investigH Ttc.r other s I'll.Silt a: New <b !|K_! er.'aie a litth :• Mi "!' s iha! the Com "their was a <• asp o in Thii» !<I:ii!,x.' 1 t )ne ea per •; nbiisi port witii.-ot nnv ;ind tiie i >5 .|.'v buiii linn by etidors ..let. mg ti ns earn st in s 11; 1J, when :.';;ijjo of t i ns tiny ire in gatii -ieai rumors ;i; hi va 'dp for Piets, liev tiieir mission ! ettai 1 > 11 ;; I sheet in ie Thin ---to 'e scusition, >r said that .yellow lever es a false rtt in vesti ; up a si'iisi! e rumor as a mg ere halt tacts, i; neighbors wing noiisea nisliiug them would l'ubill '^ » -v '<b CfcjEarsassRm* Wi«»lo3is. I lie immaculate mavor of a one noise town up in Tennc.-see has; i'sai'd a proclamation : •IVrsons who cannot give a i s;i t isbiet ory account of t he nisei \ cs 1 and prove that tliey have not | been near any mfeeted point, and ! , ea not oav the (hie imnosed slmil | be publicly whipped/' Now that setVles the question. | Header it yon have not got your | purse full of greenbacks and can I 1;ofc for yoursoT' you had ! h( * st wear a thick padded under j shirt when you go muting about [ in Tennessee. B the fool killer passes through ! * J iat B)wn any time soon, there n election for a new may shortly aft ei wards. v, id be or \ ei\ ! | j j ' ; j j ! j i j Ti," , ■>,- ■ in,, \\ A\ J'u Do IB-six mss.— I j v*e invite the attention to the cards of Mes'iame.s Matilda and 1'dlen Lnnpiieimer, in regard to : I-,i ,, * icce.pi ot tne insuiiince cllee- i ted upon the life of Mix David B | Lauplieimer, brother of the first j and husband of the last, from tlie Louisiana Equitable Life In surance Company, it will be per ceived that that staunch and re liable home instiluts,»n paid one thousand dollars in .id vane,.* when it was due to Mrs. Mat;id i Liu plieimei, and four thousand dol lars to .Mrs. EHen Laupheimer. | without civil ordelav. This is what we call tun right, way n> do 1 nusiaess. 'Ihe Louisiana Equitable Life Insurance (J >.ap i iv m ■ ui to eoiiiinue in this w;iv. It does not take deupie's mou.gv daring i'leir lives and whan ihiv die cheat their ;issiga-es out o. it up on flimsy excises, mu d,,(•:'. it ioiee poor widows to go to iaw to get their rigtits. in v.ord. it is ,i Soutlici it c uiipa: y, eoitd . ete.I "» Soul hern jniuepies, has its means invested acre, an 1 the prelit made by if are distributed i i . i i iiniiMig i VUOiltiy WV .' 1 V to insure their lives, co.uouiiy.— Front W 'll IO tli is (Tmsmtmie:ttit'3S. hitra'isitu. i Ail dill f .1 Ir. Edit ic ■Ami* ations through i per j ti lei s of your rftate, i napjiene 1 |mi your 'oeaniiltd city on Bhurs, | day iast, and as time was hang ill" heavily on my liand.-:. 1 eon j eluded to nmi e the grand rounds. I inspected your .Market House, ! which impressed me as a very neat and convenient structure;I lie tor was which is the i:a :.i - »•> in tiie St:itc In : far. i jwiru .l it stock w :s \ •TV "i i j on ; ha .1 to jimhili' ■ 80111! . oi) j keep my hand in ei of sp: cuiatiou, ' :isliuieiit I .iseer s was a cash trails Tii ibiidau.'i ! i rid a iiK'diiating' how difier tile Thi odaiixviHians were t:o:ii othei villians, witii tho.jr j in .dye stock ai a premium, and eonehidcii that this was too much prosperity to last long, so 1 eon eluded not to invest. •uiiuui. I e;)tii<i. How yout town induced Mor gan to erect such a cozy station, is also a matter of wonder to me. r i his station is also the hainlsom es; outside ol New Orleans, llav mg nuute the center and upper portion of your town, 1 concluded to travel down your Boulevard, \ 'eiept. ('anal Street. 1 hud not proceeded very far when my at lention was attracted by sweet cone,ord of sounds. 1 thou recognized Yagers Band, on o m aier approach, 1 hi: ed was tin* College Band i p.ised of >, .eiiteen Voiin in i Licit, over COM ft IP'S io a duck,"' with in ' ••■■.lire hi. i siruments twice their size. This j se-i of instruments with boys at ; tached, was tin* creation of Trof. •ingle, wr>o oeeupii -, ;i i'lotes lOr's chair in the Tijiiionaux Col ege aiso, and iviiects mac'i Credit on iii;- energy ami tnjent. The occasion whi- ii called forth ti.e assembling i.i this imnd. was none other than the eonimeucc meat day of the Misses Nbiijuin's le school, now one of the institutions ol" learning in is town and known ■>.. the* mod t name ol 8t. \ alerit* Scimol. A former town oilimai w as geii ain tlie r.-e iiieh with j.pi von lived in' tins sc non i, a IV,vo. ite ' ei'otis en uig ! snid progies ! lms become ; your people. 1 wes agr.-t a I teiiamrd with the regal; ; the e.xe.I'i-i*:.', its thorough j amt flawing oi tlie schoia j iii tie pieces played were ' fiivoughoat and ; he Iii to f and girts were perfect ii : rent 1 1ions, i enquired as t ter oi ooiu'st 4 , whose inti chiniriM! i uost* n:i;l \u«i j that tliey were Hie blisses Brand, | Aneoin, Nbujuin, 'Watkins, Le j Biane. Boise, etc., etc*, ;;!! bom : t he piiaeitud t..mi!ies oi your I to,i n and mu viib.umood, and iii ; tact limy weie so numerous that • i -ly e. 1 - : tii'. y of stern : . t he: ait., ie , is : i;eii j a mat \ Ziligi'll! j as . wit 1 1 J ! i 1 | ! tact limy weie so numerous that it would reipiiie ;iii e.-.truoidioa-j iy memory to rrcuh i.u-ni ait -Vtter a piece pel i iiiiii ,1 b . ill;■ College Band, Bader Menard stepped lb: Wind, and with words' replete with good a ivies and en conragemem, cute: rained the audience tor a few moments, and as rewards of merit, distiibuted ! the prizes. If is to be hoped this school which is destined io do so i much goodwill long con Unite to ! exist. 1 afterwards passed in review | your lire department, and fount j i iiibodaux NO. i, i'rotector No. g. j and Hook and Ladder No. 1, ah ' timt tliey claim to he, and as J am ; very fond of running with tin machine, I am re oived to lac on j hand at their next .uruout. j Tiie -Si. Jost'pli Church was the ! last object of my visit, iinil am j happy to add that, the beautiiui ^Inscription given of this edifice i by that gifted lady Mis. In---. j (former ii'sident- of Miar town) was not overwronghi. You Imvi ■ indeed in noun, ot decoration tin , I most oea'ditnl e.huren m State ami r kiiow of none (*/ 0 »lto sill*|:;:ss M, LONDONI ; !h . AIv destination is . a , : ■ , . «"u i bid urn iaievs oil ; he TliAVi'-Xi STTER. Con 'expo n i it nee. j London, July L'Oth, 1S7'J. The town is empiyiug rapidly: the season is almost at an end There has been again in the course of the now practically moribund season a much larger average than usual o. Court Dae sinister event n HovaK ; 0(11 ning. Ono si:, is at iur a lother uas t ill ou ty ;>lo sail!: •8 ; ti ie i; h! lUitbllt' e lass socn in >th liigiily inn t a t i v m Oil ning a> pn .•>! ri ibi c< Ml 1 l Circul ar h; ts mi or II*: -s moiiili • * sick Hi iii inT gi::;b *S OV till* M ■tic b:-C i! vey "l i and *• ti fash! ants attain i m; tii;t i the k . in n they rn leinber up of .'lay and June this veal j over Bow has been, tuiilei* stress of weather, by no im aus uncommon* and the umbrella manufacturers mav eone'l'.iiulati* themselves on the ion be 1>!' B-ins : listers ; ■* i'i !i ii • * 1 ' . 4 j (.1 lllil a i k> 11 s cries o. sloppy victories rd by Jupiter, Tiuvius he "Lord ot tlie silver .Still tailors and dross* > have bait little reason to used wits a summer at the iciyiit of wiiieli gentlemen were lain to walk abroad in last win and ladies instead of a those radient and cos'.times which Mr. An -:!o;i and Mr. i'issor paint so (it lily, nave crept to and from th 'ir ear: i.iyes clad in water pi'.mi-s or in fur-kiiod mantles when thev mustered up j courage enough to go stiopping. cent Bates, on the otli er haml. rarely shut one door without opening another. Amid all i he social woes with which we have been afflicted there has roaring been ii. many directions compen sation. Those spirited and skiil li.i eoufectioiiei s wlio minister to the comforts of residents and visi tors must have done on the whole remarkably Weil, and tin* wo'tliy V\ est-end butcher might join bands wit'll the estimable West end fishmonger i.i gratitude at the close of a season during which despite many depressing circumstances, tin i»• commodities have been in eonsidi cable de II!:i111 1 r i ie position of the g rcen grOCc ' ii i s I eei: most piti ible. for o\ in <x to t he absence of Sllll shine ami the superfluity of ■ ti n. he li: s sc live ly anything' to sell except water-saturated potatoes, insipid strawberries, puny peas, and 'chenies composed mainly of stalks, skins and stones. The florists especially those with a large command of conservatories — are less to be commiserated. 'I heir proli s this season should have been very leg indeed. The modern line for flowers in fash ionable London society is attain ing the proportions of a mania. A splendid profusion of the fair est guts of I'ioi';i is visible wher ever society congregates. On the hymeneal altar, and on the dinner tonic, on the ball-room staircase, and in ihe palace vesti ill tile bllttO!) iloli* of the da ui.v, and on tin* shoulder of and and and vers is a : ben: ity, in bore lets : at . •perns ; ! lie.i t ! am: Oil WI <■;! t !ls : Cl OS so.s. t i lie iii! of tile colli'i. i th" yp r*;o of tl he toll lb, f!ov, , ;l : ii ii 1 VIE >a i i V l»r eseii t. It v er;, ' sweet mi j i e! ider and bo; j i 'ui n iSH^O and a re ma: kablv g( \ thin ir in t :he \v: IV of business j the fnshio: mible tl< U ISt: 1 - - | j : I ; • i J ' j ' ! 1 - - (kyei^s Ague Cure th 1 For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fevei liiill Fever,Eeniittent Fever, Dumb Ague •eriodical or Bilious Fever, &c., and indee< i H the affections which arise Vrom malari | is, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. i This is a compound remedy, prepared wit '.lentil!,-, skill from vegetable ingredients, whir: rrely fails to cure the severest cases of Chill . nil Kevcr and the concomitant disorders. Slid i remedy the neeessities of the, people in mala ous districts demand. Its great superiorit; ver any other medicine yet discovered for th ure of Intermittents is, that it contains no qui j ine or mineral, and those who take it are fre j om danger of quinism nr any injurious effects | nd are as healthy after using it as before. 1 ! as been extensively employed during tlie las i lirty years in tlie treatment of these distressin isorders, and so unvarying lias been its succes ! lat it has gained the reputation of being infai ble. It can, tliereforc, be safely recommendo j ] a a sure remedy and specific for the Fever an. ! ' gue of the West, and the Chills and Fever c j ie South. It counteracts tlie miasmatic poiso: j i the blood, and frees tlie system from its inilu ; ace, so that fever and ague, shakes or cliill nee broken up by it, do not return until isease is again contracted. The great variety of disorders which arise froii ie irritation ol this poison, such as Neuralgia ilnii mat ism, float, Headache, ItliudncRS j oothache, Ilarnclro, Catarrh, Asthma, Pal j it at ion, Splenic Affections, Hysterics, Pall j i the Itoweis, Colic, Paralysis, and derange | f the Stomach, all of which become intermit ; *nt or periodical, have no speedier remedy tha: ' •ye it's Ac.rn Cunr, which cures them alt alik, ! nd protects tlie system from future attacks. A i preventive, it is of immense service in thos i I omniunities where Fever and Ague prevails, a ^ j flays the development of the disease if take: I I nthe first approach ol'the premonitory symj j ; iras. Travel rsand temporary residential' I | ms enabled to defy these disorders, and let ■ill ever sutler ;f they avail tiieniselvcs of tli ; rotection tin.- remedy aifords. f or Liver Coin plaints, arising from torpidity is an excellent remedy; it stimulates this orga ;to healthy activity, and produces many remarl ble cures where other medicines fail. 'repared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Practical and Analytical Clienalstfl, LOWELL, MASS. Sold lv all druggists lvlkywiillue. Notice. qvii; u MA N i'|. AC'I I pl. pfte.t jo Slip Mi.reti I'd: 1 . '. A. Pit.I,ACD. S' ere! arv. Ts < >;-\v< »<><i mi m cou >. 1 , Co., Virginia t i -y •••■i. 1 opens Kept- Irltie- ffn, : I.-Hi iastr i tnrs : ! to of | § tl) --WITH THE HYPOPHOSPHITES um } POTASSA AMU SODA. A CCitll Kim; ConsiiuiptioiL CobtIis. Colds, Asthma, Influenza, Hoarseness. Broneliitis, AND ALL SCROFULOUS HUMORS l'PEl'Al.'KK 15V JOS. T. THiBODEAUX, I'H AKMACIST, THIIJODAUX, LOUISIANA. IBXltMU i . U" (Azema & Molaison, Proprietor?.) -IS NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY j j | ! i ! j ! j j ; j j j | ; ' ! i i ^ I j I Country Consumers ! -AT THE KATE OE ONE CENT 1 LI M$S1» & -ON BOARD OF STEAMBOAT Oil RAILROAD CARS. j OFFICE ; t MarKet St., between St. Philip iU St. Louis Sts. COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. THE GENUINE B^C.McLANE'S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC rn RMIFUGE, SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. I "HE countenance is pale and lead en-colored, with occasional flushes, or a circumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and sometimes Meeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing ot the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue ; breath very foul, particularly m tlie morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausea and vom ituig; violent pains throughout the abdomen ; bowels irregular, at times costive; stools slimy, not unfrequent ly tinged with blood; belly swollen and bard; urine turbid ; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompa nied by hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and dis turbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth ; temper variable, but generally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE'S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form; it is an innocent prepa ratio n, not capable of doing the slight st injury to the most tender infant. The genuine Dr. McLane's Ver mifuge bears the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrapper. —:o:— DR. C. McLANE'S LIVER PILLS arc not recommended as a remedy "for all the ills that flesh is heir to," but ip affections of the liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Head ache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE AND FEVER. No better cathartic can be used prepar atory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are un cqualcd. BEWARE OF IXITATIOJU. The genuine are never sugar coated. Each box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane's Liver Pills. Each wrapper bears the signatures of C. McLanf. and Fleming Bros. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Pros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of the name Me Lane , spelled differently big same pronunciation. NO. 88Z. PARISH COURT OK LAKOl'H CHK. Oliva Morvant wife, vs. CJairville Oelutte hu-sliuuil. flints CASK HAYING BEEN KEOU J tal ly li "'d tor trial was t;ik»*u up ami lln law an.I the cvidi uce. I.eiiiR in favor of ill" plaintiff, and against the dof.-mlant. ft ■ ■' * lierelore urd'.'ied adjudged unit decreed That .lu.iginent lie and is hereby rendered in tavor of tlie plaintiff Olivia Morvant, uileoi 1 iairville Oelatle and against tier aid liusliand. Clairville Oelatle. ihc tlcfcni> ant, deereeing a sepa ral ion of property lie tween said plaintil! ami defendant dissolv ing f'ei'i ver thi- eoaiiininity ol aeijuets auit gains existing he' . m i Item and according Kid granting in tin |.lain;iif the sole and I'Xetusive manna' in. at a.tiiiiiiistiutiou ol her pro pert; i huh done i ■•ad an . -igneil in open Court tliis '.*th. day <>. .1 n! .• ! n (Signed) aKJ ill It E. JvNOHLOCII, Paris!, dude. , i' ol Lalourclie. r lied J illy Iff h. 18. II. (Sinned I d \V. KNOPLOCtI, Clerk. A Ti m* < : ( f 'l ) * est, Clerk's Olliee Parish of Lu , Ij.S. , foutein', this 1st. day of Au>'UHt C l d. F. ALLd'X. Deputy Clerk. Far S;ii<- or ICnit. I lie undersigned agent for Thomas S Hidden Administrator of the Estate of Beu jaUlin K. Hidden deceased, will sell or rent t hat de-.ialde ].roper»v, comer of Mark eland St. Louis streets in tlie Town ot 1 l.ilmdaitknown a- th. Franklin House, ;dsi>, ii: large etahlesand lots on the cor ner el Si. Louis ami St. Bridget Streets liiihodatix. Lor particulars inquire •S- T. (ilHSAMOUE, Agent, Tliihodaux, May In, 18/11. For hale. O NE STEAM GUANULATINO PAN, capable of granulating ft ecu to tweil ty tiogslieads of Sugar in ffl hoars. Incomplete v.orking order. I will sell tlie same cheap. S. T GKISAMOKK. JOILX II. CURTIS, [Successor to Allen ,J. ISadruux.] Cur. Main Focus .St., Thiboduux, La, —Retail (iiox hi; ano Dealer in— Cojl, drain, Coni Meal, Crockery ami all kinds of Fancy (traceries. v l'.» 7'J. Feed Stable Ai Wood Yard, Pickets, Three Foot Hoards, Shin ylrs, Hands and IIoysheads Staves, at IIOLDKN'S Livery Stable. Pdacksmith Shop, Hrpairiuy Huy » airs Ac. J. I*. LAGAKDE. A \\ ELK in your town, ami in. capital risked. You can givo the business a trial ex I'CU.-C. t he best opportunity ever off. red for (lion., willing o work. You should try untiling else until \ou see lor yomsell vi lia/. you ran do at Hie business we off. r. No room toexplaio aer-. Ion can devote all your time or only yoin -pare to the biisiness, and male great pay tor every hour that .YOU work. Women, make oh nnirh as men. S.oid Ibr speeial priv.iK- tonus and p.rto u l.iv.s w hi' h we mail free $b Outfit fre# Don't complain of hard times while foij have .! "" Address H. HALLETT A i .i> . i I .a I Maine